AP Statistics Gummy Bear Project Worksheet

AP Statistics Group Project
The Gummy Bear Project
Read this group worksheet and the grading rubric before starting your experiment!!!!
Note: You can delete any parts of this worksheet that are in color.
Group Initials: ___ _____
Members: ________________________________________________
The purpose of this experiment is to provide you the opportunity to practice the principles of experimental
design and statistical inference. Project:
1. design a well-controlled experiment to test a factor that will affect how far gummy bears will “fly”
from a catapult
2. carry out statistical inference procedures
3. prepare a typed report of findings
 Materials given: tongue depressors, rubber band, pencil used as fulcrum,
masking tape, a flat surface, gummy bears (25 for each treatment & 2 for
trial runs), and tape measure.
*markers & pencils are provided by the group
*No other materials may be used without prior approval by Ms. Groves
 Plan for Your Launch Day
o Submit completed worksheet for approval by Ms. Groves the class
period prior to your launch date.
o Once this worksheet is approved you can launch the following class.
o You must complete your to launch in 1 class period.
 It will take you most of the period to do this correctly.
 Set up and do a few practice launches THEN request Ms. Groves to observe your launching.
 You must turn in your bears used in the experiment at the end of period.
Response variable (and explain how it will be measured):
Factor tested:
Factors to consider for your experiment:
Delete this table to save space
 In 2015, angle of catapult is the only factor allowed. Choose angles from 0, 30, 45, 60, or 75 degrees.
Position of catapult on the launch ramp
Number of rubber band windings
Position of gummy bear on the catapult
Position of fulcrum in the catapult
Describe the treatments (how many and what they are)
Describe your Experimental Units.
 The experimental units are (fill in) and each treatment will have 25 experimental units.
Describe your experimental design you will use? Explain the key components of a well-designed experiment
(Control, Replication, and Randomization) and how you will incorporate them into this experiment.
How will you set up your random sample? Explain (1) the process you will use to randomly assign your treatments; and (2) how you
will mark your gummy bears so your can identify them in your report.
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AP Statistics Group Project
What controls do you need? List ALL controls in this worksheet. See hand out “Gummy Bear Project Checklist.”
 Tip: do several trial runs and list the steps to ensure each launch will be done the same.
1. …
2. …
etc. Summarize the controls in the final written report.
State your launch procedure. List ALL steps in this worksheet. .
 Tip: do several trial runs and list the steps to ensure each launch will be done the same.
1. …
2. …
etc. Summarize your procedure in the final written report
What inference test will you do? Explain your parameters, hypothesis (null and alternative in both symbols
and words); conditions you will need to check, alpha, and the name of the inference test you will use.
 Tip: a 2 sample t-test or a paired t-test would be the easiest.
What confidence interval will you do? Select a confidence interval to support your hypothesis. Provide the
name of your confidence interval, confidence level, and any additional conditions (if any) that you must check
beyond ones checked in the inference test.
 Tip: Either do a confidence interval for each treatment or a 2-sample confidence interval.
What could possibly go wrong?
What do you expect to happen?
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