English 1201 - Mrs. Etsell`s Weebly

English 1201
Mealy Mountain Collegiate
Course Overview:
English 1201 is an academic course and is based on The Atlantic Canada Framework for Essential Graduation
Learning in School (1997). This framework consists of Essential Graduation Learnings (EGLs), General
Curriculum Outcomes (GCOs), and Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCOs). It is designed for the majority of
students entering Level I of senior high school. The study of language and experiences will allow students to
develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of literacy tools and communication devices. A range of
texts will enable students to reflect on their own learning strategies as they develop confidence as language
Course Objectives:
The following are the general curriculum outcomes for English language arts found in English 1201: A
Curriculum Guide (Department of Education).
Speaking and Listening:
 Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their
thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
 Students will be expected to communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to
respond personally and critically.
 Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation,
audience, and purpose.
Reading and Viewing:
 Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature,
information, media, and visual texts.
 Students will be expected to interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of
strategies, resources, and technologies.
 Students will be expected to respond personally to a range of texts.
 Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding
of language, form, and genre.
Writing and Representing:
 Students will be expected to use writing and representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on
their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learning; and to use their imaginations.
 Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of
forms for a range of audiences and purposes.
 Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and
representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.
Major Assignments
In-Class Assessment
Formal Research
Oral Presentations
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Course Content: (Dates are tentative)
Unit 1: Conflict (September – October)
Content includes selections from Nelson English 10 and Nelson Literacy Homegrown texts; Animal Farm,
pertinent notes and study guides, as well as teacher and student supplied materials.
In class assignments
Tests after completion of the novel and related selections
One creative project chosen by the student from a list of appropriate options
Unit 2: Humour (November – January)
Content includes selections from Nelson English 10 and Nelson Literacy Homegrown texts; A Midsummer
Night’s Dream, pertinent notes and study guides, as well as teacher and student supplied materials.
In class assignments
Tests after completion of the play and related selections
One creative project chosen by the student from a list of appropriate options
Midterm Exam - ……………15%
Midterm Exams will be held in January as per the exam schedule
Unit 3: Innovation (February – mid-April)
Content includes selections from Nelson English 10 and Nelson Literacy Homegrown texts; pertinent notes and
study guides, as well as teacher and student supplied materials.
Oral Presentation
Research Project
Analysis of various selections
One creative project chosen by the student from a list of appropriate options
Unit 4: Perspective (mid-April – June)
Content includes a student selected independent novel from approved book list, as well as selected visuals,
prose and poetry.
In class essay test
Ongoing formative assessment
One creative project chosen by the student from a list of appropriate options
Final Exam - ……………..25%