Fifth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2015 ALABAMA REGIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCE JULY 15-17, 2015 Troy University Campus, Troy, Alabama Theme: “The Investment Factor: The Local Church Reclaiming Its Legacy and Its Future” SCHEDULE AND ARRIVAL: The Conference begins at 8 am on Wednesday, July 15 with roll call at 9 am. Presiding Elders, Joint Boards, Treasurers, Department and Committee Presidents and Christian Education staff need to arrive on Tuesday for an evening meeting at 6 pm with Bishop Snorton. We will end on Friday, July 17 around 2 pm! The Children and Youth Conference will begin Wednesday morning and end on Friday at 2 pm! When you arrive on campus, watch for signs directing you to parking for the “CME” Conference. Come to the auditorium in Smith Hall on University Avenue to pick up your registration and your housing key. Onsite registration will be available, but we may not be able to provide housing to those registering on site. REGISTRATION AND CONFERENCE IDENTIFICATION: Everyone coming onto the Troy University campus must have a conference identification badge! Therefore you must register. Each person must have their own registration form, even children. There is no charge for visitors and observers, but they must complete a registration form and get the proper conference identification. LODGING AND MEALS: See back side for the on-campus options. A list of recommended hotels will be on the website at if you do not want to stay on campus. However, the conference will not be contracting any rooms at any hotels. There is also no meal ticket option if you do not stay on campus, but you can pay as you go in the campus cafeteria. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DONATIONS: We are bringing school supplies to share with a local charity! Book bags, pencils, notebooks, crayons, glue, scissors, colored pencils, paper, etc. PAYMENT: EACH PERSON MUST HAVE A COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM WITH THE CORRECT PAYMENT. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE FIFTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT. MAIL FORMS AND PAYMENT TO: Fifth Episcopal District, P.O. Box 13383, Birmingham, AL 35202-3383 DEADLINE TO RECEIVE REGISTRATION: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!! Fifth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church REGISTRATION SUMMARY 2015 ALABAMA REGIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCE Everyone coming onto the Troy University campus must have a conference identification badge! Therefore you must register. Each person must have their own registration form, even children. There is no charge for visitors and observers, but they must complete a registration form and get the proper conference identification. For those staying on campus: All housing is NON-SMOKING! Each suite has four separate bedrooms (twin beds) with a shared bathroom. You must bring your own sheets, blanket, pillow, towels and washcloths. Those under 12 must share a room with a parent, guardian or chaperone. Those between 13-21 years old can only share with same gender roommates. You can have less than 4 per suite, but not more than 4 people. Meals are buffet style in the campus cafeteria. If you do not purchase a housing and meal package, then you can pay for your own meals as you go through the cafeteria line or eat off campus at your own expense. THERE ARE NO MEAL TICKETS SEPARATE FROM THE HOUSING. The Costs are very reasonable and the examples below will help your planning: Registration No housing or meals Registration 2 nights/8 meals Registration 3 nights, 9 meals TOTAL Adult/Young Adult Clergy or Lay $ 75 On your own TOTAL $ 75 $ 75 $100 TOTAL $175 $ 75 $125 TOTAL $200 EXAMPLES: Pastor and Non-Delegate Spouse: Adult Visitor or Observer $0 On your own TOTAL $ 0 $0 $100 TOTAL $100 $0 $125 TOTAL $125 Child or Youth $25 On your own TOTAL $ 25 $ 75 TOTAL $ 25 $ 95 TOTAL $ 25 $100 $120 Compared to Average 2 nights hotel and tax ($250) and 3 days of meals for two @$60/day ($180) 2 Nights/8 meals (P) $175 (S) $100 $275 3 Nights/9 meals (P) $200 (S) $125 $325 2 Nights/8 meals (D) $175 3 Nights/9 meals (D) $200 Compared to Average 2 nights hotel and tax ($250) and 3 days of meals @$30/day ($ 90) Single $340 Shared $215 Child/Youth: 2 Nights/8 meals 3 Nights/9 meals (C/Y) $120 Compared to Shocco Springs 1 night/3 meals Child $35 Youth $75 TOTAL Delegate: (C/Y) $100 $430 or more Fifth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church ADULT REGISTRATION FORM 2015 ALABAMA REGIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCE JULY 15-17, 2015 Troy University, Troy, Alabama REGION: Birmingham North Central Alabama Southeast Alabama Pastor Minister-On-Trial Retired Clergy Clergy-In-Residence Lay Delegate Visitor/Observer Name________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address ________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________ STATE_________ ZIP CODE___________________ Telephone (_____) ______________________Email__________________________________________ Local Church __________________________________________City____________________________ Check all that Apply: Steward Stewardess Trustee Christian Educator Young Adult Missionary Lay Ministry Usher Choir Evangelism & Missions Other _________________ (A) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE: Adults and Young Adults $75 Visitors and Observers $0 (A) $______________ (B) PICK ONE LODGING AND MEAL PACKAGE: I DO NOT need lodging and will pay for my own meals. COST $ 0 PACKAGE #1 – Lodging for Tuesday, Wed, and Thurs Nights (3 nights) AND 9 meals Tu D, Wed B/L/D, Thur B/L/D, Fri B/L COST $125 PACKAGE #2 - Lodging for Wed and Thurs Nights (2 nights) AND 8 meals Wed B/L/D, Thur B/L/D, Fri B/L COST $100 (C) TOTAL ENCLOSED (B) $______________ (C) $_______________ Each suite has four separate bedrooms (twin beds) with a shared bathroom. You must bring your own sheets, blanket, pillow, towels and washcloths. Those under 12 must share a room with a parent, guardian or chaperone. Those between 13-21 years old can only share with same gender roommates. You can have less than 4 per suite, but not more than 4. CHECK HERE IF YOU NEED HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY List your roommates here: NAME AGE if under 21 Gender Parent, Guardian or Chaperone if under 18 Person #2 Person #3 Person #4 EACH PERSON MUST HAVE A COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM WITH THE CORRECT PAYMENT. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE FIFTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT. MAIL TO: Fifth Episcopal District, P.O. Box 13383, Birmingham, AL 35202-3383 Fifth Episcopal District of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church CHILDREN AND YOUTH REGISTRATION FORM 2015 ALABAMA REGIONS ANNUAL CONFERENCE JULY 15-17, 2015 Troy University, Troy, Alabama REGION: Birmingham North Central Alabama Southeast Alabama Name________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian/Chaperone’s Name and Phone # ___________________________________________ Home Address ________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ STATE_________ ZIP CODE___________________ Telephone (_____) ______________________Email__________________________________________ Local Church __________________________________________City____________________________ (A) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE: Child (6-12 yrs) $25 Youth (13-17 yrs) $25 (A) $______________ (B) PICK ONE LODGING AND MEAL PACKAGE: I DO NOT need lodging and will pay for my own meals. COST $ 0 PACKAGE #1 – Lodging for Tuesday, Wed, and Thurs Nights (3 nights) AND 9 meals Tu D, Wed B/L/D, Thur B/L/D, Fri B/L COST $95 PACKAGE #2 - Lodging for Wed and Thurs Nights (2 nights) AND 8 meals Wed B/L/D, Thur B/L/D, Fri B/L COST $75 (C) TOTAL ENCLOSED (B) $______________ (C) $______________ Suites have four separate bedrooms (twin beds) w/ a shared bathroom. You must bring your own sheets, blanket, pillow, towels & washcloths. Those under 12 must share a room with a parent, guardian or chaperone. Those between 13-21 yrs old must share with same gender. There can be less than 4 per room, but not more than 4. CHECK HERE IF YOU NEED HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY List your roommates here: NAME AGE if Gender Parent, Guardian or under 21 Chaperone if under 18 Person #2 Person #3 Person #4 EACH PERSON MUST HAVE A COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM WITH THE CORRECT PAYMENT. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE FIFTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT. MAIL TO: Fifth Episcopal District, P.O. Box 13383, Birmingham, AL 35202-3383