2. INTERNATIONAL THEATRE DIRECTING COURSE ONE YEAR/ 2 SEMESTER STUDIES KLAIPEDA UNIVERSITY, LITHUANIA Isemiau izanga, per daug megeju asociaciju…. THE CONCEPT OF THE COURSE The aim of the Theatre Directing Course is to acquaint students with the basics of directing, acting, voice technique, scenography, pantomime, history of directing, and modern drama. During the process of studies, students will acquire experience in directing, as well as in acting. ACADEMIC CALENDAR: The Course is divided into two semesters. Fall semester: from 1st of September to 20th of December. Christmas and New Year Holidays: from 21st of December to 2nd of January. Spring semester: from 3rd of January to 1st of May. DEADLINE: 1st of MARCH siulau ir cia ideti THE SUBJECTS OF THE PROGRAMME PLEASE NOTE: before you come to study, you need to read special literature: K.Stanislavsky “The Actor’ self training” K.Stanislavsky “My Life in Art” Directing: Semesters 1, 2 / 24 ECTS credits During the practical work on different materials (plays, stories, etc.), you will become acquainted with different ways of directing. During the process of directing, everyone will also work as an actor. Themes: 1. System of Stanislavsky. 2. Analysis of the play. 3. Active analysis and etude method. 4. Working with text techniques. 5. Training as a rehearsal method. 6. Concept of the performance. 7. Acting (based on the K.Stanislavsky method): Semesters 1, 2 / 12 ECTS credits During the practical training you will become acquainted with the essential elements of the creative work of the actors. Themes: 1. Psychological and physical elements of the acting technique based on system of K.Stanislavsky. 2. 3. 4. 5. Analysis of the role according to M.Knebel. Training by J. Grotowsky's method Improvisation - as an acting joy Basic exploration of the best-known acting methods and schools Voice Technique: Semester 1 / 3 ECTS credits During the practical training, you will develop your voice for the stage Pantomime: Semester 1 / 3 ECTS credits During practical work, you will have the opportunity to develop the plastic language of the body. Themes: 1. Training of the body feeling. 2. Training and feeling of different parts of the body. 3. Learning to distinguish one group of muscles from another. 4. Body training: the slow move of the body. 5. The waves of the body. 6. Steps of the pantomime. 7. Pulling of the rope. 8.”Wings”, “Wall”, “Running” 9. The slacken movement, relaxation. 10. The composition of the motion. PLEASE NOTE: for the above classes, please bring along clothes that allow you to move freely. Remember: comfortable clothing will add to our success! Modern Drama: Semester 1 / 3 ECTS credits During lessons, you will be acquainted with the dramaturgy of the 20th and early 21st Century. Lithuanian language & Culture: Semester 1 / 3 ECTS credits You will get the basics of the language and Lithuanian Culture, to be able to get around. Directing history: Semester 2 / 3 ECTS credits Themes: 1. Introduction. Stage directing in the theatre before the appearance of a stage director. 2. The reform of the theatre on the threshold of XX century. Visionaries: Gordon Craig and Adolph Appia. 3. The School of Realism and Naturalism: George II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, Andrea Antoine, Constantine Stanislavsky, Otto Brahm. 4. Symbolism in the theatre: Aurelien Lugne-Poe, Paul Fort, first experiments of Vsevolod Meyerhold. 5. The synthesis of Symbolism and Realism: cooperation between G.Craig and C.Stanislavsky, V.Nemirovich-Danchenko. 6. From Traditionalism to Constructivism and Bio-Mechanics: Vsevolod Meyerhold. 7. The Synthetic Theatre: Alexander Tairov, Evgeny Vakhtangov. 8. The Magic Theatre of Max Reinhardt. 9. The Epic Theatre and its transformations: Ervin Piscator, Bertold Brecht and Giorgio Strehler. 10. Traditions and Innovations of the French stage directing: Jacques Copeu, Louis Jouvet, Charles Dullin, Gaston Batty, George Pitoeff, Jean-Louis Barrault, Jean Vilar, Ariane Mnouchkine. 11. Theatre of the Cruelty: Antonin Artaud. 12. Search in the different cultures: Peter Brook. 13. Poor Theatre: Jerzy Grotowsky. 14. The Third Theatre: Eugenio Barba. 15. Avant-garde of XXth century on the stage: Dada, Surrealism. Happening, Performance, Living Theatre, Bread and Puppet etc. Scenography: Semester 2 / 3 ECTS credits Themes: 1. Introduction to world theatre scenography. 2. Introduction to colour, composition, lighting and stage space modeling. 3. Introduction to theater space and stage types. 4. Individual work to search for and discover visual concept and dramatic solution of space, costumes and lightning of students chosen play for final performance. Theater practice: Semester 2 / 3 ECTS credits Visits to Theatre schools in Moscow: GITIS, MCHAT, SCHUKIN. Visits to Theatres in Moscow: LENKOM, ???? Examination At the end of each subject - Acting, Directing, Body Movement, Mime, History of Stage Directing – students will have an examination. Examination formats: open lessons, or short sketches – performances for the audience. Grading Scale: 10 – EXCELLENT (outstanding performance with no shortcomings) 9 - VERY GOOD (outstanding performance with minor shortcomings) 8 - GOOD (above the average standard, but with some errors) 7 – SATISFACTORY (generally sound work with a number of notable errors) 6 – SUFFICIENT (fair, but with significant shortcomings) 5 – WEAK (performance meets the minimum criteria) 4, 3, 2, 1 – FAIL (more work required before the credit can be awarded)