PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE AAA Michigan School Safety Patrol $1,000 Senior who can show proof of participation in AAA Michigan safety patrol. Important: academics and extra-curricular involvement. Required: personal letter of introduction, two letters of recommendation, ACT/SAT scores, official transcript. April 16th Application available in East Center Abbott and Fenner Scholarship $1,000 Juniors and seniors; personal essay required June 15th AEMP Foundation Scholarships $2,000 Senior interested in career in heavy equipment technology. Must have a 2.0 GPA or better. Required: Personal essays, official transcript, Letters of reference. May 1st AES Engineering Scholarship $500 Graduating senior; personal essay demonstrating positive personal character. Apply online: AFA Teens Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship $5,000 College-bound seniors interested in considering how Alzheimer’s disease has impacted their own lives and others in their community. Required: Short biography as well as an essay. Must also submit copy of birth certificate and official transcript. October 5th February 15th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE AFPD Foundation Scholarship (Associated Food & Petroleum Dealers, Inc.) 30415 W. Thirteen Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (800) 666-6233 $1,500 Senior employed by AFPD member, or whose parent is employed by AFPD member company, or AFPD member customer. Must be African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Arab/Chaldean American. Online application available January 1st through March 31st Ameen Rihani Scholarship $1,500 Graduating senior or Lebanese or Arab descent planning To attend college in the fall; minimum 3.25 GPA; leadership; community service; extracurricular activities. March 15th American Legion: Brewster & Wilson Scholarships $500 Senior with minimum 2.5 GPA. Must be a child or grandchild of war veteran and show financial need. January 20th Eagle Scout of the Year $2,500$10,000 Must be 15-18 years of age and have earned the Eagle Scout award be in scout troop. April 1st Medical Career Scholarship $500 Senior in top quarter of class; child or grandchild of war veteran; show financial need. March 15th Memorial Scholarship $500 Daughter or granddaughter of war veteran and must show financial need and strong academic standing March 15th National President’s Scholarship $1,000$2,000 Child or stepchild of war veteran. Must prove volunteer service; four letters of recommendation; personal essay; official transcript; ACT/SAT scores; FAFSA form. March 1st Spirit of Youth Scholarship $1,000 Seniors who are junior members of the American Legion Auxiliary; minimum 3.0 GPA; good citizen March 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE American Musical & Dramatic Academy (AMDA) Scholarship Various Senior enrolling in American Musical/Dramatic Academy (New York or Los Angeles). Must be nominated by educator; must then audition. February 1st American Polish Engineering Association (APEA) Scholarship $1,000 Senior of Polish descent; minimum 3.0 GPA; enrollment in technical engineering or allied science curriculum. Required: official transcript; three letters of reference. April 2nd Application in East Center Aquinas College $1,000 to full tuition Seniors must submit applications to Aquinas College. Minimum 2.75 GPA; leadership skills. Various Various potential scholarship opportunities. Early fall Arab American & Chaldean Council Scholarship 28551 Southfield Road Lathrup Village, MI 48076 Various amounts Senior of Arab/Chaldean descent; Michigan resident. Requirements: Official transcript; proof of college acceptance; parents’ income tax returns; two letters of recommendation. May 14th Army ROTC Scholarships 1-877-936-7724 Up to $5,000 Must be U.S. citizen at least 17 years of age enrolling in college or community college. Leadership, extracurricular activities; athletics are important. Dates vary Association of Chinese Americans, Inc. Scholarships (248) 347-1663 $1,000 Senior of Chinese or Asian Pacific descent. Must be nominated by counselor or principal. Requirements: strong academic standing, official transcript, essay, and Interview. Personal hardship may also be considered. June 12th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE AXA Achievement Scholarship $10,000 to $15,000 Senior with ambition and determination to set and reach goals; respect for self, family, and community; have ability to succeed in college. December 15th Baker College $4,800 All seniors are eligible to apply. Must apply for admission to Baker College. May 1st Juniors and seniors who want to make a difference in their community have an opportunity to participate in an 8-week paid internship with a local non-profit organization. Students will attend a Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. and develop valuable civic, social, and business leadership skills. Must be a student in good standing at SHHS. February 17th Bank of America Charitable Foundation Student Leaders Program Bathanti-D’Agostino Memorial Scholarship (Motor City Co-op Credit Union) $2,000 Must be a member (or a child of a member) of Motor City Co-op Credit Union; academic and social achievements; official transcript and personal essay required. April 2nd Best Buy Children’s Foundation $1,500 to $10,000 Must demonstrate volunteer work, work experience, academic achievement. Online applications available Jan. 1st. February 15th Big Sun Scholarship $500 Graduating senior involved in athletics and planning to attend post-secondary institute. June 12th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Booster Club Scholarships (Sterling Heights High School) Ten at $500 One at $750 All SHHS seniors with a 2.5 GPA or better qualify! Requirements: Participation in school activities, sports, community service. Synergy Award ($750) given to a student whose parent/guardian has served on SHHS Booster Executive Committee or as a Committee Chairperson. Applications available in East Center early March. April 15th to Mrs. Kozloff Bowling Green State University Freshman Academic Scholarships $1,500 to Full tuition Interested seniors must apply for admission to Bowling Green and have all credential complete to be considered. January 15th Bright Future Scholarship $500 Minimum 3.0 GPA and involvement in extracurricular activities. Essay required. To apply, e-mail: April 15th Buick Achievers Scholarships Up to Graduating senior planning to major in engineering, technology, design, or business with an interest in automotive industry. February 29th Burger King Scholarships $1,000$50,000 Graduating seniors planning to enroll full time in college; January 10th minimum 2.5 GPA PROGRAM AWARD Central Michigan University Centralis Competition Centralis Scholar Centralis Gold Additional Awards ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Must have a 3.5 GPA or higher to be eligible to compete in early November. Mid-October $80,604 $45,936 $2,500 & $5,000 Pays up to 36 credit hours per academic year Pays up to 36 credit hours per academic year Central Michigan University: Outstanding Student Award $4,000 yearly Awarded to valedictorians and salutatorians Elite Honors Scholarship $3,000 yearly Must have either 3.6 GPA and 25 or higher ACT composite or 3.7 GPA and 20 or higher ACT composite Academic Honors Award $2,500 yearly Must have 3.5 or higher GPA and minimum ACT of 20 Leader Advancement $2,000 yearly Must have 3.0 or higher GPA and leadership involvement Mid-January Chaldean Federation Scholarships Various amounts Must be of Chaldean heritage. Various scholarships are awarded: Academic, Essay Award, Special Talent May 7th Coca Cola Scholars Foundation $10,000 to $20,000 Must be a senior with high academic achievement, leadership qualities, and community service. Must apply online: October 31st College for Creative Studies Walter B. Ford Award of Excellence Full Tuition Must be nominated by art teacher; exception artistic ability; minimum 3.2 GPA; minimum 18 ACT. Teacher nomination due by Dec. 15th. Must submit artwork and be accepted to CCS by Feb. 15th. February 15th Mid-October PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Comcast Leaders & Achievers Scholarship $1,000 Senior with minimum 2.8 GPA; involved in school activities and community service. Must be nominated by counselor or principal. See your counselor if interested. December 11th Community Caring Scholarship Program $500 - $1,000 Focus on underprivileged students (9th-12th); leadership, community service, school activities; unusual family circumstances. Official transcript and essay required. March 12th Community Choice Credit Union Foundation $5,000 Seniors who have been accepted into a community college, college, or university in Michigan. Minimum 3.0 GPA; essay. April 30th DeCarlo’s Community Service Scholarship (586) 759-6500 $600 Senior with minimum 3.0 GPA and completion of 40 hours of community service throughout high school. Must submit community service biography. November 15th Detroit Economic Club Scholarship Program $2,000 Senior who has overcome specific hardship in order to achieve his/her personal and educational goals. 3.2 GPA, community service, leadership, financial need considered. See your counselor if interested. (then go to “schlolarships”) Must be received by February 1st Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarship $30,000 For Juniors with 2.75 minimum GPA who overcame personal obstacles and demonstrated leadership. Apply online at: January 31st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE East Macomb Chapter of Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel $500 Senior planning to enroll at Macomb Community College in the fall. See your counselor if interested. March 30th Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association Award $1,250/year Seniors admitted to Eastern Michigan University with a 3.2 or better GPA. Required: letter of reference, official transcript, personal essay. Parent or grandparent must be an Eastern Michigan University alumna/alumnus. March 6th Eastern Michigan University Presidential Scholarship Competition (734) 487-6453 $6,000 to $60,000 Seniors admitted to Eastern Michigan University with a 3.3 or better GPA. ACT/SAT scores are important. Competition held in early December. November 22nd Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student $4,000 to $60,000 Seniors demonstrating outstanding scholarship, leadership, and who can show financial need. Required: Essay, financial statements, official transcript, ACT/SAT scores, counselor report, letters of recommendation. January 9th Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation Scholarship Various Amounts Senior with 3.0 GPA or ACT 22 or SAT 1030; essay letters of recommendation; transcript. February 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Extra Credit Union Richard J. Spence Scholarship $500-$2,000 Graduating senior accepted at a two- or four-year college or university or a trade school. Must demonstrate academic achievement; school involvement; contribution to family or society. April 20th Ferris State University $1,000 to Full Tuition Qualifications vary according to each scholarship. Must enroll in Ferris State University Apply in fall Gates Milennium Scholars Amounts Vary African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American. Minimum 3.3 GPA; leadership abilities; meet Federal Pell Grant criteria. Must be nominated. See your counselor if interested. Online applications encouraged: January 11th Grand Valley State University Scholarships Various amounts Seniors admitted to Grand Valley State University. These are merit-based and amounts vary from $500 to $7,000 per year, renewable for four years. Apply to GVSU in the fall. Guild Scholar Up to $15,000 College-bound juniors who are legally blind. Applications accepted at end of junior year. Official transcript, letters of recommendation, personal statements required. Online application: July 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Homer J. Van Hollenbeck Foundation Scholarship (586) 323-5213 $2,000 Senior with minimum 2.5 GPA and financial need. Required: two letters of recommendation; transcript See your counselor if interested. May 31st Hope College Various Amounts Senior admitted to Hope College. These are meritbased; students should have minimum 3.5 GPA. Apply to Hope in the fall Hope College Pre-Medicine Scholarship Full tuition, room/board Program in partnership with University of Michigan Medical School. Student must be African American, Mexican American, Mainland Puerto Rican, and/or Native American. Apply to Hope in the fall Horatio Alger Scholarship Various Amounts Graduating senior with critical financial need, involvement in extracurricular activities; minimum 2.0 GPA; U.S. citizen Apply online: October 10th Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund Undetermined Senior with 2.5 or higher GPA who demonstrates leadership and participates in community service, extracurricular and school activities. Required: official transcript, letters of recommendation, financial statement, essay. March 31st Jeptha Wade Schureman Scholarship (Community Foundation) $7,500 Senior who is fatherless and pursuing law,nursing, medicine or dentistry. Minimum 3.0 GPA, leadership, community activities. Required: official transcript, personal statement, FAFSA form, certification from counselor or principal, letter of reference. June 1st (800) 968-7850 PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Joyce Ivy Foundation Undetermined High-achieving female sophomores and juniors who wish To pursue pre-college opportunities over the summer. Must apply online from Jan 1st – March 19th: March 19th June Tarakoff Scholarship $250 Senior who has demonstrated outstanding effort and community and school involvement. Must have 2.5 or higher GPA and be accepted at a two- or four-year college. See your counselor if interested. May 1st KFC Colonel’s Scholars Varies up To $5,000 Minimum 2.75 GPA; financial need. Apply online Dec. 1st to Feb. 10th at February 10th Kiwanis Club of Sterling Heights Scholarship $800 Senior living in Sterling Heights who has participated in extracurricular activities. Required: recommendation from counselor and three other teachers. For information: P.O. Box 180342, Utica,MI 48318 April 1st Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarship Program Up to $5,000 Must demonstrate volunteerism, generosity, leadership, community outreach. Must be nominated by someone 21 or older: March 15th Lawrence Technological University Various Minimum 3.0 GPA, 24 ACT Apply by Dec. L&Aunch Scholarship $5,000 Requires a transcript and personal statement. Apply online March 15th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Macomb Community College Various There are many private scholarship opportunities for students planning to attend Macomb. Early application advised Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (800) 292-7777 $1,000 to $10,000 Must be son/daughter or grandchild of U.S. Marine. 2.0 or higher GPA; financial need is considered. Application online: Undetermined 32º Masons of the Valley of Detroit Scholarship $1,000 Seniors with 3.0 or higher GPA; ACT 22/SAT 1030. Written request for application must be made by student. Phone for information: (313) 724-1907 February 19th Female students in 11th grade who excel in math and science who would like to explore engineering and computer science at MIT for four weeks in the summer. Students are responsible for tuition and transportation. For information: January 15th Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Summer Program for Women McKelvey Foundation Scholarships $40,000 Senior planning to attend four-year college in U.S. and who has owned and operated a business for at least one year with at least one paid employee. Application must be completed online: January 25th MEA Scholarship Undetermined Offered by the Michigan Education Association to all seniors. Required: official transcript, ACT/SAT scores, personal resume, letters of recommendation, statement from principal/counselor. February 12th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies Scholarship Undetermined Senior planning to attend Oakland University, Wayne State University, Mott Community College, Oakland Community College, St. Clair Community College, or Wayne County Community College with plans to enter human services profession. Required: leadership and organizational skills, academics. June 1st Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation $500 Senior with 3.0 or higher GPA who plans to study in broadcasting-related field, who is currently working in broadcasting-related job, and who exhibits professional promise within this industry. December 15th Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation $1,000 Female high school senior with minimum 2.5 GPA who plans to study information technology in college. Apply online: January 31st Michigan First Credit Union Educational Solutions Scholarship $1,000 Senior with 2.8 or higher GPA who is a member of Michigan First Credit Union and accepted by a college or university. Required: official transcript, two letters of recommendation, copy of college acceptance. April 23rd Michigan Oil & Gas Producers Education Foundation $500 Senior with minimum 3.0 GPA who has been accepted at a Michigan university or community college and can demonstrate financial need. Must pursue degree in energyrelated field for future employment in related industry. April 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) Scholarship $1,000 Parent employed at a business that belongs to MRA. Official transcript, ACT/SAT scores, extracurricular activities, work experience. April 1st Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union Scholarships $2,000 Seniors who are members of this credit union and have been accepted at two or four-year college. Required: two letters of reference; transcript; essay; academic/work history. See your counselor if interested. March 6th Michigan Society of Professional Engineers $1,000 to $3,000 Senior enrolling in university engineering program. Must have 3.0 or higher GPA for 10th & 11th grades and ACT score of 26. Required: official transcript, ACT scores, essay. January 31st Michigan State Troopers Assistance Fund $1,000 Senior with minimum 3.25 GPA; community involvement, leadership. Financial need considered. Required: official transcript, completed FAFSA, essay. Phone: (517) 336-7782 April 1st Michigan State University College of Education Alumni Scholarship $1,000 Must attend MSU and major in K-12 education. From Dec. 1st To Jan. 30th, apply online: (Click on COEAA Freshman Scholarship Application link.) January 30th Michigan Technological University Amounts vary Leading Scholar Program competitive award equals full tuition. Requires essay and recommendation. Other scholarships based on GPA and ACT/SAT scores. Apply for admission to Michigan Tech no later than January 15th October 15th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE NALS of Michigan Scholarship Fund $1,000 Senior with minimum 3.0 GPA with financial need. Required: official transcript, two letters of reference, autobiographical statement. See your counselor if interested. January 15th National Achievement Scholarship Program (Ntl. Merit Scholarship Corporation) $2,500 Based on scores from PSAT test, awards given to promising African American students. 11th graders should register to take the PSAT test in the fall! National Commission for Cooperative Education $6,000 Senior who is accepted by specified NCCE partner college/university. Must have minimum 3.5 GPA. Minorities and females are encouraged to apply! Required: ACT/SAT scores, official transcript, essay. February 15th National Merit Scholarship Program Based on students’ scores on the PSAT test (taken in the fall of 11th grade) names of semi-finalists are sent to schools each fall. Counselors will notify semi-finalists. National Youth Science Camp Seniors may earn full scholarship to exchange ideas with scientists and other professionals at the National Youth Science Camp in July. Top students in the field of science are encouraged to apply. February 10th Seniors admitted to Northern Michigan University with minimum 3.0 GPA and 24 ACT. Various scholarships are available to those who qualify and compete in early November. Apply in October Northern Michigan University Scholarships $1,000 to $3,000/year PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Northwood University Academic Merit Scholarships $4,000 to $9,000/year Must be admitted to Northwood University and have a minimum 2.7 GPA and 19 ACT score. Completion of FAFSA is strongly encouraged. May 1st Oakland University Academic Merit Scholarships Various amounts Senior must be admitted to Oakland University and have a minimum 3.0 GPA (3.4 GPA preferred) and qualifying ACT score. Apply online: March 1st Oakland University Product $4,800/year Lifecycle Management Scholarship Graduating senior enrolling in fields of Industrial and Systems Engineering or Mechanical Engineering; must demonstrate Financial need on FAFSA. March 1st Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Scholarship (Dr. Seuss) $5,000 Entry blank and original literary composition required. February 15th Ohio Wesleyan University Merit Awards $16,620 to $33,240 Senior must be admitted to Ohio Wesleyan University and must have strong academic credentials. If interested, visit: Apply in fall Princeton Prize for Race Relations $1,000 Honors students in grades 9-12 who are doing outstanding work in their school or community to advance the cause of race relations. Prize winners will be invited to allexpense paid trip in the spring to Princeton University to attend the Princeton Prize Symposium on Race. To obtain application: January 31st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Prudential Spirit of Community Awards (National Association of Secondary School Principals) $1,000 and more Students in any grade who have performed volunteer work in the past year may qualify for a scholarship and a trip to Washington, D.C. October 31st RARE Everyday Heroes Writing Scholarship $2,500 Seniors who will attend Michigan college, university, or post secondary school. Judging based on quality of essay submitted. For complete rules: December 1st Realtors Association Scholarship Fund $1,000 Seniors who will attend Michigan college or university. extracurricular activities, community service, work experience, financial need are all considered. March 19 Robert Holmes Scholarship (Community Foundation) $1,000 Must be dependents of Michigan locals of International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Minimum 3.0 GPA; leadership; extracurricular activities. See your counselor if interested. April 1st Rosa Parks Scholarship Foundation $2,000 Senior admitted to college with leadership skills, dedication to civil rights principles of Rosa Parks. Must have minimum 2.5 GPA, involvement in community service, and demonstrate financial need. Required: official transcript, ACT/SAT scores, three letters of recommendation. March 1st Rosalie Sharpe Student Scholarship (Warren Consolidated Schools) Maximum $100 9th, 10th, or 11th graders enrolled in fine arts class. Money used for educational institute, camp, or workshop in art, music, or theatre NOT sponsored by WCS. April 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Saginaw Valley State University Scholarships Various amounts Senior must be admitted to Saginaw Valley and have minimum 3.0 GPA and 24 ACT. January 1st SAMMY – Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year $7,5000 Senior outstanding athlete with strong academics, leadership, community service. Apply online: March 5h Scholarships for Military Children Program $1,500 Must be a child of active, retired, or deceased U.S. military member planning to attend college fulltime to earn a Bachelors Degree. Required: 3.0 GPA February 17h Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarship (Grand Valley State University) $250 to $1,000 Senior male admitted to Grand Valley State University. Must apply to GVSU in fall. Required: honors, extracurricular activities, athletics, community service, work experience, letters of recommendation. May 18th Skandalaris Family Foundation Scholarship $2,000 Senior who has made final college decision, U.S. citizen, minimum 3.5 GPA, ACT of 27; SAT of 1800, school, athletic, and community involvement. required: official transcript, wallet-size photo, financial information, personal statements, essay. May 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Scholarships $1,000 to $10,000 Senior with strong academic record enrolling in engineering program in college. GPA and ACT/SAT scores listed in booklet in Counseling Office. Required: application certified by principal or counselor, official transcript, ACT/SAT scores, activies, honors, employment record. December 1st Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Various amounts Senior female planning to pursue engineering degree. Must have strong academic record and be involved in extracurricular and leadership activities. Required: official transcript, essay, list of awards and honors, list of leadership activities, employment history. February 27th Specs Howard Scholarship Competition Amounts vary Seniors interested in career in radio or television must take an exam in early March at Specs Howard. Top ten scorers selected as finalists. February 5th Spinks Memorial Scholarship Program $1,000 Seniors who plan to attend college whose families have been affected by cancer. Academics, extracurricular activities, community service are considerations. Required: Essays, financial need documents, letters of recommendation. For information, phone (248) 443-2844. March 5th Sterling Heights High School Staff Memorial Scholarship Up to $1,500 Graduating senior; minimum 2.5 GPA; leadership; citizenship, community service. See your counselor. April 15th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Sterling Heights Community Foundation Scholarships $500 to $1,000 A terrific opportunity for seniors! Eight scholarship options available. Required: official transcript, letters of recommendation. Community Foundation (cont.) Student-View Scholarship Program $500 to $4,000 DEADLINE Sterling Heights Community Foundation: Five $500 scholarships to seniors pursuing college degrees or vocation training. March 19th Chrysler Corporation: Five $1,000 scholarships to seniors pursuing technical/vocational careers at college or vocational school. March 19th General Dynamics: Three $500 scholarships to seniors pursuing degrees in engineering. March 19th Macomb Chiropractic Association: Two $500 scholarships to seniors pursuing career in chiropractic health care. March 19th Rotary Club of Sterling Heights: Two $500 scholarships to seniors with 3.5 or better GPA who have been active in community service. March 19th Selfridge ANG/Base Community Council Scholarship: One $1,000 scholarship to senior child of military personnel attached to Selfridge. Minimum 3.2 GPA and community service. March 19th Seniors who are pursuing further college or career school education. Scholarships awarded via a random drawing of all applications. No requirements other than completing a survey online: April 19th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Tzu Chi Scholars Program $1,000 Seniors who demonstrate academic achievement, community involvement, financial need. Must have minimum 3.0 GPA. Required: official transcript, financial documents, two letters of recommendation, autobiography, short essay. March 2nd University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio $20,000 to $100,000 Must be admitted to University of Dayton and have a minim of a “B” average and 21 ACT or 1000-1080 SAT. Apply in fall University of Michigan Sigma Phi Epsilon Balanced Man Scholarhsip $500 to $1,000 Male student who will attend U of M after graduation. Must be outstanding in academics, athletics, community service. Official transcript required. May 14th University of Michigan Club of Greater Detroit Scholarship $3,000 Various scholarships awarded. Must be admitted to U of M and have a minimum ACT score of 31 or minimum SAT score or 2100 or be in top 1% of your graduating class. January 16th University of Michigan Undergraduate Scholarship (Delta Upsilon Fraternity) $500 Male student who will attend U of M after graduation. Must demonstrate involvement in school activities, community service. Required: official transcript and personal essay. May 16th PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE University of Michigan Telluride Association Room & Board Scholarship Room/ board Seniors admitted to University of Michigan and wish to live in Telluride House. Required: official transcript, letters of recommendation, personal essays, January 15th University of Michigan Alumni Association LEAD Scholarship $10,000 For African American, Hispanic American, and Native American students planning to study in underrepresented areas (women in engineering and computer science; men in nursing) Academics, test scores, extracurricular activities important April 1st University of MichiganDearborn Freshman Scholarships $8,000 full tuition Must be admitted to University of Michigan-Dearborn. Offers based on academic achievement and test scores. Must have minimum 3.0 GPA to be considered. December 15th University of MichiganDearborn Legacy Scholarship Undetermined Must be a relative of a University of Michigan-Dearborn alumnus. Letters of recommendation and a letter of nomination required February 1st University of N. CarolinaCharlotte Levine Scholars Program Full tuition; Board/Room Min. 3.8 GPA; 29-36 ACT; Commitment to community service and leadership. Student must be nominated by a counselor. See your counselor if interested. October 15th Violet Richardson Award $1,000-$2,500 Women ages 14-17; volunteers in school or community with goal of improving the world. December 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Wayne State University Freshman Merit Awards Green Scholarship $12,000 $3,000 per year for four years. Minimum 3.5 GPA and minimum ACT score of 25. Wayne must receive admission application by February 15. February 15th Gold Scholarship $24,000 $6,000 per year for four years. Minimum 3.75 GPA and Minimum ACT score of 27. Wayne must receive admission Application by November 16. November 16th Presidential Scholarship $40,000 $10,000 per year for four years. Must meet the Gold Criteria. November 16th University Scholarship $62,500 For National Merit Scholarship finalists. Includes tuition, room and board, and study abroad. Wayne State University Talent Scholarships Half-tuition Superior academic record and high theatrical achievement. Auditions in November and February. WEA Scholarship Foundation $1,000 Senior with minimum 3.0 GPA and 23 ACT who will attend state public institution that grants a degree, license, certification, or license. Some private institutions also meet the qualifications. One immediate family member must be a member of a labor union. Student must be iInvolved in school-related extracurricular activity. Required: Letter of recommendation, essay. April 22nd Wendy’s High School Heisman Awards Gift cards various $$ Senior athletes with minimum 3.0 GPA; role models for underclassmen. Apply online: to win gift cards from $5 to $50. October 1st PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Western Michigan University $3,000 $10,000 yearly Must be admitted to Western Michigan University. Medallion Scholarship: $10,000 per year (four-year award); Apply to WMU 3.7 GPA; 26+ ACT or 1170+ SAT. Awards based on results by December 5th of January competition and follow-up interviews. Dean’s Scholarship: $3,000 per year (two-year award); Apply to WMU 3.7 GPA; 26+ ACT or 1170+ SAT. Awarded to by December 5th Medallion finalists not awarded Medallion Scholarship. WMU Recognition Award: $3,000 per year; 3.7 GPA; Apply to WMU 26+ ACT or 1170+ SAT; must file FAFSA and have by May 1st financial need. This is a room and board scholarship. Diversity and Multiculturalism Scholarship: $3,000 per Apply to WMU year. Must participate in Martin Luther King, Jr. by May 1st Academy and embrace values of diversity and multiculturalism. $3,000 yearly Western Michigan University (cont.) Tuition John Seita Scholarship: Covers undergraduate tuition. Must file FAFSA and participate in Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy. Must have been in foster care after 14th birthday or adopted from foster care after 16th birthday. Bronco First Scholarship: Must be eligible for Michigan Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) and file FAFSA. Must send copy of TIP letter to Office of Financial Aid. DEADLINE PROGRAM AWARD ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS DEADLINE Will to Win Scholarship Program $5,000 Seniors with asthma who are outstanding, disciplined, determined, and successful in managing their asthma. Must have a 3.5 or higher GPA and demonstrate excellence one of the following: performing arts, community service, athletics, visual arts, or science. Required: Letters of support, official transcript, story of excellence, copy of award in entry category April 30th William G. Coyne Scholarship Program Up to $6,000 Graduating senior; community service; minimum 3.0 GPA; family member must belong to Credit Union ONE. April 1st STERLING HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL 2013-2014 SCHOLARSHIP OFFERINGS Dr. Robert Livernois, Superintendent Mrs. Allison Roberts, Principal Mr. Kevin Griessel, Assistant Principal Mr. Craig Miller, Assistant Principal Mr. Jack Stanton, Assistant Principal Compiled by Ms. Susan Kozloff, Counselor SCHOLARSHIP SEARCH GUIDELINES The Sterling Heights High School Scholarship Booklet is designed to aid students and their parents as they research scholarship opportunities. Students will find scholarship opportunities from national and local sources, colleges and universities, private foundations, and corporations. This booklet represents only a fraction of available scholarship opportunities and students are encouraged to search the web, visit their public library, read the many books published on scholarships, and listen to school announcements throughout the year. The deadline dates listed in this book were deadlines in 2011-2012 and may vary throughout the 2012-2013 school year. Students should search the online addresses listed in the booklet for further information on the scholarships as well as to access online applications. While information may be available in East Center, it may not be current; therefore, the website is the most efficient way to access up-to-date information and applications! Use this book as your workbook and keep track of scholarships for which you may qualify. Begin your search early. In addition to becoming familiar with this booklet, look for other scholarships. Check newspapers, libraries, businesses, and the internet. Attend the visits by college representatives which are held at Sterling Heights High School throughout the fall months. Pay attention to the dates and be sure to sign up in East Center. Ask for scholarship information from colleges you are interested in attending. While many are listed in this book, many other opportunities are available. Be aware of deadlines! Do not wait until the last minute to begin your application. Complete your application completely and neatly. When asking anyone to write a letter of recommendation, please give that person sufficient time to do so. Do not suppose that anyone will be able to meet your personal deadline (especially if you have procrastinated until the final moment). If you need an official transcript, please give your counselor and the counseling secretary at least 48 hours. Remember . . . Your deadline may not be theirs! Be generous in thanking those who help you along the way. Kind words and thank you notes are always appreciated. Finally, meet with your counselor on a regular basis as you prepare for graduation and college. Make an appointment in East Center so the time is set aside to meet your needs. IMPORTANT WEBSITES (These can be a valuable asset as you begin your college and scholarship search!) Additional financial aid websites: (ordering site for students and parents to visit to order single copy of hard cover publications) (offers student- and parent-oriented publications in PDF format) GUIDELINES FOR SENIORS Autumn: Create a neatly-typed resume of activities, awards, extracurricular activities, and work experience. Register to retake the October ACT exam if you and your counselor feel is wise to do so. Attend the College Visits which are held throughout the fall months at Sterling. Up-to-date listings will be posted in East Center and school website. Complete the Release of Information form which can be obtained in East Center. This form allows SHHS to send out your official transcript to colleges, universities, and scholarship programs which require these. Return the completed form to East Center. Begin applying to colleges early in the fall. Register for e-transcript requests via Parchment/Docufide. (You will find the link on the school website.) Remember, all colleges and universities require an official transcript. It is vital that you meet regularly with your counselor to ensure an open communication as you plan for college. Students should apply to colleges throughout the fall months. If applying to selective schools, make sure you apply in September. Those who wait until late in the school year to apply to colleges may find that they have lost their opportunity to be admitted. Remain active in school, community, and extracurricular activities. Attend the free financial aid workshop held at SHHS in October. Winter: January – March: Complete the FAFSA application for financial aid on the web at Complete college applications if you have not already done so. Continue your scholarship search and investigate any financial aid opportunities offered by the college/university you wish to attend. Keep studying! Do not slack off or fall behind in your schoolwork. Spring: Notify the college you plan to attend by May 1st. Pay attention to mail from the college regarding orientation, housing, financial aid, etc. Pay attention to deadlines as you complete any necessary paperwork from the college. Make sure your final transcript is sent to the college of your choice. Be sure to notify your counselor and the counseling clerk before school ends! June: Enjoy the fruits of your dedication and hard work through high school! Celebrate your graduation, enjoy Prom, and have fun at the All Night Party! Congratulations! MICHIGAN COLLEGE WEBSITES (This is not a complete listing. Students may be interested in colleges other than those on this list.) Adrian College: Albion College: Baker College: Central Michigan University: College for Creative Studies: Davenport University: Eastern Michigan University: Ferris State University: Grand Valley State University: Hope College: Kettering University: Lawrence Tech: Macomb Community College: Madonna University: Marygrove College: Michigan State University: Northern Michigan University: Oakland Community College: Oakland University: Saginaw Valley State University: Schoolcraft College: University of Detroit Mercy: University of Michigan: University of Michigan-Dearborn: Wayne State University: Western Michigan University: STERLING HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING STAFF Ms. Susan Kozloff (A-ESP (586) 698-4257 Ms. Deborah Duffey (ESQ-KOR) (586) 698-4258 Ms. Theresa Deliz (KOS-RIV) (586) 698-4259 Mr. Phil St. John (RIW – Z) (586) 698-4260