Search and Select Student Name (first and last): Frodo Baggins Period: B5 (Internet Literacy) Points: ____ /30 up to 10 ex. credit Today you will select three famous people you would like to learn more about. You will look for sources of information and pick one of those people to research. You will create a PowerPoint about that person to present to your class. Note: A source is useful when there is enough biographical information (information about his or her life) to provide at least 10 important and interesting facts for your PowerPoint. Source(s) found using BRC Required 4 points each One or more of these is required Source(s ) found using World Book 2 points Possible Person #1 Possible Person #2 Possible person #3 Ray Bradbury URL: =99791eda-2bc6-4d06-981ea3ef4cf20c87%40sessionmgr4&vid=4&hi d=21&bdata=JnNpdGU9YnJjLWxpdmU%3 d#db=b6h&AN=34912857 J.R.R. Tolkien URL: tail?sid=0cd46213-b659-437caec36a7824caf154%40sessionmgr11& vid=7&hid=7&bdata=JnNpdGU9Y nJjLWxpdmU%3d#db=b6h&AN=5 1814252 Elijah Woods URL: id=0cd46213-b659-437c-aec36a7824caf154%40sessionmgr11&vid= 4&hid=7&bdata=JnNpdGU9YnJjLWxpd mU%3d#db=b6h&AN=34910792 Citation: "Ray Bradbury." Ray Bradbury (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. Citation:"Elijah Wood." Elijah Wood (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Yes URL: nt/article?id=ar073350&st=ray+bradbur y Citation: Shippey, T. A. "Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel 1892 – 1973." Oxford Dictionary Of National Biography (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Yes URL: m/student/article?id=ar560450& st=j.r.r.+tolkien Citation: Barron, Neil. "Bradbury, Ray." World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Citation: Stewart, Garrett. "Tolkien, J. R. R." World Book Citation: none Useful? Yes URL: None, but his name is mentioned in the article on Motion Pictures 2003 each Source(s ) found using SIRS 2 points each Source(s ) found using EBSCO 4 points each with Citation s: created with Bibme or EasyBib Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Yes, somewhat. Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Somewhat. Useful? NO! URL: b/disco/do/article?urn=urn%3Asirs%3A US%3BARTICLE%3BART%3B000034129 5 URL: iscoweb/disco/do/article?urn=ur n%3Asirs%3AUS%3BARTICLE%3 BART%3B0000324894 URL: eb/disco/do/article?urn=urn%3Asirs% 3AUS%3BARTICLE%3BART%3B00001 47884 Citation: George, Lynell. "Ray Bradbury, Author Who Lifted Fantasy to Literary Heights, Dies..." Los Angeles Times. 06 Jun 2012: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 26 Nov 2012. Useful? Yes, very. Citation: "Tolkien, J.R.R." Compton's by Britannica. 01 Aug 2011: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 26 Nov 2012. Citation: "Elijah Wood, Actor." Time for Kids. Dec. 17 2001: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 26 Nov 2012. Useful? Moderately URL: =3&hid=7&sid=fd566983-3fcf-4b649764e3aec23b61a7%40sessionmgr15&bdata= JkF1dGhUeXBlPSZzaXRlPXNhcy1saXZl#d b=funk&AN=BR157450 URL: tail?vid=6&hid=7&sid=fd5669833fcf-4b64-9764e3aec23b61a7%40sessionmgr15 &bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPSZzaXRlP XNhcy1saXZl#db=prh&AN=11034 318 Useful? Somewhat. It tells only how he feels about his character in Lord of the Rings, and about the experience being cast and filming. URL: id=14&hid=7&sid=fd566983-3fcf4b64-9764e3aec23b61a7%40sessionmgr15&bdat a=JkF1dGhUeXBlPSZzaXRlPXNhcy1saX Zl#db=prh&AN=5863718 Citation: "BRADBURY, Ray." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia on Searchasaurus on EBSCO. World Almanac Education Group, Inc., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Citation: Blum, Jonathan. "A FANTASTIC MIND: J.R.R. TOLKIEN." Scholastic Scope on Searchasaurus on EBSCO. Scholastic Inc., 13 Oct. 2003. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Yes. This is a play based on his life. Useful? Yes. Citation: "ELIJAH'S LUCK ." Scholastic Action on Seachasaurus on EBSCO. Scholastic Inc., 10 Dec. 2001. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Useful? Somewhat Source(s) found using Other Search Engines 1 point each URL: Citation: Useful? URL: Citation: Useful? URL: Citation: Useful? Official Sites and other possibly reliable sites -1 point each URL: Citation: Useful? URL: Citation: Useful? URL: Citation: Useful?