University of Colorado Denver Department of Modern Languages College of Liberal Arts and Sciences SPAN1020--Spanish Section 003(31369)-9:30am-11:455am-Plaza 213 Fax:303-556-6038 Fall 2012Office Hours: Ileana Gross Office: Plaza 118-J Phone: 303-556-5664 Tu & Th: 8:30-9:15 or appt. Textbooks: Puntos de Partida. Dorwick/Pérez Girones, Mc Graw Hill, 9th edition ISBN: 978-0-07-338541-9 (stand alone) Supplementary Materials, to accompany Puntos de Partida, 9th edition (Foerster, Miller) ISBN: 9780078040009 (not included in package-sold individually) Package Option: 9780077606312 – Puntos textbook, Connect Plus Spanish, Learnsmart, wk/lm v.1, wk/lm v.2 / (Package) **SPAN 1020: Puntos de Partida Volume 2 which includes the ConnectPlus Acces: ISBN 0077660056 **You still need to get the Supplementary Materials book as well. Tentative calendar: Agosto 19 Repaso: SP 1010 (Puntos Supplementary book) 21 Repaso y Práctica con Énfasis en el: Pretérito ****************************************************** 26 Capitulo 10-vocabulario p.294-297; Imperfecto—p.299 Práctica y Handouts del Imperfecto 28 Superlativos-p. 307 Capítulo 11-vocabulario 322-324—Imperfecto vs. Pretérito p.327. Workbook Destinos 20 & 21 Asignación # 1 del Web Page ****************************************************** Septiembre 2 Imperfecto vs. Pretérito Handouts-Práctica 4 Reciprocos-p. 338 Destinos 22 Asignación # 2 del Web Page ****************************************************** 9 Quiz # 1 11 Capítulo 12—Vocabulario, p.352-355 “Por y Para”, p. 311-313 Repaso y Práctica Composición # 1 Destinos 23 Asignación # 3 del Web Page ****************************************************** 16 Subjuntivo—p.362-367 18 Subjuntivo-Influencia—p. 368 Destinos 24 Asignación # 4 del Web Page ***************************************************************** 23 Capítulo 13- Vocabulario p. 384 Subjuntivo-Emoción—p. 389 Subjuntivo-Duda—p.394 25 Práctica y Repaso del subjuntivo Destinos 27 Asignación # 5 del Web Page ****************************************************** Octubre 30 Quiz # 2 2 Mandatos de “Tú”—p. 357/ Mandatos “Usted”p.216 , Números Ordinales p.352 Destinos 28 Asignación # 6 del Web Page ****************************************************** 7 Capitulo 18-Vocabulario p.522 Subjuntivo del pasado p. 529 9 Practica Composición # 2; Destinos 29 Asignación # 7 del Web Page ****************************************************** 14 Practica-Película Destinos 30 16 *********EXAMEN PARCIAL ********** ****************************************************** 21 Capitulo 16-Vocabulario p.472-475 Subjuntivo y los antecedentes, p. 476 23 Subjuntivo después de conjunciones, p. 480 y p.508 Destinos 31 Asignación # 8 del Web Page ***************************************************** 28 Práctica Composición # 3 Capítulo 17- Vocabulario p.496-500 30 Futuro p.502; Capitulo 14-vocabulario p. 414; Hace cuanto tiempo, p. 420; “se” accidentes,p. 423 Destinos 32 Asignación # 9 del Web Page ***************************************************** Noviembre 4 Práctica y Repaso Quiz # 3 6 **ver película?? Destinos 33 Asignación # 10 del Web Page ****************************************************** 11 Condicional, p. 536 13 Capitulo 15- Vocabulario p. 444-450 Destinos 34 Composición # 4 Asignación #11 del Web Page ****************************************************** 18 Perfectos 451 Presente perfecto 455 20 Práctica y Repaso Destinos 35 Asignación # 12 del Web Page ****************************************************** 24-30 FALL BREAK ☺ ****************************************************** Diciembre 2-4 9 o 11 Repaso para el examen final que es la semana próxima Examen Final Attendance Policy: Your attendance and active participation in classroom activities is an integral part of a successful experience in this course. Therefore, if you are not in class, you can’t participate. After 3 absences, your total grade will go down half a point for each absence you obtain. After 6 absences, justified or not, the student automatically fails the class. As part of CU Denver’s We Care philosophy, this course is participating in a pilot project to examine the relationship between attendance and student achievement. Attendance will be taken and recorded during this course. There is NO PENALTY for non-attendance in relation to this project. Students with two or more absences simply will receive a Care Call from a student peer mentor to help identify potential issues and ensure awareness of available resources. You have the right to decide not to participate in the course and thus in this project Grade Distribution: Quizzes--15% Compositions---15% Mid-Term--20% Final--20% Instructor Evaluation—30% (Attendance 5, Homework 5, Connect 5, Lab 5, Participation 10) Grading Scale: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 97 suggested, although left to individual instructor's discretion, as the registrar will NOT record an A+. . 93-96.9 (if you use the 97% A+) 90-92.9 87-89.9 83-86.9 80-82.9 77-79.9 73-76.9 70-72.9 67-69.9 63-66.9 60-62.9 Below 60 Course Overview: Spanish 1020 is a second-semester course, and carries a prerequisite of Span 1010 (first semester, first year) or its equivalent. If 1010 was completed at CU-Denver, a minimum grade of C (2.0) in that course is also a prerequisite to 1020. Span 1020 is the second of a 2-course sequence, which fulfills the foreign language requirement in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UCD. Each of the two courses in this sequence (Span 1010, Span 1020) must be completed with a C (2.0) or better to fulfill the language requirement. Spanish 1020 is designed to continue the mastery of the basic grammar of Spanish, provide essential vocabulary, and familiarize the student with the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. The course requires daily study, as the grammatical and vocabulary concepts build on one another. Time in class and homework will focus on four areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The exams will include portions, which measure the mastery of each of these areas, except for speaking, which is examined in the participation component of the grade, as well as in any oral homework exercises. *Also, NO incompletes will be given for low grades. Department of Modern Languages policy: A student may not enroll in a lower-division course that is below his/her level of language proficiency. Students wishing to enroll in a lower-division course that does not directly follow their last completed course in the regular sequence must consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Department of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Students who have achieved some proficiency in a foreign language through means other than academic courses, must also consult with an appropriate faculty member of the Department of Modern Languages prior to enrollment. Please call 303-556-4893 for further information. Homework: Learning a foreign language is more than memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary. Your goal is to actually understand and use the language for communication, and this like any skill, requires a great deal of practice. Therefore, students must prepare and complete on time all assignments. You are responsible for all material listed on the syllabus. You will be assigned compositions based on topics from the main text. **NO late homework will be accepted, as well as No make ups are given, so make sure that you are going to be present for the quizzes and the exams. Language Lab: Every student has to go to the lab every week and watch the soap opera “Destinos”, do the Internet research, do The Language Troubleshooter, or do the Lab Workbook exercises for your lab credit. The Destinos material will count as extra credit in the tests. I also have a web page with links to different countries and different things dealing with Spanish. It could help you practice your Spanish and you could see real life uses of it. At the end of every week, Thursdays, you will turn in the homework from the research you did in the lab from my web page. It will be at least one paragraph long, double space, and of course in SPANISH. Web Page Address: E-Mail Address: Link to Connect: ****STUDENTS WHO FEEL THEY ARE STRUGGLING IN THE COURSE SHOULD SEEK TUTORIAL HELP IMMEDIATELY FROM THE CENTER FOR LEARNING ASSISTANCE: North Classroom Building (NC) Room 2006 (303) 556-2802, OR CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR GROUP HOURS. Modern Languages Department Website: Fall 2014 CLAS Academic Procedures and Deadlines The following policies, procedures and deadlines pertain to all degree-seeking students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS). Please also consult the Official University Academic Calendar and see you advisor if you have questions or concerns. Schedule verification: It is each student’s responsibility to verify online that his/her official registration and schedule of classes is correct before classes begin and prior to the drop/add deadline. Failure to verify schedule accuracy is not sufficient reason to justify a late adds or drops. E-mail: Students must activate and regularly check their official CU Denver email account for university related messages. Those who forward email should check CU Denver e-mail regularly for messages not automatically forwarded. Waitlists: Students are automatically notified if they are enrolled in a class from a waitlist via their official CU Denver email account. Students are not automatically dropped from a class if they never attended, stopped attending, or do not make tuition payments, though instructors may request administrative drops. Waitlists are purged after the 1st week of classes. To add a course from August 26-September 3, it is the student's responsibility to get a CLAS Instructor Permission to Enroll in a Course form at or, have it signed electronically or in person and submit it according to the instructions on the form. Students and faculty will receive emails with directions for completing registration via official university email and students must complete registration and verify their schedules before census, September 3rd, by 5p.m. After Sept 3: students should meet with their CLAS advisor to learn more about how to petition to add a course late. Late adds (after September 3, 2014) will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late add are beyond the student’s control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. Petition forms are available in the CLAS advising office, NC 4002, or the Graduate School, LSC 1251. The signature of a faculty member on a Schedule Adjustment Form does not guarantee that a late add petition will be approved. Late drops (after November 10, 2014) will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late drop are beyond the student’s control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. Petition forms are available in the CLAS advising office NC 4002 or the graduate school, LSC 1251. The signature of a faculty member on a Schedule Adjustment Form does not guarantee that a late drop petition will be approved. Tuition: Students are responsible for completing arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. (depending on tuition plan selected) to pay their tuition prior to Census Date, September 3, 2014. Students who drop after that date are (1) financially responsible for tuition and fees, (2) academically responsible and will receive a "W" grade, and (3) are ineligible for a refund of COF hours or tuition. Graduation: Undergraduate students wishing to graduate in Fall 2014 should (1) first meet with their CLAS advisor; (2) meet with their major and minor advisor(s), who will complete the electronic form required to verify eligibility to graduate; and (3) apply for graduation online through UCDAccess. These steps must be completed by no later than 5PM on September 3rd, which is an absolute deadline without exception. Graduate students wishing to graduate in Fall 2014 must apply for graduation online through UCDAccess and have a Request for Admissions to Candidacy on file with the CU Denver Graduate School (LSC 1251) no later than 5 PM, September 3, 2014, which is an absolute deadline without exception. Important Dates and Deadlines All dates and deadlines are in Mountain Standard Time (MST). August 18, 2014: First day of classes. August 24, 2014: Last day to add or waitlist a class using the UCDAccess student portal. Last day to drop a class without a $100 drop charge--this includes section changes. September 1, 2014: Labor Day--no classes, campus closed. September 3, 2014: Census date. 9/3/14, 5 PM: Last day to add structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such. This deadline does not apply to independent studies, internships, project hours, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and late-starting modular courses. 9/3/14, 5 PM: Last day to drop a Fall 2014 course or completely withdraw from all courses using a UCD Access Portal and still receive a tuition refund, minus the drop fee(s). After this date, tuition is forfeited and a "W" will appear on the transcript. This includes section changes. This is an absolute deadline. 9/3/14, 5 PM: Last day to apply for Fall 2014 graduation. 9/3/14, 5 PM: Last day to request pass/fail or non-credit option for a course. 9/3/14, 5 PM: Last day to petition for a reduction in Ph.D. dissertation hours. September 15-24, 5 PM: Early Alert open to faculty October 27, 2014, 5 PM: Last day for non-CLAS majors to drop individual courses instructor permission only. After this date, a dean’s signature is required on a Schedule Adjustment Form. Note: Withdrawal from all classes does not require individual instructor signatures. Students must obtain a dean’s signature to withdraw from all classes. November 10, 2014, 5 PM: Last day for CLAS majors to drop individual courses or withdraw from all classes without a petition and dean’s approval. After this date, a petition is required in order to obtain dean’s signature approval on a Schedule Adjustment Form. Petition forms are available in NC 4002 for undergraduates and LSC 1251 for graduates. November 24-30: Fall break, no classes but campus open. November 27: Thanksgiving Day--no classes, campus closed December 6, 2014: Last day of classes December 8-13: Final Exam week December 13: Fall 2014 commencement December 22, 2014: Final grades available on UCDAccess and transcripts (tentative).