Mentioning old times (first half of 20th century), decorations used to be rather simple and
much more poor than nowadays- but Christmas trees were always authentic, people used to
spend together much more time, making hand-made decorations from paper, fruits,
gingerbread, wax candles and so on- as for today, decorations became more spectacular,
numerous, lit by electricity- but also much more commercial, as everything are easy-to- buy
nowadays, so personal efforts to decorate own house are reduced to minimum.
In this matter, there’s no bigger difference between generations- in Poland the most important
winter holidays are Christmas Eve and Christmas itself. There was no bigger difference
between town and village, as well as both old times and new times- tradition is still up-todate! Still very important is Christmas Eve Midnight Mass- churches are always overcrowded
then. Also very important is St. Nicholas Day, where Santa is giving gifts only for children,
and as for the rest, Baby Jesus is bringing gifts for them under the Christmas tree at the
Christmas Eve. For almost 50 years the Three Wise Men Day was usual working day, but
only in 2011 Polish Parliament changed it, and from now it’s again a free day. As for the New
Year, it became more important nowadays, especially among younger people thanks to
growing number of events and feasts, mainly of commercial character.
The most important, Christmas celebration, traditionally was always spent within the limits of
own family- reading Holy Bible, wishing all the best and forgiving each one, then sitting by
the Christmas table with the little bit of hay under each one’s plate, waiting for the first star on
the evening sky.
The New Year, rather secular celebration, was traditionally spent in homes, with family and
friends. Nowadays, it’s changed especially with young people, who take part in numerous
events, parties with champagne, dancing and fireworks.
In the old times, the one and only way to celebrate winter holidays, especially Christmas, was
staying at home with family and friends- and the places to see the most number of relatives
and neighbors, were churches, streets and as for towns, main squares (people were too poor
for voyages, and transport was too rear and expensive). If so, only journeys were concerning
meeting family.
Today’s life brings us much more occasions for contacts- people get richer, meet each other
during parties, vacations spent in different places- from snowy mountains to tropics; also
mobile telephones and Internet (Skype) make possible not only to hear, but also so see distant
family and friends.
On the Christmas Eve, traditionally they always use to do fasting- food shouldn’t contain any
meat or cakes. On the Christmas Eve table, there should be 12 fast dishes- such as herrings,
panned fishes, cabbage, potatoes, dumplings, fish or mushroom soup, gingerbread, poppy
sweet, compote…
The next day, Christmas, was absolutely different- tables, if possible (economically), were
overstuffed with meats, poultry, sweets- everything was handmade, often with the help of
entire family. But, anyway, Christmas was very humble, indeed.
Nowadays, there is no problem with buying everything- there’s no need to engage anybody to
help with preparation anymore- at least, catering could be ordered, or we can go for Christmas
vacation to any destination- there is a lot of offers in TV, Internet and numerous magazines.
Generally, in old times in Poland there was a habit of giving Christmas gifts only for children.
The gifts have been rather humble- like sweets, hand-made toys (traditionally, or clothes. It
was not common for all the children- some of them, from poor families, didn’t receive gifts at
At present times, children receive gifts twice- first, at St. Nicholas Day (6th of December) and
on Christmas, under the Christmas tree- with the rest of family members.
Despite of age, the feelings of happiness and hope are prevailing during Christmas holidays
anytime- the birth of Jesus means establishment of symbolic treaty between God and
humanity, where Love, Hope, Faith and Salvation have been born in Human Son.
Mostly, singing carols is common favorite habit in every time- but, as for the rest, old times
have been much more rich in habits than nowadays- there was obligatory (during Christmas
Eve) putting hay under each plate around the table, serving additional cover for unexpected
Also, holiday visiting family and friends was popular long ago- and not in out times, alas…
Such a beautiful habit, as horse sleighing party for kids (and not only for them) is not known
anymore in our times…
From the old times, memories have been stronger and more varied- even, if Christmas was
very poor (due to economical situation), people used to get together to help each other in
order to prepare food, decorations or to make hand-made gifts (rather for children, as adults
were too poor for it). If the family was too poor to buy a Christmas tree, they walked all
together to the forest and decorated the tree inside it, singing carols and playing games in
Summing it up, the most memorable were human contacts, feeling of love and inner warmth,
that makes us happy… People needed each other- for help each other or just for contacts and
having fun- so different in our times.
Technological progress made people richer and contacts much more easier, but in fact…
contemporary people prefer to isolate themselves- maybe the need to contact another human
being is not so popular anymore…