Vocabulary and Usage - Tewksbury Township Schools

Unit Overview
Content Area: English Language Arts
Unit Title: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use/Knowledge of Language
Timeline: Ongoing
Target Course/Grade Level: Second Grade
Unit Summary: The instruction of vocabulary is best supported when embedded and instructed
throughout all areas of the curriculum. Vocabulary instruction must be direct and occur every day through
oral and print exposure (spoken and written vocabulary). Vocabulary occurs in two basic forms: receptive
(vocabulary children understand when they hear) and expressive (vocabulary children use in speaking and
writing). In addition, vocabulary knowledge supports students’ abilities in listening and reading
Primary interdisciplinary connections: Science, Social Studies, Math, Art, Music, Health and Physical
Education, Technology, Speech and Language
21st century themes and skills: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and
Collaboration, Life and Career Skills; -flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social
skills, productivity and accountability, leadership and responsibility.
Anchor Standards:
L.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make
effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using
context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference
materials, as appropriate.
L.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
L.6 Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases
sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level;
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering an unknown term
important to comprehension or expression.
Learning Targets/Activities
Domain: Language
Cluster: Knowledge of Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard #
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
a. Compare formal and informal uses of English.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
b. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added to a
known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
c. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root
(e.g., addition, additional).
d. Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound
words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).
e. Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify
the meaning of words and phrases.
Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
a. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe foods that are
spicy or juicy).
b. Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g., toss, throw, hurl) and
closely related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny).
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other
kids are happy that makes me happy).
Unit Essential Questions
Unit Enduring Understandings
 How does your knowledge of words help you
 There are a variety of strategies to help
read and communicate?
figure the meaning of unknown words.
 Why is a vocabulary essential?
 When reading and speaking, it is necessary
to understand word relationships and
nuances in word meanings.
 Building a robust vocabulary assists in
listening and reading comprehension.
Unit Learning Targets
Students will ...
 Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.(L.2.4.a)
Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added to a known word
(e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell).(L.2.4.b)
Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g.,
addition, additional). (L.2.4.c)
Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words
(e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark). (L.2.4.d)
Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the
meaning of words and phrases. (L.2.4.e)
Identify words using real-life connections. (L.2.5.a)
Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g., toss, throw, hurl) and closely
related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny). (L.2.5.b)
Engage in conversation using words and phrases (including adjectives and adverbs) acquired
through a variety of speaking and listening activities. (L.2.6)
 Compare formal and informal use of language when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Learning Activities
 Flexible grouping
 Guided reading/small group work
 Writer’s Workshop: Shared, Modeled and
 Morning message
 Classroom discussions
Word study: sound/picture/object/word
Matching and memory games with
vocabulary words/pictures
class dictionary
Language Experience Charts
 Mini-lessons
 Literacy/work stations
 Journals
 Mentor texts/ read alouds
 Songs, poems, literature and rhymes
 Daily oral language
Evidence of Learning
Oral presentations
Reading/writing responses
Dictionary work
Word walls (interesting words, content
words, sight words, etc.)
Guess My Word
Formative Assessments
 Writing samples
 Dictation
 Oral presentations
 DRA: Word Analysis
Summative Assessments
Performance Tasks: sorting, literacy center
Teacher observation
Student participation/discussion
 Writing samples
Teacher Instructional Resources
 A Curricular Plan for the Writing Workshop: Grade 2 Lucy Calkins
 A Curricular Plan for the Reading Workshop: Grade 2 Lucy Calkins
 Children Dictionaries
 Rebecca Sitton Spelling Program
 Making Words, Cunningham, Hall and Heggie
 Words Their Way: Pearson Learning Group
 Reading First, Creative Teaching Press
 Vocabulary Games for the Classroom, Carlton and Marzano
 Building Academic Vocabulary, Marzano
Integration of Technology: SMARTBoard, document camera
Technology Resources:
Click the links below to access additional resources used to design this unit:
www.pinterest.com Electronic bulletin board that has endless resources for all components of teaching reading.
You have to navigate through the various resources.
www.teacherspayteachers.com Resources for supporting your reading workshop classroom. Some free, most cost
a low fee that goes directly to the teacher who posted the resource.
http://tc.readingandwritingproject.com Many articles about vocabulary being part of everyday learning in
our classrooms. Each article helps you explore how to incorporate this area of language arts into your
http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/vocabulary.html A variety of resources to use to support this area of the
language arts curriculum.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day/ This site does what it says, it gives a new word each day
with examples and ways to incorporate the word into classroom use.
http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/prof_development.cfm Full article on incorporating vocabulary into the general
ed classroom.
http://www.literacy.uconn.edu/compre.htm Many resources on teaching vocabulary.
www.americancorpus.org An extensive, online dictionary.
www.verbivore.com/rllink.htm Extensive website giving information and resources to find information on word and
phrase origins and meanings.
http://www.sadlier-oxford.com/phonics/grade2_3/suffixes/suffix.htm A simple suffix game that gives immediate
feedback on correctness of word you type in.
http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary_games.html#post-118 Wonderful assortment of vocab games to
play to support this unit. Can play as a class or as individuals.
http://www.vocabulary.co.il/ A wide variety of games to play to support this unit as well as spelling unit.
Opportunities for Differentiation:
Learning centers/stations
Flexible grouping
VAKT modeling
Leveling of sorting activities
Teacher Notes: