RIGA STRADINS UNIVERSITY Uldis Strazdiņš INTRAOPERATIVE QUALITY CONTROL OF MYOCARDIAL REVASCULARIZATION Summary Riga - 2006 Urgency of the Study Every year the number of those who suffer from cardiac and vascular disorders becomes higher. Over 50% of deaths in developed countries are associated with cardiovascular diseases, but coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for 1/3 of death causes. About 7 million people in USA are suffering from symptomatic CHD; thereof about 1.5 million have myocardial infarction (MI). The situation in Latvia is far from favorable. The Central Statistics Bureau data show that 55.7% of deaths were caused by cardiovascular disorders. 177 of 100 000 inhabitants under 64 y. o. die of CHD. Myocardial infarction, which is just one of the manifestations of CHD, is found in 5000 patients every year [Gardovskis et al., 2001]. Taking into consideration both high incidences of CHD and high mortality figures all over the world, including Latvia, we are to state that the CHD, including its management and the results thereof, is a great medical and social challenge. CHD management can be divided into three main lines: drug therapy; invasive cardiology and surgical myocardial revascularization, which complement each other. Every year about 1000 cardiac operations under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) per 1 million inhabitants is done in USA, about 800 per 1 million is done in Europe and 310 such operations were done under CPB per 1 million inhabitants in Latvia in 2005. Myocardial revascularization surgery remains the core part of the activity of modern cardiac surgery centers: according to National database of Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) in USA myocardial revascularizations account for 89.5% of all of the cardiac operations. This kind of surgery draws more and more attention due to its bigger proportion. In order to reduce surgical and CPB-induced trauma the miniinvasive surgery is introduced and successfully used during last decades, which is done without CPB and via minimized approaches. This kind of surgery is highly appreciated by patients, although it is associated with extra difficulties and stress for operating surgeon, which may possibly result in lack of surgical quality. The major problems, determining extended patient stay in a hospital, disability and mortality after myocardial revascularization surgery are perioperative myocardial infarction (PoMI) (directly associated with the quality of the bypass graft, anastomosis and extent of the surgery), cerebral ischaemia, wound complications and bleeding. Incidence of PoMI as a cause of mortality during primary coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) accounts for 1 - 10.3% [Grover et al, 1996; BARI investigation, 1996]. The incidence of PoMI varies between cardiac surgery Centers and depends to a great extent on the definition of PoMI, still remaining the major cause of death in myocardial revascularization surgery operation group. During last decades, when the development of mini-invasive surgery emerged all over the world, specific attention has been drawn to the evaluation of quality of CABG. More and more new quality evaluation methods are being introduced in cardiac surgery practice every year, often borrowed from other medical fields [Reuthebuch et al., 2004]. "Old" techniques are updated; also different combinations of methods are offered, as well as algorithms of use thereof [Jaber et al., 1998; D'Ancona et al., 2000; Sanisoglu et al., 2003]. We are to emphasize that intraoperative methods are emerging in particular, because the correction of defects only found during primary surgery allows avoiding life dangerous complications. Each of the methods has its own advantages, although some drawbacks are to be mentioned as well, such as lack of rendered information, difficult data interpretation and application technique, high costs of instruments and procedures, patient health risk factors. It is asserted that cardiac surgery all over the world has no unified approach to this issue. PoMI is associated with longer postoperative care in Intensive Care Unit (1CU), use of expensive assisting circulatory devices (intraaortic balloon pumping, ventricular assisting devices, etc.), longer in-hospital stay, sometimes with necessity of re-revascularization (invasive cardiology, CABG). This considerably impairs quality of life and life expectancy of the patient. Considering the above we can assume that intraoperative evaluation of the quality of myocardial revascularization using different techniques requires more profound study, which may contribute to improving outcome of cardiac surgery, quality of life and life expectancy of the patient, reduce disability as well as patient care costs. Goal of the study To develop a technique to evaluate the quality of myocardial revascularization surgery by measuring blood flow, using videoluminescence angiography and videoendoscopy methods during the surgery. Objectives of the study 1. To perform 60 prymary coronary artery bypass grafting operations. 2. To evaluate quality of operation by using floumetry, videoluminescence angiography and videoendoscopy. 3. To perform statistical analysis of quality control effectivity. 4. To elobaruate methodical guidelines Novelty of the study, its scientific and applied significance Assesment of the quality of myocardial revascularization surgery draws higher attention during last decades as the miniinvasive techniques are developing. When analyzing one or the other technique the authors often do not try to combine those in order to complement the drawbacks of one method with the advantages of the other. There are no printed data available on unified approach to the evaluation of the quality of myocardial revascularization surgery. Also, common algorithms of the quality evaluation are not developed. In order to contribute to this issue this study analyzes both approved techniques (blood flowmetry in grafts) and new ones, which use in cardiac surgery is considered a novelty (videoluminescence angiography). Also the study deals with the use of videoendoscopy technique, which is already developed for cardiac surgery, still it is missing unified attitude as to its importance for cardiac surgery applications. As the endoscopy equipment is being further developed, the importance of the technique may increase. The quality assessment methods were being studied in conjunction to each other, using all of the techniques, available to us, in order to develop method of intraoperative quality evaluation. We hope to have our results implemented into daily practice of cardiac surgery. By summarizing our findings and printed information we intend to develop intraoperative technique of assessment of quality of myocardial revascularization, as well as to improve the outcome of myocardial revascularization surgery by decreasing and avoiding such dangerous complications as PoMI. Hypotheses to be defended 1. Blood flowmetry, videoluminescence angiography and videoendoscopy can by used for the detection of perioperative complications. 2. Intraoperative evaluation of quality helps to improve postoperative period. 3. There is statistically reliable correlation between the results of the used tests and intraoperative complications. Design and scope of the study The promotional thesis is written in Latvian. It comprises 12 chapters: Introduction, Urgency of the study, Posing a problem, Goal of the study, Novelty and practical aplication, Description of patients and examination technique, Statistics, Results, Conclusions, Discussion, Recommendations and Bibliography. Overall size of the thesis is 102 pages, including 1 diagram, 21 charts, 12 tables and 17 figures. Bibliography list includes 158 publications. Aprobation of the study The promotional thesis was orally presented at 5 international scientific congresses and conferences. The thesis was presented once at RSU Medical scientific conference and twice at Paula Stradina University Hospital in Physicians' Scientific meetings. 18 articles are published in internationally referred medical journals. The list of publications - see end of the summary. Matherial Description of the patients The study was performed within Cardiac Surgery Center of SJSC Paula Stradina Clinical University Hospital from year 1999 till 2005. The study was approved by ethics committee on human research of Riga Stradins University. Videoendoscopy, videoluminescence angiography and blood flowmetry methods were used. Videoendoscopies. 58 grafts asessed in 18 patients 48 to 76 years old (mean age of 60 in this group), thereof 33% were female patients and 67% - male patients. Only 22% of the patients had no preoperative history of MI. 88% of the patients had stable exercise angina. Patients had 3 to 4 grafts created, with the mean of 3.22 grafts per patient. In four cases arterial grafts were used (thereof 3 of internal thoracic artery, ITA, and one radial artery). In all of the cases the ITA graft was anastomosed with Left Anterior Descending (LAD) coronary artery, while radial artery - with diagonal branch of left coronary trunk (RD). Mortality rate was 0%. Videoluminescence angiography. 92 angiograms were analyzed in 46 patients 39 to 78 years old (mean age of 63 years), thereof 30 male patients (65%) and 16 female patients (35%). 17.4 % of the patients had no preoperative history of MI. 10.9 % of all of the patients had unstable angina, the rest had stable exercise angina. In one case the myocardial revascularization surgery was done by sternotomy OPCAB, in all of the rest cases - by CABG. 1 to 4 grafts were created. 43 patients in this group (93.48%) underwent just revascularization, 3 patients (6.52%) had combined surgery, there of 2 had CABG with aortic valve replacement and 1 had CABG combined with left ventricular thrombectomy at open left ventricle. All of the patients survived, the mortality rate is 0%. According to the goal of the study and hypotheses to be defended, we divided the patients into two groups: Group A - patients with critical stenoses (>90%) and occlusions of major coronary arteries, supplying left ventricle; Croup B - patients with hemodynamically significant stenoses (<90%) of major coronary arteries, supplying left ventricle (see Table 1). Table 1. Videoluminescence angiography patient breakdown by groups. Group A N Group B 31 15 57,87 69,4 Unstable angina (%) 6,45 20 No history of MI (%) 9,68 33,33 Mean N of grafts 3,16 3,47 Mean age (yr) Arterial grafts 26 (83,87%) 11 (73,33%) All of the videoluminescence and videoendoscopy group’s patients had blood flow measured (207 measurements). Methods Flowmetry Blood flowmetry in grafts was measured by transit time ultrasound flowmeter by Medi-Stim, BF-2000 in all of the patients. Measurements were taken before stopping CPB, at normothermy, in order to avoid inaccurate measurements, caused by hypothermia-induced spasm of arterial grafts and coronary arteries. The ultrasound transducer was soaked in autologous blood or saline at 37°C in order to provide better contact with the graft (Fig. 2). BF 2000 automatically calculated the mean blood flow, which was recorded in examination log. The PI was calculated as follows: PI V max V min ; Vmean where Vmax is maximum or systolic flow, Vmin is minimum or diastolic flow, Vmean is calculated mean blood flow. The Vmax and Vmin values were measured by blood flow curve on the monitor. The derived PI variable was recorded in the examination log. Fig. 2. Example of flowmetry with indicated Vmax, Vmin and Vmean, necessary for PI calculation Videoluminescence angiography Videoluminescence angiography was done by IC-VIEW (PULSION Medical Systems AG) system. Indocyanine green was used as a luminescent dye - ICGPULSION (PULSION Medical Systems AG). Intraoperative videoluminescence angiography was done in each of the patients before and after the myocardial revascularization under CPB. The first measurement was taken after start of CPB at blood temperature of 36°C. Then coronary and central graft anastomoses were created. The second measurement was taken after connecting the grafts to the myocardial blood supply. Measurements were taken at blood temperature ≥ 36°C to avoid hypothermia-induced vsacular reactions. We used Medtronic DLP elevating mesh to position the heart. Pateints undergoing OPCAB surgery were examined before and after revascularization at stable hemodynamic status. The operation field shading was achieved by non-transparent curtains in the OR (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 General diagram of videoluminescence angiography ABCDEFG- videocamera to sense the luminescence, double light filter (Lambda = 780nm); Computer to display the course of angiography; Toens laser; ICG-PULSION syringe; Blood serum al lipoproteins; ICG-PULSION introduced into blood stream; ICG-protein complex luminesceing under laser light. Fig. 4. Heart positioning during videoluminescence angiography. Left patient before revascularization; right - patient after connecting grafts to myocardial blood supply. ABCDEFG- Heart elevating mesh; Left ventricle with CHD-induced impaired myocardial blood supply; LAD; Base of right ventricle with intact circulation; Control syringe with dye; ITA graft to LAD; Autovenous graft to distal segment of right coronary artery (RCA). Videocamera was equipped with laser light source and light filters and placed above the operation field. The computer was connected to a camera. The dose of ICG-PULSION was calculated per weight of the patient (0.3 mg/kg). After CPB was over, the heart was luxated to allow the videocamera visualize left ventricle and the base of right ventricle (Fig. 4). To set the starting point of luminescence intensity measurement we prepared the control syringe (1ml ICG-PULSION mixed with 9 ml of autologous blood) and placed it in the operation field. While the videocamera was in the infrared mode, the laser was enabled and ICG-PULSION was injected via cannula, placed in internal jugular vein. The exact time of the injection was taped on the video. The monitor displayed the progress of the procedure, which allowed evaluating myocardial circulation, as the intensity of luminescence is directly proportional to the blood supply of heart muscle. It was possible to visualize the course, size and constrictions of coronary arteries. The obtained angiography data, entered into the computer and processed by IC-CALC software, rendered us quantitative results, both in table and chart format, regarding luminescence variations in different parts of myocardium before and after revascularization (Fig. 5). Also, IC-CALC software allowed to evaluate inverted colour luminescence image, which helped to visually analyze myocardial circulation (Fig. 6). Fig 5. Dynamics of luminescence (obtained by IC-CALC). Upper figure before revascularization; lower figure - the same patient after connecting grafts to myocardial blood supply. ABCD- Start of intravenous injectuion of ICG-PULSION; Luminescence control curve (control syringe); Luminescence dynamics in the base of right ventricle after injecting ICG; Luminescence dynamics in the left ventricle after injecting ICG. Fig. 6. Inverted luminescence image (obtained by IC-CALC) Left - blood supply defects in left ventricle before revascularization compared to the base of right ventricle. Right - the same patient after revascularization with normalmyocardial blood supply. The following data, obtained using IC-CALC was analyzed (Fig. 7.): - Maximum degree of luminescence (mean pixel intensity, relative units) of left ventricle myocardium before (Y2) and after (Z2) revascularization; - Maximum degree of luminescence (mean pixel intensity, relative units) of the base of right ventricle with intact blood supply before (Y1) and after (Z1) revascularization; - Percentage of the above variables before (X1) and after (X2) revascularization, showing the intensity of luminescence of the left ventricle expressed in percents to such of normally supplied myocardium; - Time from injection ICG to its appearance in the respective parts of myocardium before (T) and after (T') revascularization. Considering that intensity of luminescence is directly proportional to myocardial perfusion, but absolute values, of mean pixel intensity, vary individually between patients, we analyzed just percentage ratio (hereinafter referred to as perfusion alterations) between pre and postoperative status. Fig 7. Analyzed variables. - Y1 - Y2 -T r -T 1 Maximum luminescence of the right ventricle; Maximum luminescence of the left ventricle; Time to dye appearance in right ventricle; Time to dye appearance in left ventricle. In all of the patients in postoperative period we: - measured Trooping I (Tn1) in 8-16 hours postoperatively; - analyzed 12-lead ECG on postop Day 1 or Day 2; - monitored time (hours) from surgery completion to extubation; - monitored duration (hours) of stay in ICU; - monitored duration (days) of stay in surgery department; - verified PoMI by increased Troponine I concentration (0,5 - 0,96 ng/ml) only if accompanied with new Q-wave or changed "old" Q-wave on ECG. Intraoperative videoendoscopy Videoendoscopy of grafts, anastomoses and bypassed arteries was done during aortic occlusion after creation of all of the coronary anastomoses. The endoscope and saline supply line were introduced into graft via its proximal end. Then the graft was occluded proximally by the finger of the assistant. While priming the graft and coronary artery by saline, the endoscope was entered via graft to anastomosis, then beyond the anastomosis, when possible, to coronary artery. The videoendoscopy image could be watched on the monitor and recorded on a videotape (Fig 1). Taking into account the calibers of the videoendoscope and the graft and in order to avoid eventual damage of the graft we considered videoendoscopy impossible when internal diameter of the graft was less than 2 mm. The endoscopy was performed with Richard Wolf equipment, available at Cardiac Surgery center. Fig. 1. General diagram of videoendoscopy. ABCDEFG- Flexible endoscope introduced into venous graft at LAD; Syringe with saline to prime the graft; Assisting finger to occlude the proximal end of the graft: LAD; Ascending aorta; Autologous venous graft at LAD; Graft anastomosis at LAD. After the endoscopy procedure the aortic occlusion was released, central anastomoses created, flowmetry done, CPB stopped and surgery completed. The diameter of the artery to within 0.5 mm (measured by endovascular probes of different caliber), the course of endoscopy procedure, flowmetry readings and pulsation index (PI), duration of the procedure, complications, as well as defects and elimination of such were recorder in examination log. The course of endoscopy procedure was ranked to four groups: 0 - Endoscopy impossible (considering graft diameter) 1 - Endoscope reaches anastomosis, but cannot be passed beyond it 2 - Endoscope passes the anastomosis, but distal segment of the bypassed artery cannot be visualized 3 - Both anastomosis and distal segment of the bypassed artery can be visualized. The duration of the endoscopy procedure was taken from the moment the surgeon takes the endoscope till the moment of removal of the endoscope from the last examined graft. Graft, anastomosis or coronary artery visual defects were considered as complications of the procedure. Methods of statistical analysis For blood flow velocity, PI, X, T and other variables analysis we used descriptive statistics values, such as mean, standard deviation of the population, mean value standard error, maximum error of confidence interval (usually p = 0.05), where t is Student distribution or t-test, minimum and maximum values of variance, dispersion profile, upper and lower limits of 95% confidence area (95% confidence interval). Student r-test is derived when calculating the identity of mean values of the two parameters. To calculate the identity of mean values of morphology criteria of more than two parameters we used dispersion analysis (ANOVA - Analysis of variance). Correlation of different variances of the population was evaluated using Pearson correlation coefficient r. To find correlation between two parameters we used also linear and non-linear regression methods. The obtained data were processed by software applications SPSS 11.5, MS Excel 2002 SP-1, CIA. Results Results of videoendoscopy In all of the cases of internal thoracic artery (ITA) graft we did not use videoendoscopy, as it was assumed to be traumatic and dangerous due to the diameter of the graft. In cases where endoscopy was available we noticed that the progress of procedure is directly associated with the diameter of lumen of bypassed artery (See Chart 1.) Chart 1. Progress of endoscopy procedure depending on the diameter of lumen of bypassed artery. Analysis of mean blood flow velocity and PI in endoscopy group of patients showed statistically significant linear corelation between these two variables -increase in blood flow velocity corresponded to decrease in PI (See Chart 2). Grafting defects found by videoendoscopy were not statistically reliably confirmed by flowmetry findings and PI calculations. Pearson correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlation between mean blood flow velocity in grafts, PI and the diameter of the bypassed artery (Table 1). Chart 2. Regression curve of PI dependence of mean blood flow velocity. Table 1. Results of Pearson correlation calculations. Statistical criteria PI Diameter of bypassed artery Pearson correlation Significance N Pearson correlation Significance N ** Correlation is significant at p = 0.01 (2-sided). * Correlation is significant at p = 0.05 (2-sided). Mean blood flow velocity -,545(**) ,004 26 ,529(**) ,006 -,418(*) ,033 26 26 PI Results of videoluminescence angiography Patients with PoMI were excluded from patient groups primary statistical analysis to ensure uniformity of Groups A and B. Group A and Group B patients with uneventful postoperative status were compared, Thereof 31 patient in Group A and 15 patients in Group B. Group primary analysis was done for 29 patients in Group A and for 12 patients in Group B. Chart 3. Changes in left ventricle perfusion after revascularization. We compared the changes of X1 and X2 in Group A and B patients by group statistics method and found that baseline perfusion of the left ventricle in Group A patients was 102,9 ± 5,2% (t=-3,8;p=0,01), while after revascularization it increased up to 130,4 ± 3,1% (t=3,2; p=0,03); in Group B patients respective values were 136,7 ± 5,9% and 112,6 ± 4,2%. Left ventricle perfusion in Group A statistically reliably increased after revascularization, but decreased in Group B (Chart 3). Analysis of perfusion difference (X2 - X1) showed it to be reliably positive in Group A, 27,52 ± 3,5, but reliably negative in Group B -24,17 ± 3,3 (t=8,8;p=0,01) (Chart 4). Time to dye appearance (T) in left ventricle and right ventricle myocardium before and after revascularization was analyzed by group statistics methods (Table 2) We found that T1 and T'1 times to dye appearance in myocardium with non-altered blood supply are the same for both A and B Groups (p=0,01), T'2 time to dye appearance in myocardium after myocardial revascularization in Groups A and B shows statistically significant difference (t=-2,77;p=0,01). T2 time to dye appearance in myocardium with altered blood supply before revascularization in Groups A and B does not show statistically significant difference, which confirms difference between Groups A and B when using videoluminescence method. Chart 4. Perfusion augmentation after revascularization in Groups A and B. Table 2. Analysis of time T by group statistics. Groups A and B A B Analyzed value Tl T2 T'l T'2 Tl T2 T'l T'2 N 29 12 Mean Mean Standard standard value (s) deviation error 26,55 34,59 25,79 22,55 34,67 30,33 31,58 27,08 4,74 8,84 5,89 5,45 7,95 4,27 4,6 2,19 0,88 1,64 1,09 1,01 2.29 1,23 1,33 0,63 t -4,06 1,58 -3,04 -2,77 -4,06 1,58 -3,04 -2,77 p 0,01 0,12 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,12 0,01 0,01 Analysis for group A We analyzed 31 patients in Group A, thereof 2 patients (6.45%) had postoperative PoMI. We analyzed the difference in myocardial perfusion percentage ratio before and after revascularization in cases of CHD-altered and non-altered myocardium blood supply and found that Group A had close and statistically significant correlation between X1 and X2 - X1 difference (r = 0,848; p = 0,01). The correlation between X1 and X2 - X1 difference can be described by the following linear regression equation: X2 -X1 (%) = 91,29 - 0,63 × X1(%). Determination coefficient of linear regression model is r2 = 0,72. Constant of equation and independent variable are significant with p = 0,01 (Chart 5). Chart 5. The linear regression of changes in myocardial perfusion in Group A patients. Patients with PoMI after revascularization had decreased left ventricle myocardial perfusion and the difference in percentage ratio became negative, which made distinct and statistically significant difference with other Group A patients, who had positive difference in percentage ratio. Analysis of T2 un T'2 times, indicating the velocity of dye supply to left ventricle before and after the revascularization showed that in PoMI patients No 11 and No 15 the T'2 time exceeded T2 (Chart 6). It is an indicator of altered blood supply in myocardium. Chart 6. Changes in T 2 - T'2 before and after revascularization in Group A patients When analyzing the difference in times of myocardium dyeing before and after revascularization we found that in PoMI patients the difference becomes negative and statistically significantly differs from other Group A patients (Chart 7). T2 and the difference of T 2 -T'2 have close and statistically significant correlation (r = 0,757; p = 0,01). The correlation between T2 and T2 -T'2 difference can be described by the following linear regression equation: T2 -T'2(s) = -14,79 + 0,75 × T2(s). Determination coefficient of linear regression model is r2 = 0.57. Constant of equation and independent variable are significant with p = 0,01. To prove that PoMI impacts such significant medical criteria as duration of mechanical lung ventilation (MLV), duration of stay in ICU (hours), total duration of in-hospital care after the surgery, we analyzed these parameters by descriptive statistics for Group A patients (no-PoMI) (Table 3). Chart 7. The linear regression of changes in left ventricle dyeing time for Group A patients. Table 3. Results of descriptive statistical analysis of Group A patients (noPoMI). Hours in ICU Hours to extubation In-hospital days postop N Minimum Maximum Mean Standard error 29 15 76 34,5 3,9 29 3 12 5,5 0,4 29 7 25 11,5 0,7 Standard deviation 20,9 2,4 3,6 Patients with PoMI had considerably longer ICU stay - 123 and 138 hours compared to the upper limit of mean value in the Group - 97.2 hours (34.5 + 20.9 ×3 =97,2). We did not find that PoMI considerably influences durations of MLV and postoperative in-hospital treatment. Analysis for group B We analyzed 15 patients in Group B, thereof 3 patients (20%) had early postoperative PoMI. We analyzed the difference in myocardial perfusion percentage ratio before and after revascularization in cases of CHD-altered and non-altered myocardium blood supply and found that Group B had close and statistically significant correlation between X1 and X2 - X1 difference (r = 0,813; p - 0,01). The correlation between X1 and X2- X1 difference can be described by the following linear regression equation: X2 -X1 (%) = 38,47- 0,47 × X1(%). Determination coefficient of linear regression model is r2 = 0.66. Constant of equation and independent variable are significant with p = 0,01 (Chart 8). Chart 8. the linear regression of changes in the left ventricle perfusion dyeing time for GroupB patients. In Group B patients with PoMI after revascularization we found decreased perfusion of left ventricle, the percentage ratio difference became negative, which made no statistically significant difference with other Group B patients. Analysis of T2 un T'2 times, indicating the velocity of dye supply to left ventricle before and after the revascularization showed that in Group B in PoMI patients Nos 1, 4 and 10 the T'2 time considerably (at least for 5 sec) exceeded T2 time (Chart 9). We are to note that negative T changes in Group B were found also in patients without PoMI (up to - 2 sec). Chart 9. Changes in T2 - T'2 before and after revascularization in Group B patients. Analysis of the difference in times of myocardium dyeing before and after revascularization revealed that in PoMI patients the difference becomes considerably negative and statistically significantly differs from other Group B patients (Chart 10). T2 and the difference of T2 -T'2 have close and statistically significant correlation (r = 0,791 ; p = 0,01). The correlation between T2 and T2 -T'2 difference can be described by the following linear regression equation: T2 -T'2(s) = -29,65 + 1,0 5 ×T2(s). Determination coefficient of linear regression model is r2 = 0.63. Constant of equation and independent variable are significant with p = 0,01. In order to prove that PoMI impacts duration of mechanical lung ventilation (MLV), duration of stay in ICU (hours), total duration of in-hospital care after the surgery, we analyzed these parameters by descriptive statistics for Group A patients (no-PoMI), (Table 4). The results show us that only one of Group B patients with PoMI had longer stay in ICU - 115 hours, which is considerably longer than the upper limit of mean value in the Group - 95.8 hours (37.3 + 19.5 × 3 =95.8). For other patients we did not find that PoMI considerably influences durations of MLV, ICU stay and postoperative in-hospital treatment.\ Chart 10. The linear regression of changes in left venricle dyeing time for Group B patients Table 4. Results of descriptive statistical analysis of Group B patients (no-PoMI). Hours in ICU 12 19 91 37,3 5,6 19,5 N Minimum Maximum Mean Standard error Standard deviation Hours to extubation 12 3 17 7,5 1,2 4,1 In-hospital days postop 12 8 19 12,1 0,9 3,0 Results of flowmetry Mean blood flow velocity and PI analyses were done by group statistics method (Table 5). All of the Group A and Group B patients were analyzed, grouping the blood flow by respective arterues. Mostly the LAD was bypassed. Blood flow velocity up to 21.5 ml/min was in 25% of patients, 27.5 ml/min - in 50 %; 39.5 ml/min - in 75%. In 84.1% of cases we used ITA as a graft, in the rest of cases LAD was bypassed by venous graft. The difference in blood flow velocity in arterial and venous grafts had no statistically significant difference. Table 5. Mean blood flow velocity anf PI in grafts. Mean blood flow velocity (ml/min) LAD RD MO Cx RCA PI (relative units) LAD RD MO Cx RCA 61 42 28 23 53 16 9 17 10 10 70 70 62 230 156 31,68 27,79 28,22 39,39 42,89 Standard deviation 12,60 14,54 11,29 43,01 33,90 61 42 28 23 53 1 1 1 1 1 4,2 4,1 2,8 4,2 3,4 1,85 2,06 1,69 1,97 1,75 0,74 0,82 0,44 0,83 0,66 N Minimum Maximum Mean value It can be seen from Table 5 that blood flow velocity and PI in LAD grafts are acceptable, though clinically all of the 5 PoMI developed exactly in left ventricle front and lateral walls, supplied by LAD. Mean blood flow velocity in LAD patients without PoMI was 33.13 ± 2.0 ml/min with PI of 1.64 ± 0.1. In PoMI group blood flow velocity was 20.4 ± 2.2 ml/min with PI of 3.5 ± 0.3. Groups differ by blood flow velocity with t - 2.22 and p = 0.03 (Table 6). Groups differ by PI with t = 8.79 and p = 0.01. Table 6. Group statistics for patient groups with (2) and without (1) PoMI. (blood flow in ml/min; PI in relative units) PoMI Blood flow LAD RD N Mean St. deviation St. mean error in 1 2 56 5 33,13 20,40 12,58 4,83 2,02 2,16 1 2 1 2 39 3 26 2 28,32 23,33 27,38 35,00 15,24 5,86 11,02 15,51 3,05 3,38 2,76 11,00 RCX 1 2 22 1 39,95 27,00 43,94 9,37 RCA 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 48 5 56 5 39 3 26 2 40,74 56,20 1,64 3,5 2,02 2,4 1,73 1,35 32,95 40,70 0,42 0,62 ,84 0,61 0,43 0,50 5,92 18,20 0,07 0,27 0,17 0,36 0,11 0,35 RCX 1 2 22 1 1,92 3,00 0,82 RCA 1 2 48 5 1,81 1,40 0,69 0,33 MO PI LAD RD MO t p 2,222 0,032 0,554 0,584 0,895 0,384 0,288 0,776 0,945 0,351 8,788 0,001 0,761 0,454 1,159 0,264 0,17 1,288 0,212 0,12 0,15 1,295 0,204 Analysis of mean blood flow velocity and corresponding PI in no-PoMI patient group showed that there is statistically significant correlation between these two variables. Least squares regression equation is as follows: PI = 14,32 ×(blood flow velocity (ml/min))-0,63. Correlation coefficient r is 0.73, which confirms close and confident (p =0.01) correlation. We can see from determination coefficient (R2) that in this model the 53.2% deviation from the curve can be explained by dispersion of mean blood flow velocity. It is more difficult to make necessary calculations using non-linear regression equation than using linear regression equation. It was necessary to logarithm the PI in order to obtain linear regression equation (Chart 11). Lg(PI) = -0,008 × (Blood How velocity (ml/min)) + 0,4899 Chart 11. Correlation between blood flow velocity and lg(PI) based on linear regression analysis of the data and definition of power function. Conclusions 1. Combination of videoluminescence angiography, blood flowmetry in grafts and videoendoscopy renders complete image of quality of myocardial revascularization, including information on created graft, anastomosis, distal segment of coronary artery and overall myocardial blood supply. Use of these techniques allows to detect grafting defect and reveal threatening MI. 2. The blood flow velocity measurements allowed to define the critical PI limit of 3.5 ± 0.27, exceeding of which results in PoMI and requires revision of graft. 3. Correlation between mean blood flow velocity and PI value in functional graft is determined by linear correlation lg(PI)=-0,008 x (mean blood flow velocity (ml/min)) + 0,4899, which can be used as a diagnostics criterium in case of altered graft function. 4. Videoluminescence angiography findings are considerably variable in cases of critical stenosis, occlusion and hemodynamically significant stenosis of coronary arteries. The difference between groups should be taken into account when analyzing quality of operation. 5. Videoluminescence angiography is applicable for detecting myocardial perfusion complications during CABG operations. The following diagnostics criteria for threatened MI can be used: alterations in left ventricle blood supply and myocardial dyeing delay. 6. Videoendoscopy of grafts, anastomoses and coronary arteries renders valuable information for intraoperative assessment of quality and can be used in CABG, if the diameter of the graft is > 3 mm. This procedure is indicated in all cases of unclear condition of distal segment of coronary artery (blind coronary endarterectomy, occluded and calcified coronary artery). RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE 1. Videoendoscopy of grafts, anastomoses and coronary arteries is recommended for CABG if coronary arteries have diameter of more than 3 mm. Specific indications for videoendoscopy are: - in blind coronary endarterectomy to evaluate the distal segment of coronary artery; - in case of occluded calcified coronary artery grafting, when preoperative cocnarography and intraoperative visual and manual examination does not provide sufficient information about periphery of the artery. 2. Blood flowmetry in grafts should be done at every CABG with simultaneous analysis of mean velocity and PI, which can provide better information about graft function. In our study we considered the PI value of ≥ 3,5 as critical, exceeding of which requires revision of graft and anastomosis. 3. Algorhitm of flowmetry is proposed (Diagram 1). 4. Videoluminescence angiography is indicated in case of suspected graft malfunction, the findings are to be evaluated visually. 5. Videoluminescence angiography as sensitive quality evaluation technique is indicated at every CABG surgery. Specific indication could be evaluation of the degree of myocardial revascularization in diffuse coronary sclerosis with multiple coronary stenoses. PUBLICATIONS 1. U.Strazdiņš, R.Lācis, J.Volkolakovs, A.Ozols, J.J.Volkolakovs. Infekcijas endokardīta ķirurģiskā ārstēšana. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 1999: 59 63. 2. R.Lācis, A.Alks, R.Kolītis, U.Strazdiņš, A.Avots, J.J.Volkolakovs, O.Kalējs, I.Ozolanta, V.Volkovičs. Koronārās sirds slimības un to komplikāciju ķirurģiskās ārstēšanas izpēte. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 1999: 45 - 48. 3. A.Ozols, R.Lācis, J.Volkolakovs, U.Strazdiņš. Sirds vārstuļu protezēšanas rezultāti. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 1999: 55 - 58. 4. S.Thora, R.Lācis, R.Kolītis, U.Strazdiņš, M.Māliņa, N.Moorlate, A.Dombrovskis. Artēriju kombinēto bojājumu ķirurģiska ārstēšana koronārās sirds slimības pacientiem. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 1999: 64 - 68. 5. U.Strazdiņš, R.Lācis, A.Avots, J.J.Volkolakovs, J.Pavārs, E.Strīķe. Intraoperatīvā šuntu un anastamožu kvalitātes kontrole, pielietojot asins plūsmas ātruma mērījumus un videoendoskopiju. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2000: 116-118. 6. O.Kalējs, R.Lācis, J.Jirgensons, J.Ansabergs, M.Blumbergs, N.Nesterovičs, U.Strazdiņš, M.Sauka, S.Sakne. Atrioventrikulārā savienojuma radiofrekventā katetrablācija pēc mitrālā vārstuļa protezēšanas - pirmie attālie rezultāti. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2000: 70 - 76. 7. R.Lācis, R.Kolītis, A.Avots, U.Strazdiņš, J.Volkolakovs, J.Pavārs, P.Stradiņš, L.Feldmane. Arteriālie konduīti miokarda ķirurģiskajā revaskularizācijā. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2000: 77 - 80. 8. J.J.Volkolakovs, U.Strazdiņš, R.Lācis. Mazinvazīva ķirurģiska miokarda revaskularizācijā. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2000: 119 - 123. 9. E.Strīķe, N.Porīte, A.Avots, U.Strazdiņš, J.Volkolakovs, I.Vanags. Nepārtrauktā neinvazīvā sirds izsviedes tilpuma mērīšana ar transezofageālo ehodoplera sistēmu pacientiem sirds operācijas laikā. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2001: 39-41. 10.R.Lācis, A.Alks, U.Strazdiņš, R.Kolītis, J.J.Volkolakovs, L.Feldmane, A.Avots, V.Volkovičs. Sirds koronāro šuntu agrīnās trombozes novēršanas izpēte. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2001: 23 - 26. 11.O.Kalējs, R.Lācis, A.Avots, N.Porīte, U.Strazdiņš, E.Strīķe, J.J.Volkolakovs, S.Sakne. Dažādu pieeju efektivitāte ātriju fibrilācijas ārstēšanā ar katetrablācijas metodi mitrālā vārstuļa ķirurģijā. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2001:54-62. 12.R.Lācis, P.Stradiņš, U.Strazdiņš, N.Porīte, V.Harlamovs, I.Putniņš, R.Rozentāls, J.Bicāns, S.Truškovs, U.Kalniņš, A.Ērglis. Pirmā sirds transplantācijas operācija Latvijā - P.Stradiņa klīniskajā universitātes slimnīcā 2002.gada 11.aprīlī. Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. 2002; 2: 61 - 64. 13.R.Lācis, P.Stradins, V.Kasyanov, A.Ozols, I.Ozolanta, B.Purina L.Feldmane, U.Strazdins, I.Putnins. Bioprotheses for human heart valves. Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. 2002; 2:3-1. 14.O.Kalejs, R.Lacis, U.Strazdins, N.Porite, A.Avots , E.Strike, J.Volkolakovs. Radiofrequency Ablation in Treatment of Atrial Arrhythmias in Valvular Surgery. Clinical Pacing and Electrophysiology 2003.: Monduzzi Editoriale//p.l43-147. 15.U.Strazdiņš, R.Lācis, J.Pavārs, E.Strīķe, J.J.Volkolakovs, E.Freilibs. Intraoperatīva miokarda revaskularizācijas kontrole, pielietojot videoluminiscences metodi (pirmā pieredze). RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2003:207-212. 16.E.Strīķe, I.Vanags, R.Lācis, J.Volkolakovs, N.Porīte, U.Strazdiņš, V.Harlamovs, O.Kalējs. Nepārtrauktās neinvazīvās un invazīvās sirds izsviedes mērījumu metožu salīdzinājums koronārās šuntēšanas operācijās bez mākslīgās asinsrites. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2003: 183 - 187. 17.J.Volkolakovs, R.Lācis, A.Alks, U.Strazdiņš, V.Harlamovs, E.Strīķe, A.Avots, O.Kalējs. Tiešā ķirurģiskā miokarda revaskularizācija bez mākslīgās asinsrites. RSU Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. 2003: 164 - 167. 18.E.Strīķe, I.Vanags, R.Lācis, N.Porīte, U.Strazdiņš, V.Harlamovs, J.J.Volkolakovs. Sirds funkcijas un audu perfūzijas novērtējums pacientiem sirds operācijās ar mākslīgo asinsriti un agrīnajā pēcoperācijas periodā. Latvijas Ķirurģijas Žurnāls. 2004; 4: 18 - 21.