Chicago Botanic Garden Bonsai Plan A single tree in its pot is my companion; the green shades of a thousand years press about me. Who can tell the vastness of the world here contained? In the space of a few inches is mighty Mt. Zhuyong Feng. Ryushu Shutaku August 2009 (847) 835-8227 Chicago Botanic Garden Table of Contents Page Mission Statement ............................................................................................................... 1 Value Statement .................................................................................................................. 1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 2 Brief History of the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Bonsai Collection ............... 2 Collection Maintenance, Display, and Record Keeping .................................. 3 Vision for the Bonsai Collection ...................................................................................... 5 Strategies for Achieving the Vision .................................................................................. 6 Maintaining and Developing the Collection ..................................................... 6 Programming the Collection ............................................................................... 8 Short and Long Term Strategies ......................................................................... 9 Appendices I. Comparative Data ............................................................................................. 10 II. Chicago Botanic Garden Current Inventory of Bonsai a) Display Quality Bonsai ................................................................... 12 b) Bonsai in Training/Development ................................................ 20 III. Chicago Botanic Garden Bonsai Management Policy ............................ 25 (847) 835-8227 Chicago Botanic Garden MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Chicago Botanic Garden is to promote the enjoyment, understanding, and conservation of plants and the natural world. VALUE STATEMENT The Chicago Botanic Garden belongs to the people of Cook County and metropolitan Chicago. As a living museum, it seeks to express its mission fully – in collections, education, research and conservation – for all its visitors and throughout its community. To this end, the Garden must be viewed as a resource as well as place, as a means to an end as well as an end in itself, and as a repository of knowledge to be disseminated as broadly as possible. The Garden’s collections and professional expertise are dedicated to serving the needs of its community and to improving the quality of life for its citizens. It will be an institution relevant to the lives of the increasingly diverse population of metropolitan Chicago. In expressing the human relationship to the natural world, the Garden will not forget its service to humans. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 1 of 27 Background Brief History of the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Bonsai Collection Although the Garden never set out to become a center for bonsai, it has, over the years, amassed one of the premier collections in North America and is the site of one of this country’s largest bonsai shows. It maintains a strong and beneficial relationship with the Midwest Bonsai Society as well as other groups and institutions in the United States and Japan, and attracts considerable public interest with its bonsai displays in the east and west courtyards of the Regenstein Center. The original collection consisted predominantly of donated specimens. It was maintained by Bonsai Society member Jack Wilson and Botanic Garden staff. In 1978, the collection was displayed on a bench structure in the east courtyard of the Education Center. That display was removed when the courtyards were redesigned in 1994. In 1995, at the urging of the Midwest Bonsai Society, the Botanic Garden Committee of the Board of Directors approved the east courtyard as a display area. Susumu Nakamura, a Japanese bonsai master and longstanding friend of the Garden, donated 19 of his favorite bonsai to the Garden in 2000. These are masterpieces -- incredibly high quality bonsai and a priceless addition to the collection. The donation reinforces the Garden’s bonsai collection’s status as one of the best collections in the country. This gift gave the Garden an opportunity to move an already excellent collection toward a world-class level. Display space for the collection was renovated in 2006. Previously, only 10 to 15 bonsai could be on exhibit for the public. Bonsai have a front and back and should only be viewed from the front. They are optimally displayed at eye level with a plain backdrop. Bonsai perform best outdoors and need sunlight and the temperate plants need winter dormancy. Both east and west courtyards at the Regenstein Center were completely reworked to create a display space for bonsai. Sixteen granite benches with translucent glass backs were installed in each courtyard. Edge lighting illuminates the trees at night. Different sizes of backdrops provide flexibility for displaying different sizes of trees. Up to fifty trees are now on display for the public at one time. The number of subtropical bonsai in the collection has increased and many flower before bonsai can go on display outside. Bonsai are currently not on public display during the winter although they could provide an added winter attraction. In 2006, funding was provided to hire a part time Bonsai Curator to provide the necessary expertise and artistic talent to develop and maintain the collection. The Garden’s Bonsai curator is the only person on staff with advanced knowledge of bonsai development and training such as the volunteers provide. With a generous gift from the Regenstein Foundation, the outdoor growing space for bonsai was completely renovated in 2008. Drainage, new stone for the base and additional benches were installed to grow bonsai. An over-wintering structure for the collection was installed along the north wall of the Horticulture Building. This new configuration doubled the amount of summer growing space to 1,000 square feet of full sun bench space and 540 square feet of shade bench space for bonsai. The current area is surrounded by a ten-foot fence topped with barbed wire. A motion detector monitors the space. The collections on display are protected by an alarm system that sounds whenever the display is touched or moved. Because of the value of this collection, which is estimated to be $546,399 as of July 2009, the Garden insures the bonsai under the same insurance policy that covers its Fine Arts Collection. It is not anticipated that the collection will be a focus for research. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 2 of 27 Today, the collection is regarded by bonsai experts as one of the three best collections in the country, along with the Pacific Rim (temporarily closed in April 2009) and National Arboretum collections, in terms of quality of specimens and variety of styles. (See Appendix I for statistics about this collection compared with other major public garden collections in this country.) In total, the collection includes 171 display quality bonsai, with 108 in training. (See Appendices IIa and IIb for a complete listing and description of the current holdings.) Since 1977, the 200-member Midwest Bonsai Society has staged its annual show at the Garden in August. This is the most popular plant show on the annual calendar, attracting a weekend audience of over 17,000. The Midwest Bonsai Society also started holding a spring bonsai show in 2004. A strong collaboration exists between the Garden and the Society. The Garden provides staff support for the show, advertises it with banners, notification in Members Magazine, and public relations expertise. The Midwest Bonsai Society gives the Garden a set portion of space revenue, approximately $4,000 per year. The Midwest Bonsai Society also holds its regular monthly meetings at the Garden, and its members have played an indispensable role in developing and maintaining the Garden’s Bonsai Collection. Collection Maintenance, Display, and Record Keeping Bonsai horticultural maintenance and development is exacting work. These plants are masterpieces, shaped by human artistry addressing itself to a living plant. The creation of bonsai specimens requires sophisticated knowledge of horticultural science in addition to a well-developed aesthetic sense. Plants must be repotted and roots and branches must be pruned annually, and the whole must be trained according to a strict regimen and with a clear sense of the aesthetics of the finished art work. It is the members of the Midwest Bonsai Society who have become volunteers and have provided and continue to provide time and talent in the maintenance of the collection. These Garden volunteers have been maintaining and refining the collection for over 35 years. Since 2006, the group of volunteers has increased from five to twenty-two. Most of the new volunteers are members of the Midwest Bonsai Society and students of the Bonsai Curator. Some of the volunteers have skills approaching a professional level. The Garden’s Plant Production staff water and fertilize the collection while in Plant Production. Staff working in The Greenhouses water and fertilize the plants when on display in the Regenstein Courtyards. Currently, bonsai display is seasonal with the plants periodically rotated so that visitors are exposed to various elements of the collection at the peak of their flowering, fruiting, fall color, or other interest. The temperate bonsai do best outdoors, but the severity of Chicago winters limits their display to May through October. The temperate bonsai are beautiful in winter but there is currently no where to display them during this time period. The Three Friends of Winter Bonsai Silhouette Exhibit was produced in early 2009 to showcase the winter forms of select bonsai. Because of the value of the collection, and an active black market in their thefts and sale, the bonsai are displayed and stored with an alarm system. When temperate plants are not on display, they are housed on the east side of the Plant Production greenhouses. The subtropical bonsai are stored in the Production Greenhouses. The collection is managed according to customary museum practice. A standard plant record is maintained for every plant in this collection. (See Appendix III for the Chicago Botanic Garden Bonsai Management Policy.) 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 3 of 27 Vision for the Bonsai Collection The Chicago Botanic Garden’s bonsai collection is a collection of international merit by the nature of its holding and considered a preeminent example of bonsai in the United States. The Garden will develop a world class bonsai collection focused on temperate plants by increasing the diversity and balance of its training styles and taxa with flowering and fruiting time that span the entire display season by targeted solicitation of private donors for significant bonsai specimens. The scope of the collection will make it possible to exhibit bonsai at all times of the year. When plans for the renovation of The Greenhouses move forward, a year-round venue for display of subtropical bonsai should be included. The master site plan for the Science Center Campus and Plant Production expansion offer new opportunities to expand the use and display of the bonsai collection. Temperate bonsai could be displayed in a cool (35° - 38° Fahrenheit) greenhouse during the dormant season, when the display of winter habit would be a key component. A work area could be made accessible in the Production area of the new Science Campus for visitors to watch staff and volunteers train bonsai. With the Chicago Botanic Garden’s visitors reaching 750,000 per year, the Garden’s bonsai collection is likely to be the most viewed in the world. Only the Kokufu Exhibit in Tokyo (Japan National Exhibit) has more attendance than the Midwest Bonsai Society Summer Show held at the Chicago Botanic Garden. There are few public collections in Japan, with only the Japan National Collection in Tokyo, exceeding the planned content of the Chicago Botanic Garden bonsai collection. The Chicago Botanic Garden will make a world class collection of bonsai readily accessible to inspire and educate the public. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 4 of 27 Strategies for Achieving the Vision Maintaining and Developing the Collection The Plant Production staff waters and fertilizes the bonsai in Plant Production, and the Midwest Bonsai Society volunteers prune, repot, and train them under the direction of the Garden’s part time Bonsai curator. Bonsai are pruned and trained in the Production head house. The Greenhouses staff waters and fertilizes the bonsai when on display in the Regenstein Courtyards. The Garden has been very fortunate to acquire the services of Susumu Nakamura, a Director of the Nippon Bonsai Society. He is in residence for one week per year to repot, style, and prescribe the direction of the collection (Appendix III). The Garden’s Bonsai Management Policy sets quantity limits on the collection to prevent indiscriminate additions and to preserve the highest quality of plants. As the Plant Production area expansion is discussed within the science campus master site plan, the bonsai storage space will be included in the program. To maintain the collection of display-quality bonsai at a maximum of 200, plants of the lowest quality in the collection, or those of a style or taxon of which there are many, will be deaccessioned as new higher quality trees are acquired. Currently, the collection has too many bonsai (of a wide range of quality) or too few taxa and not enough trees such as crabapples that flower in May and later. The curator of bonsai will make these decisions according to the Bonsai Management Policy. Discussions with The Midwest Bonsai Society over many years on an occasional basis regarding the possibility of the Bonsai Society endowing a Bonsai Curator position and work/storage area have not yet resulted in any funding. Presently, the Midwest Bonsai Society is not considering an endowment for the Bonsai curator. A long-term strategy for funding a Bonsai Curator position needs to be established to assure a high quality collection into the future, optimal display of the collection, publications, training, demonstrations, and visitor interaction. There are approximately 75 high quality bonsai in private collections in the Chicago area. Several owners have expressed interest in or are considering donating trees to the Garden’s collection. These donations would come when the owners die or no longer are able to care for the trees. Throughout the United States there are many private collections containing high quality bonsai with competition for these trees by public institutions being fierce. At present there are at least 12 public bonsai collections in the United States with another eight in planning or development. Cultivation of local bonsai owners as well as those in Japan for donations of high quality trees will be a strategy for developing the collection. Six bonsai from Japan were donated to the Garden in 2008. Four of these trees are being held for a two-year quarantine period in at Wildwood Gardens in Ohio and will be shipped to the Garden in spring of 2010. The Bonsai Curator will visit potential tree donors’ nurseries or collections to develop a personal relationship with them and educate them about the Garden’s bonsai program. When appropriate, the Bonsai Curator will ask for a donation of a tree or trees to the collection. Currently, all bonsai imported from Japan must be quarantined in a special facility with permits to avoid introducing foreign pests and disease. The Garden will continue to explore alternate means to quarantine trees as Wildwood Gardens, the current quarantine facility, does not meet all of the Garden’s expectation. These options include working with a quarantine station in Japan and securing a permit for the Garden to import trees and quarantine on site. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 5 of 27 Programming the Collection The art, history, and methods of bonsai have been incorporated into the Garden’s on-site interpretive signage for the Regenstein Center Courtyards bonsai display. The School now offers four levels of bonsai classes, beginner, beginner-novice, intermediate and advanced intermediate. The long term goals are to recruit skilled teachers from the bonsai volunteer pool and add on a novice-intermediate level for a total of 5 levels of instruction. These new teachers will cover the three entry levels of instruction, allowing the curator to focus on the advanced levels. Additional instructors also add the capacity to teach multiple classes at each level simultaneously. No other institution in the United States offers a full program of training like the Garden’s. The Bonsai Curator will solicit donations of bonsai-related books, periodicals, DVDs and photos that can be used in support of the Garden’s collection for training and teaching. A collection of these items currently exists and could be donated to the Garden. Once the Botanic Garden has a full time Bonsai Curator on staff, a program of daily, on-site informal demonstrations of bonsai pruning and training techniques in the display areas could attract an interested audience. The courtyards work best as a display space versus a demonstration area though. Plans for the renovation of Plant Production include an area where demonstrations can be done on training bonsai. The Garden will offer a lecture series or master classes. Current teaching materials in English for bonsai are primarily at the basic level with very little existing for those wanting more advanced levels of information. The Garden could fill this educational void by producing more advanced instructional materials. The bonsai, both subtropical and temperate, could be part of a strategy to increase winter visitation. They have the potential to form an interesting exhibit with other trained plants such as the topiary in the east Greenhouse. When the long-term plan is developed for The Greenhouses, an area to display of bonsai year round should be addressed. If temperate bonsai are displayed in winter, they would need a cold house. Short and Long Term Strategies Current 2009/2010 Donations of specimen bonsai trees from bonsai artists and collections in Japan to the collection are being solicited. Three trees have been donated to date. Develop and implement a bonsai loan program in which trees from other public and private collections are displayed on a temporary basis at the Regenstein Center to complement the Garden’s collection. Create an archival database consisting of photos and records of training of all bonsai in the collection. Hire a full time Bonsai curator to develop the preeminent teaching collection of bonsai in the United States. Hire a bonsai technician to provide consistent care for the collection. Annual consultations with a bonsai master cease. This would allow the collection to expand enough to encompass a wide enough range of styles and sizes to exhibit the breadth of the world of bonsai. This would also allow the Garden to conduct daily demonstrations of plant training in the bonsai 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 6 of 27 display area, and would allow the Curator to teach offsite and represent the Garden in bonsai circles throughout the world. Continue using skilled volunteers to perform the bulk of the training of the collection. Goal is to have one volunteer for each 10 trees in the collection. The full time bonsai curator will have a capacity to manage 25 volunteers. The consistent detail of maintenance on a collection, including bonsai as small as 6 inches in height and a wide range of styles, requires the constant time and attention of someone knowledgeable about the art and science of bonsai. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 7 of 27 APPENDIX I COMPARATIVE DATA (2000) Characteristics I. Collection Size A. # Bonsai B. # Display Quality C. # Recovering D. # in Development E. # Others II. Collection Characteristics A. # Hardy B. # Tropical/Subtropical C. Principle Styles & #'s 1. Informal Upright 2. Formal Upright 3. Cascading 4. Slanting 5. Semi-Cascade D. Addition Styles & #'s 1. Windswept 2. Grove 3. Multiple Trunk 4. Forest 5. Root over Rock 6. Driftwood 7. Hachi-no-ki 8. Broom Style 9. Bunjin 10. Upright Weeping CBG*** USNA** Collections Longwood 278 171 4 103 0 156 (256)* 150 (250)* 6 none none 47 39 2 6 0 350 210 4 140 Sales area 473 100 4 23 No 37 29 0 2 No 40-45 25-30 10 15 None 100 60 15 28 200 for demo 243 35 140 (208) 16 (32) All styles 38 9 175 175 336 87 85% 27 2 40 None 88 12 Have 5 basic Most Yes 0 Yes Yes Yes 17 3 2 1 0 Yes 98 12 18 16 6 (+59/other styles) 7 7 22 12 5 4 0 2 10 0 Phipps Brooklyn NYBG Arnold Pacific Rim Few Yes Yes Yes Yes 15% Few 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Everything but 1 0 10 0 0 3 1 Several Several A couple * Number in parenthesis equal collection goal for National Arboretum ** US National Arboretum *** Data updated in 2009 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 8 of 27 No APPENDIX I -- COMPARATIVE DATA (continued) Characteristics Collections Longwood Phipps Brooklyn NYBG Arnold Pacific Rim 700 Each Pavilion has its own covering in winter 100 N/A No Response No Response 3348 960 350 340 None None 65,340 1680 57 Included in Sq. Ft. Hardy 700 none N/A N/A No Response No Response 420 96 10 0 None None 720 21,780 (1 FTE) 3 FTE (4) 1 Partial FTE 1 FTE 1 FTE 0.1 FTE B. # Volunteers 22, Mon., Wed., Sat. 28 2 for 1 day/week 2 2 2 None 15 Docents + 10 Tech. Assts. C. Training level Moderate - High Varies Extensive Novice Varies Former owner maintains Good Extensive D. Responsibility level All maintenance Task fits experience level No response Pruning, Weeding Watering, weeding, repotting, wiring Everything Everything Everything V. Display Space A. # Sq. Ft. Display Regenstein Ctr 50,848 sq. ft. 3 bldgs 784 linear feet Display benches 1026 No Response 2000 Seasonal 400 43,560 300 sq. ft on benches No Response Tokonoma + Teakwood benches Varies Locked lathe house Greenhouse + outdoor rooms 31 No Response No Response No Response 100 No Response 0 No Response 30 5,000.00 100 No Response III. Production Space A. # Sq. Ft. Total B. # Sq. Ft. Hardy C. # Sq. Ft. Tropical D. # Sq. Ft. Development IV. Staffing A. # Staff B. Description C. # Plugs for trees VI. Budgets CBG USNA 1328 1271 Display benches w/backboards of 1” x 1” stock 534 sq. ft. 14 197 0.125 FTE 3 FTE+ 2 PTE Numbers in parenthesis refer to planned (funded) additions to staff and collections. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 9 of 27 Appendix IIa --Display Quality Bonsai July 2009 Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 2008 value 1 Lesser Flowering Quince Chaenomeles japonica 'Zoge' Clump $750.00 2 Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata Informal Upright 3 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Formal Upright 6 Japanese Mulberry Morus australis Informal Upright $3,000.00 7 Twisted Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Nejikan' Informal Upright $1,500.00 8 San Jose Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose' Driftwood $5,000.00 9 Dwarf Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' Twin Trunk $5,000.00 10 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia Clump $2,000.00 12 Japanese Elm 'Yatsubusa' Ulmus davidiana 'Nana' Informal Upright $1,500.00 13 Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Formal Upright $2,500.00 14 Japanese Zelkova Zelkova serrata Informal Upright 15 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Slanting $1,500.00 17 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' Slanting $1,000.00 19 Dwarf Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' Informal Upright $1,500.00 20 Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla Informal Upright $1,800.00 21 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia Formal Upright 22 Chinese Hackberry Celtis sinensis Twin Trunk $2,000.00 23 Willow-leaf Fig Ficus salicaria Clump $4,500.00 24 Boulevard Sawara Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Forest $7,500.00 25 Japanese White Pine Pinus parviflora Informal Upright $2,000.00 26 Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea glauca 'Conica' Forest $4,250.00 27 Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides 3 Tree Group $2,500.00 28 Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris Bunjin $2,000.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 $1,600.00 $900.00 $400.00 $500.00 page 10 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 29 Taiwan Fig Ficus microcarpa Informal Upright $3,000.00 30 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia Group Planting $2,500.00 32 Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia Informal Upright $3,500.00 33 Boulevard Sawara Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Forest with Shari $5,000.00 35 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana Driftwood 38 Cork-barked Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii 'Corticosa' Informal Upright $4,000.00 39 Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens Slanting $2,450.00 41 Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens Cascade $3,500.00 42 Taiwan Fig Ficus microcarpa var. nitida Informal Upright $1,500.00 43 American Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Informal Upright $300.00 44 Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens Informal Upright $3,500.00 46 Willow-leaf Fig Ficus salicaria Formal Upright $6,000.00 47 Common Privet Ligustrum vulgare Clump $3,500.00 48 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Root-over-rock $3,000.00 49 Blaauw's Chinese Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'Blaauw' Clump $1,200.00 50 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia Informal Upright $900.00 51 Japanese Maple 'Kiyohime' Acer palmatum 'Kiyohime' Informal Upright $500.00 52 Japanese Apricot Prunus mume Formal Upright $1,000.00 53 Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Informal Upright $3,500.00 54 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Informal Upright $600.00 55 Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata Windswept $750.00 56 Pyracomeles xPyracomeles vilmorinii Informal Upright $250.00 57 American Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis Informal Upright $750.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $750.00 page 11 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 60 Anglojap Yew Taxus x media Windswept $1,500.00 61 Boulevard Sawara Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Windswept $5,000.00 62 Columnar Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Andelyensis Conica' Saikei Forest $1,500.00 64 American Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis Windswept 65 Full-Moon Maple Acer japonicum f. aureum Informal Upright $2,500.00 66 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Informal Upright $7,000.00 68 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Raft $1,500.00 69 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Informal Upright 70 Boulevard Sawara Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Boulevard' Sinuous Root $4,000.00 71 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Forest $2,000.00 72 Nanking Cherry Prunus tomentosa Clump $500.00 73 Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea glauca 'Conica' Grove $3,000.00 75 Taiwan Fig Ficus microcarpa Twin Trunk $5,000.00 77 European Olive Olea europaea Sabamiki (Ancient Heartwood) $3,000.00 78 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia Informal Upright $500.00 79 Snowrose Serissa foetida Exposed Roots $350.00 80 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Informal Upright $2,500.00 82 Japanese Elm Ulmus davidiana 'Nire' Grove $1,250.00 83 Japanese Elm Ulmus davidiana 'Nire' Forest $2,500.00 85 Taiwan Fig Ficus microcarpa Informal Upright $6,000.00 88 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Cascade 89 Hinoki False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa Formal Upright 90 Dwarf Black Olive Bucida spinosa Informal Upright 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $400.00 $450.00 $200.00 $12,000.0090 $100.00 page 12 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 91 Dwarf Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina 'Nana' Clinging-to-a-rock $1,000.00 92 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Informal Upright $1,000.00 93 Cork-barked Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii 'Corticosa' Formal Upright $1,500.00 94 Prostrate Common Juniper Juniperus communis 'Prostrata' Cascade $1,000.00 99 Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Turtleback Informal Upright $1,000.00 100 Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus Slanting $6,000.00 102 Japanese Beech Fagus crenata Informal Upright 103 Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides Semi-cascade 105 Japanese Witch Hazel Hamamelis japonica Informal Upright $12,500.00 108 Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Informal Upright $20,000.00 110 Magnolia Magnolia x wiesneri Informal Upright $3,000.00 111 Japanese White Pine Pinus parviflora Formal Upright $20,000.00 112 Japanese White Pine Pinus parviflora Semi-cascade $25,000.00 117 Asian Star Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum Bunjin $3,500.00 120 Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Cascade with Ancient Wood $1,000.00 121 Cork-bark Japanese White Pine Pinus parviflora 'Corticosa' Shohin Semi-cascade $500.00 124 Japanese Apricot Prunus mume Informal Upright $200.00 125 Dwarf Fothergilla Fothergilla gardenii Informal Upright $500.00 126 Chinese Juniper Juniperus chinensis Windswept 127 Korean Littleleaf Boxwood Buxus sinica var. insularis Informal Upright Mame $500.00 128 Prairie Crabapple Malus ioensis Twin Trunk $300.00 130 Sargent Cherry Prunus sargentii Informal Upright $350.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $30,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 page 13 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 132 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Triple Trunk $1,000.00 135 Japanese Wisteria Wisteria floribunda 'Kyushaku' Informal Upright $5,000.00 137 Japanese Maple 'Ever Red' Acer palmatum 'Ever Red' Weeping Informal Upright $1,500.00 139 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Slanting 140 Little Leaf Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Morris Midget' Forest $1,250.00 141 San Jose Juniper Juniperus chinensis 'San Jose' Windswept $5,000.00 142 Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata Semi-cascade $5,000.00 143 Natal Plum Carissa grandiflora Informal Upright $3,000.00 146 Limber Pine Pinus flexilis Slanting 147 Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata Informal Upright $5,000.00 148 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Informal Upright $6,500.00 154 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Informal Upright $2,500.00 155 Blue Rug Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii' Casade $2,000.00 161 Japanese Privet Ligustrum japonicum Semi-cascade $2,500.00 163 Black Hill Spruce Picea glauca var. densata Bunjin $1,000.00 164 Narrowleaf Firethorn Pyracantha angustifolia Raft $1,000.00 166 unknown unknown - Jap.Murasaki shibiku Informal Upright $1,000.00 168 Dwarf Gardenia Gardenia jasminoides Slanting $5,000.00 169 Needle Juniper Juniperus rigida Bunjin $3,500.00 171 Japanese Dwarf Maple Acer palmatum Informal Upright $1,000.00 172 Willow Leaf Fig Ficus salicaria Clump $1,500.00 174 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum 'tensho' Slanting $1,000.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $400.00 $15,000.00 page 14 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style Chaenomeles japonica 'Chojubai'Semi-cascade Deutzia gracilis 'Nikko' Cascade $1,000.00 4001 Dwarf Barbados Cherry Malphigia glabra Cascade $200.00 4008 Fig Ficus macrocarpa TBD $100.00 4012 Variegated Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia var. variegata Forest 4013 Jack PinePinus banksiana Twin Trunk $750.00 4015 CherryPrunus unknown species Informal Upright $200.00 4016 Japanese Apricot Prunus mume TBD 4017 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Informal Upright $150.00 4018 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Informal Upright $350.00 4021 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Slanting $750.00 4022 Japanese Maple Kiyohime Acer palmatum 'Kiyohime' Slanting $500.00 4024 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum TBD $50.00 4025 Cork-bark Japanese White Pine 4027 Japanese Maple Pinus parviflora Formal Upright $300.00 Acer palmatum Informal Upright $400.00 4028 Scots PinePinus sylvertris Informal Upright $500.00 4029 Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla TBD $750.00 4030 Maidenhair Tree Gingko biloba Informal Upright $250.00 4031 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Informal Upright $200.00 4032 Water Jasmine Wrightia religiosa Informal Upright $300.00 4033 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Casacade $250.00 4034 Taiwan Trident Maple Acer buergerianum subsp. Formosanum Informal Upright $500.00 179 Japanese Quince 180 Slender Deutzia 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $30.00 $1,000.00 $75.00 page 15 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 4035 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Stock $1,000.00 4038 Fig Ficus macrocarpa Stock $100.00 4039 Fig Ficus marcrocarpa Stock $25.00 4044 Japanese Maple 'Sharp's Pygmy Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' Informal Upright 4045 Snowrose Serissa foetida Clump $300.00 4046 Horse Chestnut Aesculus species Informal Upright $400.00 4047 Japanese Holly Ilex crenata Stock 4048 Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi Informal Upright $200.00 4049 Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi Informal Upright $200.00 4050 Cutleaf Elderberry Sambucus nigra var. laciniata Stock $100.00 4052 Silverberry Eleagnus Unknown Species Stock $400.00 4053 Dwarf Schefflera Schefflera arboricola Octopus $400.00 4054 River Birch Betula nigra Informal Upright $750.00 4055 Cork Bark Maple Acer palmatum 'Arakawa' Informal Upright $400.00 4056 Willow Salix alba F. Argentea TBD $50.00 4057 Limeberry Triphasia trifolia TBD $350.00 4058 Limeberry Triphasia trifolia TBD $50.00 4059 Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $100.00 4060 Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 4062 Dwarf Firethorn Pyracantha 'teton' TBD $50.00 4063 Dwarf Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia 'Chickasaw' TBD $50.00 4064 Dwarf Buckthon Rhamnus pumila TBD $50.00 4065 Itea Virginica 'Shirley's compact' TBD $100.00 4066 Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $1,000.00 $50.00 page 16 of 27 Appendix IIa -- Display Quality Bonsai (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 4068 Red Pearlbush Exochrda giradii 'Wilsonii' TBD $25.00 4069 Pear Pyrus purifolia TBD $50.00 4070 Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 4072 Paperflower Bougainvillea glabra 'baby elena' TBD $25.00 4073 Italian Stone Pine Pinus pinea TBD $50.00 4074 Dwarf Kumquat Fortunella hindsii Informal Upright $75.00 4075 Murasaki Shibiku TBD TBD 4076 Common Juniper Juniperus communis Cascade 4077 Boxthorn Severinia buxifolia TBD $150.00 4078 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum TBD $750.00 4079 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum TBD $4,000.00 4080 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum TBD $5,500.00 Number of Bonsai 3/9/2016 2008 value $750.00 $1,000.00 Total = 171 (847) 835-8227 $401,155 page 17 of 27 Appendix IIb--Bonsai in Training/Development July 2009 Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 4 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra 'Sanderiana' Informal Upright $5,000.00 5 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Informal Upright $3,000.00 11 Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis Forest 18 Japanese Winterberry Ilex serrata Informal Upright 31 Common Privet Ligustrum vulgare Slanting $550.00 34 Red-veined Enkianthus Enkianthus campanulatus Informal Upright $400.00 37 Narrowleaf Firethorn Pyracantha angustifolia Root-over-rock $1,500.00 40 Too-Little Fig Ficus benjamina 'Too-little' Broom $1,500.00 63 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Cascade 67 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra Informal Upright $3,000.00 74 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Informal Upright $750.00 76 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Slanting $400.00 81 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Root-over-rock $750.00 84 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Bunjin $100.00 86 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra 'Sanderiana' Twin Trunk Slanting $3,500.00 87 Colorado Spruce Picea pungens Windswept $7,500.00 97 Deshojo Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Deshojo' Slanting $400.00 101 Japanese Cornelian Cherry Cornus officinalis Triple Trunk $750.00 104 Maidenhair Tree Ginkgo biloba Candle Flame 106 Perfume Jasmine Jasminum odoratissimum Informal Upright $3,500.00 109 Chinese Fringe Tree Loropetalum chinense Informal Upright $15,000.00 113 Japanese White Pine 'Zuisho' Pinus parviflora 'Zuisho' Slanting 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 page 18 of 27 Appendix IIb -- Bonsai in Training/Development (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 2008 value 114 Satsuki Azalea 'Kaho' Rhododendron indicum 'Kaho' Informal Upright 115 Tall Stewartia Stewartia monadelpha Formal Upright, Broom 116 Japanese Snowbell Styrax japonicus Informal Upright $5,000.00 118 Variegated Asian Star Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Variegata' Cascade $3,000.00 119 Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' Cascade $1,000.00 122 Sargent Juniper Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii Informal Upright $250.00 129 Japanese Holly Ilex crenata Informal Upright, Male $400.00 133 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum Cascade $500.00 134 Winged Euonymus 'October Glory’ Euyonymous alatus 'October Glory' Informal Upright $400.00 136 Dwarf Sargent Juniper Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii 'Compacta' Roots-on-rock 138 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra 'Sanderiana' Cascade 144 Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris Three Tree $2,000.00 145 Hornbeam Carpinus coreana Grove $3,000.00 149 Rock Hornbeam Carpinus turczaninovii Informal Upright $3,000.00 150 Japanese Beech Fagus crenata Formal Upright $1,500.00 151 Sargent Juniper Juniperus chinesis var. sargentii Clump $2,000.00 152 Maidenhair Tree Multi-Trunk Gingko biloba Multi-trunk $1,000.00 156 Japanese Red Pine Pinus densiflora Bunjin $1,500.00 157 Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Literati $3,000.00 159 Pitch Pine Pinus rigida Literati $750.00 160 Trident maple Acer buergerianum Root-over-rock $2,500.00 165 Chinese Quince Pseudocydonia sinensis clump $1,500.00 167 Japanese Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Bunjin $3,000.00 170 Sargent Juniper Juniperus chinensis var. sargentii Slanting Driftwood $3,500.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 page 19 of 27 Appendix IIb -- Bonsai in Training/Development (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 2008 value 173 Dwarf Schefflera Scheffera arboricola Group Planting 175 Red Pine Pinus densiflora Bunjin $4,000.00 176 Narrowleaf Firethorn Pyracantha angustifolia Informal Upright $4,500.00 178 California Juniper Juniperus californica Driftwood $3,000.00 181 Scots Pine Pinus sylvetsrus Cascade $2,011.00 4001 Dwarf Barbados Cherry Malphigia glabra Cascade $200.00 4008 Fig Ficus macrocarpa TBD $100.00 4012 Variegated Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia var. variegata Forest 4013 Jack Pine Pinus banksiana Twin Trunk $750.00 4015 Cherry Prunus unknown species Informal Upright $200.00 4016 Japanese Apricot Prunus mume TBD 4017 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Informal Upright $150.00 4018 Paper Flower Bougainvillea glabra Informal Upright $350.00 4021 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Slanting $750.00 4022 Japanese Maple Kiyohime Acer palmatum 'Kiyohime' Slanting $500.00 4024 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum TBD 4025 Cork-bark Japanese White Pine Pinus parviflora Formal Upright $300.00 4027 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Informal Upright $400.00 4028 Scots Pine Pinus sylvertris Informal Upright $500.00 4029 Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla TBD $750.00 4030 Maidenhair Tree Gingko biloba Informal Upright $250.00 4031 Satsuki Azalea Rhododendron indicum Informal Upright $200.00 4032 Water Jasmine Wrightia religiosa Informal Upright $300.00 4033 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Casacade $250.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 $500.00 $1,000.00 $75.00 $50.00 page 20 of 27 Appendix IIb -- Bonsai in Training/Development (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 4034 Taiwan Trident Maple Acer buergerianum subsp. Formosanum Informal Upright 4035 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Stock $1,000.00 4038 Fig Ficus macrocarpa Stock $100.00 4039 Fig Ficus marcrocarpa Stock $25.00 4044 Japanese Maple 'Sharp's Pygmy Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' Informal Upright 4045 Snowrose Serissa foetida Clump $300.00 4046 Horse Chestnut Aesculus species Informal Upright $400.00 4047 Japanese Holly Ilex crenata Stock 4048 Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi Informal Upright $200.00 4049 Japanese Larch Larix kaempferi Informal Upright $200.00 4050 Cutleaf Elderberry Sambucus nigra var. laciniata Stock $100.00 4052 Silverberry Eleagnus Unknown Species Stock $400.00 4053 Dwarf Schefflera Schefflera arboricola Octopus $400.00 4054 River Birch Betula nigra Informal Upright $750.00 4055 Cork Bark Maple Acer palmatum 'Arakawa' Informal Upright $400.00 4056 Willow Salix alba F. Argentea TBD $50.00 4057 Limeberry Triphasia trifolia TBD $350.00 4058 Limeberry Triphasia trifolia TBD $50.00 4059 Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $100.00 4060 Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 4062 Dwarf Firethorn Pyracantha 'teton' TBD $50.00 4063 Dwarf Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia 'Chickasaw' TBD $50.00 4064 Dwarf Buckthon Rhamnus pumila TBD $50.00 4065 Itea Virginica 'Shirley's compact' TBD $100.00 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 2008 value $500.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 page 21 of 27 Appendix IIb -- Bonsai in Training/Development (continued) Tag Common Name Scientific Name Style 4066 Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 4068 Red Pearlbush Exochrda giradii 'Wilsonii' TBD $25.00 4069 Pear Pyrus purifolia TBD $50.00 4070 Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum TBD $50.00 4072 Paperflower Bougainvillea glabra 'baby elena' TBD $25.00 4073 Italian Stone Pine Pinus pinea TBD $50.00 4074 Dwarf Kumquat Fortunella hindsii Informal Upright $75.00 4075 Murasaki Shibiku TBD TBD 4076 Common Juniper Juniperus communis Cascade 4077 Boxthorn Severinia buxifolia TBD $150.00 4078 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum TBD $750.00 4079 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum TBD $4,000.00 4080 Trident Maple Acer buergerianum TBD $5,500.00 Number of Bonsai 3/9/2016 2008 value $750.00 $1,000.00 Total = 107 (847) 835-8227 $161,836 page 22 of 27 APPENDIX III CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN BONSAI MANAGEMENT POLICY PURPOSE To collect and display a broad diversity of both bonsai styles and plants which provide seasonal interest. CONTENT Two hundred display-quality bonsai and seventy-five bonsai in training or recovery will comprise the collection demonstrating a broad range of taxa, styles, size, and seasonal interest. This number is ideal from a staffing and space perspective and also allows a rotation process for the maintenance of the bonsai which allows the plants recovery time when not on display, as well as providing displays with more variety. There are currently fifty formal display plants in the Regenstein Courtyards and one displayed at special times in the Nolan Garden at the Rice Plant Resource Center. For each new donated specimen to be accessioned, a current specimen will be deaccessioned to maintain the desired number of 200 displayable bonsai once this level is attained. Because there are over one hundred styles that exist in bonsai, the collection will strive to show a range of twenty major styles that have the most popular appeal. An equal balance of bonsai styles primarily focused around the five basic styles, based on trunk movement: formal upright, slanting, informal upright, cascade, semi-cascade, and the two styles that have different criteria for classification – bunjin (abstract), and broom, will be maintained. However, plants will naturally drift between different bonsai styles as they age and mature, and should be allowed to do so. An emphasis will be made to display plants that show seasonal color including both evergreen and deciduous plants, plants which have fruit, flowers, or display foliar color changes during different seasons, as well as plants with varied foliar shapes, heights, and pot sizes. Consideration will also be given to choosing taxa that will flourish in the high heat conditions of the Regenstein Courtyards. Immature bonsai and non-displayable plants, (approximately 89 – see Appendix IIc) are works in progress and will be kept for future display. These plants include the in-ground plants in the nursery, unfinished/immature bonsai, propagation plants for new bonsai, and plants used for sales. PLANT RECORDS Display labels for the bonsai provide the scientific name, common name, age, and plant style. The bonsai are also to be labeled with a number to index and inventory the collection. These number tags provide the means to track the plants and keep records of the individual bonsai. The number labels are to be attached to an inconspicuous place on the bonsai. A record is kept on every plant regarding: a) the donor; b) name of plant (common and scientific); c) style; d) repotting dates; and e) style changes. In 2009, an expanded record will be completed for each plant. These records will include estimated age and years in training, seasonal care, history, detailed plans for development, drawings, photographs, and videos of special training techniques used. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 23 of 27 The Plant Records Department will be notified by the Bonsai Curator regarding new plants needing accessioning and also the plants to be taken out of production (deaccessioning). This information will be transmitted by the Bonsai Curator. The Bonsai Curator is responsible for all record keeping from an institutional standpoint and is responsible for transmitting this information to the Living Plant Documentation Department. SALES The sale of bonsai starter plants, bonsai cuttings, pots, deaccessioned bonsai and miscellaneous donated items at various bonsai functions throughout the Chicagoland area is permissible and with proper notification to the Manager of Plant Production. The money raised from these sales provides the funding for professional and bonsai master’s critique of the Chicago Botanic Garden bonsai collection and money for small, specialized purchases (i.e., soil, containers, wire, tools, etc.). These funds are held in a Production Department account set aside for maintaining the bonsai collection. DONATIONS/PURCHASES Donations/purchases (as noted in the Plant Management Policy) will be accepted if they improve the quality of the collection and meet with the bonsai policy as established. The plant(s) must be donated without condition, as some of these plants could be sold. The appraisal costs must be done by the donor. The Bonsai Curator will decide which plants are accepted from donors or purchased. The Bonsai Society will be advisors to that process. LOANS Bonsai plants may not be loaned to other departments or organizations unless permission has been granted by the Executive Vice President and Director of the Garden as stated in the Plant Management Policy. ACCESS The Plant Production Department will provide access to the collection by request. EVALUATION The care of the bonsai collection will be evaluated by the Bonsai Curator during the growing season. Once a year, the Garden will bring in the Garden’s Bonsai Master to make evaluations and recommendations regarding the collection. CURATION The Bonsai Curator is responsible for the content and curation of the collection, in conjunction with and consulted by the Garden’s Bonsai Master and the Midwest Bonsai Society. PROCEDURES Daily maintenance of the bonsai in Plant Production is to be performed by the Manager of Plant Production, with the outdoor floriculturist as a back up when absent. These duties consist of watering and fertilizing. The Bonsai Curator and Bonsai Society volunteers perform the actual pruning, training, and repotting duties along with record keeping and proper placement for display in the courtyards. The Greenhouses Senior Horticulturist is responsible for watering the bonsai in Regenstein Courtyards. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 24 of 27 The display schedule for the temperate bonsai: a. Move out of winter storage when nighttime temperatures no longer fall below 35º Fahrenheit – April. b. Move to the display areas in the Regenstein Courtyards – early May. c. Move to Production from the display areas for overwintering – late October. The tropical bonsai display schedule: a. Move outdoors when nighttime temperatures no longer fall below 50º Fahrenheit – June. b. Move to the display areas in the east courtyard – late June. c. Move to Production from the display areas for overwintering when the temperatures begin to fall below 50º Fahrenheit – late September. Bonsai should be rotated off display at the Regenstein Center at least three times during the display season to keep them healthy. With the exception of the tropical bonsai plants, other bonsai are to be kept in a poly greenhouse set at approximately 35º Fahrenheit through the winter. The tropical bonsai are to be placed in a greenhouse kept between 55º - 65º Fahrenheit in the day and no lower than 50º Fahrenheit at night in full sun with supplemental HID lights. Soil temperature is maintained at 70º - 75º Fahrenheit with supplemental bottom heat. 3/9/2016 (847) 835-8227 page 25 of 27