GTZ Low Energy Technologies (LET) Initiative Pico PV: Solar Lantern Field Survey Baseline Questionnaire - Households Instructions for Field Interviewer Everything written in CAPITALS is information for the interviewer only and must not be read to interviewee. Everything written in lower case letters are questions or indications and must be read verbatim to the respondent DO NOT READ OUT means not to read out the following answer categories READ OUT means to read out the following answer categories before coding the answer IF YES adverts that if the answer is Yes the following questions in the table must be read to the interviewee but must be skipped if the answer is No Multiple answers are possible indicates that multiple answer categories can be chosen. In case respondent is not willing or able to answer a question, put a clear slash ------ to indicate that the question was posed but no answer was given. At the end of the questionnaire the Interviewer must sit down and control if all questions were answered in a correct way. If questions were skipped or obviously miss understood the interviewer must go back to the interviewee and complete missing or wrong answers. Introduction SPEAK TO THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD, I.E. THE PERSON WHO IS RESPONSIBLE OR JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HOUSEHOLD DECISIONS AND PURCHASES. IF NOT AVAILABLE, ARRANGE TO COME BACK. Hello, my name is __and I conduct a research for GTZ on lighting issues and requirements Please be open because whatever you say is confidential - we are combining your views with those of hundreds of others who are also being interviewed. There are no right or wrong answers – it is just your honest views we are interested in. Our questionnaire takes about 45-60 minutes to complete. Are you ready? IF YES, - Great! Then we will now start with the questionnaire FILL IN No of Questionnaire Date Name of Interviewer Country District Village Address/Street GPS Name of Interviewee a) HOUSING Sex How many people live in your household in total on a permanent basis? 1. Under 16 2. Over 16 3. TOTAL 1. Male 2. Female Which is the highest level of education one of the household members received? None, Primary, Secondary, Technician, University 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. Male 4. Female Type of housing? 1. Mud, 2. Bricks, 3. Cement 4. Other____________ Type of roof? 1. Corrugated iron, 2. Straw, 3, Other_______________ How many houses belong to your household?____________ How many rooms in total are in your house(s)?___________ b) PERSONAL INFORAMTION 9. Head of household 10. Spouse 11.Childre n < 16 12. What is the average monthly income of your household? 8. Other What? 7. Domestic work 6. Technician 5. Construction worker 3. Commerc e 4. Artisan 2. Agriculture 1. School What is the regular occupation of each household member? (multiple answers possible) CODE MAIN OCCUPATION=1 FURTHER OCCUPATION =2 13. What are your monthly expenditures for… 1. Food 2. Energy 3. Clothes 4. School 5. Health 6. Water 7. House (maintenance, renovation) 8. Savings 9. Other 14. If there were three things you could do to improve your household or its facilities, what would these be? DO NOT READ OUT. CODE 1 FOR FIRST, 2 FOR SECOND, 3 FOR THIRD 1. Better lighting 2. Better access to water 3. Better toilet facilities 4. Better bathing facilities 5. Better kitchen 6. Improved furniture (chairs, tables, etc) 7. Improved structure itself (upgrading the roof, walls, windows, doors) 8. Connect to power grid or improve power source like generator 9. Better communication 10. Better media access 11. Increase size of dwelling/home 12. Improve security 13. Other What? c) ELECTRIC GRID (NAME OF TOWN/VILLAGE) 15. What is your nearest town/village connected to the electric grid? 16. How close is this town/village or your (IN KM) nearest mains power line? 17. Do you know of any extension plans to include your village to the grid? Or do you know of other electrification projects (generator, photovoltaic...) of your government or international donors? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. What kind of project? Project name? 2. When should the project start? d) ENERGY SOURCES USED IN THE HOUSEHOLD 18. Are you connected to the electric grid? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. You have got your own meter? 2. You are connected to the neighbor? Yes1 Yes1 No 0 3. How much do you paid last month for your electricity? No 0 19. Do you use a generator? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. How many days a week? 2. How many hours per day? 3. How much do you pay per month in total for using the generator? 20. 21. Code the Which of the most following Energy important sources do you ones use in your 1= most household? important READ OUT CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY 1.- Candles 2a.- Kerosene for illumination 2b. Kerosene for other 3a.- Dry cell batteries for lighting 3b.Dry cell batteries for radio 4.- Car battery 5.- Gas 6. Wood 7. Coal 8. Diesel/ fuel (generator) 8. Electricity (Grid) 9.- Other 22. 23. 24. Quantity per typical week Unity price Expenditures Place of per typical purchase week One _____Pieces candle One liter ______Liters 25. 26. 27. Distance to the place of purchase Time of purchase per week ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h _____Pairs ______Km. ______h _____Pairs ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h ______Km. ______h. ______Liters One pair _____Piece ______Liters One pair One bottle One _____Packa package ge One _______Kg sac/kg _____Liters ______Kwh _____( ) One liter One Kwh Unity___ e) HOUSEHOLD LIGHTING 28. Which of the following lighting devices do you use? USE PHOTOS TO IDENTIFY LAMPS AND CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY 1. Firelight 2. Candles 3. Paraffin lamp with glass cover 4. Paraffin lamp with simple wick 5. Pressure lamp (gas) 6. Lamp to gas bottle 7. Light bulb in socket 8. Lantern (battery) 9. Torch (battery) 10. Electric Incandescent Watt?_____ 11.Electric Fluorescent. Watt?_____ 12. Solar lamp WHICH ONE_______ 29. How many of each device do you use? 30. Where is the lighting device located while using it? 1.Floor WRITE IN 2.Table EXACT 3.Wall NUMBER 4.Celing 5.Outside 6.Carried 31. 32. 33. How many days a week do you use each type of lighting ? How many hours do you light each source the days you use them? How much does the lighting devise costs itself? 34. How much do you spend per week to light each lighting device (running costs per week for paraffin...)? 35. What do you mainly use the lighting for? 36. What, if anything, do you use to light the main room (what is your main lighting source indoors)?_______________________________ 37. What, if anything, do you use to light outside the house (what is your main lighting source outdoors)?________________________ What would you say are the strengths and weaknesses of your main lighting sources Indoors/outdoors? RECORD EXACT VERBATIM RESPONSE Use of lighting devices 38. Indoors 1. Strength 2. Weakness 39. Outdoors 40. On average, at what time in the evening do you begin to use lighting devices? 42. On average, at what time in the morning do you begin to use lighting devices? 41. On average, at what time in the evening do you turn of the last lighting device? 43. On average, at what time in the morning do you turn off the last lighting device? Which activities do household members pursue mainly at night and in the morning when it is dark outside? DO NOT READ OUT ONE CODE ONLY Activity 44. Men 45. Women 46. Children<16 Morning Night Morning Night Morning Night 1. Listening to the radio 2. Watching TV 3. Reading 4. Studying/Homework for school 5. Productive work, What kind of?________________ 6. Domestic work 7. Socializing/reunions 8. Other What? 47. How many rooms in this dwelling were used after dark yesterday evening? WRITE IN EXACT NUMBER INCLUDING SEPARATE HOUSES, COOK-HOUSES, LAVATORIES_______________________ 48. How many rooms in this dwelling were lit at all yesterday evening? WRITE IN EXACT NUMBER INCLUDING SEPARATE HOUSES, COOKHOUSES, LAVATORIES, ETC.__________________________________ 49. Did the use of one of the lighting devices have caused any accidents in your household? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. What kind of lighting device? 2. What kind of accident? 50. Could the light in this household be improved? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. How might it be improved? ONE CODE ONLY READ OUT 1. Introduce lights 2. Add more lights 3. Increase the amount of light from each devise 4. Use a light which is less glaring (so I do not have to shield my eyes) 5. Operate the light for more hours 6. Use a light that can be placed in a different position 7.Other 51. Do you think there is a current lack of lighting in your household? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 1. What kind of problems/inconveniences does the current lack of lighting cause? RECORD EXACT VERBATIM RESPONSE 52. Which activities could not be done well or comfortably due to lack of lighting? (multiple mentions possible) DO NOT READ OUT. 1. Listening to the radio 2. Watching TV 3. Reading 4. Studying/Homework for school 5. Productive work (some activity that will be compensated in some way), What kind of?___________ 6. Domestic work (cooking, cleaning etc. 7. Socializing 8.Resting 9. Other What? What would you or other members of your household do at night if you had better light? (multiple mentions possible) DO NOT READ OUT. 53. 54. Spouse 55. Children Head of under 16 household For each of the following lighting devises you use how would you rate them? READ OUT DEVISES ONE BY ONE INSERT RELEVANT CODE INTO BELOW GRID Excellent Very 4 4 easy Good 3 3 Easy 4 3 Poor 2 2 Difficult 2 Very poor 1 1 Very Difficult 1 56. Light Quality 1. Paraffin lamp with glass cover 2. Paraffin lamp with simple wick – no cover 3. Light bulb in socket or connected to car battery 4. Candles 5. Pressure lamp 6. Lamp connected to a LPG or gas bottle 7. Battery powered stand up lantern 8. Flashlight or torch 9. Incandescent electric light 10. Fluorescent electric light 11. Solar lamp FILL IN WHICH ONE____________________ 57. Adopted to the main use 58. Ease of operation 59. What is your preferred type of light, excluding mains powered light bulbs? ONE CODE ONLY READ OUT ALL BEFORE THE ANSWER Type of lighting 1. Why? 1. Nothing / moonlight / starlight / natural light 2. Firelight 3. Paraffin lamp with glass cover 4. Simple paraffin lamp with wick and no cover 5. Pressure lamp 6. Lamp connected to a LPG bottle of gas 7. Light bulb in socket or a lamp connected to a car battery or inverter 8. Candles 9. Battery powered stand up lantern 10. Flash-light / torch (usually hand held) 11. Other 12. SOLAR LAMP FILL IN WHICH ONE_____________________ f) HEALTH EFFECTS 60. Do you ever worry about the health effects using paraffin/kerosene in your home may have on you and your family? Yes 1 IF YES 1. What kind of? No 0 g) RADIO 61. Do you or some of the household members use a radio? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 62. How many radios do you use in your household? 63. What is the energy source of each radio? 1. Dry cell batteries, how many? Volt? 2. Grid 3. Generator 4. Solar panel 5. Other_________ 1. Energy source 2. How many batteries 64. On average, for how long do you use each radio per day? 3. Volt Radio 1 Radio 2 Radio 3 Radio 4 1. How long do household members listen to the radio on average per day? (NOT LISTENING CODE=0) 2. What do they mainly listen to? ONE CODE ONLY 1. music 2. information 3. entertainment 4. other, what? 65. 66. 67. Head of household Spouse Children <16 h) CELL PHONE 68. Do you or some of the household members use a cell phone? Yes 1 No 0 IF YES 69. How many cell phones do you use in your household? 70. Where do you charge the cell phones? 1. Grid at home 2. Grid at neighbor 3. Generator 4. Solar panel 5. Other_________ Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 1. On average, how much do you spend for cell phone credits per week? (NO USE CODE=0) 2. What do you use the cell phone mainly for? ONE CODE ONLY 1. call friends/family 2. work 3. entertainment 4. other, what? 72. 73. Head of household Spouse 71. On average, how much do you pay to charge your phone?