2.1 TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit overview

A Simple Methodology for Integrating
Service Information into TBSM 4.2.1
TBSM Discovery Library Books and Custom Alternate Namespace Support
Authors: Blaine Meyer
Carol Davis
Technical Owner: Jeff Ferla
Document Date: July 2011
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Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
July 2011
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011. US Government Users Restricted Rights
– Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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1 Contents
Contents ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit overview ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1Namespace overview .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.3Benefits of using an alternate namespace .................................................................................................... 7
1.1.4Limitation of using an alternate namespace................................................................................................. 8
1.1.5Defining an alternate namespace ................................................................................................................. 9
2Correctly building the IdML book ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1IdML book format overview ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.2IdML header overview ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.1Defining the XML namespace prefix within the XML document ................................................................ 11
2.2.2Defining the source of the payload ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2.3Example header section .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.3XMLtoolkit and IdML book operations ............................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1Example IdML operations ........................................................................................................................... 14
2.4Payload operations............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.1Defining resources in XML format .............................................................................................................. 15
2.4.2Defining relationships in the XML format ................................................................................................... 17
............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.4.3TBSM Generic Namespace resource definitions ......................................................................................... 18
2.4.4Custom alternate namespace definition .................................................................................................... 19
2.4.5Example payload ......................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.6Creating a business service object .............................................................................................................. 21
2.4.7Creating the tail and footer ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.5Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
3Next steps .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1Naming the book ................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.2Loading the book into TBSM 4.2.1 ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.3Mapping class instances to templates ............................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1Mapping to TBSM templates ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.4Pushing resource attributes into the TBSM service model ................................................................................. 29
4Example MyUniverse IdML book ....................................................................................................................... 34
4.1Book contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
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4.2Templates used for the Hello World example .................................................................................................... 36
4.2.1Processing the Hello World book ................................................................................................................ 36
4.2.2Viewing the business service in TBSM ........................................................................................................ 37
5Adding the new services to the Service Component Repository ........................................................................ 38
5.1The RAD shell script ............................................................................................................................................ 38
5.2Running the RAD Shell Script .............................................................................................................................. 44
6Prerequisite and installation requirements ........................................................................................................ 46
7Other references ................................................................................................................................................ 47
............................................................................................................................................................................ 47
8Appendix A. Sample code .................................................................................................................................. 47
8.1Hello World Sample book ................................................................................................................................... 47
8.2Hello World Sample SCR Rad shell script ............................................................................................................ 50
9Appendix B. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 51
9.1.1The book was processed but nothing appears in the SCR .......................................................................... 51
............................................................................................................................................................................ 52
9.1.2Errors in the log show the book was not processed successfully and were preceded with prefix not
bound errors ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
9.1.3Adding a Description field to the services created by IdML books ............................................................. 52
9.1.4Can I change the service name that appears in TBSM? .............................................................................. 53
9.1.5Top-level services are not showing up under the ‘Imported Business Services’ object ............................. 53
9.1.6Rather than using the Imported Business Services object as an anchor point in the TBSM services tree, I
would like to have a different anchor point for my alternate namespace objects. ........................................... 54
9.1.7How can I query the database to verify my services have been imported into the SCR? .......................... 56
9.1.8How can I clean out the SCR and start with an empty database? .............................................................. 57
10Appendix C. Tools and utilities ......................................................................................................................... 58
10.1.1The Component Registry Viewer .............................................................................................................. 58
10.1.2Starting the CRViewer ............................................................................................................................... 58
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2 Introduction
This document contains information, instructions, and examples of how to create an IBM® Tivoli® Business Service Manager (TBSM) Discovery Library Toolkit book based on an alternate namespace. These
books can be used to simplify the input of resources and resource relationships into the TBSM service
2.1 TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit overview
Since its introduction, the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit (also known as XMLtoolkit) component has
been the primary mechanism for importing resource and relationship information communicated in the
IBM Common Data Model (CDM) terms into the TBSM service model. The TBSM service model is rich in
its ability to provide a foundation for integrating with products such as IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM), IBM Tivoli Monitoring , and other products capable of producing
data in CDM semantics. However, limiting the model used to capture resource and relationship information to the CDM can be an inhibitor for integrating non-IBM data.
To extend the ability of the TBSM XMLtoolkit to work with non-CDM compliant sources of resource and
relationship service model information, the XMltoolkit has been enhanced to support custom models of
an alternate, or non-CDM, namespace. When working with alternate namespaces, the XMLtoolkit plays
a less significant role in the naming (identification) and reconciliation (resource correlation) process that
it provides for CDM sources. Beyond these differences, resources and relationships imported through
alternate namespace support are imported through the same process, as their CDM counterparts, including template mapping and event identification.
In keeping with the ‘simple’ theme, alternative namespace resources are imported by the XMLtoolkit
when correctly contained within an IdML XML document (referred to as an IdML book) nearly identical
to the manner that IBM Discovery Library Adapters (DLAs) use to communicate their CDM information.
Namespace overview
The primary reason to use a namespace designation is to have the ability to distinguish class categorizations of items that have the same name but are actually not the same entity. As an example, an item
with the class designation of mynamespace:car is different from an item with a class designation of
yournamespace:car. In this case, even though both items have the same root name “car,” the names
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can be handled differently because they belong to different namespaces. The Discovery Library Toolkit
takes advantage of namespaces so it can process discovery information from multiple sources without
being concerned with accidentally overlapping the names of items contained within the information.
Another reason to use a namespace designation is to separate the processing of resource creation from
the more rigid CDM namespace processing. The CDM processing has strict rules about how to collect the
data provided within the book and how the data is processed. A non-CDM compliant data source, such
as a custom CCMDB (change and configuration management database, might not be able to conform to
these strict rules.
A namespace can be implemented by including a namespace prefix on all item names. The tbsm
namespace is the default alternate namespace. In most cases, a namespace other than tbsm namespace
is more appropriate for the target environment. For the TBSM namespace, the namespace prefix is
tbsm:. An example item name is tbsm:WindowsServer. The tbsm namespace is an implementation of an
alternate namespace that is recognized by the Discovery Library Toolkit without any customization.
Terms and definitions
Before reading this guide, you may want to review these terms and their meaning. If you are familiar
with TBSM and the Discovery Library Toolkit, you may choose to skip this section.
The IBM Common Data Model is a standardized definition of how system solutions and technologies represent resources and their relationships. The Common Data Model is a logical data model that brings together various industry
data models, acting as the dictionary and grammar for consistently describing
the details and identity of resources.
The Identity Markup Language is an extension of the Common Data Model
XML schema developed by IBM. The IdML is used by Tivoli Discovery Library
Adapters to provide wrapper resource information including attributes and
relationships captured in XML format into a structure identifying the source of
the data and the operation the consumer should take when reading the information.
The Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) is a software application that extracts data about discovered resources and their relationship from a specific application and shares that data by using Common Data Model terminology. The extracted data is typically produced in the form of an IdML book.
IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager(TADDM) stores and
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provides complete and detailed application maps of business applications
and supporting infrastructure, including cross-tier dependencies, run-time
configuration values, and complete change history.
IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database is an integrated
productivity tool and database that helps you manage, audit, and coordinate
the change and configuration management processes through user interfaces and workflows that are designed to facilitate cross-silo operation.
ESDAs (External Service Dependency Adapters) are rules defined within TBSM
that you use to dynamically import service instances and build service hierarchies from configured data sources.
See the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.2.1 Customization Guide
m.ibm.tivoli.itbsm.doc/welcome.htm) for more information on the use of
The TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit is used to import resource definitions and their relationships from
products such as TADDM and IBM Tivoli Monitoring. The data can be read by direct product API, as is
the case with TADDM, or can be read from an IdML book.
An IdML book is an XML file that the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit knows how to read and process.
IdML books contain resource instance information including attribute data and resource class (type)
identification and relationship data.
Benefits of using an alternate namespace
The major benefit of using alternate namespace support is for simplicity. Using this technique, you can
import non-CDM compliant sources of resource and relationship data while at the same time taking advantage of the built-in efficiencies that the XMLtoolkit uses to interface to the TBSM memory-based service model. See the following list of the benefits of using alternate namespace support:
Provides a solution for creating resources from data sources that do not comply with the IBM
Common Data Model (CDM) standard and whose effort to convert into CDM is prohibitive.
A more efficient solution to resource creation as compared to ESDA (External Service Dependency Adapters) resource creation. Book processing can be completely automated where ESDA
processing can require manual intervention.
The XMLtoolkit interacts with the TBSM memory-based model to make sure it stays current in
the most efficient and robust manner.
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Non-CDM resources are staged through the same process that CDM resources are staged when
being processed by the XMLtoolkit. Therefore, techniques used for template mapping, composite definitions, and generating event identification strings can be applied to non-CDM information.
The unique identity for a resource is provided by the book source. Unlike the more involved
naming (identification) process for CDM resources, the XMltoolkit follows the unique identifier
provided in one attribute of the resource. The source of the data has complete control of the
naming process.
Limitation of using an alternate namespace
Be aware of the following limitations before embarking on the use of an alternate namespace:
IdML books with content that includes alternate namespace definitions cannot be consumed by
other products such as TADDM.
No provision is available for the reconciliation of resources between namespaces. Resources
created through an alternate namespace book are not recognized as a duplicate of the same resource that was discovered through a product such as TADDM or Tivoli Monitoring.
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Defining an alternate namespace
An alternate namespace identifier consists of the namespace string and a resource class name string
separated by a colon in the form of namespace:class.
The best practice for defining alternate namespaces and their resource classes is to use the following
The alternative namespace name cannot be tbsm or cdm. Provide a string that has more meaning to the source of the data.
Do not use special characters in the namespace name.
Keep the namespace name short and use only the letters a-z and A-Z, and the numbers 0-9.
The namespace string and the class name string must be separated by a colon.
Use descriptive class names and use the same best practices as you do for namespaces. However, a period may be used in a class name required.
The following examples represent valid alternate namespace class strings:
Alternative namespace classes are defined in an XMLtoolkit configuration file named described later in
this document.
The XMLtoolkit provides a default definition for a namespace class definition called tbsm:resource. Although available to help introduce the function, the tbsm:resource class should be not used in favor of
defining a set of namespace:class definitions to meet your needs.
3 Correctly building the IdML book
As described earlier, the mechanism used to import resource, attribute, and relationship information
defined in a custom alternate namespace is to provide the information as content in a modified IdML
This section describes how to correctly construct the physical structure and content of an IdML book.
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3.1 IdML book format overview
An IdML book captures its data in a valid XML format. An IdML book is made up of four distinct sections:
a header, an operation, a payload, and a tail and footnote section.
Figure 1.
When combined together, these sections form a correct IdML book.
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3.2 IdML header overview
The key elements of the IdML header section define the xml namespace prefix for the XML content and
associate the resource and relationship information contained within the book with an originating
source called the management software system (MSS).
Defining the XML namespace prefix within the XML document
The namespace prefix must be defined before it can be used within the xml file. If all namespaces used
within the IdML XML document are not correctly defined, the resulting XML is not valid.
At the top of the IdML book is the XML header that defines the namespaces in the book. The idml:idml
tag that defines the idml, cdm, tbsm, and xsi namespaces is shown in the following example:
<idml:idml xmlns:idml="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/idml"
To define an alternative namespace prefix, a similar xmlns attribute must be added to the idml:idml
tag. The syntax of the xmlns is:
You must provide values for both the prefix and the “URI” for your alternative namespace. The prefix
value should be kept short.
The “URI” portion of the attribute is a Universal Recourse Identifier that is a string used to identify an
Internet resource. Typically this string is a company’s URL that identifies their Internet domain address
such as http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/tbsm.
Hint: The xml book is not processed by the Discovery Library Toolkit if it is not a valid XML document. A
simple test to determine if your book is a valid XML document is to attempt to open it up with a web
browser or an xml editor.
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Defining the source of the payload
The management software system section of the header defines the source that should be associated
with the payload contained within the book. All resource and relationship information imported
through the XMLtoolkit are associated with a source, and import operations are performed within the
context of that source. As resource information is imported by the XMLtoolkit, a reference counter is
maintained for each resource that counts the number of different sources that have referred to that
resource. If two sources convey that a particular resource exists but only one of them says it should be
removed, the reference counter is decremented but the resource is not deleted until the reference
counter goes to zero.
The management software system is defined in the cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem XML element and its unique identity is provided within the cdm:MSSName tag.
The key components of the MSSName section that must be customized are included in the following
The name of the entity that produced the book, for example,
ABC Corp.
The name of the product for which this book was created, for
example, CustomCCMDDatabase.
Used to distinguish between two different instances of the same
By convention, the cdm:MSSName tag has the following format:
<idml:source IdMLSchemaVersion="0.8">
<cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem CDMSchemaVersion="2.7">
Use this same format within the alternate namespace IdML books but replace the bolded strings with
the appropriate values to create a unique string for the payload contained within the book. The actual
values of these strings are not as important as the purpose they play in the solution. Therefore, due to
the XMLtoolkit resource reference counter, take care in managing the identities of the sources used
within the IdML book to make sure the import behavior is as you expect for the operation requested
within the book.
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Do not use spaces or special characters in either the ManufacturerName value or the ProductName value.
The cdm:MSSName tag format is a convention. If the combination of manufacturer, product, and
host name do not provide a unique string as desired, concatenate more information onto the string.
Example header section
The following example shows a valid header section:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<idml:idml xmlns:idml="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/idml"
<!--Header... =================================================== -->
<!-- Source and Software... -->
<idml:source IdMLSchemaVersion="0.8">
<cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem CDMSchemaVersion="2.7">
<!-- book operation to follow
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3.3 XMLtoolkit and IdML book operations
The IdML book provides the XMLtoolkit with the operation to be applied to the contained resources.
The IdML standard defines the following three operations that the book can describe:
create: adds the following objects, relationships, and attributes
delete: deletes the following objects and relationships
refresh: indicates to the XMLtoolkit that the content of the book is the totality of what the
source knows about all its resources, relationships, and attributes. The reader of the book
should synchronize with this information (resources and relationships that are not in the book
that were in previous books should be removed, and new resources and relationships that
should be added)
The appropriate operation element should be a parent element of the resource and relationships.
Example IdML operations
Use the following operation tags to create a payload:
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
<!--Payload -->
Use the following operation tags to delete a payload:
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
<!--Payload -->
Use the following operation tags to synchronize the payload. Notice how the refresh and create tags
are required. The delete tag has no meaning within a refresh operation.
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
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<!--Payload -->
3.4 Payload operations
You must be sure to correctly define the resources, relationships, and attributes that you want to import
into the TBSM service model. With alternative namespace support, you can use the TBSM Generic
Namespace (tbsm), which is a default namespace, in addition to many custom alternate namespaces.
This section first describes the syntax to be used for creating valid XML to communicate resource, attribute, and relationship information. It is followed by a brief description of each type of alternate
namespace. Custom alternate namespaces are preferred.
Defining resources in XML format
The following basic syntax is used to capture resource and attribute information:
sourceToken='source(book writer) local id for object'
</ namespace:classname>
The structure of this XML element is the same for CDM objects. The following example shows two CDM
object instances and non-CDM object instances:
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<tbsm:resource id='bookid_websphere' >
<my:server id=”myserver1” >
<my:serveridentiy>server_1</ my:serveridentiy >
<tbsm:Label>My Server 1</tbsm:Label>
</my:server >
<my:server id=”myserver2” >
<my:serveridentiy>server_2</ my:serveridentiy >
<tbsm:Label>My Server 2</tbsm:Label>
</my:server >
A class resource instance is defined with a containing element that first identifies the class of the resource. In the preceding examples, the instances being defined are for the following classes:
cdm:sys.ComputerSystem, cdm:sys.windows.WindowsOperatingSystem, tbsm:resource, and my:server.
These classes happen to be in three different namespaces. This starting element tag must contain the
remainder of the elements used for the resource definition.
The set of CDM classes that may be instantiated are limited to those defined in the
NamingRules.xml document that is included with TBSM.
The tbsm namespace is limited to a class named resource, which mainly serves as an example of how to create alternate namespaces.
The mynamespace is a custom alternate namespace that is defined in the OtherNamespaces.xml file, which is described Error! Reference source not found..
The attributes of the class tag are id and sourceToken:
The id attribute tag must be unique within the book. The scope of this tag is only within
the book and is used by relationship elements to reference the class instance. The id
tag is required.
The sourceToken attribute tag allows the source of the class instance definition to pass
along a value that has context only to the source. In many cases, this value is set to a
unique identifier on the source system that can be easily used to look up the class instance in the external system. This value is typically used to enable simple launch incontext actions to the external source user interface. A sourceToken is optional.
Contained within the class tags are a set of sibling elements, each of which provides an attribute
of the instance and its value. Attribute definitions for an attribute instance include cdm:Name,
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cdm:Label, tbsm:identity, and my:serveridentity. Note that each attribute contains a
namespace designation:
For CDM classes, a set of rules that work with attributes and relationships is used to
build the unique identity for the class instance. A discussion on that topic is beyond the
purpose of this document.
For the tbsm namespace, the tbsm:identity attribute provides the unique identity value
for the instance.
For alternate namespace definitions, one of the attribute elements must be designated
to provide the unique identity for the instance of this class. By default, the name of the
attribute is tbsm:identity; however, you may assign an identifying attribute for each
class in the OtherNamespaces.xml file, which is described in Error! Reference
source not found.. This technique moves the responsibility of defining unique identity
strings from an IBM modeling effort to the source of the data.
Defining relationships in the XML format
The syntax that is used to capture relationship information is even simpler. A relationship consists of
the following three parts:
<[relationship type] [source=book_id] [target=book_id]>
Note: The book_id part is the id attribute value used to uniquely identify each resource within the book.
This id value has no meaning outside the context of the book.
This example defines the following two relationships between resources defined in the preceding section:
<cdm:runsOn source="cvtwin05.ibm.com-WindowsOperatingSystem" target="cvtwin05.ibm.com-ComputerSystem" />
source="myserver1" target="myserver2" />
A relationship definition is not contained within a class resource instance definition.
A relationship is started with a class designation for the relationship, which is also called the relationship type. Relationship types do not have to be defined to the XMLtoolkit in order to be created.
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Use a common namespace definition for your alternative namespace resource classes and relationship
The source and target attribute reference the unique book identifier (the id attribute tag on the
class instance definition) to reference the resources within the book that participate in this relationship.
Avoid circular relationships.
For a typical parent child relationship the source ID is the ID of the parent and the target ID is
the ID of the child. In other words, the relationship can be described as the parent (or source) that is
dependent on the child (target).
For clarity, see the following diagram of how the source and target relations work with regard to parent
and child:
TBSM Generic Namespace resource definitions
TBSM Generic Namespace resource definitions use a tbsm namespace prefix. This namespace value is
supported by default settings and allows the Discovery Library Toolkit to distinguish between CDM resource definitions and TBSM resource definitions.
The TBSM generic resource model definition follows the resource XML definition described in the preceding section but uses default support of the namespace and tbsm:resource class. The following example uses the tbsm:resource definition to define a DB2 table:
<tbsm:resource id='ID_TABLE(RADARAMD)DB2ID(PB)' >
Important: Because the resource definition includes a tbsm:identity attribute, this resource definition
can create an object in the tbsm namespace. The source of the 'book' provides the identity rules.
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Because the tbsm namespace by default includes only the one resource class, a best practice is to include an attribute called tbsm:restype to classify the resource type.
This namespace is included as a default to provide a clear example of how to use the XMLtoolkit’s alternate namespace support. However, it is a best practice to define and use a custom alternate namespace
for defining resources.
Custom alternate namespace definition
As a best practice, a custom alternate namespace is preferred over the tbsm namespace. This method
gives you an opportunity to create a namespace that better reflects your environment.
To define a custom namespace, you must create an additional .xml file named OtherNamespaces.xml and place this file in the xml folder of the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit.
For Windows systems, this location is used:
For non-Windows systems, this location is used:
See the following example of the contents of the OtherNamespaces.xml file:
<NameSpaceDefinition classname='my:server' identityattribute='serveridentity'/>
<NameSpaceDefinition classname='my:application' identityattribute=’applicationidentity'/>
<NameSpaceDefinition classname='my:default'/>
The preceding example contains alternative namespace definitions for three classes: my:server,
my:application, and my:default. Both the my:server and my:application class names also define which
attribute value within the IdML book is used as the identifier for each of their respective classes.
The my:default class does not specify an identifier attribute so its identifier value defaults to
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With this file in place, and the XMLtoolkit restarted to load the new definitions, an alternative
namespace book can be loaded that includes resource definitions for these classes.
For example:
<my:server id=”server_1” >
<my:serveridentiy>server_1</ my:serveridentiy >
<tbsm:Label>My Server 1</tbsm:Label>
</my:server >
<my:application id=”appl_1” >
<my:applicationidentity>appl_1</ my: applicationidentity >
<tbsm:Label>My Application 1</tbsm:Label>
</my: application >
<my:default id=”rsc_1” >
<tbsm:identity>ResourceDef 1</ tbsm:identity >
<tbsm:Label>Resource 1</tbsm:Label>
</my:default >
<my:uses source=' appl_1' target= ‘server_1' />
<my:dependsOn source=' server_1' target= ‘rsc_1' />
Example payload
One of the best ways to understand the payload sections is by looking at an example. In this example,
you define a UserTransaction that is dependent on both an IBM WebSphere® Application Server and a
DB2 database running on a particular DB2Instance. This example uses the default tbsm namespace.
Comments are included to help explain the purpose of the XML content:
<!-- this is a comment begin tag
The following tags end the comment
<!-- -this id is only used as reference within the file-book -->
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_trans1' >
<!-- the toolkit does not enforce values here but it would be wise for
you to break your resources up into types which will allow you to map
them to templates later on -->
<!-- the displayname you will see in tbsm -->
<!-- the unique identity string for this object - it must be namespace
unique -->
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<!-- you can add any number of additional attributes on the object that
may be used for your solution ... just make sure you follow standard
xml formatting -->
<tbsm:attr1> attrvalue1</tbsm:attr1>
<!-- the closing tag for the resource definition.
<!-the definition of the websphere resource
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_websphere' >
<!-the db table
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_dbtable' >
<!-the db instance
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_db2inst' >
<!-and now the relationships between them
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_trans1' target= 'bookid_websphere' />
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_trans1' target= 'bookid_dbtable' />
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_dbtable' target= 'bookid_db2inst' />
After being wrapped in a correct header and tail/footnote section, the preceding XML coding can be
processed by the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit and the resources created in TBSM Component Registry. When the resource is in the component registry, the resource is then available to use to build service models.
Creating a business service object
The XMLtoolkit maintains a repository of resources and relationships to be used to build service models
within TBSM. However, the XMLtoolkit automatically pushes certain resource class types into the TBSM
service model that in turn pull in all of its dependent objects. Although the list of classes that support
this behavior is customizable, a CDM BusinessSystem object is a defined object that is simple to build
within any IdML book. Therefore, you may want to use that namespace class to define the high-level
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resource in the service model. The cdm:Name attribute is the only required attribute to provide the
unique naming of the BusinessSystem resource instance.
Mixing namespaces in a book is acceptable and a best practice when building resources that are meant
to be business systems.
To create a business service object, the Common Data Model class name for a business service must be
used. See the following example of a business service definition:
<cdm:sys.BusinessSystem id='myBusinessService' sourceToken='My Business Service' >
<cdm:Name>My Business Service</cdm:Name>
<cdm:Label>My Business Service </cdm:Label>
Creating the tail and footer
The tail and footer of the IdML book end the XML elements of the header and operation sections of the
For example, a refresh operation book is ended with this block of static text:
A create operation book is ended with this block of static text:
A delete operation book is ended with this block of static text:
3.5 Summary
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Combining the header, operation, payload, and tail sections together result in an IdML book that can be
imported with the XMLtoolkit. The following example can be copied into a separate file and imported
into the XMLtoolkit:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<idml:idml xmlns:idml="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/idml"
<!--Header... =================================================== -->
<!-- Source and Software... -->
<idml:source IdMLSchemaVersion="0.8">
<cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem CDMSchemaVersion="2.7">
= host1</cdm:MSSName>
<!-- Operation... -->
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_trans1' >
<!-- -this
id is only used as reference within the file-book -->
<tbsm:resType>UserTransaction</tbsm:resType> <!-- the toolkit does not
enforce values here but it would be wise for you to break your resources up into types which will allow you to map them to templates
later on -->
<!-- the displayname
you will see in tbsm -->
<!-the unique identity string for this object - it must be globally unique
this value is used to build the serviceinstancename in tbsm thought it
will not be exact -->
<tbsm:attr1> attrvalue1</tbsm:attr1>
<!-you can add any number of additional attributes on the object that may
be used to your solution ... just make sure you follow standard xml
formatting -->
Page 23 of 61
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_websphere' >
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_dbtable' >
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_db2inst' >
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_trans1' target= 'bookid_websphere' />
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_trans1' target= 'bookid_dbtable' />
<tbsm:uses source=' bookid_dbtable' target= 'bookid_db2inst' />
<cdm:sys.BusinessSystem id='myBusinessService'>
<cdm:Name>My Business Service</cdm:Name>
<cdm:Label>My Business Service </cdm:Label>
<tbsm:contains source=’ myBusinessService‘ target=' bookid_trans1' />
Page 24 of 61
4 Next steps
After the alternate namespace IdML book is created, you must complete a few more steps to successfully use the resource, attribute, and relationship information within the TBSM service model.
4.1 Naming the book
The name of the .xml file for a book is important. The name not only helps identify the author or
source of the book, but this file name also contains a date and time that enables the Discovery Library
Toolkit to process multiple books from the same author in the correct sequence.
Use the following format to name the .xml file:
<author_name> is the unique name classifying the source of the book.
<host_name> is the fully qualified host name of the host the file was generated from.
A period (.) is used to separate the host name from the date.
YYYY signifies the four-digit year.
MM is the zero-padded two-digit month.
DD is the zero-padded two-digit day.
A “T” is used to separate the date and time.
HH is the zero-padded two-digit hour in 24-hour time.
MM is the zero-padded two-digit minute.
SS is the zero-padded two-digit second.
A “Z” is used to represent the time zone offset. The “Z” defines no offset. This attribute is required.
The .xml extension is used by all files.
Any book that contains the cdm:refresh operation should include the word refresh in the file
name following the timestamp of the book.
See the following examples of file names:
Page 25 of 61
Page 26 of 61
4.2 Loading the book into TBSM 4.2.1
The book can be loaded into TBSM by using the Discovery Library Toolkit.
Ensure that the Discovery Library Toolkit is configured to read books and copy the book into the import
book folder/directory provided when Discovery Library Toolkit was installed. By default, this important
directory is named in the following way:
For Windows systems:
For Non-Windows systems:
Important: Verify that the Discovery Library Toolkit is configured to process books by looking in the
xmltoolkitsvc.properties properties file. This file is located in the
%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\bin directory. To import books, set the DL_ImportSource property to all or books.
4.3 Mapping class instances to templates
For the information in an IdML book to be used within TBSM, the alternate namespace classes must be
mapped to the TBSM templates. Templates are used by TBSM to provide a definition and default behavior to all TBSM resource instances. Resource instances can have more than one template assigned to
Mapping to TBSM templates
TBSM includes a default set of templates that can be assigned and used when processing an IdML book.
New templates can also be defined and used in this mapping process. For more information about using
templates, see Working with service templates in Exploring TBSM 4.2.1
Page 27 of 61
The CDM_TO_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file in the Discovery Library Toolkit contains all the
template mappings that are used when an IdML book is read. Edit this file to add new template mappings for alternate namespace classes. For more information about how to add template mappings, see
Customizing Discovery Library data with XML control files
c_discoverylibraryeventmapping.htm?resultof="Customizing" "custom" "Discovery" "discoveri" "Library"
"librari" "data" "XML" "xml" "control" "files" "file").
See the following example of the Business Service template mapping:
<template primary='BSM_BusinessService' >
<cdmclass name='cdm:sys.BusinessSystem'/>
<cdmclass name='cdm:process.BusinessService'/>
In this example, a primary template named BSM_BusinessService and secondary templates
SCR_RetrieveDependentObjectsTemplate and
SCR_ServiceComponentRawStatusTemplate are assigned to an item within the IdML book
whenever an item contains an XML tag with a value of n element with a value of
cdm:sys.BusinessSystem. Although assigning “other” templates is always optional when creating a template to class mapping, because the alternate namespace objects are managed through the
XMLtoolkit, be sure to add the SCR_RetrieveDependentObjectsTemplate template to all the alternate namespace resource classes. The SCR_ServiceComponentRawStatusTemplate template is a default event status template that is replaced in most TBSM implementations.
Important: Whenever a new mapping is added to the CDM_TO_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file,
the Discovery Library Toolkit must be stopped and restarted.
Note: In this example, the CDM class name is cdm:sys.BusinessSystem, but the TBSM template
name is BSM_BusinessService.
When using alternate namespace classes, the template mapping syntax is the same. If a TBSM
namespace value of tbsm:resource is mapped to the BSM_BusinessService template, use the following business service template mapping:
<template primary='BSM_BusinessService' >
Page 28 of 61
<cdmclass name='cdm:sys.BusinessSystem'/>
<cdmclass name='cdm:process.BusinessService'/>
<cdmclass name='tbsm:resource'/>
Notice the addition of the <cdmclass name='tbsm:resource'/> line to the mapping.
A template mapping can also assign templates that you create. The process of mapping a user-defined
template to the alternate namespace classes in the IdML book is no different that mapping the value to
a template supplied by TBSM. The template must be defined before it can be used in a template mapping definition.
4.4 Pushing resource attributes into the TBSM service model
You can add any number of attributes to a resource by adding XML elements for each attribute within
the resource tag, for example:
<tbsm:resource id='bookid_db2inst' >
In this example, the resource contains four attributes:
These attributes are added to the resource when the resource is created in the XMLtoolkit Component
Registry, but the attributes are not pushed into the TBSM memory service model. These attributes are
not displayed on the Additional tab of the Service Editor. To load the additional attributes into the
TBSM service model so they are viewable on the Additional tab, you must modify the componentAttributesLimited database view .
The modification of this database view is currently seen as an inconvenience might be addressed in a
future release of TBSM.
Page 29 of 61
The view’s definition is contained in the scc_schema_views.sql file that is installed as part of the
TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit. The file is located in the sql folder. Depending on your system, the
sql folder is typically found in the following location:
For Windows systems:
For non-Windows systems:
To add a new attribute so it is displayed on the Additional tab of the Service Editor, complete the following steps:
1. Make a backup copy of the scc_schema_views.sql file in case you need to restore it for
any reason.
Important: The Discovery Library Toolkit does not detect that a file such as
scc_schema_views.sql has been changed from its installed version. You must copy your
modified version to a safe location. If an update is applied to the Discovery Library Toolkit, you
might have to apply your view changes after the update.
2. Edit the view definition in the scc_schema_views.sql file by searching for “CREATE view
view_componentAttributesLimited”. You should see a set of sql commands that look similar to
these commands:
CREATE view view_componentAttributesLimited AS
select lmain.service_id as id,
p.keyword as keyword,
c.weight as weight,
lmain.radinstanceid as radinstanceid,
c.arrayindex as arrayindex,
c.value as value
FROM sccp_componentAttributes as c
JOIN scc_serviceId_to_component_id as ll ON ll.comp_id=c.comp_id and ll.type in (0,1)
JOIN scc_serviceId_to_component_id as lmain ON lmain.service_id=ll.service_id and lmain.type=0 and
lmain.radinstanceid is not null
JOIN cdm_AttributeIds as p ON p.id=c.keyword_id
WHERE c.deleted=0 and p.id in (select id from cdm_AttributeIds WHERE keyword IN (
Page 30 of 61
3. The important line is the last line that is highlighted in bold. To add attributes to the view, add
each attribute name to the list of names contained in the IN() list. As an example, to add an
attribute with a name of tbsm:resType, change the list of names to this:
WHERE c.deleted=0 and p.id in (select id from cdm_AttributeIds WHERE keyword IN ( 'cdm:ManagedSystemName',
Important: Notice the new attribute name in the list that is highlighted in bold. Also notice that
a comma is added to the cdm:JobType attribute name. The list of names must be in the form of
a comma-separated list.
4. Save the file changes.
5. To update the view, run this TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit command found in the
$TBSMHOME/XMLtoolkit/bin directory:
On Windows systems:
setdbschema.bat –U database_userid –P < database_password –f v
On non-Windows systems:
setdbschema.sh –U database_userid –P < database_password –f v
Note: Be sure to replace the database_userid and database_password with the correct values for your configuration.
6. If the alternate namespace resources are already in the TBSM service model, log in to TBSM and
invalidate the service tree.
To add a set of attributes that begin with the same namespace, follow these steps:
Page 31 of 61
1. Follow the same steps used to add individual attributes above except add a like… clause to the
sql in this manner:
WHERE c.deleted=0 and p.id in (select id from cdm_AttributeIds WHERE keyword IN (
) or keyword like ‘tbsm:%’)
The new clause is inserted between the two close parentheses ( ) ) after the IN() list statement. This modification adds any attribute with a keyword value that begins with tbsm: to the
list of attributes on the Additional tab. See the following example of what the tab contents look
Notice the tbsm: named attribute at the bottom of the panel.
Page 32 of 61
2. To update the view, run the following TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit command found in the
$TBSMHOME/XMLtoolkit/bin directory:
On Windows systems:
setdbschema.bat –U database_userid –P < database_password –f v
On non-Windows systems:
setdbschema.sh –U database_userid –P < database_password –f v
Note: Be sure to replace database_userid and database_password with the correct values for your configuration.
3. If the alternate namespace resources are already in the TBSM service model, log in to TBSM and
invalidate the service tree.
Page 33 of 61
5 Example MyUniverse IdML book
A non-technical example of an IdML book is included to illustrate the flexibility of the Discovery Library
Toolkit and the use of a namespace. In this example, a book is created that represents a small portion of
the universe. This book contains a high-level business service named My Universe that contains dependent items such as planets. The planet item contains dependent continent items and so on.
See the following sample hieratical view:
My Universe
Planet Earth
North America
United States
5.1 Book contents
The IdML book contents for the universe model looks like the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<idml:idml xmlns:idml="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/idml"
<!--Header... =================================================== -->
<!-- Source and Software... -->
<idml:source IdMLSchemaVersion="0.8">
<cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem CDMSchemaVersion="2.7">
Page 34 of 61
<!-- Operation... -->
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
<cdm:sys.BusinessSystem id='myuniverse' sourceToken='My Universe' >
<cdm:Name>My Universe</cdm:Name>
<cdm:DisplayName>My Universe</cdm:DisplayName>
<tbsm:resource id='earth' >
<tbsm:resource id='mars' >
<tbsm:resource id='continent1' >
<tbsm:Label>North America</tbsm:Label>
<tbsm:resource id='country1' >
<tbsm:Label>United States</tbsm:Label>
<tbsm:resource id='country2' >
<!-- relationships that link continents to planets, countries to continents and planets to the universe -->
<tbsm:uses source='earth'
target= 'continent1' />
<tbsm:uses source='continent1' target= 'country1'
<tbsm:uses source='continent1' target= 'country2'
<tbsm:uses source='myuniverse' target= 'earth'
<tbsm:uses source='myuniverse' target= 'mars'
Page 35 of 61
The book contains the required sections, including header, operation, payload, and tail and footnote as
described previously.
The book also contains one business service definition that serves the purpose of forcing the universe
instance model into the TBSM service model under the Imported Business Systems service instance in TBSM:
<cdm:sys.BusinessSystem id='myuniverse' sourceToken='My Universe' >
<cdm:Name>My Universe</cdm:Name>
<cdm:DisplayName>My Universe</cdm:DisplayName>
5.2 Templates used for the Hello World example
To keep this example simple, no new templates are defined. This example book uses templates that are
delivered and installed with the TBSM 4.2.1 base product. The following templates are used:
1. BSM_BusinessService
2. SCR_RetrieveDependentObjectsTemplate
3. SCR_ServicecomponentRawStatusTemplate
Processing the Hello World book
A single class to template mapping was added to the CDM_TO_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file
before this example book was processed. This mapping maps any cdmclass element that contains a
tbsm:resource name attribute value and assigns the SCR_RetrieveDependentObjectsTemplate and
SCR_ServicecomponentRawStatusTemplate templates to the created service instance.
To process this book, copy the XML file into the folder that the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit was configured to read books from. The TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit processes this .xml file similarly to
other IdML books.
Page 36 of 61
Viewing the business service in TBSM
When processed by the TBSM Discovery Library Toolkit, this business service is then displayed in the
Services tree in the container named “Imported Business Services,” as shown in the following figure:
Page 37 of 61
6 Adding the new services to the Service Component Repository
Although the new services instances are now visible in the Service Tree, they are not visible in the Service Component Repository (SCR). To see them in the SCR, use the RAD shell command that is built into
the TBSM 4.2.1 product. The RAD shell is a command-line scripting tool that is available on the TBSM
4.2.1 Data server. Using the RAD shell command is fairly straightforward. For more information about
the RAD shell, see the link in chapter 5, “Other References”.
6.1 The RAD shell script
See the following complete RAD shell script from the Hello World book example:
new String[] { "SCR_RootTemplate" },
"Alternate Namespace",
"SCR Alternate Namespace Resources",
new String[] {
plate" },
"Hello World",
"SCR Hello World Resources",
Page 38 of 61
Basically, this script creates the service model in the SCR that is used to place the new services added by
the alternate namespace book. After running the script, the SCR looks like the example Service Navigation window shown in the following figure:
Page 39 of 61
See the following description of what each RAD command in the script does:
1. This script command creates a service instance and assigns it a template named
new String[] { "SCR_RootTemplate" },
"Alternate Namespace",
"SCR Alternate Namespace Resources",
This template is defined as part of the TBSM 4.2.1 installation. The command also assigns the
following values to the service instance:
Service Name = “SCR_Namespace”
Display Label = “Alternate Namespace”
Description = “SCR Alternate Namespace Resources”
Service Level = “Standard”
The command also assigns the following three parameters that are not relevant to this example,
but are included for completeness in describing the values assigned by the RAD command:
Raw Event Fields = null
Raw Event Values = null
Instance Type “REGULAR”
Page 40 of 61
This created service instance becomes the top-level container for the remaining service instances as shown in the following figure:
2. This script command creates a second service instance and assigns it two templates named
SCR_TopLevelAggregateTemplate and SCR_ServiceComponentRawStatusTemplate:
new String[] {
tusTemplate" },
"Hello World",
"SCR Hello World Resources",
These templates are also defined as part of the TBSM 4.2.1 installation. The command also assigns these values to the service instance:
Service Name = “SCR_HelloWorld”
Display Label = “Hello World”
Description = “SCR Hello World Resources”
Service Level = “Standard”
Page 41 of 61
The last 3 parameters are not relevant to this example, but for completeness they are:
Raw Event Fields = null
Raw Event Values = null
Instance Type “REGULAR”
This service instance will become the second level container for the service instances. In general
you can have as many containers as you need. For this example we have 1.
Page 42 of 61
1. The last two script commands:
a. Creates a dependency link between the two service instances created by the first two
b. Adds a new attribute to the “SCR_HelloWorld” service instance named “classnamefilter”
and gives this new attribute a value of “'tbsm:resource”. This class filter determines
which service instances will appear under the “SCR_HelloWorld” instance. For this example all of the alternate namespace service were assigned the “tbsm:resource” class.
Page 43 of 61
6.2 Running the RAD Shell Script
To run the example RAD shell scripts:
1. Copy this entire script and paste it into a text editor:
new String[] { "SCR_RootTemplate" },
"Alternate Namespace",
"SCR Alternate Namespace Resources",
new String[] {
"SCR_TopLevelAggregateTemplate","SCR_ServiceComponentRawStatusTemplate" },
"Hello World",
"SCR Hello World Resources",
2. Save the script file with a file extension of .radsh.
3. On your TBSM 4.2.1 Data server, open a command prompt and navigate to
Page 44 of 61
$TBSM_HOME/bin on Linux or UNIX systems
%TBSM_HOME%\bin on Windows systems
Run one of these command to run the script, replacing <file_name> with the fully qualified file
name of your script:
cat <file_name> | $TBSM_HOME/bin/rad_radshell on Linux or UNIX systems
type <file_name> | %TBSM_HOME\bin\rad_radshell on Windows systems
Page 45 of 61
7 Prerequisite and installation requirements
Other than having TBSM 4.2.1 installed and configured, the only other components that are required to
process alternate namespace book are the TBSM 4.2.1 Discovery Library Toolkit .
Page 46 of 61
8 Other references
The following table contains IBM TBSM Information Center links to useful resources:
TBSM guides
Links to TBSM Information Center websites
TBSM 4.2.1 Installation Guide, Installing the
Discovery Library Toolkit
TBSM 4.2.1 Customization Guide, Customizing http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1
Discovery Library data and XML control files
TBSM 4.2.1 Service configuration Guide, ESDA
TBSM 4.2.1 Adminstration Guide, Administering TBSM using the RAD shell tool.
9 Appendix A. Sample code
See the following sample Hello World code and RAD shell script.
9.1 Hello World Sample book
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<idml:idml xmlns:idml="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/swg/idml"
Page 47 of 61
<!--Header... =================================================== -->
<!-- Source and Software... -->
<idml:source IdMLSchemaVersion="0.8">
<cdm:process.ManagementSoftwareSystem CDMSchemaVersion="2.7">
<!-- Operation... -->
<idml:operationSet opid="1">
<cdm:sys.BusinessSystem id='myuniverse' sourceToken='My Universe' >
<cdm:Name>My Universe</cdm:Name>
<cdm:DisplayName>My Universe</cdm:DisplayName>
<tbsm:resource id='earth' >
<tbsm:resource id='mars' >
<tbsm:resource id='continent1' >
<tbsm:Label>North America</tbsm:Label>
<tbsm:resource id='country1' >
<tbsm:Label>United States</tbsm:Label>
<tbsm:resource id='country2' >
Page 48 of 61
<!-- relationships that link continents to planets, countries to continents and planets to the universe -->
<tbsm:uses source='earth'
target= 'continent1' />
<tbsm:uses source='continent1' target= 'country1'
<tbsm:uses source='continent1' target= 'country2'
<tbsm:uses source='myuniverse' target= 'earth'
<tbsm:uses source='myuniverse' target= 'mars'
Page 49 of 61
9.2 Hello World Sample SCR Rad shell script
new String[] { "SCR_RootTemplate" },
"Alternated Namespace",
"SCR Alternate Namespace Resources",
new String[] {
plate" },
"Hello World",
"SCR Hello World Resources",
Page 50 of 61
10 Appendix B. Troubleshooting
This section covers some of the issues that new users of the XMLtoolkit and alternate namespaces
commonly encounter. References to log files in the section refer to the XMLtoolkit log that can be found
in the $TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/log/msg_GTM_XT_log.0 or
%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\log\msg_GTM_XT_log file.
See common issues and brief descriptions of possible workarounds.
10.1.1 The book was processed but nothing appears in the SCR
You created the alternate namespace xml file in the /XMLtoolkit/xml directory and entered the
class definitions for the new namespace. Books are loaded but when you check the SCR, nothing seems
to be related to the new namespace. This situation can be caused by an incorrectly named xml file or
by errors in the file.
Naming the alternate namespace file
The toolkit does not process the OtherNamespaces.xml file if the naming, including case
sensitivity, is incorrect. Because this file is created by the user and not included as part of the
product, verify the name carefully. For example, a file name of othernamespaces.xml is
ignored on UNIX and Linux systems and consequently, no services are created in the SCR.
Invalid definitions in the alternate namespace file
Unlike other toolkit XML files, such as the CDM_TO_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file, no
messages are written to the log to indicate parsing errors in the xml file or that an alternate
namespace is being used. The toolkit starts regardless of errors in this xml file; however, nothing is shown in the SCR that is related to the alternate namespace even though the log suggests
that the book was processed successfully. Verify the syntax of the OtherNamespaces.xml
file by using an XML editor or Internet Explorer browser to eliminate the possibility of an invalid
xml file. If errors are found, update the OtherNamespaces.xml file, restart the toolkit, and
reload the books. Books containing the alternate namespace resources that were processed
must be reloaded.
In either case, an invalid file name or invalid service definitions, if the toolkit processes a book once, it
does not reprocess a book with the same name again. To verify a book has been processed, check the
authorList41.cfg file in the XMLtoolkit/xml directory. If the book is listed in this file, it is regenerated with a new name, typically a new timestamp, or renamed following the naming standards
described in this paper. Copy the newly named book into the appropriate discovery library book direcPage 51 of 61
tory, typically $TBSM_HOME/discovery/dlbooks. Do not rename the book from within the discovery library book directory while the toolkit is running. Unexpected results can occur.
10.1.2 Errors in the log show the book was not processed successfully and were preceded
with prefix not bound errors
The toolkit writes out error messages if the prefix for the namespace is not defined in the header of the
IdML book:
See section 3.2.1 for the correct way to declare a namespace prefix.
10.1.3 Adding a Description field to the services created by IdML books
Use the Edit Services tab of the Administration page to provide a description of the service. To add text
in this field when creating alternate namespace resources, add the <description>
</description> attribute in the IdML book:
Page 52 of 61
<tbsm:resource id='earth' >
<description>The planet Earth</description>
When finished adding a description of the service, make sure the attribute is loaded into the TBSM service model. See section 4.4 for details.
10.1.4 Can I change the service name that appears in TBSM?
While the label can be specified using the tbsm:Label attribute, the actual service name is generated and
cannot be changed.
10.1.5 Top-level services are not showing up under the ‘Imported Business Services’ object
When a top-level (no parents) SCR object is tagged with a primary template of either
BSM_BusinessService or BSM_BusinessApplication, it will be automatically pulled from the SCR into the
TBSM service model via the TBSM object named Imported Business Services.
If you want to use a different primary template and want this same support, complete the following
1. Edit the CDM_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file:
Add a statement to the <refreshserviceinstance> element and designate your primary
template for the top level service.
Save the file
Page 53 of 61
2. Restart the toolkit.
3. Use the TBSM User interface to view the Additional Properties of the Imported Business Service
object and add in your template name to the list of templates for the property named ‘primarytemplatefilter’. Save the changes.
4. Invalidate the Imported Business Service Object.
For an example of adding the primary MY_BusinessServiceTemplate template to the
CDM_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file, see the following section of text:
<add radinstanceid='ImportedBusinessServices_OOB_Anchor'
primarytemplate='BSM_BusinessService' />
<add radinstanceid='ImportedBusinessServices_OOB_Anchor'
primarytemplate='BSM_BusinessApplication' />
<add radinstanceid='ImportedBusinessServices_OOB_Anchor'
primarytemplate='MY_BusinessServiceTemplate' />
10.1.6 Rather than using the Imported Business Services object as an anchor point in the
TBSM services tree, I would like to have a different anchor point for my alternate
namespace objects.
Alternately, use to following steps to manually create a top-level service from the TBSM Administration page that,
when using the appropriate parameters, pulls in services from the SCR:
Add a new service and assign the SCR_TopLevelAggregateTemplate to the newly created service.
For purposes of this example, the service instance name is called ‘MyImportStartingPoint.’
Page 54 of 61
Select the Additional tab for this service.
For the primarytemplatefilter parameter, specify the primary templates of the services that you
want to be children of this top-level service. Multiple templates may be specified. In this example,
any service in the IdML book that as been mapped to the MY_CINode template is a child of the
manually created top-level service:
4. Edit the CDM_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml file by adding a statement to the <refreshserviceinstance> element. Designate your primary template for the top-level service and the service instance name of the new top level anchor point.
<add radinstanceid='ImportedBusinessServices_OOB_Anchor'
primarytemplate='BSM_BusinessService' />
<add radinstanceid='ImportedBusinessServices_OOB_Anchor'
primarytemplate='BSM_BusinessApplication' />
<add radinstanceid='MyImportStartingPoint'
primarytemplate='MY_BusinessServiceTemplate' />
Page 55 of 61
5. Restart the toolkit.
10.1.7 How can I query the database to verify my services have been imported into the SCR?
You can use the following SQL queries to help determine if your services loaded correctly.
select * from view_components where class = ‘yournamespaceclass’
select * from view_components where class like ‘myprefix:%’
where yournamespaceclass is a class defined in OtherNamespaces.xml and myprefix is the
namespace prefix defined in the IdML book.
Because a resource in the SCR must be mapped to a template in the
CDM_TO_TBSM4x_MAP_Templates.xml document to show up within the TBSM UI, these queries
help you determine if your system is correctly customized for the alternative namespace objects:
select * from view_componentswithtemplates where class = ‘yournamespaceclass’
select * from view_componentswithtemplates where class like
Page 56 of 61
10.1.8 How can I clean out the SCR and start with an empty database?
During the development of IdML books, it is sometimes necessary or desirable to start with a clean SCR.
The setdbschema command can be used to accomplish this task.
Important: When the setdbschema command is issued, all data in the SCR is lost.
setdbschema –U user –P password –f a
This command uses the scc_schema_views.sql file that might have been modified to include new
attributes for the alternate namespace. You might need to rerun this sql file if modifications were made
to a copy of this file. For more information about using the scc_schema_views.sql file, see section 4.4 ‘Pushing Resource Attributes into the TBSM Service Model’.
Page 57 of 61
11 Appendix C. Tools and utilities
11.1.1 The Component Registry Viewer
The Component Registry Viewer (CR Viewer) is a tool that was first delivered with TBSM Interim
Fix 2. By using the CR Viewer, you can see the resources that have been loaded into the SCR and for
each resource, see the resource attributes, relationships, BSM_Identities (in addition to other identifiers), template-mapping, and other resource information.
11.1.2 Starting the CRViewer
The CRViewer is installed with the Discovery Library Toolkit in the TBSM Interim Fix 2 release.
The toll can be found in the following location:
<drive letter>:\IBM\tivoli\tbsm\XMLtoolkit\tools on Windows systems
/IBM/tivoli/tbms/XMLtoolkit/tools on non-Windows systems
To start the CR Viewer, use either the CRC-Start.bat file for Windows systems or the CRCStart.sh script for non-Windows systems. The CR Viewer requires either the V1.5 or V1.6 Java
Runtime Environment.
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