Name:__________________________________________ Period:__________ Chapter 10.1 and 10.2 (pg. 300-309) Directions: Read the section and answer the following questions. 1. Give 3 reasons why many Americans believed that George Washington would be a great POTUS. a. . b. . c. . 2. What is the Electoral College? DESCRIBE how it worked in picking the POTUS. 3. What were the 2 largest cities in America in 1790? a. . b. . 4. What is a precedent? 5. Who served as the 1st Supreme Court Chief Justice? 6. Who is Alexander Hamilton? What was his biggest job once becoming the Secretary of Treasury? 7. The American government owed the America citizens roughly $40.4 million dollars which was sold mostly in bonds. Explain why this led to such a big problem. 8. What did Alexander Hamilton want the federal government to do to fix the financial crises? 9. Why did politicians like Thomas Jefferson dislike Hamilton’s idea? 10. What was the compromise made in June 1790 between Hamilton and Jefferson that helped get people from the Southern states to agree with Hamilton’s proposed plan to fix the debt in America? 11. Explain the argument between Jefferson and Hamilton in regards to the role of the federal government. a. Jeffersonb. Hamilton- 12. Hamilton and Jefferson had significantly different ideas about people and their roles as citizens. Which one do you agree with and why? 13. What is a protective tariff? 14. Hamilton argues that the Constitution gives Congress the right to make a national back according to Article I, Section 8. Explain what the ‘elastic clause’ of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is and how it might work according to Alexander Hamilton. 15. What was Thomas Jefferson’s belief on the role of Article I, Section 8 in regards to Congress making a national bank?