Curriculum Map

St. Michael-Albertville High School
US History(Master)
Teacher: Bob Zahler
Resources & Technology
Course Essential Questions
How do the major events/themes of
United States history occurr relative
to one another?
What actions are taken by the United
States to establish itself as a global
How do the American People
respond to constantly changing
conditions and especially to crisis
that ocur over time.
In what ways does America pursue
its best interests both domestically
and especially abroad?
Unit 1 Essential Questions
Unit 1 Skills
Unit 1 Assessment
Unit 1 Resources
Early America to Reconstruction
Early America to Reconstruction
Early America to Reconstruction
Early America to Reconstruction
1. What factors shaped colonial
North America?
1A. Identify the reasons for the
European voyages of discovery and
colonial settlement. (Columbus, Allwater route).
CA: Unit 1 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay.
segments from History Channel's video
"America: the Story of Us"
2. What were the causes, course, and
consequences of the American
3. How did foreign relations and
territorial expansions result in both
positive and negative consequences
for the new republic?
4. What were the causes, course, and
consequences of the Civil War and
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 1 & 2
1B. Compare and contrast the cultural
differences between the New England,
Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies.
(Presence/Importance of religion,
Government, and $ or cash crops)
2A. Examine the development of
democratic ideals in America through
the use of the Declaration of
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US History(Master)
Reconstruction Era?
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
Independence as a culmination of
"Enlightenment" thought. (Inalienable
2B. Summarize the views of the patriots
and the loyalists.
2C. Explain the need for the
Constitution and use the debate
between Federalists and Anti-Federalist
to predict future conflicts regarding
the role of the central government.
3A. Link the positive outcomes of the
Louisiana Purchase and War of 1812
with escalating tensions surrounding
the issue of slavery.
4A. Outline the major events that led to
the dissolution of the Union. (Missouri
Compromise, Mexican War, California
statehood, transcontinental railroad,
Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding
Kansas, John Brown, formation of the
Republican Party, Election of 1860,
Southern secession).
Unit 2 Assessment
Unit 2 Resources
Unit 2 Essential Questions
Unit 2 Skills
Development of Industrial America
Development of Industrial America
Development of Industrial America
Development of Industrial America
1. How did Big Business and the
Labor Movement arise in the era of
Industrial America?
1A. Explain the difference between
capitalism and socialism.
CA: Unit 2 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay.
segments from A&E videos "Thomas
Edison", "Alexander Graham Bell", or
History Channel's "Little Big Horn"
2. What were the impacts of
immigration on American life?
3. What were the demographic
changes that occurred throughout the
1B. Illustrate how the capitalistic nature
of big business conflicted with the
socialist nature of the labor
2A. Compare "old" and "new"
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapter 3
"Massacre at Wounded
Knee" supplemental reading
Power Point: the settlement of
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US History(Master)
United States.
4. What challenges did minority
groups face during the Gilded Age?
St. Michael-Albertville High School
immigration, and evaluate the impact of
immigration on American economics
and society.
Resources & Technology
St.Michael as an example of the
immigrant experience
3A. Examine the challenges and
opportunities created as a result of
3B. Link western expansion and urban
growth with the rise of industry and
technological advancements.
4A. Summarize the combination and
culmination of conflicts between Native
Americans and the United States.
(Indian Removal Act, Plain Indian
Wars, Dawes Act)
4B. Understand how the Plessey vs.
Ferguson decision legalized segregation
in the South.
Unit 3 Essential Questions
Unit 3 Skills
Unit 3 Assessment
Unit 3 Resources
Progressive Era
Progressive Era
Progressive Era
Progressive Era
1. What are the causes, legislative
reforms, and social consequences of
the Progressive Movement?
1A. Explain how Progressivism
addressed the problems that emerged as
a result of industrialization.
CA: Unit 3 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay.
Segments from This Century video
"Seeds of Change"
1B. Trace the Progressive Era efforts of
obtaining female suffrage.
Public Speaking: "Muckrakers
Among Us"
1C. Distinguish between the
progressive efforts Presidents
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.
Excerpts from "The Jungle" by Upton
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapter 4
1D. Identify the long-term impact of
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US History(Master)
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
the Progressive Era on American life?
Unit 4 Essential Questions
Unit 4 Skills
Unit 4 Resources
Unit 4 Assessment
Imperialism and WWI
Imperialism and WWI
Imperialism and WWI
Imperialism and WWI
1. What are the causes of imperialism
and what steps did the US take in
becoming an imperial power?
1A. Identify the causes of imperialism
and apply them to contemporary
2. What are the causes of WWI and
how did the result impact American
foreign policy from 1919-1939?
1B. Trace the steps taken by the US in
becoming an imperial power.
CA: Unit 4 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay.
Segments from This Century video
"Shell Shock"
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 5 & 6
Primary Source: The Zimmerman Note
2A. Outline the causes of WWI.
Primary Source: Alfred T. Mahan's
"The Influence of Sea Power Upon
2B. Analyze the conclusion of WWI
and predict how it will lead to future
Primary Source: The Hawaiian peoples'
petetition against annexation.
Unit 5 Essential Questions
Unit 5 Skills
Unit 5 Assessment
Unit 5 Resources
Boom and Bust
Boom and Bust
Boom and Bust
Boom and Bust
1. How did the US experience both
economic and social change in the
years after WWI?
1. Describe the economic and social
changes that occurred in the 1920s.
CA: Unit 5 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay
Segments of This Century video "Boom
to Bust"
2. What were the causes of the Great
Depression and what were the initial
responses to it by the government and
by citizens?
2A Analyse the causes of the Great
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 7 & 8
2B Evaluate the effectiveness of
the government's initial response to
the Depression
Music: George Gershwin, Duke
Ellington, Louis Armstrong
2C Describe the ways that the
Depression affected ordinary
Poetry: Langston Hughes "Black Like
Youtube video: Henry Ford's assembly
line and Model T
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US History(Master)
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
video: "Crisis of Credit Visualized" a
comparison of the causes of the Great
Depression to the financial crisis of
Supplemental reading: "2008 Financial
Unit 6 Essential Questions
Unit 6 Assessment
video: "The Bonus Army March"
Unit 6 Skills
The New Deal
The New Deal
The New Deal
1. How did the role of the Federal
Government expand in response to the
Great Depression?
2. Why is the legacy of the New Deal
3. What New Deal legislation still
1A. Identify and summarize the
responses taken by the federal
government in response to the Great
Unit 6 Resources
CA: Written Essay: Assess FDRs
response to the Great Depression
compared to that of Hoover's.
Consider both the immediate affects
and the lasting affects of the New
1B. Assess the appropriateness of
Presidents Hoover
and Roosevelts' responses to the Great
Depression and formulate an opinion
regarding the success or failure of the
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapter 9
Segments of This Century video
"Stormy Weather"
Primary Source: 1932 Presidential
Inaguration Speech
Primary Source: 1932 Presidential
Inaguration Speech on Youtube.
2A. Analyze the legacy (how is it
remembered today) of the New Deal.
Cornell Notes: Note taking strategy to
be allowed on the exam.
3A. Outline and examine the New Deal
programs that still exist (including
Social Security, FDIC, and SEC).
The New Deal
Unit 7 Essential Questions
Unit 7 Skills
Unit 7 Assessment
Unit 7 Resources
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
1. What were the causes of World
War II and what was the impact of the
1. Describe how the post-WWI
conditions of Europe resulted in the rise
CA: Unit 7 Test
Multiple choice, true/false, matching,
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 10 & 11
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US History(Master)
St. Michael-Albertville High School
war on the US and the world?
of totalitarian dictators.
fill in the blank, and essay
2. What are the origins and legacy of
the Holocaust.
2. Distiguish the difference between
fascist regimes and communist regimes.
Rise of Dictators quiz
Resources & Technology
World War II animated military map
segments from This Century videos
"Over the Edge", "Civilians at War" &
3. Outline the debate regarding
America's response to the rise of
totalitarianism and war in Europe and
excerpt from Band of Brothers video
episode "Why We Fight"
4. Understand the social and economic
consequences (women, minorities,
rationing) of mobilization for the war.
Ralph Grant's war souvenirs
5. Trace the military progress of the
war in both the Pacific and European
Theaters of war.
excerpts from Murray Brandys' book
"My Number Was 133909"
War ration books
6. Evaluate the development and impact
of the use of atomic weapons to end
7. Outline the increasing persecution of
Jews and minorities in Nazi Germany;
describe the results of the "Final
Solution" and draw conclusions
regarding the impact of the Holocaust
on later genocides.
Unit 8 Essential Questions
Unit 8 Skills
Unit 8 Assessment
Unit 8 Resources
Early Cold War Era
Early Cold War Era
Early Cold War Era
Early Cold War Era
1. What were the causes and effects of
the early Cold War Era?
1. Explain how the conclusion of WWII
resulted in the emergence of the US and
the Soviet Union as competing global
CA: Unit 8 Test
Multiple choice, true/false, fill in the
blank, matching and essay
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 12 & 13
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US History(Master)
2. What was life like in 1950s
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
segments of This Century videos "Best
Years" and "Happy Days"
2. Examine the policy of containment
and predict how this policy will lead to
future conflict between the US and
Soviet Union.
McCarthyism game
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" movie
3. Identify the key post-war events
where the US and Soviety Union went
"head to head" and describe how each
conflict was resolved.
Music: Elvis, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley
and the Comets
youtube video "Duck and Cover"
4. Evaluate the domestic consequences
of the early Cold War.
primary source: pamphlet: "Fallout
Protection for Homes with Basements"
5. Describe how the post-war economic
boom and the cultural expectations of
the 1950s lead to an idealized view of
American life.
Unit 9 Essential Questions
Unit 9 Skills
Unit 9 Assessment
Unite 9 Resources
Civil Rights
CA: Civil Rights Quiz
CA: New Frontier Great Society Quiz
CA: Vietnam Quiz
CA: Protest and Change Quiz
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 14, 15, 16,
& 17
Civil Rights
1. What were the causes, main
events and effects of the civil rights
1. Review the impact of the Plessey v
Ferguson decision and evaluate the
implications of Brown v. Board of
New Frontier and Great Society
1. How did the policies of
Presidents Kennedy and Johnson
2. Outline the key people, events and
tactics used to obtain civil rights for
African Americans.
Technology Integration
CA: 1960s Multimedia Timeline
segments from The Century video
"Poisoned Dreams" and "Unpinned"
segments from video "The Hippies"
video: "The Murder of Emmett Till"
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US History(Master)
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
affect the nation?
segments from video "Eyes on the
New Frontier and Great Society
Vietnam War Era
1. How did the US confront
communism in East Asia after the
Korean War?
Protest and Change
1. How did the counterculture and
the expanding righs revolution of the
1960s and 70s influence American
1. Evaluate the success of Kennedy's
responses to communist threats to the
simulation: Cuban Missile Crisis
decision making
2. Summarize the various programs
initiated as a part of Johnson's Great
Society and assess the impact, both
positive and negative, on American life
then and today.
anti-war music: "For What it's Worth",
"Who'll Stop the Rain", "Fix'n to die
Rag", "Ballad of the Green Beret",
"American Woman", "Draft Dodger
youtube video: Don Hewit and the
Kennedy-Nixon TV debates
1. Compare the nationalistic goals of
the Vietnamese with the imperialistic
goals of the French and containment
goals of the US.
excerpts from video "Separate But
2. Examine the arguments of "hawks"
and "doves" regarding involvement in
Protest and Change
1. Infer the connections between the
Civil Rights movement and other social
movements of the 1960s:
environmental, feminist, Native
American, Latino.
2. Contrast the accepted social goals of
adults in the 1950s with those of young
people in the 1960s and link how the
former resulted in the latter.
Unit 10 Assessment
Unit 10 Esssential Questions
A Crisis in Confidence
Unit 10 Resources
CA: Unit 10 Test
A Crisis in Confidence
Unit 10 Skills
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US History(Master)
A Crisis in Confidence
A Crisis in Confidence
1. What events of the 1970s caused
the American people to lose
confidence in their leaders.
1. Summarize the growing lack of
confidence in the goverment due to
Watergate, pardon of Nixon, stagflation
and the Iran Hostage Crisis despite
successes in China and Camp David
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Multiple Choice, matching, true/false,
fill in the blank and essay.
Resources & Technology
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapter 18
youtube clips: Nixon's: Frost-Nixon, "I
am not a crook", resignation speech
segments from The Century video
"Approaching Apocalypse"
"The Presidents" video series: episodes
on Nixon, Ford and Carter
Unit 11 Essential Questions
Unit 11 Skills
Unit 11 Assessment
Unit 11 Resources
Conservative Resurgence and the
New Millenium
Conservative Resurgence and the
New Millenium
Conservative Resurgence and the
New Millenium
Conservative Resurgence and the
New Millenium
1. What was the conservative
resurgence and how it did affect the
domestic and foreign policies of the
United States?
1. Contrast moral conservatives with
fiscal conservatives.
CA: Unit 11 Test
Multiple Choice, true/false, matching,
fill in the blank and essay
Prentice Hall: United States History:
Modern America Chapters 19 & 20
2. What political, social,
technological, and economic trends
have shaped American life since
3. How has US involvement in the
Middle East affected America's
domestic and foreign policies?
2. Describe how conservatives directed
the domestic and foreign policies of the
youtube video: Reagan's "tear down this
wall" speech
3. Assess how the policies of Reagan
and Gorbachev each worked to bring an
end to the Cold War.
4. Trace America's involvement in Iraq
from the 1980s to the present.
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US History(Master)
St. Michael-Albertville High School
Resources & Technology
5. Map out America's involvement in
the Middle East and analyse the
connections between our involvement
and the "911" attacks.
6. Illustrate how the American
economy changed in the 1990s
especially with the emergence of new
7.Examine the political controversies of
the 1990s and 2000s.
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