First Grade How Families Live, Work, and Play Lesson 2 Title: Consumers and Producers in your Family Grade Level: First Grade Unit of Study: How Families Live, Work, and Play Abstract: Students will recognize the ways in which they and their families function as producers and consumers. Key Concepts: Family members are consumers and producers. GLCEs: E1.0.1 Distinguish between producers and consumers of goods and services. E1.0.2 Describe ways in which families consume goods and services. Key Terms & Vocabulary Consumer Producer Goods Services Sequence of Activities: Review what consumers and producers are with children by showing 2 interactive activities from the links below. Consumers 1.swf Producers 2.swf Discuss with students how they and their families are producers and consumers. The following questions will get you started. Some children get paid for doing chores at home. Do you have any chores that you get paid to do? Do your family members get paid for doing this work? [In most case no, but other children might receive an allowance or other pay for specific chores] Calhoun ISD Collaborative K-8 Social Studies Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. First Grade How Families Live, Work, and Play What other goods and services do you and your parents consume? [Cars, furniture, shoes, toys, etc.] Who pays for the goods and services that you and your family use? [Students and their parents pay for the goods and services used. Students who have an understanding of public goods and services may also point out that the government collects taxes to pay for some goods and services used.] The work that families do is very important. Why do you think this is so? Possible responses: - Some jobs such as meals and cleaning are essential to the operation of a home. If a family member didn't do the work for free, the family might have to pay someone else to do it. These jobs are a way to learn how to do something new. It feels good to accomplish something and help the family. Lesson Developed by Patricia Bonner – ( Have students complete Worksheet 2. Connections: English Language Arts Mathematics Instructional Resources: Equipment/Manipulative Chart Paper Teacher Resources Worksheet 2 A-Z Reading (if available) Workers Social Studies Economics Goods and Services (PK-2) Educator Interactive tools K-12 Simple Simon… Calhoun ISD Collaborative K-8 Social Studies Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.