Christmas Carol Booklet: Page 1-Front cover: The title and student's

Christmas Carol Booklet:
Page 1-Front cover: The title and student’s name should be inside boxes. The rest of the page
should be decorated with something to do with Christmas or the book A Christmas Carol.
Page 2-Divide into 3 sections. In the top section, write what you knew about A Christmas Carol
before we started. The middle section, what you want to know, the bottom section, what you
learned (when we’re done with the book).
Page 3-Write 6-8 facts (in a paragraph) about Charles Dickens and his life.
Page 4 & 5- Divided into 6 sections (labeled): Queen Victoria, Industrial Revolution, London’s
Population Explosion, London Streets, Working London, Housing. Write 3-4 facts about each of
these categories.
Page 6-7- pg. 738 (Literature Book): Define the Following Vocabulary Words: implored,
morose, destitute, void, conveyed, gratitude
Page 8: About the Big Question: Pg. 738 (Literature Book): “When we reflect on our actions
toward others, we can learn…” – Finish this statement with your own thoughts. At least 5
Page 9: Write a minimum of 10 sentences. This can be one long paragraph or two shorter
paragraphs (with at least 5 sentences per paragraph). Answer this question: What brings you
joy during the winter holidays?
Page 10: Divide the page in half (top and bottom). On the top half list 3 things from the 1st part
of the book that prove that the setting is London in the 1800s. On the bottom half, explain
(using complete sentences) how Scrooge’s lifestyle is inconsistent with his wealth.
Page 11: Summary of what you have read so far (Scenes 1-4); write at least 5-7 sentences.
Page 12: Vocabulary Activity (Literature Book) page 769 - Rewrite sentences 1-6 (FOLLOW
Page 13: Answer these questions from Literature Book pgs. 768. Critical Thinking Questions 1-5
(All Parts). Answer with complete thoughts/sentences.
Pages 14-15: Come up with 3-4 Questions you have about the story. You will ask 2-4 peers and
write down their answers.
Page 16: Divide the page in half (top and bottom). On the top half, draw and describe one of
YOUR Christmas’ pasts. On the bottom half, draw and describe one of YOUR Christmas’ future.
Page 17: Define Vocabulary (Literature Book – Pg. 774): astonish, compulsion, severe, meager,
audible, intercedes.
Page 18: Top: Media Connection (Literature Book – Pg. 800). Look at and Discuss the Media
Connection, and answer the question: “Which of these actors (or one from a newer version)
best portrays Scrooge as you imagine him from your reading? Explain your answer in 5-7
Bottom: Give one example of how each element of drama is being used in Act 2, scenes 1-3
Page 19: Vocabulary Activity (Literature Book - Pg. 807). Answer each question and explain
your answer for 1-6.
Page 20: (Literature Book – Pg. 806) Critical Thinking Questions 1-5 (ALL PARTS).
Page 21: (Literature Book-Pg. 817) Answer #1 All parts
Page 22: notes from animation/drama
Page 23: Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the drama and the animation
Mini Project:
Page 24: Picture
Page 25 and 26: 3 journal entries
Page 27: Letter