106762507 1 ROOTS AND WINGS FOURTH GRADE LESSON FIFTEEN Rev. 9-04 I. Review A. Ask students to take out their R&W folders and put on their nametags. B. Remind students that last time you were together, they: II. Overview A. Tell the students that today we will be talking about leadership and rolemodels. Leaders are important because they help keep focus and resolve disputes. Ideally, leaders are also model positive behavior for others. III. Program A. Ask students to define leadership: Leadership is influence. It is the ability of one person to influence others. One can lead others only to the extent that he or she can influence them to follow his/her leadership. Ask if Martin Luther King, Jr. fits this description. Why was he such a good leader (peaceful, caring, committed, assertive, honest, etc.) B. Leadership Handout: Students will list leadership opportunities at home, school, and the community. Have them share their ideas. Students may have difficulty coming up with ideas. Point out that we first practice leadership in the home and at school and as we get older, we extend our leadership into the community. Examples: Home: Be in charge of making sure the family pet is cared for. Be in charge of making sure all of the lights are turned off. Show a younger sibling what kind, mature behavior looks like. School: Volunteer for traffic patrol. Refuse to bully, and befriend anyone who is bullied. Set an example in the classroom by following rules. Treat all students nicely and refuse to gossip. Community: Find opportunities to volunteer your time and interests. Become a team captain. Organize a club based on a common interest. C. Ask students to think of a time that they took on a leadership role and share these with the class. 106762507 2 D. Goals Handout: Students will set a goal. What leadership role do they want to take at home, school, or in the community? The goal does not have to be huge, just a small way that the student can assert him/herself as a leader. Explain that we all have the potential to be leaders in some area of our lives. Explain that in setting a goal, it is important to make sure that the goal is realistic yet challenging. Tell students they can set one goal or several (have extra handouts). Tell them that the date on the handout will be their last Roots and Wings class. On that date, students will have an opportunity to tell the class how they achieved their goal or, if they have not completely achieved the goal, they can share their progress on their goal. IV. Evaluation A. Ask the students what they learned from today’s lesson. Discuss. V. Summary A. Remind students that leadership is influencing other people and that we can all be leaders in various ways and in different situations. 106762507 3 Lesson Purpose To learn about leadership, how students can become leaders in their home, school, and community. Objectives: 1. The students will learn about leadership roles. 2. The students will set goals for leadership. PF Lesson Prep 1. Make copies of “My Personal Leadership Goals.” (take extra) You may want to print these on colored paper. 2. Make copies of “Leadership Opportunities.” Lesson Material Required 1. 2. Handout: “My Personal Leadership Goals.” Handout: “Leadership Opportunities.” By ____________ (date) I will: My Personal Leadership Goals 106762507 4 106762507 5 LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Home: School: Community: