Sample assessment BSBHR504A Manage industrial relations policies and processes This assessment is provided as a sample only. RTOs should replace this with their own assessment. See the Teacher Guide for an outline of other assessment methods. Assessment event 1: Portfolio of evidence Prepare a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate your competency in this Unit. You should include items you developed for your portfolio as you were working through the Project Tasks in this Unit. These items may relate to the STAR Industries case study or to your own workplace, or another case study as agreed with your teacher. Additional assessment methods may include reflection by the student on the processes involved in creating the evidence items; and/or a group project; and/or observation of workplace performance. Be sure to include enough items to show competency across all tasks in this Unit. This event assesses: Task Performance criteria Key competencies 1. Identify IR performance gaps 1.1 Strategic plans and operational plans are analysed to determine long term industrial relations objectives Planning and organising activities to implement IR strategies 1.2 Existing industrial relations performance is evaluated in relation to strategic industrial relations objectives Using technology to aid communication and recordkeeping 2.1 Performance gaps are identified by the management team Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 2003 1 1 Task Performance criteria Key competencies 2. Develop options to eliminate performance gaps 2.2 Options are evaluated in terms of cost benefit and risk analysis Communicating ideas and information to assist in the understanding of IR concepts 2.3 strategy/policies are agreed within the management team 3. Develop an implementation plan for industrial relations strategies Working with teams and others to aid the negotiation process 2.4 Options to eliminate the gaps over the short to medium term are developed Using technology to aid communication and recordkeeping 3.1 An implementation plan for IR strategies/policies is developed by the management team Communicating ideas and information to assist in the understanding of IR concepts 3.2 The implementation plan includes risk analyses and a contingency plan Planning and organising activities to implement IR strategies 3.3 Training and development is provided where appropriate to support the IR plan 3.4 Contingency plans are prepared in the event that negotiations break down 4. Negotiate with stakeholders 2 4.1 Negotiations are undertaken between employer representatives and employee representatives to agree to changes required by either group Collecting, analysing and organising information to prepare for negotiations 4.2 Breakdowns in negotiations are managed in accordance with the organisations IR strategies/policies and legal requirements Solving problems to minimise the impact of grievances and disputes Working with teams and others to aid the negotiation process Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 2003 2 Task Performance criteria Key competencies 4.3 Agreed outcomes of negotiations are documented and certified in the relevant jurisdiction where appropriate 5. Manage to minimise conflict in the workplace 5.1 Workplaces are monitored to minimise dysfunctional conflict Working with teams and others to aid the negotiation process 5.2 Causes of conflict/grievance are identified and alleviated/eliminated in accordance with organisational policies and legal requirements Solving problems to minimise the impact of grievances and disputes 5.3 Conflict management procedures are regularly reviewed and improved where appropriate 6. Manage conflicts, grievances and disputes 6.1 Problem solving/grievance procedures are agreed and documented Communicating ideas and information to assist in the understanding of IR concepts 6.2 Procedures are put in place to ensure early advice/notification of grievances/conflicts/dispu tes within the organisation Working with teams and others to aid the negotiation process 6.3 Dispute resolution procedures are followed with referral to external bodies as a last resort Solving problems to minimise the impact of grievances and disputes 6.4 Specialist/expert advice is sought and considered where appropriate 6.5 The organisation’s position is strongly advocated by appropriate representative bodies internally and within Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 2003 3 3 Task Performance criteria Key competencies relevant jurisdictions 6.6 Individuals are trained in conflict management techniques 7 Monitor and evaluate agreed outcomes 7.1 Outcomes of agreements are monitored and evaluated Working with teams and others to aid the negotiation process 7.2 Remedial action is taken where groups or individuals fail to abide by agreements Assessment event 2: Underpinning knowledge This assessment event requires to you to make contributions to online groupwork related to at least two Project Tasks. You should demonstrate the depth of your understanding of underpinning knowledge through your forum postings and/or in the feedback you provide to your fellow students on their work. Check with your teacher about which groupwork activities are required for assessment, and which of the following underpinning knowledge in the Training Package you will be assessed on: 4 Relevant legislation – occupational health and safety; environmental issues; equal employment opportunity; industrial relations; and antidiscrimination Industrial relations as a concept within an organisational context Workplace reform in a best practice environment Role of employee representatives and employee organisations Case preparation and presentation techniques Negotiation and mediation techniques Relevant federal and state industrial relations systems Enterprise and workplace bargaining Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 2003 4 Changing economic, social, demographic, labour market conditions and educational trends Human resource strategy and planning Industrial relations policies and practices Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 2003 5 5