Gayle Webster’s Gayle Webster,, 970-903-8815 Homeowner Help Directory Vendors on this list are services we have used without complaint, it is up to each individual to qualify the person they hire, and the services they use. If you have an unpleasant experience with anyone on this list please contact me so I can remove them. Area code for all numbers is (970) unless otherwise noted General Information Airport La Plata County Airport Animas Air Park – Private Business Relocation La Plata Economic Development council Colorado Small Business Hotline Hospital Mercy Medical Center 1010 Three Springs Blvd Newspaper Durango Herald 1275 Main Ave Pine River Times 110 E. Mill, Bayfield Four Corners Bus. Journal 1315 Main Ave Denver Post Rocky Mountain News Zip Codes Durango 81301, 81302 (PO Boxes) 81303 Cortez 81321 Dolores 81323 Hesperus 81326 Mancos 81328 Silverton 81433 247-8143 247-4632 259-1700 800 333-7798 247-4311 800 345-2516 247-3504 884-2331 385-7883 800 336-7678 800 926-0026 A Accountant Accountax Margaret Stone CPA Acupuncture Dr. Kathrine Andersen Terry A Leonard Jan Phetteplace Stolberg Stone 247-8694 259-6420 606 S. Rio Grande Ste B Aztec 505-334-2008 2530 Colorado Av Ste 2A 3021 W 4th Ave 382-0321 259-0371 Virginia & Greg Cavanaugh Appliance Repair Goodman Appliance TR Enterprises Appraisers Appraisal Group 1001 East 2nd Ave. Roy Goodman Chris Reed 259-2009 946-7104 Joanie Fraughton Certified General 247-2255 247-2259 fx Appraisals by Graziella, LLC 84 Navajo Lane 385-1020 Appraisals Southwest Patty Dressel 259-5933 Jeff McGarvin Certified Residential 382-9506 382-9519 fx Londe-Swink & Associates Rickie Londe-Swink 75 Misty Mountain Dr. Four Corners Appraisal PO Box 2405 688 Raven Ridge, Bayfield Licensed Appraiser 749-2886 563-3141 fx Love Appraisals & Assoc. Maggie Love Certified General 565-8578 565-8889 fx 216 West Montezuma, Cortez Aquarium Repair & Maintenance Fish Connection Bruce 259-3474 810 E. College Dr Architects Bruce Binkley Deane Brookie Larry Holcomb RLA Architects Inc 895 County Rd 206 1221 Main Avenue 1911 Main Av, Suite 200 777 Main Av. Ste 207 247-9131 247-1336 385-4272 259-4838 Asbestos Certified Specialist Bill Gibson 565-3202 28236 CR H, Cortez 81321 Aspen Trees Chris’s Trees Attorneys Nancy Agro David Bode Beth Crane Denny Ehlers Don Freemyer Michael Goldman Michael McLachlan Sheryl Rogers Jim Whitley Stuart Prall Geoffrey Craig Janet Sheftel 884-0683 1040 Main Av 573 E 3rd Ave 575 E College Dr 102 West 18th St. 555 S. Camino Del Rio 679 E 2nd Ave 813 Main Ave 679 E 2nd Ave Ste C 813 Main Ave #310 965 ½ Main Ave. (water rights) 833 E 2nd Ave, Suite 123 385-4401 385-6771 247-1400 259-2680 259-0702 259-8747 247-8236 259-8747 247-8236 769-6546 259-8978 247-1735 Sarah F Law Awnings Ellis Canvas Products 1065 Main Ave 259-8882 387 CR 234 259-2050 B Banks Bank of Colorado 1199 Main Ave. 247-5151 247-3020 nd 1101 E. 2 Ave. 847-4183 200 W. College Dr. 247-3242 301 N. Commerce Dr., Bayfield 884-9583 1st National Bank of Colorado 259 W.9th St. Vectra Bank Wells Fargo Bank Pine River Valley Bank Bookkeeping Linda Thompson Davida Milburn Builders Gabraith Builders, Inc Greywood, LLC 385-6725 385-5517 Mark Galbraith 47 Mason Cabin Rd 247-4481 Sanford Grey 749-5956 Natural Stone Fabrication Jared Asdel 247-9446 Webster Construction Ian Webster 903-3868 Teo Martinez 749-3052 Andy Peterson 385-7392 Jimmy Nicholson 749-1717 (Decks, Siding, Framing, Remodels) C Carpentry/General Catering Durango Gourmet Chimney Sweep Top Hat Ashes Away 259-5922 759-6374 Chinkers Athey Log Home Chinking Kenny Athey Chiropractors Corner Stone Cleaning Doug Wolfe 3473 Main Avenue, Ste.15 749-2648 375-7938 247-5519 Animas Carpet Cleaning CARE Phil Cleaning & Restoration Experts 247-5776 946-7438 Lori Fisher Cleaning & Sitting Marley’s Angels Maria Out of Site (construction, hauling, disposal of misc) Scrubby’s Steve Stahl Tammy Boone (Residential, Office, Final Construction) Shine to Shine Cleaning Sunshine Home Watch Services Christine Bridges BEST Cleaning Carpets & Upholstery Durango Mobile Pressure Washing 259-8952 749-4094 749-6890 946-6886 799-4492 759-6329 247-8023 247-2394 Closets Closets Plus 903-7916 Ben Croft 259-1845 259-1855 fx D Dentists Dr. John Hening Dr. Ron Caldwell 247-0074 247-4743 E Electricians Animas Electric Paul Wilson Engineering Akamai Engineering 862 Main Ave #212 375-1808 Fleming Engineering 2317-A North Glenisle 247-3068 259-6285 fx MFG, Inc Engineers EW Parker Enterprises 200 W. Frontier Suite H Payson, AZ 85541 Environmental Consulting 928-468-6677 Mike Thompson 565-0278 970-409-9591 cell Plateau Inc. (Environmental & Engineering Service – mold) 970-252-1363 F Fire Prevention Fire Ready Wildfire prevention & protection services 533-7078 Fishing Backcountry Outfitters Inc. Animas Valley Anglers Financial Planning Asset Preservation Inc. Furnishings – Northpoint 731-4630 259-0484 Edward Jones Rob McGhehejy Kennen S. Cohen (303) 358-3321 Pam Morrell 247-2959 G Garage Door Installation Durango Overhaead Door 382-8905 PO Box 3904 Durango, CO 81302 H Hair Stylist Crazy Horse Sahaira’s Salon Emily 141 E. 14th Handyman – General Kevin Ford Boyd Kimbrough Webster Construction 259-1230 946-0759 375-0211 h 946-1680 903-3868 Ian Webster (Decks, Siding, Framing, Remodel) Heating Valley Sheet Metal Garrh’s Home Inspectors AmeriSpec Don Jeter 247-0274 259-5579 Terry Maloney 46850 Hwy 550 N, Unit 250 759-6741 382-3855 fx Buyers Choice Inspections Jack Childs 382-2825 Cortez, Durango, Pagosa Springs 739-3694 cell Care Free Housemaster Home Bruce Spalding 884-4840 Also does caretaking and winterizing Inspection Dennis Ivie 213 N Schwartz, Farmington 247-4003 888-325-5020 Southwest Home Inspection Ron Poteet 505-445-5600 Wright Home Inspection Todd Wright (mold issues) 759-8241 Home Repair Alan Osterloh 970 564-9719 (carpenter, painter, drywall, additions, roofing, complete bulidings) Horseback Riding Great Divide Outfitters Dan Newman Backcountry Outfitters Inc. House-sitting Candi Lemon Care Free, LLC 884-2372 731-4630 Bruce Spalding Caretaking & winterizing Amie Henneman Lori Fisher House sitting & cleaning Home Watch Services, LLC Christine Bridges 385-4115 884-4840 903-9538 382-0100 259-8952 759-8677 I Insurance Elite Coverage Comparisons Mary Mykra Acordia Judi Huseby Colorado West Insurance Lloyd & Janice Moore Farmers Insurance Group Jon Sherer Schield-Leavitt 72 Suttle, Bodo Park 259-8082 247-2457 x 104 375-0226 259-1202 259-7966 Interior Design Dreamweaver Designs, LLC (Home Theater, Audio Systems, Automation, Lighting) Scrimshaws Ltd 434 Turner Dr 2A Silver Thread Interiors 153 E. 15th Street SW Designs Steven W. Webb (Kitchen and Bathroom Design & Installation) 375-1724 cell Townsend Designs Internet Providers Brainstorm Industries Starband Satellite Internet Bresnan Communications (cable internet,TV, phone) Kiva Net (Silverton area) Pete Maisel 247-0770 259-0649 375-1771 946-1871 259-8325 247-1442 259-7985 247-2681 759-9291 L Landscape & Related Services Aspen Trees Chris 884-0683 Candi Lemon Durango Nursery & Supply Tom Bridge Earth (Mancos) Earthscapes (Durango) Earthscapes (Mancos) Tanya Young Green Acres Lawn Care Quincy & Debi Ellis Hinkley Forestry Services Don Hinkley 588-3409 Defensible space/ timber thinning ect Edith Swan 385-4115 259-8800 903-7140 946-5284 533-7910 247-0164 759-6744 Northwoodside Land Art 259-4940 ph/fx Southwest Land Services, Inc 259-2629 259-0181 fx 382-2526 Timber Tec West (Tree Removal) Lenders Durango Mortgage Group Brett Dody 247-9800 Bank of Colorado 1199 Main Ave First National Bank 259 W 9th St. Vectra Bank 1101 E. 2nd Ave The Mortgage Link 1099 Main Ave #302 Mary Fitzsimmons Commercial Loans 385-5336 Kathy Ray Burgess 247-3020 Eric Colby Julie Cooley Jean Kirol – Suzi Loether 375-7437 247-0616 fx J.R. Spies 259-8600 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage David Fountain, Paul Root 259-0104 200 W. College Dr. Pam Moore, Colin Cassidy Gary Roberts. Reverse mortgages Farm Credit 259-1540 Monte Miller 259-1540 (farm & ranch properties) Locksmiths Belles Lock & Key Service 259-0905 PO Box 13 Durango, CO 81302 A Key & Lock Shop 565-3535 812 Cherry Street Cortez, CO 81321 M Mailing Lists Information Services Donna Graves PO Box 2085,Dgo, CO 81302 Manicures SPAAH – Michelle Masonry Contractors Gladden Masonry 385-4897 259-9454 fx 749-7956 Delbert Gladden 259-5068 Masonry Supplies Glorious Stone of Durango, LLC Natural Stone Fabrication Jared Asdel 385-7866 247-9446 Massage Therapist Davida Milburn Roberta Eickman,BA,CMT 385-5517 799-1632 Mold Mitigation BEST, Cleaning & Disaster Restoration Svc C.D.S Environmental CARE, Environmental specialist Movers Affordable Choice Movers Benjamin Miera Basin Moving & Storage Ben’s Moving Man On Hand Mark 247-2394 247-0046 fx 247-0132 946-7438 247-1239 505-325-1909 800-407-1900 259-8465 799-2919 Cell 800-984-2443 946-3876 Moving/Organizing/ handyman Bowdie’s Structural Movers 564-9221 562-4369 N Naturopathic Physician Namaste Health Center 929 E 3rd Ave Nancy Utter 247-2043 P Painters Animas Valley Painting Norton Painting Michael Wayson Cory Anderson master painter 749-6778 247-3851 375-7996 Pest Inspection Care Pest Control Dennis Howell General Pest Control Chuck Howell Professional Exterminator Charles Trogdon 247-1327 247-1884 884-2596 Pet References Alpine Animal Hospital 2910 Main Ave. Aspen Tree Care Center 42 CR 250 St 200 Baker’s Bridge Vet Clinic 13225 CR 250 Humane Society, LaPlata Co Willow Tree Kennels 6510 CR 203 247-5771 382-0100 247-4701 385-4322 259-0018 Photographers Aerial Photography Aerial Photography Rob Johnson Wiley Wales Carol Cardwell 970-562-3096 505-330-8999 259-5442 Physcians Dr. Jan & Suzanne Ciotti 3474 Main Ave 259-7171 LaPlata Family Medicine 3235 Main Ave 259-3100 Places to stay D’s Bed & Breakfast at Navajo Dam, NM Logwood Bed & Breakfast Marriott Residence Inn O Bar O Cabins Ferringway Condos (by college) Circle S Lodge at Vallecito Cascade Village (ski area) Plumbers 505 632-0044 259-4396 899 331-3131 970 259-3649 800 624-9714 970 884-2473 800 525-0896 Davitt Armstrong 799-0090 3 Sons Plumbing, LLC Jeff Westerman 259-0404 Boyd Kimbrough 946-1680 B.C. Plumbing, Inc. Post Office Main Post Office Contract Station Contract Station Bayfield – Main Office Ed 375-6372 799-3654cell 222 W. 8th Street Durango Mall 3465 Main Avenue 145 W. Park 247-3434 247-8433 247-5337 884-9618 1474 Main Ave #107 259-0222 247-8299 Bill 759-9395 Property Managers The Property Manager AREM Property Mgmt R Radon Mitigation AAA Radon Re-modeling Webster Construction, Ian Webster 903-3868 S Schools District 9-R 201 E. 12th Street 24 S.Clover 315 Ignacio St 1000 Rim Drive 247-5411 Screens Invisible Screens Elwin Johnson 259-2604 749-2448 cell Security Systems Alarms Across Colorado Jason McCormick 970-884-2737 PO Box 1333, Dgo 81302 247-9792 Bayfield District 10-JTR Ignacio SD 11.TJ Fort Lewis College 884-2496 563-9434 247-7010 Septic Superior Septic Service Shopping / Specialty Durango Antique Market Treasures by Therese 600 E 2nd Avenue 111 E 30th 247-4555 259-5034 Signs Denton Signs, Stan Williams Snow Removal Steve Stahl Bob Taylor Rob Carll Shoveling – A-Team, Sprinkler Systems 259-2656 946-6886 385-9487 884-8368 John 759-3010, Gary 946-5533 Mountain Oasis 259-4972 Stucco person American Drywall & Stucco Matt Formby 749-0379 563-4245 Phil Griego excellent contact for new or repair work - talk to CindyB 385-0255 769-4827 cell Surveyors Dick Clark & Associates, Inc Jeff Helmer 385-4012 fx 259-0989 fx 385-5779 T Tilework Buffalo Creek Carpet, tile, & remodel Animas Granite & Tile Chuck & Melissa Mosley 382-2785 Greg Thompson 375-1400 Jeremiah Jack 769-1188 Rock Solid, Elite Stone & Tile 884-9188 946-2546 cell Transportation Crown Limousine Gary Williams 970-677-3062 877- Crownlimo U Utilities ASPEN TRAILS METRO DISTRICT FOREST LAKES METRO DISTRICT FOREST LAKES HOA 884-2925 884-0305 FAX 7/05/07 contact # 884-3686 UPPER VALLEY SANITATION (Vallecito sewer) 884-0567 UPPER PINE RIVER – FIRE DISTRICT 75 S Clover Dr Bayfield, CO 81122 884-9508 TOWN OF IGNACIO 563-9494 Town Hall Animas Water Co City of Durango City of Bayfield Animas Valley Water Water, Sewer, & Trash Water, Sewer & Trash 259-4788 375-4800 884-9544 Electric-Dgo & Bayfield Electric-Mancos LaPlata Electric 247-5786 565-4444 Empire Gas – Dgo & Mancos Atmos Energy Co. 888-442-1313 Gas – Bayfield Citizen Utilities Co. 264-2192 Bayfield SOURCE GAS (previously Kinder Morgan) 800-563-0012 Propane Basin Propane 247-0055 Basin Co-Op 247-3066 Sewer Hermosa Sanitation (Hermosa & W. Animas Valley) Loma Linda Sanitation (Elmore’s Store & HWY 172) Ball Septic Superior Septic Septic Trash Telephone Qwest local representative Cell Phone Alltel Verizon Cable Television 259-3909 247-8700 Transit Waste Waste Management Phoenix Recycling Qwest Residential Qwest Business Tom Amos 1155 Camino del Rio 2800 Main Ave 247-4796 247-9792 247-0625 fx 749-2802 247-1821 375-1300 800 244-1111 800 603-6000 800 609-9039 970 375-7502 385-7586 259-7646 Bresnan Communications 247-2681 Water Animas Water Co (Hermosa/Animas Valley) Integrated Water Services (new development) 259-4788 Well Services Aqua Pump Cundiff Pump, Bayfield Hydro Excavation NWAS 247-1708 247-5722 884-9800 382-9113 800 214-5485 ***DEPT OF WATER RESOURCES 247-1845 701 Camino Del Rio Dgo 81301 WATER CONSERVANCY – FLORIDA WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT 1523 CR 243 247-5332 DURANGO, CO 81301 WATER HAULING – Well on Wheels, Brandon Wadell 759-0052 W Waterfalls/Flagstone Pugh 259-0081 Water Hauling A Well on Wheels 759-0052 Water Pump Systems Artesia 769-0937 749-4399 (Install & repair wells & cisterns) Josh or Matt Websites of Interest Weed Manager (county) Rod Cook 2500 Main Ave 247-2308 (La Plata Cty Fairgrounds) Window Coverings Home on the Range Sarah Sumner Interiors Silver Thread Interiors Pam Morrell Nancy Vanderwal Window Cleaning Scrubby’s Steve Stahl Out of Site Absolutely Clean Windows Wood Work Wood Working of Durango 109 Suttle Street Fine Custom Cabinetry 749-1575 259-2247 259-0649 946-6886 749-7000 247-2477 259-8110 259-8120 fx Miscellaneous Your Girl Friday Adrienne Roth Castle Keepers Tyler Gatteau 375-1760 759-0872 cell 946-8615 New in Town Jackie Caudill 769-7885 (Welcome wagon & coupons, etc..) Hesperus Home & Property Concierge UPDATED 02/11/09 Joann 799-2325