
First Term Exam (02/03)
Name: __________________________________
Subject: English II
S.2 (
Date: 9-1-2003
Class No.: ________
Total Marks: 150 marks
Write all the answers on the Answer Sheets.
Part 1
Comprehension (40 marks)
Passage A
Read the following newspaper article and then answer the questions that follow. (18
Growling Boy Saves Sister from a Bear
By Craig MacLaine in Montreal
(1) A boy of five fought off a black bear attacking his three-year-old sister. The boy
growled at the animal as it pursued them on land and in a lake.
(2) Julius Rosenberg and his sister Barbie were alone. They were sitting on the family’s
jetty at a remote cottage by a lake in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Suddenly a
fully-grown male black bear appeared.
(3) ‘It came right over to the dock,’ said Julius’ mother after the event. My son said,
‘There was no place to go, Mummy.’ They just kept backing away and the bear kept
coming at them. Julius told his sister, ‘Let’s jump in the lake.’
(4) The two children were already wearing life-jackets. They jumped into the water and
began swimming back towards the shore. But the bear followed them into the lake
and caught the girl by the collar of her life-jacket.
(5) ‘My son turned back and began pulling her away from the bear. He was telling it to
let go of her.’
(6) That did not work. Then Julius tried growling loudly at the bear. Surprised, the
animal let go of Barbie. The children climbed ashore and ran up to the house. By
this time, the bear was out of the water and chasing after them.
(7) The children tried to get into the house through a door, but it was locked. With the
bear right behind them, they circled the house. Each time the bear got too close, the
boy stopped and growled. The bear stopped in its tracks each time. Eventually the
children were able to enter the house by another door.
(8) Mrs Rosenberg phoned the local forest ranger who arrived with a Royal Canadian
Mounted Police officer by boat 40 minutes later. The bear was still circling the
house, trying to find a way in. The police officer shot the bear dead.
(9) Although her life-jacket was covered with teeth marks, Barbie was unhurt.
Complete the following questions by choosing the best answer. (1 mark each)
1. Craig MacLaine was probably a __c___.
a. police officer
b. forest ranger
c. reporter
d. tourist guide
2. The __a__ paragraph is a summary of the incident.
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. last
3. A fully-grown bear is __a__ one.
a. an adult
b. a bad-tempered
c. a very hungry
d. always a male
4. We know from the passage that the bear __c__.
a. could not swim
b. could not swim as well as the girl
c. could swim
d. was frightened when Barbie growled at it
5. In paragraph 7, ‘right’ means __a__.
a. close
b. open
c. correctly
d. indeed
Answer the questions below about the news report. Short answers are acceptable.
1. How old was Barbie? (1 mark)
She was three years old.
2. Give TWO reasons why the children did not drown in the lake. (2 marks)
They could swim.
They were wearing life-jackets.
3. Why didn’t the children enter the house through the first door? (1 mark)
It was locked.
4. How did the police officer travel to the house? (1 mark)
by boat
5. When did the police officer get there? (2 marks)
40 minutes after Mrs Rosenberg’s phone call
6. Do you think Julius is a hero? Give a reason for your answer. (1 mark)
Yes, I think he is a real hero. He risked his life to save his little sister. (or any
sensible answers)
Fill in the blanks with suitable underlined words from the passage. (1 mark each)
1. A lot of old people live in __remote__ villages in the New Territories.
2. The shops are very __close__ to my house.
3. The dog __growled__ and frightened people.
4. The MTR train stopped __in its tracks__ when the red light came on.
5. I practised the violin every day and __eventually__ I was able to play it well.
Passage B
Read the following article and then answer the following questions. (22 marks)
New Year Around the World
(1) Everybody celebrates New Year. However, not all countries celebrate New Year on
January 1. This is because people in different parts of the world use different
(2) Jews celebrate their new year at the beginning of autumn. They have been doing this
for more than 3,000 years. The Jewish New Year is a holy time when people think of
the things they have done wrong in the past. It is also a time they promise to do
better in the future.
(3) Like the Jews, Hindus look to the future at New Year. In Western India Hindus
celebrate New Year at the end of October. They hope to be happy, healthy and
successful and they think particularly of the goddess of wealth. Candles and
coloured lights are lit to celebrate the New Year.
(4) In some countries in the Far East many people are Buddhists. At the time of New
Year, they like to wash their statues of the Buddha with scented water. They also
throw water over each other at New Year festivals. They hope this will bring them a
good rainy season. Then they will have good harvests.
(5) The New Year is a very big festival to the Chinese. It is celebrated by Chinese
people all over the world. To bring good luck in the New Year, most Chinese have
peach blossom in their homes.
(6) In Japan, people now celebrate New Year on January 1, as in Europe and the States.
But they also keep some beliefs from their religion. They hang a rope of straw
across the front of their houses to keep out evil spirits.
(7) Although Hindus, Chinese, Jews and many other people still have their own New
Year, the first day of January is now accepted as New Year’s Day almost
A. Finish the sentences using words from the passage. Use one word for each blank. (1 mark
a. People (1)celebrate New Year all over the world but not all (2)countries have January 1 as
their New Year’s (3)Day.
b. The Jewish New Year starts at the beginning of (4)autumn. The (5)Jews celebrate this
holy time by making promises to do (6)better in the future.
c. Hindus in (7)Western India pay special worship to the (8)goddess of wealth in the hope
for health, (9)success and happiness in the New Year.
d. Chinese believe that peach (10)blossom brings good (11)luck in the New Year while
(12)Japanese hang a rope of straw outside their (13)houses to keep out (14)evil spirits.
B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Why do people celebrate New Year on different days? (1 mark)
People in different parts of the world use different calendars.
2. How old is the Jewish calendar? (1 mark)
It is more than 3,000 years old.
3. What does the Jewish New Year mean to the Jews? (2 marks)
It is a holy time when people think of the things they have done wrong in the past. It is
also a time they promise to do better in the future.
4. Why do people in some Asian countries throw water over each other during New Year’s
time? (2 marks)
They hope this will bring them a good rainy season. Then they will have good harvests.
5. Can you name three races of people that do not celebrate their New Year on January 1? (2
Hindus, Chinese and Jews do not celebrate their New Year on January 1.
Part 2
Vocabulary (24 marks)
Fill in each blank with suitable given words. Change the form of the words wherever necessary.
an expert
apple bobbing
scoop out
play a trick
trick or treating
a. Athena: It’s Halloween tonight. Shall we make a (1)lantern, Billy? I bought a big
(2)pumpkin this morning.
That’s a great idea. We need a big spoon to (3)scoop out the middle with.
Athena: I’ll go and get one from the kitchen. Hey, I think someone is at the door.
How do you know?
Athena: Didn’t you hear the (4)doorbell ring?
No, I didn’t. I’ll go and see who it is.
Athena: Who is it?
It’s some little kids dressed up in (5)scary (6)costumes. They’re going (7)Trick
or Treating. Have we got any sweets that we can give them?
Athena: No, we don’t have any.
Let’s give them these apples instead. They can play (8)apple bobbing with
Athena: That’s a good idea. If we give them some apples, maybe they won’t (9)play a
trick on us.
b. If you want to use electronic music in the fashion show, consult him. He is (10)an expert
in it.
c. The passengers were (11)impatient because they had been waiting for the delayed train
to arrive for an hour.
As many people are unemployed, the government says they will (12)create more jobs in
the public sector.
The main (13)character in the film is a young milkmaid whose life ends in tragedy.
It is rude of you not to say sorry when you come. Don’t you (14)realise that you’re an
hour late?
When the woman bumped against the wall, she (15)screamed loudly.
She is (16)lively, full of energy and very active.
Part 3
Cloze Passage (17 marks)
Fill in each blank in the dialogue below with ONE suitable word.
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer.
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer:
Tourist officer:
Can I (1)help you?
Yes, I want to visit some tourist spots in Hong Kong. (2)Do
you have any leaflets for the tourists?
Yes, I (3)do. How (4)long are you staying in Hong Kong?
I’m only staying (5)for two days.
No problem. There are lots of interesting places to visit in
Hong Kong. For (6)example, if you like animals, I’m sure
you (7)will enjoy a visit to Ocean Park. (8)If you like
walking, you will definitely enjoy our hiking tour.
There are plenty of places I want to visit (9)but I’m here
only for two days. I think I should only choose two (10)or
three places.
(11)Don’t worry. We always plan itineraries very carefully,
so you’ll (12)be able to visit lots of places even in two days.
That’s great. I’m sure I’ll have an exciting time in Hong
Kong. I’ll come back in an hour (13)for my itinerary.
If you don’t mind waiting, it will only (14)take me ten
(Ten minutes later)
Here you (15)are.
Thank you. By the way, how long does it take to get to the
If you set off now, you will (16)be at the Peak in thirty
That’s fine. I’ll go now. Bye!
Bye! Enjoy (17)your visit to Hong Kong.
Part 4
Tenses (13 marks)
Fill in each blank with a suitable form of the verb given in the brackets.
Danny Tsui: Hong Kong’s Youngest Detective
Danny Tsui (1)solved (solve) another crime when he was going home
from school yesterday. Last year, he (2)won (win) an award as Hong Kong’s
youngest detective.
‘All the crimes he (3)has investigated / investigated (investigate) have
been perfectly solved.’ The police said, ‘Some have been solved so quickly
that we can’t (4)understand (understand) how he (5)did (do) it.’ But it seems
there is more to it than just Danny, for he (6)carries (carry) his assistant with
him all the time: a highly intelligent pocket-sized electronic pet (7)called
(call) Dingo.
‘I (8)made (make) it myself! It (9)thinks (think) and (10)helps (help) me
to solve crimes. Dingo is my best adviser. Any advice that I need, I (11)get
(get) it from Dingo,’ (12)said (say) Danny in an interview.
When he was asked what he wants to do when he leaves school, he said,
‘I (13)will continue (continue) to keep Hong Kong a safe place to live in.’
Part 5
Some, any, no, none (7 marks)
Ellen and Mrs Green are sitting in a park. Complete their dialogue using ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘no’
and ‘none’.
Are there (1)any children at the children’s playground?
Mrs Green: No, there are (2)none.
That’s strange. Usually there are (3)some children playing there at
this time.
Mrs Green: Do you have (4)any water? I feel very thirsty.
No, I don’t have (5)any. You can buy a bottle at the canteen over
Mrs Green: Oh, but I have forgotten to bring my purse. I have (6)no money
I can buy it for you then. I also want to buy (7)some fruit juice.
Mrs Green: Thank you very much. I’ll wait for you here.
Part 6
Relative pronouns (5 marks)
Jenny wrote about a special woman she met. Complete the passage with suitable relative
I talked to the woman (1)who/that won the swimming competition. Mrs
Camp, (2)who is sixty-years old, beat twenty other swimmers. Her coach,
(3)who is also her husband, could not stop smiling. Mr Camp, (4)who is a
former Olympic champion, met Mrs Camp twenty years ago. They met at a
swimming pool (5)which/that was near the area where they both lived in New
Part 7
Relative clauses (12 marks)
Look at Dr Renzo’s note to his patient, Mrs Wong, below. Some clauses are missing from it.
Complete his note with the clauses in the word box. Add commas wherever necessary.
that are pink in colour
which I think were taken last Christmas
which you left on my desk last time
who is my receptionist
which I asked you to do
which were in the basket
which you sent me for Christmas
who loves to eat mangoes
Mrs Wong
I am sorry that I cannot wait for you at my office. Mabel (1), who is my
receptionist, will give you the medicine you need. When you feel pain, remember
to take the pills (2)that are pink in colour. I also hope that the exercises (3)which
I asked you to do will help you.
By the way, thank you for the fruit basket (4)which you sent me for Christmas.
My wife (5), who loves to eat mangoes, told me to tell you how much she
enjoyed them. She ate all the mangoes (6)which were in the basket. Anyway, I
will see you next time you come for your check-up. Call me at the office if you
have any problems. Ask Mabel to give you two photographs (7), which I think
were taken last Christmas. I found them inside an envelope (8)which you left on
my desk last time.
Part 8
Reported Speech (14 marks)
Miss So and her students are talking about the Sports Day. Rewrite what she says in
reported speech.
Miss So: Class, I want to thank you for behaving so well at the Sports Day. I am very proud
of you. The principal is also very pleased with your efforts. As a reward, you can
go home early this afternoon. Remember to take your sports kits home with you.
Have fun but don’t forget your English homework for tomorrow!
Miss So said to her students that (1)she wanted to thank them for
behaving so well at the Sports Day. She said that (2)she was very proud of
them. She added that (3)the principal was also very pleased with their efforts.
Miss So also said that (4)as a reward, they could go home early that
afternoon. She told them (5)to remember to take their sports kits home with
them. Finally she told them (6)to have fun but (7)not to forget their English
homework for the next day.
Part 9
Conditionals (10 marks)
Joe and his mum are talking about their holiday plans. Complete their dialogue below by
putting the words and phrases in brackets in the correct order. Begin each sentence with ‘If’
and use the correct tenses of the verbs. The first one has been done as an example.
Is Uncle Tommy going to come with us? He knows Japan quite well.
I don’t know. (e.g.)If he can take a holiday, he will come with us. (a
holiday / can take / come / he / with us / he)
(1)If he comes with us, he will be able to show us around. (he / he / come
with us / show us around / be able to)
Yes, you’re right. But we still need to do some research ourselves.
(2)If we read the guide book, we will find some useful information. (the
guide book / we / find / read / some useful information / we)
Yes, there are a lot of great suggestions there. The guide book also
recommends some good web sites.
(3)If we surf the Net, we will find a lot of interesting things. (we / we / a lot
of / find / interesting things / surf the Net) There are even video clips of
some of the most beautiful places.
Good. Let’s take a look at those web sites first and we can talk to Uncle
Tommy later.
(4)If he can’t come with us, he will still help us draw up a good plan. (draw
up / still help us / a good plan / with us / he / can’t come / he)
You are right. (5)If we have a good plan, the trip will be enjoyable. (have a
good plan / the trip / we / be enjoyable)
Part 10 Proofreading (8 marks)
Each of the following sentences contains one mistake. Make corrections as follows:
 Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the correct word above it
 Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a ‘Λ’ and write the missing
word above it
 Extra word: delete the extra word with a ‘×’
‘How is she?’ ‘She weighs 80 pounds.’ (How  How heavy)
‘How many homework do we have tonight?’ ‘Lots.’ (How many  How much)
‘Whose book do you want?’ ‘I want the one on the top shelf.’ (Whose  Which)
Although he had studied very hardly, he didn’t pass the test. (hardly  hard)
How well is your English? (well  good)
I want to be famous actress and work in Hollywood. (famous actress  a famous
I will wait for him until after he comes. (until after  until)
The film review is interesting and too long. (and  but)