andhra pradesh - Wada Na Todo Media Centre

Nagar Kurnool
Member of Parliament (current)
G.V. Harsha Kumar, INC
Chalapathirao , Shri Pappala TDP
Reddy , Shri Anantha Venkatarami INC
Midiam Babu Rao, CPM
Dk.Adikesavulu Naidu, TDP
Kavuri Sambasiva Rao, INC
Owaisi , Shri Asaduddin AIMIM
Reddy , Shri K. Jayasurya Prakash INC
Badiga , Shri Ramakrishna INC
Dr.M. Jagannath, TDP
Reddy , Shri S.P.Y. INC
Chegondi Harirama Jogaiah, INC
Panabaka Lakshmi, INC
Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy, INC
Sai Pratap Annayyagari, INC
Chinta Mohan, INC
Lagadapati Rajagopal, INC
Allocate Rs. 10,000 for the construction of individual toilets in rural areas.
Ensure the right to assets for the women (property right for the women).
Provide Rajeev Arogya Sree facilities in all government hospitals.
Set the minimum wage in NREGA to Rs.150/- and increase the number of working days from
100 to 150 days in a year.
5. Enact the Women’s Reservation Bill for 33% reservation of seats in Parliament.
6. Implement the Land ceiling Act and allocate of 3.5 acres of land to all landless poor people.
7. An unemployment pension of per month Rs.1500/- should be allotted in the budget.
8. Education and Health should be prioritized in the state and national budgets.
9. Allotment for housing loans should increase minimum Rs. 300,000.00.
10. Promote Small Scale Industries to the poorest of the poor in rural areas and develop a special
package for the poorest of the poor.
1. Ensure Safe drinking water at least in the mornings and evenings.
2. Construct Proper roads and drainages as people have to wade through slush to enter the home
even if there is a little rain.
3. Provide Street lights & garbage bins in every street.
4. Allocate House sites & houses for the deserving.
5. Create Community halls in all the habitations that do not have one.
6. Provide quality health services free of bribe.
7. Provide Quality education for all children.
8. Ensure Pensions for all the deserving people.
9. Ensure proper implementation of NREGA and employment cards for all deserving.
10. Provide suitable livelihood in keeping with the skills and capability of each individual.
1. All Political Parties should prepare their Election Manifestos in consultation with Public and
People’s Associations.
2. All Political Parties should proclaim that party tickets will not be given to criminals and
corrupted persons.
3. Build underground drainage system in Anantapur town for sanitation and hygiene.
4. Establish Milk Dairy & Milk products factory at Anantapur.
5. Strengthen Government Hospitals / PHCs instead of encouragement of private hospitals.
6. Develop government schools & colleges instead of encouraging corporate schools and
7. Widen Roads and Flyovers should be built for better traffic and run City Buses in Anantapur
8. Develop Sericulture, Weaving, Horticulture and Mining industries.
9. Implement a special package for drought relief in Anantapur which is a drought prone area.
10. All Political Parties should cut down their election expenditure.
1. Ensure Safe drinking water at least in the mornings and evenings.
2. Construct Proper roads and drainages as people have to wade through slush to enter the home
even if there is a little rain.
3. Provide Street lights & garbage bins in every street.
4. Allocate House sites & houses for the deserving.
5. Create Community halls in all the habitations that do not have one.
6. Provide quality health services free of bribe.
7. Provide Quality education for all children.
8. Ensure Pensions for all the deserving people.
9. Ensure proper implementation of NREGA and employment cards for all deserving.
10. Provide suitable livelihood in keeping with the skills and capability of each individual.
1. Regulate traffic at Chittoor town and widen roads. Establish dividers and build Flyovers &
Ring Road.
2. Distribute Houses & Lands to all houseless & landless poor. The size of houses & house sites
must be increased from 1 cent to 3 cents.
3. Provide Underground drainage system and Sanitation facilities, drinking facilities.
4. All Parties should provide MP Seats to OBCs, Minorities & Women proportionate to their
population in order to achieve social justice.
5. Chittoor Milk Diary must be protected, restored and expanded.
6. Corporatization of Education must not be allowed. Facilities at Government Schools must be
improved and a Common syllabus should be imposed in both government and private schools.
7. Encourage the CMC super specialty hospital as it is providing best health services to poor
people. Facilities at Government Hospitals must be improved. Doctors & Medical staff must
attend PHCs regularly and sufficient medicines must be provided.
8. Budget under Special Component Plan for SC welfare must be increased and utilized properly
with out diversion of funds. Facilities at welfare hostels must be improved.
9. Agriculture must be encouraged with timely support of Seeds, Fertilizers, Support prices,
Electricity and Irrigation facilities.
10. All Political Parties must give seats in elections to good & grass root level persons working
with the people and not to NRIs & investors of money.
1. Ensure safe drinking water at least in the mornings and evenings.
2. Construct proper roads and drainages as people have to wade through slush to enter the home
even if there is a little rain.
3. Provide street lights & garbage bins in every street.
4. Allocate house sites & houses for the deserving.
5. Create community halls in all the habitations that do not have one.
6. Provide quality health services free of bribe.
7. Provide quality education for all children.
8. Ensure pensions for all the deserving people.
9. Ensure proper implementation of NREGA and employment cards for all deserving.
10. Provide suitable livelihood in keeping with the skills and capability of each individual.
(1) Economic Development
 Develop traditional and non traditional small and cottage industries on priority basis by
creating easy access to capital and provision of marketing facilities so that producers get
maximum returns. Modern training facilities should also be provided to upgrade the skills of
these producers.
 Large skill based developmental projects and institutions such as Setwin and JSS and other
training institutes run by govt. should be located in the vicinity of the old city.
 75 per cent of the revenue generated from heritage and tourism projects in the old city should
be earmarked, and used, towards provision of basic civic amenities in the old city. 70 per cent
of employment in these projects must be reserved for the young unemployed (male and female)
residents in the old city, providing them the necessary training.
 Administrative units and other offices of the Government, which were shifted out of the old
city, must be relocated to the old city. District level offices of the concerned public welfare
Departments to be opened and run effectively in old city.
 Poor people should not be required to give surety from government officials for obtaining
loans under schemes of the state and central government. Simplify procedures of granting
loans from commercial banking institutions.
 SC, ST, BC,PH and Minority Corporations of the state government should give loans directly
under all their business development and anti poverty schemes..
(2) Housing
 Irrevocable Pattas (Minimum 100 Sq.Yards) should be issued to the homeless without any
condition. Loans at low rates of interest should be extended to them to construct houses on
these lands.
Irrevocable Pattas with interest free housing loan facility should also be issued to residents of
the old city living in the same place since 10 years.
 Housing Board and HUDCO should allocate and release interest free house construction loans
without margin money and , for weaker sections and minorities in the old city.
 Government must take responsibility of rehabilitation of poor people displaced due to urban
development projects in a manner that they do not lose out on their livelihoods.
(3) Civic Amenities
 24-hour Urban Health Posts (UHPs) should be built within one kilometer of every basti in
every mandal. Every revenue mandal should be provided with a Government Tertiary hospital
(with super specialty services) with separate wards for children.
 All services in government (Ayush) hospitals and UHPs – tests, treatment, medicines, blood
bank – should be provided free of cost. All User Charges must be abolished. Apart from
women and children for whom the UHPs are meant, men should also be provided access to
services at these UHPs.
 Hospital Development and Monitoring committee consisting of reputed and secular.
 NGOs should be made to function in a transparent manner and must be made accountable and
answerable to people.
 Safe drinking water supply should be within the specified time – only between 5 am and 10 pm
on a daily basis, in all areas, and not at odd, unearthly hours, causing inconvenience mainly to
Welfare Programmes
 Widow, Old Age Pension and Pension for Physically challenged persons must be raised to a
minimum of Rs. 1000 (One thousand Rupees only) per month.
 Disbursement system should be convenient to the recipients.
 Institutions and Homes for the orphan/street Children and Aged / Elderly and for mentally
challenged people must be built in the old city.
 Beggars and destitute people in the old city must be rehabilitated properly.
 The government must implement existing schemes and introduce new schemes for the
physically challenged people and stipulate funds for them in all urban development projects.
 Land procurement policy with regard to government school buildings should be liberalized.
 Government should run English medium schools with mother tongue as first language.
 All government schools should ensure quality education, required number of teachers with all
the basic facilities – good buildings, toilets, drinking water supply, electricity, libraries, science
laboratories, computers, etc.
 School curricula must be modified to include employable livelihood skill training from the 8th
 Fill up all vacant teaching posts with qualified teachers, and do away with the contractual
system of Vidya Volunteers.
 Government Junior College must be opened in all of the six mandals as per necessity of the old
 Admission to professional courses must be through single window system and window two for
minority students.
 The school health programme should be implemented in government and private schools.
 Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad must take the responsibility of running government
primary schools.
 Existing institutes like ITIs and Polytechnics in the old city are in a dire condition. They should
be revived and strengthened.
 Quality of education and fee structure in private schools and colleges should be strictly
Public Utility and Recreation, Spaces
Public parks, playgrounds, recreation spaces for children should be set up in every locality,
with specific allocation of funds as part of the Hyderabad town planning exercise.
 Government must stop construction of buildings (such as Police station, electricity offices, and
so on, as is done in these parts) on land allotted as public parks and
 playgrounds.
 Government land meant for parks and playgrounds are being occupied by land grabbers.
 The activities of land-grabbers should be curbed immediately.
 Public toilets (Sulabh) should be maintained under the control of Municipal Corporation with
minimum user charges.
 There must be adequate space viz; footpaths for pedestrians and well developed parking slots
and spaces, in public grounds and markets in the old city.
 Increase RTC bus services to cover all the areas in the six mandals of the old city, and provide
new links between the old city and other parts of Hyderabad.
 Voltage fluctuation – a frequent occurrence in the old city, damaging household appliances –
must be corrected and transformers should be well maintained.
 Procedures for new electricity connections must be simplified.
 Minimum slab for billing should be increased from 50 to 100 units of consumption.
 Street lights should be properly maintained and monitored.
 Maintenance of drainage lines and manhole covers should be taken up regularly.
 New drainage lines should be laid where they do not exist – department must monitor and
implement these tasks before the onset of monsoons.
 Storm water drains and sewerage drains should be separated. Open drains should be widened
and properly covered.
Graveyards, Cremation Grounds, Crematorium
 Protect existing graveyards and cremation grounds from encroachment.
 Every citizen has a right to a decent burial/ Government should therefore earmark land for new
graveyards and cremation grounds and electric crematorium, all providing free services to the
 Interdepartmental coordination in consultation with ward development committees
(departments maintaining roads, electricity poles, drainage pipelines, telephones, etc.
mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that citizens are not inconvenienced in accessing
basic civic amenities. Responsive circle-level Help lines and Grievance cells should be created.
(4) Law and Order, Police
 Women constables must be posted in all police stations.
 Police officials should follow Supreme Court guidelines as per the D.K.Basu case to protect
the rights of an arrested person. The rights of arrested persons should be displayed prominently
at every police station in the local language.
 Children below 12 years should not be kept in lock-up.
 Trafficking – a problem in the old city – must be checked, with stern measures against the
perpetrators both in the society and those within the Police department. The nexus between the
police and the traffickers must be checked and the guilty punished.
 In the context of the communal situation, the Krishna Rao Commission (1984) and the
Ramanachary Commission (1991) recommendations should be made public and
 implemented.
 Lower-cadre police personnel should be properly trained to deal with public with more
professionalism and with due regard to citizens’ dignity and rights.
 Illegal harassment by police of Muslim youth in the name of terrorism should stop.
(5) Electoral Reforms
Political parties should ensure that their nominated candidates do not have criminal records,
and do not harbors any kind of religious, castiest or communal sentiments and bias, and that
they have a record of public, social service.
 Elections should not be held until every voter gets his/her voter identity card. The voter
identity card should be the basis for voting.
 Introduce Right to Recall system and modify the existing First past the Post system.
 Voters’ lists must be updated periodically to ensure that the names of all eligible citizens are
included therein.
 An Election Watch Team should be formed comprising civil society representatives and
officials in every assembly constituency during elections with due authority.
(6) General
 A regulatory mechanism viz. a commissionerate with judicial powers should be set up to
recover illegally occupations and monitor the working of the Wakf board and to protect all
Wakf property.
 Development work in and around heritage monuments should not be done in a manner that it
changes the nature of the place. People living in the vicinity of these monuments for
generations are very much part of the living heritage, and are the stakeholders.
 Heritage preservation projects should not displace people of the area, and houses they live in
must be maintained in the original state with appropriate allocation of funds and participation
of the people who are the stakeholders.
We, the citizens of this part of historic Hyderabad present this manifesto and demand that all
electoral candidates should take an oath that they should be committed to fulfilling the demands
mentioned here. And should also implement in letter and spirit the assurances given in their own
party manifestoes.
1. Develop Railway Stations & Railway Lines. Inter city express from Kurnool to Hyderabad
must be started. New railway line from Kurnool to Mantralayam must be sanctioned and
completed during 2009.
2. Construct a Protection wall on the banks of Tungabadra & Hundry Rivers at Kurnool city in
order to reduce damages in case of floods.
3. Sanction and commence work on the Aerodrome /Air Port at Kurnool immediately.
4. Strengthen and develop the Rayalaseema University at Kurnool on par with other universities
5. Establish a Police commissionerate at Kurnool
6. Develop Ring Road & Satellite villages at Kurnool.
7. Widen Roads and build Flyovers for better traffic. City Buses should be run in Kurnool
8. Modernize and develop KC Canal & TBP
9. Improve Drinking and Irrigation water facilities
10. Improve Rural and Urban sanitation & drainage systems
11. Close belt shops and control the practice of Matka
12. Distribute House site, Houses, Lands to all houseless & Landless people
13. Implement Police Reforms - Supreme Court & DK Basu guidelines.
14. Political Succession should be banned and Tickets to criminals should be avoided
15. Create legislation to be initiate cases against false promises of political manifestos like false
witnesses in the court.
1. All Families in the Yenadi colonies must be given Ration Cards
2. The Government Hosptal must be friendly to Yenadi People. The doctors must give proper
treatment to yenadis. The staff must not demand bribes.
3. The Govement must develop the internal roads of the Yenadi colonies
4. The municipality/Panchayat must maintain Street lights in Yenadi colonies
5. Old age pensions must be available to Yenadis.
6. The Government ANM must visit and meet the health needs of the yenadi People
7. The drainage must be built in the Yenadi colony
8. Individual toilets must be built for the yenadi colony houses
9. Regular water supply must be available in all Yenadi colonies
10. The ICDS Anagawadis must be established within the Yenadi colonies.
Nagar Kurnool
1. The NREGA Act is not implemented all through the year yielding to pressure from the farming
community. The Government of AP was not able to provide more than 42days of employment
in a year so far. The people demand that NREGA should not be diluted into schemes and the
people should have the right to claim 100 days of employment whenever they need and not
when government wants to provide.
2. Youth belonging to the below poverty levels (BPL) should be provided loan facilities without
linking to banks directly by the government and avoid possible corruption.
3. Privatization of Education should be stopped and the common school system (CSS) which was
recommended by Kothari Commission should be implemented paving the way for equal
education to rich and the poor.
4. Unorganized laborers should be provided with the PF & ESI benefits.
5. Child Labour Laws should be implemented stringently and all kinds of child Labour should be
6. Public Distribution System should be strengthened to provide food security to the eligible poor
and all food items needed for consumption should be supplied.
7. PHC’s sub centers and area hospitals which are in deteriorating conditions should be
strengthened in order to provide quality Health Delivery to Poor and marginalized
8. Social Welfare Hostels should be improved with the necessary infrastructure facilities supply
of quality food, toiletry goods, bed sheets, cots etc to the students to enable the students
perform better in education.
9. 33% reservation should be made available to the women in legislative bodies and within that
the social Justice to be followed.
10. SEZ Act to be scrapped, as it is against the spirit of the Indian Constitution and also contradicts
the Land Reform (Ceiling )Act. The 1894 Land Acquisition Act should only be used for the
Public Utilities like laying of Roads, Electricity, Housing and not to the benefit of the corporate
11. Every village should be provided with link roads, safe drinking water, drainages, electricity etc.
12. Women to be provided security and protection from unsocial elements and fundamental groups
and also the families. Laws pertaining to women’s Right and dignity to be stringently
13. The issue of categorization of SC Reservation has been there since 14 years, the issue to be
settled at the earliest.
1. Provide Underground Drainage System and better sanitation facilities in Nandyal town
2. Reopen closed Steel factory & Cotton factory and increase employment opportunities. The
existing Beer factory is polluting many villages. Steps for control of the pollution should be
3. Modernize the Nandyal Railway Station. Proposed Nandyal to Yerraguntla / Kadapa railway
line should be commissioned and completed during 2009.
4. Aerodrome /Air Port should be sanctioned and commenced immediately as Nandyal is a
business focused area.
5. Roads should be widened and Flyovers & Dividers should be built for better traffic in Nandyal
6. KC Canal & Other Irrigation projects should be modernized and developed.
7. Burial grounds for all communities should be provided.
8. Develop the Government Hospital with modern equipments.
9. House sites, Houses, Lands should be distributed to all houseless & Landless people
10. All parties should not give party tickets to criminals and corrupt persons
All public programs should proceed with out political interference and with space for the
concerned officer can able to take a proper decision in time.
2. ICDS should provide
An egg and milk in the morning
Afternoon Nestom (Nutrition food)
Qualitative provisions supply to all the Anganwadis
Pukka Building with play ground, toilets and other infrastructure for Anganwadi
Nutrition and medical check ups for pregnant ladies should be implemented in proper way.
3. PDS
Should be maintained properly, all shops should be accessible always and one monitoring
committee with CBOs and officials should be formed.
Awareness Programs on NREGA should be more
Minimum wages for a day should be Rs.150/
Mal-practioners in NREGA should be punished
5. Unemployment
Pension should be ensured, all the programs related youth should be given to the eligible
candidates such as Grameen Udyog Sree, Jawahar Rojgara Yojana etc. Every mandal should
bring awareness programs on employment opportunities, vocational training centres should
establish in every mandal.
6. Health
Doctors must be appointed in all PHCs and they should be available to the PHC always. The
PHC must also be equipped with proper medication. Health should be prioritized in the state
and National budgets.
7. Education
Qualitative education to all
English Medium should be encouraged in all schools
Teacher student ratio should be 1:20 maintained
Welfare hostels should provide proper bedding, toilets, drinking water facilities, and quality
Mid day meal should maintain quality
8. SC/ST atrocities cases
Govt. officials are not responding immediately on SC/ST cases in cases of negligence, the
concerned office should be suspended from the post.
Judgement on Atrocity cases should be declared within one year
9. Women
Awareness camps on Women’s rights should be conducted thoroughly with from NGOs
(Trafficking, Child Labour, education and Involvement Women related programs and acts).
SC/ST and BC girl child education should be promoted.
Vocational training programs for the un educated youth and skill formation Programs should
design for the concern sections.
More self sustain programs for the Dwacra members.
10. Model villages
Infrastructure facilities should be available in all villages
Proper drainage system and drinking water
Individual toilets for every house should be built by govt. and awareness on it.
Pukka houses for houseless people and the allocation of budget for the colony should
increase Rs.1,00,000.00.
CC roads should be maintained in all Dalit and tribal communities.
Cleanliness must be given priority in village level
1. All political parties should declare in their manifestos and abide that money, arrack, muscle
power will not be used in politics.
2. Water and sanitation facilities at Nellore Municipality should be improved.
3. Population control measures should be initiated and implemented properly, since excess of
population is the main reason for all the problems
4. Political Succession shall be banned and Tickets to criminals shall not be given
5. Compulsory, Equal & Free Education at levels should be implemented in order to get
employment or self-employment, since education is the solution for all the problems. Budget
for education should be increased.
6. All political parties should come out with need based election manifestos and provide tickets to
locals & easily available persons.
7. All political parties should declare that term of office should be limited to 2 terms.
8. SEZs should not be encouraged, since it leads to capitalistic system.
9. All parties should announce linguistic policy that primary education should be only in mother
tongue and English should only be imposed at higher education.
10. Law should be enacted making Voting in elections compulsory. If not enjoyed right to vote, the
defaulters should be punished.
Drainages must be provided in the Yenadi colonies
Latrines must be provide to houses of the Yenadi families
Regular Drinking Water supply must be given to yenadi colonies.
All Yenadi families must be given Ration cards.
All Yenadi families mustbe given free houses by the Government.
6. Educated Yenadi youth must be given Employment.
7. The Government officers must not demand bribes from the Yenadis when they approach the
Government offices. For example the MRO Office.
8. The Government Hospital doctors must become friendly to the tribals and treat them humanly.
9. The Yenadi colony street lights must be functional.
10. The Yenadis demand a reserved Yenadi MLA constituency in Prakasam District
1. Corporatization of Education should not be allowed. Facilities at Government Schools should
be improved. Common syllabus should be imposed in both government and private schools.
2. Facilities at Government Hospitals should be improved. Corporatization of Health should not
be encouraged.
3. Rural Employment opportunities should be increased and Migration should be stopped.
4. Support Prices to all agricultural products should be given at reasonable rates. Fertilizers
should be provided in time & in required quantities.
5. All Political Parties should prepare their respective election manifestos in consultations with
the people not with their own manifesto committees
6. Due importance should be given to industrialization particularly rural & cottage industries.
Special package for the Sericulture & Weaving should be announced. Tourism industry should
be encouraged.
7. Special package for Drought and for the welfare of Women, Handicapped and Tribal should be
8. Corruption in politics and offices should be removed. All parties should announce for good
governance in their manifestos.
9. Railway line from Kadapa to Bangalore should be restored. Pakala to Dharmavaram broad
gage work should be completed immediately. Pakala to Madanapalli rail should be started.
10. Voluntary Organizations & People Organizations should be involved in development &
welfare programs
1. Implement Free Education at levels as a means to ensure employment or self-employment.
Budget allocation for education should be increased.
2. All political parties should come out with need based & implemental election manifestos and
provide tickets to locals & easily available persons
3. All political parties should promise for reservations in private sector
4. An A.P. Study circle for coaching of SC, ST & OBCs should be established since there are
only five universities & a greater number of aspirants.
5. All posts in Government department and Universities including back log posts should be filled
up immediately. Contract appointments should not be allowed.
6. A separate implementing agency to monitor the implementation of Acts / Laws should be set
up, since most of the Acts made not being properly implemented.
7. SEZs should not be encouraged since it leads to capitalistic system
8. Revenue & Police departments at Tirupati are busy in attending VIPs, since it is a pilgrimage
centre. They are attending people’s needs. Hence, a separate agency for attending VIPs should
be established.
9. Special sanitation package/program should be implemented in Tirupati, in view of floating of
10. Christians should also be provided reservation of seats in political elections
1. Election Commission should bring reforms to introduce a compulsory syllabus for aspiring
candidates who wants to be politicians. This should be right from the Panchayat to MP! This is
being proposed as many of the retired, rowdies, cine actors and even players becoming
politicians, who do not know the constitution, political science or any subject. It is not enough
to have the peoples support to win the election; they should have the qualification to govern the
2. Implant compulsory and quality primary education
3. Electrification to all the domestic house holds.
4. De addition centers for rehabilitation of alcoholics.
5. Introduce in schools technical skill education to children.
6. Open institutions for care and support of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS
7. Provide land pattas to the people living on the hill top and in and around Vijayawda who
haven’t regularized their houses.
8. Government should control the market (inflation) and regulate the hike of the prices.
9. Include and provide at subsidized prices the essential basic house hold day to day food
commodities into civil supply provisions
10. Ensure the tail end lands get irrigated water
11. Provide seeds, fertilizers and medical support to dalits, marginal and poor land holders.
Member of Parliament (current)
Paswan , Shri Sukdeo BJP
Singh,Smt. Kanti, RJD
Nikhil Kumar, INC
Kailash Baitha, JD(U)
West Champara
Yadav Shri Giridhari, RJD
Hussain , Shri Syed Shahnawaz BJP
Lalmuni Chaubey, BJP
Lalu Prasad,Shri, RJD
Paswan , Shri Ram Vilas LJSP
Singh, Shri Ganesh Prasad, RJD
Bikramganj Smt. Meena Singh JD(U)
Nikhil Kumar Choudhary, BJP
Prabunath Singh, JD(U)
Pappu Yadav, RJD
Monghyr Jay Prakash Narayan Yadav RJD
Singh , Shri Uday BJP
Kumar , Smt. Meira INC
Shahabuddin,Dr. Mohammed, RJD
Saharsa Ranjeet Ranj, LJP
Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, RJD
Bettiah Raghunath Jha RJD
1. In rural areas water and sanitation programme should be prepared according to local
conditions friendly budget under the concrete programme.
2. Common School System must be introduced according to the declaration of the Govt.
3. There should be arrangement for higher and technical education at the Division level.
4 Irrigation guarantee scheme should be introduced for irrigation.
5 According to the declaration of Govt. support price procurement of grains should be assured.
6 In budget there should be provision of budget for bio fertilizer equal to chemical fertilizer .
7 there should be special prevision for technical professional and collective agriculture at the
block level.
8 Strictly applying of inter state migration act.
9 Declaration of support price of milk at the national level.
10 Govt. must made available atleast S D land to the poor landess and wanderers.
11 Every political party must given tickets to the clean image and honest people.
12 In the panchayatiraj system provisioned sabha and monitoring committee should be made
powerful on priority basis.
13 Koshi River calamity is the bilateral issue of the two countries so committee should be formed
at the bilateral Govt and non-govt. levels
14 On concrete initiatives there should be joint security system for he security of koshi bazaage .
15. Araria parliamentary constituency is located near the inter national border which totally open.
To check insurgency of terrorist and unwanted elements early fencing of border must be down
alongwith special continues monitoring system.
16 Making of special strict law against terrorism alongwith its strict pursuance.
17. Under the Araria parliamentary constituency decoration of historical places should be done
for tourism so that prossibities of opportunities of employment creation can be made
renovation of Madmeshvar temple at Madanpur etc
18. Meaningful and practicle efforts should be done for ban on uncontrolled population growth.
For making law regarding to restrict from Govt. facilities for the person having too many
children decision should be taken on consensus basis.
19. According to the decision of honorable supreme court of India compulsory registration of
marriages should be ensured so that it can help in woman empowerment
20. For control of crime security system should be stricked.
21. Koshi national calamity declared by the Govt. should be finalized.
22. For higher education of girls facility of transport should be provided.
23. For pollution free environment and conservation of bio diversity concrete policy should be
formed for works of plantation.
24. There must be arrangement of easily accessible system of casting vote for weaker section.
25. System of giving professional training to woman must be ensured.
1. To initiate process for development of Bir Kuar Singh Fort as a tourist place.
2. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
3. To initiate process of the purchase for food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
4. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
5. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
6. To initiate the process of the welfare of old age persons and disabled giving focus on pension
for people above 60+ by covering all poor people under it and implementation of Govt.
schemes and programmers for disabled.
7. To provide special flood package to those who are affected by Ganga river.
8. To start Primary health centre at the panchyat level.
9. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
10. To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
11. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar.
To start special programmes to curb anti social activities.
To promote village and small scale industries.
To promote and restart carpet weaving industry.
To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by
the government.
5. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
6. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
7. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system.
8. To take initiation for the promotion of “Sun Temple of Deo” as national tourism place.
9. To work for diversion of indrapuri bradge as dam.
10. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system.
1. There must be efforts a self level and system level to curb corruption, commission bribary
castism etc.
2. Selection process must be so made that can curb incapable and unqualified person to join
posts of responsibility.
3. Building up of proper resources of irrigation, wells, dams lift, canals and drains etc.
4. Toilet for every house, arrangement of one unit pure drinking water for every 25 families and
setting up atleast one health centre in every revenue village.
5. Provision for wide scale women organization, women training and women’ self employment.
6. To link every delit family with all of the Govt. and non Govt. profilable schemes.
7. For agriculture, animal husbandry and self employment there must be solid efforts to
streamline K.C.C.C. personal loans and community loans.
8. For even old age persons, widow and handicapped persons of every family there must be
powerful system of social security person.
9. Arrangement of bridge at rivers and drains for all of he link roads and poaths.
10. Construction of link roads form main roads to villages.
1. To take steps for finishing of Malai Bund.
2. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system.
3. To take initiation for Buxar Dham and Brahamputra Dham as national tourism place and
provide all necessary facilities for it.
4. To treat agriculture equivalent to industry.
5. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
6. To take steps to promote Income oriented price in place of minimum fixed price.
7. To fix the national price rate of milk.
8. To initiate for implementation of Inter State Migration Act.
9. To undertake research work on Buxar and Bhoj forts and take steps to make them national
tourism places.
10. To establish primary health care centres at Panchayat level.
11. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system.
In chapra parliamentary constituency there is a problem of electricity, electricity remains for
2-3 hours, so development work is to come to an end itumanlife is disturbed. Electricity for
24 hours for the public.
There are so many villages in the area which has no link to main roads and must be linked
that villages by building solid roads.
There must be arrangement for sufficient of water for irrigation so that farmers and labourers
can be prosperous.
Laying of pipe lines for pure drinking water.
There is dump of dirt in chapra city, local administration must be stuttered for it. There must
be work of sanitation so that city can be clean.
Setting up of factories in the region for employment so that permanent employment and
profession can be promeped.
There must be operation of free residential school for children of dalits and mahadalits.
To include all of the dalits, widows and muslims in B P L list through the campaign so that
they can avail profit of Govt. schemes.
Provision of reservation in private sector offices and campaign for dalits.
Building up of over bridge on chhapra Railway station.
1. 24 hours supply of electricity in the region.
2. There must be arrangement of drinking water in every village colony.
Making available of housing land for dalits and weaker sections and building up of solid
house for them.
4. There must be arrangement solid roads for village to main roads.
5. Residential landless must be given 10 dc. Parva including lands
6. Arrangement of permanent job for unemployed.
7. Arrangement for dalits and weaker section .
8. Technological development of agriculture products.
9. Arrangement for better system of irrigation..
10. There must be development of quality education in the children by reforming primary
11. There must be early arrangement for drainage system for water in flood effected areas.
12. Region has 70 percent fertile land so there must be permanent system for irrigation.
13. There must be Indria Awas for every dalit families.
14. Agriculture land must be made avail for every dalit family.
15. There must be free residential education system for dalit children.
16. There must be provision of reservation in private sectors for dalits and weaker section.
17. there must enquiry evaluation and control on the works done by Govt. fun d(law made)
18. there must be arrangement of primary health centres in every village and its proper operation.
19. There must be arrangement for free treatment for dalits.
20. There must be responsibility of police for their every action.
21. concrete law must be prepared for dignity of Dalit women.
22. Employment guarantee Schemes must be operated properly.
All dalit families must be included in BPL list making Govt. Schemes excluding Govt.
servants and person having 5 area lands.
24. Conducting servey of bondage labourers they must be food for independent life.
25. Only dalit institution working among dalits must be given priority and fund must be allotted
to them or that they can aware practical problems of them and can solve them.
26. There must be setting up of training centre like I T I in which there must be arrangement for
free training for dailts.
27. Early filling up of the govt. vacancies for SC ‘s ST’s.
28. In every composition of committee and commission for villages to districts level SC & ST
member must be included.
To start special programmes to curb anti social activities.
To promote Village Industries.
To restart carpet weaving industry.
To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
5. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
6. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
7. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
8. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system in
1. Arranging sufficient amount of manure at reasonable rates.
2. Direct purchasing of rice by the farmers at the centre.
3. Relaxing the procedure of issuing credit cards to farmers.
4. Fair development of Rohtas Qila,Bhaluni Gham, Sher Shah’Tomb etc as tourist spots.
5. Implementation of the International Migration Act.
6. Including Bhojpuri in the eight Schedule.
7. Starting Bhojpur Express on Howeah-New Delhi railway line.
8. Sufficient medicines for patients is Hospitals.
9. A collage for higher and technical education in karakat region.
10. An irrigation Guarantee Scheme for proper management of irrigation, and
constructing a dam near Indrapuir Barrage.
1. To initiate the process of finalizing the national disaster work.
2. To establish Flood Information Centre at the block level.
3. To establish International People’s Committee to take stocks of the progress made in
the work of Kosi disaster.
4. To establish Health Centres at Panchayat level.
5. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system.
6. To open higher and technical education at subdivision/block level.
7. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in rural areas.
8. To undertake steps for the development of technical and commercial agriculture methods at
block level.
9. To develop an “Inter State Migration Act”
10. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
11. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committees in the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar.
1. Arrangement of permanent drainage system for forest land atarsan Gram Panchayat located
and Akama division Dhurdev.
2. There must be arrangement for means of irrigation for non-irrigated land of total
Maharajganj region alongwith direct supply of seeds and fertilizer to the farmes on
appropriate price.
3. There must be proper arrangement for electricity under rural electrification scheme in whole
of the region for which there is long awaiting.
4. Maharajganj Lok Sabha constituency Akma block HQ must be declared Division alongwith
Maharajganj division as a district..
5. There must be separate branch of the bank for kisan credit cards and agriculture insurance
and other dealings of agriculture.
6. Establishment of higher education and technical institutions in the region.
7. Baba Maherndanth Temple like old place must be developed as tourist places alongwith
direct road connectivity of it to Maharajganj.
8. Maharajganj market was main centre for fraders in ancient period that is going to finish. Its
old prestige must be restored.
9. Making of Bhojpuri compulsory in higher education and establishment of separate Bhojpuri
University for it.
10. All Govt. schemes like India Housing anto days and anpuran scheme’s grain and including
total sanitation campaign payment of all schemes must be given directly to the concern
11. Arrangement of shelter for oldage and handicapped person of the society and arraignment for
then essential items for life.
12. There must be no classification or discrimination among the farmers under agriculture loan
write off schemes. It gives chance to the banks to take __ for own and the farmer oppressed.
13. All he main roads of all the villages must be covered under prime minister road scheme so
that there may facility of transport.
“ Women declaration Manifesto”
1. There must be arrangement for women school and collages for educated women’s of weaker
section n which all the teaching and other staff must be women.
2. Arrangement of training of traditional art based for women and sale of the their products at
the local level after their training.
3. Arrangement of proper food for women of poor and weaker section during the delivery along
with amendment in he sales under the Janani Scheme so that to curb the middlemen.
4. Ensuring of women’s participating. And numbering in the meetings of Gram Sabha for
implementation of the govt. schemes alongwith ensuring of proper participating fo women in
the committees of the all departments.
5. There must be seprate arrangement of education and training for working women of poor and
weaker sections.
6. Strict instructions to the concern departments and banks for speedy establishing of self help
groups, opening of banks accounts easily and sufficient loan for the Groups.
7. Facility of transport form home to working place for working women of Govt. semi govt. and
non-govt offices and ensuring security of them alogwith arrangement took centre at the
village level for care of their newborn hobbies.
8. To process for strict rules for dignity ful life with ___ of oppression of women in the society
and at the home.
9. There must be separate arrangement for proper and essential maintaining, training and
pension for widow, divorsed and helpless women of poor and weaker sections and for it
advice of local women’s committee must be given priority.
10. Building up of maternity home in every panchayat by the Govt.
1. To finish the work of Kosi Disaster.
2. To declare “Tara Akshar Shakti Pith” as tourism place.
3. To establish Flood Information Centre at the block level.
4. To establish International People’s Committee to take stocks of the progress made in
the work of Kosi disaster.
5. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
6. To open higher and technical education at subdivision/block level.
7. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in rural areas.
8. To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
9. To undertake steps for the development of technical and commercial agriculture methods at
block level.
10. To start “Inter State Migration Act” at the earliest.
11. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
12. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committees in the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar.
Setting up of lift irrigation form khadia west to Gadapath with Godagnat.
Construction of Badarghatta check dam with foot bridge.
Construction of link road to khadia ravidao samaj mushhani mahadalit samaj.
Construction of S G H Centre in Mahadalis and jalits Samaj.
Construction of marketing complex in link road of Durga place to Kali place.\
Construction of Angahbadi centres in most backward community (Tanti tola)
Arrangement of toilets and drinking water in all words of Gram Panchayat .
Work of cleanness of Ghush Bagicha and construction of check dam Pipada.
In the interest of the farmer the payment of eighty percent wheet sestet in cold
10. The construction work on check dam in Do munane degree & the construction work
to joint the way.
11. The construction of kishan bhawan in every panchayat.
12. To construction work on the bank ever, dam, road & bridge in Tanti tole.
13. To construct the animat husbandry in the stage of panchayat as soon as possible.
14. Renovation of old pads never wells & water resources & construct new ponds for
fishes, duck & do arrangement of casketing the Makhana.
To implement programmes to reduce women violence.
To reduce black marketing of chemical fertilizers and promote vermin composting.
To initiate Girls education and provide facility for higher education.
To open higher and technical education at subdivision/block level.
To notify the Koshi Disaster 2008 as national disaster and to put adequate pressure on the
Govt. for the same.
6. To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
7. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
8. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar.
9. To start the process of “Inter State Migration Act” at the earliest.
10. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
1. To develop monuments like Rohtas Fort, Sershah Ka Makbara, Dhuan Kund, Manjar Kund and
Sonawa Fort as tourist places.
2. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
3. To open higher and technical along with agriculture education at higher education.
4. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in the district.
5. To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
6. To start a training centre for Police/Military near Kaimur Mountain.
7. To restart PCCL fertilizer factory at Amjhour.
8. To do a survey of the natural resources of the district.
9. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee of the Panchayat Raj system in
10. To develop higher and technical education in Bihar.
To restart the train route of Pratapganj to Farbisganj.
To initiate the process of finalizing the national disaster work.
To establish Flood Information Centre at the block level.
To establish International People’s Committee to take stocks of the progress made in
the work of Kosi disaster.
5. To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system in Bihar under the
defined norms of the Government.
6. To open higher and technical education at subdivision/block level.
7. To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes” in rural areas.
8. To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
9. To undertake steps for the development of technical and commercial agriculture methods at
block level.
10. To start “Inter State Migration Act” at the earliest.
11. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
12. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committees in the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar.
To provide better facilities to Gautam Budha tourist Place at Vaishali.
To initiate better salary structure at grass root and national level.
To undertake proper steps for the implementation of common school system.
To open higher and technical education at subdivision/block level.
To initiate and start “Irrigation Guarantee Schemes”.
To initiate process of the purchase of food grains at national price rate as fixed by the
7. To undertake steps for the development of technical and commercial agriculture methods at
block level.
8. To start “Inter State Migration Act” at the earliest.
9. To fix equal price of milk at the national level.
10. To strengthen Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committees in the Panchayat Raj system in Bihar
A one day seminar to priorities the weeds of the common people Manifesto was convened on 30
December 2008 at the Deep - NGO Hall under Vada Na Todo Abhiyan in Champaran District.
The leading organization of the SATHI (a common forum of the voluntary organizations)- Deep,
Ujala, and Jagrite- took initiative to convene the seminar, which was participated by the
representative of the political parties, Panchayati Raj, Voluntary organizations, Media, and
reputed lawyers. After a through discussion and discourse by the 55 participants, people’s
problems were pin pointed primarily around the following rights.
1. Right to Education
2. Right to Living
3. Right to food
4. Right to work
5. Right to Housing
6 Protecting the Rights of SC/ST/Women
A drafting committee was unanimously formed to prepare a report of the views presented at the
seminar, and the basic needs. The following were elected honorary members of the Committee -- Mrs. Prabhuraj Narain Rao
(District leader, CPM)
 Mrs. Sushil Prasad Shashank
(Secretary, SATHI, Network)
 Mr. Prem Chand Keshari
(Co-ordinator, Ujala)
 Mr. Ashok kumar Mishar
(District leader, CPI)
 Mr. Shiv Kumar
(Advocate/leader, BJP)
 Mr. Madhukar Mishra
(Distt. Representative,Danik Jagron)
 Mr. Amitabh Ranjan
(Diss. Representaive,Hindustan)
 Mr. Rajesh Kumar
(Adovcate/leader JOu)
 Mr.Sanjay Verma
(Secetary, Jagriti)
 Mr. Ravishanker Singh
(Secetary, Champaran Vikas)
 Mr.Kedar Chaudhary
(Former Village Head, Miyanpur Tilangali)
As decided at the Seminar a meeting of the Drafting committee was held at the office of the
Rickshaw union on 6 January 2009, The report rights focusing on the points referring to the
above-mentioned rights highlights the following—
1. Rights to Education
The following initiative are essential to take concrete measures on the qualitative improvement of
education-- Train the newly appointed teachers in recreational teaching, methods of teaching.
 Strictly implement the equal education system.
 Fix the accountability of education, student, school education committee.
 Ensure the proper monitoring and ratification of teaching and other physical works in
 Establish co-ordination among the widely spread private schools.
 Relay the procedures of assistance and loans for technical and higher education.
 Regularize the Mid-day Meal Scheme.
 Allocate 20% of the people’s representatives Development fund to improve schools.
 Make stringent laws to provide compulsory education to boys and girls in the 6-14 years,
2. Right to live
 Strictly enforce the legal provisions of a life of disunity for every individual.
 Strictly enforce the child labour prevention Act to eradicate this menace, and ensure
permanent rehabilitation of the child labourers thus liberated.
 Allow the ‘basgit’ land for residential purpose to the households living in roadside
hutments, and give priority to building houses for them.
3. Right to Housing
 Provide the ‘basgit’ land for residential purpose to households displaced in floods and
identified under 13PL, and take concrete measures to construct houses for them.
 Provide house with ‘basgit’ for the SC/ST/BC people constituting majority of the BPL
4. Right to work
 Strictly follow the provision of 150 days ‘work in a year to all the skilled, semi-skilled and
unskilled labourers of BPL category, and punish the officials and institution failing in this
 Prosecute those tampering with the account of attendance on the job card issue of under
NREGA and guilty of under payment.
 Ensure easy issuance of job cards to the needy workers.
 Prosecute the representative/officials guilty of under payment to the labourers.
 Punish those denying employment and not paying allowance.
 Punish those denying work to women labourers.
 Prohibit engaging child labour instead of an adult to look after small children of the work
 Pay Rs.5000/ per month under the Token Allowance Scheme to the educated
 Train the jobless according to their knowledge and skill, and provide them loans free of
 Give necessary incentives to the communities engaged in traditional trades to prevent their
5. Right to food
 Ensure effective implementation of the food for work scheme.
 Implement an irrigation guarantee scheme on the pattern of NREGA.
 Ensure the time-bound purchase of producers under SMP.
 Fix the price of producers in according with their cost.
 The Government should be accountable for the quality of seeds, and fixing prices.
 Reveal the plans to concede agriculture the status of an industry.
 Constitute the Agriculture and farmers Development Authority and ensure the
implementation of development schemes.
 Ensure within a specified time-limit the land survey and issuing land passbooks to the
6. Protecting the Rights of SC/ST/Women
 Speedy trial of cases of atrocities against SC/ST/Women and prosecution of the offenders
to effectively stop such heinous activities.
 Create a public helpline for women to ensure then justice in cases of domestic violence.
 Relax the procedure of awarding compensation to SC/St victims of oppression.
 The tharu aborigines on the India-Nepal border were given the ST status by the
Government of India in 2003, but are still denied the benefits due to a Scheduled Tribe.
Concede then all such benefits.
 The tharu aborigines inhabiting the brings of the Valmiki Nagar Tiger Project area and
forest are yet to receive the benefits under the new forest bill 2006. Ensure such benefits
to them immediately.
7. Others
 Health- Medical facilities form an essential part of people’s life. Ensure nationalization of
the various aspects of health care.
 Labour- Ensure insurance for the organized/unorganized labour.
 Implement the Bihar Inter-State Migrant Labour Act 1980 and end the exploitation of the
workers covered under the Act.
 Ensure a severe enforcement of the Prevention of Bihar Beggary Act 1954 and take
immediate measures to rehabilate the beggars and restore their right to a life of dignity.
 Press- Guarantee regular employment to those associated with the Press, direct the
newspapers/magazines to issue identity cards to their reporters /representatives, and
ensure a handsome pay-packet to them plus a share in the profits.
 Issue caste certificates to the Bangladeshi refuges and their families.
 Local Self – Government – Ensure meetings of the Gram Sabhas in every revenue village,
and make compulsory the presentation of annual plan and annual budget.
 Activate the committees formed under the three-tier system, train the committee members,
and implement the development schemes in an effective manner.
 The Government should arrange to train the members of the Surveillance Committee
formed by the Gram Sabha in the Gram Panchayat in how the monitor the plans, in order
to strengthen the committee.
 Entitle the Panchayat to spend the revenue received form the Gram Panchayat.
 Establish an information centre at the Panchayat level, where common people could easily
obtain the information about the Government schemes.
 All political parities should publish a five-year action plan along with their manifesto with
a defined indicator and specify a time-bound implementation of plans.
Dahod (ST)
Member of Parliament (current)
Thumar, Shri Virjibhai INC
Solanki, Shri Bharatsinh Madhavsinh INC
Chavda , Shri Harisinh Pratapsinh INC
Babubhai Katara, BJP
Patel , Shri Dinsha J. INC
Gadhavi , Shri Pushpdan Shambhudan BJP
Mandvi (Surat II)
Chaudhary , Dr. Tushar Amarsinh INC
Kanodia , Shri Mahesh Kumar BJP
Mistry , Shri Madhusudan Devram INC
1. Ensure social audit of all the development activities to make its more transparent and
2. Implement Sacchar committee recommendation as soon as possible.
3. Give the equal status of Schedule caste and Schedule Tribe in both list (State and
4. 33% reservation should be given to the women.
5. Improve the sanitation and health facilities in the slums and other marginalized areas.
6. Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders.
7. It is seen that Panchayat ward members are prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit
Sarpanches (selected by people) through no-confidence motions once they come to
power. Therefore the Gujarat Panchayat Act needs to amend.
8. Koli community should be granted reservation for collection of forest wood and coal
to ensure a secure livelihood.
9. NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
10. NREGA job applicants should also be entitled to BPL cards.
11. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat Act.
12. National and state dalit policy should be implemented and resources should be
allocated for its implementation.
13. A labor policy should be implemented at national and state level along with requisite
resource allocation.
14. Govt. contracts and services should have reservation for the underprivileged.
1. The market value of the agricultural product needs to be decided by the farmers only
and not by the business organizations.
2. Allocate waste land for the poor villagers to build house should be mobilized,
especially to the schedule caste and schedule tribe.
3. Allocate separate graveyard for the dalits to reduce clashes between dalit and non- dalit
community for the funeral ground.
4. Provide honorarium/salary to the member of Gram Panchayat and District panchayat
and sarpanch.
5. Set up Independent office for the Gram Panchayat's social justice's chairperson and
provide a budget for implementation.
6. Provide habitation with access to basic services to the adivasis and migrant workers.
7. Provided SC/ST dalits and adivasis who have converted Sikhism and
8. Discharge the elected candidate from SC, ST or women from reserved seat if he/she
fails to discharge their responsibilities
9. Provide BPL status to genuinely poor people, who have not been categorized for BPL
10. Make arrangements for separate courts dealing with atrocities cases immediately.
11. Take stringent action for violence against women and active intervention by the
National and state Women's right commission.
12. Provide higher education in villages.
13. Allocate a budget and formulate policy for educational trust for Khangi constituency
with 10 percent reservation for the poor students especially for dalits, adivasis, OBC
and others along with sponsorship and free education facility.
Provide employment to rural families for at least 200 days under NREGA
Provided every primary school with science laboratories and playground.
Revise primary education in the Tribal areas to match with their culture.
Legal ownership of government land on which Adivasis and Dalit are living for years
and using it as their residence.
Pass the gram arbitrary bill
Case of atrocities to be handled and solved by only D.S.P Level officer.
Special court to solve atrocities cases.
Provide legal ownership of waste land to Dalit and Adivaasi
1. Stringent implementation of law on domestic violence
2. Provide joint ownership of land to husband and wife similar to Indira Aavas Yogana,
sardar aavash yogana and other aavash yoganas,
3. Provide joint ownership rights of property to women
4. Strengthen the State Women's Commission.
5. Take strict action should against social, financial and mental exploitation of dalit and
adivasi women.
6. Restrict family members of women elected members from making representations on
their behalf.
7. Enforcement laws on domestic violence by the state and central women commission
8. Provide equal pay and creche facilities as per the entitlements under NREGA
9. Improve sanitation in villages.
10. Provide equal status to be given to dalit and adivasis for senior citizen yogana, widow
pension,chiranjeev yogna, muft musafir yogana, muft kaanoni
1. Those who are genuinely poor should be included in the BPL list and the measurement
of poverty must be reviewed.
2. A Public Committee should be created to ensure the effective implementation of
Government schemes and budgets. This Committee should be responsible for the
supervision and monitoring of government programs and recommend punitive action
against defaulters.
3. Social audits must be conducted in all development works to ensure transparency.
4. Every year the a public meeting must be organized at the level of the Parliamentary
constituency in which the elected Member of Parliament must present a report of the
work done and expenditure incurred to the voters.
5. The waste land in all the villages in Kheda district is pressurized and occupied by the
non-dalit. The pressure need to be removed and the waste land to be provided to the
dalits, adivasis and the OBC through easy procedure.
6. The Urban poor should be provided with land for the habitation purpose and the slums
need be constructed in organized manner with health and sanitation facility.
7. The views of Sachar Committee report need to implement immediately
8. The rules and regulation for communalism should be followed strictly.
9. 33 percent women anonymous bill should be passed by the majority.
10. The elected members in panchayati raj-dalit, adivasi, women more often removed from
the position in that case the government safeguard the anonymous candidate's seat and
help them to get their rights.
11. "Right to recall" need to implement in case if the the elected member do not fulfill the
promises and responsibilities towards the society.
12. Equal status and rights to be given to women, minorities and adivasis by the Board.
13. The self finance educational institutes should be provided with sponsorship facility.
14. Social justice committees should be formed in Municipal Councils and Municipal
15. Vacancies in Government jobs to be filled.
16. The Central Government should give all the facilities entitled for SC and ST candidate,
especially to the SC and ST candidate in Kheda district .Natghosai category in Gujrat
should be given the SC and ST benefits.
Grant ST category to Koli, Pargi and Vagri community.
Provide drinking water and water for irrigation from the adjoining Narmada Canal.
Allot 5 acre plot for burial to dalits
Repeal changes made in the Atrocity Act in Gujarat.
Stop privatization in primary education
Include the people of Kutch who have sold their lands to the companies as shareholders
in the company and also provide them employment.
7. Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders
8. Provide reservations to the people of Kutch in Special Economic Zones.
9. Amend the Gujarat Panchayat Act. It is seen that Panchayat ward members are
prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit Sarpanches (selected by people) through noconfidence motions once they come to power.
10. Secure rights Koli community for collection of firewood and coal to ensure a secure
11. Extend 200 days of work for every household under NREGA
Ensure 200 days employment under NREGA instead of 100 days.
Make B.P.L. Card to all eligible candidates.
Give the Patta Land to the Landless and Mined Labor.
Give the status of tourist place to Kosambi.
Give the house of Backward people and Housing Scheme
Make easy to Old age Pension
Take steps to spread awareness and ensure proper implementation of the Domestic
Violence Act.
8. Govt. schemes should be availed only to households where women members are
bestowed with rights.
9. The State Human Right Commission, State Women’s Commission and State
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Commission should be granted autonomy and
given more powers.
10. Cases of Atrocity Act should not be investigated by officers below the rank of DSP.
11. Special tribunals and district courts should be set up to try out atrocity cases on dalits
and tribals.
12. Social justice committee should be formed in every village and given special powers.
13. The Bill for setting up village courts should be passed in Parliament and special
provisions should be made for scheduled areas.
14. NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
15. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat Act.
16. National and state dalit policy should be implemented and resources should be
allocated for its implementation.
17. A labor policy should be implemented at national and state level along with requisite
resource allocation.
1. Spread awareness about the domestic Violence Act and implement it strictly and properly.
2. Like in the forest land Act, houses under Indira Awas Yojana, Sardar Awas Yojana, or and
other scheme should be given to husband and wife jointly. Allotment of land under any other
scheme should follow the same wosm.
3. Benefits of any Government scheme should be available to those households only where
women members are given their rights, that is, where husband and wife have joint housing,
land , and bank accounts.
4. Enhance the strength and power of he sate commission for women in order to made their
effectively active.
5. Acton should be taken against economic, social, mental and physical exploitation of Dalit
and Tribal women at work place.
6. Strict action should be taken in cases where the husband or any other elative of an elected
women head, Sarpanch, or member is found interfering on her behalf.
7. The national and State commission for women should be bestowed with powers to conduct
intense investigation in cases of atrocities against women and to secure justice for them
8. Equal pay for women under NREGA and implant the legal prevision to take care of their
9. Build permanent toilets instead of the recently made temporary (kachcha) toilets under the
government scheme, and give priority to Dalits and Tribals.
10. Make provisions for maximum of benefits and priority to Dalits and Tribals under old age
pension widow person scheme, Chiranjvi Yojana, kanya shikasha yojana, kuvarkair mamer
Yojana, Tikri Bachar ghunvesh yojana, moft musafiri youjana, free legal aid scheme and
1. People of Patan should be availed drinking water and water for irrigation from the
adjoining Narmada Canal.
2. Give priority to the development of Vadgam Taluka.
3. Allot 5 acre plot for burial to dalits.
4. Repeal changes made in the Atrocity Act in Gujarat.
5. Stop privatization in primary education.
6. Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders.
7. It is seen that Panchayat ward members are prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit
Sarpanches (selected by people) through no-confidence motions once they come to
power. Therefore the Gujarat Panchayat Act needs to amended.
8. Koli community should be granted reservation for collection of forest wood and coal
to ensure a secure livelihood.
9. NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
10. NREGA job applicants should also be entitled to BPL cards.
11. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat Act.
1. A Lokpal/Vigilance Committee should be formed for addressing the discrepancies in
NREGA implementation and separate budget should be allotted to it.
2. An Employment assistant should be appointed in every village for taking care of the
NREGA related problems of the people.
3. The Gram Mitras appointed by the state Govt. for education, health etc. should be
given social security and minimum wages.
4. There should be a state health policy.
5. State Govt. schemes should be covered under the Consumer Protection Act and there
should be proper redressal mechanisms.
6. Every village should have a library/study centre.
7. Good quality education, healthcare and accommodation should be ensured in the Govt.
boarding schools and hostels for children.
8. Playground and laboratory facility should be provided in every school.
9. There should be reservation for SC/ST/OBC in the private sector.
10. Cases of atrocity against SC/ST women should be given only to SC/ST women
11. Strong action should be taken to guard against social, economic and sexual
exploitation of SC/ST women.
12. Women workers should be given equal pay in NREGS.
13. APL card holders should also be availed ration from the village grocery shops along
with BPL members.
14. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat Act.
15. National and state dalit policy should be implemented and resources should be
allocated for its implementation.
16. A labor policy should be implemented at national and state level along with requisite
resource allocation.
17. Govt. contracts and services should have reservation for the underprivileged.
Repeal changes made in the Atrocity Act in Gujarat.
Stop privatization in primary education.
Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders.
It is seen that Panchayat ward members are prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit
Sarpanches (selected by people) through no-confidence motions once they come to
power. Therefore the Gujarat Panchayat Act needs to amend.
5. Koli community should be granted reservation for collection of forest wood and coal
to ensure a secure livelihood.
6. NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
7. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat
8. Financial assistance for Sardar Awas Yojana, Indira Awas Yojana and Ambedkar
Awas Yojana should be increased from Rs.45,000/- to Rs.1 Lakh and the annual
target of total number of beneficiaries should be increased 4 times to overcome
shortage of housing and avoid corrupt practices.
9. Financial assistance for construction of toilets should be increased to Rs. 5000/- to
APL and BPL families.
10. The annual target of total number of beneficiaries should be increased 4 times for
schemes such as old-age pension, widow pension, schemes for education and welfare
of the girl child, Kunwarbai Mamera Yojana, Dikribachao Jumbish and
Mufatmuzafari Yojana.
11. Procedure for procurement of caste certificates should be simplified at village, tehsil
and district levels.
12. Barren and grazing lands should be allotted to dalits and adivasis.
13. Job casrds should be issued to the villagers with immediate effect.
1. Increase the number of days for employment 100 to 365 days under NREGA.
2. Implement the recommendation of Bhuria committee in Panchayat System.
3. Sanction Patta Land to Adivasis as soon as possible and improve the health
infrastructure in the district.
4. Inclusion of Koli, Pargi and Vagri community in ST list.
5. People of Sabarkatha should be availed drinking water and water for irrigation from the
adjoining Narmada Canal.
6. Allot 5 acre plot for burial to dalits
7. Repeal changes made in the Atrocity Act in Gujarat.
8. Stop privatization in primary education
9. Include the people of Sabarkatha who have sold their lands to the companies as
shareholders in the company and also provide them employment.
10. Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holder.
Member of Parliament (current)
Selja , Kumari INC
Sharma , Dr. Arvind Kumar INC
Jindal , Shri Naveen INC
Kuldeep Bishnoi (INC)
1. Stop privatization in education.
2. Ensure good quality education in government schools and colleges. Ensure uniform standard of
education throughout the country.
3. Nationalize all personal and national properties without the need to pay compensation.
4. Provide housing facilities to safai karamchari and also provide overtime wages for working
more than 8 hours to migrant laborers.
5. Conduct the BPL survey fairly as per the constitution.
6. Ensure reservation in private sector.
7. Set up delivery huts in every village of Haryana, appoint lady doctors and ensure that no fees
are taken for the tests conducted in government dispensary and hospitals.
8. Provide complete social security to all migrant labor from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and ensure
minimum of Rs 6000/- as basic wages.
9. Abolish Child labor and the bonded labor system and ensure the participation of all Dalits,
OBCs and Minorities.
Provide 365 days of work entitlement under NREGA
Ensure Proper implementation of NREGA
Confer BPL status should be to all landless people
Provide ration cards should be to BPL category people
Lower and standardize food prices to match that of Punjab
Reservation in schools for Dalits and OBC
Small Scale industries and income generation schemes for women
Provide delivery huts in every village
Provide proper equipment and gear to scavengers
Strengthen of Primary education to provide Free and compulsory education
Allot medical staff and medicines should be in proportion to the population
Provide 365 days of employment to marginalized and socially excluded people
Allocate Budget for Dalits
End social exclusion
Allot 5 acres land agriculture for every Dalit
Allocate 10% reservation for dalits in private sector
Provide BPL category to people who have less than 5 acres of land and government jobs
Relaxation of fees for Dalit in B.Ed. And D.Ed examinations in accordance to the 85th
Amendment in the constitution
10. End discrimination against women and free education for women
11. Allocate special task force for resolving problems among Dalits
1. Implement NREGA in cities and villages for eradication of poverty and ensure
employment for 200 days.
2. Distribute all government and public lands among landless families.
3. Distribute resources among SC, ST, Minorities according two their population ratio.
4. Ensure reservation in Private sector for SC, ST, OBCs and minorities according two their
population ratio.
5. Provide 50% reservation to women in Parliament and in Government and private sector.
6. Provide Education and Health facilities including food water hygiene, Housing, Transport and
electricity to all poor.
7. Reform the election process/the public should be given the right to call back any elected
representative who does not fulfill his/her promise.
8. Remove all discrimination based on caste gender color or religion.
9. Publish financial details of expenditures incurred by MPs, MLAs, and officers of the
Municipalities in the news papers.
10. Government should provide seed, fertilizer, irrigation facilities, and land to Dalits for
development of agriculture.
11. Provide residential plots to all SC and ST.
12. Include names of al SC, ST person in BPL list.
13. Construct Pucca roads and drains in all dalit villages and Bastis.
Gondia & Bhandara
Member of Parliament (current)
Dhotre , Shri Sanjay Shamrao BJP
Gudhe , Shri Anantrao SS
Khaire , Shri Chandrakant Bhaurao SS
Patil , Shri Jaisingrao Gaikwad NCP
Adsul , Shri Anandrao Vithoba SS
Patle , Shri Shishupal Natthu BJP
Danve , Shri Raosaheb Patil BJP
Patil , Smt. Rupatai Diliprao Nilangekar BJP
1. Increase public investment in agriculture and pay prices to the crops commensurate to the
production cost.
2. Provide potable and safe drinking water to the district through out the year.
3. Improve the quality of the primary education and provide adequate funds for the infrastructure
of the government primary schools in every village and cities of Akola.
4. Reduce the revenue on the agricultural produce.
5. Provide economic assistance to the farmers who have produced Soya bean as their crops were
damaged due to the attack by pest.
6. Create employment opportunities in the rural areas of Akola district.
7. Ban the GM seeds sale.
8. Government should built farm bounding through horticulture department.
9. Provide sufficient allocations and encouragement to animal husbandry, poultry farming, Seri
culture & Pisci culture in the district.
10. Open E class land for plantation.
11. Stop Cow slaughter.
12. Legal status for the Mahila Gram Sabha.
13. Provide joint pattas in the name of women.
14. Stop the load shading in the rural areas.
1. Provide adequate funds for the over all development of the government primary schools,
primary health centers in the district.
2. Provide economic assistance of Rs 10000/- per acre to the farmers who have produced Soya
bean as their crops were damaged due to the attack by pest.
3. Provide joint pattas in the name of women.
4. Ban the GM seeds sale.
5. People displaced due to various development projects in the district and those whose land is
acquired are given land against land (fertilized land) and house against house.
6. Increase public investment in agriculture and pay prices to the crops commensurate to the
production cost.
7. Greater allocation for developing irrigation facilities. Clear the backlog on irrigation of the
drought prone and suicide prone areas.
8. Stop the load shading in the rural areas.
9. Develop industries and processing units for the orange growers who are in large number in the
10. Provide adequate funds for over all development of the Adivasi regions specially develop and
equip the health centers in the regions of Melghat to take care of malnutrition and also develop
primary educational institutes in this region for over all development of the Adivasi areas.
1. The people in general of the district face problems for enrolling the family land, house etc in
the name of the beneficiary after the demise of the owner. They have to pay money for
transferring these in their name. The court had given order that the transfer process be easy and
free of cost. Hence the court order be upheld and the government must ensure its effective
2. The primary heath centers in general in the district are not equipped for the delivery of
pregnant women. The number of women doctors in negligible. Hence adequate budget be
provided to develop these facilities in each PHC and the appointments of the women doctors be
implemented effectively in each PHC.
3. Large scale slum dwellers do not have access to electricity, safe drinking water. They are not
provided electric and water meter. Hence the slum rehabilitation act is withdrawn and new
schemes be launched so as to ensure they are provided these minimum basic amenities. They
be given minimum space to construct their homes and each house is provided with a toilet.
4. Local unemployed youth is given preference in the recruitment in all the government, non
government & private establishments.
5. The survey of the BPL is done once again. The educated unemployed youth is provided this
job of survey.
6. PDS/ Fair price shops are opened every day. All essential commodities are provided through
these shops only. The Women SHG are given the permits to run these shops immediately.
7. The residential schools and colleges in the district are modernized. The present number of
these schools and colleges are not sufficient to cater the needs of the backward sections of the
students. Hence their number be increased to atleast one such school and college in every
8. Aurangabad is a tourist place. Tourist from all over the world visit Aurangabad. But the over
all road and transport system is not developed to the extent to cater the needs of the tourist and
over all development of the district. Hence the revenue collection through tourism is spent
adequately on the over all development of the district.
9. The scheme of “Hagan Dari Mukta Village” is implemented effectively in every village. The
government is building toilets of providing loans/funds for building of these toilets but the
government does not have blue print to supply water so as to keep these toilets clean and
10. In every village “tantamukti samiti’s” are appointed. These Samiti’s are headed by the
Jamindars of the villages. Thus an autocratic rule exists in the villages. The common man and
specifically the backward sections are not comfortable and do not dare to take up their matters
to these samiti’s. Where as the government has made it compulsory to first take the village
matters to these samiti’s and if not resolved there, only then the police takes cognizance of the
complaints of the villagers. Hence these samiti’s be headed by the government authority only
so that it is really made functional and is effectively implemented to take care of law and order
situation at the village level.
11. The industrial development has definitely brought over all economic growth particularly in the
Aurangabad town. But simultaneously there is increase in the atrocities on women. Large
number of affected women does not find any safe place after such incidences. Hence the
number of short stay homes is increased in the district.
12. Even the facilities of toilets on the roads are inadequate considering the over all population of
the big talukas of the district. Hence built sufficient, separate toilets for both women and men
along the road side so that the women specially do not suffer from the urinary tract infections
as they find it difficult to respond to the natural calls in absence of such facility.
1. The rural population faces severe difficulties of cremation grounds. This is specially so for the
Dalits, Adivasis and the Minorities. Hence in every village of the Beed district the government
must provide government land for developing cremation grounds.
2. Thousands acre Gairan land is available in every village of the district. To acquire this land and
to cultivate this land large struggles are initiated through the Beed district. Hence the
government must immediately intervene and distribute this land to the landless especially the
backwards so that they can earn their livelihood.
3. Load shading in the rural areas is to the extent of 16 hours a day creating large scale problems
to the farmers, students etc. Hence the load shading is stopped immediately and the rural areas
be given priority considering the supply and demand.
4. Large scale economically affluent classes have acquired the BPL cards where as the actual
beneficiary is excluded for the BPL. The government must reorient the entire scheme and the
conditionality for being declared as BPL is changed and proper survey be done for distributing
the BPL cards. The existing BPL card holders from the affluent and economically sound
classes be immediately withdrawn.
5. The public distribution shops/fair price shops be kept open as per the rules for through out the
month. The supply of essential commodities through these shops is regularized. The women
Self Help Groups are awarded licenses immediately to run these shops as declared by the state
government. At least one shop is opened in every village of the district. Kerosene supply is
made compulsory through these shops only in the rural and urban areas.
6. Potable drinking water is a serious problem in the district in more than 110 villages. Ensure
equal distribution of the drinking water to all the urban and rural areas.
7. More than 150 villages in the district do not proper roads and transportation. The road and
transport system be immediately provided so as to bring these villages in the overall
developmental process of the district.
8. The railway line from Parali- Beed- Nagar is long pending demand from last 30 years. The
government must immediately take initiative to develop this rail network so that the district is
brought in the mainstream of development.
9. The demand of new district formation (Ambejogai) is also a long pending demand and the
people from the district have waged long drawn struggles for the same since last 25 years.
Hence Ambejogai district be formed immediately.
10. The illiteracy rate of women in the district is as high as 60%. Hence the literacy campaign for
women is further strengthened in the district. Adequate budgetary provision be made for the
1. Immediately resolve the problems of Saline track. Develop small irrigation projects/dams to
resolve the same.
2. Provide adequate funds for the over all development of the Adivasi in Buldhana district.
3. Ensure people’s participation in the management of the Jungles and its produce in Buldhana
4. Develop water shed and provide adequate funds for it’s development in Buldhana district.
5. Ban the GM seeds sale.
6. Create employment opportunities in the rural areas of Buldhana district for the youth.
7. Provide sufficient allocations and encouragement to animal husbandry, poultry farming, Seri
culture & Pisci culture in the district.
8. Provide adequate funds to the farmers for digging well in the farm so that atleast I hectare of
their land is irrigated fro through out the year.
9. Provide joint pattas in the name of women.
10. Strengthen and expand the public distribution system in Buldhana district.
11. Guarantee minimum wages for the agricultural labors and equal wages for equal work for the
women workers.
12. Legal status for the Mahila Gram Sabha.
13. Stop Cow slaughter.
14. Stop the load shading in the rural areas.
Gondia & Bhandara
1. Regular and equal distribution of water is done to all the farmers from the thousands of lakes in
Bhandara & Gondia.
2. Develop new policy for equal rights on the Zhudpi jungle of the villagers.
3. Transfer the Nistarit land to the villagers, which were transferred to the forest department due
to the Gosikhurd Dam Project.
4. Provide 24 hours electricity to the farmers and stop load shading in the rural and urban areas of
Bhandara and Gondia.
5. The royalty of 10% against the mining of the minerals is not used for the development of the
villages. The contractors also do mining more than permitted. Hence, Gram Sabha should be
given management rights of all the mining operations in the constituency.
6. Provide land to the beneficiaries at the government rates under the Karmaveer Dadasaheb
Swabhiman Va Sabalikaran Yojana.
7. Implement the NREGA program in every villages of the constituency. Provide adequate forms
(number 4) in every village so that the villagers are assured of the 100 days works. The
government must develop a proper implementation plan for the same and ensure proper
management of the scheme.
8. Immediately complete the Bavanthadi project.
9. The ban on the Mahua flower stocking and sales outside the taluka are immediately lifted.
10. Gram Panchayats be provided the agricultural funds directly and the gram panchayat be given
the right to prepare the yearly agricultural budgetary plans.
11. Immediately funds are made available for the completion of the Sonkund (Bhimalkasa)
irrigation project.
12. For the social and economic development of the Burad castes form a Burad Economic
Development Maha Mandal. Also develop Bamboo training school in the constituency.
13. Declare the revenue collected from the Tendu leaf sales every year and use that revenue for the
development of the constituency every year.
1. The Maharashtra Gramin Rojgar Hami Yojana is not implemented effectively in the district.
60% of the villages the actual work is yet to start. The form number 4 is not available in
majority of the villages. Where ever the work has started people have got on an average only
18 days work. The people are not paid wages for the days which they are not awarded work.
2. Thousands acre Gairan land is available in every village of the district. To acquire this land and
to cultivate this land large struggles are initiated through the Jalna district. Hence the
government must immediately intervene and distribute this land to the landless especially the
backwards so that they can earn their livelihood.
3. In the district there is hardly any short stay home for the affected women’s. Hence the
government must build atleast one such home in each taluka.
4. The government must also develop atleast one family court in each taluka.
5. The quality of the mid day meals in the schools is worst. The children’s be provided qualitative
and quantitative meals daily through out the district in each school. The Anganwadis be
strengthened and they be provided adequate budget and regular supply of grains and other
material to ensure smooth, regular qualitative supply of mid day meals in the schools.
6. The over all atrocity on the Dalits and Adivasis in Marathwada region have increased
manifold. Even in Jalna district there are large scale incidences of atrocities. The law and order
enforcement machinery do not take cognizance of such incidences. The poorer sections
amongst the backwards who are mainly the targets do not dare to go and file their FIR’s in the
police stations. Hence the government must ensure effective implementation of the act and
provide full protection to the affected people.
7. In every village “tantamukti samiti’s” are appointed. These Samiti’s are headed by the
Jamindars of the villages. Thus an autocratic rule exists in the villages. The common man and
specifically the backward sections are not comfortable and do not dare to take up their matters
to these samiti’s. Where as the government has made it compulsory to first take the village
matters to these samiti’s and if not resolved there, only then the police takes cognizance of the
complaints of the villagers. Hence these samiti’s be headed by the government authority only
so that it is really made functional and is effectively implemented to take care of law and order
situation at the village level.
8. Potable, safe drinking water is a serious problem in the district. The people both urban and
rural have to go travel long way to fetch water. There are two lakes viz. Ghanewadi and Moti
Lake. These two lakes if are digged, cleaned atleast some area of the district can get regular
water supply. The people of the district have been demanding the same since long but till now
nothing is done. Hence the government must immediately provide adequate budget for this
purpose and the repair, cleansing work should be immediately undertaken.
9. The revenue earned through the steel manufacturing, sales and supply from Jalna be used
judiciously for the over all developmental projects of the district and specially to tackle the
problem of safe and regular supply of drinking water.
10. There are around 25 villages in the district which are disconnected from rest of the world
during the rainy season. Hence develop proper road and approach to these villages so that they
are brought in the main stream of the development process.
11. The rural population faces severe difficulties of cremation grounds. This is specially so for the
Dalits, Adivasis and the Minorities. Hence in every village of the Beed district the government
must provide government land for developing cremation grounds.
12. The district is very sensitive and even one small incidence is sufficient to flare up the
communal riots and small incidences create tremendous law and order problem in the district.
Hence the police force is modernized, sensitized towards such incidences and strict vigil is kept
to avert such incidences. Hence the number of police stations, police posts and personnel’s is
increased to meet the demands of the district.
13. Load shading in the rural areas is to the extent of 16 hours a day creating large scale problems
to the farmers, students etc. Hence the load shading is stopped immediately and the rural areas
be given priority considering the supply and demand.
1. 40% people in the district are illiterate hence ensure adequate funding and proper
implementation of the all the schemes for literacy campaign.
2. Develop study classes in every school to ensure that equal and quality education is provided to
the rural and urban students.
3. Bring all the schools under single department and develop a controller for its proper
4. Effective implementation of free mid day meals, free textbooks and other education material.
5. Open 10 residential Ashram Schools in each taluka for the boy and girl students from the
Scheduled tribes.
6. Open one more residential Ashram school for the Adivasi students as there is only one school
in the district for them.
1. Develop functional MIDC for the skilled and unskilled workers in each taluka.
2. Provide Gairan Land to the landless laborers in their name.
3. Landless laborers are allowed to purchase land directly under the Karmaveer Dadasaheb
Gaikwad Swabhiman and Sabalikaran Yojana.
1. Develop irrigation projects on large scale as only 61 thousand hectare land out of 696 thousand
hectare is under irrigation. Develop Water Shed, Farm Ponds and Common Wells etc in the
constituency for this purpose.
2. Develop organic farming and provide adequate funds for the mass awareness and
implementation, development of the organic farming in the region.
3. Priorities the water distribution as drinking water, agriculture/irrigation and industries instead
drinking water, industries and irrigation in Latur district.
4. Presently in the country we have maximum land holding law but we do not have minimum
land holding law. Hence this law also should be enacted.
5. Develop power generation projects in Latur. Also use the available electric power for irrigation
rather than using it more for industries.
1. Develop general social health schemes rather than focusing on specific ailments. Also built
primary centers in each taluka considering equal distribution of population and easy access to
every individual to each primary health center. Also provide all facilities through these centers.
2. Provide free health insurance to all the agricultural workers and unorganized workers.
1. Ban child labor in all the industries.
2. All the children’s aged 6 to 18 must get education; hence consider all those children’s out of
the purview of education as child labors.
1. The illiteracy rate amongst women in the district is as high as 40%, hence implement special
literacy campaign for them in the district.
2. The sex ratio in Latur district is as low as 935 women for every 1000 men, hence ensure
effective implementation of laws against female foeticide, strengthen the existing laws and
support social campaigns in favour of the girl child.
3. Despite the government announced loan at the rate 4% for the women self help groups, still till
date the SHGs have not received the same. Hence implement the scheme immediately for the
women’s self help group.
Dalit & Adivasi
1. Backlog of scheduled castes and tribes in the government services is filled immediately.
2. Declare reservations for them even in the private sector.
3. Provide adequate budgets and funds for the social and economical schemes meant for the
Dalits and Adivasis.
4. Invoking the provisions of the prevention of atrocities act. Effective implementation of the
atrocities act.
5. 16% budget allocation and spending the same on the development of the Scheduled Caste &
Scheduled tribes.
Public Services
1. More than 108 villages in the district are still not connected through proper roads. Hence
develop road and transport facilities to these villages so that they are also brought in the
mainstream of development.
2. There are only 1352 public distribution shops in the district, which is too short to provide the
basic essential amenities to the 20, 80,000 population of the district. Hence open more fair
price shops in the district.
3. There are only 58 nationalized banks and 38 rural banks in the district which is not sufficient to
cater to the needs of the large scale population of the district, hence open adequate branches of
the nationalized banks in the district.
Law & Order
1. There are only 22 police stations and 14 police posts in the districts which are not sufficient to
take care of the law and order situation in the district. Even the men power is too small to
tackle the situation. Hence open more police stations and police posts & recruit more police
personal in the district.
2. Ensure social sensitization of the police force & also modernize the entire police force
3. In every village “tantamukti samiti’s” are appointed. These Samiti’s are headed by the
Jamindars of the villages. Thus an autocratic rule is existing in the villages. The common man
and specifically the backward sections are not comfortable and do not dare to take up their
matters to these samiti’s. Where as the government has made it compulsory to first take the
village matters to these samiti’s and if not resolved there only then the police takes cognizance
of the complaints of the villagers. Hence these samiti’s be headed by the government authority
only so that it is really made
functional and is effectively implemented to take care of law and order situation at the
village level.
Member of Parliament (current)
Yadav , Dr. Karan Singh INC
Singh , Shri Manvendra BJP
Dharmendra , Shri BJP
Pilot , Shri Sachin INC
Singh , Shri Dushyant BJP
Ola , Shri Sis Ram INC
Bishnoi , Shri Jaswant Singh BJP
Dangawas , Shri Bhanwar Singh BJP
Maharia , Shri Subhash BJP
Meghwal , Shri Kailash BJP
1. Supply of water under Indira Gandhi canal project to match the farmer’s needs.
2. Promote industries related to gypsum and china clay, which abound in Bikaner and merit
more development.
3. Shingent implementation of Act against foeticide.
4. Appoint more doctors, and exclusively, lady doctors in Maternity department, in
Government Hospital at Bikaner.
5. Appoint doctors against the vacancies at the Primary Health Centre immediately and
connect them to modern technology.
6. More awareness campaigns in Bikaner to promote girls’ education here.
7. Establish regional Eye Research Institute in Bikaner.
8. Khatedari rights to non-khatedari farmers.
9. A very large past of land at Bikaner border is to lie allowed to the army, the interests of the
displaced should be protected in such a care.
10. Like Badiner, Bikaner promises huge reserves of petrol and gas, which merits research.
11. Prepare proper policy to control the exploitation of ground water and promote ground water
12. Spread a broad gauge railway network in the frontier region.
1. Provide pure potable water in every village and dhani.
2. Sufficient water for irrigation to fairness.
3. Supply water form Chambal and Bisalpur to ensure an adequate amount of pure and fluoride
free water.
4. Make the water policy public in Rajasthan.
5. Develop the conventional and new water resources.
6. Develop cheap technology to purify the fluoride mixed water.
7. Purify the polluted water and release it for irrigation and into reservoirs.
8. Arrange fluoride free water from the Rahwas dain in Dausa.
9. Medbandi in rural areas to conserve water.
10. Recharge rain water on the roofs of schools and public buildings.
Panchayati Raj
1. Provide special facilities to lady heads of Panchayats and appoint a lady secretary.
2. Constitute a mine Secretariat.
3. Rectify and ensure the Gram Sabhas.
1. Mend the roads and drains in the District Headquarter of Dewar to develop a clean city.
2. Remove the polluting factories from around the residential areas.
3. Conserve and protect postures.
4. Stop indiscriminate exploitation of natural heritage.
5. Implement total prohibition.
Land- Rights
1. Settle the long standing and pending cases without delay.
2. Redeem the encroached lands of the poor and the depressed.
Animal Husbandry
1. Open veterinary hospitals at the Gram Panchayat fully equipped level.
2. A dairy in each village.
3. Emphasis on improving the breed.
1. Affordable and sufficient power for irrigational purposes.
2. Promote varmi compost and medicinal crops and organic crops.
3. Authenticate the organic crops at the Mandi level.
4. Cheaper loans to farmers to breed cows.
5. Subsidised high quality manure and seeds to farmers.
6. Subsidise farming implements.
7. A farmer’s commission headed by a farmer.
8. Relax the procedure of crop insurance for farmers.
1. Ensure a clean and hassle free NREGA.
2. Timely and proper payments to workers engaged under NREGA.
3. Enhance opportunities of employment and provide daily work to all labourers.
4. Improve the functioning of NREGA to ensure employment to the poor and the needy.
5. Develop small scale industries at Panchayat level.
6. Train and instruct the farmers in modern agricultural technology.
7. International recognition for the stone work of Sikandara.
1. Remove encroachments on lands belonging to the Dalits and the poor, and stop atrocities
against them.
2. Allocate free residential plots to these people.
3. Improve economic and social condition of these people in Rajasthan.
Women and Child Development
1. Special Acts to prevent atrocities against women.
2. Appoint a state commission for children.
3. Strive for 33 percent reservations for women in Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha.
1. Exclusive appointments of women employees in women’s hospitals.
2. Appoint lady gynecologists at Panchayat levels.
3. Consolidate health services at Dausa District Hospital.
4. Ambulance vans at PHC level.
1. Free education for boys and girls ofBPL and poor families.
2. Free education upto Higher Secondary level for boys and girls of BPL .
3. Institute all the faculties in Girls ‘College’.
4. Open one Girls school in every Panchayat.
5. Appoint teachers in proportion to the strength of boys and girls in that school.
6. Secondary education for girls in villages with a population of 5000.
7. Reduce fees for higher education.
8. Compulsory collage education at Block level.
1. Proper monitoring of the budgetary allocation to Gyam Panchayats under NREGA.
2. Social auditing under NREGA merits serious attention and periodic checks.
3. Representation of the disabled in the commission appointed for looking after their rights,
and special programmer and training for 7500 employment –and small scale industry –
oriented physically challenged people in ghalawad. Also open exclusive hostels for the
disabled in ghalawad.
4. Resserve electoral seats for the handicapped.
5. Constitute a Dairy Board in ghalawad, and train the villagers in dairying.
6. An annual assessment of the election manifestos by the planning commission to capacitate
the people to know how for the Government has kept its promises.
7. Appoint doctors to the posts lying vacant at the primary Health centre without delay.
8. Post lady doctors in rural areas.
9. Necessary action be taken to issue ration cards to rural folks in ghalawad Parliamentary
10. Arrange camps at the Gram Panchayat level to people in bio-agriculture and manure
11. Stringent action against cutting trees.
12. Redeem the SC lands illegally occupied by the land Mafia and order investigations.
13. Questions the doctors involved in corruption in Janani Suraksha Yojana and take stringent
action against those found guilty.
14. Immediate appointment of qualified teachers in upgrading schools.
15. Reassure the rural folks, who retrain from using their right to information (RIT) fearing the
influential people, through awareness campaigns that any official trying to obstruct them
will be strictly dealt with.
16. Relax the procedures of bank loans to the self help Groups.
1. Contain fluoride to provide pure potable water to the common folks.
2. Create public awareness and formulate a sound policy about refilling water.
3. Take in canal water from Haryana to supply the needs of potable water and irrigation in
4. Link Shekhawati with the broad gange railway.
5. Ensure the participation of Panchayats in development schemes.
6. A sound employment scheme for the increasing number of retired army personnel in
jhunjhanoo district.
7. Establish more and more Lok Adalats to ensure timely justice.
8. Open medical colleages in jhunjhanoo district.
9. Appoint a dentist in each Government hospital.
10. Build a cold storage to pressure vegetables in the district.
11. Reactivate the Solare Power station in the district and promote such type of energy.
12. Appoint a commission to consider pension to fairness.
13. Provide reservation an economic ground only and implement it with firm political will.
14. Appoint physical instructors at Primary and middle level too.
15. Lay greater emphasis on consolidating Primary education, as there are the student’s
16. Compulsory computer education from class six onwards in Government Schools.
17. compulsory educational riteria be included in eligibility set for the people’s representative
from Panchayat to Lok Sabha level.
18. Ensure training in MAT required under NREGA.
19. Start an ITI college at the Tehsil level in jhunjhanoo district.
20. Promote the industries requiring China Clay and Granite etc as these abound around
21. Promote collage industries.
22. Strict restrictions on cutting of trees.
23. Remove encroachments on the Kathli river in jhunjhanoo district.
24. Revive the Dairy plant in jhunjhanoo district.
25. Ensure store-houses for fairness to store their grains.
26. Improve the quality of the hostels run by the social welfare department.
27. Include lasoda in the national horticulture mission as the crop suits the local environment.
28. A processing plant for producing seeds.
1. Problem of safe drinking water supply in rural and urban areas of Jodhpur parliamentary
constituency needs to be addressed. Need for regular checking of water supply lines and
structures was discussed and strict action against officers for negligence of duty in this
regard was emphasized.
2. The government should work towards elimination of fluoride contamination in drinking
water in various areas of Jodhpur parliamentary constituency.
3. Proper planning for rain water harvesting and storage is needed by developing tube-wells.
4. Emphasis must be given for renewing of dry tube-wells by sinking deep and by developing
other traditional water resources like nadis and ponds.
5. Special efforts are needed to overcome the problem of underground seepage in the city of
Jodhpur, which has resulted in the flooding of basements of the houses located in the central
part of the city extending up to Laxminagar area.
Education & Literacy
1. Quality of school and higher education needs to be improved. For this improvement in
infrastructure of providing education to all sections of the society should be strengthened.
2. Free education for girls to graduation level in government schools and colleges as well as
extension of the mid-day meals scheme to cover students up to the 12th standard.
3. Need for starting new employment generating/orienting courses in school and higher
education. Education must serve the purpose of creating employable people in various
4. Teachers should be used only in the teaching and learning rather than other works like pulse
polio campaigns, mid day meal distribution in order to improve quality of education.
5. Further teaching as a profession must be given the highest regard. Government must take
care of their financial needs so that the teachers can put their full energy in building the next
level of professionals that the society needs.
6. Problems of non-enrolment and drop-out from the schools must be given attention and
parents should be encouraged to send their children to the schools. For this awareness
campaigns will be important.
7. All Madarsa,s (Muslim schools) should be regularized and must be converted into
government schools in order to check anti-social activities and improvement in education
among Muslim society.
8. Alternative schooling system must be strengthened in order to provide education to all
sections of the society.
1. Every un-employed citizen should get unemployment wages (about Rs. 3000 per month).
All such un-employed people must be given responsible jobs in accordance with their
2. For poverty mitigation emphasis should be on microfinance, SHG formation and
strengthening the role of NABARD. It was clear during the discussions that percentage of
poverty has increased in urban areas in last few years.
3. The government should provide wheat at low prices to the families identified as living
below the poverty line and also to the selected families living above the poverty line.
4. The government should start health insurance schemes for the poor families. Further the
government must allot land at low prices to weaker sections engaged in traditional crafts.
Besides this the government must launch drinking water, roads and infrastructure projects.
1. Government should create an environment, where the farmer may get opportunities by
taking care of all his situations and freeing him from the clutches of corruption and violence
immediately. Corrupt politicians and their business partners have increasingly created a
control mechanism by which they control everything that a farmer produces.
2. Agricultural loans from the cooperative institutions must be available at an interest rate of
about four per cent.
3. Issues related to agriculture land regularization and migration from the villages needs to be
addressed immediately. In order to check migration from the villages small scale industries
will be required for the area.
4. Production of bio-diesels should be encouraged.
1. Electricity supplies to the city as well as for the rural area and for farmers should be
improved. Eight-hour regular supply of electricity to farmers should be made compulsory.
Further government should provide electricity at cheaper rates to the farmers and domestic
consumers in rural areas.
2. Electricity should be supplied to the farmers at half the tariff.
1. Unemployed persons should be assured to give special honorarium to them. Unemployment
benefit must be given to all sections of the society.
2. The daily wagers must be given an increase in their daily wages. There is a need for
regularization of those who have completed many years of services in various
unorganized/private sectors. Contract employees/ad hoc teachers should also be regularized.
3. There is a need to provide 365 days of employment to the workers working in NREGA
rather than 100 days of work. Government must start large project during NREGA like
river-linking project.
1. Improvement in health delivery system is needed in rural as well as urban areas. Doctors
and ANM’s must be encouraged to work in rural areas.
2. Government must make provision of a community hall and one veterinary institution with at
least one veterinary professional in every panchayat. Increased pension for old age persons,
widows, physically handicapped and destitute is also demanded.
3. Health insurance cover should be given to workers of unorganized sectors like NREGA
4. Health awareness campaigns must be regularly organized in order to make people aware
about their health care.
5. Doctors and Para-medical workers should be more accountable towards their duty.
1. Effective measures must be taken to preserve the heritage and culture of the city and nearby
2. Removal of encroachments from the heritage places.
1. Need to work towards women empowerment and women should be given opportunity to
involve in all social and political activities. Government should stop all kinds of
discriminations against them.
2. Government should start more programmes and incentives for girl child and elimination of
1. All discriminations against young people must end, giving them equal participation in the
decision making levels of the society. In order to build a real democracy where the human
rights of all can be realized, we need to give youth real power – real influence in our
political, cultural, education and other systems.
1. Government should provide decent, affordable and accessible housing to everyone living in
the area. Housing must be treated as a priority.
1. Corruption is a symptom of inequities, lack of access, lack of accountability and
transparency. Corruption arises from discriminated environment, hence government should
ensure to end discrimination in every field in order to end corruption. Anti Corruption
bureau (ACB) must be made more accountable.
2. Corruption in mid day meal distribution and education system needs to be addressed
1. Uniform Civil Court system must be formed. Same law/rules must be applied to all religion,
caste and community.
2. Awareness campaigns should be organized in order to improve knowledge among general
people about administration and political system. Law education may be useful in this
3. Government should work towards making democracy stronger than beurocracy.
4. Rural Courts should be established in order to reduce expenditure and delay on law system.
5. Marriage registration should be made compulsory for the believer of all religion and castes.
1. Reservation must be provided on economic basis rather than religion and castes basis.
2. Caste based reservation must to banned in government jobs, educational institutions
3. Reservation should not be provided in promotions.
4. Rotation system should be applied in reservation on parliamentary, panchayats, ward and
legislative assembly elections.
1. There is a need for an appropriate export-import policy in order to safeguard farmers.
2. Encouragement for use of traditional oil and reduction of export of edible oil is also needed.
3. Government should make a committee to regulate import and export.
1. Security in the city should be beefed up.
2. Empowerment and modernization of police department.
3. Effective surveillance system at public places, bus-stands, railway stations and hospitals is
1. Camel protection programme is needed on order to check their dwindling number.
2. Veterinary doctors should be posted at every panchayats.
Natural Calamity
1. Efforts must be made to start projects like river-linking project in order to mitigate the
problem of floods and drought.
1. Maximum age for Parliamentary and Legislator Elections Candidates, Ministers, Primeminister, President etc. should not be more than 65 years.
2. No one can become Minister, Prime-minister, President and fight elections having more
than two children.
3. There must be a minimum educational qualification for parliamentary, assembly, panchayat
and ward election candidates.
4. Vote casting should be made compulsory for everyone over 18 years of age. Heavy fine can
be imposed on those who do not cast their votes.
5. Price rise must be controlled in order to save the people from losing all hopes in
1. Contain fluoride to provide pure potable water to common people.
2. Exhibit strong political will to implement the ambitious plan to connect rivers.
3. Status of industry for farming and a policy to guarantee farmers a profitable price of their
4. Promote collage industry in villages.
5. Implement special development schemes in 13 desert areas in Rajasthan.
6. Ban terminated and genetically engineered seeds.
7. Open Government Collages in all Tehsils.
8. Fix a minimum educational qualification for contesting elections from Panchayat to Lok
Sabha level and implement in strictly
9. Provide pension to farmers after a certain age.
10. Assess the performance of all the people’s representatives (from Panchayat to Lok Sabha
level) periodically and subject them to people’s right to recall.
11. Provide boarding houses to collage students in every district.
12. Facilitate marketing of the Nagauri oxen and calves.
13. Restore and recharge the conventional wells, bawaris and ponds.
14. Promote the organize farming and facilitate marketing of such produce.
15. Open a Polytechnic collage to promote technical education in Nagaur.
16. Open an Agriculture Collage in agriculture – dominated Nagaur.
17. Nagaur needs a trauma centre to eater to its accidental medical requirements.
Ensure to farmers a price for their crops which is profitable vis-à-vis the rising costs.
Appoint a commission for farmers headed by a farmer and implement its recommendation.
Recognise farming as agricultural industry.
Abolish the illegal _ in Shekhavati region and take stern action against those involved in it.
Show strong political will to implement the national scheme to connect rivers so that
sufficient water is available for drinking and irrigation in the arid regions of Rajasthan.
6. Carry, through canal, the Ghagghar water to Sikar for irrigation and drinking Purposes.
7. Promote solar and wind energy.
8. Lay special emphasis on utilizing every drop of water in irrigation and horticulture.
9. Promote the practice of Israelite technique to utilize water for agricultural purposes.
10. Link jodhpur to Sikar by a direct broad gange railway line.
11. Train the local garmers in modern techniques of agriculture.
12. Promote the scheme to plant and conserve trees.
13. Lay stress on nationalization of the privatized primary education.
14. Remove encroachment on the Katli river in Shekhavati region.
15. Considering the large number of armymen in Sikar, a recruitment centre be opened here.
16. Open a Military education institute in Sikar.
17. Provide cheaper petrol-diesel to farmers.
18. As agriculture accounts for the livelihood of 65 percent of the population, there should be an
agricultural Budget like the Railway Budget.
19. Provide enough storage facilities for food grains in Sikar and build a cold storage.
20. National recognition for the Rajasthani language.
21. Promote industries based on minerals
22. Construct a path for pedestrians under the Sikar railroad.
23. Promote organize farming.
24. Provide adequate sanitary facilities.
25. Start an Agricultural collage in Sikar.
26. Open a Government Girls Collage in Sikar.
27. Replenish through small reservoirs.
28. Base reservation on economic status to abolish castisum.
29. Contain fluoride to ensure pure potable water.
30. Fix minimum wages at Rs. 200.
31. Conserve Revasa lake.
32. Concede RBI rate of interest (4 percent) to the small marginal farmers.
33. Implement schemes like RWARP throughout Rajasthan.
34. Extend the benefits of Rajiv Gandhi Electrification Scheme to the urban poor.
35. Promote the protection of Desi (local) cows.
36. Launch special conservation schemes to popularize the ancient forts and hills.
37. Establish a Government Medical College.
1. Ensure an equal per capita supply of the Bisalpur Dam water in Jaipur and tank.
2. Enhance the water level of the Banas river by linking it to Chambal river in order to
facilitate the adequate supply of water for drinking and agricultural purposes in Tank and
surrounding areas.
3. Restore the Isarda Dam.
4. An extensive scheme to purify the fluoride mixed water.
5. Connect tank with railways.
6. The disuses railway line at Malpura be linked with Todasai Singh and Bhilwada.
7. Redeem the pastures form the illegal hold of the influential people and thus protect animal
8. Review the guidelines of NREGA.
9. Entrust Panchayats with the responsibility of Midday meals.
10. fix a guideline for the Sawa Shiksha Abhiyan and make it mandatory for all officials and
people’s representatives.
11. Taking cue from a decreasing gender ratio, take stem steps to stop foeticide.
12. Develop the Bisalpur region of Tank District as a sanctuary and beautify the historic
Sunehri Kolhi and Hathi Bhata to promote Tourism.
13. Open Primary health centre at Gram Panchayat level.
14. Appoint a state commission for children.
Uttar Pradesh
Chail (SC)
Rae Bareli
Member of Parliament (current)
Sayda , Rubab SP
Singh, Brij Bhushan Sharan BJP
Gupta , Shyama Charan SP
Gangwar , Santosh Kumar BJP
Munshiram , RLD
Kumar , Shailendra SP
Singh , Mohan SP
Yadav , Dr Kunwar Devendra Singh SP
Yadav , Mitrasen BSP
Nishad , Mahendra Prasad BSP
Ansari , Afzal SP
Rajbhar , Chandra Dev Prasad SP
Budholiya , Rajnarayan SP
Goel , Surendra Prakash INC
Yadav , Parasnath SP
Saroj , Daroga Prasad SP
Vajpayee , Atal Bihari BJP
Chaudhary , Pankaj BJP
Dube , Ramesh BSP
Rawat , Ashok Kumar BSP
(Hasan, Munawar, BSP)
Yadav , Baleshwar NLP
Ahmad , Ateeq SP
Singh , Akshay Pratap SP
Gandhi , Sonia INC
Masood , Rasheed SP
Verma , Rajesh BSP
Pathak, Brajesh, BSP
Mishra , Dr Rajesh Kumar INC
To give Reservation in ratio of population in service education & political base to Muslims.
1. Arrangement of loan without interest to muslim commity.
2. The program of fifteen points of Pradhanmentri on state & district level by developing the
method & give information
3. To implement the recommendation of Sachhar committee & to present in Lok Shabha the
report of Rangnath Mishra commission & to level on it and decision should be taken in
favour of the Muslims.
4. To present the less of crop, Animal and human form wild Animals and enhance the amount
of Compensation and the make the payment of compensation in proper time.
5. Right should be given to the local community for utilization of fairest produce to construct
the house of.
6. Effective policy should be put into effect to concert the fairest villages into revenue villager
for which provision has fun made in the fairest policy -06.
7. While making amendment in rehabilitation policy -2007 for resettlement, river base on and
flood affected families should be included under rehalitate policy-2207.
8. Place for resettlement to the resettled families and one are agriculture land or grant in aid of
Rs 50,000- should be given for employment.
9. While conducting a ___ of version and flood affected families, recoding of actual area of the
land and on the basis of the same particular amount, give benefit to the Farmers and ___
measuring the land of leave, possession should be got accorded them.
10.To fulfill the aim of the campaign of education to all should be insured and special
provision should be made for literacy of Muslim girls and ladies.
11.Flood situation should be lessened by getting bolder clearance done from Gerua river.
12.Ration Mandi should be constructed in Sujaula region of Mihimpurusa so that the farmer
could get the care proper price of the produce.
13.Sources of transport at 24 hours should be made available in reserved fairest area so that the
people could get emergency Health and other services.
14.Special facility and priority should be given to the incompitant / handicapped / helpless /
single / lady of the resettled families.
15.On the death of Head of the Family, financial provisions should be made two times for
social security.
1. Half or “pure reservation of 50% should be given to the ladies for active partnership of such
2. Framing of clear policy for 100% implementation of Domestic Violence Act made for the
3. Separate police station for ladies and clear strategy of 100% implementation of the policy
mode for arrest.
4. Clear strategy by making occupational education policy for the women
5. Clear strategy by determination free education up to higher education for the girls.
6. Half is 50% pure reservation in all kind of Govt. and non-Govt. services for women.
7. Constitution of Distt. Commission for women in each Distt. Without any delay for women
and concrete clear strategy for this.
8. Policy of pension for old age, widow, helpless, ___ etc for woman, clear policy of 100%
9. The women are not getting appropriate health services, clear strategy of the guarantee of
100% Health services for this.
10.There should be 100% pure integration of the Tourist place separately for women because
there are many problems in the parks due to mm, clear determination of comprehensive
policy for this .
11.Thus should be legal provision for women as a result on being mistake on the part of men,
the women have to hear disgraceful comments clear strategy for this.
12.Financial benefit for all the type should be given women under National Rural Health
13.The scheduled caste should be given proper possession of their residential and non-
residential leases, clear proper strategy for this.
14.Implementation of proper and clear strategy without any delay to provide 100% claim of
want, jungle and land for the community of Scheduled Tribe
15.A separate policy for backward castes under which 100% of the facilities of service /
16.Clear strategy to provide 100% benefit of pension for old, farmer, helpless and shelter less
etc for the people of the whole castes.
17.Since birth of Higher education for the boys, clear strategy to make complete arrangement
of special scholarship and compliance of the rules made till now.
18.Clear strategy of complete arrangement Since birth to death of all type the report of for
19.On the basis of the report of Sachhar committee for minarites clear strategy for economic
and educational assistance.
20.Separate Lail Majnue operation for girls and clear strategy on molestation, abduction
comments etc in Govt. and non Govt. offices parks and tourist place etc and
21.Clear strategy of properly and 100% implementation of the law made regarding sex ration
being fell down day today.
22.Clear strategy for giving right to operation implementation to the panchayat, for all type
extension along with “Fund, Function, Functionaries.
23.Clear Strategy for election notification of “Surpacn” inter-alia __ the arrangement of Nyay
Panchayat System.
24.Clear strategy for all type banking policy, Govt. policy and notification “Transparency”
25.Clear strategy for merging of property and entire amount of M.P MLA and MLC into local
26.Clear strategy for giving rights of price assessment to the farmers inter-alia giving class of
industry to Agriculture.
27.Clear strategy for full arrangement of salary, travelling and expenses, allowances to the
members of Gram Panchayat like the members of Jial Panchayat and Area Panchayat.
28.Right to equality should be given to the members of Gram Area Panchayat also like M.P M
L A; so that the fact of public representation be as it is necessary to get the permission of
Lok Sabha Speaker during arrest of M. P as well as permission for MLA form the speaker
of legislature Assembly, such clear strategy.
29.While extending similar Anti corruption strategy for the whole country and the states, clear
strategy for the system of implementing it in similar relevant manner.
1. The ‘Kol’ community must be included as a Scheduled Tribe in Uttar Pradesh
2. The BPL quota must be increased in the districts where there are a larger number of
impoverished families.
3. The ban on the sale of forest produce must be removed and traditional forest dwellers be given
the right to sell forest produce.
4. Regions where biodiversity is under threat, such as in Bundelkhand, must be protected by
declaring them as natural reserves.
5. Farmers must be given training and economic support to promote rain water harvesting.
6. Developmental programs must also focus on the regeneration of non-fertile land.
7. A health centre must be established for every population of 5000
8. Every person should have access to clean drinking water and work to develop ‘pucca’ roads in
every village must be initiated.
9. A qualitative assessment of teaching standards must be undertaken to ensure that all children
receive comprehensive education.
10. There must be a ban on the extraction of mineral reserves.
11. Health provisions for the aged must also be made at the village level in the same way as ANMs
and ASHAs have been put in place to ensure women and children’s health.
Improve the conditions of the roads the Nanital-Bhojipura Highway as well as the roads in the
town of Bareilly.
Sanitation and Sewage problem need to be improved so that citizens can lead a healthy clean
life. Open pits and sewers are dangerous and recently it has caused three deaths in the city.
Improve the conditions of district hospital and the services provided there, even at the PHC
level. The machinery used should be functional.
City has become the mess because of the lack of cleaning facility and civic rules. It is
becoming an urban Dustbin.
The conditions of Street light are bad and worse in the city. With bad and broken roads it is
impossible to move on the road without lights but it does not catch the attention of the
administration which results in severe accidents.
Some community toilets must be built in the city at the common places and its maintenance
must be given to the local area people. It will also help in keeping the city clean.
Atikraman is one major problem of the city these days and it should be tackled seriously. Not
only in marketplaces but it there in the residential colonies also which causes traffic jams and
make the city prone to accidents.
Some more High Schools and Senior Secondary Schools must be opened at the block level to
promote education.
Opening of government approved Madarsa with modern education facilities specially in
Bhojipura block.
Improving electricity facility in the villages, because in some of the villages there is no
electricity at all, only poles and wires are there.
Sewage and Improver Sanitation is one of the major problem of the villages. Proper system
must be insured to provide them healthy living.
Small dispensary or health centres must be there at village or panchayat level to provide
medical facility to the serious patients, because the PHC is at the block level which is also not
functioning properly.
New ration cards must be issued so that people atleast have an identity/proof of their
existence in that particular village. In Bhojipura at least 50-60 families do not have a ration
card in each village.
1. Two lady doctor must be appointed in ladies hospital Railway station of chandpur Nagar
without delay and all other necessary facilities may be provided so as o sour the hospital
building of rupees lakhs in bad condition and the people of city and area could get the benefit
of the Hosptial like before free of cost and +should be given..
2. An arrangement of a Ambulance should be made for the poor helpless dalits, minorities and
the people of weaker section of society without delay in chandpur assembly area of
3. The problem of electricity in urban and Rural areas in constantly run bad without delay, 18
hours supply of electricity may be ensured in night and day.
4. Arrangement of fire Brigade at Tehsil Headquarter may be made by the Govt. with out delay
so that in case of fire, the service of fire Brigade be available to the villagers.
5. Everyday there is a problem of Jam at Railway crossing for many hours, while getting “over
bridge” constructed this problem may be solved and divider should be made on the road from
class first to Higher Education (PHD)
6. Similar free of cost education should be arranged for all the sections of society A G I C
Collage should be opened in the city.
7. On the basis of population ratio of the communities of scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and
minorities allotment of financial and other resources should be ensure by law in the annual
five year plan and Budget of the centre and spots Govt.
8. For SC ST OBC and minorities sections in Govt., public sector undertaking and private
sector, on the basis of their population reservation should be enforced by law in education
Institution, services and other commercial activities.
9. Representation and reservation in services to the women in proportion to this population
(about 5-%) in all activities, resources to be conducted b the centre state and private sector
and while replacing slaughter hauge from thickly population it should be got made for away
from the city.
10. Guarantee of necessary qualitative education, Heath services Kitchen Gas supply, Food,
water, sanitation accommodation, transplant, environment, electricity etc for living to the
person with respect.
1. Labourer building should be constructed for non-organized Labourers.
2. Shelter should be arranged for shelter less.
3. Caste and social discrimination should be abolished.
4. Possession lease should be given to the Dalit who ____ it on base.
5. Benefit of reservation should be given to backward, Dalits and Muslims.
6. Govt. dispensary should be opened in Dalit colonies.
7. 300 days work should be given in NAREPA.
8. Labourer welfare Board should be constituted in utter Pradesh
9. On the basic of the population, budget should be assessed for Dalits.
10. On the basis of population budget should be assessed for Dalits.
11. Illegal possession made by DWDA should be removed form shelter
12. Performance should be given to the unions and institutions which are working with Dalits.
13. Toilet, Hand pump, Tin shade should be installed at all the labour of Allahabad.
1. The person of most backward class had suggested that during election, the candidates of
parities make long conversation. They peromise to get appropriate arrangement made by the
Govt. for __ cloth and house beet they do not perform.
2. Some person suggested that Employment as work relating to livelihood is a maternal issue all
the parties should include it in thin manifesto.
3. Health education and security which is very necessary for the development of a country, the
Govt. should be very serious on this issue and all the parties should include it in their
4. The Govt. implements the policies but a lat of problem commission in its implementation
because social __in not so alert that could understand to this
.Therefore, it is the main
responsibility of the Govt. to include appropriate compliance of the policies in its manifesto.
5. Safety of environment is normal responsibility of each person, for getting relief form it, the
Govt. should included the work of drinking water, sulabh toilet and plantation as cullers
proceeding in its manifesto at village and block level.
6. While making development of the ___of scheduled tribes, backward clarn and of general
category as well as mast backward in a phased manner, they should be connected in main
stream of the nation. The parties should make the appropriate arrangement for this in their
7. The relief for disaster management which is given by the Govt. it taken time and process
becomes long that it is not so effective for the person, therefore, appropriate arrangement for
disaster management should be made at Gram Sabha level so as to get early benefit to the
person. This type of issues should be included by the parties in their manifesto.
8. Today, communalism, castism, regionalsion, classism has become a big problem for the
whole world, due to this, the society and country is bring divided, therefore, this amoral
responsibility of the Govt. to undertake appropriate analysis before issuance of any scheme or
law so that our social and national integrity could not be affected. It should be included in the
main manifesto of the parties.
9. Terrorism is a main problem of today. Unemployment and starvation are the main reason for
this. National Conscious is also going to finish gradually. Therefore, the Govt. should include
good atmosphere and good policies in its manifesto to develop the national conscious.
10. Good maintenance for women, children and old person alongwith good health facilities and
appropriate security, the responsibility of women and children are the main duties of the
Govt., therefore, arrangement of appropriate development should be made in the manifesto
Lack of education in rural area
Shortage of roads in rural area and urban area.
Govt. indifference in rural area.
Women empowerment
Shortage of employment ration.
Problem of the Farmers
To create national awaking in the society.
1. Employment should be made available to job card holders made under NREGA.
2. Transparency should be made in public distribution system and distribution should be insured
every month.
3. Quality of midday meal of and educational system operated by the Govt. at primary schools
and Angawari centers should be improved.
4. B P L card may be made available to the families living below poverty line.
5. The benefit of residential facility should be made available by the Govt. to the illegible
6. Mother and intent vaccination at rural lever should be got insured on the prescribed day.
7. Possession should be got insured to the bare holders on their base.
8. The base of agricultural land laying vacant at the villager may be allotted.
9. Benefit of old, widow may be provided to the illegible persons.
10. Performance may be given to the handicapped person in the allocation of ____ and
11. Approach of the Revenue ____ working at rural level should be got insured.
12. Sufficient arrangement of water clearance should be made at the village.
1. There must be a limit on election expenses and a common platform for candidates to
communicate with the people. Candidates who have been involved in criminal acts or
corruption must not be allowed to contest elections.
2. A law to enable voters to recall the elected representative must be enacted.
3. Steps to end corruption must be taken and measures to make India a fully developed nation by
2015 must be put into place.
4. Stringent legislation to protect Indian culture and respect for senior citizens must be made.
5. There must be a uniform curriculum, fee structure across the country
6. The National Youth Policy must be put into effect and a program to ensure employment or an
allowance for youth should be instituted.
7. Agricultural policies protecting the needs of farmers should be implemented to ensure that
farmers receive a fair price for their produce and also protecting important water sources
including the Yamuna, Ganga and Pandu rivers,
8. There should be a national policy to ensure the adequate distribution of clean drinking water.
9. Five kilometers of the Yamuna tract in Fatehpur block should be declared as part of the
Bundelkhand region and facilities be made available.
10. There must be a uniform policy for the registration and other procedures related to voluntary
1. The Constitution must be fully implemented
2. The Right to Free and Compulsory Education for children (Art. 45) as promised in the
Constitution must be implemented
3. The Zamindari System must be fully abolished and the Land Ceiling Act must be implemented
4. There must be an end to the caste system through the implementation of Abolition of
Untouchability Act
5. Government programs must be implemented effectively without any scope for corruption
6. Public education on the Domestic Violence Act 2005 must be prioritized
7. Men and Women should be paid equal wages.
8. Land should not be owned only by men, instead the joint ownership of land by men and
women should be implemented
9. Bank accounts must also be jointly operated by men and women
10. Liquor shops should not be located near Dalit communities and the sale of liquor must be
1. Housing & Food Security for people living below the poverty line should be ensured
2. The widespread corruption in the distribution of BPL cards needs to be exposed and put to an
3. Mau district must be linked to the air route
4. The growing incidence of AIDS in Mau district must be stopped
5. Playgrounds for children must be created at the Gram Panchayat level to enable girls and boys
to play
6. To promote women's higher education, financial support of Rs. 10,000 for High School, Rs.
20,000 for Intermediate and Rs. 30,000 for graduation must be provided
7. Youth must be necessarily provided with employment
8. As youth form 50 per cent of India's population, they must be made equal partners in the
political process
9. The textile mills of Mau district must be restarted
10. Technical education must be provided to encourage entrepreneurship
1. Education- (a) Due to the shortage of lady Teachers in primary presecondary, secondary, and
Higher education are becoming affected, therefore, the requirement of Teachers, female
Teachers may be fulfilled as per requirement so as to insure all round development of girls and
boys alongwith education with quality.
a. Keeping in view the importance of Agriculture in parliamentary area, the Bharama Nand
Collage may be given the class of Agriculture university.
b. Latest modern system of Training of Technical Education be made in charkhari Maudha.
2. Roads, Rail Transport – Road are in bad condition rural main roads even them transportations
is becoming difficult due to bad condition of National Highway No.86 More than 50% Village
of parliamentary area should be connected to any main road and appropriate system chankariHamirpur (Headquarter) of the operation of Buses for transportation be connected with Railway
line, Rail line extension for direct Delhi and Lucknow form Khujroho – as a result the whole
parliamentary area will get the benefit of transportation by which the Tourist centre Charkhari,
Mahaba too could be developed.
3. Irrigation and drinking water about 260 village of parliamentary area including Maudah,
Mahaba, Kabrai face the problem of drinking water. There is shortage of appropriate sources of
crop irrigation, which resources are there, these are being ignored. Water for agriculture
produce in charkhari may be made available form urmil dam located at the high for which
pachpahara dam may be made the medium, Traditional water resources may be reserved for
drinking water and their ___ is necessary.
4. Health: Health services in Parliamentary area are very badly affected, so it is necessary to
insure to reform the system of Health Centre running at present, availability of latest Modern
facility of medical in the village of lib population, special care of senior citizens, intents and be
available free of cost medicine, to remover the shortage of equipments and specialists for
5. Development of employment oriented industry: It is very necessary to set up employment
oriented industry in parliamentary area which are rated to rural produce so that the forum could
get proper price of the products to be produced at the village and unemployment youth could
get the employment, as a result of this, it will provide sues in preventing large scale escaping.
National Economy also could be strengthened due to developed village oriented industry. To
bring transparency in the Govt. services and it is necessary to comply with the reservation so
that the __ of depressed and backward be protected.
6. Electricity : Since the supply of electricity in rural areas of the parliamentary area is almost nil
there are many difficulties in which includes to be closed the small scale industries. The
members of such villages are in plentiful where only plain are created and the wire of lines are
disappointed so it is necessary to install the view of line for making supply of electricity
comprehensively up to the village. The security of line in rural areas may be made on important
7. Agriculture resources and transparency: Agriculture is an important employment is
Bundelkhand. Therefore, the fetislism should be available to the farmers easily. It is necessary
to be better quality thereof. The condition of loan form Banks should be made easy for the
farmers and the entire compulsion of the mortgage should be made feasible. Tickets should not
be given to the criminals so that such person could not get the entry in parliament and
legislatures through polities. Gradually member of parliament and member of legislative
Assembly, bunds have gone under corruption. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate the amount
allotted for development through any one head only as to which the accountability could be
8. Mineral Conservation: Mineral, mountain and sand are important resources of income in the
parliamentary area. If the income ___ through them is utilized in the development true the speed
of development will be very fast. It should be insured that the nature could not be explaited in
sound mixing form the mountains and rivers, nor the environmental balance become bad.
9. Corruption: On account of corruption in the development works, very bit part of development
fund is disappeared. The quality of education is becoming affected from the current policy of
midday meal to be given in the schools. Therefore while chamging the nature thereof, it should
be given to the students as grain. It is necessary to get the loans strictly compelled with the
development oriented, relating to fundamental rights and employment oriented.
10. Pension assistance caste: The amount of old age pension disabled person, widow person etc
should be increased so that they could pass their general livelihood easily and they could not
have to bound for dependent living disgraceful life. It is necessary to get the loan of low interest
of books made available to senior citizens.
1. A member or official of the party should not be made a candidate to the criminal person.
2. The Govt. gave the expenditure of education to the children.
3. The Govt. gave the expenditure of medical to keep all the person healthy as per requirement.
4. Give the govt. services or job to one person form each house.
5. There is a ratio of ½ or 1/3 between Govt job and wage.
6. There should be a bridge on the canal at every three kilometer.
7. The difference among economic gap, poverty and richness should be divided.
8. Fearless Distt. Should be made.
9. All the people of village should have Agriculture.
10. Intoxicated free state should be made.
There must be equal distribution of land. Instead of BPL cards the poor should receive land.
Common school system must be implemented.
Voters must be given the right to recall an MP or MLA who is not functioning well.
Employment must be provided across the year through NREGA and the minimum wage must
be revised to Rs. 200.
5. Voters must be able to reject electoral candidates who are not found suitable for the post and in
the instance that candidates are not found suitable the election must be conducted afresh.
6. Reservations for persons with disabilities must also be integrated from the Parliament to the
Panchayat level.
7. There must be a doctor for every village.
1. Free of cost Electricity may be got made available to the farmers of small and medium category
for Agriculture.
2. The person of SC/ST, __ from main stream of society and development may be provided land,
education, accommodation water, employment, medical facility, pension Antyodya Ration
Card, NREGA job card, contact road, electricity etc facilities by giving performance.
3. 200 days employment guarantee to each adult person under National Rural Employment
Guarantee Law.
4. The whole land of he Govt. and public sector should be distributed to the landless families
without delay.
5. On the bases of the ratio of the population of SC, ST and minority communities, the financial
resources may be allotted.
6. For the communities of SC, AT, backward class and minorities, reservation should be in private
sector on the bases of their population.
7. 50% reservation may be given for the women in the Govt. and private sector including
8. There should be uniform qualitative education, Health services, meal water, sanitation,
accommodation Transportation, Environment electricity etc.
9. Fundamental reform is electoral system. There should be a right to recall the elected public
10. To remove discrimination on the basis of caste, sex color and religion, detailed programmer to
promote scientific outlook, peace and religious endurance and resources for them should be
11. Details of the expenditure of M.P, M L A and councilor fund should be published in the
12. Check on the concession to be given to the industrialist and income and saving to be received
from this should be utilized to abolish the poverty of the country.
13. Democratization of Judiciary, police and law media as well as political parties should be
1. National urban employment Guarantee low should be made for the guarantee of at least 200
days employment to urban poors and it should be implemented.
2. Guarantee of 200 days employment for each adult person may be insured in place of 100 days
employment guarantee to each family under national rural employment guarantee low.
3. All the schemes of central and state govt.s may be implemented with honesty and Tripartite
Empowered committee may be constituted at each level for continues care thereof in which the
Govt. officer, elected public representative and member of public organization / voluntary
organist ions should be included.
4. For getting the targets fixed by the Govt. is 11th Five year plan and development targets,
announce annual target based on the situation of National provincial and parliamentary area and
necessary human, departmental and administrative resources may be made available for them.
5. The central Govt. and state Govt. may distribute 90% share of the whole land of the possession
of the Govt. along with celling and nonceling to the landless families without delay.
6. The allotment of departmental and other resources may be insured by law in the annual fiver
year plans and budget of the central and state Govt. on the basis of the ratio of the population of
SC, ST and minority Communities.
7. Reservation may be embraced by law in the educational Institution, services and other
commercial activities for SC, ST, backward class and minority communities in Govt. public and
private sector on the basis of their population
8. About 50% reservations to woman in the whole activities, resources representation and services
to be conducted by the centre, state and private sector.
9. Guarantee of necessary qualitative education, health, services, meal, water, sanitation,
accommodation, transportation, environment, electricity etc for living respected life to every
10. Fundamental __ in electoral system for empowerment of Indian democracy total abolition of
discrimination superstition on the basis of caste, sex, color and religion, announcement of
detailed programme to promote scientific
outlook, peace, friendship, ____and religious
endurance and commitment of resources for this.
11. Transparent process for proper use of MP, MLA and councilor funds and advertisement of each
expenditure in the news paper.
12. Proper management of seed, manure, laam and irrigation for the promotion of Indian
13. Ban on the relief, tax rebate, concessional loans and facilities to be given to the industrialists
and utilization of this amount to remove the property and bad condition of the country and for
the development of domestic job.
14. To ensure the dimarategation of judiciary, police and law pander, media and political parties for
making strong to the democracy of the Country.
15. Immediate ban on the baour ribarms bases on the market and to ensure the rights of the laborers
of organized and non-organized sector of the Country.
1. Still necessity of job card ban work to the volunteer persons under Employment Guarantee Act,
2005 at local level so that their poverty could be abolished.
2. It is very difficult to get full employment of 100 days out of 365 days to the job card holders.
3. Due to shortage of the Teachers in Primary School / junior High schools, education of the
children is not getting completed.
4. There is a need of factory under parliamentary area Maharajganj so that the people could get the
employment at local level.
5. Maharjaganj Headquarter may be connected to the Railway route so that contact could be made
to the entire India.
6. There is a need of Information centre at the three level of panchayat (Gram/ Nayay/area
panchayat and information may be exchanged by the nominated person among the villagers.
7. Adequate electricity may be supplied for giving speed to the development process in rural
8. Even today the poor family is not getting accommodation old age pension and widow pension.
Facility should be provided to the eligible persons.
9. Consumption of liquer may be removed ban rural circle.
10. Material to be distributed from the cheap fain shop of Govt. Ration may be made on unit bared.
The constituency should be developed and the voice of the people must be heard
Unemployment must be removed
The Member of Parliament must walk alongside the people
The Member of Parliament must not be partial to any one community
The Member of Parliament should be literate
Schools for girls must be opened in the gram panchayat
We will not support a Member of Parliament who comes to us only for votes and is not seen
for the rest of the term
8. Employment oriented education must be provided for youth
9. Youth are 'used' in the election process but their needs are not met
10. Training centre catering to the intellectual and emotional development of youth must be
11. A mini-stadium must be created in our constituency
12. The Member of Parliament must give attention to building health, education and infrastructure
in the village. Hospitals and Sanitation facilities must be created
13. The Member of Parliament must have a clean image and must not be involved in any criminal
activities. S/he must be known to at least 50 per cent of the constituency.
14. The Member of Parliament must not engage in any activities which would be adverse to the
15. We will demand a 'Promisory Note' from each candidate so that they cannot divert from their
agenda after the elections.
1. To implement the facilities to Dalit woman & their girls village stage & give employment to
2. To prevents shop the exploitation on Dalit reforms.
3. To give special attention on market bases reforms.
4. Increase the number of days for employment handed to the hundred days.
1. Hazi Kamil Sidduque, Distt. Present of Awani Action Committee sought the CBI to implement
the report of Sachhar committee and for not submitting a report by the commission constituted for
the inquiry of Gujrat riat.
2. It was demanded by Sadar Habiturehman of All India Mili Council that the rights given to the
minorities are proving because the educational institutions have to pass through a long process for
getting the Minority Institution declared, it should be simplified.
3. Farmer president of Tehsil Bar Sangh demanded that the lawyer, should be brought under pension
after the age of sixty years.
4. Puran Singh prajapati, member of National prajapati Mahasangh demanded to include the
prajapati caste in scheduled caste.
5. Pradhan of Arya Samaj Sh. Dharmendra Tomar demanded for complete ban on cow assassination
and to accord rigorous penalty to the guilty.
6. Farmer Distt. President of Jaat Mahasabh, Sh. Pankaj Rathi demanded the reservation in
scheduled at National level.
7. Distt. President of poor christeam libration movement, Siril Joj demanded for complete fan on the
sale of the land of Christian which is in the name of church schools and collages and no land of
church should be sold after warship Act 1947. while getting the probe of the land which has ban
sold by the church officers, proceeding should be ensured.
8. Distt. President of N. Q. N (Muslim kami Mukthida) Maulana Mahamad Ali demanded that the
facility of Dalit reservation should be given to dalit muslims.
9. President of committee, smt. Rajkumari signh demanded far 33% reservation to woman in
10. Ex. Co-ordinator of Joint women programmme, flarance Masih demand to make a National
substantial law on the trade of women and children.
11. President of Dr Ambdekar Welfare Committee, Sh. Ganga Ram demanded to construct the
Ambedkar Community Building in the city and urban areas.
12. Diss. President of Rashtray kishan Jagarati Manch, manish chaudhary demanded to prepare a
National sugarcame policy for the farmers.
13. Members of Jaat Mahasabha sh. Sanjay Ahalawat demanded to add ‘yaga education chapter in the
education by removing adult education.
14. Sh. Vimal Kumar of Jain Samaj demanded to declare the join samaj as Minority Samaj at
National level.
15. Dsitt. President of Youth Gujjar Mahasbha, Sh. Dimag Singh Advocate demanded to get the
Gujjar, included in SC/ST at National level and to get vimukt caste reservation implemented
16. Sloghter Haures established in the city maybe established out side the boundary of the city. Water
charges maybe exempted in the city where the drinking water lines have ban installed but even a
single drop of water is not supplied there. Electricity arrangement should be insured for 24 hours
during Board examinations.
17. While making a particular plan on basic ___ of domestic valance such as gambling intoxication,
these should be abolished.
18. Community halls may be constructed for marriage and other ceremony in the city.
19. Girls Higher Secondary school may be established in the city in which science subject may be
In Gram Sabha area there is water gathering and mud on main road due to lack of drain system.
Public ponds of Gram Sabha most be digging up.
There must be plantation on public land.
There must be arrangement of Stadium for playing of youth at the Rural level.
There must be arrangement of solan energy at the rural level for development of village.
Works for 365 days must be given under the NREGA.
Rs. 18000 must be given for annual allowance on non availability of work.
Due to non-payment on time for sugarcane to farmers they have started less production of
sugarcane so there should be arrangement for timely payment of sugarcane.
9. From connecting roads there must be arrangement for pitch in rural area.
10. There must be arrangement for drinking water at the public places.
11. It is demand of women that there must be a Women’s Collage within area of 4 to 5 km.
12. There must be equal right for the women in property of their husbands.
13. There must be arrangement of hospital for women’s delivery at the rural level.
14. Cuttivation lands must be made available to Mushhan caste.
15. Problem of electricity must be solved.
16. Reservation must be finished among youths.
17. Elections should be banned in collages.
18. Employment must be made available according to the qualifications.
19. Closed health centers at the rural level must be opened.
20. Scams in Govt. projects by village heads must be investigated.
1. Shramik Bhavan should be made for unorganized labouresss.
2. There should be arrangement of shelter for shelter less people.
3. Discrimination on basis of Caste and social must be abolished.
4. Possession of lands should be made available for Patta given to the Dalits.
5. Benefit of reservation must be made available to the Backward and Dalit Muslims.
6. Govt. Dispencesary must be opened in the Dalit Colonies.
7. 300 days employment must be arranged under the NREGA.
8. There must be composition of Labourers Welfare Board in Uttar Pradesh.
9. Allocation of budget for the Dalits according to the their population.
10. DUDA should remove illegal occupation in Rain Barseast (shelters).
11. Free tubewells must be provided for irrigation in the fields.
12. Priority must be given to organizations working with Dalits.
13. At the all labourer circles in Allahabad Toilets, Handpumps and Tin Shed should be build up.
1. The closed Auto and Tractor factories in Pratapgarh must be revived or alternative
governmental or private industry be established with provision for prioritize employment of
local youth.
2. An Agricultural Training and Information Centre must be set up at the level of each Gram
Panchayat to enable farmers to receive support for ground testing, selection of seeds,
techniques to deal with farm diseases etc.
3. Childless aged persons should be give a monthly pension of at least Rs. 2000 and an old age
home must be set up in every Gram Panchayat.
4. Families above the poverty line holding a ration card must also be entitled to subsidized grain,
rice and sugar.
5. The MP / MLA Fund must be spent based on the decisions of the Gram Sabha or else this
provision should be discontinued.
6. The Sachar Committee recommendations must be implemented and accordingly degrees
provided by Madrasas must be recognized and Urdu must be declared as a second national
7. In keeping with Article 341 of the Indian Constitution, reservations for Muslims must also be
brought into effect and Muslim Dalits must be included in the Scheduled Caste list should be
accorded the same provisions for reservation and other government facilities.
8. Employment provided under NREGA must be increased to 200 days and work must
necessarily be provided. Unemployment allowance must be given to job card holders who are
not duly engaged.
9. 50 per cent of seats in legislature must be reserved for women.
Rae Bareli
In the every village Hand pumps must be set up on basis of 15-20 homes.
To all Ration Card holders atleast 5 Lt. Kerosene and 5 kg. Sugar must be provided.
In every village permanent drainage system must be build up for passing out of water.
In every villages where there are raw material houses, a colony must be developed.
In all primary and middle schools there must be a teacher on every 30 children.
In all primary and middle schools conservation cost of food for children must be atleast Rs. 5
and ration must be increased from 100 Grms. To 150 Grms.
7. For 5-6 years old Angnwadi Centres children 1 year pre-primary classes must be started in
primary schools and they must be given all the facilities that are given to other children of
primary schools.
8. There must be provision of oldage pension for all of the persons above age of 6 years.
9. 6 committee of Panchayats must be revived and without their signature no incomeexpenditure of any work be supposed complete.
10. Recognising education and health as basic needs atleast 6 percent of GDP must be spent on
education and 6 percent also on health.
11. For Girls education there must be arrangement of schools for middle education on distance of
atleast 2 km. and for inter education it must be on distance of 4 km.
12. There must be arrangement of a sub-centre on every 4 km distance or on population of 2000.
13. On every Block level Collage must be set up on distance of 5 km.
14. To increase women’s leadership atleast 2-3 Women’s Development centres must be set up at
every Nyaya Panchayat level and there must be arrangement of training exposure for leading
women’s with sufficient information.
15. There must be Compulsory recruitment of atleast 4-5 women teachers for every primary
school upto Degree Collage.
16. There must be separate arrangement of trainings for women panchayat representatives.
17. In middle level schools syllabus like as adolescent girls life related life style skill fullness
education must be adopted.
18. To encourage atleast 3 to 4 Bar Girls in a year programmes must be organized in the schools.
1. For urban poor National urban employment Guarantee Act.
2. Under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 200 days employment guarantee for
every adult person.
3. For continued inspection of govt. plans at every level setting up of Triparte powered
4. For achieving targets of 11th five years plan and centenary development annual declaration of
targets and resources.
5. All the lands of Govt. and Public sector must be distributed among landless families.
6. Allotment of financial and other resources on basis of population of SC, ST and Minority
communities proportion.
7. In private sector reservation for SC, ST, BC and minority communities.
8. 50 percent reservation for women in Govt. sector and private sector excluding the parliament.
9. Guarantee of equal quality education, health services, food, water, senetary, housing,
transport, environment, electricity etc.
10. Fundamental improvement in election system. Right to call back elected representatives.
11. Remove discrimination on basis of caste, gender, colour and religion, scientific attitude,
detailed programmed for encouragement of peace and religious tolerance and announcement
of resources for it.
12. Advertisement in New papers about details of expenditure of MP, MLA and corporation
councilor fund.
13. For progress of Indian agriculture appropriate arrangement of seeds, fertilizer, loans and
14. Ban of relief given to industrialists and use of its income and savings to remove poverty in
the century.
15. Democratization of Judiciary, police and law & order, media, and political parties must be
16. Early ban on improvements based on market and ensurement of rights.
17. Early build up of Saharnpur by pass load (for which survey has been already done) so that
there can be relief in heavy burden of traffic in the city.
18. For wide access of health services to the public construction work of under construction
medical collages must be speed up.
19. Construction of proposed airport in the city be ensured.
20. All the colonies of the city must be regularized.
21. Construction of long awaited railway fly over at media mill gate must be complete soon to
open for the public.
22. Construction of Hostel for girls coming for studies for remote areas.
1. Computer centres at different places must be opened for youths of all communities Govt.
must arrange ITI centres at Gram Panchayat level.
2. Campaign must be initated for oldage pernsion, kisan pension for oldage men and women.
3. There must be arrangement of pesticide medicines, fertilizer, seed, irrigation tubewell at
subsidized rates for all of the farmers.
4. landless people of SC & ST must be given Indria Awas and Red card.
5. there must be guarantee of 200 days for per youth person under the National Employment
Guarantee Act.
6. All of the lands of Govt. and private sectors must be immediately given to the landless
7. National urban employment guarantee act must be made or urban poor.
8. There must be 50 percent reservation for women in Govt and private sectors including the
9. There must be guarantee for quality education, health services, food, water sanitary,
transport, environment, electricity etc. for the society.
10. In coming election of Loak Sabha all of the political parties should not given ticket to the
persons of criminal backgrounds.
1. There must be quantee of right of life for common man and also guarantee of employment
for every person. Liveliwood Allowance must be given to educate / uneducated unemployed
till the permanent employment up to minimum pay level.
2. There must be no development of India according to the people which have forty percent
wealth of the country. Development must be keeping in the view remaining 99 percent
people among them interest of 40 percent population living under poverty must be given
perfences. Economy of the country be faced from on going global marketing in influence of
imperialistic capitalist. There must be model development on basis of Swadesh and self
depend There must be ban on acquirement of fertile agriculture land for use of development
projects. In the development projects in which there is essentiality of acquirement of
agriculture land farmers must be included in ownership of that projects alongwith assurance
of their permanent rehabilitation
3. New effective agriculture policy must be prepared and agriculture must be given status of
industry. Interest of marginal and small farmers must be caned. Land reforms must be
completed in five years period. On the land allotted the landless their prossession must be
assured. Easy loan facility, fertilizer, seeds, electricity, irrigation, diesel etc. like basic
facilities must be assured. There must be development of local small and cottage industries
based on products of agriculture products. The schemes and facilities declared for farmers are
is net of corruption, bureaucracy and discrimination, it must be freed. There must be
guarantee of immediate payment of appropriate prices of agriculture products. Cost of
Agriculture products is increasing and production capacity in the fields is decreasing. There
is need of appropriate management for betterment of it. Profitable support prices must be
declared on basis of price index of all of the products of agriculture so that farmers must be
free from suicide, loan and helplessness.
4. There must be guarantee of employment security for all of the unorganized, irregular
contract, seasonal, labourese, pheriwales, masons, domestic labourese, labourers, artisans. In
labour laws amendment against interest of labourers must be cancelled. Special initiative
must be given to the small and cottage industries. On appropriate issues right of non-agree,
protest, bycott of works must be assured. Time to time amendment on basis of price index in
their wage rate. They must be made available of appropriate hoildays, cheap health and
medical facilities.
5. During the oldage of small and marginal farmer and unorganized labourers for assurance of
guarantee of facilityful life effective Govt. contribution alongwith insurance and pension and
graceful facilities must be assured.
6. For physically challenged persons equality of opportunities must be assured as their National
rights. For maximum development of their capacity opportunities and means must be assured
so that they can play respectable important partnership in the Govt. and non-Govt. service
section and profession.
7. No one live without education. There must be compulsory duty of state for arrangement of
quality and effective education system and equal education for girls and boys. Compulsory
and free education up to 12th standered. Double triple education should be finished complete
ban on marketing of education. There must be ban on communalisation of education or
foreign type approach. There must be national consesus on education system and syllabus
based on values of human society free of caste, religion, communities-gender discrimination
free form regionalism – provinceism, equality friendly so that there can be no change in
education system on the change of Govt. Law school system must be introduced.
8. complete ban on marketing of water like basic natural resources. Polluting of water
including environment pollution must be recognized as rigid punionable crime availably of
pure drinking water for common public must be ensured
9. M L A or M P development fund given through people’s representatives must be finished
and must be alotd of local bodies by name of people’s development fund any compulsory
liability of responsible persons. It should be compulsory to bring in knowledge of public by
publishing full annual details of their works and expenditure on M..L .A ‘s and M.P’ s and
must be made available on their demands. In condition of defection of any elected
representative after resignation of M L A’s and M. P ‘s their facility must be assured. There
must be complete ban contesting of election of criminal background person. It must be
compulsory for persons for people’s representatives being voter that area. There must be
effective control on limitation of election expenditure.
10. There must be effective ban on criminalization of polilics. Political parties must be made
responsible in this regard. There must be ban on contesting election for persons charged in a
crime. Right to vote is incomplete right – right to reject all the candidates and right to call
back the electoral representatives must be included in it.
1. Preference be given to the basic needs of common people in the national development policy
2. The management system of land, water and forest in every panchayat be rectified, transparent
and free from corruption. The forest policy be at first beneficial to the forest dwellers.
3. All adult healthy members of every Panchayat be guaranteed employment. Every field gets
water and every hand work.
4. Our economy be primarily based on agriculture and welfare of farmers
5. The decentralized cottage industry of weaving / textiles be restored to the benefits of thousands
of weavers in Poorvanchal
6. Under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act all labourers in a panchayat get
employment guarantee throughout the year with reasonably sustainable wages
7. All welfare schemes be free from corruption
8. All boys and girls till the age of 18 be given compulsory and free education
9. Every Panchayat be held responsible for primary education to every child of the panchayat.
Primary schools be managed by Panchayats.
10. Every Panchayat gets and supervises one primary health centre
11. Reform in the Legal System: Easy availability of justice to the poor. Panchayats be free from
litigations; amicable compromise settlements of disputes at panchayat level
12. National reservation policies should not be based on caste considerations, but on conditions of
economic deprivation and social marginalization of individuals and families.
13. Preferential option for the poor and empowerment of the weak be an accepted principle in the
development process
14. In the name of religion no discrimination of minorities. National Integration and communal
harmony be a common concern of all.
15. Prevention of violence and terror activities through concrete development programmes
Andhra Pradesh
11. CC Roads and Drainages ( Houses of the Poor get flooded in rain)
12. Safe drinking water ( at least one tap for street)
13. Street lights , garbage bins – at least one each per street
14. Community hall in every habitation
15. Compound wall for every school especially for those on the main road sides
16. House sites and houses and title deeds for all the poor
17. Pensions for all the deserving
18. corruption-free quality health and Educational services
19. Job guarantee cards and jobs for all deserving
20. livelihood as per each one’s skills
1. Safe drinking Water
2. Proper roads and drainages as rainy water comes into the houses
3. Loans to artisans, weavers and other handicrafts men
4. Solve erratic and low voltage power supply
5. Electricity supply for all houses
6. Livelihood as per skills, job guarantee cards and jobs to all deserving
7. House sites, houses and titled deeds
8. Compound wall s for the schools, community halls for all habitations.
9. Anganwadis for all habitations
11. All Political Parties shall come out with specific package for Weaving industry, since about
2 lakh weavers are suffering a lot in Hindupur Constituency.
12. The historical Lepakshi temple shall be renovated & protected and developed as a tourist
13. All political parties shall promise for the establishment of ESI Hospital at Hindupur, since
the sanction funds were diverted & pending since a long time.
14. Infrastructure & Facilities at Hindupur industrial estate shall be improved. New industries
to be started. Textile Park shall be established. Separate Schools & Hospitals for industrial
workers shall be established.
15. Special package for the Minorities development shall be initiated, since Hindupur is one of
the minorities’ concentrated places. Urdu language has to be developed. Separate Urdu
junior & degree colleges shall be started. Funds to APS Minorities Finance corporation
shall be increased. Political reservations to Muslims shall be given.
16. Hindupur General Hospital hall be upgraded with 500 bedded hospital from 100 bedded
hospital. Blood Bank shall be established at the hospital. DGO Post shall be sanctioned to
the Maternity hospital.
17. Water and sanitation facilities at Hindupur and rural areas shall be improved. Underground
drainage system at Hindupur municipality shall be developed.
18. Government schools & colleges shall be developed instead of encouraging Corporate
schools and colleges.
19. Roads shall be widened and Flyovers shall be built for better traffic at Hindupur. Park shall
be developed.
20. All political parties shall come out special package for Women’s empowerment. Loans &
Skill development Trainings shall be provided. Women reservation bill has to be approved
immediately. Political reservations/Party tickets at all stages shall be given.
1. There is direct unemployment and indirect unemployment existing, in villages some people
will have work for 6 to 7 months. The remaining 5 months government has to show
employment to all the seasonal employees under NREGS scheme or other schemes.
2. Though there are many colleges exiting in Bapatla constituency employment problems are
heavy. A big industry which provides employment to 4 to 5 thousand people is much
needed. (Subjective to the Environmental norms).
3. Many villages are thirst for water. Protected water facility or sufficient quantity taking
tanks are lacking. Protected water facilities have to be provided in all the villages.
Irrigation facilities shall be improved.
4. Municipalities/Panchayats has to improve sanitation facilities like mosquitoes killings,
wastage/ garbage lifting are to be provided in same areas there are no burial grounds and
they are to be provided.
5. There are many homeless people. As the families increasing they are not finding roof to
live in. government issuing pattas but not putting the recipients into physical possessions of
plots. So, patta along with physical possession of plot is to be made compulsory. Further
the size present of pattas is Ac 0.01 cents or Ac. 0.1 ½ cents which is insufficient and the
size of the plot should be not less than Ac. 0.02 ½ cent or 0.03 cents.
6. City buses are to be provided for the sake of college going students/people coming to
Bapatla on various works to offices which provide s cheap transportation.
7. Passenger’s trains have to be increased. Stage to stage trains like Tenali to Ongole, Ongole
to Nellore, Tenali to Vijaywade, Tenali to Repalle etc. shall be provided.
8. Irrigation facilities have to be increased to the agricultural sector. Village tanks small
canals are to be provided. Sprinkler Irrigation, drip Irrigation facilities shall be provided
free of cost or at 75% subsidy are also to be provided on subsidy basis to the flowery
culture and horticulture crops.
9. The proposed National Highway through Bapatla town has to be look back as the traffic in
Bapatla town is increasing, it is not safe to have the highway through Bapatla instead of
that a Bye-Pass road which connects Karlapalem via Pharmacy has to be thought of.
10. Instead of giving waste land to SEZs or to big industrialists, it has to be allocated poor and
land peoples unemployed of our area who can create their employment through agriculture.
11. Small artisans to get preference in Bank loans, or separate financial corporation are to be
created to help them.
12. Youth and women’s groups are to be trained in agriculture; seedlings growing so that they
may grow the groves which help the environment create employment which is beneficiary
to them.
13. In Uppugunduru/Chirala Sea coast, there are many salt lands; they have to be given to the
salt growing farmers instead of giving them too big industries.
14. Some of the people are converting the agriculture land into fish ponds/Prawn tanks which
ultimately causing damage to agriculture lands of other people and also causing injury to
atmosphere. Stick action has to be taken against such person who converts agriculture lands
into fish ponds. Concerned department has to take action against such people who works
against EMPEDA Rules.
15. Child labour becomes big menace and children are loosing their happy childhood, stringent
steps and solution to be adopted to eradicate this problem.
1. Railway double line shall be developed between Guntur – Naadikudi and Guntur – Tenali
and Circular be introduced between Vijaywada, Guntur and Tenali. The Pinakini Express
shall run via Guntur, Laying double line between Nadikudi – Bibinagar shall be taken up
immediately. Similarly, Ratnachal Express shall start from Guntur.
2. Agriculture Marketing Yard (Mirchi Yard) shall be constructed away from the town.
Separate, CHILLIS BOARD shall be established at Guntur.
3. Aero drum/ Airport at Guntur shall be sanctioned and commenced immediately.
4. Guntur being the spinningh hub, B.Tech (Textiles) course shall be introduced in the
Engineering colleges situated in and around Guntur.
5. An IIT shall be sanctioned and commenced in Guntur region and Scientific Centre shall be
6. Regional Passport office shall be started at Guntur.
7. To facilitate smooth flow of traffic, under ground bridge shall be sanctioned and
constructed at 1/14, Brodipet, Guntur. Similarly, Level-crossings for only bi-cycles,
rickshaws and two wheelers adjacent to the over-Bridge shall be sanctioned.
8. e-seva centers shall be developed and allowed to receive police complaints, house plan
approval applications and applications and applications to government appointments.
9. Steps shall be taken to establish more no of courts to facilitate expeditious of civil and
criminal cases.
10. Police commissioner ate shall be established at Guntur.
11. Basic infrastructure shall be developed in a radius of 10 kms of Guntur to develop cluster
towns and roads shall be widened and flyovers shall be built traffic and city Buses (RTC)
shall be run in Guntur.
12. Drinking water facilities shall be improved and under ground drainage system shall be
sanctioned and developed immediately.
13. Storage and marketing infrastructure shall be developed in rural area at least at mandal
head quarters. Rural sanitation and drainage be improved.
14. ESI in patient hospital shall be sanctioned and commenced at Guntur.
15. Pre paid and taxis system shall be introduced under the constant supervision of police.
Women, weaker sections and minority issues:
01. Muslim university shall be sanctioned and commenced immediately.
02. Loans shall be sanctioned directly to the Muslims through Minorty Corporation.
03. Closure of belt shops shall be taken up immediately.
04. HIV test shall be made mandatory before marriage for both male and female.
05. Hostels shall be constructed the girls and working women.
06. SC, ST and Minorities shall be given Rs. 25000/- extra in constructing houses.
07. Guntur shall be recognized as Minority concentrated area and relevant benefits be
08. Separate independent campus shall be sanctioned to the minority polytechnic college.
09. Budgetary allotments shall be made for the benefit of the widows and HIV patients.
10. Free education up to degree level to all women of weaker sections.
1. Unemployment Pension for the Unemployed, all the youth related programs should identify
the real beneficiaries
2. NREGA – proper awareness on NREGA and its implementation
3. Schools should be available to all and the value based Education should be given to the
4. Should stop SEZ immediately
5. Equal treatment for women in all aspects and violations on women should be eradicated.
6. Welfare hostels should provide proper bedding and quality food and safety measures
should be taken around the hostel surroundings. Special educational package for Dalit
should be introduced in the budget.
7. Permanent housing with the assistance of rupees one lakh (financial support) should be
8. To Make sure ICDS centers work properly, and maintain qualitative
1. The Central Government should establish a Navodaya Vidya Kendram in the Constituency
and also provide Hostel facilities in which ST & SC will have preferences.
2. NREGA should be extended to 200 days on demand and provide works to all the eligible
people including the Differently Abled People. The facilities promised in the Act like
providing Shade, Water, First Aid kits etc to be provided in all the places where NREGA is
3. Uninterrupted Electricity supply should be provided for a minimum of 12 hours to enable
the farmers to irrigate their fields.
4. PD system should be strengthened to provide food security to the eligible poor and the food
items like Rice, Dal, Oil, Sugar, Spices, and Kerosene and others should be supplied
through the PDS for affordable prices.
5. Strengthen PHC’s and provide quality health delivery and stop subsidizing coporate
hospitals under NRHM.
6. Support adequately the artisanal Occupations to enable them to use Modern technology.
7. Provide equal and equitable education to all as per the recommendation of Kothari
Commission. Stop Privatization of Education; provide better infrastructural facilities run by
the Social Welfare Department
8. Transportation to Rural areas to be strengthened by providing adequate number of RTC
buses. Discourage private transporters.
9. Provide protected drinking water to the areas affected by fluoride.
10. Transfer the 29 powers to the Grama Panchayats as per the 73rd amendment.
1. Since the ground water is contaminated due to the florosis the children women and the aged
suffer the diseases connected with florosis. The Government efforts to provide protected
drinking water remained and unfulfilled promise. Hence the participants demand that
provision of protected drinking water should be high on the agenda
2. Though they are 2 rivers flowing from the district Nagarjunasagar and Manjeera their lands
do not get the required irrigation facilities. The people demand that the adequate provisions
to irrigate their land should form part of the entire political parties manifesto.
3. Hyderabad to Suryapet most of the Assembly segment are situated on the highway from
Hyderabad to Vijayawada. Unfortunately the widening and development of the roads has
not taken up in the district in the priority despite of strikes and hunger strikes from all the
political parties including the ruling party hence the people demand that widening of the
existing roads and road connectivity to rural areas should be taken up.
4. The Lambada Women resort to sale of their girl children as they are unable to bring them
up because of the poverty. Hence the participants demanded that the government should
provide necessary economical assistance and also the livelihood support
5. In the constituency there is social welfare hostels run by the department but the student’s
complaint of negligence and step motherly treatment by the authorities.
6. The people of constituency demand that the infrastructural facilities (Bathrooms,
lavatories) supply of quality food, toiletry goods, Cots, bed sheets, text books and
stationery to be provided to enable the students perform better in education. The people
also demanded that the authorities should consider taking up tuitions to the students.
7. The poor and marginalize communities are not able to afford to buy the groceries and other
food items. As the Public Distribution System (PDS) is slowly getting diluted as a result
the 2 Rupee kg rise scheme being implemented by the government is also not adequate
enough. The people demand that PD system should be strengthened to provide food
security to the eligible poor and the food items like Rice, Dal, Oil, Sugar, Spices, and
Kerosene and others should be supplied through the PDS with affordable prices.
8. The Youth of this area are better educated compared to other areas. However there are no
employment opportunities in this area. Hence the people demand setting up of small scale
industries to provide employment for the eligible youth.
9. Child Labour is a growing issue in this constituency. Hence the people demand free and
compulsory education to be provided to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
10. The people demand the government to give 4 Acres of land with requisite irrigation
facilities and electricity to all the landless poor families in the name of the women.
1. There should be a definite age limit for the contestants of all Parties, preferably not to
exceed 65 Years and to discourage Political succession of close family members.
2. Provide proper and timely supply of fertilizes, seeds and pesticides to the farmers with
3. To establish small scale industries in different areas of the constituency to solve unemployment problem.
4. Provide safe drinking water, rural sanitation facilities to all the families of the constituency.
5. Measures to be taken on Pollution free atmosphere in the constituency.
6. New railway line from Narasaraopet to Piduguralla shall be sanctioned.
7. Establish Village level Information Centers in the constituency.
8. Provide separate Employment Cell exclusively for disable persons.
9. Provide Women police stations, to do justice for women related issues.
10. 100% loans should be provided to SC, ST and other deserving marginalized communities.
11. Continuous monitoring with apolitical will in Welfare and Development programmes and
its Line Departments.
12. Establishing Coaching centers and Academies for various kinds of sports and Games.
13. Rehabilitation and alternate employment opportunities to be Dancing communities.
14. Phase wise withdrawal of Belt shops (Liquor Shops).
1. Housing grants should be increased unto Rs.1,00,000.00 ( IAY)
2. Unemployment pension should be given every month – Rs. 1500/3. Filling the vacant posts of Doctors in all PHC s all medical facilities should be reached rural
4. Students and teacher’s ratio should be not more than 20:1, qualitative education should be
provided to all the Dalit and tribal people.
5. Ensure all the Anganwadi centers work properly; make sure the nutritious food is provided for
children in the Anganwadies.
6. Mal practice in NREGA should be taken as a serious issue and taken proper action on the proper
implementation of NREGA program.
7. Safe drinking water and drainage system in Dalit areas should be maintained well.
8. Individual toilets should be built in all SC / ST areas of and slum areas.
9. House sites for all the slum people should be allotted
10. Proper Electricity facilities should be provided with street lights.
1. Siddipet being close to Hyderabad faces large scale migration in search of livelihood. The
people of this constituency demand the setting up of small scale industries to provide
employment opportunities for the youth.
2. Even after the 61 years of independence the untouchability is still a problem in spite of
strong dalit presence. The people demand strict implementation of
eradication Act, Protection of Civil Rights Act, the ST & SC Prevention of Atrocities Act.
3. The problem of trafficking is also on the increase in which the adolescent and the single
women are manipulated and transported to cities like Mumbai, Bangalore etc. Hence the
security and safety of girl child, adolescent girls and women is a priority.
4. Minimum wages are not paid to the Agricultural Laborers and the people demand strict
implementation of minimum wages Act in farm sector as well as the industrial sector.
5. The NREGA though is picked up well in this constituency. Because of the Government
decision to discontinue the works during the agricultural season yielding to the farmers
pressure, became problematic. The people demand that the NREGA should be
implemented strictly and the People identified in Social Audit as violates to be punished
6. The Youth of this area are better educated compared to other areas. However there are no
employment opportunities in this area. Hence the people demand setting up of small scale
industries to provide employment for the eligible youth.
7. People face continuous water scarce in this constituency especially during summer despite
of the water supply schemes available. The people demand quality protected drinking water
for them as well as their cattle. They are proposing that the Government should build water
sumps for the usage of cattle
8. Child Labour is a growing issue in this constituency. Hence the people demand free and
compulsory education to be provided to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
9. The people demand the government to give 5 Acres of land with requisite irrigation
facilities and electricity to all the landless poor families in the name of the women.
10. The people of this area demand directly monitory assistance from the Banks on personal
guarantee for self employment scheme.
Warangal Charter:
1. To establish Heavy and Medium industries in the constituency to reduce the unemployment
by providing 60% of employment to local candidates.
2. Irrigation, Water resources, Local water bodies and Tanks in the constituency to be
developed and maintenance for conservation of water for agriculture/Cultivation and
drinking purpose.
3. To establish University for women, Textile Pank, Krushi Vignyana Kendram, Science and
Women Protective cells in the constituency.
4. MGM Hospital services to be improved and special wards for Psycho patients with full
fledge staff and equipments to be provided. All larger gram panchayat to get PHCs, with all
facilities, equipments, Medicines.
5. All Mandals to get degree and Junior Colleges.
6. Kazipet junction to be made railway division under SCR of India Railways.
7. Professional Courses to be introduced in Kakatiya University and the constituency should
get New-Professional Colleges.
8. National Highways no. 202 to be planned as such not to disturb the Tri-Cities of Warangal,
Hanamkonda and Kazipet by laying Ring Road and Bye-Pass roads around the city.
9. House Sites and houses to be distributed to all landless and houseless people in the
10. Warangal to be fully developed and improved as a National Tourism Center in view of the
location of Historic Temples, Fort, Prominent Darghas, Lakes namely, Rammappa, Pakhal
and Laknawaram and the thick and vast forest which comprises of two major sanctuaries of
Pakhal and Etrunagaram.
Additional Points
1. All Chowrasthas to be developed, Fly-over and Roads to be Constructed/laid/repaid and
maintained to ease the Traffic in Urban and rural areas of the constituency.
2. All the students to be given moral, ethical and social education for promoting humanity
and to serve the society.
3. Awareness drives to be launched for eliminating rampant corruption in the
4. Park and gardens to be developed for the citizens of the constituency.
5. Common syllabubs in Schools Education System to be introduced.
Arunachal Pradesh
West Arunachal
West Arunachal Pradesh
1. Lifeline programs for Agriculture and Rural Economy.
2. Social security package for working women and loan waiver for Arunachal State.
3. Improvement of the education and quality health immediate setup Medical College,
Nursing College.
4. Immediate setup of technical education for free of cost.
1. Establish ITI, Engineering College.
5. Education unemployment problem setup EDP institute and Counseling Center and more
6. Improvement of road communication link road connecting
2. Village-to-village.
7. Expansion of right to work and social security entitlement.
8. Transparency in government dealing and greater participation.
9. Health insurance covers across BPL families and quality health facilities in every district
10. Protection and restoration of Forest Right Act for Arunachal people.
Autonomous District
Autonomous District Constituency (Karbi Anglong)
1. Extremist
Eradicate the extremist group by taking up youth development programmes.
Involve and Empower the NGO’s in mitigating the insurgency problems in the society.
2. Adivasi development programmes
Fund allocation for the development of Adivasi Community
Enhance the quality medical facilities in the garden hospitals.
3. Border
Open up border trades with the neighboring countries.
Check the immigration to contain population growth of Assam.
4. Youth Development and Employment Generation
The unemployment of the youth is a serious problem this has to be solved by creating
alternative avenues of employment for the growing number of Youth.
Promote, support and help to organize SHG entrepreneurship.
More investment for human development
5. Medical facility
Enhance medical service in existing hospitals.
Construct hospitals in places or villages where people cannot access medical service.
Upgrade existing hospitals.
6. Education
Improve teaching learning interaction in educational institutions.
Establish one technical institute.
Establish one agriculture institute.
7. Land allotment to landless people
Rehabilitate the people who are displaced of their lands.
Take initiatives to allot land to the landless people.
Promote and Support the existing “Krishak Sangram Samity”.
8. Revive ATC
Make fund availability and give support to revive the ATC (Assam Tea Corporation).
Provide employment to tea workers.
Implement Plantation Labour Act 1956 in all tea gardens and provide the national level
minimum wage to the workers with all other provisions given in the plantation Labour
Act 1956.
9. Take step to preserve the forest and the wild life diversity of Assam.
01. Problem of lower voltage.
02. Supply of drinking water.
03. Development of roads and canals.
04. Job cards.
05. Implementation of pension plan.
06. Implementation of P.M.G.Y. scheme.
07. Public sanitation.
08. Veterinary hospital.
09. Provision of irrigation.
10. Financial help to the widow living below the poverty line.
1. Tea Plantation Labour Act 1956
Implement Plantation Labour Act 1956 in all tea gardens and provide the national level
minimum wage to the workers with all other provisions given in the plantation Labour
Act 1956.
2. Rework on Bogibil Bridge project
The project of Bogibil Bridge was taken up by the then BJP Government but this has not
been continued by the present Government. So it is imperative that Bogibil Bridge project
should be completed as soon as possible for the benefit of the people of the vicinity.
3. Lapetkata gas cracker Project
The lapetkata gas cracker project is yet to be completed by the Assam Government. This
project also needs immediate attention and completion.
4. Rehabilitation of surrendered ULFA militants.
Immediate attention and solution to rehabilitate the surrendered ULFA militants by the
Assam Government.
5. Youth Development and Employment Generation
The unemployment of the youth is a serious problem This has to be solved by creating
alternative avenues of employment for the growing number of
Promote, support and help to organize SHG entrepreneurship.
More investment for human development.
6. Engineering college
Upgrade the engineering college with modern technology.
Allocate funds to absorb the growing number of students.
1. Development of Kadamtali- Lungfung road.
2. Supply of drinking water and total electrification at Rewaghuli village.
3. Needs of irrigation at Teteliguri.
4. Construction of Pool at Teteliguri- Kadamtal way to Lungfung.
5. Provincialisation of Teteliguru M.E. School.
6. Needs of a veterinary hospital.
7. Construction of boundary wall at Teteliguri L.P. School and Teteliguri M.E. School.
8. Development of Tetelia – Sarugaon road.
9. Appointment of doctors at the existing health sub-center.
10. Construction of public toilet at different places.
Revive Assam Tea Corporation (ATC):
The Assam Tea Corporation needs to be revived. The Tea Gardens under ATC are sick due
to mismanage and lack of funds and support from the government.
a) Implement Plantation Labour Act 1956 in all tea gardens and provide the
national level minimum wage to the workers with all other provisions given in
the plantation Labour Act 1956.
Conserve Majuli:
a) The greatest river island of the world Majuli needs to be conserved for the
cultural heritage of Assam. Take steps to protect it from land erosion due to
Take initiative to upgrade the education system as per the present context and needs of the
present requirement for the youth —
a) Make available computer in schools and should implement compulsory education on
Basic computer course to the students of higher standards.
b) Provide Scholarship to the meritorious students.
c) Fee concession for the meritorious poor students who wants to take higher studies.
d) Promote technical education at the school level.
Create platform for extra curriculum activities for the youth:
a. Make a policy through which the college students or the youth will get chance of
b. Take up step of starting an ITI in the Jorhat constituency for youth development.
c. Encourage the youth to start small scale industry or the big industry as per their
education and experiences by providing loans to them.
d. Recruit the youth in various posts of the government departments on the basis of
their qualification.
Upgrade the existing Engineering College of Jorhat.
Village development
a) Promote SHG groups for early development of the rural people.
b) Make available water pumps in the paddy fields.
c) Provide good drinking water facility to all the villages.
Develop Tea Research Centre, Toklai
a) The Toklai Tea Research Centre is the only research centre in Assam. It is to be noted
that tea constitutes as the major economy of the state, but the Toklai centre related to
this economy is not properly maintained and used. It is just lying for the name sake. So
the Govt of Assam should immediately take step to upgrade it with proper
Agriculture University
a) The Agriculture University of Jorhat needs to be upgraded with modern facilities and
also increase the capacity of students.
1. Needs of public sanitation.
2. Needs old age pension.
3. Supply of BPL cards.
4. Supply of job cards.
5. Implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana.
6. Supply of total electricity in the village.
7. Implementation of P.M.G.Y. scheme.
8. Appointment of doctors in the existing hospital/health sub-center.
9. Supply of ambulance in the hospitals.
10. Distribution of Agricultural Power Trailer.
Flood is the major problem of the area. The rivers of that area like The Gainadi,
The Jia dhole, The No Nadi, The Subansiri,The Ranga Nadi, The Singira,The Bogi
nadi and The Dikrom Nadi’s bank overflows every year causing devastating flood
to the locality.
 Take steps to contain the floods.
 Take necessary initiatives to arrange and prepare the people to avoid the problems
prior to occurrence of flood.
 Take up the flood issue with the central government.
Insurgency problem
 Take initiative to build the capacity of the youth by providing various vocational
trainings to them.
 Provide loan to the youth to for their entrepreneurship development.
Communication-Road as well as telecommunication
 The village road needs to be connected with the national highway.
 Need to build Broad-gauge lines and connect with other areas.
 The telecommunication system needs to be ascertained.
 Construct and mend all the bridges and pools.
 Construct concrete roads and lanes to connect one village to another.
 Provide good drinking water facility in each and every village
Village development
 Provide electricity to each and every village.
 Activate the ASHA worker to create awareness among the people on health and
 Strengthen the village women by providing space to them.
 Provide various training to the villagers so that they will not be depended only upon
agriculture and earn their livelihood through other sources.
Medical facility
 In time of pregnancy, necessary nutrition should be provided to the women of poor
 Management of tea gardens should strictly be instructed not to employ the pregnant
women in hazardous jobs also implement special provisions for their health.
 Provide quality medical service and keep the hospitals clean and disinfected.
 Implement schemes to reduce the major diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid etc.
Upgrade the Veterinary College by using the modern technology.
Take step to strengthen the local Government i.e. “The Missing Autonomous
01. Water lodging in a huge cultivating land after the devastating flood in the year 2000.
Artificial flood arises after a small rain.
02. Requires a health sub-center in the village.
03. Requires a veterinary hospital in the village.
04. Needs improvements of roads, canals etc.
05. Requires total electrification in the village.
06. Requires total drinking water supply in the village.
07. Requires a cremation ground in the village.
08. Needs financial help to the weavers living below the poverty line.
09. Needs financial help to the unemployed youths in fisheries sector.
10. Needs financial help to the widows living below poverty line.
01. Needs of veterinary hospital.
02. Supply of drinking water to the villagers.
03. Development of roads and canals.
04. School for adult education.
05. Supply of BPL card to the villagers.
06 Employment to the unemployed persons.
07. Financial help to the widow living below the poverty line.
08. Needs of public toilet.
09. Supply of total electricity in the village.
10. Job cards to the villagers.
Promote employment in the organized sector and protecting livelihood in the
unorganized sector in the rural India.
Development policies should address the needs of rural India and
improving the
quality of life and standard of living in our villages and towns.
New Leadership should take the advantage of globalization and ensure
that these
benefits flow to local communities in the rural India.
The government should have creative spirit towards upgradation of
and professionals.
Government should take initiative to promote peace and harmony in the
State for
all round development.
Government should create scope for empowerment of women in all
Pro-active policies need to develop to stop terrorism and insurgency
movement in
the State.
Government should formulate adequate action to control floods
problem in the
Immediate step should be taken by the Government to solve the State
Policies need to be developed towards the overall development and to
protect the
rights of the minorities in the State.
1. Implement schemes for the Agricultural Development—
 Take up steps for Agricultural Development. Set up irrigation facilities and make available
water pumps in the paddy fields which will enable the farmers to cultivate thrice in a year.
 Provide Training to the farmers to cultivate their land using the modern technology.
 Introduce improved seeds.
2. Provide enough infrastructures for transport development:
 Proper linkage of the village roads to the highways.
 Construct and mend all the bridges and pools.
 Construct concrete roads and lanes to connect one village to another.
 Provide for proper and hygienic market place.
3. Maintain Separate Budget for the BPL families:
 Proper implementation of IAY and form a committee to oversee the schemes for
BPL families.
 Provide minimum requirements such as rice, sugar, Kerosene to the families under
 Give preference to the BPL families in getting the benefit of NREGA.
 Provide electricity to each and every family.
 Compulsory provision is to be made for safe drinking water and toilet with full
government assistant for the families under BPL.
4. Give emphasis on girl child education:
 Provide free and compulsory education to the girl Child of BPL families upto class
 Reduction of admission fee for the girl child for BPL families for higher secondary
and post graduate education.
5. Health and women:
 Give special emphasis on women health.
 In time of pregnancy, necessary nutrition should be provided to the women of poor
 Management of tea gardens should strictly be instructed not to employ the pregnant
women in hazardous jobs also implement special provisions for their health.
 Provide quality medical service and keep the hospitals clean and disinfected.
 Implement schemes to reduce the major diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid etc.
 Provide good drinking water facility in each and every village.
6. Separate provisions for the youth:
 Implement Scheme for the growth of small scale industry.
 Implementation of technical education in the schools.
 Make available computer in schools and provide compulsory education on
 Basic computer course to the students of higher standards.
 Provide subsidy loan to the capable youth for their entrepreneurship development.
 Recruit the youth in various posts as per the qualification required.
 Implement Scholarship schemes for meritorious students.
7. Strict monitoring mechanism with power to the women SHG groups to see the
activities of Anganwadi centers /ASHA workers and the NREGA Committee.
8. Tea Plantation Labour Act
 Strict implementations of Plantation Labour Act 1956 in all tea gardens and provide
the national level minimum wage to the workers with all other provisions given in
the plantation Labour Act 1956.
 Provide employment to the tea workers.
9. Strengthen the SHG groups by providing various trainings on fishery, bee keeping,
poultry farming, food processing etc. and help them to market the same.
10. Modernize the Agriculture University.
Jamui (SC)
East Champara
Patna Sahib
Valmiki Nagar
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East Champaran
 
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Patna Sahib
 
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1- uDlyh leL;k Hk;adj :i /kj.k fd, gq, gSA ljdkj dks blds fy, fo'ks"k iSdst
nsuk pkfg,A
2- lyok twMqe f'kfojksa esa jg jgs vkfnokfl;ksa dh fLFkfr n;uh; gSA bu xjhc
yksxksa tkuysok chekfj;ksa ls xzflr gSaA fpfdRlk ,oa f'k{kk dk iw.kZ
vHkko gSA
3- csjkstxkjh dh leL;k cgqr Hkkjh gSA ljdkjh ;kstuk,¡ gSa ysfdu dkxtksa
esa gSaA mu ij Hkh uDlyokfn;ksa dk f'kdatk gSA
4- cjlkr ds ekSle esa dksbZ dke ugha gksrkA blds fy, ljdkj dks ogk¡ ds xjhc
csjkstxkj yksxksa ds fy, fo'ks"k O;oLFkk djuh pkfg,A
5- y?kq ouksit dk mfpr ewY; fnykus ds fy, Lo;alsoh laxBuksa us vusdksa
iz;kl fd, og ukdke gSaA y?kq ouksit dk ykHk fnykus ds fy, dksbZ dkjxj
dne mBk, tk,¡A
6- ukj;.kiqj ,d uol`ftr ftyk gS tgk¡ ftys tSlh dksbZ O;oLFkk ugha gSA uke dk
ftyk ?kksf"kr fd;k gqvk gSA vf/dkjh yksx dk;kZy; esa lnSo vuqifLFkr jgrs
gSaA ;gk¡ ftys ds lHkh vf/dkfj;ksa dks rSukr fd;k tk,A
7- iwjk lewpk cLrj {ks=k jkt/kuh ,oa izeq[k 'kgjksa esa vkokxeu dk lk/u
ek=k cl gSA jk;iqj ls lh/s jsyos ykbu fcNkbZ tk,A ftlls fd i;ZVu dks
c<+kok feys vkSj cLrj n'kgjk dk izpkj&izlkj djds varjjk"Vªh; i;ZVdksa ds
fy, vkd"kZ.k dk dsUnz cuk;k gSA
8- VkVk lewg }kjk yxok, tkus okys m|ksxksa ,oa vU; m|ksxksa ds fy,
izkFkfedrk nh tk,A
9- ekrk nUrs'ojh ,oa ftyk eq[;ky; nUrsokM+k iwjs cLrj dk ,d /k£ed dsUnz
gSA blfy, ;gk¡ T;knk&ls&T;knk Bgjus ds fy, lLrs vkokl ,oa i;ZVu LFky dh
lkjh lqfo/k,¡ iznku fd, tk,¡A
10lyok tqMwe vkanksyu dks jktuSfrd :i nsus ij izfrca/ yxk;k tk, ,oa
ukxfjdksa dks lHkh ekuoh; lqfo/k,a eqgS;k djk, tk,¡A
Kanker Charter
1- uDlyh leL;k Hk;adj :i /kj.k fd, gq, gSA ljdkj dks blds fy, fo'ks"k iSdst nsuk
pkfg,A ;qokvksa dks jkstxkjewyd izf'k{k.k ,oa xjhc yksxksa esa ukxfjd
laxBu cukdj Lo;a vkRefuHkZjrk ds iz;kl ds fy, mUgsa izsfjr djuk pkfg,A
2- fu/Zu vkfnoklh yksx tkuysok chekfj;ksa ls xzflr gSaA fpfdRlk ,oa f'k{kk
dk iw.kZ vHkko gSA buds fy, fo'ks"k iSdst fn;k tk,A
3- csjkstxkjh dh leL;k cgqr Hkkjh gSA ljdkjh ;kstuk,¡ gSa ysfdu dkxtksa
esa gSaA mu ij Hkh pan yksxksa dk f'kdatk gS ftls turk rd igq¡pkus ds
fy, dM+s dne mBk, tk,¡A
4- cjlkr ds ekSle esa dksbZ dke ugha gksrkA blds fy, ljdkj dks ogk¡ ds xjhc
csjkstxkj yksxksa ds fy, fo'ks"k O;oLFkk djuh pkfg, rFkk xzkeh.k jkstxkj
xkjaVh dk;ZØe dks 200 fnolh; djus dk fu;e cukuk pkfg, D;ksafd ;gk¡ dh
izkd`frd laink ls ljdkj dks cgqr ykHk gksrs gSaA
5- jk"Vªh; tutkrh; vk;ksx esa Jh mes'k pUæ xkSM+ ds (lhlhchvks,l) iz;klksa
ls y?kq ouksit dk mfpr ewY; fnykus ds fy, tks iz;kl fd, gSa mu ij vey fd;k
6- ds'kdky ,oa vU; rglhy eq[;ky; gS tgk¡ rglhy tSlh dksbZ O;oLFkk ugha
gSA uke dk rglhy ,oa CykWd ?kksf"kr fd;k gqvk gSA vf/dkjh yksx
dk;kZy; esa lnSo vuqifLFkr jgrs gSaA ;gk¡ CykWd ,oa rglhy ds lHkh
vf/dkfj;ksa dks rSukr fd;k tk,A
7- jk;iqj ls lh/s jsyos ykbu fcNkbZ tk,A ftlls fd i;ZVu dks c<+kok feys vkSj
vkU/ z izns'k rd dk vkokxeu lqyHk gks lkFk cLrj {ks=k dks izpkj&izlkj
djds varjjk"Vªh; i;ZVdksa ds fy, vkd"kZ.k dk dsUnz cuk;k tk,A
8- gLrdyk ds fy, izfl¼ cLrj esa gLrdyk ,oa ,sls m|ksx yxk, tk,¡ ftlesa Je 'kfDr
dk mi;ksx gksA
9- f'k{kk ds fy,] LokLF; ds fy, ,oa xjhch mUewyu dk;ZØeksa ds fy, fo'ks"k
iSdst fn;k tk,A
10lyok tqMwe vkanksyu dks jktuSfrd :i nsus ij izfrca/ yxk;k tk, ,oa
ukxfjdksa dks lHkh ekuoh; lqfo/k,a eqgS;k djk, tk,¡A
Chandni Chowk
East Delhi
North East Delhi
North West Delhi
South Delhi
Chandni Chowk
1- pkanuh pkSd yksdlHkk {ks=k esa csjkstxkjh vkSj f'k{kk ds cktkjhdj.k o
eanh dks ysdj NksVs&NksVs O;kikjh oxZ esa jks"k gS ftlds fy, ljdkj ls
izkFkfedrk ds vk/kj ij lek/ku djus dh ekax dh xbZA jk.kk izrki ckx ds
>qXxh cLrh esa ihus ds 'kq¼ ikuh vkSj liQkbZ] f'k{kk rFkk LokLF; ds
ckjs esa ljdkj ls lqfo/kvksa dh ekax dh xbZA
2- [kk| inkFkks± nokb;ksa esa Hkh Hkkjh feykoV gSA ljdkjh c;ku Nirs gSa
fd eg¡xkbZ 0% gks xbZ gS tcfd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd nw/] phuh] pk;iÙkh]
vkVk] nky ds Hkko vkleku Nw jgs gSaA feV~Vh ds rsy forjdksa] jlksbZ
xSl forjdksa ij ljdkj f'kdatk dlus esa ukdke D;ksa gSA nyky&fcpkSfy;s]
feykoV[kksj] tek[kksj usrk cudj ekSt ekj jgs gSaA buds f[kykiQ jklqdk
yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A
3- ljdkjh ;kstukvksa esa ljdkjh gLr{ksi de gksuk pkfg,A efgykvksa]
;qokvksa ds Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu dj mUgsa LokoyEch cukus dh ;kstuk
Bksl izHkkoh] ikjn'khZ gksuh pkfg,A cSad ½.k fnykus esa nykyksa rFkk
cSadksa dk xBtksM+ [kRe gksuk pkfg,A ,l-,p-th- xBu djds gh jk"Vªfgr
dh ;kstuk;sa bZekunkjh ls pyuh pkfg,A
4- vkj{k.k dh lqfo/k;sa ysus okyksa dh lsuk esa HkrhZ gksdj ns'k dh lsok
Hkh djuh pkfg,A eqfLyeksa dks fu%'kqYd f'k{kk nsdj jk"Vª dh eq[;èkkjk
esa tksM+k tk, rkfd eqfLye Hkh jk"Vª ds izfr tokcnsg cudj ftEesnkjh
5- Vh-oh- ij v'yhy n`'; rFkk Hkzked izpkj@foKkiu vkfn ij jksd yxuh pkfg,A
pquko vkpkj lafgrk dh rjg Vh-oh- vkpkj lafgrk dk Hkh dM+kbZ ls ikyu
gksuk pkfg,A
6- iznw"k.k iQSykus okyksa ds f[kykiQ l[r dkjZokbZ gksuh pkfg,A fodkl ds
uke ij gfj;kyh [kRe djds lhesaV daØhV ds taxy [kM+s djus okys
fcYMjksa@dksyksukbtjksa ij ekewyh 'kqYd rFkk fj'or ysdj le>kSrk djus
dh uhfr NksM+dj {ks=k esa i;kZoj.k dh gkfu dh HkjikbZ ds fy;s l[r
dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg, rkfd i;kZoj.k dks cpk;k tk ldsA
7- lHkh yksdlHkk izR;k'kh viuh py&vpy lEifÙk dh bZekunkjh ls ?kks"k.kk
djsaA tkfr] /eZ] vkj{k.k ds uke ij oksVjksa dh Hkkoukvksa dks HkM+dkdj
>wBs okns djds oksV u ek¡xsaA HkM+dkus okys >wBs vk'oklu nsus
okys yksdlHkk izR;kf'k;ksa ds fo#¼ l[r dk;Zokgh gksuh pkfg,A blds fy,
oksVjksa dks Hkh ,sls izR;kf'k;ksa dh fuxjkuh djuh pkfg, rkfd /wÙkZ
yksx laln esa u igq¡p ik;saA
8- Hkzw.k dk fyax ijh{k.k rFkk dU;kHkzw.k gR;kvksa ij jksd yxuh pkfg,A
nks"kh ik;s tkus okyksa dks dM+k n.M feyuk pkfg,A ^csVh cpkvks
vfHk;ku* dks lQy cukus ds fy, ljdkj dks izksRlkgu nsaA gR;kjs
MkWDVjksa dks tsy esa Mkyk tk,A
9- efgykvksa] iq#"kksa] ;qokvksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu ;kstukUrxZr
LokoyEch cukus ds fy;s fofHké izdkj dh Vsªfuax nsdj lfClMh jfgr lLrk
lqyHk ½.k miyCèk djk;k tk,A ljdkjh n[ky dks de djds fcpkSfy;ksa]
nykyksa dk n[ky cUn gksuk pkfg,A ljdkj dk cSadksa ij ncko gksuk
10NksVs xjhc nqdkunkjksa] iVjh okyksa] [kk[ksokyksa dk vfrØe.k ds
uke ij mRihM+u ugha gksuk pkfg,A ,sls jksth&jksVh dekus okyksa dks
D;ksLd cukdj ljdkj nsA oksVj vo'; oksV nsA
East Delhi
1. turk ls tqM+s gq, yksxksa dks gh izR;k'kh cuk;k tk, ,sls yksx ftudk turk
ls nwj&nwj dk fj'rk ugha gksrkA jktuSfrd ny vius fufgr LokFkks± ds fy,
vius izR;k'kh Fkksi nsrs gSa ;g ijEijk can dh tk,A ,oa ;qokvksa dks
fo'ks"k izkFkfedrk vkSj muls tqM+s gq, fodkl ds eqíksa dks fo'ks"k è;ku
fn;k tk,A
2. fu/Zu ,oa xjhcksa dh f'k{kk ij fo'ks"k è;ku fn;k tk,A nksgjh f'k{kk i¼fr lekIr
gks vkSj efyu cfLr;ksa fuokl djus okys cPpksa dh f'k{kk ij fo'ks"k è;ku
fn;k tk,A
3. xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh dkuwu dh Hkkafr efyu cfLr;ksa esa jgus okys
yksxksa ds fy, Lojkstxkj ds volj iznku fd, tk,aA mUgsa Jfed f'k{kk] Jfed
dkuwuksa ls ifjfpr djk;k tk,A U;wure etnwjh u feyus ij f'kdk;r izdks"B dh
LFkkiuk fnYyh ljdkj esa dh tk,A
4. iwohZ fnYyh ,d ,slk lalnh; {ks=k gS tgka Hkkjr ds dksus&dksus ls yksx
vkdj cls gq, gSaA izeq[k LFkkuksa ij ik²dx dh mfpr O;oLFkk] izh&isM
cwFk] VSDlh LVSaM cuk, tk,a] D;ksafd nf{k.k Hkkjrh; ,oa iwokZsÙkj
jkT;ksa ds yksxksa dks Hkk"kk ,oa os'k&Hkw"kk dh otg ls jsyos LVs'ku
,oa ,;jiksVZ tkus ij fofHk dkuwu cuus ds ckotwn Hkh dne&dne ij Bxk
tkrk gS vkSj 'kks"k.k gksrk gS ftlesa iqfyl Hkh Bxus okyksa dk lkFk nsrh
5. o`¼ ukxfjdksa dh HkkSfrd ;qx esa dne&dne ij mis{kk gks jgh gSA eè;e
o fuEu oxhZ; yksx vius de vkenuh esa vius ikfjokfjd ofj"B lnL;ksa dk
è;ku ugha j[k ikrsA blfy, o`¼ vkJe] fnu esa cSBdj ppkZ djus okys dsUnz
[kksys tkus pkfg,A
6. ;qokvksa dks Lojkstxkj ls tksM+us gsrq dE;qfuVh yscy ij dE;qfuVh
dkWyst] dE;qfuVh oksds'kuy lsUVj] dE;qfuVh m|ferk fodkl dsUnz [kksys
7. lqyHk 'kkSpky; tks o"kks± iwoZ cus gSa ftudh ttZj ,oa [kLrk gkyr gS
budk rRdky izHkko ls th.kksZ¼kj fd;k tkuk pkfg, ,oa u;s 'kkSpky;ksa dk
fuekZ.k fu/Zu ,oa xjhc yksxksa dks 'kq: fd;k tk,A pyrk&fiQjrk 'kkSpky;]
pyrs&fiQjrs vLirky [kksys tk,aA
8. D;ksafd ;gka dh vkcknh eè;e o fuEu oxZ ds yksxksa dh vf/d gSA blhfy,
;gka ij pyrk&fiQjrk Ldwy ,oa lw{e f'k{kk ½.k xjhc fu/Zu yksxksa dks
iznku fd;k tk,A
9. efyu cfLr;ksa ds fuokfl;ksa dh LokLF; lqfo/k,a vR;ar n;uh; gSA bu
yksxksa ds fy, ,d dkuwuh ,oa fu"i{k losZ djkdj igpku i=k fn;k tk, ftlesa
mUgsa chek] LokLF; lqfo/k] f'k{kk dk fu%'kqYd izko/ku gksA
xzkeh.k ,oa efyu cfLr;ksa ds mRiknuksa dks yksd O;kih cukus ds
fy, fMtkbu ,oa izkS|ksfxdh fodkl dsUnz ,oa fnYyh gkV dh Hkkafr f'kYi
cktkj O;oLFkk gksA
North East Delhi
1. mÙkj&iwohZ yksdlHkk {ks=k esa csjkstxkjh vkSj f'k{kk ds
cktkjhdj.k o eanh dks ysdj NksVs&NksVs O;kikjh oxZ esa jks"k gS
ftlds fy, ljdkj ls izkFkfedrk ds vk/kj ij lek/ku djus dh ekax dh xbZA
>qXxh cLrh esa ihus ds 'kq¼ ikuh vkSj liQkbZ] f'k{kk rFkk LokLF;
ds ckjs esa ljdkj ls lqfoèkkvksa dh ekax dh xbZA
2. [kk| inkFkks± nokb;ksa esa Hkh Hkkjh feykoV gSA ljdkjh c;ku Nirs
gSa fd eg¡xkbZ 0% gks xbZ gS tcfd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd nw/] phuh]
pk;iÙkh] vkVk] nky ds Hkko vkleku Nw jgs gSaA feV~Vh ds rsy
forjdksa] jlksbZ xSl forjdksa ij ljdkj f'kdatk dlus esa ukdke D;ksa
gSA nyky&fcpkSfy;s] feykoV[kksj] tek[kksj usrk cudj ekSt ekj jgs
gSaA buds f[kykiQ jklqdk yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A
3. ljdkjh ;kstukvksa esa ljdkjh gLr{ksi de gksuk pkfg,A efgykvksa]
;qokvksa ds Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu dj mUgsa LokoyEch cukus dh
;kstuk Bksl izHkkoh] ikjn'khZ gksuh pkfg,A cSad ½.k fnykus esa
nykyksa rFkk cSadksa dk xBtksM+ [kRe gksuk pkfg,A ,l-,p-th- xBu
djds gh jk"Vªfgr dh ;kstuk;sa bZekunkjh ls pyuh pkfg,A
4. vkj{k.k dh lqfo/k;sa ysus okyksa dh lsuk esa HkrhZ gksdj ns'k dh
lsok Hkh djuh pkfg,A eqfLyeksa dks fu%'kqYd f'k{kk nsdj jk"Vª dh
eq[;èkkjk esa tksM+k tk, rkfd eqfLye Hkh jk"Vª ds izfr tokcnsg cudj
ftEesnkjh fuHkk;saA egkRek xka/h dh deZLFkyh gfjtu lsod la?k
dks jk"Vªh; Lekjd ?kksf"kr fd;k tk, ,oa iwT; fueZyk ns'kikaMs ds
fu/u ls gfjtu lsod la?k esa gfjtu Nk=kksa dh i<+kbZ ij vkbZ
foinkvksa dks è;ku esa j[krs gq, Lis'ky iSdst fn;k tk,A Kkr jgs
jk"Vªifr ds-vkj- ukjk;.ku us Hkh blh laLFkk esa jgdj i<+kbZ iwjh dhA
5. fot; fogkj dkWyksuh tks fiNM+k ,oa mif{kr Lye ,fj;k gS tgka
cl V£euy ,oa liQkbZ deZpkfj;ksa] pfyr 'kkSpky;ksa] vkokxeu ds
lk/uksa] [kjkc iM+h jksM dks rRdky izHkko ls lgh fd;k tk,A
6. Vh-oh- ij v'yhy n`'; rFkk Hkzked izpkj@foKkiu vkfn ij jksd yxuh
pkfg,A pquko vkpkj lafgrk dh rjg Vh-oh- vkpkj lafgrk dk Hkh
dM+kbZ ls ikyu gksuk pkfg,A
7. lHkh yksdlHkk izR;k'kh viuh py&vpy lEifÙk dh bZekunkjh ls
?kks"k.kk djsaA tkfr] /eZ] vkj{k.k ds uke ij oksVjksa dh Hkkoukvksa
dks HkM+dkdj >wBs okns djds oksV u ek¡xsaA HkM+dkus okys
>wBs vk'oklu nsus okys yksdlHkk izR;kf'k;ksa ds fo#¼ l[r
dk;Zokgh gksuh pkfg,A blds fy, oksVjksa
8. dks Hkh ,sls izR;kf'k;ksa dh fuxjkuh djuh pkfg, rkfd /wÙkZ yksx laln
esa u igq¡p ik;saA
9. Hkzw.k dk fyax ijh{k.k rFkk dU;kHkzw.k gR;kvksa ij jksd yxuh
pkfg,A nks"kh ik;s tkus okyksa dks dM+k n.M feyuk pkfg,A ^csVh
cpkvks vfHk;ku* dks lQy cukus ds fy, ljdkj dks izksRlkgu nsaA
gR;kjs MkWDVjksa dks tsy esa Mkyk tk,A
efgykvksa] iq#"kksa] ;qokvksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu
;kstukUrxZr LokoyEch cukus ds fy;s fofHké izdkj dh Vsªfuax nsdj
lfClMh jfgr lLrk lqyHk ½.k miyCèk djk;k tk,A ljdkjh n[ky dks de djds
fcpkSfy;ksa] nykyksa dk n[ky cUn gksuk pkfg,A ljdkj dk cSadksa ij
ncko gksuk pkfg,A
NksVs xjhc nqdkunkjksa] iVjh okyksa] [kk[ksokyksa dk
vfrØe.k ds uke ij mRihM+u ugha gksuk pkfg,A ,sls jksth&jksVh
dekus okyksa dks D;ksLd cukdj ljdkj nsA oksVj vo'; oksV nsA
North West Delhi
1. From each family at least one Children shall get free Education in convent school
2. There shall be playground and other facilities for the entertainment of children
3. Awareness camp shall be organized on how to apply and get cast certificate, date of birth
certificate and other important documents.
4. There shall be proper cleanliness of sewerage and road shall be widened.
5. There shall be good facilities of drinking water in the area.
6. There shall be organization of communal harmony camp in the area time to time.
7. Check on academic results of primary and secondary schools of area i.e. low grade results.
8. There shall be proper electric facility in the government schools.
9. Proper distribution of ration and Kerosene oil.
10. There shall be organization of awareness camp on the various government schemes and
South Delhi
1- [kk| inkFkks± nokb;ksa esa Hkh Hkkjh feykoV gSA ljdkjh c;ku Nirs
gSa fd eg¡xkbZ 0% gks xbZ gS tcfd okLrfodrk ;g gS fd nwèk]
phuh] pk;iÙkh] vkVk] nky ds Hkko vkleku Nw jgs gSaA feV~Vh ds
rsy forjdksa] jlksbZ xSl forjdksa ij ljdkj f'kdatk dlus esa ukdke D;ksa
gSA nyky&fcpkSfy;s] feykoV[kksj] tek[kksj usrk cudj ekSt ekj jgs
gSaA buds f[kykiQ jklqdk yxkbZ tkuh pkfg,A
2- ljdkjh ;kstukvksa esa ljdkjh gLr{ksi de gksuk pkfg,A efgykvksa]
;qokvksa ds Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu dj mUgsa LokoyEch cukus dh
;kstuk Bksl izHkkoh] ikjn'khZ gksuh pkfg,A cSad ½.k fnykus esa
nykyksa rFkk cSadksa dk xBtksM+ [kRe gksuk pkfg,A ,l-,p-th- xBu
djds gh jk"Vªfgr dh ;kstuk;sa bZekunkjh ls pyuh pkfg,A
3- ihus dk 'kq¼ ikuh dgha ugha gSA 'kq¼ ikuh dk bartke fd;k tkuk
pkfg,A {ks=k esa turk dk 'kks"k.k cUn gksuk pkfg,A vkj{k.k dh
lqfo/k;sa ysus okyksa dh lsuk esa HkrhZ gksdj ns'k dh lsok Hkh
djuh pkfg,A
4- eqfLyeksa dks fu%'kqYd f'k{kk nsdj jk"Vª dh eq[;èkkjk esa tksM+k
tk, rkfd eqfLye Hkh jk"Vª ds izfr tokcnsg cudj ftEesnkjh fuHkk;saA
5- Vh-oh- ij v'yhy n`'; rFkk Hkzked izpkj@foKkiu vkfn ij jksd yxuh
pkfg,A pquko vkpkj lafgrk dh rjg Vh-oh- vkpkj lafgrk dk Hkh
dM+kbZ ls ikyu gksuk pkfg,A
6- iznw"k.k iQSykus okyksa ds f[kykiQ l[r dkjZokbZ gksuh pkfg,A
fodkl ds uke ij gfj;kyh [kRe djds lhesaV daØhV ds taxy [kM+s djus
okys fcYMjksa@dksyksukbtjksa ij ekewyh 'kqYd rFkk fj'or ysdj
le>kSrk djus dh uhfr NksM+dj {ks=k esa i;kZoj.k dh gkfu dh
HkjikbZ ds fy;s l[r dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg, rkfd i;kZoj.k dks cpk;k tk
7- lHkh yksdlHkk izR;k'kh viuh py&vpy lEifÙk dh bZekunkjh ls
?kks"k.kk djsaA tkfr] /eZ] vkj{k.k ds uke ij oksVjksa dh Hkkoukvksa
dks HkM+dkdj >wBs okns djds oksV u ek¡xsaA HkM+dkus okys
>wBs vk'oklu nsus okys yksdlHkk izR;kf'k;ksa ds fo#¼ l[r
dk;Zokgh gksuh pkfg,A blds fy, oksVjksa dks Hkh ,sls izR;kf'k;ksa
dh fuxjkuh djuh pkfg, rkfd /wÙkZ yksx laln esa u igq¡p ik;saA
8- Hkzw.k dk fyax ijh{k.k rFkk dU;kHkzw.k gR;kvksa ij jksd yxuh
pkfg,A nks"kh ik;s tkus okyksa dks dM+k n.M feyuk pkfg,A ^csVh
cpkvks vfHk;ku* dks lQy cukus ds fy, ljdkj dks izksRlkgu nsaA
gR;kjs MkWDVjksa dks tsy esa Mkyk tk,A
9- efgykvksa] iq#"kksa] ;qokvksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu
;kstukUrxZr LokoyEch cukus ds fy;s fofHk izdkj dh Vsªfuax nsdj
lfClMh jfgr lLrk lqyHk ½.k miyCèk djk;k tk,A ljdkjh n[ky dks de djds
fcpkSfy;ksa] nykyksa dk n[ky cUn gksuk pkfg,A ljdkj dk cSadksa ij
ncko gksuk pkfg,A
10NksVs xjhc nqdkunkjksa] iVjh okyksa] [kk[ksokyksa dk
vfrØe.k ds uke ij mRihM+u ugha gksuk pkfg,A ,sls jksth&jksVh
dekus okyksa dks D;ksLd cukdj ljdkj nsA oksVj vo'; oksV nsA xjhc
yksxksa dks ekfydkuk gd fn;k tk,A ljdkj us turk ÝySV~l dks th
ls cnydj bZ esa dj fn;k gS vkSj xjhcksa ls tcju gkml VSDl
olwy fd;k tk jgk gSA ;g tcju olwyh cUn gksuh pkfg,A
Improve quality of education: upgrade the facilities in the government schools.
2. The government hospitals should provide quality treatment as for the many in the nation
today to access quality facilities in the private hospitals in next to impossible.
3. The administrative setup should be made public friendly.
4. There should be holistic rehabilitation package for the people/ families who are being
displaced uder the urbanisations schemes.
5. There should be SC/ST and minority reservation in the private sector.
6. The people should be aware of the PM, s 15 point scheme for development of minorities of
our country.
7. Implementation of the recommendation of the Sacchar Committee.
8. As there is Gram Sabha in the villages, then promote the concept of Ward Sabha in the
urban areas to establish accountability and transparency.
9. Ensure basic amenities like the sewage, Roads, Electricity and water for the poor families.
10. Law and acts should use effectively to reduce voilence agaist women.
11. Youth should be awailed employment under the ecisring government schemes without
corruption and prejudice.
12. There should be some employment generation schemes for the urban poor like NREGA in
rural areas.
13. The public distribution system made more transparent and accountable.
14. Judiciary should be made more accountable and easily accessible.
1. In Mahuva taluka government has developed salinity regulator cum check dam spending
Rs. 5 carore. Nirma Company is going to establish a cement plant in this area. Grazing land
is used in this salinity regulator cum check dam. There are more than 3000 blue bulls (Nil
Gai) in it. Water will be filled up in it from Malan check dam and for that a canal is going
to be construct at cost of Rs. 3.5 carore. Government has sold this salinity regulator cum
check dam to Nirma cement plant. This cement plant will affect on livelihood of 8-10
villages around it and also on agriculture. This salinity regulator cum check dam should
be preserved.
2. It is felt that people are being cheated about Kalpsar Yogna. Is it possible geologically and
scientifically to carryout Kalpsar Yogna and Dholera port together?
3. Make a inquiry regarding irregularities in national rural employment guarantee scheme
4. Make sure to get money within 15 days in NREAG
5. Government must have to provide tools for NREAG work.
6. Proper implementation of Antyoday Yojana
7. Fulfill inadequate grazing land as per norms.
1. Do not give auricular land for industrial purpose
2. In remote area no facilities of infrastructure i.e. road and electricity so give priority to those
3. To stop illegal mining activities in jamjodhpur taluka
4. Have some policy or mechanism to control salinity in water and land.
5. Make a inquiry regarding irregularities in national rural employment guarantee scheme
6. Make sure to get money within 15 days in NREAG
7. Govt must have to provide tools for NREAG work.
8. Proper implementation of Antyoday Yojana
9. Fulfill inadequate grazing land as per norms
1. In Sayala and limdi Taluka agriculture crops there is decrease in yield due to industrial
pollution of Maradiya chemical. Immediate compensation is required
2. Due to wild ash animal decrease in agriculture crop and also adverse impact on livelihood
of saltpan workers.
3. To regularize land given to Dalits as per various govt schemes and remove encroachment
in said land.
4. To provide drinking water in near by areas
5. Make a inquiry regarding irregularities in national rural employment guarantee scheme
6. Make sure to get money within 15 days in NREAG
7. Govt must have to provide tools for NREAG work.
8. Proper implementation of Antyoday Yojana
9. Fulfill inadequate grazing land as per norms
To control industrial pollution
To stop discharging effluent tanker on surface road
Fulfill inadequate grazing land as per norms
To stop reverse bore system of effluent in Padra taluka
Make a inquiry regarding irregularities in national rural employment guarantee scheme
6. Make sure to get money within 15 days in NREAG
7. Govt must have to provide tools for NREAG work.
8. Proper implementation of Antyoday Yojana
9. To stop and make a inquiry about violation of Supreme court judgment case no. WP(C)
196 of 2001 PUCL Vs. Union of India
1. Ensure social audit of all the development activities to make its more transparent and
2. Implement Sacchar committee recommendation as soon as possible.
3. Give the equal status of Schedule caste and Schedule Tribe in both list (State and Central)
4. 33% reservation should be given to the women.
5. Improve the sanitation and health facilities in the slums and other marginalized areas.
Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders.
It is seen that Panchayat ward members are prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit Sarpanches (selected by people) through no-confidence
motions once they come to power. Therefore the Gujarat Panchayat Act needs to amend.
Koli community should be granted reservation for collection of forest wood and coal to ensure a secure livelihood.
NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
10. NREGA job applicants should also be entitled to BPL cards.
11. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat Act.
12. National and state dalit policy should be implemented and resources should be allocated for its implementation.
13. A labor policy should be implemented at national and state level along with requisite resource allocation.
14. Govt. contracts and services should have reservation for the underprivileged.
14. Repeal changes made in the Atrocity Act in Gujarat.
15. Stop privatization in primary education.
16. Change the criteria for selection of BPL card holders.
17. It is seen that Panchayat ward members are prejudiced and usually vote out Dalit Sarpanches (selected by people) through no-confidence
motions once they come to power. Therefore the Gujarat Panchayat Act needs to amend.
18. Koli community should be granted reservation for collection of forest wood and coal to ensure a secure livelihood.
19. NREGA should be extended to 200 days of work for every household.
20. Immediate implementation of Bhuria Committee in Gujarat Panchayat
21. Financial assistance for Sardar Awas Yojana, Indira Awas Yojana and Ambedkar Awas Yojana should be increased from Rs.45,000/- to
Rs.1 Lakh and the annual target of total number of beneficiaries should be increased 4 times to overcome shortage of housing and avoid
corrupt practices.
22. Financial assistance for construction of toilets should be increased to Rs. 5000/- to APL and BPL families.
23. The annual target of total number of beneficiaries should be increased 4 times for schemes such as old-age pension, widow pension,
schemes for education and welfare of the girl child, Kunwarbai Mamera Yojana, Dikribachao Jumbish and Mufatmuzafari Yojana.
24. Procedure for procurement of caste certificates should be simplified at village, tehsil and district levels.
25. Barren and grazing lands should be allotted to dalits and adivasis.
26. Job cards should be issued to the villagers with immediate effect.
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Himachal Pradesh
1. Establishment of SC/ST commission in the state.
2. Medical Services/Institutions shouldn’t be privatized/ Health budget should be
enhanced/Establishment of Trauma Centers at Highways/ Establishment of Old age Home/
Establishment of Mental Health facilities/Health policy should also include the element of
activities related to physically Challenged/ Special Programme for Women/Physically and
Mentally Challenged and Malnourished Children.
3. Establishment of State/District Disaster Management authority with membership of
specialist in the field of Disaster Management/Establishment of Disaster Training center at
state level/ Special rehabilitation policy with prime focus of rehabilitation before
4. Provide the TD right for the fire wood for cremation of Dead body / Establishment of
Cremation ground on gas or electricity.
5. Establishment of Judicial Panchayats apart from the normal Panchayati Raj System/
Implementation of Panchayat Schedule Extension Area Act in tribal area of constituency.
6. Exemption from the income tax for single women, free Health Services and provide ten
bigha Land for the purpose of assurance of livelihood to Single women along with social
security pension.
1. More Employment opportunities for youth
2. Rehabilitation of Project affected people on priority
3. Quality
a. Education
b. Health service
c. Road and rail service and their expansion
i. Specifically in rural areas
4. Women
a. Ensure 33% reservation for women with the demand that the reservation bill to
be taken up as the first business to be transacted in the new Lok Sabha
b. Ensure that the 50% of MPLAD fund for the welfare of women.
5. Water and forest resource management with the help of local natural resource management
a. Equitable distribution of water and forest produce (natural resources)
6. The People’s representation act to amended to incorporate the following a. Prescribe Minimum Qualification for all the public representatives
b. Political parties to ensure that the candidates with criminal background are not
c. Prescribe maximum age for all the public representatives
d. Introduce right to recall. A candidate who after election fails to fulfill the
aspirations of the voters should be recalled
e. In case the parties fail to field suitable candidates the voters should have a right
to reject all the candidates negative voting right
7. To be ensured by MP elect
a. Advance Schedule of public meeting, with the public representative accessible
to the common man without middlemen year for public only.
b. Proper budget allocation by the ministry of finance for the implementation of
central acts passed to protect the human rights
8. To ensure: corruption free, responsive, accountable administration
9. To provide for responsible administration to over see the welfare marginalized group’s e.g.
a. Disabled
b. Akal Nari
c. Old age
d. Extremely poor
10. A control regime for sale and promotion of alcohol and drugs
Jammu & Kashmir
To extend the over all Development process in newly declared Districts.
To provide proper Road linkages with the villages to the District Headquarters.
To launch a project for the social security of the women.
To provide the quality education in Govt.schools.
To provide employment to the youths in Govt.or in Private sector.
There are so many tourist destinations in the District viz.Pahalgam, kukernag
Dodhpatheri Achabal etc.But not developed by the Govt.So Basic needs of
tourists should be provided by the Govt.
7. To involve the local youth in a forestation activities for the survival of
different forest
ranges of the districts.
8. To extend the efforts for the planned development process of the infrastructure like school
buildings, roads, Bridges etc.
9. To open technical or skill development projects or programmes for the idle women of the
10. To make efforts to the destitute or widows orphans which is a challengeable issues of the
districts for their sustainable rehabilitation?
1. To provide the basic amenities like portable Drinking water, proper sanitation and
electricity to the people.
2. To made the kink roads to the cutoff villages for the connectivity with the district head
3. To extend the employment avenues in the District Baramullah, Bandipora and District
Kupwara so that the youths of the districts will become constructive, not destructive.
4. Proper utilization of Natural Resources like water resources, forests etc.
5. To save the ‘Wullar Lak’ which is Asia’s biggest lake and is heritage of the state.
6. To launch an integrated project for the illiterate or unemployed youths of the districts.
7. To adopt the modern techniques in local available resources for the creation of employment
8. To open child care centers or anganwari centres in far-flung and cutoff areas of areas of the
districts for the eradication of child labors.
9. To extend the primary health care centers in hilly areas of the districts or to provide
trainings to the educated girls regarding maternity health care.
10. To open sufficient schools in the hilly or far-flung areas of the districts or to make the
available schools accountable and to strength them.
11. To implement the Govt. schemes or projects result oriented by the involvement of local
people representation.
1. The people of the Districts are facing so many problems. No proper planning or policy is
made by the govt. for the city. There should be a sustainable developed plan for the heart of
the Kashmir (Srinagar).
2. Govt should have a planned and developed plan for Drainage and sewage system.
3. To provide sufficient electricity water supply and sanitation to the people.
4. To provide employment avenues to the educated uneducated youths by launching different
projects and schemes.
5. To Render the Health facilities ,particularly maternity health care as we have only one
Govt. Maternity Hospital in whole District
6. To strengthen the State Commission for Women.
7. To build the proper infrastructure for the people like roads bridges, railway connectivity to
the country.
8. To Save the Dal Lake this is pride of the state.
9. To rehabilitate the destitute women orphans and to make efforts for the Sustainable
rehabilitation of such people.
1. Arrangement of Potable water to very villages.
2. Ensure proper development and abolish Middle Men Custom, Corruption and
administrative dictatorship in Chatra.
3. To ensured a teacher over 4 students in all primary education of the village level.
4. To encourage by arranging sports tooth plants and implementing and to ensure employment
for all the unemployed youth.
5. To ensure and establish P.H.C. at every Panchayat level and to recruit Nurses and Doctors.
6. Proper functioning of Public distribution system and provide right directions to avail
K.C.C., Scholarship, Old aged pension, Red cross, Kerosene oil and cereal distribution.
7. Proper project formulation has to be kept in centre for social and economical development
of women, and also ensured 33% of reservation for the women.
8. Implementation of irrigation developmental system in four Lacs acres of arid lands in
Chatra so that it can generate employment at the Local level.
9. Lengthening and erection of power stations in Chatra.
10. To ensured rights of inhabitants over land, forest and water in Chatra.
1. To avail loan at cheaper rate for education of girls in urban areas. This Project should
ensure social & economical development of women in centre and 33% reservation for
women in Panchayat election.
2. Rehabilitation of displaced families and stop illegal possession of land without the
permission of Public.
3. To stop middle men, corruption of officers in project implementation.
4. To arrange potable water at village level.
5. To establish primary school in every village and recruit a teacher to every 40 students in
6. To establish PHC at Panchayat.
7. Proper arrangement of Fire Brigade to stop fire in Jharia colliery
8. Electrification and construction of roads in every villages.
9. To start implementation of Child Labour & Trafficking act.
1. No possession of lands without rehabilitation policy. Rehabilitation Policy should be made
with cooperation of Public.
2. "NREGA" should be strictly implemented in order to stop migration.
3. Child marriage to be banned and ensure strict implementation of child labor and trafficking
in Dumka.
4. Public representative should be attentive over the irrigation system.
5. Illegitimate possession of lands under Raiti, G.M. Bhudan should be kept at liberty.
6. To set up primary school in every villages and recruit a teacher to every 40 students in
7. To arranged drinking water facilities in rural areas.
8. To prevent corruption and ensure the cooperation of Public in Project formulation.
9. To manage employment for unemployed youths by the state.
10. Public representatives to visit the sensitive area and resolve the problems at the local level.
1. To arrange irrigation system across Giridih to generate employment for the youth.
2. To establish primary education across Giridih and recruit teachers to every 40 students be
made available in schools.
3. To start implementation of the Laws being framed to stop child labour and child trafficking
in Giridih.
4. Arrangement of drinking water facility to every village in Giridih.
5. To be setup PHC at every Panchayat and recruitment of Nurses, doctors and requisite
medicine in the Giridih constituency.
6. In order to develop the area, strict law has to be ensured to stop corruption, Middle men
administrative and dictatorship.
7. Agrarian lands have to be restored back to Adivasis and no illegitimate possession of land
by forest department.
8. Proper arrangement for the selection of project by villagers and also to manage the
completion of the project by them.
9. To lengthen the power frame installation with linkage Road construction.
10. To ensure projects that may be liable to social and economic development to women.
1. Proper implementation of "NREGA" to help the displaced population.
2. To implement Laws against child labour, trafficking and child marriage.
3. Irrigation facilities to be setup across Godda district.
4. Arrangement of Potable water at village level.
5. To setup primary school and requisite teachers in schools and abolish double policy of
6. To setup PHC at every Panchayat and recruit doctors and Nurses and necessary medicines
to be made access in PHC.
7. To stop corruption and middle men system from project implementation
8. Illegal Possession of agrarian lands by forest department should be stopped.
9. Project formulation keeping in view the social and economical development of women
should be done and be managed loan for them on cheap rate to initiate home trade.
10. Black fever and malaria are pervasive in massive scale. Hence attention should be taken in
order prevent sicknesses and diseases.
1. To establish primary school at every Village with recruitment of teachers for every 40
2. Forest department has illegitimate possession of Raiti and agrarian lands that should be
defrayed to the farmers
3. To establish PHC at Panchayat level and recruitment of Nurses and doctors and the
requisite medicines to be made available.
4. Strict implementation of Laws to stop child labour and trafficking
5. Electrification and road construction at village level
6. Arrangement of drinking water to be made available at village level.
7. Implementation of such project that may liable to social and economical development of
8. In order to develop the areas, stop corruption middlemen and officers interaction.
9. To setup industries bases over mineral and forest produces.
10. "NREGA" should be implemented properly.
1. Establishment of Primary School at every village and Ward level and recruitment of
teachers over 40 students.
2. Arrangement of loans at cheaper rate for women to initiate self " ROZGAR"
3. To implement law not to grab agrarian lands by the forest dept.
4. Proper arrangement of irrigation.
5. Arrangement of Potable water.
6. Instant prevention of child labour and Trafficking to be stopped.
7. To setup industries over mineral produces.
8. Electrification in the rural areas to be ensured.
9. Strict implementation of "NREGA" in the constituency.
10. Project to be planed keeping in mind the social and economical development of women and
be ensured 33% reservation in Panchayats.
1. State to implement laws being framed to stop child labour and trafficking.
2. To arrange irrigation system across Khunti to generate employment for the unemployed
3. Agrarian lands alienated by forest department should be given back to adivasis.
4. To setup PHC at Gram Panchayat level with availability of Nurses, doctors and necessary
5. Arrangement of Potable water in village areas
6. Arrangement of Electrification in all the families.
7. Projects to be made that makes liable to social & economical developments of women and
33% of reservation to be ensured in all set of development
8. "NREGA" Laws should be strictly implemented.
9. To stop middlemen system and dictatorship officer for the purpose of development.
1. No attention was taken towards diseases like Black fever and malaria and so immediate
action should be taken in this regard.
2. Child marriage, Child labour and Child trafficking should be banned immediately.
3. Irrigational facility to be made available in the constituency.
4. Potable water at every village.
5. PHC at every Panchayat.
6. To arrange primary school and recruitment of teachers in the school.
7. "NREGA" Law should be implemented to prevent displacement.
8. Illegal possession of agrarian land by forest department should be stopped.
9. Rehabilitation Policy should be framed with the consultation of public.
10. To stop corruption, middle men and administrative dictatorship to promote development.
1. Proper arrangement of Irrigation in Lohardaga.
2. Small scale industries to be setup to provide employment for the displacement and ensure
employment to earn their livelihood.
3. To ensured strict implementation of the Laws being framed to stop child labour and child
4. To defrayed the lands and allotment of land for agriculture from the forest department.
5. Participation to be ensured to women is project formulation for their social and economical
development. This will also ensure 33% reservation for women. Arrangement of loans to
be made available for higher studies.
6. To establish home industry based employment over local forest and mineral producers in
the constituency.
7. Reformation of existing electrification to be developed in other areas.
8. Project to be completed in time which should be given to public and ensure their
9. To arrange drinking water across Jharkhand.
10. To establish Primary school at every village and recruitment of teachers to every 40
1. In order to develop small scale industries power supply has to be ensured.
2. To abolish corruption, middlemen system officers for speedy development.
3. Project to be planned by Public themselves and that will improve the developmental works
of the constituency.
4. To establish PHC at every Panchayat and avail required number of nurses and doctors in
the PHC.
5. To establish primary School at every village and ensuring a teacher for 40 students.
6. Positive initiative to be taken to abolish child Labour, Child trafficking and so stop
displacement in the constituency.
7. Arrangements made for drinking water at village level as well as ward level.
8. Priority to be given for irrigation project for eradication of unemployment in the
9. To formulate substantial project for the social and economical development for women.
10. To establish PHC at every Panchayat with recruitment of Nurses and doctors and ensuring
availability of medicines in PHCs.
Raj Mahal
1. Illegitimate possession of Adivasi, Raiti agrarina land and Bhudan lands should be
2. Irrigation arrangement should be ensured for agrarian lands.
3. Arrangement of Potable water.
4. Establishment of Primary school, and abolished double policy of education.
5. Strict implementation for the prevention and protection of child labour, trafficking and
child marriage.
6. To avail loan to initial home trade in rural as well as urban areas.
7. To establish PHC at every Panchayat.
1. Establishment of Primary School at every village and ward level with a teacher over 40
2. To ensured particularly, arrangement of free education and Loans for high studies.
3. To ensured arrangement of drinking water both in rural as well as urban areas.
4. Arrangement of Loans to initiate trade for poor people to abolish unemployment
particularly for Women.
5. Arrangement of drainages system, Roads and Power setup in urban areas.
6. To establish PHC at village Panchayat and ward level and recruitment of requisite nurses
and doctors, and arrangement of proper mass of Medicines.
7. Arrangement of irrigation system in Ranchi to reduce unemployment in the constituency.
8. A law to protect the vegetable seller, fruits sellers from robbers.
9. To protect and stop child labour, labour trafficking particularly in hotels.
10. For SWIFT development strong measure to be taken to stop corruption, Middlemen and
administrative dictatorship.
1. For the purpose of national Project land should be possessed without the permission of
2. To arrange Irrigation facilities.
3. To setup primary school at every village and recruitment of teachers over 40 students
4. Arrange potable water facilities in every village
5. To setup PHC at every Panchayat and recruitment of Nurses and doctors with proper
6. To functioning of Panchayat Samiti with immediate effect.
7. "NREGA" to be implemented properly.
8. To stop immediately the child labour & trafficking
9. Be defrayed the illegitimate alienation of agrarian land.
10. Projects be formulated keeping in centre the social and economical development of women.
1. Implement Article 371 (reservations for people living in backward areas) of Constitution
for North Karnataka as has already been done in the case in Telengana & Vidarbha.
2. Ensure 200 days work per person (and not 100 days per family) in NREGS and ensure that
at least 40% of the people get that in every year.
3. Compulsory 5 year rural posting for all people studying in Government medical, nursing,
pharmacy and other health related colleges.
4. Universalise PDS and ICDS. Also ensure that local food crops like Jowar and pulses like
Tur & Green gram are distributed through ration shops at subsidized rates.
5. To set up separate fast track courts for trying corruption cases related to development
funds, to ensure justice within 2 months. Also give the Lok Ayuktha powers to prosecute
corrupt bureaucrats and politicians.
6. Implement a health insurance scheme for all people and also to start a Social security
scheme for the unorganized sector.
7. Start industries in the backward regions like North Karnataka and stop giving fertile
agriculture lands for SEZ’s.
8. To ensure that all children in government schools are given quality education. Take action
on the people, if students in 6th & 7th class cannot even write a sentence in their mother
tongues. Also ensure special coaching’s/trainings for students from backward regions in
Mathematics, English & Computers.
9. To give more powers to the Gram Panchayaths to ensure full scale decentralizations and
also to empower the Panchayaths by ensuring necessary man power is given to them to
implement development programs. Panchayaths need to be given at least Rs.30 Lakhs per
year as untied funds.
10. Give minimum support prices for even dry land crops like Jowar & Tur. Also the concept
of skilled & unskilled needs to be changed to ensure that the farming community gets its
rightful benefit by properly calculating the efforts of a farmer while fixing prices.
Approved by the authorities with a view to bring down the traffic chaos on the lines of the
Delhi Metro project, the Kochi Metro Project now is in a verge of questions with the Planning
Commission refusing to approve the project as the Planning Commission wants a Private
Public Partnership (PPP) mode on the lines of the now controversial Hyderabad Metro project
where as the government of Kerala had decided to implement the project such that 30 per cent
of the project cost was to be
borne by the state and central government on a 50:50 basis and the balance amount to be raised
as debt from lending agencies.
PUTHUVYPPU A large area of land was accused by the government to set up
LNG TERMINAL the LNG Terminal at Puthuvyppu with a view to expand the Cochin Port
Trust for running the export and import business for the state consisting of a Jetty, 2 storage
tanks and the regasification facilities – unloading arms, two full containment type LNG tanks,
vaporization system, utilities and off-site facilities. The government was neither able to
rehabilitate the local residents nor provide them with the minimum amount of money. Above
all pollution will be the greatest threat to the
A unique project in infrastructure development, boosting containerization in India, enabling
India to move into the top 20 maritime nations, the international container transshipment
terminal (ICCT) costing Rs.2,118 crore is proposed to be set up at Vallarpadom as
Vallarpadam and the nearby island of puthuvypeen hold great development potential being
close to the international east-west trade route between Asia and Europe.
Three years after the completion of a major portion the Pulleppady rail overbridge, linking the
east and west halves of the city awaits commissioning as twenty-five meters of the bridge
remain to be completed by the Railways. Besides the National Highways at the Kundannoor,
Vyttila and Palarivattam junctions, Rail overbridges at Ponnurunny, Atlantis and VaduthalaPacchalam have not even been taken up despite their importance to the growth of the city.
Lack of proper transport facilities, traffic system, development of roads, clogging of drainage
systems, unhygienic surroundings, environmental pollution are the results of lack of planning
affecting the health of the people. Disposal of waste is the main issue been faced by the city
especially the the disposal of waste at kallamassery and the Bhrahmapuram project getting
delayed. Periyar and Chaliyar are the most prone area to pollution due to industrial waste.
Hundreds of residents in the Eloor region are once again facing the problem of pollution in
drinking water due to increase in pollutants in the kaamessery-Manjummel branch of the periya
besides the pollutants from the lorries were emptied into the river during the night hours,
resulting in the foul odor and change in color of the drinking water. A problem to be solved at
is fulfillment to a dream of clean and green Kochi.
Loosing agricultural areas especially the paddy fields not only decreases the production and
area under paddy but also will increase the dependency of the state on others and related issues.
Due to the problems of security and issues based on ecological threats the implementation of
the idea of Smart City seems to be in dilemma the completion of which will turn Kochi as the
IT hub of India
Railways There is a proposal for a stop near to Vyttila Junction. One study shows that 80
percentage of passengers get down at both north and South railway stations move eastwards
taking the over bridges causing more traffic congestion in the city
Cochin Port Development plans for developing Cochin port as the major international
destination for cargo movement.
National Highway 49
Need to be widened and executed at the priority level
BSF/Commando unit
Cochin requires a commando unit to protect itself from the external threats
JNNURM Reforms and infrastructural development in Cochin city
Water Supply Water supply projects to ensure sustained supply of water to all
National waterway
Develop Kollam to Kottapuram water way for the travel and cargo uses.
Power/ Energy Creation of more generating capacity in order to meet the requirements in
Land Acquisition act
Need to incorporate the necessary changes so that the cost of project shall be set up apart for
Other issues
The increasing number of migrants to the city as a result of the unprecedented increase in the
construction sector, problem of child labour and the growth of poverty are the other important
issues facing the city.
1. Every step shall be taken to solve the water scarcity problem of the constituency by
reopening sixty three water units in the constituency.
2. Actions will be taken to clean the Meenachil river system which is a major source of
drinking water in the area.
3. Traffic problem will be reduced by developing the existing rail-road systems in the
constituency. The doubling of the railway line from Erankulam to Thiruvanathapuram
will be speeded up and electrification of the railways will be given more importance.
Kottayam railway station will be developed with advanced facilities. Kottayam-
Kumarakom bypass road will be introduced. Steps will be taken to complete the
Kumaranaloor over bridge and Kottayam-Erumeli line.
4. Agricultural sector will be given much importance with the introduction of special
packages and special package will be introduced for Kuttanad.
5. Special care will be taken to improve the education sector. The mid day meal system
will be strengthened.
6. Actions will be taken to reduce the unemployment rate in the constituency.
7. Special package will be introduced for Kumarakom for developing the area as an
important tourist centre in India.
8. Rice will be made available to the poor households at Rs.2 /9. The kudumbasree units will be given better financial support for the women
10. Actions will be taken to reduce the farmer’s problem and more of the facilities will be
made available to the farmers.
Trivandrum Charter:
1. Problems of the maritime community in Thiruvananthapuram district has been there since time
immemorial and has been apart of election manifestoes .However, the community still awaits
the change in their living conditions as promised by political parties.
2. Development induced displacement issues pertaining to the proposed Vizhinjam Project.
3. High Court bench issue is the much talked after issue in the capital city. The State government
has come under pressure from NGOs and other groups following the Chief Justice reportedly
turning down the demand for a High Court Bench in the capital. Lawyers in
Thiruvananthapuram Bar Association are on strike demanding the reinstatement of the high
court bench
4. Kerala's public distribution system, the best in the country, is seriously affected by the shift in
Central government policies on the allocation and pricing of food grains and increasing deficit
in rice production in the State. Thiruvananthapuram is also seriously effected by this problem
5. The poor roads are a serious problem faced by the capital city.
6. Shortage of drinking water is a serious issue especially during the summer months.
1. Almost all of the farmers had loans in primary cooperative banks. But the banks had been
converting agriculture loans in to new ones in each year through book adjustments. So
these farmers were not able to reap benefits of loan waiver scheme announced by GoI. This
injustice has to be rectified.
2. The middlemen are controlling the market of agriculture produce and most of the produce
is not enjoying support price. A sustainable solution/mechanism to address this is required.
3. The NREGS should be redefined to support these farmers. The substantial tribal
community in the area should be linked to farm revival through NREGS by means of a
special package.
4. Tribal settlements need substantial investment to improve facilities for informal education,
supportive systems for school going children and achieving total literacy.
5. Substantial number of people is working in the Middle East and many of them are returning
now. Initiatives and facilities to channelize their investments and resources are required.
6. The age of marriage is coming down and the girls are married off by 15-17 years (boys 2023) with substantial dowries. There is an instance of an 18 year old boy marrying a 13 year
old girl to offset the dowry paid to his younger sister. Most of the earnings are being spent
for the marriages. (On an average each marriage involves a dowry of 3.5 lakhs, there are at
least 15 marriages per week in a Gram Panchayat and there are 24 Grama Panchayats from
Malappuram District is in this constituency – The total amount of dowry is an astounding
Rs 655 crores per year). All of these are having severe repercussions in the society. Better
measures for education, career guidance and jobs are required to check this. To tackle the
above malady a special Malappuram package is required.
7. The constituency had abundant forest and plantation resources. But the industries utilizing
these are conspicuously absent. An initiative to fill this gap is required.
1. Industries using rubber and wood – major natural resources in the area- are practically
absent. This has to be rectified.
2. Joint ventures with Non Resident Indians to plug the above gap have to be facilitated.
3. The NRI people are willing spend for the education of their offspring. But there is a dearth
of good educational institutions. So world class educational institutions and linkages with
such institutions like Aligarh University have to be initiated.
4. Agriculture is in decline and the two rivers – Chaliyar and Kadalundi – are facing severe
challenges from ravages like sand mining. These declines in Natural Resources have to be
checked through appropriate comprehensive watershed projects.
5. Another major agricultural produce of the area- coconut- is not being processed here. Such
industries have to be initiated.
6. There is an issue of accessibility for farmers and people living in hilly tracts and high
ranges. Roads ensuring connectivity to these areas has to constructed.
7. The distance from Cochin to Bangalore can be considerable reduced by constructing a
railway link between Nilambur and Mysore which will improve accessibility to many
under developed areas in both the states. This railway link should be constructed.
8. Calicut airport in Malappuram is being used by NRI s of the constituency. The facilities in
this airport should be improved.
1. Development and implementation of Bharathapuzha action plan is essential for the survival
of this area.
2. Many parts of constituency are experiencing acute drinking water shortages during
summer. This has to be addressed.
3. The dams and irrigation network in Bharathapuzha has to be revitalised.
4. Medium and minor irrigation assets have to be rejuvenated.
5. Modernization of agriculture - by more mechanisation, better irrigation practices and
integrated approach on soil and pests etc. -is the need of hour.
6. Schemes to develop the tourism potential utilizing the river and pristine farms are needed.
7. Railway connectivity by introducing connection train from Malabar to Amrita express, new
over bridges near Medical College in Athani and Wadakkanchery town, triangular station
in Shoranur and linking of Pollachi to Thrissur by constructing a 60 km link from
Kollengode are the major transport structures required.
8. A four line road link between NH 47 and NH 17 is required.
9. There is a potential for micro hydro schemes in several parts of the constituency which
should be taken up.
10. A massive revival of traditional industries/artisans based on agriculture and agriculture
produce is required.
11. Kerala Kalamandalam, the deemed university is situated here. It can be linked with other
art and cultural centres along the Bharathapuzha to organize an annual cultural event.
12. Model residential and special schools are required for the SC/ST children linking with
existing Kendriya Vidyalayas and other model schools.
1. In the loan waiver scheme implemented by Gov, all people who paid the interest or capital
regularly or irregularly often at the extreme instance of bank officials by making book
adjustments or taking informal loans were not benefitted. At least interest part of these
farmers should be waived.
2. The distress selling of agriculture land by farmers is spiralling abetted by land mafia. This
is leading to conversion of agriculture land as well. Main culprit is the lack of support
systems and a poor support price. This scenario has to be changed.
3. Coimbatore is the major industrial hub in this part of land. Improving connectivity by
introducing more push-pull trains in this route is essential for more development.
4. Similarly more trains connecting Palakkad to Thiruvananthapuram-the state capital is
5. There is a lack of high quality educational institutions here. An IIT promised earlier did
not materialise. But similar quality educational institutions are really needed.
6. Making the NREGS more effective is essential. One is to make the wages on par with
market and another is to make agricultural labour part of NREGS but by asking the farmer
to pay 50% of wages.
7. More investment on educational facilities – in terms of facilities and teachers- are required
in the tribal areas of the constituency.
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
The education criteria and age limit for political contestant should be fixed and compulsory
Under River linked project, first world RLP started in this region. It is recognized by the
name of Cane Betawa River linked project. If project will be started then most effected area
will be Chattarpur district. People demanding for revising their project in favor of the
residence of that area.
Mostly people representative after getting selected they often forget their responsibility
and less accountable to them. In this case the voter has no choice and they should have
the right to call back their selective representative.
During the period of election the voter have independent choice for electing the candidates
who stand for election but if non the candidates are enough capable to become the choice
then also they have no choice and they choice best among the worse. In this type of cases it
is demanded for the election commission that provision should be made in which the voter
can be say that they do not prefer these candidates.
In this region there is an abundance of Natural Resources but its management is far aware
so the people of the region demand for the benefits of available Natural Resources should
be demanded by the local people.
Farmers should have the rights to decide the price of their crops.
Efforts for privatization of water should be stop.
Highly Professional Education fee should be reduced.
Professional Education center should be established in the region.
The Planning Process should be raise at bottom to top in which problem of village raise to
center level.
Agriculture should be included in the Industrial sector.
It is the responsibility of the people as well as their representative to check corruption. And
it should be stopped with the immediate effect.
The role of state as well as the as center should be well define in case of Social security
scheme and Public Distribution system, so that they cannot make responsible to another
party for any malfunctioning.
Provision of job guarantee, those who have completed 100 days works.
Proper implementation of Act related to Schedule Tribe and people living in forest area
they get benefit under Forest Right Act 2006 and 2008. Efforts should be taken by Village,
Block, District level community for demanding their
Proper maintenance of Primary Health center in that area.
The education criteria and age limit for political contestant should be fixed and compulsory
Mostly people representative after getting selected they often forget their responsibility
and less accountable to them. In this case the voter has no choice and they should have
the right to call back their selective representative.
During the period of election the voter have independent choice for electing the candidates
who stand for election but if non the candidates are enough capable to become the choice
then also they have no choice and they choice best among the worse. In this type of cases it
is demanded for the election commission that provision should be made in which the voter
can be say that they do not prefer these candidates.
In this region there is an abundance of Natural Resources but its management is far aware
so the people of the region demand for the benefits of available Natural Resources should
be demanded by the local people.
Provision of job guarantee, those who have completed 100 days works.
Right to decide price of crops by farmers
Efforts for privatization of water should be stop.
Highly Professional Education fee should be reduced.
Professional Education center should be established in the region.
The Planning Process should be raise at bottom to top in which problem of village raise to
center level.
Agriculture should be included in the Industrial sector.
It is the responsibility of the people as well as their representative to check corruption. And
it should be stopped with the immediate effect.
The role of state as well as the as center should be well define in case of Social security
scheme and Public Distribution system, so that they cannot make responsible to another
party for any malfunctioning.
Proper implementation of Act related to Schedule Tribe and people living in forest area
they get benefit under Forest Right Act 2006 and 2008. Efforts should be taken by Village,
Block, District level community for demanding their.
Proper implementation of NREGA.
Standard policy for energy exploitation
At least 30% reservation for women in every political party
Effective implementation of Domestic violence Act
Formulation of separate act for sexual harassment of women at workplace
Free education for girls of Bachada community
Direct Linkage of rural women to industry
State Health policy and formulation of state committee for it
Independent state monitoring committee to implement state health plan
There should be some equal rules and regulation for society, Trust and company
The state has its pharmaceutical policy but there should be an separate drug policy
There should separate provisions for whole life cycle of women in health policy
Public audit of whole health department
The establishment of angambadi should range in 20 children.
10% budget should allocate to innovative VOs to conduct research and study in health
Moral education should be compulsory at primary level
Vocational education should compulsory at higher education.
Primary education should be in local language
Involvement of village development issues in education
The training of teachers should learn about on methodology development.
Women Literacy
50% participation of youth in social, economic and political sector
Specific youth policy
Reservation for youth in every political parties
Youth personality development should be focused in manifesto
Specific package programme for illiterate youth
Special provision for vocational trainings
Expansion of target group in Government welfare schemes.
Poor rural and urban settlement
Food security among poor
Land and forest right to poor
Well develop Rain water harvesting system
Second green revolution for sustainable agriculture
Restoration of traditional water bodies
Promotion of Indian traditional system of agriculture
Self employment
and promotion of SHGs and making them eligible for sustainable
Specific policy on farmer’s problems
Effective implementation of National employment Guarantee act
Agriculture with promotion of organic farming
Availability of at least 180 days work under NREGA
Land for landless and Forest right
Availability of sufficient food grains in public distribution shops
Sufficient availability of safe drinking water
1. The processing unit of Diamond (which is major natural resource of the area) should be
established in Panna.
2. The education criteria and age limit for political contestant should be fixed and compulsory
3. Nadi jodo project should be revised in favour of people of Panna and Chattarpur district
4. There should be visible role of central and state government in implementation of the social
security schemes.
5. Provide irrigation facilities in drought prone in Bundelkand area.
6. Proper implementation of forest rights act
7. Efforts should be banned for privatization of water.
8. Proper implementation of social security schemes and Public distribution system
9. There should be one professional education centre in Bundelkhand region.
10. Suitable displacement of villagers from Panna Tiger reserve.
11. Ensure the safe drinking water and make available the water of Cane River for Panna
Provide the agriculture debt waiver scheme for farmers from schedule tribes and castes
Provide electricity at least 18 hours of day
Provide improved variety of seeds to farmers by government
Provide 50 kg food grains to BPL families with minimum cost
Proper implementation of domestic violence act
Provide sustainable employment opportunities at village level
Stop corruption in NREGA implementation
Provide Education and Health facilities for women at Panchayat level
Provide the minimum 200 days job guarantee in National Rural Employment Guarantee
1. Ravines land should be allotted among the local peoples.
2. Provide the special package for the development of the Sahariya tribes.
3. Effective implementation of Forest Rights Recognition Act.
4. Stop-dame and earthen dame should be construct on local rivers like Kwari and Kuno for
conservation of water.
5. Property rights for the women should be ensure in the property of the family.
6. Establish one residential school in a area of 10 Panchayat to improve the education level of
7. Provide safe drinking water for the entire population.
8. Do not acquire the agriculture land for the non-agriculture purpose.
9. Proper and fair rehabilitation of displaced population from Kuno Palpur Sanctuary.
10. Provide the physical possession over land of Dalits and Adivasis.
11. Voter should have rights to re-call of people’s representative.
12. MLA, MPs and Entire employee of Government should declare about their properties.
Ensure the benefits of Natural resources of Panna district i.e. Diamond and precious wood
etc to local communities. The processing units of Diamond establish in Indore and it is an
open injustice with local communities of Panna district. To overcome with this problem
local level decision for its utilization should be taken at local level.
The education criteria and age limit for political contestant should be fixed and compulsory
In case of displacement that displacement should be ensure according to the displacement
Act 2005.
Under River linked project, first world RLP started in this region. It is recognized by the
name of Cane Betawa River linked project. If project will be started then most effected area
will be Panna district. People demanding for revising their project in favor of the residence
of Panna district.
Mostly people representative after getting selected they often forget their responsibility
and less accountable to them. In this case the voter has no choice and they should have
the right to call back their selective representative.
During the period of election the voter have independent choice for electing the candidates
who stand for election but if non the candidates are enough capable to become the choice
then also they have no choice and they choice best among the worse. In this type of cases it
is demanded for the election commission that provision should be made in which the voter
can be say that they do not prefer these candidates.
In this region there is an abundance of Natural Resources but its management is far aware
so the people of the region demand for the benefits of available Natural Resources should
be demanded by the local people.
Farmers should have the rights to decide the price of their crops.
Efforts for privatization of water should be stop.
Highly Professional Education fee should be reduced.
Professional Education center should be established in the region.
Primary education facility should be provide in that region.
The Planning Process should be raise at bottom to top in which problem of village raise to
center level.
Agriculture should be included in the Industrial sector.
It is the responsibility of the people as well as their representative to check corruption. And
it should be stopped with the immediate effect.
The role of state as well as the as center should be well define in case of Social security
scheme and Public Distribution system, so that they cannot make responsible to another
party for any malfunctioning.
The water from Cane River should be bought to Panna.
Ensure the safe drinking water and make available of water for Panna district from Cane
Appropriate displacement of villagers from Panna Tiger reserve forest.
Proper implementation of Act related to Schedule Tribe and people living in forest area
they get benefit under Forest Right Act 2006 and 2008. Efforts should be taken by Village,
Block, and District level community for demanding their rights.
Provision of job guarantee, those who have completed 100 days works.
1. Provide the 2-hectare agriculture land to landless Dalits and Adivasi families.
2. Fair implementation of Forest Rights Recognition Act and Ensure the community rights
over the forest.
3. Implement NREGA in cities and villages for eradication of poverty and ensure
employment for 300 days.
4. Government should provide seed, fertilizer, irrigation facilities, and land to Dalits for
development of agriculture.
5. Remove all discrimination based on caste gender color or religion.
6. Provide Education and Health facilities including food water hygiene, Housing, Transport
and electricity to all poor.
7. Small Scale industries and income generation schemes for women.
8. Promote the land-based economy to provide more jobs to the rural peoples.
9. Promote the watershed activities in villages.
10. Provide seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation facilities to small and marginal farmers.
1. Promote the agriculture based economic activities to provide the more and more job to the
rural youths.
2. Provide the irrigation, electricity, seeds and fertilizers to small and marginal farmers.
3. End social exclusion and so-called feudal system.
4. Provide free education for entire citizens from Primary to Higher education.
5. Special program to strengthen the Kol and Gond Tribes.
6. Stop the unnecessary interference of Forest department in implementation of FRR Acts.
7. Allot the land to the landless families of marginalized community.
8. Provide 50 percent reservation to women in Panchayat.
9. Promote the watershed activities in villages.
10. Proper implementation of NREGA.
1. Provide the 18 hrs to 20 hrs electricity in villages.
2. Stop the illegal interference of Forest Department in to implementation of Forest Rights
Recognition Act.
3. Provide the Recall rights to voter against the corrupt people’s representative.
4. Village development plane should be prepare in village meetings.
5. Do not promote the farming or planting of Jetropha.
6. Develop the local natural resource in terms of providing the employment.
7. Proper implementation of NREGA.
8. Aware the peoples about the water shed and built structure for water conservation.
9. Stop the cutting of trees by the Forest Department.
10. Do not involve teachers in non-educational program rather than only educational activities.
The education criteria and age limit for political contestant should be fixed and compulsory
Mostly people representative after getting selected they often forget their responsibility
and less accountable to them. In this case the voter has no choice and they should have
the right to call back their selective representative.
During the period of election the voter have independent choice for electing the candidates
who stand for election but if non the candidates are enough capable to become the choice
then also they have no choice and they choice best among the worse. In this type of cases it
is demanded for the election commission that provision should be made in which the voter
can be say that they do not prefer these candidates.
In this region there is an abundance of Natural Resources but its management is far aware
so the people of the region demand for the benefits of available Natural Resources should
be demanded by the local people.
Right to decide price of crops by farmers.
Efforts for privatization of water should be stop.
Highly Professional Education fee should be reduced.
Professional Education center should be established in the region.
The Planning Process should be raise at bottom to top in which problem of village raise to
center level.
Agriculture should be included in the Industrial sector.
It is the responsibility of the people as well as their representative to check corruption. And
it should be stopped with the immediate effect.
The role of state as well as the as center should be well define in case of Social security
scheme and Public Distribution system, so that they cannot make responsible to another
party for any malfunctioning.
Proper implementation of Act related to Schedule Tribe and people living in forest area
they get benefit under Forest Right Act 2006 and 2008. Efforts should be taken by Village,
Block, District level community for demanding their
Provision of job guarantee, those who have completed 100 days works.
1. Provide the minimum 200 days job guarantee in National Rural Employment Guarantee
2. Proper implementation of Forest Rights Recognition Act.
3. Ensure the physical possession over the land of beneficiaries of Grazing land allotment by
the Madhya Pradesh Government during the year 2000-2001.
4. Provide Education and Health facilities including safe drinking water & hygiene, Housing,
Transport and electricity to all poor families.
5. Provide the special package for stone mines labors and their families like health, education
and other development activities to improve their socio-economic and political
6. Ensure the safe drinking water in each and every village.
7. Provide the irrigation facilities to small and marginal land holders.
8. Appoint the Primary education teacher for promotion of education in remote areas.
9. Promote the small village industries based on local resources.
10. Strengthen of Public Distribution System.
1- csjkstxkj dh leL;k gS] xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkjaVh ;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;u lgh
<ax ls ugha
gks ik jgk gS ftlesa 40 izfr'kr rd deh'ku dke miyC/ djkus ds ,ot fy;k tkrk
2- ekb¯ux] [knku cUn gSaA 30]000 odZj csjkstxkj gSa vkSj bu
csjkstxkjksa ds fy, oSdfYid
jkstxkj dh O;oLFkk gksuh pkfg,A
3- f'k{kk dk Lrj cgqr [kjkc gSA vkfnoklh vf'kf{kr gksus dh otg ls vR;Ur
fiNM+s gq,
gSaA izkFkfed f'k{kk dks xq.koÙkkiw.kZ cukus ds fy, Ldwyksa ds
f'k{kkd£e;ksa dks fu;fer
fd;k ftlls fd muesa vkRefo'okl tkx`r gks lkFk gh bUgsa fo'ks"k Vsª¯ux
chVhvkbZ iznku dh tk,A
4- djsjk {ks=k] f'koiqjh CykWd vR;Ur n;uh; {ks=k gSa tgk¡ vkfnoklh lHkh
lqfo/kvksa ls
oafpr gSaA mUgsa fodkl dh eq[;/kjk ls tksM+us ds fy, fo'ks"k vkfnoklh
ifj;kstuk rRdky 'kq: dh tk,A
5- nw/ mRiknu] okfudh] vkS"k/h; ikS/ksa dh [ksrh ij T;knk tksj fn;k tk,A
6- y?kq ouksit ds fy, uhfr;k¡ ,oa dkuwu izHkkoh fd, tk,¡A ou foHkkx ds
yksx vkfnoklh
oxZ dks >wBk u iQ¡lk,¡A blds fy, dkuwu leUo; lfefr cuuh pkfg,A
7- vkfnoklh yksxksa dh tehuksa ij voS/ dCts gSa mudks rRdky izHkko
ls gVkus ds fy,
dkjZokbZ gksA
8- Hkwfe vf/dkj dkuwu l[rh ls ykxw fd;k tk,A
9- vkfnoklh ,oa Hkwfeghu [ksfrgj etnwjksa dks ,d yk[k rd dk lkeqnkf;d
chek djk;k
10- vkfnoklh {ks=kksa esa pfyr LokLF; bdkbZ dh la[;k c<+kdj izR;sd
xk¡o esa LokLF; lqfo/
k,a miyC/ djkbZ tk,¡A
Gadchiroli- Chimur
1. Declare minimum support price for sugar cane every season.
2. Stop load shedding in the region.
3. Ahmednagar is a district where large scale sugarcane is grown and the same is processed
in the sugar factories as large number of factories are in and around Ahmednagar. But the
transportation & road net work is not yet developed to the mark. Hence the transportation
and road network/connectivity is developed in the district at the earliest.
4. The literacy rate in the district within the women is alarming. Hence special campaign/
efforts are made to increase this rate.
5. Implement the Atrocity Act effectively to check the atrocities on the Dalits in the region.
6. The Shirdi – Ahmednagar railway connectivity is pending since long. The same should
be initiated immediately.
7. Large scale child labor is employed in the sugar factories in and around Ahmednagar and
the administration/police do not take action against the power full sugar barons. Hence this
should be immediately stopped and stringent action initiated against all those who violate
the norms of child labor.
8. The total number of PHC in the district are less in number compared to the over all
population of the district. Hence the number be of PHC is increased in proportion to the
population of the district.
9. The district has tremendous scope for tourism development. Hence adequate funds are
provided and special campaign launched to promote tourism in the region.
10. The development of Shirdi airport is immediately commenced.
11. The work on the over Chachnali bridge on the Godavari river in Kopargaon Taluka is
pending since last 15 years. Thus this creates lots of problems during the rainy season.
Hence it should be developed immediately.
12. The number of government colleges in the district is not in proportion to the population
of the district. Hence more number of colleges are opened in the district.
1. The Jabran Jot holder is given the land and it is registered in her/his name.
2. The work under the MREGA should be agro based and help in overall agricultural
development of the region.
3. Transfer the Nistar land to the villagers and it is registered in their name directly.
4. For the development of most backward taluka of the district that is Korpana and Rajura
special scheme is planned and implemented within a stipulated period so as to ensure equal
development of the district.
5. The royalty of 10% against the mining of the minerals/ores is not used for the
development of the villages. The contractors also do illegal mining & more than permitted.
Hence, Gram Sabha should be given management rights of all the mining operations in the
constituency. All those contractors who do illegal mining be arrested and blacklisted.
6. The naxal menace in the region has created terror & fear in the minds of the common
masses in the district. The government must act immediately and take effective steps to
curb the naxalism and also ensure full security and safety of the common mass specifically
the villager in the remote areas of the district. The naxal menace also creates lots of
problem for carrying forward the democratic movement in the region. Hence the
government must go to the root cause of naxalism and tackle the same rather than
suppressing the same by force and cohersion & there by an atmosphere of terror is created
both by the police and the naxals.
7. The population of the Dhangar community is in large number in Chimur taluka. They
are the most illiterate community in the district. For years together they are kept away from
the mainstream social development. Hence the government must plan special schemes for
their over all development and the an urgent campaign is launched for their overall
education, special literacy package is declared and implemented for them and adequate
funds are earmarked for the same.
8. The power generation in Chandrapur is the highest. Electric power is supplied from
Chandrapur to the entire state and even to the neighboring states. But the district goes with
out power for 9 hours daily. This is grave injustice to the people of the district. Hence the
government must ensure that the district is given it’s quota of electricity and must ensure
that the power is supplied equally to the region and for 24 hours a day and all the 365 days
of the year.
9. The supply of medicines in the PHCs of the district is negligible and not regular there by
creating enormous difficulties and hardships to the common masses. Hence the government
must declare & make public as to how much supply of medicines is done to the PHCs and
the authorities must also make public the utilization of the medicines supplied to them
every month. The supply of medicines is regularized and adequate supply of medicines be
10. Huge land acquired by the government for the development of the right canal from the
Gosikhurd towards Asola Mendha. But the government did not pay substantial
compensation for this land to the people there by leaving large number of farmers in
distress. Hence the government must immediately pay compensation to these people at the
market rate.
1. Stop load shedding immediately. Ensure equal distribution of power to all regions of the
2. Take effective measures to stop the drop outs from the schools in the rural areas and the
urban poor areas.
3. Improve the health services in the public health centers. Ensure adequate supply of
medicines to the PHCs in the tribal blocks of Dhule. Provide all essential health facilities in
the urban slums through the municipal corporation hospitals of Dhule.
4. Ensure equal and adequate drinking water supply to Dhule city. Provide special funds to
initiate water conservation campaign within the district.
5. Dhule is one of the districts where in the rural areas child marriages are very common.
Provide special assistance to the campaign against child marriages and ensure effective
implementation of Child Marriage Act.
6. The work at Akkalpada & Arner Dams in Sakri taluka is pending since last 15 years.
The project cost also has dwindled many folds. These two dams are immediately completed
so that drinking water and water for irrigation is available in ample in Dhule district and the
people shall get relief and the development of the district can be ensured.
7. In the recent past Dhule city has been affected due to communal violence on three to
four occasions. Women folk are the most affected due to these communal clashes. Every
time the government announce the relief but it did not reach the most affected. Hence the
government must ensure that the relief reaches to them immediately.
8. Garbage disposal/processing units are developed in Dhule city immediately.
9. The work of the railway track approved between Manmad – Indore via Dhule is
completed at the earliest.
10. Dhule district is one of the drought prone districts of Maharashtra since last 20 years.
The agrarian crisis in the district is deepening day by day. The government must declare a
special loan waiver scheme for the farmers of the district. The land here is non irrigated
hence special schemes/campaigns are launched in the district for water conservation.
Adequate funds are provided to build farm lakes/wells.
1. Protect land rights of Adivasis of Gadchiroli region and restore land illegally alienated
from them.
2. Ensure/confer the right of access to forest and forest produce; recording of rights of
inhabitants of forest villages.
3. No project, industrial or development, should be undertaken where displacement of tribal
people occurs without a comprehensive and sustainable rehabilitation package. Such a
scheme must be put in place before any displacement or work begins. They must get land
for land. Displacement if inevitable then they is given, not just the economic rehabilitation
but also the socio and cultural rehabilitation be ensured.
4. Extension of panchayat system to the Adivasi habitats.
5. Survey of the people living below poverty is done again and the list be made public of
such beneficiaries.
6. The rationing system in the region is the worst. The shops do not remain open for the
entire month. If they are open the essential commodities are not available in the shops on
those days. Hence the common masses and specifically the poor face great difficulties. The
kerosene to be sold through these shops is being diverted in the black market. The
government must initiate stringent actions against all these shop keepers. The license to run
these shops is granted to the women self help group immediately as announce by the
7. The Jabran Jot holder is given the land and it is registered in her/his name.
8. Implement the atrocity act effectively and stringent action under this act is taken against
all guilty in the incidences of atrocities against the Dalits and the Adivasis.
9. The innocent Adivasi is being unnecessarily harassed by both the naxalites and the
police force on the pretext of being informer either of the police or the naxalites. The
government must immediately take effective measures to stop this and create an
atmosphere of safety in the region so that the poor Adivasis can live with out fear and they
are brought in the mainstream of development.
10. The main office of the naxal cell is in Nagpur where as the problem is in Gadchiroli
which is 174 kms away from Nagpur. Hence to tackle the situation effectively the naxal
cell is shifted to Gadchiroli town instead of Nagpur.
11. To ensure that the local unemployed youth gets employment ensure that the iron factory
is built in the Ettapally taluka only.
12. For the over all development of the region the state and the central government must
immediately start the work of the Gadchiroli – Sironcha railway line.
13. For over all development of irrigation and to ensure regular water supply to all the
regions of the district immediately start the work of the Karwafa and Tul Tuli dam which
is pending since last several years despite repeated assurance by both the central and state
14. Declare Gadchiroli district as drought prone and provide work and food work to the
affected population and also provide fodder for the animals in the district.
15. It is observed that the scholarship to the students studying in the government and
government schools and colleges get their scholarship after the session is over, there by
creating grave difficulties for the poor students. Hence these students must get their
scholarship in the beginning of the session so that they can concentrate on their studies and
can be brought in the mainstream of the development and they do not drop out for the want
of money.
1. Stop the load shedding. Provide ample power in the rural areas so that the farmers can
irrigate their land.
2. Large number of factories in the MIDC area of Jalgaon is closed due to load shedding
and other problems. There by large section of youth in the Jalgaon district lost their jobs.
Develop a plan for effective revival of the industry in the MIDC is of Jalgaon to stop
migration and ensure employment within the district. Provide loans to the youths who lost
jobs in the industrial area to start their own SSS units at lowest interest rates.
3. Jalgaon district face severe drought since last 15 years. People get drinking water once in
8 days in many rural and urban areas of Jalgaon district. Hence the dam on the Tapi river is
immediately built or atleast water pipe line be laid to draw sufficient water from Tapi for
drinking purpose.
4. In Women hostels, Aashram Shala, Adivasi schools and hostels the facilities provided
are negligible. Whatever money comes for the running of these hostels and schools is being
used by the owners or the administration do not allow these funds to reach the real
beneficiary. Large scale corruption is experienced in these hostels and schools. The pupils
do not get quality education neither they get quality food. Hence the funds should be
regulated through a regulatory body to these hostels and schools. An able administrator is
appointed to ensure that the funds are utilized for the purpose they are awarded and check
corruption in this area.
5. Ensure proper implementation of Indira Awas Yojana in the slums.
6. Large scale government, forest land is barren in and around Jalgaon district. If tree
plantation is undertaken on this land then it may help to change the overall flora and fauna
of the district. As the rainfall in the district is very minimal it may help in weather change
in near future and also help in maintaining the ground water level.
7. Large scale irregularities are experienced in the BPL survey in Jalgaon district. Hence
the survey is done again and ensures the perfection of BPL registration.
8. The government has announced that the Self Help Group shall be given licenses for
rationing shops. But till date not a single SHG got the license in Jalgaon district. Hence it
should be given immediately.
9. Develop quality infrastructure, provide quality education, appoint teachers & provide all
the facilities for the girl students including separate toilets in the schools opened under the
SSA in the district.
1. The Planning committee of the district does not have equal representation of the Women,
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & Other Backward Classes. Thus while planning the
budget for these classes they feel deprived and are deprived from the over all development
work of the district. Hence they must have equal representation in the planning committees
of the district.
2. Develop Special schemes for the development of live stock and earmark adequate funds
in the district planning for the development of the same.
3. Encourage the export of the Kolhapuri Chappals, reduce the export duties and give
special export oriented trainings to the artisans.
4. Include Belgaon and Nipani in Maharashtra.
5. Declare Kolhapur as tourist place and gave special package for it’s over all development
as a tourist place.
6. Built National Monument of Rajashree Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj in Kolhapur.
7. Declare minimum support price to milk being produced in large scale in the region.
8. Develop special housing plans for the Nomadic tribes and other backward classes.
Provide adequate budget for its implementation.
9. The rain water from the mountains and the areas of more rainfall is preserved and
diverted to the drought prone areas. Special irrigation schemes are designed for the region
so that a balance is maintained between the regions where the rainfall is more and the
drought prone areas. The water from the mountains is streamlined in the manner to ensure
that equal distribution of water is made possible through out the district.
1. Provide shelter to all the slum dwellers on the same plots as they are staying.
2. Stop indiscriminate displacement of the slum dwellers and stop building malls on such
3. Nagpur Improvement Trust must immediately start the economic weaker section land
distribution scheme.
4. Stop privatization of the water supply in Nagpur city. Ensure equal distribution of water
through out Nagpur city. To ensure adequate water supply to the city through out the year
hastens the completion of the Pench Project IV.
5. The local transport by bus in the city is in mess. After the privatization of the bus
transport system, the private owners do not have parking space there by creating
tremendous traffic jams within the city specifically on the busy thorough fares. Also the
number of these buses is very less there by creating tremendous hardships to the daily
commuters. Allot sufficient parking space to these private bus services, ensure adequate
number of buses to cater the need to the daily commuters or withdraw privatization and
hand over the city bus service once again to Maharashtra State Transport Corporation.
6. Local auto creates employment opportunity within a growing city like Nagpur. Prepare
common tariff plans for these autos. Provide parking bays for them and for the convenience
of the people. Ensure that the 8 seater autos are not allowed to ply within the city limits.
7. Give compensation at market rate to the people whose land is acquired for the MIHAN
project or those displaced from their land due to the MIHAN project be given land against
land and of the same nature and grade. Provide employment in MIHAN project to atleast
one family member from those whose land is acquired by the government at throw away
prices for the MIHAN project.
8. The electricity cost per unit in the civil areas and the slums are different.
9. Provide quality education through Corporation and Zilla Parishad schools. Provide
adequate funds for the modernization of these schools and spent the same in the stipulated
period. Ensure timely payments to the teachers of these schools so that they take initiative
to impart quality education in these schools. Immediately fill up the backlog of teachers in
these schools.
10. The resolutions of the government are made available in every taluka place. Every
taluka must have one window system for the speedy process of all public related
governmental work.
11. Build sufficient public toilets for men and women separately in Nagpur city on all
major thorough fares and ensure efficient management of these public toilets.
12. All the railway bridges connecting East – West, North – South, Center – North, be
modernized and immediately rebuild as their life is over and at any given time a major
mishap can occur. The railway bridge from Itwari to Shantinagar is immediately
constructed. A over bridge is constructed immediately from the Wanjari Nagar water tank
through the railway quarters to the Ajni Railway station for the convenience and smooth
flow of road traffic on this section.
13. All the public parks in the city are renovated and the entry to these parks is made free.
Ensure effective maintenance of these public parks.
14. Free all public amusement & play grounds from encroachments. Severe punishment is
given to all those do these encroachments in near future.
15. Renovate the Yeshwant Stadium. Free the stadium of illegal possession. Develop the
stadium into a world class stadium as it’s in the heart of the city. Stop giving this stadium
to any program other than sports. Ensure the completion of the sports stadium in North
16. Utilize the funds of JNRU for the purpose it is meant. Do not allow the funds to lapse
of go back to the centre. All projects under JNRU are open for social audit.
17. Modernize the government medical colleges in Nagpur. Provide adequate funds for its
modernization and renovation. Develop the Super Specialty Hospital on the ground of
AIIMS. Fill up the backlog of Professors, HOD’s, Doctors in all these medical colleges.
The CT scan unit of GMC is made operational immediately.
18. The number of the police stations and the police personals is inadequate to stop the
rising crime rate in the growing city like Nagpur. Hence increase the number of police
stations and police personals and modernize the force to meet any challenges in this
growing city. Ensure that every police station have a separate women cell to address the
growing incidences of violence/crime against women.
19. The number of PHCs and the doctors is inadequate to cater the need of the growing
rural area of Nagpur district. Hence fill the backlog in these hospitals. Provide adequate
funds so that the people get all necessary basic health services in these PHCs.
20. The premier institutes like VANAMATI and Dr Panjabrao Krushi Vidyapeeth are
activated, modernized so that they become the vibrant bodies to ensure training, capacity
building and guide to the farming community of the Vidarbha region. Provide adequate
funds to these institutes for specialization, research etc.
21. Promote and develop cooperative sector in agriculture in the Vidarbha region and make
Nagpur the hub for it. Thus the suicide prone areas of Vidarbha will get some solace and
the farmers can fetch satisfactory prices for their produce. Provide adequate funds for
developing the same.
22. Stop falling of the age old trees in the name of development. Develop more forest, tree
plantations in and around Nagpur city so that the concrete erections do not disturb the over
all flora and fauna of the city.
1. The work under the NREGS was undertaken on large scale in Nanded district. Nanded
was one of the leading districts for NREGS work. But since last couple of months it is
observed that there is tremendous mismanagement in the implementation of the scheme in
Nanded. Thus large numbers of workers in the rural area are facing tremendous hardships.
Hence the works under NREGS is initiated immediately.
2. Water shortage in Nanded is the most common site through out the year. Particularly the
drinking water is in shortage due to mismanagement of the Vishnupuri dam in Nanded. The
water shortage is more severe in the villages of Nanded district and specifically so in the
Deglur Taluka. Hence the Lendi Dam project be completed at the earliest so that ample
drinking water is made available for the people in and around Deglur taluka.
3. Ration cards are made available in ample and distributed immediately to all.
4. The criteria for the BPl are changed immediately and the actual beneficiaries are put
under BPL. Hence a proper survey also is done to identify the BPL families.
5. Women self help groups are provided the license of the kerosene for effective & equal
distribution of kerosene to the people.
6. The Gairan land is done immediately in the name of those who cultivate the same.
7. Department of surgery is available in the rural hospitals.
8. Immediately stop load shedding in the rural areas.
9. Organizations of the educated unemployed are provided with Rs 1, 00,000/ grant every
year for their sustenance.
10. Distressed and Widows are provided Rs 1000/ as allowance every month. The
government scheme for helping these sections of women has not seen the light of the day
as the MLA’s who are the chairperson of these committees who endorse the beneficiaries
do not call for any meeting’s for facilitating and endorsing these beneficiaries so that they
can get this allowance. Thus the meeting’s of this committee is held regularly and the
women’s get a minimum economic relief.
1. Nandurbar is an Adivasi dominated area. But in recent past they are being driven away
from their land and the forest. This has created tremendous social and economic problems
within this community. Hence restore the land and forest produce rights of these Adivasi.
2. The women folk from the Adivasi section is given equal wages.
3. Develop primary and medium schools in the Adivasi regions. Provide adequate budget to
them for their effective/efficient functioning. Appoint quality teachers on these schools and
ensure regular salary to these teachers.
4. Even today in Nandurbar district large number of villages is not connected with
electricity. Hence ensure electrification of these villages within the next five years.
5. Large number of villages does not have approach roads. Thus the over all development
of the region is hampered. Hence develop road network through out the district and with
remotest of the villages.
6. Once the roads are built ensure effective and proper public transportation through the
district. Even today large sections of the villagers have to depend on private vehicles or
they travel miles on their feet to reach from one destination to another within the district
particularly in the interiors.
7. Large number of villages is suffering from malnutrition. The lack of health, education
etc facilities leads to malnutrition in this region. Hence ensure proper, effective and
uniform implementation of all the schemes which are announced by the government to
ensure malnutrition free society.
8. The district is always drought prone. It is because of insufficient facilities of water
conservation. Hence special schemes/campaign is launched in the region for water
conservation. The government provides adequate funds for the purpose and ensures its
effective and judicious use for the same purpose. The Nagan irrigation project is held up
since last 20 years which could have benefited the people of the region. Hence this project
is completed immediately.
9. Effective implementation of all schemes for the Adivasi region. The Adivasis do not
receive sufficient supply of essential food grains through the ration shops. Hence they must
get all the facilities through these ration shops and government must ensure
sufficient/uninterrupted ssupply of essential commodities to the Adivasi region through
these ration shops.
10. Develop adequate health centers in this region. Provide adequate budget for the Ashram
Shala, Hostels for Adivasi students. Provide them scholarship in time so that they can
utilize during the same term and the students do not have to strive for the scholarship and
the drop percentage can also be minimized from the schools.
1. Provide houses to the people of slums under JNURM in the place where they are living.
2. Ensure recycling of the garbage of Nasik city. This recycling work is awarded to those
who pick up the garbage.
3. Immediately stop load shedding and provide sufficient & regular power supply in the
rural areas of Nasik district.
4. The government announced the loan waiver for the farmers who are marginalized. But in
reality even the small & big farmers are facing problems to repay the loans. Hence the
government must declare loan waiver to all farmers without any conditionality.
5. The sewer drainage is dumped in the Godavari river. This is creating lots of health and
environmental problems. Hence to avoid the pollution proper/effective management of this
waste is done.
6. Ensure effective and efficient implementation of Domestic Violence Act in the district.
7. Make provision of regular employment through the social security act.
8. Ensure effective and regular implementation of NREGA in the district.
9. Large section of the Adivasi and the marginal farmers from the Dhule, Jalgaon, Nagar,
and Nandurbar migrate to Nasik for work. These sections of the people are the most
exploited. They do not get home to stay, no facilities for drinking water, sanitation, no
schools for their children’s etc. But this is the work force which can be effectively used for
the over all development of the region. Hence provide these sections all basic facilities.
10. The farmers in Nasik have been facing problems of minimum support price for their
important produce like the onion and the grapes. Hence ensure that government declare
minimum support price for these produce every season.
1. Provide adequate funds for the broadening of Miraj – Pandharpur railway route.
2. Supply water from the Krishna river to the eastern region of the Sangli district which is
drought prone.
3. Grapes and Pomegranates are the two main produce of Sangli district, but the farmers are
not provided adequate economic relief for the damages of these produce during the natural
calamities. Hence they should be provided adequate economic relief in such situations.
4. The MIDC areas in the district have been neglected. It is only the boards which are
displayed but hardly any industries are developed. Hence special efforts are made to open
industries in each of the MIDC so that the land acquired for it from the farmers and their
family members are benefited out of it.
5. Provide employment to atleast one member from the family residing in the drought
prone area of the district.
6. Large number of Dalits has applied for land under the Swabhiman Yojana Scheme but
hardly few got the land. Where as adequate land is available in the area for distribution.
This can resolve the livelihood question of the landless Dalits. Hence the government must
immediately start the process of acquiring the land and distribute the same to those who
have applied for the same.
7. In majority villages of Sangli district Dalits do not have graveyard. Hence the same
should be made available immediately in these villages.
1. The water from the Krushna Khore (Project) be provided to the sever drought prone
areas of Satara district.
2. Declare minimum support price to milk being produced in large scale in the region.
3. The proportion of the domestic violence is alarming in the region. Hence the government
must take special efforts to curb the same. Even the implementing authority of the DV Act
is not in place in Satara district. Hence the government must take immediate steps to
appoint the authorities for the district.
4. The atrocities on the Dalit’s are also committed in large scale in this region. Still people
believe in untouchability. Hence the government must take special efforts and provide
adequate funds for campaign in this regards. Also ensure effective implementation of the
Atrocity Act.
5. The MREGA work must focus on the over all development of the marginalized farmers
and the works under the scheme be undertaken in their farms so that they earn sustained
6. Connect Lonand – Pandharpur by railway.
7. Exploitation of unorganized workers is rampant in this region. They are not paid
minimum wages nor are they given salaries. Hence the government must take special
initiative to ensure payments of minimum wages to these workers. Those who trample the
minimum wage act be severely punished. The labor department must play a proactive role
in ensuring the payments of minimum wages to these workers and they must act
immediately on the cases filed for the payment of the minimum wages.
8. The caste certificates are issued to the needy within a month through the collector’s
9. The rain water from the mountains and the areas of more rainfall is preserved and
diverted to the drought prone areas. Special irrigation schemes are designed for the region
so that a balance is maintained between the regions where the rainfall is more and the
drought prone areas. The water from the mountains is streamlined in the manner to ensure
that equal distribution of water is made possible through out the district.
10. Modernize the police force and the department. Sensitize them towards their social
commitment and specifically towards the atrocities on the Dalit’s and the women in the
district. The police force is given special training for this purpose. Appoint special lady
officers and the social workers in each police station so that they handle these cases
1. To strengthen and develop the cloth industries in Solapur make adequate budgetary
provisions and give subsidies in the exports duties of the same. Thus it will lead to
employment generation in the local region.
2. Declare minimum support price for the crops like Bajari and Jowar grown in ample in
the district.
3. Develop adequate irrigation project to provide sustained water supply for agriculture.
4. Implement MREGA effectively in the Solapur in all the villages.
5. The power loom industry in Solapur is demolished due the new global order. Thus large
number of artisans, women, youth etc working in this sector are left with out work. Declare
unemployed wages for them and implement the same immediately.
6. Immediately start the bilane work of the Bhagwan-Solapur railway track.
7. The funds of the scheduled caste sub plan should not be diverted for any other
developmental work rather used only for the economic and social development of the
8. Develop the cremation grounds for the Dalit’s in the rural and urban areas of Solapur.
9. The criteria of Rs 20,000 are changed to Rs 75,000 per annum income for the BPL.
10. Every member of the self help group must get loan of minimum Rs. 50,000 at 4%
interest rate.
1. Built dam in the region of Selu (Selu Tehsil), Salai (Kala), Amgaon & Sondi (Heti) so
that the land in these regions can be irrigated. Hence instead of providing wells under the
Jawahar Well Scheme built the dam on Wardha River.
2. Rs 25,000=00 were the package declared for the farmers in Wardha district but yet large
number of farmers has not received the package amount. Hence immediately distribute the
package fund to the farmers.
3. Under the name of slow down large number of youth is deprived of their employment in
the local factories. They are being given lay off. Hence the government must take
immediate measures to stop this lay off.
4. Government must formulate schemes to encourage the agro based and rural based
employment generation. Government must increase the number of Industrial training
schools atleast one at each taluka so that the unemployed youth doesn’t have to depend
only on agro based self employment but they can open agro processing units and can also
do marketing of the same. Provide adequate funds for the same.
5. Immediately Rehabilate the displaced people staying along the road side from Bajaj
Square to Shivaji statue in Wardha city.
6. Implement joint pattas for women in all land distributed including housing plots given in
urban areas by government and special schemes for female headed households. The
collector ate must implement a special campaign for this in the region.
7. The family agricultural land is registered in the name of both women and men so as to
ensure the livelihood of the women.
8. Ration cards be provided in the name of the women’s.
9. Declare Pensions and other social benefits to the farmers aged over 60 years so that they
can take care of their livelihood in the old age.
10. Built short stay home for women in distress in the Wardha as it is not yet developed in
the district despite the government announcement.
11. Farmers must be provided direct subsidies per acre on their over all land under
cultivation every season.
12. Vidarbha region be declared drought prone as the rainfall during the last season was not
13. Rehabilitate the displaced people due to the Upper Wardha Dam project immediately.
14. Immediately built a family court in Wardha.
Yavatmal Washim
1. Fix the prices of the crops before the Kharip season.
2. Ensure timely and sufficient availability of ration cards in the district.
3. Ensure that the work under NREGA is continued through out the year. Agricultural
workers are provided under this scheme in farms.
4. Water of Bembla dam is made available for agriculture in ample.
5. Credit is made available to the farmers before the season.
6. The funds available for the farming sector in Washim and Yavatmal district is utilized
fully and time to time social audit of the same to be done.
7. Stop load shedding in all the villages of Yavatmal and Washim district.
8. Every police station in Yavatmal and Washim is provided with a separate women cell to
address the issues of women.
9. Local traditional seed is made available in the Seeds and Fertilizers shops before the start
of season.
10. The average crop production of the taluka is decided by the Patwari and declared by the
government with out the knowledge of the individual farmers. Thus the farmers who loose
their crops due to natural calamities or any other reason are not benefited despite them
having crop insurance. Hence the production of crops in each district is declared based on
the individual farmer’s crop production assessment so that those who loose their crops are
benefited out of their crop insurance.
11. People of Washim district face tremendous scarcity of Water despite the WAN dam
project completed and water being stored in the dam. This is mainly because of poor
management of the available water. Hence effective management of the water available in
the dam is done so that both irrigation and drinking water problem of the people is
12. The number of distressed women and single women is very high in the districts of
Yavatmal and Washim in the villages. Many amongst them do not have shelter, nor do they
have any land in their name. Hence provide house & plot to such women under the various
government schemes and a special survey is done to identify the beneficiaries of the same.
13. The women from the Pardhi community particularly in the Yavatmal district face
tremendous exploitation. Small adolescent girls from this community are forced mothers.
They are pushed into prostitution at a very young age and are left to suffer/languish after
their sexual harassment for through out the life. Hence government must immediately
intervene for the rehabilitation of such small mother girls and their Children & siblings.
The exploitation of these young girls must stop immediately and the police machinery must
investigate into these heinous crimes and the guilty is brought to book and punished. A
special campaign is launched in this region by the government so that these young girls can
leave a descent life. They are provided free education and health services.
Inner Manipur
Outer Manipur
Inner Manipur
1. To construct water supply scheme
2. To construct play ground
3. To construct a community hospital
4. To preserve to community ponds
5. To maintain inter-village road
6. To construct community hall
7. To install community information center
8. To construct a public library building
9. To maintain street lamps
10. To construct crematorium
Outer Manipur
1. To construct a modernized Church at Motbung
2. To construct a public a community at Motbung
3. To construct Pucca Latrin for each of the household families
4. To construct a school building
5. To construct bus parking with waiting shed
6. To maintain inter-village roads
7. To maintain a systematic water supply system
8. To take the necessary steps for cultivation of vegetables
9. To maintain the drainage system
10. Plant more trees at hilly regions
1. MLA's from all constituencies to explain why they betrayed public trust in the recent
political imbroglio
2. To set up proper waste disposal system in the state as the waste is polluting the
environment, especially rivers
3. Transparency in government schemes
4. Speeding up of the Shillong / Mawrynkneng bypass (too many accidents in the city because
of trucks and heavy vehicles)
5. Preserve Heritage Sites (churches, Umiam lake, the government plans to demolish the
100year old church in Police Bazar to construct the new Assembly)
6. Fulfill promises made during election campaigns
7. MLA's to give periodic reports on what they have done for their constituencies, expenses,
schemes etc
8. MP's to answer why we never see them debate in parliament and why they never take up
issues in the parliament for their respective states
9. Why roads and drains are dug up every financial year and left unprepared
10. Free education up to high school level
Political situation in Meghalaya is critical due to
 corruption and power
People demand a stable government for better development.
Government reservation policy for job.
 Government reservation policy
49% BPL
Global warming/Environment
Peace and \justice
Human rights
(right to protect (Women)
 (right to be employed (youth)
Proper Functioning of Govt. PHC/CHC etc.)
Road Communication
Improvement of road communication (West Khasi Hills)
Four lane construction border road ( Shella and Mawsynram)
Border Interstate
Meghalaya Assam
Human Trafficking
Agriculture Development
To speed up and able to start serluihydel project within five years.
Speed up and able to start Tuirial Hydel project within five years.
Speed up and able to start Kolodyne Multi Model Project within five years.
To ensure optimum utilization of M.P. Fund into a proper manner.
Pursue all the State schemes submitted to the Central Government in order to get
Giving special attention for self supporting activities of the State as a whole.
Not to act under the control of a particular political party but as a representative of the
To acquire fund for construction of Sport Stadium at Aizawl.
From one Parliamentary seat to the then of two seat of Lok Sabha by next delimitation.
Medical and Nursing Institute Immediately set up.
Two Engineering Colleges and ITI District level immediately setup.
Special Package for Handicraft and Textile, Export and Import training design etc.
Youth University for Peace and Integrity
Construction of Flyover at Dimapur Town
Establishment of one Radio Station for CCBOs at Khoimi Village, Phek District,
8. Four line of 39 Highway from Dimapur to Imphal via Kohima.
9. Construction of Air field at Threrametsii (Phek District, Nagaland)
10. One Metro Financial Institute for Nagaland State
A railway line to Phulbani through Bhanjanagar from Berhampur will bring it on the
railway map.
A central school should be located either at ASKA or Bhanjanagar to improve
education facilities.
Set up industry to provide employment to the skilled & semi skilled manpower since a
large number of people migrate to Gujurat from this area.
The people want small Irrigation projects to irrigate their lands & avoid any displacement.
It is proposed to harness the water of rivers like Rushikulya for the benefit of the farmers.
The government should provide pension to aged & old farmers to reduce vulnerability.
Since there is no district headquarter town in the constituency, all the village roads are in
precarious condition. People want that rural connectivity should be improved by developing
all village roads under PMGSY.
Since the area doesn’t have any industry, agro based industry should be promoted.
Production of bio fertilizer is one option.
A policy level change to cover crop damage under crop insurance. Farmers complained
that they were denied of any benefits under the prevalent insurance scheme.
All the village must have piped water supply to all the houses for sanitation & also reduce
drudgery of women.
All schools should have pucca building as a pre condition to good education, particularly
in rural areas. There should be only one type of teachers & no para teachers. The salary of all
types of teachers should be same.
1. To strengthen the communication system into the rural areas.
2. Enhance the women empowerment and strengthen the women participation in all sphere
3. To ensure 33% employment for women in NREGS.
4. Execute steps to stop flood-water in Subarnarekha River.
5. Stop Gender disparity.
6. Enhance food security and provide safety nets to all .
7. To make environment pollution free
8. Provide 100% employment of women self help group in NREGS.
9. Provide irrigation facilities to the cultivated land.
10. 50% membership reservation for women in legislative & increasing women participation.
1. Special package for the backward & non irrigated eight blocks of the district including all
the six blocks of Padampur Sub-division. These blocks always loose out as major areas of
Bargarh are irrigated. Focus should be on livelihood generation programmes, drinking water
& non farm activities.
2. People centric women empowerment programmes as women are still used as rubber stamp
even when elected. Community based organizations be encouraged to run women
empowerment programmes on a regular basis with the support of government.
3. Special programmes for Children’s well being & health. Immunization coverage being low,
a special community centric strategy to enhance coverage. Since majority of the children are
malnourished, a nutrition campaign is also needed.
4. The constituency has large concentration of dalits & tribals who are exploited by the
influential persons. Since the plans & programmes specifically meant for them are not
reaching them, a special cell in the district headquarter to review & monitor such
programmes & fix accountability to streamline the programmes.
5. Institutional credit is much below the CRR percentage thereby pushing the people to the
hands of the money lenders & exploiters. Banks & financial institutions must adhere to the
RBI guideline & remove procedural bottlenecks to provide loans to promote small
enterprises at community level.
6. The NREGA is working in pen & paper. Mandatory social audits & early decision making to
speed up implementation & bring about accountability in its implementation.
7. To set up a special cluster to promote weaving & designing as “Sambalpuri” cloathes are
world famous. The cluster should have experts in designing, marketing & export promotion
so that weavers can enhance their skills & income.
8. To declare Gandhmardan hills as an eco-fragile zone & to stop all non forestry activities in
& around it. It should be promoted as a tourist spot & upgrading its infrastructure to promote
herbal tourism. The Ayurvedic College can be roped in to share its technical expertise to the
9. Political parties should not foist non committed leadership for the constituency. All the
political parties so far not promoted proper candidates for the constituency for which the
constituency is backward.
10. Fair price of paddy to the farmers of irrigated area & timely lifting & payment to farmers for
their produce.
Safe Drinking water to all the families (both rural & urban)
Creation of Employment opportunities for educated youth.
Livelihood support and rehabilitation measures persons with disabilities.
Irrigation facilities to the landholders.
Land to landless.
200 days employment @ Rs. 100/- per day.
Women empowerment and their development.
Education to children focusing on girl child.
Health facilities at door step.
Special development Plan for Dalits, tribals, & Minority group
1. Prevention / Permanent Measures for Flood & Drought in our parliament constituency
2. Shg woman leader will head the panipanchayat as chairperson
3. Block SHG federation will function as an autonomous body without Govt – officials
interference and with special powers to utilize funds for their own development.
4. MDM & PDS Package will be soly controlled by SHGs in every Revenue village.
5. Women SHGs /GP women PRIs will head the Monitoring &Evaluation Committee for
Social Audit of every public work.
6. Training / Skills upgradation of women for self employment generation.
7. Implement Dowry prohibition Act strictly in all Marriages.
8. Real power decentralization to G.P
9. Village Planning at every village special PalliSabha & develop Micro-Plan for coming
10 years.
10. Immediate updatation of BPL lists.
1. Revision of BPL lists (The names unwanted persons in the BPL list to be strike off and
genuine persons to be included.
2. Reduction in the rate of child mortality and maternal mortality. (Such rates may be
lowest in Orissa within 5years)
3. Literacy. (There may be 100% literacy in the state during coming 5years)
4. Free education may be given to all girls up to +2 levels
5. The life insurance of all the women may be done at Govt cost.
6. One women from each family may be provided with govt job and arrangement may
be made for income generation (at least Rs 3000/- a month ) for all the women.
7. Only women may be appointed as teachers in primary school.
8. Social security may be given to all the poor and helpless aged persons 60+ age group.
9. Living arrangements and social security may be arranged for all widow and helpless
1. A policy to improve irrigation coverage of the district through multiple funding sources
& tagging of various government schemes to enhance irrigation coverage in low irrigated
& draught prone areas on priority basis. The following blocks are mentioned in order of
their priority. They are Bangomunda, Titilagarh, Muribahal , Tureikela & Belpada.
2. Functional government employment programmes like NREGA in all the blocks to arrest
migration to urban centres, particularly in the lean season (December to May of next
year). A policy level clarity to implement NREGA even in private lands to create assets
that adds to agriculture.
3. Creation of agricultural based industries to generate local employment & improvement of
income of the people of the area. Special packages under different schemes including in
PMRY. It should also create a centre of excellence to help youth & farmers to set up agri
based industries.
4. Make all hospitals as per IPHS standards & ensure filling up of vacancy of medical
personnel in remote areas to improve health service delivery.
5. Declaration of “Harishankar “as a tourist place & creation of infrastructure to make it
attractive. To train local youths & people to promote tourism & income from tourism
6. Improvement of the condition of National Highway no 217 and 201 whose condition has
detoriated after taking over by NH authorities. This will draw tourists from different parts
of the state & from outside.
7. Immediate extension of Bhubaneswar – Balangir intercity train upto Titilagarh and Ispat
express to Kantabanji to improve communication. The doubling of Titilagarh –
Sambalpur & Titlagarh – Raipur railway line will add traffic volume of the constituency.
Since kanatabanji has more than 600 acres of railway land, the railways should set up an
ancillary industry to promote employment of youths.
8. Special education programmes for illiterates in the rural areas, in non working hours. The
government should promote functional literacy & vocational training in a big way to
mainstream women & youth.
9. The MP should open a grievance redressal mechanism at the constituency level & it
would be mandatory for the MP to generate a status report each year of the grievances
made by the people. MPs should participate in consultative process each year & take the
opinions of civil society in important matters & policy.
10. Strict implementation of the law to bar criminals & history sitters from contesting
elections & each political party must be mandated to field 15% youths & 30% women as
candidates in each parliamentary election.
Silver filigree works:
1. Cuttack city as remains commercial, cultural, arts, crafts, industrial sencession, it requires
developments in world famous silver filigree works to capture its name in fold as silver
city. The crafts men in this traditional work shall be sensitized and their craftsmanship to
be built with up gradation of modern skills. Further a strong market linkage to be
established with creation of C.F.C(s) (common facility centres).
1. Similarly the other part of the district like Baramba, Narsinghpur & Tigiria where
traditional waver families are residing should be backed with different Govt. development
programms to enrich them for their livelihood support. For the cluster development
activities through S.G.S.Y, SSG movement, P.R support.
2. The Handloom Industry of the area engaged the largest number of women workers. In fact
the whole household gets engaged particularly in pre-loom and post-loom process.
Weaver’s wife spends more time on loom utilising magic charm of her creativity to weave
exquisite patterns like khandua, Tarabali and Naba Kothari etc. It needs women
empowerment for further development of the handloom work. The Handloom fabrics of the
area are a perfect blend of “TRADITION AND TECHNOLOGY”.
1. Cuttack district is well irrigated and canalised area. Famous canal like Taldanda and high
level are irrigated the entire district. But our farmers are very much accustomed with
traditional crops like paddy, biri, muga and some vegetable (seasonable). They should be
trained in modern technologies with new pattern of agricultural activities like, floriculture,
pisceculture, mushroom cultivation etc. It need further developmental programmes for
setting up co-operative cold storages at every block, sabjimandi at every G.P headquarter,
vending zone at district and sub division headquarter by the Govt. and other corporate
sectors under P.PP ( Public, private, partnership ).
1. Cuttack has the higher literacy status in the state. But no systematic and standardise
education pattern is followed, for which the English medium private educational
institutions are mushrooming in the city and other parts. It should be controlled and bring
them into one system for betterment of both affluent and non affluent families with less
expenses and fees.
Health and Hygine:
1. Cuttack has its glory for SCB medical college which caters the need of the city, district,
state and beyond the state boundary. The SCB medical college should be developed as a
centre of excellence. But other parts of the district has short fall even lack of minimum
health services. Therefore all the sub-centres, PHC, CHC, DHH must be equipped with
medics, medicines, machines, laboratories and infrastructures under I.P.H standard within a
stipulated time period by the Govt., Private sector, Corporate sectors.
Natural calamities:
1. History says Cuttack has experienced every year with devastated cyclone and flood.
Several thousands of inhabitants are facing countless problems and sufferings. Large
numbers are becoming home less. We demand immediate action by setting up cyclone
shelters, relief camps, water transport systems to cater above difficulties. Cuttack M.P and
MLA(s) should priorities such expenditure under the MP’s LAD. Banki , which faces the
flurry of Mahanadi should receive a special package to end the perennial problem.
1. Cuttack has rich cultures. The oddissi dance, ramlila, various famous yatra like baliyatra,
paradeep mahoschhaba, kalinga festival to be encouraged by the district and state
authorities. Cuttack’s ancient theatres like Arnapurna. Janata, Kalasri mandap, Kalabikash
Kendra shall be developed and all types of artist shall be financially supported by State
Govt. to spread their cultural activities.
1. With diminishing habitat, there has been intrusion of wild animals into human territory
causing great damage. Monkeys in Banki area has been causing loss of property & causing
injury to humans. The forest department should take immediate measures to create proper
habitat for them & limit their reproduction to mitigate the problem.
1. Cuttack has many rivers & the same cause lot of flood. Plantation in the river deltas & also
in the city will help the people. A special programme to promote environment to mitigate
natural disasters be made compulsory in the constituency.
1. Cuttack city is bounded by rivers from all sides. Cuttack has both outdoor & indoor
stadiums of Orissa. It would be most appropriate to promote water sports in Jobra barrage
to add to the sporting infrastructure of the city.
2. We hope above manifestos of the Cuttack people shall be highlighted to attract the elected
representative for immediate action.
1. Separate budget provisions to the women for granting loans to the educated unemployed
women to adopt gainful businesses for enhancing their economic capacity.
2. The women SHGs should be given exclusive power over the unutilized government
property in their locality(GP boundary)to adopt suitable businesses for their economic
prosperity.(Unutilized land,pond,forest )
3. Loan to the active women SHG groups to adopt profitable business for their economic
participation in the family.
4. Separate budget provision for the women under BPL families for providing free health
services in private hospitals/nursing homes.
5. One daughter family be given first preference in all government and private interventions.
6. Strict monitoring mechanism with power to the women SHG groups to see the activities of
Anganawadi centers/ANM centers.
7. Free education to the daughters of the BPL families up to graduation level and in private
8. 50% reservation in all levels of the governance system to provide more power to the
9. More budgetary provision to the women in vulnerability and destitute.
10. Compulsory provisions be made for safe drinking water and safety toilets in the BPL
families with full government assistant.
1. Universal Primary Education
2. Health for All
3. Reservation of 33% of women in Assembly & Parliament
4. Peoples Participation in Village level Planning
5. Improvement of village Sanitation
6. Proper selection of BPL list
7. Development of school sports & library
8. Awareness during voting
9. Self employment for Rural Women
10. Quality food for ANM centre
11. Proper health care to Pregnant mother by ASHA worker
12. Toilet & Sanitary measure in every school
13. Social audit by village committee on NREGA to check corruption
14. Women participation should increase in Palli Sabha & Gram sabha
15. Food material for mid-day meal must be thoroughly checked by SHGs
16. PDS should be handover to SHGs
17. Large scale afforestation
18. Preservation of environment
19. Women awareness on health
20. Women employment through cottage industries
21. One health worker for every village
22. GP level committee to reduce women torture
23. Finance assistance to unprivileged poor students for higher studies.
1. Minimum support price to paddy farmers & procurement in every panchayat level at
government announced prices.
2. BPL list must be revised immediately so as not to omit any poor person from government
benefits under different schemes.
3. Non Timber Forest Produce policy be declared immediately for the larger interest of the
forest dwellers.
4. A policy intervention to safeguard the rights of the migrants is necessary as the district
exports labour in large numbers. Therefore it is suggested that identity card for migrants
so as to claim labour laws’s benefit. This will end exploitation of labour at the hands of
5. Special agricultural zone for promotion & marketing of Onion & Tamato which is
plentily produced in the region.
6. Railway lines not only improve communication but also employment opportunities for
the people. Therefore the people demand that i.) Immediate completion of LanjigarhJunagarh railway line which incidentally connects the district headquarters ii. ) Early
completion of survey of Kantabanji- Nabrangpur railway line & early commencement of
the work so that tribals of the remote areas will benefit immensely iii) Introduction of a
new Railway line between Bargarh to Nuapada to reduce the Bhubaneswar – Mumbai
distance. Iv) Electronic Reservation System (computerized booking counter) should be
established in all block head quarter to increase people’s access to railways.
7. Improvement of the conditions of all state highways to & major roads connecting all
blocks. This is very important for development of the area as public transports are shying
away from such routes. With improved connectivity farmers will have enhanced access to
8. Special anemia reduction programmes, particularly for women & girls as many women
are anemic & end up in mortality especially during childbirth. One mega health camp in
each block head quarter should be organized out of MP lad fund every year.
9. Opening of a national university in the district as no national institutes are located in this
constituency. The key objective is to promote education amongst women as women
literacy is very low.
10. MP’s LAD should not be the monopoly of the MP alone & should follow a transparent
system of allotment. Each village must be allowed to submit a proposal under MP LAD
scheme & people’s committee (with representation from all sections) should be the final
authority in selection of the best projects out of the list for assistance.
11. All government offices should display the citizen charter in their premises to create
awareness about people’s rights. A policy to involve civil society organization to promote
right based advocacy for people by encouraging & supporting social audits, research &
surveys from time to time
Women & Children:
1. Appropriate policy support to encourage women in decision making in all elected bodies
including parliament.
2. Government should promote self governance & formulate appropriate laws to encourage it.
It should simultaneously build the capacities of elected representatives to shoulder
additional responsibility.
Code of Conduct for MPs
3. Political parties must not field criminals & Goondas as representatives in any elections.
The parties must appraise the credentials of the candidate before giving ticket.
4. Government should promote transparency in all platforms by encouraging e-governance
not only in paper but in practice. In order to reach the masses, it should strive to enlarge its
e- reach through kiosks in rural India. It should conduct regular training for villagers to use
the facility.
5. Politicians should contribute to improve the quality of education. It should make necessary
political policy changes to bring talent into the education system by appropriate financial
packages to attract talent. MPs should invest 15% of the MP LAD to promote vocational
trainings to unemployed youths.
Policy Interventions:
6. Appropriate employment policy to avail wage employment, gainful employment & skill
employment even in rural areas. It should use the various programmes like SGSY, SGRY
etc. to create necessary supportive infrastructure.
7. Have a pro people children policy wherein the children enjoy freedom from the beginning
to grow as a responsible citizen.
8. Enforce the rule of law strictly to protect all the citizens, especially the minorities. The
government must initiate action as per law against communal & divisive forces to ensure
freedom of religion.
9. Electrical connectivity to all non electrified villages & alternatively solar power to such
villages till electrification. Government should provide at least 50 watts of free electricity
per month to each tribal family.
10. Government should provide free medical care to all & should give assistance from different
sources for specialized treatment to the poor. It should immediately universalize low cost
health insurance for the poor.
1. Checking theft of ground water by the companies and recharge of the water table
Control of air and water pollution in mining areas
Decrease of IMR & MMR
To save Kendujhar from the menace of HIV/AIDS and making Kendujhar malaria-free
To stop forest degradation and soil erosion
To widen NH-215, lessen the incidence of accidents and making it free of dangers
Making PDS available in rural areas
To enforce transparency in NREGS work and provide employment
To advocate for provision of employment to the local people in the vicinity of Iron mines
and share in the profit of the companies
10. Implementation of Special Programmes for the development of the STs & SCs
11. To stop Child Labour and mainstream the children in Primary Education
12. Pro people displacement.
The health facilities should be improved by having more hospitals in the rural & scattered
pockets. Since the district has high MMR & IMR, community based health service
providers should be trained & encouraged to fight vacancy in the ranks of government
health workers.
 Malkangiri district should have railway connectivity to speed up development &
free it from influence of Naxalites. Connecting Jeypore to Koraput should be the
top priority.
 Piped water supply to all the houses for sanitation & also reduce labor of women.
 Electricity to all the villages.
 Agro based industry should be promoted which won’t damage the environment but
provide employment to the people.
Social development:
 Liquor should banned in the constituency with pre dominant tribal population. This
will reduce violence within the family.
 Special programmes to increase women literacy. Day care centres should be
opened in tribal pockets so that children from poor families are able to stay there for
a day & get nutritious food as well as education.
 Enact mechanism to provide employment to local people in the industries of the
constituency. Train & build the capacities of local people to access employment as
skilled labour.
Government Programmes:
 SHGs should be involved in distribution of Public Distribution System to check
 There is corruption in payment of NREGA wages & hence many are deprived of
mandatory employment. More civil society participation in its implementation &
effective grievance redresal mechanism in district level for timely remedy. Laws for
summary trial & exemplary punishment to corrupt officials.
Socially bent officials should be posted in key posts to restore people’s rights so
that Naxals’s influence is minimized.
Special capacity building programmes for lady PRI representatives to avoid
domination by their spouses.
Health facilities, particularly in rural areas need staff & infrastructure to meet the health
needs of the people.
Special programmes to promote education & more TRW schools in this tribal dominated
Drinking water & piped water for hygiene are highly necessary. Besides infrastructure
development, the government should also provide software support by supporting NGOs to
run awareness programmes.
Training of SHG leaders so that they are able to benefit from the plans & plans &
programmes of the government meant for them.
Rehabilitations Mankadia tribes is going on paper. More handholding support for
rehabilitation & mainstreaming of the mankadias outside the sanctuary where they are
being rehabilitated.
6. Central assistance to develop Similipal Sanctuary & as an eco tourism destination with
100% participation of the community. Supportive infrastructure & promotion from
connected ministries.
7. Develop Khiching as a place for religious tourism & also promote the stone carving
handicraft by establishing a Resource centre which will help artisan in training, designing
& marketing.
8. Though Mayurbhanj has good iron ore deposits, promotion of industries & ancillaries to
provide gainful & skilled employment to the people. Government & industries to take up
skill building of tribals & marginalized people so that they benefit from the process & not
get marginalized. These clusters may be developed around iron ore mines.
9. Special policy & interventions to promote IT in the rural areas. Build market linkages for
farmers & indigenous people.
10. Early completion of Subranarekha irrigation project & new irrigation project in Brahmani,
Baitarani & Khadakhai rivers basins to people of the constituency, most of whom depend
upon agriculture.
11. Medicinal plant & NTFP is available in abundance in & around Similipal, yet people are
unable to take advantage of it due to lack of marketing support. DRDA to facilitate
capacity building & local value addition of Non Timber Forest Produce & Medicinal
12. As Rubber plantation has been very successful in Karanjia belt, it needs to be promoted in
other parts of the constituency.
13. Develop the Baripada – Rairangpur & Badampahad to Keonjhar train lines so that it will
facilitate iron ore movement & so also economic development of people. It will also
shorten the distance & be an alternative to Kharagpur route.
14. Mayurbhanj typically lacks in public transport. The government should provide public
transport from all major villages to the district headquarter. The state transport
organizations should also provide public transport connection to all the major tourist places
of the district.
1. Mainstreaming of tribals through technical education facilities in the district. The
various facilities like coaching, career building etc should be available at the district
level to increase their access to such facilities.
2. Some education in tribal dialect, atleast upto primary level to attract more children to
school. Promote research & studies to asses the typical needs of the tribals.
3. Nabrangpur district should be connected by Rail network to speed up development.
4. Electrical connectivity to all non electrified villages & alternatively solar power to such
villages till electrification. Government should provide atleast 50 watts of free
electricity per month to each tribal family.
5. Government should support NGOs to train people to prepare Gram panchayat wise
election manifesto & put it before candidates. This will generate debate & give
direction to government interventions.
6. There should be one district level ombudsman to look into discrepancies in NREGA
implementation as the tribals being illiterate & simple their grievances are not properly
addressed by the officials. Creation of national assets even in private lands under
NREGA to boost agriculture.
7. Single window system in district level to access all government services & their
grievance redressal.
8. Social audit of all government programmes by civil society organizations &
responsibility fixation therein to bring accountability. MP should be made accountable
to for his commitment & should hold yearly review of his performance in the district
headquarter annually & social audit of MP LAD schemes be made mandatory.
9. The health centres should be equipped with all the facilities for poor & tribal people so
that tribals can access services. All medical facilities including specialized services
should be made free for tribals. The government should come out with a scheme to
cover all tribals under health insurance.
10. A policy to train & build the capacities of women in governance, particularly for tribal
1. Persons below poverty line to be identified and supplied BPL cards within two months
2. Maternity leave should be enhanced from 89 days to 180 days
3. Separate police stations to be ear-marked for women
4. Gram Panchayats should have “Mahila Aviyog Prakostha”
5. Women should get 33% reservation in the pariliament, assembly and municipality
6. Pre-nursery and nursery schools should be readied for 3-5 year olds
7. Resettlement of landless men and women
8. Special scholarships for poor meritorious students
9. Special quota for rural sportsmen and rural artisans
10. Completion of sewerage system in Puri town, along with construction of an airport for
development of tourism
1. The payments to job doers are being made through banks or post offices. While we support
that move for reasons of transparency and truthfulness, we are forced to lose valuable
productive time and energy in going to the banks and post offices for transactions as they
are situated at quite a distance from the places where we live and are always crowded. Thus
the days on which we go to Post Offices or Banks to withdraw money should be counted as
work days and full wage for that day must be given to us. In addition, we must be given
travel allowance for our return travel to the Banks and Post offices.
2. Farm ponds should be excavated in the farm lands of all BPL households and other poor
households within the next five years.
3. Comprehensive agriculture and water harvesting plans needed
4. Western Orissa is considered as the rice bowl of the state. But agriculture in spite of being
the income mainstay still largely depends of rainfall. Thus agriculture and water supply
requires topmost priority.
5. A five year strategic agriculture development plan for our area should be prepared
accordingly. Government development initiatives must centre around land development;
rain water harvesting and storages; and development of the agriculture sector.
6. Low cost agriculture practices must be given the priority to make agriculture sustainable.
Indigenous seed conservation, land management, local technology and wisdom must be
given priority in development of agriculture.
7. The agriculture policy should be suitably amended to give more focus to other regional
crops along with paddy.
8. Crop losses due to drought and monsoon aberrations have increased. But drought is yet to
be included in the ‘relief code’. Drought must be categorized as disaster and included in the
relief code.
9. Agriculture extension services have failed to reach the target communities. All agriculture
extension measures must be village oriented. Policies should be amended to make clustures
as the preferred unit of agriculture extension.
10. Agriculture must be integrated with the Panchayatiraj system. All agriculture plans must be
integrated with the annual action plan of the Panchayats. All these plans must be approved
and accepted by the Pallisava and Gramsava.
11. Pricing of paddy needs constant and thorough revision. Farmers take great deal of risks
during the farming process. Often such risks are not properly compensated. Thus, risk
factors, in addition to other present price-fixing mechanisms, must be considered while
deciding on prices.
12. No land is unfit for vegetative growth or environment conservation. We cannot buy the
arguments that as some lands are unfit for agriculture they can be used for industrial
purposes. We belief that such type of land will have better environmental and economic
value if put into water harvesting or other environmental use than industrial use.
Right on forest and forest produces
1. Many deserving forest dwellers have not been able to apply for rights under ‘The
Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
Act, 2006’ due to lack of awareness or other reasons. Thus the Act must not be confined to
specific time period as it is aimed for people who are least capable in getting information
and asserting rights.
2. The Panchayatiraj department should formulate comprehensive plans and earmark budget
to carry out the settlements made by the Village Forest Committee and Panchayatiraj
3. Community Forest Management (CFM) must be given legal recognition.
4. The Orissa Village Forest Act, 1985 must be suitably amended to give total right over
kenduleaf and other forest non-timber forest produces. The ‘Vana Sanrakshana Suraksha
Samiti’ system should be completely dismantled and CFMs should be given full legal
5. All kenduleaf pluckers must be brought under proper and honorable life insurance cover.
Water Conservation and Drinking water supply
6. Water conservation is the need of the time, not just for agriculture but for the sustainability
of the society. There was a rich water harvesting tradition – with networks of kata, muda,
bandh, chua, chahala etc. - in Western parts of Orissa. But many of those structures have
died or lost values due to consistent neglect. All those structures must be restored to proper
order and new water harvesting structures be created. A clear roadmap with fixed
timeframes must be prepared for integrated water harvesting.
7. Drinking water is emerging as a very big concern. Neglect of surface water harvesting and
over dependence on ground water is the major reason causing such concerns. The
government must give priority to surface water sources as the preferred drinking water
8. Such water needs to be supplied to each household after proper treatment.
9. In absence of proper surface water source, open dug wells may be preferred above deep
tube wells as source for drinking water.
Safe sanitation is our right
10. Sanitation, especially rural sanitation, has been grossly neglected. We welcome the
government’s initiatives under the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC). But grassroots
implementation of the TSC has been far from satisfactory.
11. APL-BPL division is a hindrance to total sanitation initiative. We demand that there should
not be any distinction between APL and BPL families under the TSC. The subsidy
component for the BPL families has been used by vested interests to construct toilets
without any household participation. That has led to construction of inferior toilets. The
usage rate of such toilets has been very dissatisfactory.
12. We demand that all such unusable toilets constructed without involvement of the
beneficiary households be reconstructed again with total household participation.
13. All toilets must also come with water supply.
1. Adequate Doctor at each Primary centre.
2. No agriculture land for Industry.
3. Ensure year round cultivation in agriculture”
4. Ensure equal right of all children to quality education “
5. No tickets to cndidates with criminal records.
6. A medical college in Sundargarh & High court circuit Bench in Western Orissa.
7. Establishment of Women police Station at every Block to check women trafficking.
8. Vocational Education at School, in order to minimize drop out.
9. Irrigation to all cultivated land.
10. Free medical services to the poor.
11. No Pension to MLAs/ MPs.
12. No mining at Khandadhara Water fall area by any company/ Govt.
1. To give BPL Card, Old Age Pension, Widow Pension and Indira Awaz to every Dalit poor
family. Protest hunger death and starvation death in the district.
2. To give water supply, tube well, pond, road and electricity to Dalit hamlet. Protest Dira
death due to using dirty water.
3. Establish Primary Health Centre and give free medicine and free treatment to Dalit people
with special focus on Malaria prone area.
4. Give free education to every Dalit student and open more hostel and Ashram for Dalit
students. Properly, take care of Dalit student in the Ashram and Hostel. Give High Standard
Education in School.
5. Implement SC/ST (POA) Act-1989, and rule 1995 properly in Dhenkanal District, and give
compensation and administration and take action in every village and panchayat to make all
village caste free and atrocity free village.
6. Give five acre land to landless Dalit people.
7. Implement SC, Sub Plan in every department in Dhenkanal District.
8. Open special complaint cell for Dalit people in the District Police Office and District
Magistrate Office.
9. Give financial help to every Dalit women group; build Mahila Samiti Community Centre in
every village out of M.P and MLA led money. Give all types of training to Dalit women to
earn money.
10. Open more short stay Home for Dalit Women, protest all types of torture, Domestic
violence, Atrocity on women and district administration should be responsible for gang
rape, rape, murder of Dalit women and dowry death.
The health facilities should be improved by having more hospitals in the rural & scattered
pockets. Since the district has high MMR & IMR, community based health service
providers should be trained & encouraged to fight vacancy in the ranks of government
health workers. Out of 287 sub centers in Kendrapara district only 87 are in working
condition. There should be construction of sub centre building to access health facilities for
rural poor.
1. Kendrapara district should have railway connectivity to speed up development.
2. Piped water supply to all the houses for sanitation & construction of IHL in each house
3. Electricity to all the villages.
4. Agro based industry should be promoted which damage the environment won’t but
provide employment to the people.
5. Improvement of road condition for better communication in inaccessible area
6. Rehabilitation of Satavaya G.p to Bagapatia as the people are living in unsafe
condition due to change of path of Bay of Bengal
7. As it is disaster prone area all govt official & volunteer should trained on disaster
8. After disaster in every year malnourished rate is very high among the children under
five. Steps should be taken to avoid the situation.
9. Quality education should provide in all schools.
10. Government Programmes:
11. SHGs should be involved in distribution of Public Distribution System & MDM in
schools to check corruption.
12. There is corruption in NREGA wages & hence many are deprived of mandatory
employment. More civil society participation in its implementation & effective
grievance redressal mechanism in district level for timely remedy.
13. Special capacity building programmes for PRI representatives to implementation of
govt. programmes.
1. Ensure children’s right to participation by promoting small-sized neighborhood parliaments
of children and their multi-tier federation which can serve as effective citizenship training
in practice.
2. Ensure child-tracking system in each panchayat to protect children from child labour and
child trafficking, and a child safety net thorugh the above-mentioned neighborhood
parliaments of children and their multi-tier federations.
3. Ensure free compulsory education for all below 18 years of age.
4. Ensure one special session of the gram sabha every year on child-friendly issues.
5. Ensure communization of syllabus in all the schools to avoid disparity in education
6. Ensure basic facilities and equitable student-teacher ratio in all the schools.
7. Ensure wider participation of people and effective and effective and meaningful
discussions in gram sabhas by making it a three-tier federation i.e. (1) Neighborhood
Sabhas, (2) Village Sabhas (Ward Sabhas) and (3) panchayat gram sabhas.
8. Ensure that nine percent of the budget expenditure is for the education and health of
9. Ensure complaint boxes in schools.
10. Ensure a child safety net so that liquor shops do not operate in the vicinity of the schools.
Jalore – Sirohi
Karauli- Dholpur
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
 There should be planed the activity for the villages having kept the situation of
the villagers in the mind so that the work of individual benefits would be held
and the people could improve their income
 Focus on Village based micro planning and priority to creative and
constructive work for long time benefits (like soil and water conservation
 There is a strong need of reform in the payment system of the NREGA so that
the work of the individual benefits could be held and the 200 days work could
be given instead of the 100 days work in the community.
 The working labors in NREGA are insured by the government as per the
government norms
 Govt.should monitor social audit properly with the support of Gram sabha and
local NGOs.
Drinking water and Irrigation:
 The drinking water arrangement should be made in the remote area through
repairing of canals and development of un irrigated land. Having made the
small water conservation tools there is a need of water harvesting so that the
ground water level could increase.
 The special schemes should be implemented for unfertile and desert land
 There is a need to make water management committee’s effective and strong
 Having connected the local tanks/ponds from the large rivers so that the local
water sources could improve
Forest right
 There is no knowledge about the Forest Committee members to the people so
there is a need of re constitution of the committee member and the training
program for them
 The land Patta of the tribal people should issues easily among the tribal
community that are living in the forest from initial to up till as per the forest
 Having made the liaison between Panchayat and the forest department there is
a need of hand over the roles and the responsibility of the concern system.
 The forest produce details should explore in the Gram Sabha time to time in
front of the villagers.
 There is a need to ensure the people participation in the forest development
 To make strong and effective School development committee and pay more
attention towards quality education
 There is a need to ensure the enough number of the teachers in the schools as
well as in fracture also
 There should beprovision for the Girl college at the block level for the better
education purpose
 There should be Jawahar Navodaya Vidayalaya at each and every blocks
 ensure the stay of the current health service providers and appoint the staff as
per the need in other service center
ensure the sufficient health services as per the need at the PHC level and higher
than this
ensure the sufficient availability of the medicine and the distribution of the
generic medicine in the government hospitals
ensure the accessibility of the JSY benefit to the beneficiaries
ensure the 108 ambulance at each and every CHC and 1 lady doctor also for the
view of the better health services
There is a need of orientation of ASHA for their capacity building
ensure the quality among all the implementing programs regarding nutrition’s
of the government
There should be ensure the availability according to the situations of the area in
the nutrition program
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry:
 The minimum support price of the agricultural produce should increase and
government arrangement should held for the selling
 There should be arrangement of the Krishi Upaj Mandi hold at the block level
for the selling of the agricultural produces
 Ensure the proper water management and distribution system in canal area.
 There is a need to promote the organic farming
 To ensure the electricity availability in the day for irrigating the field of the
 The purchasing value of the Opium and Doda post should increase
 The Opium cultivation license should issue to those who are excluded and
issue 10-10 aari to each claimant
 To appoint the veterinary doctor on each and every panchayat level
 There is a need to do any arrangement for the wild animals at Panchayat level.
 Canal area of Jakham Dam should be lengthened to Increase Irrigation facility
in non command area.
Social Security Schemes:
 To ensure the time for the PDS shops and distribution of the food material
 The time period for the PDS dealer is to ensure for the 5 years if he/she could
do better during this period other wise he/she should terminated and the license
of that person is cancelled for ever
 To implement the widow, disable and old age pension schemes have to do the
process simple and effective
 Some special schemes should launch for some special person as per the
need/requirement in rare cases
 The BPL listing process should be made as simple and transparent
 There is a need of resurvey regarding BPL listing
PRI system:
 The special camp should arrange for the land conflict resolution at Panchayat
 Govt. should organize Land settlement process to shout out land related
 To establish a block level judicial sells to resolve the local judicial issues.
There should be established a Gram Panchayat each 1000 voter.
Other Issues:
 The water should be poured out have to make the feeder from Tatol dam to
Bagholiya dam
 The cement factory of Nara Mangara is restart.
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
1. Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
2. The Rail transport should be expended and road transports should reach in the hamlets
3. The proposed Jawai Dam water project should be started at earliest.
4. Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
5. Allocation of land and providing employment to landless farmers.
6. Economy should be equitable.
7. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
8. Efforts should be made to improve the Education status of Dalits.
9. Make sure the security of Dalits & Advasis.
10. Wages should be paid in time to NREGA workers.
11. Special schemes should be launched for economic empowerment of women
1. Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
2. Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
3. The health services and security of mines workers should be improved.
4. Allocation of land and providing employment to landless farmers.
5. Electricity should be provided 24 hours for agriculture.
6. The Rail transport should be expended and road transports should reach in the hamlets
7. Agricultural and domestic electric connection should be given to deprive sections.
8. Economy should be equitable.
9. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
10. Efforts should be made to improve the Education status of Dalits.
11. Make sure the security of Women, Dalits & Tribals.
12. Wages should be paid in time to NREGA workers.
13. Special schemes should be launched for economic empowerment of women
Karauli- Dholpur
Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
The Chambal water project should be started in Dholpur.
The health services and security of mines workers should be improved.
Allocation of land and providing employment to landless farmers.
Electricity should be provided 24 hours for agriculture.
The Rail & Road transport should be expended in rural areas and industrial development
should reach to Dholpur.
8. Ensure effective implementation of Dalit laws and policies
9. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
10. Efforts should be made to improve the Education status of Dalits.
11. Make sure the security of Dalits & Tribals.
12. Wages should be paid in time to NREGA workers.
13. Schemes should be launched for women development.
14. Schemes should be made for multidimensional development of minorities.
1. Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
2. Chambal project for water supply it should be completed as soon as possible.
3. Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
4. The Lake of Sujan Ganga should be renovated.
5. The land allotment and employment should be provided to landless farmers.
6. Agricultural and domestic electric connection should be given to deprived sections.
7. Economy should be equitable.
8. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
9. Efforts should be made to improve the education status of Dalits.
10. Ensure the security of Dalits.
11. Ensure industrial development in Bharatpur District.
12. Wages should be paid in time to NREGA workers.
13. Special schemes should be launched for economic empowerment of women
1. Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
2. Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
3. The Rail transport should be expended and road transports should reach in the hamlets
4. The land allotment and employment should be provided to landless farmers.
5. Agricultural and domestic electric connection should be given to deprived sections.
6. Communal Harmony should be built in the area.
7. Make proper facilities of health care and security for mines workers.
8. Untouchability should be irradiated.
9. Economy should be equitable.
10. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
11. Efforts should be made to improve the education status of Dalits.
12. Ensure safety and security of Dalits and Advasis.
13. Ensure industrial development.
14. Wages should be paid in time to NREGA workers.
15. Special schemes should be launched to educate and to economic empowerment of Dalit
Jaipur Rural
1. Privatization of electricity, water, sanitation and health services should be stopped.
2. Make apt arrangement for drinking water and irrigation.
3. The Rail transport should be expended and road transports should reach in the hamlets
4. The land allotment and employment should be provided to landless farmers.
5. Untouchability should be irradiated.
6. Economy should be equitable.
7. Ensure administrative and political accountability.
8. Efforts should be made to improve the education status of Dalits.
9. Ensure safety and security of Dalits and Advasis.
10. Ensure industrial development.
11. Special schemes should be launched to educate and to economic empowerment of Dalit
1. Equal Property Rights for Women and Priority for Girls’ Education to be ensured by the
state government.
2. Construction of International Airport at Gangtok to be implemented.
3. Improvement of the education and quality of health with immediate action.
4. The quality of Medical care in Medical College to be improved. Nursing college has to be
5. To set technical institutions in Gangtok and establish ITI, Engineering Colleges as well.
6. To solve the educated unemployment problem by setting up EDP institute and Counseling
Center and Industries.
7. Improvement of road and transportation in villages.
8. Priority for National integration and zero tolerance for violence and terrorism.
9. Protection and restoration of Forest Right Act for Sikkim people.
10. Construction of International Marketing Center at Gangtok.
11. Special programme for women to be implemented.
Tamil Nadu
Madras Chennai
Women’s Manifesto:
1. Passing bill on minimum 33% reservation for women:
2. In our country women are counting 50% of our total population of 120 crores. There is a
long lasting pending of 33% reservation for women in political administration and
employment opportunities. Even then it was decided very earlier, put forth in two houses of
parliament as draft and bill, still it is a unaccomplished mission. Various political parties
and alliances have announced this reservation as their main election manifesto and
promised to enact this 33% reservation. Unfortunately, none of the political parties and
political fronts has passed this bill.
3. It is a menace to notice that even then women have voted in majority in the parliament
elections, 33% reservation, which is one third of the total representation, is not still
enabled. None of the ruled political parties, who announced that they will pass this
reservation bill, still now has failed to keep their promises. The women and the men favour
of women are continuously insisting this 33% reservation for development of women. As a
comprehensive voice of nation wide total women population, Cuddalore District peoples
manifesto insist the political parties those who are contesting in the forthcoming
parliamentary election to be conducted in the month of May 2009, to pass bills in order to
enact this reservation.
4. In addition, through this people’s manifesto, we request all the political parties contesting
in this parliament election should come forward voluntarily to assure to accomplish and to
add this 33% reservation for women in their election manifesto. They should give
opportunity for 33% women to contest as their party candidates, in the forthcoming
parliament election.
5. Passing Bills of the Self reliant cooperative act for Self Help Groups and Federations: This
peoples manifesto insists to enact a Self reliant cooperative act for self dependency of the
self help groups and federations, in order to allow the groups and federation to act
independently and democratically without the intervention and interruptions of the political
parties and administrators as prevailing in states like Andhra, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
Passing the bill for Complete Alcohol Ban and Enforcement of Existing Ban on Smoking
in Public Places:
Some of the states have already banned alcohol in their state. Ban to smoke in public places
is in existence all over our country. In this juncture our Tamil Nadu Government is selling
alcohol through TASMAC. This leads to the dreadful conditions of poor families, women,
youth and children. This alcohol business causes income loss in poor families. Government
may get abundant income out of arrack sales but the amount incurred towards curing the
alcoholic victims and uplifting the affected families due this alcoholism is more. Alcoholic
addition is rapidly spreading with all age groups of the community such as elders and
youth. If this condition extends, 90% of the population will be in the hands of alcoholism.
This will affect the youths in their education and employment opportunities. A country or
state with full of alcoholism cannot dream about it’s development. Parent’s alcoholic
behavior, create fear in children and their concentration towards study will get distracted. If
this condition prevails for ever, the country will remain as a state/country having degraded
human resources with inverse development. Hence this people’s manifesto insists to have a
total ban on arrack and enforce the existing act on ban to smoke in public places.
Children Manifesto:
1. Ensuring Children participation in Gram Saba:
2. The rural administration is based on the Panchayat Raj system. This panchayat raj system
has salient features such as Social Justice, Rural development and Self Governance. This
enable the people to participate in the Grama Saba meetings conducted in each pachayat
level, provide space for the people to plan their village level action plan and developmental
activities. There is a rule to conduct these meetings four times in a year on August – 15th
Independence Day, May – 1st Laborer’s day, January – 26th Republic day and October-2nd
Gandhi Jayanthi. People of 18 years old and above, falls under the respective panchayat
can attend the Gram Shaba meeting. But there is no provision by law to ensure the children
participation. The children below 18 years are having 4 basic rights: Right to Live, Right to
Participate, Right to Protection and Right to Development. Based on these rights, United
Nation Organization has framed a child rights agreement, in which 152 countries all along
the world including India has signed in. The children are not allowed to express the rights
violation, need and problems in the Gram Saba meetings. This condition should be changed
by allowing the children to participate in Gram Saba meetings. In Karnataka, there is a
Government order stating that one Gram Saba meeting should be conducted for children.
3. This peoples manifesto requests to ensure the children’s participation and developmental
rights at national level by an amendment in Panchayat Raj Act, ensuring the children
participation in Gram Saba meetings, these meetings may be conducted on National
Children’s day falls on Novemeber14th.
Identical Balanced Education for children:
1. Education is the deciding factor of the future of our younger generation and development
of our country. Today the educational institutions are run by government and private
institutions. Even then government is having schemes like primary education for all; there
is a lot to develop in the quality of education. Some private institutions are proclaiming that
they are giving a standard education using English as a medium involving high cost, and
trying to convert the education as a trade. At the same time the government schools in
villages are remaining with out proper infrastructural facilities and insufficient teachers,
which give rooms for privatization of education which is a threat for future generation.
These practices will not ensure a balanced education for the students as a whole. In the
same time students in the villages will not fed with the fruits.
2. Standard and Quality education system should be maintained both for the village and urban
students. Lacunas and problems in the educational department should be culled out. The
teachers should be capacitated continuously. All infrastructural facilities should be made
available to the village schools. For attaining this, this manifesto insists that 6% of the
country’s total income should be spent towards children’s education.
Dalit, Most Backward and Tribals Manifesto:
1. Request to implement the reservation for SC/ST/OBC in Higher Education Institutions (46
2. In order to strengthen the social justice and equality, Indian constitution promises 50% of
the educational and employment opportunities should be assured for the Dalits, Most
backwards and tribes, based on the employment and educational opportunities are given to
the said groups. Recently, the central government higher educational institutions such as
JIPMER, IIT and IAM inclusive of 46 institutions have banned these reservations. This
type of ban will bring to a close the Dalits, Backwards and Tribes students from getting the
educational and employment opportunities. This will result in non participation of these
groups in decision making and implementing bodies of the society. The entire said
communities will be put back in the social system, which will act as the root cause for the
social injustice and inequity and diversification among the communities and may result in
communal riots. Hence this people manifesto insists to implement the reservations in all
higher educational institutions and the said 46 central government institutions, in order to
ensure social equity, social justice and distribution of powers to the Dalit, Most Backward
and Tribes.
3. Providing drainage facilities and constructing Check dams at possible places of high flood
prone areas in Cuddalore District:
4. Every year, Cuddalore District is one of the most vulnerable coastal districts for flood and
cyclone. The areas coming under the Cuddalore and Chidambaram parliament constituency
are severely affected by floods every year. These areas comprises of more undulated land
demography and having many rivers and falls in the delta
5. zone of river Cauvery ,the drainage channels of these areas are not de silted in advance
before rains, hence these areas are highly susceptible for flood which damages the
habitations and the agricultural lands which are their main livelihood sources. Hence, this
manifesto insists to provide drainage facilities in these areas and to construct check dams in
possible places to hold the excess flood water.
6. Construction of Disaster Resistance houses worth of Rupees 1.5 lakhs, for Dalits and
vulnerable people living in thatched houses at flood prone areas:
7. The Dalits and other vulnerable peoples living in the flood prone areas of Cuddalore and
Chidambaram Parliament constituencies are residing in thatched and unsafe houses. Every
year during the floods, their entire houses are damaged and they are bounded to make new
houses which lead them towards high indebtness results in poverty. Even then the
government announcing flood relief every year, it is not sufficient to compensate their
losses. Hence this peoples manifesto insists to construct disaster resistant permanent
shelters in the uplands.
Manifesto on Government Schemes:
1. Request to mainstream and implement the NREGP:
2. National Rural Employment Guarantee Program - NREGP Is being implemented in various
states of our country. This NREGP insists that the people of the Panchayats should be
ensured with minimum 100 days work in a year. These employment opportunities should
offer them
3. Rs.80 per day as wages for worthy work.
4. At the time of implementation, at village level the panchayat presidents, members and
public are not properly aware about this program and due to some mall practices the
benefits of the scheme not fully reached the village people. The wage structure is based on
the agricultural work, and the work nature is ascertained based on the public works
department’s norms, this complicated system cause difficulties in work ascertaining and
paying the wages. Hence, this people manifesto insists that the complicate procedures and
mall practices should be culled out, in order to mainstream this scheme and to form a
village level monitoring committee for proper implementation of the scheme.
5. The people’s manifesto also insists that any government schemes should be implemented
after creating a thorough awareness among the people in a way that they can easily
understood the scheme. Help of non governmental organizations may be taken to create
6. Doctors availability in Village Health Centers should be increased as 12 hours and giving
pension for HIV / AIDS patients:
7. Village level Primary Health Centers and Health Sub Centers are being run by the
government for the health and hygiene of the people living in villages. This service is
essential for the welfare of the village people. Doctors are not willing to work in the village
health centers and the staff nurses and Assistant staff nurses only serving in these village
health centers. Government has to make proper and essential medical facilities and to
ensure proper distribution of medical services at village levels with proper transportation
facilities. Hence this people manifesto insist, that the government should initiate necessary
steps to assure the doctors availability of time in the health centers at least 12 hours per
day. This manifesto also insist that the vaccination and the treatment for adolescent girls ,
treatment for pregnant women, delivery facilities and medicines for venom bite should be
readily available at village level and the HIV / AIDS affected patients should be given with
monthly pension.
8. To enforce the pollution control act, to reduce the release of pollutant from the Cuddalore
SIPCOT industrial area which causes environmental degradation:
9. Various factories are installed and running in the SIPCOT area of Cuddalore District. In
one hand these factories are contributing to the industrial development and employment
generation, in other hand the people living in the areas around the factories are severely
affected by various diseases due to the pollutants released by the factories, specifically
children, pregnant women, old ages, sea fishermen and inland fishermen are severely
affected. Hence this people’s manifesto insists the government to identify the problems
created due to the release of pollutants through a severe monitoring system and to ban the
factories which are violating pollution control rules and norms.
Ensure house pattas and free houses to all Adi-Dravidas below poverty line
Ensure clean drinking water
Ensure a job for a graduate per family
Give preference to organic farming and ensure free supply of organic manure
Help small scale farmers by making available free water for farming, freely given
equipments & loan access through agricultural co-operative banks at primarily levels, and
by direct fixing of prices by the Government for agricultural products
6. Ensure all government schemes directly reached deserving Adi-Dravida farmers and the
general public
7. Ensure roads & buses in all villages
8. Ensure government scholarships & subsidies for the poor
9. Build a bridge over Thenpannai river to help farmers
10. Abolish corruptions in all departments
1. Ensure that all the members of the parliament regularly attend parliaments even as we
attend our schools regularly
2. Ensure free tuition centers for children
3. Ensure that all Government doctors stay in the villages and serve
4. Ensure that Government nurses are available for immunization programmes in all the
5. Abolish dowry system totally
6. Implement total prohibition as regards alcoholic consumption
7. Ensure a job for one person in each family
8. Ensure nutrition programmes reach all children
9. Ensure adequate teacher children ratio in Anganvadies
10. Give preference to villages opting for prohibition of alcoholic consumption while it
comes to allotting Government developmental schemes
1. Programme for seasonal community based hostels in the village school, run by
committees of senior citizens, to retain migrant workers’ children in villages.
2. Stop privatization of education
3. Child labour in any form should be abolished upto 18 years of age.
4. Separate seating or feeding of Dalit children.
5. Enactment of a central law to make barriers on temple entry on grounds of caste,
gender or faith illegal.
6. Ensuring in the next five years a complete end to manual scavenging
7. Ensure children’s right to participation by promoting small-sized neighborhood
parliaments of children and their multi-tier federation which can serve as effective
citizenship training in practice.
8. Take Action to End Violence against Women
9. Ensure greater public awareness of the Domestic Violence Act and stronger
measures for its implementation.
10. Abolish dowry totally.
Madras Central
11. Full protection to the unorganized sectors and keep aside 3 % of the budget
12. Don’t evict the slum dwellers, pavement dwellers, river and coastal side dwellers
and petty shops
13. Provide minimum of 2 acres of land to every farmer.
14. Make use of the natural resources for the welfare of the poor
15. Provide pension and medical aid to all the unorganized workers and their families.
16. Stop child labor and bonded labor
17. Provide job opportunities to the youth of rural areas.
18. Reserve 50% seats for women in the assembly and Parliament; prohibition of
drinks, Stop Globalization, Privatization, industrialization, free trade and SEZ
19. Compulsory free education and medical care for all.
20. Provide proper sanitation in the homing areas.
1. People should not receive bribes for election those who receive should be punished.
2. Leaders and Government Officials should not receive bribe for anything (Example: for
Signatures, for Loans, for Jobs, etc...)
3. Those who receive should be heavily punished. People should have the courage and
freedom to punish them then and there.
4. Basic needs of the people should be met.
5. Proper housing, water, food should be provided to the poor.
6. Road facilities, transport facilities, school, hospital facilities should be made available
to the poor, especially in rural areas.
7. Needs of the farmers to be met.
8. People should have the freedom to vote to whomever they want without fear and
without receiving bribe.
9. Women should have more participation in the Government posts and in Parliaments.
10. There should be no caste discrimination.
1. Subsidy loan given to farmers for cultivation.
2. Farmer’s land should be protected.
3. In government hospital patients and others should be respected and they should be given
proper care and attention.
4. Bride should be completely abolished.
5. Corruption should be completely abolished.
6. Providing employment for the people should be increased.
7. Basic pay for all categories of work should be fixed by the Government.
8. Products produced in our Country should be kept for our need and the rest exported.
9. Those who give wrong advertisement should be punished.
10. ISO certificate given only to good quality products and the ones that do not have ISO
certificate should be banned.
11. As agricultural products’ prices are being fixed by the Government, so also the other
products’ prices to fixed by the Government.
1. A National Commission for the Aged is set up to safeguard the interests, rights and
entitlements of Aged in India.
2. Older people are recognized as a specific vulnerable group under national human rights
amd humanitarian law.
3. Equal access to gainful employment for Aged, able and willing to work, must be ensured.
Banks should come forward with at least short term micro credit schemes for elderly,
treating Elders Self Help Group on par with others Self Help Groups.
4. Health policies should incorporate provisions for financially and physically accessible
health care services to meet the needs of the Aged. Health insurance schemes for the
elderly, a geriatric ward and separate outpatient counters, queues and timings at hospitals
must be provided for their equal access to health care.
5. Abuse, violence and crime against older persons must be recognized at all levels and
responded to. Each district must have a legal counseling centre for the elderly.
6. Procedures for old age pensions approval and disbursement must be simplified with
enhanced administrative efficiency and eliminate corruption.
7. Aged are recognized among the most vulnerable and directly included in rescue, relief and
recovery operations in all emergency circumstances / natural disasters.
8. Any implementation of government programmes should take note of the lack of access to
services / benefits faced by older people. There should be special programmes for the
Aged at panchayat level.
9. Multipurpose identity cards must be provided to the elderly and concessions given to them
in the state transport buses.
10. Government must commit extending ‘Right to Development’ to older people by giving
specific focus to the elderly in any of the national policies and programmes designed to
combat poverty.
1. Just wages should be given for all types of work.
2. Essential goods should be available at an affordable price to the poor.
3. Public distribution system (Ration Shops) whatever is distributed to be of good quality.
There should be no corruption in these places.
4. Public services like transport, sanitation, etc... All these facilities should be made available
to the people and the money allotted for these things should be made use in a proper way
for that purpose.
5. In Government Hospital, bribing should be stopped for all categories of staff and doctors
should function with commitment and full time. No private practice should be allowed for
government hospital doctors.
6. Following family line for top posts in the political parties to be avoided.
7. Unnecessary expenses towards the election campaigning, canvassing should be stopped.
8. War in Srilanka should be stopped.
9. Power Cuts to be minimized. Electricity shortage to be seen to.
10. Government Schemes should reach the people properly and not the rich enjoying the
benefit of it. Bribe and corruption should be stopped specially in receiving the Government
Schemes allotted for the poor.
11. Don’t give things freely (Example: TV, Gas connection, etc.) instead give employment to
those who are educated.
12. Proper schemes which are helpful and necessary for the people should be planned and
13. Democracy should be really committed to practice and not just an illusion.
1. Take Action to End Violence against Women
2. Ensure greater public awareness of the Domestic Violence Act and stronger measures for
its implementation.
3. Abolish dowry totally.
4. Programme country-wide for systematic community based nutrition rehabilitation of all
grade 3 and grade 4 malnourished children.
5. Organic farming with biodiversity must be promoted with access to credit and marketing
with ample subsidies
6. The Water Policy would be based on the premise that every living being will have the right
to free drinking water.
7. Ensure right to work and entrepreneurship support.
8. Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work in all sectors
9. Ensure employment for one graduate in each family.
10. Education and Transport should be stopped immediately.
1. Forest Act 2006 explains about the right of lands of the tribal people, who live in the border
area of the Grama Sabha.
2. Till the time of implementing the Forest Act evacuating the tribal people and traditional
dwellers, living in and using the forest areas should be fully avoided.
3. Holding governments and officials directly accountable to protect citizens from communal
and caste violence.
4. The right of small produce procurement should be given to the respective Grama Sabhas.
5. The Water Policy would be based on the premise that every living being will have the right
to free drinking water.
6. Government should step allotting forest lands for mining purposes.
7. National Disability Identity Cards should also be given to children of 0 to 5 years of age.
8. Stringent action must be initiated on the forest officers, who try to evacuate people, who
are living even before the law came into force and suspend its implementation.
9. Ensure government scholarships & subsidies for the poor
10. The Government must immediately cancel the lease of the government lands, given to the
big landlords and owners of farms and allot them to the tribals.
1. The Ghats development program that are in progress should be reviewed analyzing the
impact and should be modified to so that it includes people in all levels-from decision
making to implementation.
2. Implement the Women’s Reservation Bill and make it possible for all women to access
public programs.
3. At least one Parliamentary Constituency should be allotted to the tribal people in Tenkasi.
4. Rights of transgender and people with alternate sexual preferences must be protected and
promoted by proper policy level and legal interventions
5. Organic farming with biodiversity must be promoted with access to credit and marketing
with ample subsidies.
6. All attempts to dilute the existing legal instruments that protect environment should be
enlarged so that the development is monitored b y the people.
7. Integration of workers rights as proposed by ILO and the Indian constitution as a holistic
legislation for unorganized workers and National urban workers employment guaranty act
must be enacted.
8. All citizens should have easy access to knowledge-based information and communication.
9. Ensure one special session of the gram sabha every year on child-friendly issues.
10. Ensure Women are given Farmer Status
Child labour in any form should be abolished up to 18 years of age.
Separate seating or feeding of Dalit children.
Ensure right to work and entrepreneurship support.
Give the right of small produce procurement to the respective Grama Sabhas.
Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work in all sectors
Ensure patta and free house for all Dalits below poverty line
Ensure employment for one graduate in each family.
To help farmers by making available free water for farming, freely given equipments &
loan access through agricultural co-operative banks at primarily levels.
9. Stringent action should be taken on those who involve in harassing the women in the name
of tourism and by the landlords and forest department in tribal areas.
10. Implement the Women’s Reservation Bill and make it possible for all women to access
public programs.
1. Stop privatization of healthcare and abdication of the state’s responsibility for health of
citizens in the country
2. Provide emergency interest free loans to all citizens for meeting non-health related
expenditures during illness
3. The Water Policy would be based on the premise that every living being will have the right
to free drinking water.
4. Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work in all sectors
5. Education and Transport should be stopped immediately
6. Tell us in detail the plans to curb communalism and terrorism
7. Ensure right to work and entrepreneurship support.
8. Give the right of small produce procurement to the respective Grama Sabhas.
9. Ensure equal political representation and participation
10. Ensure easy access to knowledge-based information and communication for all citizens.
Ensure free compulsory education for all below 18 years of age.
Ensure one special session of the gram sabha every year on child-friendly issues.
Ensure communization of syllabus in all the schools to avoid disparity in education
Ensure basic facilities and equitable student-teacher ratio in all the schools.
Ensure wider participation of people and effective and effective and meaningful
discussions in gram sabhas by making it a three-tier federation ie. (1) Neighbourhood
Sabhas, (2) Village Sabhas (Ward Sabhas) and (3) panchayat gram sabhas.
6. Ensuring a right to rehabilitation for all survivors of communal, ethnic and caste violence
7. Empowering NHRC to supervise investigation and trial in all cases of communal and caste
8. Holding governments and officials directly accountable to protect citizens from communal
and caste violence.
9. Ensure free supply of organic manure.
10. Stop water taxes for farmers
1. Introduce Reservation for Women in the Private Sector.
2. Stringent action should be taken on those who involve in harassing the women in the name
of tourism and by the landlords and forest department in tribal areas.
3. Implement the Women’s Reservation Bill and make it possible for all women to access
public programs.
4. Equal Property Rights for Women
5. Ensure Women are given Farmer Status
6. Holding governments and officials directly accountable to protect citizens from communal
and caste violence.
7. Ensure Women are given Farmer Status
8. Ensure special package for all widows, half-widows and orphans.
9. Expanding coverage of PDS to all persons who live on less than twenty rupees a day.
10. Ensure patta and free house for all dalits below poverty line.
Children’s Charter
Child labour in any form should be abolished upto 18 years of age.
Expand ICDS to provide 2 meals to children between 3 to 6 years
Introduce ‘harmony education’ and ‘humanistic value education’ from primary level.
Promote children’s right to participation by ensuring children’s neighbourhood sabhas
of about forty families.
5. children’s village sabhas and children’s panchayat gram sabhas which would help
children to voice their opinion and ideas on issues related to children and participate in
the decision making and implementation process.
6. Ensure that all Government doctors stay in the villages and serve
7. Free tuition centers for children
8. Adequate teacher children ratio in Anganvadies
9. Open residential schools in cities for street and working children and migrant workers’
10. Programme for seasonal community based hostels in the village school, run by
committees of senior citizens, to retain migrant workers’ children in villages.
East Tripura
West Tripura
East Tripura & West Tripura (Jointly Organised)
Implementation of Hydro-Electricity project at Agartala.
Lifeline programs for Agriculture and Rural Economy in the state.
Social security package for working women and loan facilities for waiver community.
Improvement of quality education and health facilities by setting Medical College and
Nursing College in the state capital.
To setup technical institutions with free of cost and establish ITI, Engineering Colleges.
Better infrastructure development in the state.
Implementation of water security in all the remote villages.
Need to ensure Transparency in government initiatives.
Health insurance covering to all BPL families in the state.
Uttar Pradesh
1. To open community health centre at Panchayat level.
2. Increase number of days of employment to 365 days instead of 100 days under NREGA.
3. To make Birth Registration compulsory.
4. To make civic cards for all.
5. To ensure that every government official plays his/her role and responsibility.
6. To curb corruption in Government and non governmental institutions.
Provide housing and clean drinking water to agricultural laborers
Quality education for the children of SC, ST and Minorities.
Improve rural health infrastructure especially among Dalits.
To provide cheap pesticide and fertilizer to the farmer and also arrange adequate irrigation
Payment of all outstanding bills of sugarcane to all farmers immediately.
To check on corruption in government machineries.
Inspections of all issued ration and BPL cards and include the names of all entitled persons in the
Make effort to make people representatives more accountable and responsible toward his/her work.
1- gkFkjl u;k ftyk eq[;ky; gS ftls egkek;k uxj ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA ftyk
eq[;ky; gksus ds ckotwn vHkh rd ftyk Lrj dh lqfoèkkvksa dk vHkko gSA
ftys ds lHkh ukxfjdksa dks iwoZ ftyk vyhx<+ eq[;ky; esa ewyHkwr
lqfo/kvksa ds fy, tkuk iM+rk gSA ftyk Lrjh; lHkh vfèkdkfj;ksa dh rSukrh
dh tk, vkSj lHkh dk;kZy; ,d Hkou tks fuekZ.kkèkhu gS esa j[ks tk,aA
2- ljdkjh ;kstukvksa dk ykHk mu yksxksa dks ugha feyk gS ftuds fy,
;kstuk;sa cuh gSA lHkh ;kstukvksa dks vafre O;fDr rd igq¡pkus ds fy,
ljdkj bZekunkjh ls dke djs] ysfdu ljdkjh n[ky de gksuk pkfg,A ;kstukvksa
esa LFkkuh; jktuhfr dks fyIr u djds bZekunkjh ls forj.k gksA
3- i'kqikydksa@nqXèk mRikndksa dks lgdkjh lfefr cukdj muds nwèk dk
mfpr ewY; fnyk;k tk, tSlk vHkh ugha gksrk gSA
4- gkFkjl {ks=k vHkh rd vkjf{kr FkkA igyh ckj vukjf{kr lhV ls izR;k'kh pquk
tkuk gSA ,slh fLFkfr esa nfyr] vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa dk 'kks"k.k u gksA bldk
iwjk è;ku j[kk tk,A blfy, vuqfpr Fkkuk cuk;k tk,A
5- ftyk eq[;ky; ij fLFkr ftyk vLirky dks vkèkqfud cuk;k tk, tgk¡ lHkh fpfdRlk
lqfoèkk,¡ gksa lkFk gh uohu Hkou esa 'kh?kz vLirky dks LFkkukarfjr
fd;k tk,A
6- gkFkjl taD'ku dks vkèkqfud cuk;k tk,A vfèkd HkhM+okys pkSjkgksa ij
ÝykbZ vksoj cuus pkfg,A
7- gkFkjl misf{kr ,oa xjhc tula[;k ckgqY; gS tgk¡ 'kgjh csjkstxkjksa dks
xzkeh.k jkstxkj nsus dh O;oLFkk gksuh pkfg,A
8- gkFkjl dh nSfud vko';drk;sa fnYyh ls iwjh gksrh gSaA eky
cspus&[kjhnus ds ckjs esa gkFkjl {ks=k dks fnYyh ij fuHkZj jguk iM+rk
gSA yksdy Vsªuksa dh la[;k vkSj c<+kbZ tkuh pkfg, rFkk gkFkjl dks
,ulhvkj tSlh lqfoèkk,¡ feyuh pkfg,A
9- efgykvksa] iq#"kksa] ;qokvksa dks Lo;a lgk;rk lewg xBu ;kstukUrxZr
LokoyEch cukus ds fy;s fofHk izdkj dh Vsªfuax nsdj lfClMh jfgr lLrk
lqyHk ½.k miyCèk djk;k tk,A ljdkjh n[ky dks de djds fcpkSfy;ksa]
nykyksa dk n[ky cUn gksuk pkfg,A ljdkj dk cSadksa ij ncko gksuk
10NksVs xjhc nqdkunkjksa] iVjh okyksa] [kk[ksokyksa dk vfrØe.k ds
uke ij mRihM+u ugha gksuk pkfg,A ,sls jksth&jksVh dekus okyksa dks
lewg cukdj cktkj miyCèk djk;k tk, ,oa lLrs ½.k miyCèk djk;k tk,A
Provide housing and potable drinking water to agricultural laborers.
Improve rural health infrastructure.
Improve the condition of higher and primary education in Gautam Buddha Nagar/Khurja.
Quality education for Dalits’ children.
To provide 20% land to the farmer for land acquisition. The land acquisition should be on the basis
of market evaluation.
To provide free plots to the families whose land is either acquired or given on compensation.
To provide cheap pesticides and fertilizers to the farmers.
Arrangement of adequate irrigation facilities.
Provide minimum price to the farmer with profit.
To check on corruption in government machineries.
Inspections of all issued ration and BPL cards and include the names of all eligible persons in the
Make effort to make people representatives more accountable and responsible toward his/her
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
1- efgyk ,oa cPpksa ds lok±xh.k fodkl ds fy, dkuwuh :i ls lHkh dks
f'k{kk ,oa LokLF; dh O;oLFkk dh tk,A
2- mnwZ dks fgUnh ds leku jk"VªHkk"kk f}rh; dk ntkZ feyuk
3- lPpj lfefr dh fjiksVZ ij laln esa cgl gksA eqfLye lekt dks
vuqlwfpr tkfr ds cjkcj lqfoèkk,¡ feyuh pkfg,A
4- eqfLye leqnk; dks f'k{kk O;olk; ,oa jktuhfrd izfrfufèkRo esa
LFkku feyuk pkfg,A
5- ns'k esa Hkz"Vkpkj [kRe dj ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dh tokcnsgh
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, dBksj dkuwu cuk;k tk, rFkk nks"kh ik, x,
deZpkfj;ksa ds fo#¼ dBksj n.MkRed dkjZokbZ gksA
6- 'kkgkckn jkeiqj esa ukyksa dh xanxh ,oa ladjh xfy;ksa us turk
dk thuk eqf'dy dj fn;k gSA xans tgjhys ikuh us turk dks chekj dj
j[kk gS lkFk gh ;g xanxh&tgj tehu ds uhps tylzksr dks Hkh
xank dj jgk gSA ihus dk 'kq¼ ikuh dgha ugha gSA xanxh ds
dkj.k tehu ij rFkk ok;q esa Hkh Hkkjh tgj@iznw"k.k iQSyk gqvk
gS ftlds dkj.k turk Hk;kud jksxksa dk f'kdkj cudj dky dk xzkl rks
cu gh jgh gS lkFk gh bykt djkdj daxky Hkh gks jgh gSA bldk
dsoy ,d gh mik; gS fd lHkh ernkrk tkx:d gksdj ty] tehu] ok;q
rFkk i;kZoj.k dks cpkus ds fy, dk;Z djsaxs rFkk ljdkj ij Hkh ncko
cuk;saxs fd iznw"k.k jksdus ds fy, dkxtksa esa iQthZ vkadM+s
u fn[kkdj turk dh lgHkkfxrk ds }kjk lpeqp esa i;kZoj.k dks cpk;s
rkfd gekjk rFkk gekjh vkus okyh ih<+h dk thou cp ldsA
7- 'kkgkckn jkeiqj esa tSfod [ksrh ij cy fn;k tk,A rjg&rjg ds dsfedy]
dhVuk'kd] [kjirokj uk'kd cukus okyh daifu;ksa dks ljdkj
izksRlkgu u nsA ,slh daifu;ka vius futh LokFkZ@ykHk ds fy,
d`f"k] fdlku] etnwj] [ksrh dh mitkÅ tehu] unh&ukyksa] rkykc]
iks[kjksa rFkk tyk'k;ksa vkfn dks Hkkjh uqdlku igq¡pk jgh gSaA
tks dHkh Hkh iwjk ugha gks ldk pw¡fd tehu ck¡> gks tk;sxh]
tylzksr tgjhys gksdj lekIr gks tk;saxs] fdlku&etnwj vkRegR;k
djsaxsA vkt turk@miHkksDrk [ksrh esa tgjhys jlk;uksa ds
fNM+dko ls ejsxh blfy, [ksrh dks T;knk equkiQsnkj cukus ds
ctk; oehZ daiksLV (dsapqvksa dh [kkn) ds }kjk tehu] taxy]
tylzksrksa rFkk turk dks cpk;k tk ldrk gS ljdkj rFkk cSad
fdlkuksa dks lg;ksx djsA tu izfrfufèk lHkh eapksa ls ljdkj ij ncko
8- izR;sd xzke iapk;rksa dks eq[; ekxZ ls tksM+us ds fy, iDdh
lM+dksa dk fuekZ.k gksA lkFk gh vkokxeu ds lkèku mfpr
O;oLFkk gksA
9- ljdkj rFkk iz'kklu ij fuHkZj jgus ds ctk; dkQh dke ge Jenku rFkk
tu lg;ksx ds }kjk eksgYyk lfefr rFkk xzke lfefr cukdj djsaxsA
ljdkj blesa lg;ksx djsA
10fdlkuksa dk ljdkj 'kks"k.k mRihM+u djrh gS] ljdkj ns'k ds
vénkrk dks lrkuk NksM+sA fdlkuksa dks lLrk lqyHk ½.k rFkk
lfClMh ns lkFk gh d`f"k mit dk Hkko@jsV@dher fdlku r; djs
ojuk fdlku cckZn gqvk rks ns'k dks cpkuk eqf'dy gSA ljdkj
dEifu;ksa dk fgr NksM+dj fdlkuksa ds fgr dh ckr djsA ernkrk
Hkh ljdkj dks lg;ksx djsxkA
6. 
7. 
8. 
9. 
10. 
West Bengal
1. To stop the misuse of civil laws and effectively deployment of already existing laws &
regulation for peace and security in the constituency.
2. To provide with the facility of having specific counseling centers at the block level for the
betterment of health issues for the adolescent boys and girls in the constituency.
3. To provide with more effective supervision towards the education at the primary level and
secondary level.
4. To provide for scholarship towards for the female section to peruse their higher level of
5. Proper utilization of judicial system and punish the convict.
6. To provide more emphasis an apt surveillance to control communal related violence in the
7. To provide for small skill monetary aids to the farmers.
8. To help the social Workers with proper pension scheme to soliderate their work life.
9. To promote child adaptation facility so that orphan children gets proper love and care and
secure their future.
10. Increasing the power of Panchayeti Raj so that decentralization is materialized.
To help the poor elderly women with regular pension.
Proper Utilization of Dowry Act.
Strengthening and availing fully support to Handicraft industry.
To provide clean safe drinking water to all in the constituency.
To provide with adequate work for all small cottage worker.
Proper Utilization of Health facility implemented by PHCs and Health department.
To provide with proper bursary to all deserving candidate till the
8. To provide job quota especially for the female section in the society.
9. Proper utilization of water resources implemented by the state government.
10. To provide Govt. subsidy in the farming sector for procurement of fertilizer and
chemical benefit of farmer.
11. Besides SC. ST and OBC segregation for women muslims minorities to ensure security
and safety.
12. To provide employment opportunities to all the deserving candidates according to their
own skills and capacity.
13. To establish women rights in the society & eradicate the social evils and provide
security and protection.
1. To ensure NREGA job for 100 days
2. All the family members should have the Ration Card
3. Villagers should get safe Drinking water
4. Gramin Vidyutayan (Electricity)
5. Gramin Rasta (Road)
6. Widow’s Allowance (Bidhoba Vata)
7. Old aged pension
8. Sanitation
9. BPL enlistment
10. BPL Grihanirman
1. Lack of Proper drainage system.
2. Lack of proper water supply during marsh rice cultivation (Boro).
3. Betel leaf cultivation is one of the main cash crops of Purba Medinipur district, but it
effects due to lack of proper communication, storage system, marketing facilities, and
research laboratory for pest and diseases. Till date the Central Government has not
recognized as an official crop so that the farmers are not getting any Govt. privileges for
the said cultivation.
4. A huge problem of Dowry System especially for poor villagers.
5. Most of the poor people are victims of injustice by the different political parties.
6. People were affected by the corruption and misbehavior of most of the Govt. employee.
7. Scarcity of Madrasha Education.
8. Incomplete approach road of ‘Kanshaboti Bridge’ and ‘Shyamaroad’ affects the
communication system of whole Moyna Block and East part of Paschim Medinipur
9. Availability of electricity does not meet the most of the household.
10. Health facilities are not sufficient in all Health Sub Centers. Therefore, people are bound to
go to ‘Quack Doctor’ for their treatment.
11. A common person does not agree with the huge salary increment policy of Govt. employee.
12. Farmers are deprived from getting the actual price of their agricultural product.
13. Many youth migrated to the neighboring states and country as well for their earning
14. Many poor people are deprived due to proper BPL list.
15. Youths are neglected for poor sports and cultural infrastructure.
Demands of the participants:16. We want proper dragging of link cannel and maintain proper water outlet system especially
rainy seasons. We also demand to improve the irrigation system through link with the
‘Rupnarayan’ river.
17. We demand to recognition of Betel leaf as agricultural product and also to develop the
storage system, improved marketing facilities and establish research laboratory.
18. To remove the ‘Dowry System’ the Govt. should take strong policy to implement the Act,
legislation & rules.
19. Govt. should take proper administrative steps to organize mass campaign with all political
20. We demand proper investigation and reasonable punishment and also need mass movement
against it.
21. Govt. should take a step to develop Madrasha Education like other education system for
minority people.
22. Approach road should be completed as early as possible for improve the communication
23. Electrification through ‘Rajib Gandhi Lokdeep Prakalpa’ should be completed as early as
24. Health infrastructure and village level treatment system should be improved and a Govt.
doctor should be available 6 days per week at all sub-centers.
25. Govt. Salary system should be reviewed in view of hige hike of salary or economic
standard should be upgraded through different schemes. It is also need to review that rate
of unskilled and skilled labour wages in relation of Pay Commission report.
26. Govt. should purchase the agricultural product directly from the farmers with reasonable
price and for reduce the production cost Govt. should increase the subsidy in case of seeds,
manure, insecticide and agricultural instrument.
27. Govt. should garneted the employment for educated unemployed youth.
28. We demand to publish the fair BPL list.
29. Village level sports and cultural infrastructure should be developed.
1. Coverage Sanitary Program.
2. NRGS Fulfill in the village
3. Rectify the BPL List.
4. Road develop
5. Extended the electricity into entire village.
6. Supply pure drinking water (PHC).
7. In school dropout student.
8. Old age and widow pension.
9. Women empowerment on specially education.
10. Construction of market develops etc.
1. The villagers demanded that a Hostel for the SC/ST students be constructed for both the
Girls and Boys students at the outskirts of the villages approaching the Chormura village.
2. Some villagers demanded that two Dug Wells be constructed in order to provide portable
drinking water at Kanaipur village.
3. A large section of the gathering demanded that Sanitation Project at Lakindarpur village be
geared up to cover more BPL families.
4. The people of village Chormura demanded that a Sub centre for Health and Family Welfare
Centre be sanctioned for the concerned village. The nearest Sub Centre is catering more
than 10000 populations and is unduly overloaded with works and dearth of manpower.
The village is in need of a primary school & the modern Health Clinic.
To provide for adequate sanitation facilities.
To provide proper infrastructure at the ICDS school already prevalent in the village.
To have proper playground & relaxation centre in the village.
To provide them with the different ways of employment.
To build proper communication & transportation in the village.
To take a adequate major to check the present of anemia illness among the female section of the
To provide proper shopping & marketing centre in the village.
To provide for higher & professional education in the village.
To make easy access drinking water easily available to the people in the village.