
Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
Introduction to Advanced Topics
Chapter 1
Eran Yahav
Course textbook:
Advanced compiler design and Implementation
Steven S. Muchnick
ISBN 1558603204
Two copies available in TAU library.
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Review of compiler structure
Advanced issues in elementary topics
The importance of optimizations
Structure of optimizing compilers
Placement of optimizations
Tentative schedule
Course requirements
Compiler Structure
Symbol table
and access
OS Interface
Figure 1 - General structure of a non-optimizing one-pass compiler
This section will give a short reminder of basic compiler structure and basic terminology. If you are not
familiar with the terms, you can find more elaborate description in [1] or [2].
Lets start by a describing the structure of a non-optimizing one-pass compiler. The structure of such a
compiler is brought in details in Figure 1.
A simple non-optimizing one-pass compiler consists of the following components/phases:
Scanner (also known as Lexical Analyzer) - input for this phase is the stream of characters
representing the source program. During scanning, the stream is read sequentially and characters are
grouped into meaningful tokens. Output of this phase is a token stream, to be analyzed by the parser.
Parser (also known as Syntax Analyzer) - input for this phase is a stream of tokens (usually
produced by the lexical analyzer). During parsing, tokens are grouped into grammatical phrases. The
parsing phase produces abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the program.
Semantic Analyzer - input for this phase is the AST, produced by the parser. The semantic
analysis phase verifies the program in terms of semantic errors, and collects type information later used
by the code-generator. Semantic analysis usually produces some form of intermediate representation
(IR) of the program.
Code Generator - input for this phase is the intermediate representation (IR), produced by the
semantic analyzer. The code generator produces target code using the intermediate representation.
The other two components in Figure 1 - symbol table, access routines and OS interface are used by most of
compiler phases. The symbol table and access routines record identifiers used in the source program, and
collect information about various attributes of each identifier. A symbol table is a data structure containing
a record for each identifier with fields for the attributes of the identifier. A naive implementation of a
symbol table is quite trivial, but, as we shall later see, efficient symbol table management is not at all
simple. Note that the symbol table (and access routines) is usually used by all compilation phases, for
example: the lexical analyzer detects the existence of an identifier in the source program, and creates the
corresponding record in the symbol table. However, most of the identifier attributes will be only detected
by later phases.
The OS interface is used by the compiler to handle files, error handling at the OS level etc.
A more sophisticated compiler would probably contain additional components, such as a code optimizer.
Advanced Issues in Elementary Topics
Although the compiler structure described in the previous section is quite simple, there are some advanced
issues to be investigated (textbook chapter brought in parenthesis):
Symbol table management (3)
 Efficiency - the symbol table can be trivially implemented as a hash table with identifier
names used as a hashing index. Is that the best implementation? Can we use other data
structure to achieve better performance?
 Overloading - how do we handle overloading (the problem is demonstrated in the
following section)
Type Inference - all compilers use some degree of type inference. The problem of type
inference can be simply described as - determine the type of an expression based on the types of
operands participating in the expression. Although many cases seem to straightforward, in object
oriented languages, type inference can get very complicated.
Intermediate Language Selection (4) - selecting an intermediate representation can affect the
quality of target code generated, and quality of optimizations performed.
Run-Time Support(5) - the data structures used by the compiler to support the program at
runtime, representation of objects during run-time etc.
Producing Code Generators (6)
Symbol table management
procedure BACH is
procedure put (x: boolean) is begin null; end;
procedure put (x: float) is begin null; end;
procedure put (x: integer) is begin null; end;
package x is
type boolean is (false, true);
function f return boolean;
-- (D1)
end x;
package body x is
function f return boolean is begin null; end;
end x;
function f return float is begin null; end;
-- (D2)
use x;
put (f);
-- (A1)
A: declare
f: integer;
-- (D3)
put (f);
-- (A2)
B: declare
function f return integer is begin null; end; -- (D4)
put (f);
-- (A3)
end B;
end A;
end BACH;
Figure 2 - sample program - is symbol table management trivial?
Symbol table management should take overloading into account. Figure 2 shows a sample program in
which a number of identifiers "f" are defined, In some program points f is a function, in other, it is a simple
integer variable. However, in each program point, the compiler should resolve f to a single entry in the
symbol table according to the language semantics.
For example, lets examine the call site denoted "A1". Which f is invoked at "A1"? The function declared at
"D1" or that defined in "D2"?
Note that the put procedure is overloaded to handle types boolean, float and integer.
f[D1] is declared with a boolean return type. So is it f[D1] that will be invoked with a put(boolean)
procedure ? Taking a careful look at f[D1] reveals that the boolean type returned by f[D1] is a specified
type defined inside that package x, rather than the "global" boolean defined in Ada.
Since f[D1] does not return a "global" boolean type, there is no implementation of put that can handle it.
Therefore, the site "A1" will invoke put(float) with f[D2].
What about "A2" ? the site "D3" added yet another symbol f to the symbol table, and now as an integer
variable. According to Ada's semantics, a locally defined symbol "masks" other identifiers with identical
names. In short, the site "A2" will invoke put(integer) on the integer variable f defined at "D3".
Finally, lets take a look at "A3". Now we have four different definitions of f in our program. Which f will
be used at "A3" ? Again, language definition comes to our aid, and locality of definition helps us to resolve
f to f[D4] and put to put(integer).
As can be seen from our simple example, symbol table management could be quite tricky. This subject is
covered in details in chapter 3 of the textbook.
Type Inference
Type inference - the problem of determining the type of a language construct from the way it is used. This
term is often applied to the problem of inferring the type of an expression from its arguments or the type of
a function from its body.
type link ^cell;
procedure mlist (lptr :link; procedure p);
while lptr <> nil do begin
lptr := lptr^.next
Figure 3 - type inference example - procedure mlist with procedure parameter p (dragon book)
Figure 3 is an example of type-inference in Pascal, the example was taken from [2].
The procedure mlist takes as parameter another procedure p. By looking at mlist's header, we do not know
the number or type of parameters taken by procedure p. This kind of incomplete specification of the type of
procedure p is allowed by C and Pascal reference manual. Since mlist invokes p, we can infer the type of p
from the use of p inside mlist. p is used in the expression p(lptr), therefore, the type of p must be link →
void, i.e., the function p maps values from type link to type void (p is a procedure and therefore its return
type is void).
Intermediate Language Selection
Low Vs. High level control flow structures
Flat Vs. Hierarchical (tree)
Machine Vs. High level of instructions
(Symbolic) Registers Vs. Stack
Normal forms (SSA)
Intermediate forms: Control Flow Graph, Call Graph, Program Dependence Graph
Issues: Engineering, efficiency, portability, optimization level
IRs in the Book
for v v1 by v2 to v3 do
a[i] :=2
v v1
t2  v2
t3  v3
L1: if v >t3 goto L2
t4 addr a
t5  4*i
t6  t4+t5
*t6  2
v  v + t2
goto L1
s2 s1
s4  s3
s6  s5
L1: if s2 >s6 goto L2
s7  addr a
s8  4*s9
s10  s7+s8
[s10]  2
s2  s2 + s4
goto L1
High Intermediate
Representation (HIR)
Medium Intermediate
Representation (MIR)
Low Intermediate
Representation (LIR)
Figure 4 - different levels of intermediate representation
Figure 4 shows an example of three different levels of intermediate representation as described in the
textbook. The high-level intermediate representation (HIR) uses a high level structure with loops and arrays
subscripting. The medium level, uses a high level structure with a low level control flow. Note that the loop
control structure is no longer available at the MIR level, and the array access is now expressed in terms of
pointer offsets. The low level uses a lower representation, by taking variables and assigning them to
symbolic registers.
Single Static Assignment Form (SSA)
Single static assignment form, as its name may hint, is a form of representation in which every variable (or
symbolic register) is assigned a value only once.
This representation is easy to create by the compiler, and makes is easy to determine for each variable the
site in which it was assigned a value.
The key idea in this form is to use the non-deterministic selection function  where more than one value is
available for assignment.
s2 s1
s4  s3
s6  s5
L1: if s2 >s6 goto L2
s7  addr a
s8  4*s9
s10  s7+s8
[s10]  2
s2  s2 + s4
goto L1
s21 s1
s4  s3
s4  s3
s22  (s21 , s23)
s7  addr a
s8  4*s9
s10  s7+s8
[s10]  2
s23  s22 + s4
Figure 5 - Single static assignment form
The above figure shows an example of SSA representation of a LIR program. The SSA form given in (b)
represents the LIR given in (a). Note the use of the non-deterministic selection function  to choose a value
from s21 , the value assigned at the loop header, and s23, the value assigned in the loop body.
Run-Time Support
Data representation and instructions
Register usage
Stack frames (activation records)
Parameter passing disciplines
Symbolic and polymorphic language support
The Importance of Optimizations
Using a non-optimizing one-pass compiler as described in Figure 1 will usually result a non-efficient code
when compared to more sophisticated compilers.
Figure 6 shows the code generated for the simple C program on an expression by expression basis. As can
be easily seen, the non-optimized SPARC code uses 7 instructions, 5 of which are memory access
instructions. The non-optimized SPARC code does not take advantage of pre-calculated values (subexpression for c) or efficient register allocation.
The optimized code is much more efficient and uses only 2 instructions. In terms of run-time improvement,
the non-optimized code takes 10 cycles and the optimized code only 2 cycles!
int a, b, c, d;
c = a + b;
d = c + 1;
a, r1
b, r2
r1, r2, r3
r3, c
c, r3
r3, 1, r4
r4, d
C code
SPARC code
10 Cycles
add r1, r2, r3
add r3, 1, r4
Optimized SPARC code
2 Cycles
Figure 6 - optimization benefits
In some compilers (or programming languages), it is common for the programmer to aid the compiler by
giving optimization "hints". Examples for such hints are the with clause used in Pascal, or the fact that loop
index variables are not guaranteed to exist after the loop (this allows the compiler to allocate the index in a
register that its value is not stored as the loop ends). Optimizations based on programmer hints are no
longer popular. All modern programming styles encourage the use of simple and readable code rather than
an optimized non-readable code with compiler hints or constructs chosen to aid the compiler.
Furthermore, as complexity of programs is constantly increasing, it is not likely for programmers to keep
optimizing their programs manually.
Letting the compiler work harder (rather than the programmer) and apply optimizations on a "readable"
program may open the way for simpler machines and more efficient use of the target machine (RISC,
Modularity of modern compilers gives another motivation for using compiler optimizations. Modern
compilers often generate non-optimized code to allow reuse of compiler components. If a certain
component applies an optimization, it may omit data needed by following components. Furthermore, since
the compiler needs to be modular, it consists of distinct modules, each handling specific tasks, and possibly
causing code generation to be local (similar to code generation shown in Figure 6).
Application Dependent Optimizations
Different applications/programs may require different optimizations. Often, one wants to develop an
application dependent optimization that is targeted towards a specific class of applications.
For example, functional programs can be optimized by replacement of (expensive) recursion by loops (tailcalls elimination). Another common optimization for functional programs is replacement of heap by stack
(heap allocation and access is always more expensive than stack access).
Object-oriented programs performance can be improved by dead member elimination (for example see [3])
and replacement of virtual by static function (for example see [?]).
In addition to the above, specific optimizations can be applied on specific types of applications such as
numeric code or database access code.
Mixed vs. Low Level Optimizers
The location of the optimization phase is another interesting issue. Should we place the optimizer before
code generation, after code generation, both? There are two common approaches for placing optimization
Optimizer can be placed after code generation (low-level). Low level optimization is used by
HP-PA-RISC/IBM-Power PC. Low level optimization is considered as yielding more efficient code,
and considered as conceptually simpler (in RISC). Since optimization is done at the lowest level (after
code generation), specific programming language details do not exist and the optimization can be used
for multiple programming languages.
Optimizer can be divided to two phases, one preceding code generation, and the other
following the code generation phase (see Figure 7). Such optimizer performs both high-level (usually
architecture independent) and low-level (architecture dependent) optimization, and thus called mixed
optimizer. Mixed optimizers are used by Sun-SPARC, Dec. Alpha, SGI-MIPS, Intel’s 386. Mixed
optimizers are considered easier to port since at least part of the optimizer is architecture independent.
Since part of the optimization is performed at high-level, it can take advantage of high-level
information to achieve more efficient compilation. Mixed optimization supports CISC.
The approaches described above are shown in Figure 7.
In both approaches, the optimizer analyses the intermediate code and tries to take advantage of the specific
case introduced. For example consider loop invariant - an expression inside a loop with a result that is
independent of loop iteration. Such an expression could be extracted from the loop and evaluated only
once. In a loop with large number of iterations, evaluating any expression, simple as it may be, may have a
considerable effect on performance. Elimination of such redundant recalculation is only one example of
optimizations that are both simple and efficient.
IR Generator
Figure 7 - location of the optimization phase
Translation by Preprocessing
Source to source translation of one programming language to another can produce "cheap" compilation
solutions by using a translator and an existing compiler of the target language.
For example, some programming languages are translated into C to be later compiled by a standard C
compiler. This allows the language developer to write a translator rather than a whole compiler package.
Real world examples are elimination of includes by C preprocessor, translation of C++ to C (cfront),
Haskel, translation of Fortran into “vector” Fortran program etc.
C is very comfortable as an "intermediate language" due to its support of some indirect source level
debugging (such as the #line directive). Indirect source level debugging allows showing the original source
program, rather than source of the C program (produced by translating the original source program).
By using compiler directives such as #line, we maintain a relationship between the translation (C program)
and the original source program files. This relationship can be later used to identify which source program
statements are related to statements of the target (C) program.
Data-Cache Optimizations (20)
Processors are getting faster all the time. Memory is lagging behind. Differences between main memory
and cache access time are dramatic. By causing data (or instructions) to be read from cache rather than
from main memory, one can significantly improve performance. Data-cache optimizations are usually most
effective when applied to high-level
intermediate code (or source code).
Figure 8 shows the phases of an
optimizing compiler where datacache optimization is applied to
high-level code. The IBM PowerPC
compiler uses a de-compiler to
translate a low-level intermediate
representation to a higher-level
intermediate representation, then
using the higher-level IR for dataParser
cache optimization. This allows
IBM to place data-cache
optimization after low-level IR
generator, with the rest of compiler
optimizations applied at that phase.
The IBM PowerPC compiler is
sketched in Figure 9.
Figure 8 - data cache optimization applied on high-level IR
Semantic Analyzer
LIR Generator
Low to high
Data cache optimizer
Final Assembly
High to low
Figure 9 - IBM PowerPC compiler
Placement of optimizations
It is clear that some optimizations are dependent of each other. One optimization can create optimization
opportunities for another, but it might as well destroy optimization opportunities.
We want to find an ordering of the applied optimizations in which combined optimizations yield betteroptimized code, and do not clash with each other.
Scalar replacement of array references
Data-cache optimizations
Procedure integration
Tail-call elimination
Scalar replacement of aggregates
Sparse constant propagation
Interprocedural constant propagation
Procedure specialization and cloning
Sparse conditional constant propagation
High Level
Global value numbering
Local and global copy propagation
Sparse conditional constant propagation
Dead code elimination
Common Subexpression Elimination
Loop invariant code motion
(or partial redundancy elimination)
Inline expansion
Leaf-routine optimizations
Instruction Scheduling 1
Register allocation
Instruction Scheduling 2
Intraprocedural I-cache optimizations
Instruction prefetching
Data prefertching
Branch predication
Interprocedural register allocation
Interprocedural I-cache optimization
Low Level
Figure 10 - placement of optimizations example
Figure 10 gives an example of optimization placement in a compiler. Optimizations are applied starting
with the high-level optimizations and going down to the lower level ones.
Note that some optimizations are applied more than once (such as sparse conditional constant propagation).
Optimizations in Figure 10 are labeled according to the type of code for which they apply:
A - high-level optimizations that are applied on high-level IR or source code. Usually applied
during early compilation stages.
B - medium-level or low-level optimizations.
D - usually applied on low-level IR.
E - performed at link time. Applied to object code.
Figure 11 and Figure 12 demonstrate the significance of combining optimizations, and significance of
optimization order.
Figure 11 (a) shows a simple program after constant propagation.
Note that evaluation path (marked with thick edges) is determined due to constant propagation - the
constant a1 is propagated to the condition a=1. However, constant propagation (usually) does not work
on aggregate types, and the value B.x1.0 is not propagated to the following conditional (B.x=1.0).
Part (b) of the figure shows the simple program after scalar replacement (after constant propagation was
already applied). Scalar replacement replaces the term B.x by c. Since c is now a scalar value, it is subject
to the second pass of constant propagation, and the condition c=1.0 is evaluated to true using the value
c1.0 assigned in previous block.
c  B.x
B.x  1.0
B.y  1.0
c  1.0
B.y  1.0
read B.x
read B.y
B.x = 1.0
read B.x
read B.y
c = 1.0
(a) After constant propagation
(b) After scalar replacement
Figure 11 - Scalar replacement after constant propagation
d  B.x
B.x  1.0
read B.y
B.x = 1.0
d  1.0
read B.y
d = 1.0
dd +c
B.x  B.x + c
(a) Before optimization
(b) After scalar replacement and constant propagation
Figure 12 - Scalar replacement before constant propagation
Figure 12 (a) shows a simple program, before any optimization is applied. Part (b) of the figure shows
application of scalar replacement and constant propagation (in that order). First, the term B.x is replaced by
a scalar d. Constant propagation is then applied and propagates the value 1.0 of d (assigned by d1.0) to
the condition d=1.0, which then evaluates to true.
Theoretically Open Questions
Picking the “right” order
Combining optimizations
Proving correctness
Tentative Schedule
30/3 Introduction(1)
13/4 No class (read Chapter 2 and solve Homework #1)
20/4 Yom Hazikaron
24/4 9am, Intermediate Representations(4)
27/4 Control Flow Analysis (7)
4/5 Data Flow Analysis (8)
11/5 Dependence Analysis and Dependence Graphs(9)
18/5 Introduction to Optimization(11)
25/5 Early Optimizations (12)
1/6 Redundancy Elimination (13)
8/6 Loop Optimizations (14)
7/6 Interprocedural Analysis and Optimizations (19)
14/6 Optimizations for memory hierarchy (20)
21/6 Case Studies of Compilers and Future Trends (21)
Uncovered Chapters
Symbol tables(3)
Run-time support(5)
Producing code generators automatically (6)
Alias analysis(10)
Procedure optimizations (15)
Register allocation (16)
Code scheduling (17)
Control-Flow and Low-Level Optimizations (18)
Uncovered Topics
Code profiling
Source level debugging
Parallelization and vectorization
Just in time compilation
Course Requirements
Prepare course notes 10%
Theoretical assignments 30%
Final exam 60%
S.S. Muchnick. Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation.
A.V. Aho. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools.
P.F. Sweeny and F. Tip. A Study of Dead Data Members in C++ Applications. In Proceedings
of the 1998 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Montreal, Canada,
June 1998.
G. Aigner and U. Holzle. Eliminating Virtual Functions Call in C++ Programs. Technical
Report TRCS 95-22, Department of computer science, University of California, Santa Barbara,
December 1995.
References for first lecture notes