3GPP T3 Meeting #14 Visby, Sweden, 24 - 26 May, 2000 Tdoc T3-000179 Draft report of the 3GPP TSG-T WG3 (USIM) meeting #13 Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000 Chairman: Vice-chairman: Secretary: Host: 1 Dr Klaus Vedder (Giesecke and Devrient) Dr Günter Maringer (Deutsche Telekom MobilNet) Michael Sanders (3GPP support team) Japan Telecom, Mitsubishi & Panasonic Opening of the Meeting The Chairman, Dr. Klaus Vedder, opened the 13th meeting of the 3GPP TSG-T WG3 on USIM issues (hereafter referred to as T3) at 13:00 on 21st February, 2000. 2 Roll Call of Delegates The T3 #13 meeting was attended by 46 delegates from 8 countries. The list of delegates can be found in Annex A of this report. Apologies of absence were received from Nigel Barnes, Paolo Bruschi, Christian Heim and Mark Hosford. 3 Input Documents / Agenda T3-000045 contains the draft agenda. With the addition of several new documents and the deletion of item 8.7 "Power consumption negotiation", the agenda was approved. It can be found in annex B of this report. 4 Approval of the report of T3 #12 T3-000044 contains the draft meeting report from TSG-T3 #12, held in Rome on 18 - 21 January, 2000. It was approved with some minor editorial modifications and made available in T3-000085. 5 5.1 Liaisons and reports Reports from other groups The chairman gave a verbal report from SMG #31 (14 - 16 February) and the ETSI board meeting (17 - 18 February): - - - all SMG9 CRs presented to SMG #31 had been approved with the exception of a release 99 CR for BDN (Barred Dialling Numbers). These CRs can be found in documents T3-000071 (for GSM 11.11), T3-000072 (for GSM 11.14) and T3-000073 (for EG 201 220); one new SMG9 specification was approved at SMG #31. This was "Administrative commands for mobile telecommunications smart cards". This will published by ETSI as a TS (i.e. without a GSM specification number) in early March 2000; SMG9, the 3GPP and the ETSI board endorsed the new role for SMG9 to become an open forum and develop a common platform for telecommunications smart cards. Rune Lindholm gave a report from recent ISO/IEC meetings. ISO/IEC 7816-9 is now at the final DIS stage. This means that further technical comments are not allowed. If approved, the document should be published by June 2000. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 5.2 Page 2 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Liaisons / Input from other groups T3-000026 is an LS from T2 regarding the method of extracting the right number of digits (five or six) from the IMSI, to find the HPLMN. N2 had informed T2 that by examining the MCC digits, the necessary number of digits to be extracted from the MNC (two or three) can be found. As this might require a list of MCCs in the ME which was outdated as soon as a new MCC (with three digit MNCs) was introduced, T2 suggested to specify a new field in the USIM to provide the required information. Due to a lack of time, the document was postponed until T3 #14. T3-000046 is an LS in response to T3-99413 in which T3 had asked S3 about the status of TS 22.022 and, in particular, whether it is part of release '99 and whether it is planned to modify it for 3G. S3 reply that the feature will be implemented for 3G in the same way as for GSM. It was noted that the Groups IDentifiers (GIDs) were already implemented in 31.102 but that EFs for the Depersonalisation Control Keys and Co-operative Network List would need to be added. See section 8.7 of this report for more information. T3-000047 is an LS from RAN2 in which they ask SA1 to re-affirm as soon as possible the requirements in terms of RAT (Radio Access Technology) prioritisation that should be enforced for Network Selection. The LS was noted. T3-000048 is an LS from S1 to T2 and S3 cc T3 in reply to the T2 LS on additional Terminal Baseline Implementation Capabilities for secure interoperation with GSM. The LS was noted. T3-000049 is an LS from S3 regarding USIM triggered authentication and key setting during PS connections. The 31.102 group examined this LS and concluded that no changes were necessary to T3 specifications. T3-000058 is an LS from the WAP forum to SMG9 asking for clarification about the elements of the PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command and whether the BCCH measurement results are used for position location purposes. A reply was drafted in T3-0000102) informing the WAP forum that although there was no standardised method of doing this using PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION, proprietary applications may use some or all elements of the command for that purpose. Concerning details about the use of BCCH and other network parameters, the WAP forum was referred to TSG RAN. After some minor modification, the draft LS in T3-0000102 was approved as T3-000120. T3-000074 is an LS from S1 in reply to the LS from T3 (in T3-000042) in which they had been asked whether it would be necessary to provide a standardised mechanism on the "order" in which the applications shall be selected (e.g. default application first or last used application first). The reply states that T3 should commence the standardisation of such a feature. However, discussion concluded that S1 may not have understood that they would have to define the MMI requirements for this functionality. A reply was drafted in T3-000136 to inform them of this and it was approved for sending to S1. T3-000078 is an LS from S3 to T2 and T3 to inform the groups that S3 had noticed a need of clarification about the location of the conversion functions c2 and c3 which allow converting 3G authentication vectors to 2G authentication vectors. It states that they see two solutions of which the second (i.e. conversion functions are located in the USIM only, as is currently specified in TS 31.102) is their current working solution, and request T2 and T3 to co-ordinate on a resolution. Although no LS had been received from T2 on this issue, it was noted that the report from their last meeting stated "T2 felt that they don't have the expertise in this area and they therefore left the reply up to T3 who received the LS as well.". After some discussion, T3 concluded that the best solution would be to follow the S3 recommendation and an LS to S3 and T2 was drafted and approved in T3-000116 to inform them of this. T3-000109 contains an LS from S2 in response to the T3 LS to S2 requesting a clarification of the information storage in USIM. S2 informed T3 that 'CK next' and 'IK next' should to be treated in the same way as the GSM SIM treats the GSM cipher key. The LS was noted. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 3 6 USIM and IC Card Requirements (3G TS 21.111) 6.1 USIM application selection (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) This item was covered when discussing the LS from S1 in T3-000074 (see section 5.2 above). 6.2 Other issues T3-000086 is a CR to TS 21.111 to align it with 33.102 regarding the storage of the Integrity Key on the USIM. With some further editorial changes, it was agreed in T3-000095 for submission to TSG-T #7 as CR 21.111-001 R99. 7 UICC physical and logical characteristics (3G TS 31.101) 7.1 USIM Application Toolkit (USAT) issues T3-000035 is a CR to TS 31.101 produced during T3 #12 to incorporate the commands and procedures necessary to support USAT. During T3 #13, the 31.101 splinter group continued the elaboration of the CR and a revised version was made available in T3-000147. With some further editorial changes, the CR was approved for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000155 (CR 31.101-002r2 R99). 7.2 PIN management T3-000089 is a presentation of the updated proposal in T3-000105 to specify the security attributes within TS 31.101. It describes the: - logic model; PIN management and mapping; PIN status data object; PIN management; access rules; extensions that would be needed to allow for multi-applications in 3GPP release 2000. During a discussion of the document, the following points were noted: - the term "master PIN" should be interpreted as a universal PIN (i.e. a single PIN which can give access to several applications; clarification would be required as to exactly which functionality was required in R99 in order to ensure that further multi-application enhancement would be possible in release 2000. T3-000105 (a revised version of T3-00034) is a CR to TS 31.101 to implement the security attributes proposal mentioned above. During a discussion of the document, the following points were noted: - - section 9a should clarify the applicability of TS 31.101 for single application terminals, multiapplication terminals, single application UICCs and multi-application UICCs. For 3G release 99, it was clarified that this implies that TS 31.102 will specify that: - the USIM shall support one level 1 user verification requirement, PIN (i.e. use of key reference '01') and one level 2 user verification requirement, PIN2 (i.e. use of key reference '81'). Support of a universal PIN for the USIM (i.e. use of key reference '11') is not specified for release 99. The only valid usage qualifier is '08' which means user authentication knowledge based (PIN); - the ME shall support the usage of at least two level 1 verification requirements (PIN) and two level 2 verification requirements (PIN2). Support of the usage of a universal PIN is mandatory. Support for both compact and expanded format referencing to EF ARR is required. the normative annex G describing the contents of EFAPR should be changed to an informative annex showing an example of how it is coded; D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 4 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) It was concluded that the CR could not be finalised during the meeting, but that an updated version taking into account the issues above should be made available on the T3 email reflector and server by Monday 28th February. Email discussion of the CRs would be allowed until Friday 3rd March (12:30 Central European time) and a revised version of the CR would be made available by the author on Monday 6th March. Objections against T3 presenting this updated version to TSG-T meeting #7 should then be made by close of business on Thursday 9th February. Gemplus requested that it be noted in the minutes that although they supported the CR in principle, they believed that the complexity of the solution may delay manufacturers in the delivery of R99 compliant cards. 7.3 File Control Parameters (FCP) T3-000080 is a CR to TS 31.101 to allow the terminal characteristics byte in the FCP to indicate the current security condition and clock frequency information. Discussion concluded that such a change would not be relevant for 3G. T3-000148 (an updated version of T3-000036 seen at T3 #12) is a CR to TS 31.101 to incorporate the FCPs which were not fully completed in version 3.0.0. The CR gives an implementation of all the parameters returned by a SELECT and a STATUS command. With some additional clarification to the notes in table 11.3 (response for MF, DF, or ADF with FCP Template), the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000156 (CR 31.101-003r2 R99). 7.4 Security issues No issues were raised under this agenda item. 7.5 Definition of application session initialisation / termination procedure T3-000037 is a CR to address the definition of application session initialisation / termination procedures which are currently listed as not complete for TS 31.101 R99. During the course of the meeting, several changes were made including the addition of the SELECT command and changing the terminology from "Application session deactivation" to "Application session termination". The CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000161 (CR 31.101-006 R99). 7.6 Alignment with updated GSM 11.11 R99 T3-000071 contains several CRs to GSM 11.11 R99 as approved at SMG #31 (14 - 16 Feb, 2000). They were discussed within the 31.101 subgroup and it was concluded that the only GSM 11.11 CR with an impact on TS 31.101 was CR 11.11-A110 "Addition of reference to the File ID as used in the TETRA specification". Since this is an editorial change, it was agreed to include it in the TS 31.102 editorial CR in T3-000162. 7.7 Power consumption T3-000163 is a CR to correct two aspects of the power consumption requirements within TS 31.101. (see discussion document in T3-000040 for full details). Firstly, the text is revised in several places to make it less USIM specific. The second correction is due to GSM specifying a maximum frequency of 4MHz at 3V compared to 5MHz for TS 31.101. Thus, for reasons of compatibility, a new table is added which specifies the power consumption that applies during ATR at 4 MHz. With some further editorial changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000169 (CR 31.101-008 R99). 7.8 Corrections and clarifications T3-000063 is a CR to 31.101 which proposes that the states of the UICC and of the ME need to be synchronised, in order to allow both entities to allocate USIM resources in critical phases like initialisation, start all the linked processes or terminate them and free all the allocated resources. The 31.101 subgroup discussed this document and concluded that most of the functionality could be included in T3-000161. See section 7.5 of this report. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 5 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) T3-000127 is a CR to TS 31.101 to reserve two file identifiers under the MF. They are '2F05' (which has been used for some time in GSM 11.11 as the language preference file, but had not been listed in the reservation table) and '2F06' which will be used by EFARR for storage of the access rules for access management. In addition, the two files specified by ISO/IEC 7816-5 ('2F00' for EFDIR and '2F01' for EFATR) are listed for information. With some editorial changes to the CR coversheet, the CR was approved for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000131 (CR 31.101-010 R99). T3-000149 is a CR to TS 31.101 containing corrections and clarifications regarding the status conditions returned by the UICC. In addition, table 10.16, which indicates allowable status words for each command is corrected. It was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000157 (CR 31.101-004r1 R99). T3-000162 contains a series of editorial corrections throughout TS 31.101. It was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000168 (CR 31.101-007 R99). T3-000164 is a CR to TS 31.101 containing several corrections to the EFDIR, EFICCID and EFPL files. The ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE access condition coding had not been not included and SFI requirements had not been specified. Also, since EF PL is mandatory in TS 31.101 (it is optional in GSM 11.11), the UICC activation procedure is corrected. With some changes to the front cover, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000170 (CR 31.101-009 R99). 8 8.1 USIM characteristics (3G TS 31.102) Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) and Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) T3-000051 is a discussion document with some background information about what SMG9 has done on the issue of FDN. It was noted. T3-000084 (a revised version of T3-000032) is a CR to implement Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) functionality to the USIM in line with the requirements in TS 22.101. This was discussed in the 31.102 subgroup and it was concluded that several further changes were needed such as a replacement of the service description with a reference to TS 21.101, moving the SEND SMS interaction description to TS 31.111 and deletion of the last paragraph about interaction with BDN. These changes were included in T3-000090. Discussion of this document concluded that the procedures for read/update still needed to be added and that a clarification was required to specify that emergency calls shall not be prevented by this functionality. With these changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000135 (CR 31.102-003 rev3 R99). T3-000087 is a CR to implement Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) functionality in line with the requirements in TS 22.101. During the course of the meeting, the CR went through several iterations in tdocs T3-000091, T3-000112, T3-000117, T3-000130. The main changes from the original version were: - EFEST (Enabled Services Table) was added so as to allow the BDN (and FDN) to be enabled or disabled under the PIN2 condition (thus ensuring compatibility with GSM); clarification that if BDN is enabled, an ME which does not support Call Control shall allow emergency calls but shall not allow MO-CS calls; the Comparison Method Identifier was changed to Comparison Method Pointer; default pre-personalisation values were added. The CR was finally agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000151 (CR 31.102-004 rev3 R99). T3-000107 is a CR to extend the FDN feature mentioned above to cover the use of Access Point Names (APNs) for packet switched calls. This is achieved by specifying a new file called EF ACL (Access Point Name Control List) which contains a list of allowed APNs coded according to TS 23.003. It was concluded that at least the first two bytes of the file should be mandatory and so a new version of the CR was produced in T3-000123. With some editorial changes to the cover sheet, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000154 (CR 31.102-015 R99). D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 8.2 Page 6 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Other outstanding Release 99 issues T3-000115 is a CR to TS 31.102 to align it with the revised service accessibility requirements contained in TS22.011 V3.1.0. The change is shown in T3-000145, a CR to TS 22.110 which was approved at TSG-SA #6. This specifies that "It shall be possible to have an Operator Controlled PLMN Selector list and a User Controlled PLMN Selector list stored on the SIM/USIM card" and further that the User Controlled PLMN Selector shall have priority over the Operator Controlled PLMN Selector. Discussion concluded that presentation of EFUPLMN and EFOPLMN should be aligned with other EFs and that the coding of the Access Technology Identifier should be changed to a bit mapped format which for R99 would only specify two choices for the preferred access technology, GSM or UTRAN. With these changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000146 (CR 31.102-019 R99). T3-000118 is a CR to remove the SoLSA feature (Support of Local Service Area) from TS 31.102 since it had been agreed at TSG-SA #6 that this feature would not be part of 3G release 99. With some editorial changes to the cover, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000132 (CR 31.102-011 R99). 8.3 Phonebook issues T3-000050 contains a discussion document which examines the phone book functionality contained in TS 31.102 version 3.0.0. A number of technical problems are raised and the paper concludes that the functionality should be removed from release 99 and replaced by the USIM database proposal which is currently a T3 work item for release 2000. However, this approach did not receive general support since the majority of delegates believed that the technical issues raised by the document could be solved. A show of hands indicated that only one company supported the removal of the phone book functionality from R99 and its replacement by GSM 11.11 ADN functionality. A second show of hands indicated that just two companies supported the removal of the phone book functionality from R99 and its replacement with the database proposal for R99. It was therefore concluded that the best approach would be to concentrate on the clarifications of the problems raised and the enhancement of the example in annex G (e.g. add an example on EFIAP) to further aid the understanding of the concept. T3-000060 (an updated version of T3-000039 as seen at T3 #12) is a CR to enhance the phone book to allow for the storage of email addresses. Discussion concluded that the definition of a new extension 6 was redundant since it could be replaced by a reference to ADN SFI instead. A revised version was made available in T3-000141 and with some further minor changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000153 (CR 31.102-014 R99). T3-000062 contains a CR to update the example of phone book records in annex G of TS 31.102 with the implementation of the phone in the main body of the specification. During the discussion of the CR, the following points were noted: - the example should be updated to include the new EFEMAIL field; references to EFPAS should be replaced by EFAAS; table G.1 should be updated with EFGAS; table G.3 should include EFGAS and EFAAS; examples of what files may appear after the three main tags ‘D8’,’D9’,’DA’ should be added. These changes were incorporated in T3-000110 and with some further minor changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000158 (CR 31.102-016 R99). 8.4 Security issues T3-000052 is a CR to TS 31.102 to align it with TS 33.102 in terms of the Cipher key and integrity key lifetime. This is achieved by the introduction of EFCOUNT which contains the highest value of the hyperframe number of the bearers that were protected by the keys in EFKEYS during the previous connection and EFCOUNTMAX which contains the maximum value of the hyperframe. During the course of the meeting, several modifications were made (see T3-000096 and T3-000124) including the addition of an SFI and changing the update activity from low to high for EF COUNT, the addition of default values for annex E and the addition of read and update procedures for the files. The CR was eventually agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000144 (CR 31.102-018 R99). D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 7 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) T3-000053 is a CR to TS 31.102 to align it with TS 33.102 in terms of the AUTHENTICATE command. This requires modification of the AMF usage and changing support of the GSM security context to optional. During the course of the meeting, several modifications were made (see T3-000097 and T3-000125) including the removal of SRES from the response parameters. The CR was eventually agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000143 (CR 31.102-012 R99). T3-000054 is a CR to TS 31.102 correcting two minor issues in subclause 6.1 on authentication and key agreement procedure. However, discussion concluded that only one of the corrections was valid and so an updated version was provided in T3-000098. With some additional changes to the cover sheet, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000126 (CR 31.102-007 R99). T3-000055 is a CR to TS 31.102 for the alignment of terminology used in the authentication clauses and the addition of the read/update procedures for EFKc-GPRS. The CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000128 (CR 31.102-008 R99). T3-000056 is a CR to TS 31.102 to incorporate the new optional feature currently being specified by S3 called "Enhanced User Identity confidentiality (EUIC)". T3-000076 and T3-000077 contain the latest draft CRs of S3 to TS 33.102 and TS 33.103 to implement this feature. The EUIC feature specifies a mechanism which avoids the need to ever send the IMSI in clear over the radio interface. Instead, the IMSI is first enciphered by the USIM using the Encipher User Identity function (f10) to obtain the XEMSI (Extended Encrypted User Identity) used by the ME to attach to the network. In the USIM, the feature requires the addition of EFUIDNADR (User Identity Decryption Node Address) changes to the User Identity Request procedure and changing the "Encipher IMSI" procedure to "Encipher User Identity". Then, the USIM calculates the TEMSI (Temporary encrypted user identity), using the Encipher User Identity function (f10) and this is stored in EFTEMSI and used to page a ME. During the course of the meeting, several modifications were made (see T3-000075 and T3-000099). The CR was eventually conditionally agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000129 (CR 31.102-013 R99) subject to the relevant CRs to TS 33.102 and TS 33.103 being agreed in S3 and subsequently in TSG-SA #7. T3-000083 is a CR to TS 31.102 to remove the requirement that the USIM should calculate the GSM response parameters SRES and KC, using the conversion functions defined in 3G TS 33.102 [13]. However, since the GSM security context is actually specified as optional in 33.102, it was concluded that the text should remain but be qualified by a reference to a new service called "GSM security context" in the USIM service table. This is done in T3-000097 and, subsequently, in T3-000143, mentioned above. T3-000106 is a CR to TS 31.102 to implement the USIM specific part of the security architecture defined for TS 31.101 in T3-000105. Three new Access Rule Reference (ARR) files are added: one for the files under the master file, a second for the files under the USIM ADF and a third for the files under DFTELECOM. Also the USIM specific coding for P2 in the VERIFY command (as specified in TS 31.101) is added and the file access condition clause is updated to include a reference to the ARR files. During the course of the meeting, several enhancements were proposed. Towards the end of the meeting, an updated version of the CR was made available in T3-000150. However, it was concluded that the CR could not be finalised during the meeting, but that an updated version (T3-000175) taking into account all the issues above should be made available on the T3 email reflector and server by Monday 28th February. Email discussion of the CRs would be allowed until Friday 3rd March (12:30 Central European time) and a revised version of the CR would be made available by the author on Monday 6th March. Objections against T3 presenting this updated version to TSG-T meeting #7 should then be made by close of business on Thursday 9th February. 8.5 Corrections and clarifications T3-000061 is a CR to TS 31.102 on EFLOCI access conditions. In GSM, it was necessary to have access condition for activate set to PIN due to the implementation of the FDN/BDN feature. However, since the FDN / BDN feature is enabled / disabled differently in 3G (using the EF EST), the access condition for activate can be set to ADM. With editorial changes to the front cover, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000092 (CR 31.102-026 R99). T3-000081 is a CR to TS 31.102 to correct the FCP coding in Annex A. However, discussion concluded that this information should be contained in TS 31.101. (see T3-000148 for further information on FCPs in TS 31.101). It was therefore agreed that the existing annex A should be entirely D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 8 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) deleted. This is done in T3-000113. With some editorial changes to the front cover, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000133 (CR 31.102-009 R99). T3-000059 is a CR to TS 31.102 to correct several errors. These include an alignment to TS 24.008 regarding the MNC in Local Area Information, correcting the file ID for EF PSLOCI and fixing an incorrect reference to ICI and OCI in EFEXT1. It was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000166 (CR 31.102-020 R99). 8.6 Alignment with updated GSM 11.11 R99 after SMG #31 T3-000071 and T3-000100 contain all R99 CRs to GSM 11.11 which were presented to SMG #30 and SMG #31. Each CR was assessed for applicability to TS 31.102 with the following results: - CR 11.11-A089: Correction for coding of SoLSA “Priority” field GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A090: Clarification of the Ciphering Indicator disable bit in the EFAD File on the SIM GSM specific - no changes were required. - CR 11.11-A091: Introduction of a new DF for the TIA/EIA-136 technology GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A092: Addition of EF definitions under the PCS 1900 DF GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A093: Clarification to the "memory problem" error response not relevant for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A094: Execution time of SIM toolkit procedures - CR 11.11-A095: Introduction of a new DF for the TIA/EIA-95 technology GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A097: Clarification of Optional Status for GPRS files already included in TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A098: Clarification of interactions for CBS and the language files on the SIM a corresponding change is needed in 31.102 - see T3-000101 - CR 11.11-A101: Correction to coding of ASCI EF eMLPP. a corresponding change is needed in 31.102- see T3-000101 - CR 11.11-A104: Addition of coding for ASCI EFs (VGCS and VBS) GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A107: Correction of the byte numbering related to EF LOCIGPRS already included in TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A108: Corrections and additions to DF-5F40 GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A109: Clarification of manual entry of the A-Key. GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A110: Addition of reference to the File ID as used in the TETRA specification. not relevant for TS 31.102. See section 7.6 of this report for impact on TS 31.101. - CR 11.11-A111: COMPACT Cell Selection GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A112: COMPACT Cell Selection - Investigation Scan indicator for packet only systems GSM specific - no changes required for TS 31.102 - CR 11.11-A113: Enhancement to CCP (Capability Configuration Parameters) coding feature implemented differently in 3G. - CR 11.11-A114: Enhancement of BDN feature feature implemented differently in 3G - see T3-000151 (CR 31.102-004r3) - CR 11.11-A115: Enhancement of FDN feature feature implemented differently in 3G - see T3-000135 (CR 31.102-003r3) D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 9 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Taking into account the above conclusions, a CR was produced in T3-000101 to align TS 31.102 with GSM 11.11 v8.2.0. After some modifications regarding the interaction of the language file and the cell broadcast service (in T3-000140), the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000165 (CR 31.102-017 R99). 8.7 Other issues T3-000012 is a CR to TS 31.102 to change the requirement for EFKeysPS (Ciphering and Integrity Keys for Packet Switched domain) from optional to mandatory. The reason for this is that if EF KeysPS is optional, then in the case of its absence, a packet-enabled terminal would have to store the keys in the terminal, thereby reducing security. With some minor changes to the front cover, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000094 (CR 31.102-006 R99). T3-000079 is a CR to change the requirement for EFECC (Emergency Call Codes) from optional to mandatory in order to align the specification with the requirements in TS 22.101. Discussion about the CR concluded that several further changes were necessary: - the restriction (up to 5) on the number of ECCs stored should be removed; bytes 1 - 3 should be changed to mandatory; if no valid emergency call number is present, the ME shall use one of its own emergency numbers; a reference to the service requirements in TS 22.101 should be added in clause 5.1.1. With the above changes, the CR was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000093 (CR 31.102-005 R99). T3-000082 is a CR to TS 31.102 regarding UE personalisation. These files had been deleted from TS 31.102 at an earlier meeting when it had been believed that they were not required for R99, but S3 has since clarified that the feature is part of R99. During the meeting, the CR was revised in T3000114 and finally agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000134 (CR 31.102-010 R99). T3-000142 is a second collection of editorial changes to TS 31.102, mainly concentrating on the phonebook functionality. It was revised during the meeting in line with the discussions and agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as T3-000167 (CR 31.102-021 R99). T3-000159 is a CR to TS 31.102 proposing that it should be mandatory for the UICC to support both 3V and 1.8V. Due to a lack of time, the document was not discussed and it was thus postponed to T3 #14. T3-000160 is a CR to TS 31.102 proposing that a procedure to define the selection criteria for language selection should be added. It was briefly discussed during the meeting but it was concluded that the CR needed further enhancement. It was postponed until T3 #14. T3-000172 is a CR to TS 31.102 containing an updated version of annex E "Pre-personalisation values" since the existing table had come from GSM 11.11 and did not take into account all new files in TS 31.102. Since the CR was only made available at the very end of the meeting, it was agreed that the CR should be made available for approval via email in order to allow it to be presented to TSG-T #7 for approval. T3-000173 is a CR to TS 31.102 containing an updated version of annex H "EF changes via Data Download or USAT applications" since the existing table had come from GSM 11.11 and did not take into account all new files in TS 31.102. Since the CR was only made available at the very end of the meeting, it was agreed that the CR should be made available for approval via email in order to allow it to be presented to TSG-T #7 for approval. 9 9.1 USIM Application Identifiers (3G TS 31.110) Alignment with updated EG 201 220 after SMG #31 T3-000073 contains two CRs which were agreed to EG 201 220 (Application Identifiers) at SMG #31. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 10 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) These changes were assessed during the meeting for their applicability to TS 31.110 (which had originally been based on EG 201 220) and a CR was subsequently produced in T3-000137. This adds an informative reference to the application code for TETRA and also clarifies that ETSI does not manage the issuing of country codes or card issuer codes. It was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 as presented in T3-000137 (CR 31.110-002 R99). 10 10.1 UICC Application Toolkit (3G TS 31.111) Review of current version T3-000006 contains TS 31.111 version 1.0.0 as presented to TSG-T #6 for information. During the meeting, this document was used as the basis for updating the specification in line with the outstanding release 99 issues listed below. 10.2 Outstanding Release 99 issues In the presentation of TS 31.111 to TSG-T #6, several outstanding release 99 issues were identified: - define the interaction between Call Control and FDN/BDN. This relies on the specification of service requirements for the FDN and BDN mechanisms; define TLVs for 3G radio-based parameters. This affects the Provide Local Information command; bring 31.111 up to date with latest GSM 11.14 release 99 when available in February (currently 31.111 is aligned with version 8.1.0). During the meeting, an intermediate version of 31.111 (v1.1.0) was produced in T3-000088. Some comments were received and an updated version was made available in T3-000138. It was agreed that this should be sent to TSG-T #7 (the secretary undertook to upgrade it to version 2.0.0) for approval. 10.3 Alignment with updated GSM 11.14 R99 after SMG #31 T3-000072 contains all R99 CRs to GSM 11.14 which were presented to SMG #31. Each CR was assessed for applicability to TS 31.111 with the following results: - 11.14-A149: Correction on Transaction identifier tag agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A150: Addition of EIA/TIA-136 Teleservice Delivery it was not fully clear whether or not this was a GSM only feature. However, since it did not have a large impact on the specification, it was agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A151: Clarification to service modification by Call Control agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A152: Correction to result value "USSD transaction terminated by user" agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A153: Call Control and automatic redial mode agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A155: Addition of soft keys support for SELECT ITEM. functionality agreed for addition to TS 31.111 subject to changes mentioned below. - 11.14-A157: Addition of soft keys support for SET UP MENU agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A158: Addition of SAT commands for bearer independent protocol feature functionality agreed for addition to TS 31.111 subject to changes mentioned below. - 11.14-A159: Addition of GPRS data bearer for bearer independent protocol feature agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A160: New proactive Command : LAUNCH BROWSER agreed for addition to TS 31.111. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 11 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) - 11.14-A161: Correction on Allowed Type of command and Device identity combinations agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A162: MORE TIME usage clarification agreed for addition to TS 31.111. - 11.14-A163: Display parameters in Profile download functionality agreed for addition to TS 31.111 subject to changes mentioned below. It was noted that Ericsson, who had objected to this functionality in the SMG9 meeting, maintained their objection at T3 #13. - 11.14-A164: Get Reader Status : card reader identifier agreed for addition to TS 31.111. T3-000119 is a discussion document regarding the way three of the above CRs (11.14-A155, A158 and A163) had made changes to the structure and coding of TERMINAL PROFILE. Previously in GSM 11.14, the TERMINAL PROFILE coding had been bit mapped with each bit indicating whether or not the terminal supported a particular feature. However, the three CRs mentioned all modified the terminal profile to also indicate numeric values (such as "number of channels supported by the ME"). The TS 31.111 splinter group felt that such deviation from the previous system was not compatible with the SIM API in GSM 03.19 (which assumes that the terminal profile in bitmapped) and also not beneficial to the internal consistency of the specification. An alternative solution was therefore proposed to achieve the same functionality by instead enhancing the PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command. There was unanimous agreement that this alternative method was a better solution, but some opinions were voiced that this would lead to unacceptable incompatibilities between GSM 11.14 R99 and TS 31.111 R99. After some discussion, the following compromise was unanimously agreed: - - - there is a strong requirement to keep future versions of GSM 11.14 and TS 31.111 aligned; TS 31.111 should use the new method (enhanced PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command) to implement the functionality in CRs 11.14-A155, A158 and A163. The relevant bits in the terminal profile should be marked as RFU to avoid potential incompatibility problems; T3 (or the TS 31.111 rapporteur) should propose a CR to GSM 11.14 v8.2.0 (when it becomes available in early March) to align it with the new method proposed for TS 31.111; the editor of GSM 11.14 and TS 31.111 undertook to place a "health warning" in both GSM 11.14 v8.2.0 and TS 31.111 v3.1.0 to indicate that that there was a temporary discrepancy between the two specifications in this area; an LS should be sent to SMG9 to explain the reasons for taking the above mentioned approach. An LS was drafted in T3-000152 and it was agreed that this be sent to SMG9. 11 11.1 New work items Transfer of specifications from SMG9 T3-000066 is a summary of the specifications which had been proposed for transfer by SMG #31 from SMG9 to T3. These specifications were proposed by SMG plenary for transfer since they did not yet have any 3G equivalent. Those SMG9 specifications which already had a 3G equivalent (i.e. GSM 11.11, 11.12, 11.14 and 11.18, which can therefore be considered as GSM specific) were not proposed for transfer until SMG comes up with a common strategy for the maintenance / enhancement of remaining SMG "GSM only" specifications. The four specifications proposed for transfer are: - GSM 02.19 "SIM Application Programming Interface (API) - stage 1" R98 v7.1.0 (T3-000067); GSM 02.48 "SIM toolkit secure messaging (stage 1)" R98 v7.0.0 (see T3-000068); GSM 03.19 "SIM API - stage 2 - (JavaTM)" R98 v7.1.0 (see T3-000069); GSM 03.48 "SIM toolkit secure messaging (stage 2)" R99 v8.2.0 (see T3-000070). It was noted that this would be brought to the attention of TSG-T #7 who would decide how to handle the specifications. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 11.2 Page 12 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Use of a local link as a bearer for USAT T3-000057 is a proposed new work item in order to allow (U)SAT applications to communicate with local devices using the local connectivity capabilities of the terminal. This could be RS232, Bluetooth, USB or IRDA. It was commented that since this involved an interface external to the terminal, T2 would need to be involved. The following companies indicated that they would support this work item: Alcatel, Bouygues Telecom, Bull, France Telecom, Gemplus, G&D, Oberthur S.C., Orga, Schlumberger and Sonera. However, it was concluded that before such a work item could be presented by T3 to TSG-T for approval, an LS should be sent to T2 explaining the concept in greater detail so that they could provide feedback to T3. T3-000103 contains such an LS to T2. With some enhancements, it was approved as T3-000121. 11.3 Interface enhancements T3-000064 is a proposed new work item to consider various ways to enhance the speed on the interface between the UICC and the terminal. These include existing technologies such as USB, Multi Media Card Protocol (MMC), Firewire or an enhancement to the T=1 protocol. It was concluded that since there were many different means of achieving the speed improvement, the first step should be a feasibility study to allow an objective assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. During discussion, several changes were made to the work item draft (see T3-000104) including the removal of the assessment criteria "cost of the patents fees" since this is out of the scope of T3. The following companies indicated that they would support the work item: BT, Bull, Ericsson, G&D, Gemplus, FT, Infineon, Oberthur, Orange, and Schlumberger. The work item for the feasibility study was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 for approval as T3-000122. 11.4 Test specification for SIM API and secure messaging T3-000065 is an LS from SMG9 to the Java Card Forum GSM Task force in which their collaboration is requested for the generation of a new ETSI specification defining compliance test suites for GSM 03.19. On the assumption that TSG-T #7 is likely to accept the transfer of GSM 03.19 from SMG9, it was agreed to generate a draft work item to elaborate a test suite. This is done in T3-000108. The following companies indicated that they would support such a work item: Aspects, Gemplus, G&D, Microelectronica Española, Oberthur, Orange, Orga and Schlumberger. With some minor modifications, the work item was agreed for submission to TSG-T #7 for approval as T3-000111. 11.4 Other issues T3-000139 contains a proposal for a new R2000 work item called "Common PCN Handset Specification Features (CPHS)" The CPHS document, developed by the PCN Association, defines additional terminal and SIM functionality to the standard GSM specifications. This includes a second subscriber line, control of MMI features by a SIM datafield, Operator Name on the SIM, Mailbox numbers for voicemail, fax, etc on the SIM, enhancements to GID usage, dynamic information numbers. Several terminal manufacturers have implemented CPHS, but the specification itself still remains outside the core GSM specifications. This work item would avoid problems with availability and maintenance of the CPHS document by including the relevant parts into 3G specifications. Due to a lack of time, the document was postponed until T3 #14. 12 Any Other Business No other issues were raised under this agenda item. Page 13 D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 13 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Meeting Plan It was suggested that there was a need for an ad hoc meeting to discuss ways of advancing the new work items which had been submitted to T3 #13 and make proposals to T3 #14. Gemplus offered to host such a meeting and undertook to find a suitable date (probably April) prior to T3 #14 in May. The following table shows the current meeting schedule. Meeting Date Host Location 3GPP T3 #14 co-located with SMG9 #21 3GPP T3 #15 24 - 26 May 2000 Across, Telenor, Telia Gotland, Sweden 21 - 24 August 2000 LG North America 3GPP T3 #16 November 2000 ----- 3GPP TSG-T and other related meetings (for information) -----3GPP TSG-T #7 13 - 15 March 2000 Telefonica Madrid, Spain ETSI SMG9 #21 22 - 23 May 2000 Across, Telenor, Telia Gotland, Sweden 3GPP TSG-T #8 21 - 23 June 2000 Mannesmann Düsseldorf, Germany ETSI SMG9 #22 16 - 18 August 2000 LG North America 3GPP TSG-T #9 (Revised date!) 20 - 22 September 2000 T1P1 Hawaii, US 3GPP TSG-T #10 6 - 8 December 2000 Unisys Bangkok, Thailand 14 Closing of the Meeting The vice-chairman thanked the three hosts for the organisation of the meeting. He then closed the meeting at 18:30. D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 ANNEX A Page 14 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) List of delegates This table lists all delegates who attended T3#13. -- ARIB Organisations -NAME Katsz Akama Masahiro Furuse Masahiro Hayashi Kazuhisa Iwamoto Yuichi Kanamaru Masakazu Kawamura Makoto Kobayashi Tsuneichi Makihira Hiroyuki Morimoto Takashi Nemoto Kenichi Ono Hiroshi Saito Moto Wakaki Kawaguchi Yoshiyuki 3GPP INDIVIDUAL MEMBER Fujitsu NTT DoCoMo Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd NTT DoCoMo Motorola Japan NEC Nippon Ericsson Mitsubishi Electric Co. Mitsubishi Electric Co. DDI corporation Matsushita Communication Panasonic Japan Telecom Kenwood Thomas Aichberger Samuel Blarre Vincent Chautard Gilles Conti Sebastien Diener Hanno Dietrich Susanna Eskola Jean-Marc Gambin Paolo Gemme Mark Green Driss Hsino Paul Jolivet Nikolaj Krarup Asger Lenzing Rune Lindholm Torsten Maeser Günter Maringer Dave Maxey Jeremy Norris Michinori Otake Jean-Francois Rubon Michael Sanders Bernd Stein Mathew Turner Klaus Vedder Peter Vestergaard Michael Wehmeier Kristian Woodsend GIESECKE & DEVRIENT GmbH France Telecom Schlumberger Industries OBERTHUR SMART CARDS BULL S.A. ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH SONERA Corporation Schlumberger Industries Siemens Information and Commun ORANGE PCS LTD SCHLUMBERGER DoCoMo Europe S.A. Nokia Nokia NOKIA Corporation ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH Deutsche Telekom MobilNet BT ERICSSON L.M. Hitachi GEMPLUS Card International ETSI INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES ERICSSON GIESECKE & DEVRIENT GmbH NOKIA UK Ltd ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH ASPECTS SOFTWARE Mr. Joon Ryu Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd TELEPHONE +81 468 40 3100 +81 3 5496 6907 +81 3 3222 4790 +81 6 6495 6557 +81 45 544 3697 +81 355408420 EMAIL akama@msd.ts.fujitsu.co.jp furuse@cet.yrp.nttdocomo.co.jp hayashi-m3@mail.dnp.co.jp iwamotok@nttdocomo.co.jp kanamaru@cig.mml.mot.com kawamura@mcd.yh.nec.co.jp makoto.kobayashi2@nrj.ericsson.se makihira@cew.melco.co.jp morimo@csc.melco.co.jp tnemoto@ddi.co.jp kenono@pcd.mci.mei.co.jp hiroshi.saito@yrp.mci.mei.co.jp wakaki@japan-telecom.co.jp kawaguchi.yoshiyuki@com.kenwood.co.j p -- ETSI Organisations -+49 89 4119 1926 +33 1 45 29 42 72 +33 1 47 46 59 33 +33 1 49 69 25 21 +33 1 39 66 46 25 +49 5254 991 875 +358 40 551 3633 +33 1 47 46 56 42 +39 02 4388 8502 +44 1 454 624 884 +49 89 4119 1542 +45 33 29 21 96 +49 5254 991 875 +44 131 225 9500 thomas.aichberger@gdm.de samuel.blarre@cnet.francetelecom.fr vincent@fuchinobe.skk.slb.com gilles.conti@fr.delarue.com sebastien.diener@bull.net hdietrich@orga.com susanna.eskola@sonera.com gambin@montrouge.tt.slb.com paolo.gemme@siemens-icn.it mark.green@orange.co.uk hsino@ montrouge.tt.slb.com jolivet@docomo.fr nikolaj.krarup@nokia.com Asger.Lenzing@nokia.com rune.lindholm@nmp.nokia.com tma@ora.com guenter.maringer@t-mobil.de dave.maxey@bt.com jeremy.norris@eml.ericsson.se otakem@nisseisg.co.jp jean-francois.rubon@gemplus.com michael.sanders@etsi.fr bernd.stein@infineon.com mathew.turner@eml.ericsson.com klaus.vedder@gdm.de peter.vestergaard@nokia.com mwehmeier@orga.com kristian@aspects.demon.co.uk +82 331 280 1686 joonryu@khgw.info.samsung.co.kr +33 1 5688 3030 +358 10 505 1 +49 52 54 991 963 +49 228 936 1249 +44 20 7 843 7504 +44 1256 864 577 +33 4 42 36 66 39 +33 4 92 94 42 90 -- TTA Organisations -- Those delegates with an ETSI server username and password can obtain the full contact information for any delegate by going to the URL for the delegates' database at: http://webapp.etsi.org/teldir/TelDirectory.asp They are also able to update their own information (new address / tel. / fax / email etc ) at this URL by going to the URL: http://webapp.etsi.org/teldir/PersonalInfo.asp D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 ANNEX B Page 15 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Approved Agenda 1 Opening of the Meeting ........................................................................................... document(s) 2 Roll Call of Delegates 3 Input Documents / Agenda ..................................................................................................... 045 4 Approval of report from TSG-T3 #11 ...................................................................................... 044 5 Liaisons and reports 5.1 Reports from other groups .................................................................................................. 5.2 Liaisons / Input from other groups ........................ 026, 046, 047, 048, 049, 058, 074, 078 6 USIM and IC Card Requirements (3G TS 21.111) 6.1 USIM application selection .................................................................................................. 6.2 Other issues .................................................................................................................. 086 7 UICC physical and logical characteristics (3G TS 31.101) 7.1 USAT issues ................................................................................................................. 035 7.2 PIN management .......................................................................................................... 034 7.3 File Control Information (FCI)................................................................................ 036, 080 7.4 Security issues .................................................................................................................... 7.5 Definition of application session initialisation / termination procedure .......................... 037 7.6 Alignment with updated GSM 11.11 R99 ...................................................................... 071 7.7 Power consumption ...................................................................................................... 040 7.8 Corrections and clarifications ........................................................................................ 063 8 USIM characteristics (3G TS 31.102) 8.1 FDN/BDN ...................................................................................................... 032, 051, 084 8.2 Other outstanding Release 99 issues ................................................................................. 8.3 Phonebook issues ................................................................................. 039, 050, 060, 062 8.4 Security issues ...................................................... 052, 053, 054, 055, 075, 076, 077, 083 8.5 Corrections and clarifications ........................................................................ 059, 061, 081 8.6 Alignment with updated GSM 11.11 R99 after SMG #31 .............................................. 071 8.7 Other issues .................................................................................................. 012, 079, 082 9 USIM Application Identifiers (3G TS 31.110) 9.1 Alignment with updated EG 201 220 after SMG #31 .................................................... 073 10 UICC Application Toolkit (3G TS 31.111) 10.1 Review of current version .............................................................................................. 006 10.2 Outstanding Release 99 issues .......................................................................................... 10.3 Alignment with updated GSM 11.14 R99 after SMG #31 .............................................. 072 11 New work items 11.1 Transfer of specifications from SMG9 .......................................... 066, 067, 068, 069, 070 11.2 Use of a local link as a bearer for USAT ....................................................................... 057 11.3 Interface enhancements ............................................................................................... 064 11.4 Test specification for SIM API and secure messaging.................................................. 065 12 Any Other Business ....................................................................................................................... 13 Meeting Plan 14 Closing of the Meeting Note: All documents mentioned above can be found on the 3GPP server at: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_t/wg3_usim/tsgt3_13/docs D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 ANNEX C Page 16 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) Access to 3GPP documents This document briefly outlines some of the more important locations of information that all T3 members should be aware of. 3GPP email lists: To receive information about T3 issues, all delegates and other interested parties MUST register for email list 3GPP_TSG_T_WG3. This can be done by sending an email to LISTSERV@LIST.3GPP.ORG with the following single line of text in the body of the message: subscribe 3GPP_TSG_T_WG3 YourFirstName YourLastName subscribe 3GPP_TSG_T_WG3_USAT YourFirstName YourLastName There are many other 3GPP email lists that http://www.3gpp.org/e-mail.htm for further information. may also be of interest. Go to If at any time you would like to confirm which lists you are currently a member of, just sent a message to LISTSERV@LIST.3GPP.ORG with the following single line of text in the body of the message: QUERY * Email archives: All 3GPP lists have an associated archive of every email sent via that list. Information on how to access the archive is sent to you when you subscribe to the list. This means that if you have temporary email problems, or have just joined the group, you can check to see if you have missed any messages. The easiest was to search the archive is first to via the web at the location: http://list.3gpp.org/scripts/wa.exe Meeting invitations and meeting calendar: The central location for all information relating to the 3GPP meeting calendar and the corresponding meeting invitations can be found at: http://www.3gpp.org/Meetings.htm In particular, the meeting invitations to all WG3 meetings are made available under the directory: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_t/wg3_usim/invitations/ Documents on the server: All documents submitted to T3 meetings are made available on the 3GPP document server in a directory (related to the number of the meeting) under: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_t/wg3_usim/ e.g. the documents for T3 #13 can be found at: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_t/wg3_usim/tsgt3_13 Page 17 D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 ANNEX D Document list Tdoc Title T3-000044 T3-000045 T3-000046 T3-000047 T3-000048 T3-000049 T3-000064 Draft report from T3 #12, Rome, 17 - 21 January, 2000 Draft agenda for T3 #13, Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000 LS from S3: re:UE personalisation (reply to T3-99413) LS from R2: re:Network Selection Issues (reply to T3-99423) LS from S1 to T2/S3 cc T3: Secure interoperation with GSM LS from S3: USIM triggered authentication and key setting during PS connections Discussion document on 31.102: Remarks to the proposal for Implementation of "Phone Book" in USIM FDN issues CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - “Cipher key and integrity key lifetime” CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - AUTHENTICATE Command CR 31.102: Authentication CR 31.102: Alignment of terminology for authentication; addition of KcGPRS procedure CR 31.102: Enhanced User Identity Confidentiality Proposed Work Item: "Use of local link (RS232, Bluetooth, USB, Irda) as a bearer for USAT" LS from WAP forum to SMG9: Question about PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command in SIM toolkit CR 31.102: Collection of editorial changes CR 31.102: Introduction of e-mail addresses in the Phone Book CR 31.102: EF_LOCI access conditions CR 31.102: Annex G: phone book example CR 31.101: Indication of the UMTS application state to the USIM (initialised, terminated) Proposed T3 work item: "UICC-ME fast protocol" T3-000065 T3-000066 T3-000068 T3-000067 T3-000069 T3-000070 T3-000071 T3-000072 T3-000073 T3-000074 T3-000075 T3-000076 LS from SMG9 to Java Card Forum on SIM API testing List of specifications proposed for transfer from SMG9 to T3 GSM 02.19 R98 v7.1.0 GSM 02.48 R98 v7.0.0 GSM 03.19 R98 v7.1.0 GSM 03.48 R99 v8.2.0 CRs to GSM 11.11 R99 as approved at SMG #31 (14 - 16 Feb, 2000) CRs to GSM 11.14 R99 as approved at SMG #31 (14 - 16 Feb, 2000) CR to GSM EG 201 220 as approved at SMG #31 (14 - 16 Feb, 2000) LS from S1 to T3: re:USIM application selection CR 31.102: Enhanced User Identity Confidentiality CR 33.102: Refinement of EUIC (revision no. 1 of S3-000081) T3-000050 T3-000051 T3-000052 T3-000053 T3-000054 T3-000055 T3-000056 T3-000057 T3-000058 T3-000059 T3-000060 T3-000061 T3-000062 T3-000063 T3-000077 CR 33.103: Refinement EUIC (according to TS 33.102) T3-000078 T3-000079 T3-000080 T3-000081 T3-000082 T3-000083 T3-000084 T3-000085 T3-000086 T3-000087 T3-000088 T3-000089 T3-000090 T3-000091 T3-000092 T3-000093 T3-000094 T3-000095 T3-000096 T3-000097 T3-000098 T3-000099 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) LS from S3 to T2,T3 Location of conversion functions c2 and c3 CR 31.102 Emergency call codes CR 31.101: Correction to 31.101 on FCI CR 31.102: Correction to USIM specific FCP coding CR 31.102: Correction for EFs regarding UE personalisation. CR 31.102: Correction for Authenticate Command CR 31.102 R99 implementation of FDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers) Report from T3 #12, Rome, 17 – 21 January, 2000 CR 21.111: Alignment with 33.102 regarding the data intergrity of singalling elements and user identity confidentiality CR 31.102 R99 implementation of BDN (Barred Dialling Numbers) 3G TS 31.111 v1.1.0 Presentation of Security Attributes and PIN Management CR 31.102-003 R99 Implementation of FDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers) CR 31.102 R99 Implementation of BDN (Barred Dialling Numbers) CR 31.102-026 R99 EF_LOCI access conditions (is incorrectly numbered CR 31.102-004 on the document) CR 31.102-005 R99 Emergency call codes CR 31.102-006 R99 Mandatory status for the EF containing the Packet switched domain keys CR 21.111-002 R99: Alignment with 33.102 regarding the data integrity of signalling elements and user identity confidentiality CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - “Cipher key and integrity key lifetime” CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - AUTHENTICATE Command CR 31.102: Authentication CR 31.102: Enhanced User Identity Confidentiality Source Status T3 secretary T3 secretary S3 (S3-000088) R2 (R2-000280) S1 (S1-991072) S3 (S3-000075) revised - see T3-000085 revised - see report noted noted noted discussed Ericsson discussed France Telecom T-Mobil discussed revised - see T3-000096 T-Mobil T-Mobil T-Mobil incorporated in T3-000097 revised - see T3-000098 revised - see T3-000128 T-Mobil Gemplus revised - see T3-000075 discussed - see T3-000103 WAP forum (WTA) discussed - see T3-000102 31.102 group 31.102 group G&D G&D Schlumberger revised - see T3-000166 revised - see T3-000141 revised - see T3-000092 reivsed - see T3-000110 Gemplus & Schlumberger SMG9 (9-00-0113) T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary T3 Secretary S1 (S1-000102) T-Mobil T-Mobil (S3000098) T-Mobil (S3000099) S3-000090 Gemplus NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo FT T3 T-Mobil revised - see T3-0000104 FT 31.111 rapporteur Nokia T3 T3 T3 revised - see T3-000091 revised - see T3-000138 discussed revised - see T3-000135 revised - see T3-000112 agreed -> TSG-T #7 T3 T3 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 T3 agreed -> TSG-T #7 T3 revised - see T3-000124 T3 T3 T3 revised - see T3-000125 revised - see T3-000126 revised - see T3-000129 discussed - see T3-000108 noted noted noted noted noted discussed discussed discussed discussed - see T3-000136 revised - see T3-000099 noted noted discussed - see T3-000116 revised - see T3-000093 revised - see T3-000113 revised - see T3-000114 incorporated in T3-000097 revised - see T3-000090 approved revised - see T3-000095 D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 Page 18 T3-000100 CRs to GSM 11.11 R99 as approved at SMG #30 (9 - 11 Nov, 1999) T3-000101 CR 31.102: Alignment with GSM 11.11 R’99 T3-000102 LS to WAP re:Question about PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command in SIM toolkit T3-000103 LS to T2 Proposed new workitem on local link T3-000104 Draft Work item on fast protocol T3-000105 CR 31.101-001r1 R99: Security Attributes T3-000106 CR 31.102 R99: Addition of security procedures T3-000107 CR 31.102 R99: APN control list T3-000108 Draft work item description: Tests for SIM API T3-000109 LS from S2: re:Clarification of the information storage in USIM" (reply to T3-99-432 T3-000110 CR 31.102: Annex G: phone book example T3-000111 Draft work item description: Tests for SIM API T3-000112 CR 31.102 R99 Implementation of BDN (Barred Dialling Numbers) T3-000113 CR 31.102: Correction to USIM specific FCP coding T3-000114 CR 31.102: Correction for EFs regarding UE personalisation. T3-000115 CR 31.102: Operator controlled PLMN selection T3-000116 LS to T2 and S3 re:Conversion functions c2 and c3 T3-000117 CR 31.102-004 rev1 R99 Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) T3-000118 CR 31.102: Removal of SoLSA files from Release 99 T3-000119 Discussion document: Proposed changes to 31.111 Terminal profile T3-000120 LS to WAP re:Question about PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION command in SIM toolkit T3-000121 LS to T2 Proposed new work item on local link T3-000122 Draft Work item on fast protocol T3-000123 CR 31.102 R99: APN control list T3-000124 CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - “Cipher key and integrity key lifetime” T3-000125 CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - AUTHENTICATE Command T3-000126 CR 31.102-007 R99: Authentication T3-000127 CR 31.101 R99: Reservation of file IDs T3-000128 CR 31.102-008 R99: Alignment of terminology for authentication; addition of Kc-GPRS procedure T3-000129 CR 31.102-013 R99: Enhanced User Identity Confidentiality T3-000130 CR 31.102-004 rev2 R99 Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) T3-000131 CR 31.101-010 R99: Reservation of file IDs T3-000132 CR 31.102-011 R99: Removal of SoLSA feature from Release 99 T3-000133 CR 31.102-009 R99: Correction to USIM specific FCP coding T3-000134 CR 31.102-010 R99: Correction for EFs regarding UE personalisation. T3-000135 CR 31.102-003r3 R99 Implementation of FDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers) T3-000136 LS to S1 on Application selection T3-000137 CR 31.110-002 Clarification of management of country codes and card issuer identifiers T3-000138 3G TS 31.111 v1.2.0 T3-000139 Discussion document: Introduction of CPHS features T3-000140 CR 31.102 R99: Alignment with GSM 11.11 R99 T3-000141 CR 31.102 R99: Introduction of e-mail addresses in the Phone Book T3-000142 CR 31.102-021 R99: Collection of editorial changes T3-000143 CR 31.102-012 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - AUTHENTICATE Command T3-000144 CR 31.102-018 R99: Alignment with 33.102 - Cipher key and integrity key lifetime T3-000145 CR to 22.011 on network selection as approved at SMG #31 T3-000146 CR 31.102-019: Operator controlled PLMN selection T3-000147 CR 31.101-002r1: Incorporation of the USAT features. T3-000148 CR 31.101-003r1: File Control Parameters T3-000149 CR 31.101-004 R99: Coding of status words T3-000150 CR 31.102 R99: Addition of security procedures (updated T3-000106) T3-000151 CR 31.102-004r3 R99: Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) T3-000152 LS to SMG9: Modification of GSM 11.14 Changes to Terminal Profile T3-000153 CR 31.102-014 R99: Introduction of e-mail addresses in the Phone Book T3-000154 CR 31.102-015 R99: APN control list T3-000155 CR 31.101-002r2: Incorporation of the USAT features. T3-000156 CR 31.101-003r2: File Control Parameters T3-000157 CR 31.101-004r1 R99: Coding of status words T3-000158 CR 31.102-016 R99: Phone book example T3-000159 CR 31.102-xxx R99: Support of voltage classes T3-000160 CR 31.102-xxx R99: Preferred language selection T3-000161 CR 31.101-006 R99: Definition of application session related procedures T3-000162 CR 31.101-xxx R99: Editorial changes T3-000163 CR 31.101-xxx R99: Power consumption T3-000164 CR 31.101-xxx R99: Changes to UICC specific files T3-000165 CR 31.102-017 R99: Alignment with GSM 11.11 R99 T3-000166 CR 31.102-020 R99: Changes to 31.102 to align with 24.008 (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) T3 secretary T3 T3 discussed revised - see T3-000140 revised - see T3-000120 T3 T3 T3 T3 France Telecom T3 S2 (S2-000306) revised - see T3-000121 revised - see T3-000122 revised - see T3-000171 revised - see T3-000150 revised - see T3-000123 revised - see T3-000111 noted T3 T3 T3 NTT DoCoMo NTT DoCoMo T3 T3 T3 31.102 group 31.111 drafting group T3 revised - see T3-000158 agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000117 revised - see T3-000133 revised - see T3-000134 revised - see T3-000146 approved -> T2 and S3 revised - see T3-000130 revised - see T3-000132 discussed - see T3-000152 T3 T3 France Telecom T3 approved (LS) -> T2 agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000154 revised - see T3-000144 T3 T3 31.101 rapp T3 revised - see T3-000143 agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000131 agreed -> TSG-T #7 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 agreed conditionally revised - see T3-000151 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 approved -> S1 agreed -> TSG-T #7 T3 Orange T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 agreed -TSG-T for approval postponed - TS #14 revised - see T3-000165 revised - see T3-000153 revised - see T3-000167 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 SA #6 (S1-99606) T3 31.101 group 31.101 group 31.101 group T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 noted agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000155 revised - see T3-000156 revised - see T3-000157 revised - see T3-000175 agreed -> TSG-T #7 approved -> SMG9 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 postponed -> T3 #14 postponed -> T3 #14 agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000168 revised - see T3-000169 revised - see T3-000170 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 approved -> WAP forum D R A F T Report 3GPP TSG-T3 #13 T3-000167 T3-000168 T3-000169 T3-000170 T3-000171 T3-000172 T3-000173 T3-000174 T3-000175 T3-000176 T3-000177 T3-000178 Page 19 CR 31.102-021 R99: Collection of 31.102 editorial changes - part 1 CR 31.101-007 R99: Collection of 31.101 editorial changes CR 31.101-008 R99: Power consumption CR 31.101-009 R99: Changes to UICC specific files CR 31.101-001r2 R99: Security Attributes CR 31.102-023 R99: Update to pre-personalisation values in Annex E CR 31.102-024 R99: Update to "EF changes via Data Download or USAT applications" table in Annex H CR 31.102-022 R99: Collection of 31.102 editorial changes - part 2 CR 31.102-025 R99: Addition of security procedures CR 31.101-001r3 R99: Security Attributes CR 31.102-025r1 R99: Addition of security procedures CR 31.101-003r3: File Control Parameters (Tokyo, 21 - 24 February, 2000) T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 agreed -> TSG-T #7 revised - see T3-000176 agreed via email -> TSG-T #7 agreed via email -> TSG-T #7 31.102 group T3 T3 T3 T3 withdrawn via email revised - see T3-000177 agreed via email -> TSG-T #7 agreed via email -> TSG-T #7 agreed via email -> TSG-T #7