Name Outline: Lesson #2 Pages 156-163 All animal cells need _________________and ____________________ to survive. The ____________________ is the pumping organ that carries these needed materials throughout the body. The human heart has _______________ parts, or chambers. Human blood travels in a certain path. Blood from the body returns to the heart, where it is then pumped to the _______________. Here the blood trades carbon dioxide (waste) for _____________________ (yummy). This blood returns to the heart and is then _______________________ to all cells in the body. The circulatory system _______________ oxygen-rich blood to each cell in our body. This system is made up of the _______________, ______________ __________________, and ________________. Blood is a connective tissue made up of a liquid part, called ___________________, and solid parts called _______ __________ __________, _____________ __________ _____________, and _____________________. Blood leaves the heart through vessels called ___________________ and returns to the heart through blood vessels called _______________. Smaller vessels, called _______________________, have direct contact with all cells in the body, and allows the exchange of materials between the cells and the blood. A group of organs and tissues working together to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen from the body and the environment make up the human ___________________ _____________________. The main organs of our respiratory system are the ___________________. Systems work together within our bodies to enable us to carry out everyday activities. We inhale air using our respiratory system. The oxygen then moves into blood, which is part of the __________________ system. Conversely, we produce carbon dioxide within our bodies. This “waste” is moved from cells in the body to our lungs through the circulatory system (blood), and then removed by _________________. Capillaries and __________ ____________ have thin walls between them that allow for this exchange of gases in the lungs. On a side note: Understanding the “vessels” in our body When you see the word “vessel” in our text books, think of these other words; arteries, veins, and capillaries. All of these are vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to cells or waste material from the cells to the heart. These vessels are the “highways” of our bodies. Look at the pictures and read the insets on pages 158 and 159 of your text, and then draw and label a diagram showing the vessels of an organism. Use the space below and different colors. Show me you know the direction the blood flows in certain vessels and the size difference between the vessels. Vocabulary Building: Use your book or your memory to match the word with the description to the right. You can NEATLY draw a line to the correct match or write the letter next to the word. Transport A. part of the solids in blood Capillaries B. vessels that move blood from the body back to the heart. Plasma C. to move or pass through a certain path back to the beginning Platelets D. inhaled oxygen passes from these into the blood. These are in our lungs. Circulate E. vessels that move oxygen-rich blood. from the heart to all parts of the body Veins F. smaller blood vessels that have thin walls to allow transfer of materials between blood and cells Arteries G. means to move materials from one place to another Air Sacs H. liquid part of the blood.