lit 2030 - proposed weekly agenda

Dr. Blanchard - Spring Semester, 2011
---------------------The weekly agenda which follows highlights the proposed reading assignments and major work due for
the semester, including five - six formal quizzes, three critical essays, and a research paper. Brief "pop"
quizzes may also be administered occasionally without notice as an incentive to read assignments in a
timely manner. Please note that all reading assignments and due dates are subject to change with
appropriate notice. Your instructor will keep you fully informed of all work due as due dates approach.
Attending class regularly will help you stay informed!
WEEK 1 --------------------------------------------------------Jan 10 (M): ◊ introductions: instructor e-mail address and faculty Web site address
◊ distribute: "Proposed Weekly Agenda"
◊ distribute: Policies - Instructor Availability/Grade Calculation
◊ distribute: "Acknowledgment - Basic Course Requirements," explain attendance policy
and required text
◊ distribute as introduction: "What Do I Know about Poetry?" by Bonnie Stepenoff
◊ take attendance
◊ assignment: print out copy of "Policies and Procedures" and "Major Components of
Your Grade"
◊ assignment: acquire required text
Jan 12 (W): ◊ review "Weekly Agenda"
◊ overview of text
◊ overview of Unit One:
The Sonnet across the Centuries - Poetry Readings for Discussion
> Shakespeare, "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" (171);
> Shakespeare, "Poor Soul, the Center of My Sinful Earth" (178)
> Hopkins, "As Kingfishers Catch Fire" (756)
> Hopkins, "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord" (759)
> Millay, "I Dreamed I Moved among the Elysian Fields" (888);
> Nemerov, "A Primer of the Daily Round" (1015)
WEEK 2 ---------------------------------------------------------Jan 17 (M): MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HOLIDAY - NO CLASSES
Jan 19 (W): ◊ signed "Acknowledgment" statement - due (participation)
◊ introductory essay - due (participation)
◊ discussion: the Sonnet
◊ discussion: Shakespeare and "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day" (171)
◊ distribute handout: "Critical Essays: A Summary Definition"
WEEK 3 ---------------------------------------------------------Jan 24 (M): ◊ discussion: "Poor Soul, the Center of My Sinful Earth" (178)
Jan 26 (W) ◊ discussion: Hopkins and "As Kingfishers Catch Fire" (756)
◊ distribute handouts:
> "Documentation Help Sheet"
> "Writing Your Best Essay: Some Considerations"
> "Guidelines to Critical Essays #1 and #2"
> "Critical Essays - Approved Poems"
WEEK 4 --------------------------------------------------------Jan 31 (M): ◊ discussion: "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord" (759)
Feb 02 (W): ◊ discussion: Millay and "I Dreamed I Moved among the Elysian Fields" (888)
◊ discussion: Nemerov and "A Primer of the Daily Round" (1015)
WEEK 5 --------------------------------------------------------Feb 07 (M): ◊ Quiz #1 - The Sonnet across the Centuries
Feb 09 (W): ◊ overview of Unit Two:
The Romantic Poets and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
◊ discussion: "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (489-505)
LIT 2030: Weekly Agenda (2)
WEEK 6 ---------------------------------------------------------Feb 14 (M): ◊ discussion: "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (cont.)
Feb 16 (W): ◊ Quiz #2 - The Romantic Poets and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
◊ distribute handout: "Research Paper - Approved Authors"
WEEK 7 ---------------------------------------------------------Feb 21 (M): ◊ overview of Unit Three:
Two American Giants - Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson
> Whitman, "Song of Myself #24" (682)
> Whitman, "Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night" (689)
> Whitman, "To a Locomotive in Winter" (703)
> Dickinson, "Wild Nights" (722)
> Dickinson, "There's a Certain Slant of Light" (723)
> Dickinson, "After Great Pain" (725)
> Dickinson, "The Soul Selects Her Own Society" (725)
> Dickinson, "My Life Closed Twice" (732)
◊ discussion: "Song of Myself #24" (682)
Feb 23 (W): ◊ Critical Essay #1 due
◊ discussion: "Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night" (689)
◊ discussion: "To a Locomotive in Winter" (703)
WEEK 8 ---------------------------------------------------------Feb 28 (M): ◊ discussion: Dickinson and "Wild Nights" (682)
◊ discussion: "There's a Certain Slant of Light" (723)
Mar 02 (W): ◊ discussion: "After Great Pain" (725)
◊ discussion: "The Soul Selects Her Own Society" (725)
◊ distribute handout: "Research Paper - Guidelines"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPRING BREAK WEEK: MARCH 7 - 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 9 ---------------------------------------------------------Mar 14 (M): ◊ discussion: "My Life Closed Twice" (732)
◊ Quiz #3 - Two American Giants: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson
Mar 16 (W): ◊ Preliminary Survey - Research Paper Subjects
◊ review of “Guidelines” - Essay #2
◊ overview of Unit Four:
Modernism - T. S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens
◊ discussion: T. S. Eliot and "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (862-66)
WEEK 10 --------------------------------------------------------Mar 21 (M): ◊ discussion: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (cont.)
Mar 23 (W): ◊ Critical Essay #2 due
◊ discussion: Wallace Stevens and "Sunday Morning" (817-19)
WEEK 11 --------------------------------------------------------Mar 28 (M): ◊ discussion: "Sunday Morning" (cont.)
Mar 30 (W): ◊ Quiz #4 - Modernism: T. S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens
◊ overview of Unit Five: Poets on War
> Hardy, "Channel Firing" (749)
> Owen, "Dulce Et Decorum Est" (890)
> Sassoon, "They" (853)
> Jarrell, "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" (981)
> Jarrell, "Eighth Air Force" (981)
> Komunyakaa, "Facing It" (1209)
LIT 2030: Weekly Agenda (3)
WEEK 12 --------------------------------------------------------Apr 04 (M): ◊ discussion: "Channel Firing" (749)
◊ discussion: "Dulce Et Decorum Est" (890)
Apr 06 (W): ◊ Final Call - Research Paper Subjects (participation)
◊ discussion: "They" (853)
◊ discussion: "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" (981)
◊ discussion: "Eighth Air Force" (981)
WEEK 13 ---------------------------------------------------------Apr 11 (M): ◊ discussion: "Facing It" (1209)
◊ Quiz #5 - Poets on War
Apr 13 (W): ◊ review of “Guidelines” - Essay #3
◊ review of "Guidelines" - Research Paper
◊ overview of Unit Six: American Snapshots
> Brooks, "Kitchenette Building" (998) and "We Real Cool" (999)
> Swenson, "Goodbye, Goldeneye" (973)
> Gunn, "The Missing" (1103)
> Levine, "You Can Have It" (1094)
> Soto, "Not Knowing" (1239)
WEEK 14 ---------------------------------------------------------Apr 18 (M): ◊ discussion: Brooks and "Kitchenette Building" (998)
◊ discussion: "We Real Cool" (999)
Apr 20 (W): ◊ discussion: Swenson and "Goodbye Goldeneye" (973)
◊ discussion: Gunn and "The Missing" (1103)
WEEK 15 --------------------------------------------------------Apr 25(M): ◊ Critical Essay #3 due
◊ Research Paper - List of Primary Source(s) (participation = 5)
◊ discussion: Levine and "You Can Have It" (1094)
Apr 27 (W): ◊ discussion: Soto and "Not Knowing" (1239)
◊ end-of-semester overview
◊ Quiz #6 - American Snapshots
RESEARCH PAPER DUE: Wednesday, May 4, by 6:00 p.m. in my faculty mailbox (bldg. #3)
FINAL EXAM (optional): Monday, May 2 through Thursday, May 4 (TBA)
-- See page four for an Overview of the major assignments --