RSS Society of Italian Studies Search NEWS 4 May 2012. La Mamma: Interrogating a National Stereotype Workshop One: The Maternal Role and Representations of Maternity in Late C19th and Early C20th Italy University of Dundee, 4 May 2012 Workshop organisers: Dr Penelope Morris (University of Glasgow) and Prof Perry Willson (University of Dundee); Project Administrator: Emily Ryder( ====================================================== 11 May 2012. Oral Culture, Manuscript and Print in Early Modern Italy Seminar 1: Itinerant Performers and their Texts University of Warwick, 11 May 2012, 14:00-17:30 To reserve a place or for more information, please contact Naomi Wells, n.a.s.wells@ ======================================================================================= 11 May 2012. Friends of Italian Studies at the IGRS The Machiavelli Nights. A Series of 4 Seminars by Gianluigi Sassu exploring the thought of Niccolo` Machiavelli in relation to rhetoric and language ‘Can Virtue Be Taught? Facts, Values and Metalanguage’ Stewart House (ST 276), 11 May 2012, 6-8pm ======================================================================================== 18 May 2012. CALL FOR PAPERS: A Multifaceted Decade of Protest in Italy: 1968-1978 Between Myth and Reality Bangor University, 17-19 September 2012 Organizers: Claudio Brancaleoni (Perugia); Laura Rorato (Bangor); Fabrizio Scrivano (Perugia) Proposals for 20-minute papers in Italian or English should include an abstract (min.500/max.1500 characters including spaces) and a brief biography and should be sent to one of the organizers not later than 18 May 2012 ======================================================================================== 23 May 2012. Memory Wars in Italy 1799-2012 Film screening and workshop London, 23-24 May 2012 Organisers: Lucy Riall ( and John Foot ( ======================================================================================== 25 May 2012. Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University: Enhancing the Learning Experience of Modern Languages through Feedback University of Bristol, 25 May 2012 For further information please contact Hélène Duranton, Jonas Langner or Gloria ======================================================================================== 1 June 2012. Friends of Italian Studies at the IGRS The Machiavelli Nights. A Series of 4 Seminars by Gianluigi Sassu exploring the thought of Niccolo` Machiavelli in relation to rhetoric and language ‘Audience and Citizenship’ Stewart House (ST 276), 1 June 2012, 6-8pm ======================================================================================== 7 June 2012. Postfeminism? The Culture and Politics of Gender in the Age of Berlusconi University of Bologna, 7-9 June 2012 For more information please contact the Culture and Politics of Gender Research Group (Paola Bonifazio, Giancarlo Lombardi, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Ellen Nerenberg and Patrizia Violi) at ======================================================================================== 8 June 2012. SIS Postgraduate Colloquium 2012 University of Birmingham, 8 June 2012 For information please contact Carla Aloè, Rommany Jenkins and Susanne Thuermer at ======================================================================================== 8 June 2012. Friends of Italian Studies at the IGRS Lecture and reading. Simonetta Agnello Hornby: ‘Taking Writing to Court: Cooking, Memory and the Law Senate House (Chancellor’s Hall), 8 June 2012, 5-8pm ======================================================================================== 22 June 2012. Gendering impegno in Modern Italian Culture University of Birmingham, 22nd June 2012 Organisers: Dr Alex Standen ( and Clare Watters ( ======================================================================================== 29 June 2012. ASMI Postgraduate Summer School University College London, 28–29 June 2012 Organizers: Pamela Schievenin (Queen Mary), Patrick McGauley (UCL), Gian Paolo Ghirardini (Reading), Luca Malici (Birmingham), Professor John Foot (UCL) ======================================================================================== 9 July 2012. Residential workshop: READING PUBLICS IN FIFTEENTH- AND SIXTEENTH-CENTURY EUROPE: VERNACULAR LITERATURE, PLATONISM, PHILOSOPHY, AND MEDICINE University of Warwick, 9-20 July 2012 Directed by Simon Gilson, David Lines, and Maude Vanhaelen For any queries regarding this workshop, write to ======================================================================================== 14 July 2012. SIS Interim Conference Transnational Italy: National Identity and the World Atlas University of Reading, 13 and 14 July 2012 For information please write to: ======================================================================================== 15 July 2012. CALL FOR PAPERS: ASMI Annual Conference 2012 'BASTA! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy: History, Agents and Representations' London, IGRS, 23-24 November 2012 Please send abstacts by 15 July 2012 to Anne Bruch and Rada Bieberstein ======================================================================================== 17 September 2012. A Multifaceted Decade of Protest in Italy: 1968-1978 Between Myth and Reality Bangor University, 17-19 September 2012 Organizers: Claudio Brancaleoni (Perugia); Laura Rorato (Bangor); Fabrizio Scrivano (Perugia) ======================================================================================== 17 September 2012. The Italian Academies 1525-1700: the first intellectual networks of early modern Europe London, British Library, 17-18 September 2012 For further information please contact Professor Jane E.Everson ======================================================================================== 19 September 2012. Reconfigurations, from Papyrus to Post-structuralism Modern Languages Gaduate Conference University of Bristol, 19-20 September 2012 For enquiries and information please contact ======================================================================================== 16 November 2012. Convegno Internazionale di Studi su “Il friulano e i suoi contesti” Conference funded by the Society for Italian Studies Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, London, 16 November 2012 Organizers: Prof. Anna Laura Lepschy (University College London), Prof. Giulio Lepschy (University College London), Dr. Adam Ledgway (Cambridge), and Dr. Rosa Mucignat (King’s College London) ======================================================================================== 23 November 2012. ASMI Annual Conference 2012: 'BASTA! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy: History, Agents and Representations' London, IGRS, 23-24 November 2012 Organizers: Anne Bruch and Rada Bieberstein ======================================================================================== 1 July 2013. Locating Boccaccio in 2013 University of Manchester Events throughout July 2013 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Boccaccio's birth, organized by Dr Guyda Armstrong, Dr Rhiannon Daniels, and Professor Stephen Milner ======================================================================================== 11 July 2013. CALL FOR PANEL PROPOSALS: Locating Boccaccio in 2013 University of Manchester, 11-13 July 2013 For more information please visit our blog or contact the organizers: Guyda Armstrong (, Rhiannon Daniels (, Stephen Milner ( ======================================================================================= SIS Interim Conference 2014: Expressions of interest can in the first instance be sent to Abigail Brundin by email ( Formal proposals should be submitted by 1 July 2012 to the same address. CALL FOR PROPOSAL: SIS Interim Conference 2014 Members of the Society for Italian Studies are invited to submit proposals to host the 2014 Interim Conference. The Society will provide funding of up to £1500 to support the event, as well as supporting the conference organisers in planning, publicising and running the conference. We would envisage the conference being held in the period around Easter 2014. Expressions of interest can in the first instance be sent to Abigail Brundin by email ( Formal proposals should be submitted by 1 July 2012 to the same address, including a rationale for the conference (500 words), provisional key-note speakers, and a proposed budget. A decision will be made by the Society’s Executive Committee at its July meeting. Applications will only be accepted from the conference organizer(s), who will normally hold an academic position at a university in the British Isles or Republic of Ireland, and who must be a member of the Society for Italian Studies. In assessing applications the awarding committee will consider in particular the following criteria: The intellectual quality of the conference; the originality and timeliness of its research questions; the strength of its intellectual framework. Extent of the likely scholarly impact on Italian Studies. The quality of dissemination plans