Name: _________________________________________ 6B- _____ Date: _________________________________ Grammar: List of Irregular Nouns Directions: Use the following lists to help you learn to pluralize irregular nouns. Singular: one Plural: more than one Irregular Noun: a noun that has an unusual plural form, without the typical “s” *** a Singular Plural criterion criteria medium media *** en Singular Plural child children man, woman men, women ox oxen ch, sh, s, x, and z es Singular Plural lunch lunches dish dishes bus buses or busses box boxes fox foxes buzz buzzes is es Singular Plural axis axes analysis analyses crisis crises ellipsis ellipses hypothesis hypotheses oasis oases parenthesis parentheses synopsis synopses thesis theses f or fe ves Singular Plural calf calves half halves knife knives life lives loaf loaves self selves thief thieves *Exceptions: belief beliefs; chief chiefs; fife fifes; reef reefs; roof roofs; safe safes (consonant +) o oes Singular Plural echo echoes hero heroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes veto vetoes *Exceptions: alto altos; auto autos; banjo banjos; memo memos oo ee Singular Plural foot feet goose geese tooth teeth ouse ice Singular Plural louse lice mouse mice us i Singular Plural cactus cacti fungus fungi / funguses nucleus nuclei / nucleuses radius radii / radiuses stimulus stimuli (consonant +) y ies Singular Plural baby babies family families fly flies sky skies story stories try tries No Change Singular Plural deer deer fish fish offspring offspring sheep sheep species species Letters Singular Plural i i’s A A’s Numbers Singular Plural 1980 1980’s 7 7’s