Math 6 (revised 3/10) Unit Outline Title: Unit 3B Ratios & Percents Name of Lesson: Conversions and Problem Solving Essential Question(s) Unit: How can I tell which form of a rational number is most appropriate in a given situation? Lesson questions: How are fractions, decimals, and percents alike? How are they different? Assessment Description/Performance Task: Constructed response Informal assessment Performance task Selected response Brief Description: Ongoing informal/formal assessments created by the teacher. Formative Assessments: Concept Attainment; 3-2-1-think-pair share; “Reaching the Goal”-performance task; Silent Matching Game-collaborative; Tiered Hexagon Puzzlelaminate & cut out-place in baggies: Hexagon 1 & Hexagon 2. Use of performance tasks below provided at Math 6 Framework. Instructional Methods Students prior knowledge of rational numbers in elementary school consisted of conversions of fractions and decimals and modeling percents on grids. This lesson concentrates converting fractions, decimals and percents. Repeating and terminating decimals should be converted. Review that any single number that repeats in a decimal is converted to 9th’s: 0.44444…=4/9; 0.3333…=3/9 etc… Math 6 Unit 3B Anticipation Guide. The anticipation guide is available on Beyond Question. Equivalent Graphic Organizer to transition into the conversions of fractions, decimals, and percents by discussing equivalencies. Students could create a 3-Flap Foldable. Each flap should be labeled with fraction, decimal and percent. Under the flaps should be algorithm/rule for converting to the other 2 forms of rational numbers. Use Hands On Standards, Grades 5-6, Lesson 5 to review converting fractions and decimals using fraction circles and fraction towers. Use Hands On Standards, Grades 5-6, Lesson 7-8 for converting to percents using fraction circles, fraction circle rings, or fraction squares. Use Hands On Standards, Grades 7-8, Lessons 1-2 for converting to percents using color tiles or fraction circles and rings. Use The State Performance Tasks: “Free Throws” for application of converting to percents. Make use of the “I have/Who has” strategy on converting rationals as a warm up or wrap up. Another formative assessment could be using spray adhesive on a three column grid drawn on bulletin board paper. The columns should read fraction, decimal, and percent. Equivalent rationals of each representation is given in each row. Give each student an index card with a rational number on it to “stick” in the columns to represent equivalencies. Rational number cards can be cut out and glued on index cards for multiple uses. Use the State Performance Task: “Representing Numbers on a Number Line” for practice with conversions on the number line. MATHO (Bingo) game to practice equivalency/conversions. Divide the students into 2 groups and have them find a pair to work with. Complete a conversion relay at the board by competing pairs from the two different groups. Cut out the Conversion Cards and place in a hat. Have pairs come to the board, the teacher draws a conversion card from the hat and the pairs have to complete the conversion. Whomever completes the conversion faster wins the point. CCSD Version Date: June 5, 2006 Batter Up! Activity for converting batting averages. Use the State Performance Task: “Ice Cream or Cake” to practice conversions using a calculator. Reasoning activity on the best way to convert fractions to decimals. TI 73 Activity for percents. Holt Mathematics In Context Level 1: “Models You Can Count On” section B Resources Holt Mathematics Course 1: Chapter 7 lessons 7-8 Kay Toliver Video: “Percents” –how to teach percent to fraction equivalents etc..check out from C & I Internet Resources Virtual Manipulative: Percentages Examples of conversions Create Flashcards Fraction/Decimal/Percent Jeopardy Deb Russell’s website Visual for fractions, decimals, and percents at Visual for fractions, decimals, and percents Beginning Algebra 6-8 workbook pg. 29, 30, 31 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives at Differentiation: Extension: Students may be challenged with complex fractions and fractional percents Remediation: Students need to continue working with manipulatives to model problems. Use tables to compare values and create foldables or graphic organizers. Lesson Considerations: By completion of this lesson, students should be able to: Use fractions, decimals and percents interchangeably. Solve problems using fractions, decimals and percents. Vocabulary: percent repeating decimal terminating decimal CCSD Version Date: June 5, 2006