Social Studies ________ Date: _______________ Name: ________________________ 5 Themes of Geography 5 Themes of Geography Location Human Environment Interaction Region Place Movement 5 Themes of Geography Main Ideas and Details Location 1. Absolute location is _____________. 2. An example of absolute location is ______________________________. 3. Relative location uses ___________. 4. An example of relative location is ______________________________. 5 Themes of Geography Main Ideas and Details Human Environment Interaction 1. How people affect the ___________. 2. How the land affects ____________. 3. An example of HEI is ____________ _______________________________. Region 1. A region is a place that has the same __________________________, 2. An example of a characteristic is _______________________________. Place Physical Features: 1. Landforms: ____________________ 2. Climate: ______________________ 3. Plants: _______________________ 4. Animals: ______________________ Human Features: 1. Population: ____________________ 2. Jobs: ________________________ 3. Fun: _________________________ Movement 1. Movement explains how ________, _________, and ________ get from place to place. 2. Transportation: ________________ 3. Ideas: _______________________ 4. Culture: ______________________ Region: New England 1. New England has one climate. It has 4 seasons: ______________, ______________, _____________ and ______________. 2. The land in NE has _____________ and ________________. 3. What states are in New England? Use the map above. __________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. What is region? _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Give another example of a region. ___________________________________ Location: Massachusetts 1. Give the longitude and latitude for Massachusetts. Use page 559. ____________________________ 2. Is #1 an example of absolute location or relative location? ____________________________ 3. Tell where Massachusetts is by describing its location with other states. ________________________________________________________________ 4. Is #3 an example of absolute location or relative location? ____________________________ 5. What is location? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Human-Environment Interaction: Litter and Weather 1. What do you see in the picture above? _______________________________ 2. Is this good or bad for our land and environment? Why? _________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. How do you know what to wear every day? ___________________________ 4. What do you wear in the summer? __________________________________ 5. What do you wear in the winter? ___________________________________ 6. What is human-environment interaction? _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Movement: Immigration 1. How did you get to the United States? ________________________________ 2. How did you know what the US was like before getting here? _____________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. What from your culture is in the United States? _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. What is movement? ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Place: New Massachusetts vs. Haiti 1. How is the land in Haiti different than in Massachusetts? In Haiti the land looks like _____________________________________. In Massachusetts the land looks like _____________________________. 2. How is the weather different in Haiti than Massachusetts? In Haiti it is _____________________. In Massachusetts it is _____________________________. 3. What trees are in Haiti and not in Massachusetts? Draw a picture. 4. What jobs do people have in Haiti that they don’t in Massachusetts? ________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Do people look different in Massachusetts? How? ________________________________________________________________ 5. What animals are in Haiti and not in Massachusetts? ________________________________________________________________ 6. What is place? Place is the ___________ and ___________ in a location. The land includes _______________________. The people includes __________________________.