Teacher: Dalila Cameron Subject: Physical Education 1st grade Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014 Date: September 30- October 4, 2013 . High-Yield Strategies: 2. Identifying Similarities and Differences 3. Summarizing and Notetaking 4. Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition 5. Homework and Practice 6. Non-linguistic Representations 7. Cooperative Learning 8. Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback 9. Generating and Hypotheses 10. Questions, Cues, and Advance Organizers Tuesday Standard Access Prior Knowledge Focus Standard: PE.2 Develop an understanding of movement, sports strategies, and game rules through participation in variety of physical activities which include dance, movements forms, and individual and team sports. PE 2a Demonstrate even rhythmic loco motor movements: walk, run leap, hop and jump, and uneven rhythmic loco motor movements: gallop, slide and skip. PE 2b Demonstrate dynamic and static balance, with control, on a variety of moving and stationary objects or equipment. PE 2d Develop patterns and combinations of movement into repeatable sequences. PE 4b Control and support body weight in a variety of fitness activities. New Information Even loco motor movements. Jumping (2 feet to 2 feet). Hopping (1 foot to same foot). PE 4 Develop and maintain efficient fundamental motor patterns and the body awareness and control necessary to perform a wide variety of physical activities. Supporting Standards: PE 1d Demonstrate knowledge and application of fundamental movement skills. Thursday Goal Demonstrate even and uneven rhythmic loco motor movements: Jumping, Hopping, Skipping, SideStepping, Galloping, Sliding, Creeping, Crawling, Travel around, make moves like any animal. (Rabbit, kangaroo, ant, snake, crab, and seashell. Uneven rhythmic loco motor movements. Skipping, Side-Stepping, Galloping, Sliding, Creeping, and Crawling. Apply Knowledge Jumping: In your home space, jump low, jump high, jump higher. Alternate low and high jumps. Jump and land with your feet apart, together, click your heels. Jump-Turns; quarter turn, half turn, three-quarter turn, full turn. Hopping: On your right foot, hop forward four times; then hop backwards four times; repeat on left foot. Hop holding the free foot in different positions: right hand, left hand, holding behind, in front, to the side. Skip forward in general space, in and out of your classmates, changing directions on the signal. Now skip backwards, and watch where you are going. Repeat side-stepping, galloping. Do something different with your hands as you skip; clap hands; snap fingers; raise them in the air. Show what you can do with your arms as you side-step: Hold them out sideways at shoulder level and circle your arms and move them up and down; swing them inward/outward. Gallop with one foot leading and switch on the signal. Slide on different body parts: tummy, back, bottom, and feet. Crawl in different directions. Creep on different body parts. Freeze on the signal. Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade Class work Hopscotch game (4 Groups of 4) Jump rope (3 groups of 4). Hoop Shapes: Scatter hoops throughout the play area. On the signal skip, gallop, or side-step around the hoops without touching them. On the 2nd signal jump inside the hoop and make a shape. Practical assessment.