Intersession 2014-15 1 Interpersonal Communication (COM 162) Western Connecticut State University Section 81: Online Email: Professor: Dr. Jessica Eckstein Personal Website: Course Description A focus on basics of interpersonal communication, development of interaction skills between two or more individuals, and identification of pitfalls. Lectures, discussion, readings, and classroom activities emphasize practice and theory of relational communication to better interpersonal skills. Three SHs in this class over 3 weeks (at least four classes/wk online) = approx. 40 hrs. in class and for each hour inside class, about 2 hrs. outside of class (roughly, 80 additional hrs. in the session) working on assignments/studying. That’s a total of approximately 120 actual hours of work to “do” this class online. Specific Competencies & the Objectives They Address ON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE… TO KNOW (Critical, Theoretical, & Historical) - Recognize (knowledge), explain (comprehension), analyze (analysis), apply (application), and critique (evaluation) basic communication theories, concepts, and perspectives used to evaluate relational events in varying contexts, including in-person and mediated communication. TO DO (Practical & Skills-Based) - Demonstrate (application) skills necessary to function as competent oral, written, and technological communicators in relational communication contexts. - Evaluate (evaluation) and interpret (comprehension) relational communication events, texts, and contexts & in turn, propose appropriate responses/actions (application) to maintain the healthy continuance and development of different relationship types and to solve (synthesis) relational problems. TO CARE ABOUT (Affective, Conscientiousness, & Compassionate Global Citizen) - Consider (analysis) “living out” communication principles derived from a responsibly-educated worldview and evaluate (evaluation) the impact of these principles within a global community. Materials I want to save you $. So all materials (e.g., readings, films) are accessible online. (aka: NOTHING TO BUY!) Lectures are the primary source of new content/info; make sure to use Notes View for full access. What do I expect from you? 1) PREPARATION - I expect that you will be prepared to discuss the topic/s assigned for that day. You are responsible for all information presented in readings. 2) PARTICIPATION - I expect you will participate in class – with your group members and through assignments individually. 3) ENGAGEMENT - I expect you to speak and express your ideas freely. 4) RESPECT - I expect you to respect individuals in the classroom and to listen openly to others’ viewpoints. I also expect you to help create an atmosphere of caring, concern, fun, and energy. What can you expect from me? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) I will be fully prepared for the class. I will work to provide assignments and discussions that will stimulate your thinking. I will be available to you through email and respond within 24 hours during the working-week. I will provide clear and concise instructions on all assignments. I will return assignments to you promptly, graded with specific feedback to improve your work. By remaining in this class after the first day, you are providing passive consent that… You acknowledge reading & understanding all syllabus details/policies; they are non-negotiable. You accept that material in this course will be disturbing, controversial, offensive, and/or may otherwise make you very uncomfortable; that is the nature of this course (and of critical thinking). If you can’t agree (for whatever reason) to these conditions, you will take a different section of this course. Intersession 2014-15 2 Participation: This course is designed with various projects to mirror the real world. In the real world, showing up and looking interested are mandatory. Late work is never accepted. To avoid “technology problems” submit EARLY! Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty of any kind is cheating. It is your responsibility to not only abstain from cheating, but to avoid making it possible for others to cheat as well. Submission of someone else’s work (in literal word or in thought) as one’s own constitutes plagiarism. In other words, if you submit a paper with information from another source and do not say the sources in your paper, you are plagiarizing! Cite all sources! First identification of plagiarism results in a zero on the assignment. Second offenses result in failing the course, being dismissed from class and possibly the university. Writing style: All writing assignments should be typed (Times New Roman, 12 size font) and carefully proofread for errors. The quality of your writing style will be graded as well as the substance of your ideas. Meanings and importance of ideas are inseparable from the language through which they are conveyed. Work with significant typos, grammatical errors, poor organization, lack of clarity, etc…may be returned to the student without a grade. Take the time to make all work acceptable at a college level before turning it in. Grades are earned, not given! Simply meeting the requirements of an assignment may garner you a C. Also, time spent does not equal time earned. Excellence is rewarded, effort is not (though it is appreciated ). A = Superior work. Greatly exceeds requirements. Outstanding levels of creativity, skill, initiative, and/or effort. Elicits the “excellent, really excellent” comment. B = Good work/above average. Shows substantial creativity, skills, initiative, and/or effort. Goes beyond the minimal requirements of the assignment. Elicits the “nicely done” comment and gets me telling other professors that you guys are doing really nice work and I am so proud of you! C = Average work. Meets the requirements in every aspect, but does not exceed requirements. I expect this from this assignment. Elicits the “OK, they did the work” comment. D = Deficient. Meets some requirements, but deficient in others. Elicits the “hmmm, I wonder if they waited till the last minute to do this?” comment. I needed to drink during/after just to get through reading it. A good thing to do when you get this grade is to meet with me. I really DO want you to pass this class. F = Poor. Deficient in most or all requirements. Elicits the “well, they blew this assignment off” or “Do they think I am stupid that they are going to get points for this?” comment from me. Again – a MUST is to see me!! I really DO want you to pass this class. Intersession 2014-15 3 TO EARN CREDIT: (Please keep track of your own grades. You can use the grid provided on the last page of this syllabus. That way, you will always know what you are getting in the course and will never need to ask. ) Participation Activities: (600 pts) This course is interactive in nature and requires class participation. You will be required to actively demonstrate effective communication skills. You’re expected to participate in class prepared from the class materials. Throughout the class, you’ll be asked to do exercises to reinforce what we’re learning. Mini-Reviews: (5 @ 60 pts = 300 pts) There will be 7 (60 point) mini-reviews. This allows you a better opportunity to do well on them by not having to cover a vast amount of information. Reviews encourage mastery of the concepts in the interpersonal field (both from lectures and your assigned readings). You’ll be able to drop 2 mini-reviews (with the lowest score), for a total of 8 that count toward your grade. Mini-reviews cannot be made up if missed. RECORD OF MY GRADES: Total Possible 400 5 25 30 30 20 20 50 30 30 20 40 100 300 (just in case Blackboard ever erases everything!) Participation Activities Syllabus Quiz FIRO Scale & Reaction Pre-Scale BSRI Scale & Reaction Listening Reflection “My” Language Reflection Animal-Emotion Paper Love Scale & Reaction Conflict Scale & Reaction Criticism Activity Post-Scale Advice Paper Mini Reviews My Scores (lowest 2 dropped) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 MY TOTAL POINTS = 100-90% = A = 630-700 80-89% = B = 560-629 70-79% = C = 490-559 60-69% = D = 420-489 < 60% = F = 419 or less _________/700 Intersession 2014-15 SCHEDULE 4 “PPT. lecture” Film/Reading Due on Blackboard (before 11:59pm that night) Dec 18 R Dec 19 F Dec 20 S Dec 22 M Dec 23 Dec 24 T W Dec 25 Dec 26 Dec 27 R F S Dec 29 Dec 30 M T Dec 31 W Jan 1 Jan 2 R F Jan 3 S Jan 5 Jan 6 M T Jan 7 W Jan 8 R “Comm Overview” “Interpersonal Overview” Syllabus Quiz “Perceptions of Self” “Perceptions of Others” “Identity” FIRO Scale & Reaction Mini-Review #1 PRE-Scale “Interpersonal Meaning of Sex & Gender” BSRI Scale & Reaction “Communication Gender” “Interpersonal Cultural Differences” Mini-Review #2 “The Listening Process” “Effective Listening” “Ineffective Listening” Listening Reflection NC – Christmas Day Mini-Review #3 “Verbals” “My” Language Reflection “Verbals vs. Nonverbals” Deception Mini-Review #4 “Nonverbal Basics” “Uses of Nonverbals” Why Dogs Laugh… “Emotion Basics” “Emotion Uses” NC – New Year’s Day Animal-Emotion Paper Mini-Review #5 “Intimacy Basics” “Love” Love Scale & Reaction Mini-Review #6 “Conflict Theory & Goals” “Conflict Styles” Conflict Scale & Reaction “Criticism” Criticism Activity Advice Paper Post-Scale Mini-Review #7