AP World History: Document Based Question Worksheet

Unit Two: DBQ Grouping Activity
Directions: Follow the steps listed below to work with the 2007 APWH Exam Rome & Han attitudes toward technology DBQ prompt.
Read the "Directions" on the DBQ carefully.
In the space below, list any information that comes to mind after reading the question. This prior knowledge is very useful when organizing,
planning & writing your essay.
Scan each document looking for the most important points. If provided, note the context of the author, date, and any clear
(obvious) bias. Make note of key words or phrases.
4. Re-read the question carefully. It is imperative that you fully address all parts of the question in order to earn the best score. List the
target items of the question here:
5. Read each document carefully.
6. Documents: Identify how each document relates to the essential question. What is its theme (big idea it is trying to teach you & try to
find common ideas amongst the documents)? Write those themes out specifically, and then create a general term/idea of the
theme(s) for the document.
Doc 1:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 2:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 3:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 4:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 5:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 6:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 7:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
Doc 8:
________________________________ Theme/Main Idea: ___________________________
7. Document Groupings: Group the docs into at least 3 groups by identifying common themes. Give each group a title that
identifies the groupings' commonalities. Below, list docs by number in their appropriate group(s). A doc may be used twice, but is
counted only once. These three groups would be used in your body paragraphs.
By definition, a category group must include more than one document.
Category One:_______________
Category Two:_______________
Category Three:_____________
8. What additional document(s) would be helpful for this prompt & why? List & explain ideas here: Think about what
perspectives are MISSING from the documents provided!