Schedule for Tonight’s Class: Luke 15, the Prodigal Son TIME 6:30 (20 mins) 6:50 (30 mins) 7:20 (2 mins) 7:22-7:30 (8 mins) 7:30 (5 mins) 7:35 (5 mins) ACTIVITY Introduction: Announcements Summary from past weeks Intro Arthur Luke 15: A. Look at the Title 1. Compassion: A Real picture of God from the OT but not often SEEN by the Jews, is it SEEN by us? 2. The Word compassion helps us think about relationships: With God, with each other, with ourselves B. Read Brief Overview C. Memory Verse: Read 1. Jesus is the Father in the story 2. Jesus seeks out, uses effort, takes the first step 3. Lost, introduce the theme of lostness D. Luke: written by a historian, he had goals 1. We have a historically reliable faith 2. Jesus was the Savior of the whole world—written to Gentiles, people who were marginalized E. Sekedi explains about sinners 1. Talks 2. Shows video clip 3. Helps people fill in Chart from page 6 F. What is a parable? G. Explain the context, the other parables Give Assignment for Break: A. Split into groups and assign them to give titles to the sections of the outline, only their sections B. They come back and write their titles on the board Break On Board Chart about Sinners Leading John Chart about Sinners Arthur Chart Arthur Look at Outline Together: D. Question: What is missing? Hand out cultural background, and split them into groups, read over and prepare to share 2 things that give insight to your section of the story with your partners. Think especially about shame and lostness. Outline Arthur While they are in their groups, write up Three parts of our story, shame and lostness Arthur While they are in groups, write verses up on the board 7:35 (25 mins) 8:00 (5 mins) 8:05 (20 mins) 8:25 8:30 (20 mins) 8:50 (15 mins) 9:05 (10 mins) We come back and dive into the story: A. Read in Chinese B. Younger son part 1, people share, bring out the themes of shame and lostness, how was it shameful for the Son to ask this question? What about for the Father? Someone writing on the board in English, someone else sharing in Chinese C. Younger son part 2 D. Older Son E. What are some other cultural elements that we can notice? Comments? Wrap up. Break into groups and fill out the chart on page 11 We start to do page 12 together A. What does this passage show us about God? B. From page 11, what do we see about the sons? Share results from the chart on page 11 C. What about their relationship to the Father? D. Go back to what was missing from the outline? What would this mean to our lives? SHOW THE REST OF THE VIDEO CLIP Take a break A. Come back together and in small groups discuss application: What does it mean for you to apply love and compassion in your ministry? Create a role play for your ministry? What is God doing in your heart as you hear this story, what will it mean for your ministry? B. Come back and share some ideas, 1-2-3 for each of three groups Kingdom Theme: God’s love, retouch on the idea that the Father ran to the Son before he showed repentance, what was the Son’s mindset? To earn back his Father’s love. But God doesn’t wait for us to reach out to him, he reached out to us. That’s how powerful his love is, it’s more than we think. What are some thoughts that have come up for you in this lesson? Comments? New ideas? Reading, Reflecting, Responding: ideas A. Build on the discussion we had earlier B. Rewrite this story set in China. What are traditions that communicate shame? What would a Chinese version be like? Could this be turned into a play? Could it be evangelistic? Maybe you are artistic, write a play set in China that retells this story. Participants writing on the board I prepare on board the elements from page 12 that we can do as a large group We fill in the spaces together Arthur and others Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur 9:15 (10 mins) 9:25 (5 mins) Next week’s assignment John End in Prayer (When God Ran???) Arthur