Teen Center, Junior High
Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Morality
Chapter 10—The Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Commandments
1. _____ is the gift of being a man or woman, a boy or girl.
a. Friendship
b. Sexuality
c. Chastity
d. Modesty
Answer: b
2. The _____ Commandments guide people in properly expressing our human sexuality.
a. Sixth and Ninth
b. First and Third
c. Seventh and Tenth
d. all of the above
Answer: a
3. Women and men possess _____ that balance and complete each other.
a. differences
b. similarities
c. opinions
d. none of the above
Answer: a
4. The virtue of ____ guides us in living the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.
a. chastity
b. temperance
c. modesty
d. all of the above
Answer: d
5. Sins that go against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments include _____.
a. sexual activity within marriage
b. sexual activity outside of marriage
c. chastity and modesty
d. none of the above
Answer: b
6. _____ is the virtue that guides us in expressing our sexuality properly according to our state in life.
a. Temperance
b. Modesty
c. Chastity
d. Integrity
Answer: c
7. _____ is the virtue that guides us to respond appropriately to our desire to love and be loved.
Faith First® Chapter Review, Morality, Chapter 10
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Teen Center, Junior High
a. Temperance
b. Modesty
c. Chastity
d. Integrity
Answer: a
8. _____ is the virtue that encourages decency and moderation in living our relationships with others.
a. Temperance
b. Modesty
c. Chastity
d. Integrity
Answer: b
9. The Book of _____ clearly reveals that God gave to each person the responsibility to care for creation.
a. Genesis
b. Exodus
c. Isaiah
d. Revelation
Answer: a
10. _____ is the responsibility that each person has to care for creation.
a. Dominion
b. Stewardship
c. Environment
d. Justice
Answer: b
11. Our responsibility to care for creation involves concern for the _____.
a. future
b. poor
c. common good
d. all of the above
Answer: d
12. The sin of _____ is contrary to the precept of the Seventh Commandment.
a. abortion
b. consumerism
c. adultery
d. all of the above
Answer: b
13. All forms of stealing are acts of _____ for the dignity of human beings.
a. respect
b. disrespect
c. justice
d. generosity
Answer: b
14. All acts of _____ are acts of injustice.
a. stealing
Faith First® Chapter Review, Morality, Chapter 10
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Teen Center, Junior High
b. mercy
c. forgiveness
d. reparation
Answer: a
15. Stealing includes _____ taking someone’s possessions.
a. more than
b. only
c. never
d. unknowingly
Answer: a
16. The Church’s preferential love for the poor is based on the _____.
a. Seventh Commandment
b. Gospel
c. tradition of the Church
d. all of the above
Answer: d
17. _____ is the name given to the action that must be taken to repair the damage done through injustice.
a. Justice
b. Replacement
c. Reparation
d. Damage control
Answer: c
18. The precept of the Seventh Commandment applies to _____.
a. cheating on a test
b. workers and employers
c. other people’s possessions
d. all of the above
Answer: d
19. _____ is depriving people of employment based on gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
a. Harassment
b. Discrimination
c. Prejudice
d. Slavery
Answer: b
20. In 1979, Pope John Paul II named Saint _____ the patron of ecologists.
a. Joseph
b. Peter
c. Francis of Assisi
d. none of the above
Answer: c
Faith First® Chapter Review, Morality, Chapter 10
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