Page 1 of 10 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OWNER: Virginia Commonwealth University DESIGN BUILDER (DB): TBD TITLE OF PROJECT: West Grace Street – West Broad Street Housing PROJECT CODE: TBD DATE OF MOU: ABBREVIATIONS: BCOM HCO Manual Owner / VCU DB March 2013 ****************************** = Bureau of Capital Outlay Management = Virginia Commonwealth University – Higher Education Capital Outlay Manual = Virginia Commonwealth University = Design Builder – Design Build Team (all inclusive: Contractor, Sub-Contractors, Architect/Engineer, and Consultants) TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. DB Services 2. Proportioning of the DB Fee 3. Personnel 4. Project Description 5. Schedule for Planning, Design and Construction of the Project 6. Supplemental Instruction and Clarifications Appendix A – Documentation, Archiving, Final Deliverable Requirements Appendix B – Statement of Needs and Expectations – Interior Design Standards 1. DB SERVICES The DB shall furnish all expertise, labor, and resources to provide complete Design Build services for the West Grace Street – West Broad Street Housing project in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements of the RFP. 2. PROPORTIONING OF THE DESIGN BUILD PRICE PROPOSAL The final, negotiated contract amount for this project will be proportioned according to the RFP documents between Wing A and Wing B and between the “Housing” and “Mixed-Use / Living Learning” components of each Wing. The correct proportioning of the final negotiated contract amount and invoicing is critical to ensure the Owner’s need to track costs for the project on the basis of the individual components involved. March 2013 Page 2 of 10 3. PERSONNEL The Owner's primary Project Manager and point of contact for the design phase of this project shall be: Carl F. Purdin, AIA 700 West Grace Street P.O. Box 843049 Richmond Va., 23284-3049 Phone: (804) 828-0391 FAX: (804) 828-0006 E-mail: The Owner’s Project Manager and point of contact for the construction phase of this project shall be: Ralph Patch 700 West Grace Street P.O. Box 843409 Richmond, Va. 23284-3049 Phone: (804) 827-3843 Cell: (804) 400-2154 Fax: (804) 828-2528 The Owner will advise the DB in writing of any change in the Project Manager’s for this project. The DB Team has assigned the following individuals as the responsible persons for the function/disciplines indicated for this project: (to be revised to reflect actual DB organization) Principle in Charge: Senior Project Manager: Project Superintendent: Project Architect: Architect Project Manager: Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer: Plumbing Engineer: Electrical Engineer: LEED Consultant/Project Manager: Interior Design Project Manager: ETC. Should circumstances require substitution for any of the above-listed personnel assignments, the DB shall so advise the Owner in writing. Any substitute shall have the same or greater level of expertise and experience. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject proposed substitutions of personnel. 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Owner has provided the following documents which describe the program, siting, appearance, aesthetics, functional arrangement, and level of quality required for this project: RFP # 5364113JH March 2013 Page 3 of 10 5. SCHEDULE FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT The DB understands that time is of the essence and agrees that the date for Substantial Completion of the project shall be on or before the dates listed below based on a Notice authorizing Work to proceed on or before July 1, 2013. Final Completion shall be achieved within 30 consecutive calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion. (appropriate dates and additional critical milestones to be determined by the DB and Owner prior to contract execution) Authorization for D/B to Proceed BCOM Schematic/Pre-design Meeting Submit to Art & Architectural Review Board Submit to VCU Architectural Review Committee Submit preliminary design to VCU Submit preliminary design to BCOM Submit Working Drawings to VCU Submit Construction Documents to BCOM (include milestones and dates for early packages) Construction begins Substantial Completion/Occupancy Final Completion - July 1, 2013 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? July 15, 2015 August 15, 2015 It is understood that the above dates are contingent upon the Owner's receiving the necessary approvals, funding and authorizations. Should the Owner not receive the necessary approvals, funding and authorizations through no fault of the DB or if the Owner delays the work through no fault of the DB, appropriate adjustments and changes will be made in the schedule. The DB shall be notified in writing of any changes to the schedule resulting from the Owner’s actions. 6. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS The following are offered to clarify the Owner's expectations regarding the DB services required by the HCO Manual. They are explanations offered for the benefit, information and assistance of the DB. None of the items listed below are additional or extra services, but are included in the DB Basic Services as set forth in the HCO Manual and Contract. A. The Owner has provided to the DB copies of pertinent drawings on file indicating utilities and site conditions. It will be the responsibility of the DB to coordinate with all public and private utility companies regarding existing utilities (if any) and their location. The DB must also consult with the Owner's staff regarding any existing utilities not indicated on drawings or by utility easements. Owner shall supply to the DB a Site Survey including Utility locations. The Owner does not certify the accuracy of the survey. B. The Owner has provided the DB with a topographic and boundary survey for the site. The DB shall be responsible for acquiring and coordinating additional survey information the DB determines is needed to provide its services. Additional survey service, if required by the DB, shall be the responsibility of the DB. March 2013 Page 4 of 10 C. The cost of services for meetings and all presentations to the Owner's Building Committee, the Art and Architectural Review Board, BCOM and all other State and local agencies will be the responsibility of the DB included within their services. The DB project related costs of all miscellaneous blueprinting, reproduction of reports, photocopying, long-distance telephone calls, facsimile transmissions, telegrams, travel and postage are included in the DB Price. D. So that the Owner's Building Committee will have a reasonable knowledge and understanding of the concepts and design components (i.e., materials, equipment and systems), the DB as part of basic services will be required to present up-to-date descriptions of concepts, materials, equipment and systems which are being considered. These presentations will consist of the DB presenting drawings, cut sheets, verbal descriptions, etc., regarding the advantages and/or disadvantages, the economic evaluations, and the justifications as to why certain materials, equipment, systems, etc., are being considered or used. These presentations should not be confused with, or considered in lieu of, formal presentations or submittals to the Art and Architectural Review Board, BCOM or other State or local agencies. It is understood that the DB shall assist the Owner in preparing materials (Power Point and Project Summary) for presentation to the VCU Board of Visitors (BOV). In addition, the DB (lead “design” project manager and “build” project manager) shall actively participate in the presentation of the project to the BOV, following approval of the final design by the VCU Building and Steering Committee. F. The VCU Culture Organization and hierarchy: VCU has a relatively flat organizational structure. Instead of information filtering down through levels of hierarchy, the information and work flows directly to the person responsible. Decision-making tends to be democratic and is spread across groups and committees. The DB should come to meetings prepared with specific goals and decision points. Decisions should be framed comprehensively to avoid schedule delays as a result of indecisiveness. Project Committees: Each project is assigned a steering committee and a building committee. o Building Committee – This is the working group making day to day decisions about the project during design. This committee is chaired by the University Architect and always includes the Director of Construction Management as well as key stakeholders. o Steering committee – This group is briefed by University personnel at major project milestones such as completion of planning phases. It is chaired by the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and always includes senior administrative key stakeholders. Other than that, they only meet if needed to broker decisions that are unresolved at the building committee level. Briefings and Presentations: The DB is responsible for certain presentations and university personnel are responsible for other presentations. The responsibilities are as follows: DB Building Committee- The DB is responsible for all briefings. Board of Visitors – The DB shall present the project design to the BOV. Art & Architectural Review Board (AARB) – The DB shall prepare materials and present the project design to the AARB. March 2013 Page 5 of 10 VCU Steering Committee – The VCU Project Manager is responsible for all briefings. Architectural Review Committee – The VCU Project Manager is responsible for all briefings/presentations. Vice Presidents – The VCU Vice Presidents are briefed by the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management prior to presentation of Project Plans to the Board of Visitors. Community Advisory Boards – For new projects, the Associate VP for Facilities Management makes these presentations. Invoicing - Proper invoicing is critical for timely payment. All invoices for this project for both the design and construction phases shall utilize the Schedule of Values and Certificate of Payment HECO-12. The Schedule of Values and invoices shall clearly delineate the project cost and invoiced amount between the various components of the project as outlined in Section 2 of this MOU. (details for the formatting, timing and address for submission of invoices shall be discussed and agreed upon by the Owner and DB prior to contract execution – and this section of the MOU will be revised accordingly prior to execution of the contract) Schedules are sacred. The DB and Owner will agree upon a work plan that is reasonable and achievable, but not filled will contingencies. Once this schedule is agreed upon, it must be met. G. Presentation Materials - In addition to the preparation of various presentation materials noted elsewhere, the DB shall be responsible for providing (3) final professional renderings that represent the anticipated appearance of the completed project. (1 rendering of Wing A + 1 rendering of Wing B + 1 rendering of the overall site showing the final siting and configuration of both wings) Resource Personnel NOTE: This list is being provided for information only. The DB shall not contact any of the named persons below without prior consent of the VCU Project Manager. For all phone and fax numbers the area code is 804. GROUP: VCUnet VCU Media Support Housing – Security and Access Control systems Interior Design Housing-Facilities Coordinator GROUP: ROLE: Data: Design and wire buildings for fiber connectivity to campus infrastructure. Video: Design, order and installation of audiovisual systems and instructional technology. Reviews, determines security/access control requirements Signage, F&E design and ordering. Interior design. PERSON: Keith Deane PHONE: 828-9931 FAX: 828-7432 E-MAIL John Bogen 828-1960 828-1714 Hunter Rauscher 828-0992 828-0986 Joyce Foster 828-1826 828-0090 Plan review, participate in mechanical equipment selection and design of all support space ROLE: Sam Stuart 400-8420 828-2466 PERSON: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL March 2013 Page 6 of 10 FMD-Physical Plant MPC Campus coordinator FMD - Planning FMD - Recycling FMD-Director of Sustainability Notification of upcoming disruptions, contact with building managers. Room Numbering, establishes building address, archives presentations and AsBuilts. Assists with dumpster size and location and recycling. Assists with ensuring appropriate LEED certification. Margaret Kelland 828-7269 828-8516 Bryan Brown 828-0006 828-6617 Sylvia Britt 827-1482 828-4954 Jacek Ghosh 827-1116 827-1275 THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING IS AGREED TO BY: ______________________________________ Design/Build firm name By: ___________________________________ Signature ________________ Date ____________________________________ Printed Name & Title Attest: _________________________________ Virginia Commonwealth University Owner By:___________________________________ David W. Hanson _________________ Date Attest: _________________________________ APPENDIX A March 2013 Page 7 of 10 Documentation, Archiving, Final Deliverable Requirements The standards listed below are the minimum deliverables required by the VCU Plan Room archive for any project completed on the Monroe Park or VCUHS campus. These deliverables shall be turned in to the Plan Room within 30 days of project completion. All electronic requirements may be turned in on the same CD or flash drive. RECORD DRAWINGS (or “AS-BUILTS”) PRINT: (1) complete full or half size drawing set labeled “VCU Plan Room Copy” on the cover page - Each drawing in the set should be labeled “Record Document” - Must be on paper or bond (no Mylar or Sepia will be accepted) ELECTRONIC: (1) complete drawing set in EACH of the following formats (see naming convention below): • DWG DO NOT include X-REF on any drawings Must be purged of all layers, blocks, etc. Do not use the color yellow on any drawings There must be a continuous and closed “polyline” around each room. This line should extend from inside wall to inside wall within the room and reside on the layer “P-Space-Polyline.” This layer’s color should be “(3) Green” and line type should be “Continuous” All other layers should be based upon the AIA CAD Layer Guidelines • PDF - All drawings should be black/white (monochrome) All drawings should be to the scale designated on the set When printed from Adobe Acrobat, all drawings shall be the exact size of the printed set - Each individual JPEG file should be 300dpi resolution • JPEG Spreadsheet containing the following for all rooms: Column A: Building Number (provided by VCU) Column B: Floor Number (2 digits) example: 0B, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, etc. Column C: Room Numbers (assigned by VCU) NAMING CONVENTION FOR ALL ELECTRONIC DRAWINGS: Project Number - Sheet Number example: 236-17896-E2 or 236-17896-E-2 RENDERINGS and VIRTUAL MODELS March 2013 Page 8 of 10 PRINT: (2) final renderings printed in color, size 24” x 36” ELECTRONIC: (1) complete set of all final renderings on a CD or flash drive in TIFF format, minimum 600dpi resolution (1) final model in its native format (example: Revit, Sketch-Up, Rhino, etc.) - Must include all pages, layers, families, components, etc. that comprise the finished model SPECIFICATIONS, O&M MANUALS,WARRANTY INFORMATION PRINT: (3) complete sets of each, printed and bound on 8.5”x11” paper - (2) sets should be labeled “VCU Plan Room Copy” on the cover page ELECTRONIC: (1) complete set of each in PDF format POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS ELECTRONIC: (1) complete set of each presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) format, version 2000 or later All graphics used in presentation must be included in TIFF format, minimum 300dpi resolution STUDIES AND MASTER PLANS PRINT: (2) complete sets, printed and bound on 8.5”x11” paper ELECTRONIC: (1) complete set in PDF format All graphics used in study or Master Plan must be included in TIFF format, minimum 300dpi resolution (1) complete set, labeled “VCU Plan Room Copy” on the cover page PROPERTY AND SITE SURVEYS (Must be on State Plan Coordinate Systems) PRINT: (2) complete sets, printed and bound on 8.5”x11” paper APPENDIX B March 2013 Page 9 of 10 STATEMENT OF NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS: INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES: This Statement of Needs and Expectations is a list of Interior Design services that will be required by the DB in the execution of this project. A. Interior Finish Selection and Design 1. The DB shall be responsible for the selection and specifying of all building materials and interior and exterior finishes. Services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: Conduct periodic project meetings with the Owner to include the project Building Committee and VCU’s Interior Design Project Manager to review and determine the finish selections to be used in the project. Detailed “Interior Finish Schedule” with a Room by Room listing of all surface finishes. Each finish shall have a designator that will be used in completing the Interior Finish Schedule. General Finish Notes that further define the use of the individual finishes. Provide fire testing data to VCU. Provide full samples, of appropriate size (full size where practical) of all finishes proposed for use in the project. When the final finish selections have been made, the Contractor shall provide a “Finish Legend”, listing the manufacturer, style, color selection and size of each product. Items shall have a finish code and shall be referenced on the “Interior Finish Schedule”. Provide labeled finish presentation boards (color photo presentation board) to VCU, within five (5) working days of approved final design. These boards shall remain the property of VCU. Prior to final submission it will be the DB Teams responsibility to inquire if the presentation material will need to be matted and framed for public display. Provide one “record file” set of the finish presentation boards to VCU in 8” x 10” format within five (5) working days of submission of the finish presentation boards. APPENDIX B (continued) March 2013 Page 10 of 10 B. Furnishings and Equipment: 1. Preparation of furnishings and equipment layouts for all spaces shall be the responsibility of the DB in consultation and coordination with VCU. The final furnishings and equipment drawings shall also include locations for miscellaneous equipment such as printers and copiers. 2. Unless otherwise noted in the RFP documents the selection, specification, purchase and installation of all “movable” furnishings and equipment items shall be the responsibility of VCU. (Unless otherwise noted all living unit appliances are to be included in the DB Contract and Base Price) 4. The selection, specification, purchase and installation of all window blinds and/or window shades shall be the responsibility of VCU. 5. The DB shall be responsible to coordinate with VCU all furnishings, equipment and miscellaneous deliveries and installations of materials purchased by VCU under separate contracts. VCU will work with the DB Team to develop a delivery schedule for tracking deliveries to the site and coordinating vendor access and installations. C. Administration of Punch List and Project Close Out: 1. The DB will work with the Owner to prepare a Punch List of damages and deficiencies upon completion of installation of all furnishings, equipment and signage by the Owners separate contractors. March 2013