Course Tentative Schedule

Course Tentative Schedule
(Includes date, Topic, Readings, Assignments, and Exams)
[ indicates content reviewed so far. For class meetings 1 and 2, please read the
required articles to complement my lectures. For our third class meeting and
beyond you need to read the chapters and articles ahead of time]
Week 1 September 9
& 11
Overview of course 
General Perspectives on the Development of Psychopathology 
The Role of Theory. Therapeutic Commonalities. Processes of Change. 
Local Clinical Scientist Perspective. 
The Case of Dana. 
Required reading(s):
Stricker, G., & Trierweiler, S. J. (1996). The local clinical scientist. A
bridge between science and practice. American Psychologist,
50(12), 995-1002. 
Stricker, G., & Trierweiler, S. J. (2006). The local clinical scientist: A
bridge between science and practice. Training and Education in
Professional Psychology, 1, 37-46. (This reprinted article
originally appeared in American Psychologist, 1996, 50(12), 9951002).  Please notice that this is the same article listed above.
Stricker, G. (2006). The Local Clinical Scientist, Evidence-Based
Practice, and Personality Assessment. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 86(1), 4-9. 
Week 2 Theoretical Models
September 16 Biological & genetic models 
& 18
Biosocial models 
Metamodels 
Integrated models 
Hans Eysenck 
Trait & type models 
An Evolutionary Psychology Theory Conceptualization of Dana. 
Required reading(s):
Buss, D. M. (2001). Human nature and culture: An evolutionary
psychological perspective. Journal of Personality, 69, 955-978. 
Morris, S. J. (2003). A metamodel of theories of psychotherapy: A guide
to their analysis, comparison, and use. Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy, 10, 1-18. 
O’Brien, M. (2004). An integrative therapy framework: Research and
practice. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 21-37. 
Stevens, M. J. & Morris, S. J. (1995). A format for case
conceptualization. Counselor Education and Supervision, 35, 8295. 
Week 3 Classic Conditioning & Operant Behavior Theories 
September 23 Behaviorism 
& 25
Classic learning theory 
Conditional learning 
Operant learning 
Laws of learning 
S & R & more 
A Behavioral Theory Conceptualization of an Anorexic Client. 
Required reading(s):
Skinner, B.F. (1974). About behaviorism. NY: Random House. 
Introduction 
2. The World Within the Skin 
3. Innate Behavior 
4. Operant Behavior 
10. The inner world of motivation and emotion 
14. Summing Up 
Week 4 Cognitive Behavioral Theories I 
September 30 Cognitive theory 
& October 2 Cognitive therapy 
Core beliefs 
Automatic thinking 
A Cognitive Theory Conceptualization of Dana. 
Required reading(s):
Beck, A. T. (1979). Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders.
NY: Penguin Publications. 
1. Common Sense and Beyond 
2. Tapping the Internal Communications 
3. Meaning and Emotion 
4. Cognitive Content of the Emotional Disorders 
9. Principles of Cognitive Therapy 
Week 5 October 7 &
Cognitive Behavioral Theories II 
Rational Emotive theory 
Albert Ellis
REBT’s main concepts 
REBTwith a Client with Addiction: Movie 
Required reading(s):
REBT chapter (pp. 187-221). In, Raymond Corsini and Danny
Wedding (2007). Current Psychotherapies. Wadsworth Publishing. 
Week 6 Exam 1 [Books chapters, papers, and lectures]
October 14 &
Arnold Lazarus’s Multimodal Model (BASIC ID) 
Week 7 Psychodynamic Theories I
October 21 & Neo Freudian models 
Ego psychology 
Defense mechanisms 
Theory of neurosis 
Neurotic trends 
A Psychoanalytic or Psychodynamic Theory Conceptualization of Dana.
Required reading(s):
Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth. NY: W.W. Norton.
Introduction. A morality of evolution 
1. The search for glory 
2. Neurotic claims 
3. Tyranny of the should 
Week 8 Psychodynamic Theories II
October 28 & Analytical psychology 
Individuation 
Archetypes 
Individual psychology
Alfred Adler 
Social interest 
Style of life 
Required reading(s):
Jung, C. G. (1933). Modern man in search of a soul. NY: Harcourt,
4. A psychology theory of types. 
6. Freud and Jung-Contrasts 
9. Analytical psychology 
10. The modern spiritual problem 
11. Psychotherapist or clergy 
Week 9 November 4
Object Relations Theories
Object relations 
Transitional object 
Separation & individuation 
Self representation 
Facilitating environment 
Splitting/ Borderline 
Symbiosis 
Required reading(s):
St. Clair, M. (2004). Object relations and self psychology: An
introduction. CA: Brooks/Cole .
1. Object relations theories & self psychology 
2. The Freudian starting point 
3. Melanie Klein: Innovative & transitional theorist 
10. Stephen A. Mitchell: The integrated relational model 
Interpersonal Theories
Interpersonal theory 
Dynamism 
Personification 
Self system 
Developmental theory 
Participant observer 
Required reading(s):
Sullivan, H. S. (1953). The interpersonal theory of psychiatry. NY:
W.W. Norton & Co.
2. Definitions 
5. Infancy: The concept of dynamism – Part 1 
6. Infancy: The concept of dynamism – Part 2 
7. Infancy: Interpersonal situations 
10. Beginnings of the self system 
Week 10 Exam 2 [Books chapters, papers, and lectures]
November 11
& 12
Systemic & Family Theories, and Cultural & Diversity Theories 
Systemic & Family Theories 
Family models: Multiple systems 
Multicultural families 
Family diversity 
Required reading(s):
Beavers, W. R. & Hampson, R. B. (2003). Measuring family
competence: The Beavers systems model. In F. Walsh (Ed.),
Normal family processes: Growing diversity and complexity (pp.
549-580). NY: Guilford. 
Mazor, A. (2004). Same-gender couple therapy: Creating new objects in
intimacy and parenthood transition. Contemporary Family
Therapy, 26, 409-423. 
Mickel, E. (2005). African Centered Family Therapy in Transition:
Healing Cycle as an Answer to Terrorism, International Journal of
Reality Therapy, 24, 2, 33-37. 
Week 11 Cultural & Diversity Theories 
November 18
& 20
Cross cultural factors
Feminist theories
Gay & Lesbian: Theoretical models
Required reading(s):
Comas-Diaz, L. (1992). The future of psychotherapy with ethnic
minorities. Psychotherapy, 29, 88-94. 
Evans, K. M., Kincade, E. A., Marbley, A. F., & Seem, S.R. (2005).
Feminism and feminist therapy: Lessons from the past and hopes
for the future. Journal of Counseling and Development, 83, 269277. 
Pachankis, J. E. & Goldfried, M. R. (2004). Clinical issues in working
with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Psychotherapy: Theory,
Research, Practice, Training, 41, 227-246. 
Week 12 Humanistic Theories 
November 25 Humanist theory 
& 27
Empathy 
Client Self-Healing 
Working Alliance 
Quality Relationship 
Required reading(s):
Rogers, C. R. (1961). On becoming a person. NY: Houghton Mifflin.
2. Some hypotheses regarding the facilitation of personal growth 
3. Characteristics of a helping relationship 
6. What it Means to Become a Person 
7. A Process Conception of Psychotherapy 
9. A Therapist’s View of the Good Life… 
Week 13 Thanksgiving Holiday
November 27
Week 14 December 2
Eclectic, Integrationist & Atheoretical Models 
Theoretical Integration 
Eclecticism 
Non western approaches 
Alternative models of change 
Stages of change 
Common Factors 
Atheoretical Models 
Required reading(s):
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003). Mindfulness-based interventions in context: Past,
present, and future. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice,
10, 144-156. 
Schmidt, S. (2004). Mindfulness and healing intention: Concepts,
practice, and research evaluation. The Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, 10, S-7 to S-14. 
Walsh, R. & Shapiro, S. L. (2006). The meeting of meditative
disciplines and Western psychology. American Psychologist, 61,
227-239. 
Week 15 December 9
& 11
Alternative models of change
Stages of change
Common Factors
Atheoretical Models
Required reading(s):
Prochaska, J. O., DiClemente, C. C., & Norcross, J. C. (1992). In search
of how people change: Applications to addictive behaviors.
American Psychologist, 47, 1102-1114. 
Lampropoulos, G., Spengler, P., Dixon, D., & Nicholas, D. (2002). How
psychotherapy integration can complement the scientistpractitioner model. Journal of clinical psychology, 58(10):12271240. 
Miller, S, Duncan, B., & Hubble, M. (2004). Beyond integration: The
triumph of outcome over process in clinical practice.
Psychotherapy in Australia, 10(2), 2-19. 
Miller, S, Hubble, M., & Duncan, B. (2008). Supershrinks. Therapy
Today, 19(3), 4-9. 
Week 16 December 16
Final Exam [Books chapters, papers, and lectures]