SBPM SSN Multiple Choice #3 Dec. 3, 2002

SBPM SSN Multiple Choice #3
Blood flow to the coronary arteries primarily occurs normally during:
a. diastole for endocardial arteries
diastole for epicardial arteries
b. systole for edocardial arteries
diastole for epicardial arteries
c. systole for endocardial and epicardial arteries
d. diastole for endocardial arteries
systole for epicardial arteries
e. diastole for endocardial arteries
systole and diastole for epicardial arteries
f. systole and diastole for endocardial arteries
diastole for epicardial arteries
Which of the following correctly describe elastance and compliance
a. compliance is the change in volume for a given change in pressure
b. elastance is the change in pressure for a given change in volume
c. compliance is the same thing as stiffness
d. elastance is the same thing as stiffness
e. a, b, and d are correct
f. b and d are correct
Dec. 3, 2002
3. During which phase of the cardiac cycle will aortic pressure and left ventricular pressure be equal?
isovolumic contraction
isovolumic relaxation
both b and d
4.All else being equal, which of the following changes will NOT decrease the stroke volume?
a) increasing heart rate (HR)
b) decreasing end-systolic elastance (Ees)
c) increasing total peripheral resistance (TPR)
d) decreasing end-diastolic pressure (EDP)
e) increasing end-diastolic volume (EDV)
5. On a standard limb EKG readout, which of the following is true?
A. The Q wave is a downward deflection because it represents atrial Repolarization
B. Repolarizations, in general, are represented by downward deflection (because they are opposite of
depolarizations which we know to be represented by upward deflections).
C. The length of time that a repolarization requires varies between layers of heart muscle.
D. A and B
E. A, B and C
F. None of the above
6. The S1 sound, “lub,” would occur during which phase of a normal EKG?
A. during the P wave
B. between end of P wave and the beginning of the Q wave
C. during the QR complex
D. during the T wave
E. After T wave and before the next P wave
7. The S2 sound , “dub” would occur during which phase of a normal EKG?
A. during the P wave
B.between end of P wave and the beginning of the Q wave
C.during the QR complex
D.during the T wave
E.After T wave and before the next P wave
8. Which of the following causes the plateau phase of the ventricular muscle action potential?
A. The positive shift in membrane potential increases resting K + conductance
B. The L-type Ca2+ current flows outward
C. Na+ channels remain open for a longer period of time than in typical action potentials
D. The L-type Ca2+ current flows inward
Which of the following do not generate a pacemaker current?
AV nodal cells
Ventricular cells
Atrial cells
Purkinje fibers
10. Which of the following statements is NOT true of laminar and turbulent blood flow?
Turbulent blood flow can injure vessel walls and blood cells.
Turbulent blood flow occurs frequently in healthy individuals but does not pose a health risk in the
absence of medical disorders.
Laminar blood flow can become turbulent if its velocity exceeds a certain number.
Laminar flow is more efficient than turbulent flow.
In blood moving in laminar flow, blood cells on the periphery of the vessel move more slowly
than cells in the center of the stream.
Which of the following statements is true about arterial blood flow and resistance?
Poiseulle’s Law can be used to calculate an accurate estimate of the flow through the aorta.
Total systemic vascular resistance is the sum of the resistances of each individual vascular bed.
Quickly flowing blood may provoke a decrease in resistance in the blood vessel because it
stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the blood vessel wall.
Nitric oxide is only produced in response to shear stress.
Resistance in the blood vessels can be measured directly using Doppler imaging or
12. Mature erythrocytes are able to maintain their biconcave shape due to the presence of
a) albumin
b) spectrin
c) hemoglobin
d) fibronectin
13.Which of the following inflammatory cell types is the prominent during the early phases of acute inflammation?
a) macrophages
b) neutrophils
c) eosinophils
d) lymphocytes
14.Where is an atherosclerotic plaque MOST likely to form?
a. Pulmonary capillary
b. Femoral artery
c. Saphenous vein
d. Abdominal aorta
15.Who is most likely to die if an atherosclerotic plaque ruptures?
A 45-year-old female with no previous history of cardiac or other problems
A 60-year old male smoker who has had exercise-induced angina for 20 years
An 80-year-old female who has had angina for 15 years but comes to you with a crushing pain in her chest
A 55-year-old man with a history of recurrent pulmonary emboli
16.Why is HDL so important?
a. HDL competes with LDL to get into the subendothelial space and HDL is harder for macrophages to ingest
b.HDL acts as an extracellular receptor for LDL, causing LDL to efflux out of the subendothelial space
c.HDL blocks the activation of Fas ligand on macrophages, preventing macrophage death and formation of a
lipid core
e. HDL is involved in reducing oxidized LDL particles, allowing LDL to be released via the ACAT
17. Which of the following substances is primarily a vasoconstrictor?
a. ACh
b. Substance P
c. VIP
d. Neuropeptide Y
e. None of the above
18.Baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch fire at a _______ rate when pressure in these structures rises,
since baroreceptors respond to ___________.
a. Increased; changes in pressure only
b. Decreased; changes in pressure only
c. Increased; sustained pressure and pressure changes
d. Decreased; sustained pressure and pressure changes
19. “Buffer nerves” include:
I. Carotid sinus nerve
II.Vagus nerve
III.Vagal fibers from the aortic arch
IV.Somatic afferent nerves
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. I, II and III
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
20.Fill in the blank:
In response to chronic blood loss, the JG cells of the afferent arteriole of the kidney increase secretion of ___(a)___,
which converts ___(b)____ to ___(c)____ in the ____(d)______. This, in turn, is converted to __(e)_____ by ACE
in the ___(f)____. This substance stimulates the secretion of ___(g)______ by the adrenal cortex, which acts on the
distal renal tubule to increase the reabsorption of ____(h)_____, thereby increasing blood volume and arterial