African Easterly Wave dynamics in a mesoscale numerical model: Part (ii): Synoptic modulation of convection. Gareth J. Berry and Chris Thorncroft. University at Albany, State University of New York. Corresponding author: Chris? 1 Abstract. Physical mechanisms that describe the observed spatio-temporal relationship of African easterly waves (AEWs) and convective systems are explored using a numerical weather prediction model simulation. This simulation, described in a companion paper, is conducted for a single case from September 2004 using the mesoscale weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. Using hypotheses laid out in previous research, specific pathways for the synoptic organization of convection by the AEW are investigated. The results suggests that hypotheses from previous research, including adiabatically forced ascent, synoptic advection of the environment and the AEW thermodynamic structure all promote convection with the observed distribution. In this study an analytical distinction is made between processes that promote the triggering of new convection and those that act to modulate the intensity of that that already exists. The results are presented in a probabilistic framework and indicate that new convective cells are more likely to be triggered near the AEW trough axis due to the synoptic scale distribution of low tropospheric moisture and temperature within the AEW. Conversely, it is suggested that convection is likely to have maximum amplitude ahead (west) of the AEW trough axis due to favorable synoptic scale modification of the environment in this region. A conceptual model of the average convective system lifecycle within an AEW that fits well with previous research is also presented. 2 (1) Introduction. In this paper, the 50km horizontal resolution numerical simulations of an African Easterly Wave (AEW) case, conducted in part (i) of this research , is used to further examine the relationship between the synoptic AEW and convection. Part (i) considered the upscale impact of deep convection on the synoptic dynamics of the AEW, using a PV- thinking approach. This work found that the aggregate effect of convection was an essential part of the AEW structure. In this paper the aim is to look more closely at the AEW-convection relationship and scale interaction in the opposite sense by examining the downscale impact that the synoptic AEW has on the location of convection. It has been long established that AEWs have a modulating effect on West African precipitation (e.g. Simpson et al, 1968) and a coherent spatial relationship with the occurrence of organized mesoscale convective systems (MCSs; e.g. Fink and Reiner, 2003). Composite AEW structures presented in the literature (e.g. Carlson (1969), Reed et al, (1977)) tend to show that precipitation and deep convection tends to be more prevalent south of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ) axis and close to, or slightly ahead of, the mid-tropospheric AEW trough axis. By objectively tracking both AEWs and squall lines during two summers, Fink and Reiner (2003) found that the squall line genesis frequency was peaked close to or slightly ahead of the AEW trough and squall lines tended to move faster than the parent AEW, before dissipating in the ridge proceeding the synoptic AEW, consistent with what has been seen by Berry and Thorncroft (2009). While the spatial relationship is well established, the mechanisms responsible for providing this relationship are one of the least well understood and controversial aspects of AEWs. To date, relatively few studies have presented results that relate the synoptic AEW to the triggering and maintenance of deep convection. At present, there are three main plausible hypotheses put forward by recent research: (i) Synoptic scale ascent forced by the AEW adiabatic AEW structure. Following concepts originating in mid-latitude meteorology it is often predicted that ascent exists at low-levels ahead of the ahead of the synoptic AEW trough. Thorncroft and Hoskins (1994a, b) demonstrated that low-level adiabatically forced ascent exists ahead of idealized AEWs. The mechanism casing this vertical motion can be conceptualized in a number of ways, such as using the quasi-geostrophic equations, PVThinking (Hoskins et al, 1985). Perhaps the simplest concept is that of isentropic motion as the AEW are mid-level cyclonic circulation centers that propagate through the West African monsoon that to first order consists of low-level isentropes that slope towards the surface with increasing latitude (see e.g. Hall and Peyrille, 2006). The synoptic scale circulation associated with the AEW would promote isentropic ascent to its west and descent to its east, consistent with the observed location of maximum convection. Previous studies that have examined adiabatic motion (e.g. Thorncroft and Hoskins, 1994 a, b) have found that its magnitude tends to be small (of the order 3-7 hPa h-1). These 3 values are orders of magnitude less than a typical updraft in the planetary boundary layer, which casts some doubt as to whether this adiabatic effect is significant. (ii) Synoptic scale advection of the background environment. On the basis of a case study of a single AEW using global analysis products, Berry and Thorncroft (2005) suggested that the synoptic scale advection of the low level temperature and moisture distribution by the AEW was able to alter the thermodynamic stability of the atmosphere and favor convection near the AEW trough. Here, the low level (~925hPa) circulation associated with a mature AEW acts in the correct sense to advect the zonally orientated monsoon structure (see their Fig. 3) to produce equivalent potential temperature anomalies in the locations where convection is most frequently observed. However, this study only considered a single, exceptionally intense event and only inferred the convective instability from a single level, rather than examining the thermodynamic structure of the entire troposphere. (iii) Synoptic scale ‘cold core’ of AEWs. Following the results of Jenkins (1995), who determined that the AEW trough region required the presence of a low level cold core to maintain the dynamical balance of the AEW, Mapes (1997) hypothesized that a local reduction in convective inhibition due to this would allow convection to develop near the trough more easily. This interpretation is conceptually simple and fits well with the PV analysis shown in part (i), as a cold core must exist below the mid level PV maxima that are characteristic of AEWs. The primary shortcoming of this hypothesis is that it suggests that convection should be peaked near the AEW trough, rather than ahead of the trough as in observations (e.g. Reed et al,1977). The aim of this paper is to use the numerical model output from the experiments performed in part (i) to investigate the mechanisms that lead to convection being initiated and maintained in the regions close to and ahead of the AEW trough. As the verification presented in part (i) demonstrated the simulation is realistic, it is hoped that the results will provide answers that address the missing part of the scale interactions between AEW and convection. This paper is organized as follows; section 2 describes the methodology, section 3 presents the main results and these are discussed in detail with a synthesis and conceptual model presented in section 4. (2) Methodology. The research conducted in this paper uses the same numerical simulations conducted in part (i) of this research using simulations from the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model for analysis. The simulations were conducted for a single AEW case from September 2004 using a 50km horizontal resolution domain and a full suite of physical parameterizations. A perturbation experiment was conducted in which the cumulus and microphysical simulations were switched off half way through the model integration to 4 provide a ‘dry run’ (i.e. without moist processes) to aid further analysis. A full description of these simulations is found in part (i). As was noted in part (i), the WRF simulation was able to capture the gross spatiotemporal relationship between mesoscale convection and the synoptic AEW that was observed in satellite imagery and analysis products. Here, the WRF model output will be examined in the framework of the three hypotheses described in the introduction to indentify key dynamic or thermodynamic quantities which explain the location and timing of convection. Whilst specific convective ‘bursts’ will be shown in this analysis, the precise cause of their triggering will not be examined in great detail. Instead, the approach used here is to identify synoptic scale characteristics that promote the increased probability of MCS genesis and maintenance in the mean location. This is because organized deep convection can and does exist over tropical North Africa in the absence of synoptic AEWs and will aid application in other instances. Following the convention used in part (i), an AEW relative domain is again used in this analysis. This domain measures 2000x2000km and is centered upon the point at which the mean objective AEW and AEJ axes (see Berry et al, 2007) intersect one another (dubbed the “AEW Centre”). The terminology “t+xhrs” is again used to describe the time since the beginning of the original 50km simulation. For orientation, time averaged quantities from the WRF simulation are reproduced in this system relative domain in Fig.1. The mean OLR (Fig. 1(a)) and precipitation (Fig. 1(b)) show that the most active convection is latitudinally confined to the region from the objective AEJ to approximately 500km equatorward (-500km on the y axis in Fig.1). Based on this, quantities will be examined averaged over this range of latitudes, which is henceforth referred to as the “convective region”. (3) Results. The results from part (i) (c.f. Fig. 1) have demonstrated that the mean spatial distribution of convection and precipitation in the WRF simulation closely matches that seen in composite structures. The temporal distribution of deep convection is summarized in Fig. 2, which shows the lowest outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) values, maximum vertical motion and mean diabatic heating rate from the cumulus parameterization at 8km, in the 2000km x 2000km system following domain used in Fig. 1. The 8km level is used due to the vertical motion and heating in the organized MCSs being peaked near this level. Figure 2 indicates a strong variation of the convective activity on the diurnal timescale, with the onset of deep convection occurring near local noon (annotated by dashed line on the figure). Maps of OLR and surface topography at the approximate onset of the each diabatic heating impulse from Fig. 2(c) are shown in Fig. 3 in order to give an overview of how the triggering of simulated convective systems is related to the AEW and topography. The frames each indicate the location of organized convective systems with letters to enable the individual convective systems to be followed between frames. The first convective system, labeled ‘A’ is triggered at t+48hrs and shown in Fig. 3(a). This 5 system is triggered near the trough axis (in the centre of the domain) over relatively low and flat terrain, close to the southern edge of Lake Chad, and dissipates approximately 12 hours later. At t+72hrs (the second impulse of diabatic heating in Fig. 3(b)) the second and third convective systems (labeled ‘B’ and ‘C’) are triggered as the parent AEW passes 8°E. The westernmost system (‘B’) is initiated approximately 200km ahead (west) of the mean AEW trough longitude, over relatively flat terrain. The eastern of the two systems (‘C’) is initiated approximately 100km behind (east) of the mean AEW trough longitude, near the isolated Jos Plateau, which rises to heights over 1km. These two convective systems are both long-lived and propagate westwards with the AEW and reach the West African coast a few days later. The next diurnal pulse of diabatic heating (at t+96hrs in Fig. 2(c)) does not initiate any new convective systems, only the reinvigoration of those that already exist. At t+120h (Fig. 3(d)) the long lived systems (‘B’ and ‘C’) have propagated further ahead of the AEW trough and undergo enhancement over the elevated terrain of the Guinea highlands. At this stage another convective system (labeled ‘D’) is initiated approximately 100km ahead (west) of the AEW trough axis, over the Guinea highlands. To examine the first hypothesis linking the synoptic AEW to the distribution, whereby convection is forced by the adiabatic AEW structure, the isentropic ascent is computed in the box following the AEW centre. A time mean cross-section, averaged over the ‘convective region’ of the total isentropic vertical motion is shown in Fig. 4(a). Overlaid on this figure is the water vapor mixing ratio, shown as a zonal deviation across the same range of latitudes to emphasize where the most active convection is located in the mean. The justification for looking only at the isentropic vertical motion as opposed to e.g. quasi-geostrophic vertical motion as these types of calculation tend to have a dependence on the Coriolis parameter and the gradients of PV, which are very small compared to typical midlatitude values. Figure 4(a) very clearly shows that the entire area ahead of the trough between 1 and 4km is characterized by isentropic ascent, maximized near 2km, and the region behind the trough is dominated by isentropic descent, maximized near 1km. The peak values are of the order 5 cms-1, similar to the values found in the idealized modeling of Thorncroft and Hoskins (1994a). A horizontal map of isentropic vertical motion at 2km (the level of maximum ascent) is shown in Fig 4(b). This reveals that the convective region is on the southern fringe of a synoptic scale dipole of the isentropic vertical motion. It is evident that the largest values are located in the dry environment poleward of the AEJ, where the isentropic surfaces are highly tilted (see e.g. Hall and Peyrille, 2006). The mean three dimensional isentropic vertical motion field is consistent with the conceptual description of a synoptic scale circulation imposed on a sloping isentropic surface. In order to give an appreciation of how the isentropic motion evolves during the AEW lifecycle, a Hovmöller space-time diagram of isentropic vertical motion, averaged in latitude over the convective region is shown in Fig. 4(c). This diagram differs from a traditional Hovmöller diagram as rather than showing a fixed geographical region, the domain moves with the AEW, such that AEW centre is always in the middle of the domain (at x=0km). The locations of the convective systems at the start of the diabatic heating impulses (see Fig. 2(c) and 3) are signified by the corresponding letters on this 6 Hovmöller diagram. During the first 70 hours of integration a clear diurnal modulation across the entire range of relative longitudes is observed in, with ascent maximized during the overnight hours. This large scale signal is in association with the strengthening of the meridional monsoon circulation in the overnight hours as part of the diurnal cycle of the monsoon (Parker et al, 2005). During the remainder of the integration, following the triggering of convective systems ‘B’ and ‘C’ the development of a synoptic scale dipole of isentropic vertical motion can be observed, such that by the end of the integration there is a very clear difference either side of the trough axis with ascent ahead of the AEW trough axis and descent behind. The period from approximately 70 hours onwards was noted in Chapter 6 as where the synoptic scale AEW attained its mature structure and began to intensify (see part (i)). In terms of the convective systems that are triggered in the WRF simulation, there is evidence that isentropic ascent occurs at this level in the few hours prior to the genesis of three of the four convective systems (B, C and D), perhaps suggesting that isentropic motion may be acting to provide a more suitable environment by synoptic scale cooling of the mid troposphere. However, this ascent occurs across much of the domain, without specific maxima near the genesis locations. After triggering, the mesoscale impact of each convective system on the isentropic motion can also be observed in Fig. 4(c) by mesoscale maxima of isentropic ascent moving westwards relative to the AEW trough. This reflects the relatively large impact each convective has on the potential temperature and sub synoptic wind fields. It is suggested that this enhancement is associated with local intensification of the meridional flow along the sloped monsoon isentropes and also the isentropic motion resulting from the PV anomalies associated with the convective systems propagating in sheared flow (see Raymond and Jiang (1991)). To fit with the probabilistic viewpoint laid out in the methodology section, Fig. 4(d) is a cross section of the isentropic vertical motion in the convectively active region, but displayed as a zonal deviation across the domain, rather than absolute values. This figure shows that in terms of the relative amounts, the isentropic ascent is peaked at the lowest levels near 400km and that the line of zero zonal anomaly has a baroclinic tilt up to the AEJ level (approximately 3.5km). When the output from the ‘dry run’ perturbation experiment is displayed in the same manner (Fig. 4(e)) and account is made for the slight changes in the structure (particularly the deformation of the mesoscale PV anomalies which is indicated by the overlaid mixing ratio contours), the same synoptic pattern remains. This comparison shows that this is a mechanism driven by the synoptic scale adiabatic AEW that has the capability of modifying the nature of convection on the synoptic scale. In many aspects of tropical meteorology, anomalous low level divergence on the synoptic scale is often cited as a potential forcing for anomalous regions of precipitation and convection. For example, the geographic distribution of convection with respect to equatorial wave modes (see e.g. Wheeler and Kiladis, 1999) is directly linked to low level convergence maxima in idealized solutions (e.g. Matsuno, 1966). For direct comparison with other studies, the divergence in the WRF simulation is examined for the presence of a coherent synoptic scale pattern. Note that this is a non-hydrostatic 7 simulation of a real case so that even though there may be some overlap between isentropic ascent and divergence, they do not have to vary in phase with one another. Figure 5(a) shows a cross section across the convective region the mean divergence as a function of height and relative longitudinal distance. This figure indicates that in the mean at low levels (below 2km) there is a broad region of convergence ahead of and close to the AEW trough. A horizontal map of mean divergence at 1km is shown in Fig. 5(b), which clearly indicates a region of enhanced convergence that almost exactly corresponds to the region of mean precipitation (Fig. 1(b)). Whilst this may appear to be a straightforward relationship between the two, sub-synoptic scale convective systems have their own divergence field (see e.g. Houze, 2004). Therefore it is of paramount important to consider if this mean divergence has a significant contribution from the convective systems themselves. Figure 5(c) shows a Hovmöller diagram of the divergence field averaged over the convective region as a function of forecast time and relative longitude. It is evident from this that outside the regions influenced by the convective systems there is little evidence that a coherent synoptic scale pattern of divergence exists. The convergence maxima are all closely associated with the individual convective systems, consisting of mesoscale maxima that move relative to the trough axis. Aside from these regions of convergence that are associated with the convective systems, there are also two other significant convergence maxima that move eastwards relative to the AEW trough, that start near x=-800km near t+50h and t+110h, respectively. Because a system relative domain has been used, these maxima are actually fixed in space and correspond to the location of the Jos plateau and the Guinea highlands. These localized extrema can result purely from the presence of elevated heating, but the Hovmöller diagram shows that the amplitude this geographically fixed convergence is maximized ahead of the trough from approximately x=-700km to the trough axis. With reference to the mean low level flow shown in Fig. 1(b) this is approximately where the maximum low-level northerly winds occur, suggesting that there may be a mechanical interaction between this flow associated with the AEW and the topography that further boosts the probability of convective triggering. Because the convective systems dominate the divergence field in Fig. 5(c), the ‘dry run’ perturbation experiment provides a good alternative to look for underlying synoptic patterns. Figures 5(d-f) provide the same fields as Fig. 5(a-c) for the dry run experiment. The mean cross section of divergence (Fig. 5(d)) shows convergence at low levels ahead of the trough, divergence within the trough PV maximum (which is outlined approximately by the positive mixing ratio perturbation and convergence at mid levels behind the trough. Accounting for the distortion of the mean PV distribution via advection, this distribution is reminiscent of the idealized vertical motion through a PV maximum in vertically sheared flow (Raymond and Jiang, 1991). The mean horizontal map of divergence at 1km in the ‘dry run’ experiment (Fig. 5(e)) is dominated by a couplet of convergence and divergence poleward of the AEJ that is associated with the interface between the Saharan and monsoon air masses. Equatorward of the AEJ there is some semblance of a synoptic pattern that indicates convergence ahead (west) of the AEW and divergence behind (east). The time evolution, summarized by the Hovmöller diagram (Fig. 5(f)) most clearly shows the development of a synoptic distribution with the region ahead of the AEW trough exhibiting convergence. 8 Following the second hypothesis described in the introduction for the synoptic scale modulation of convection by AEWs, maps of the mean system relative convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN) are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (c) respectively. Here, the CAPE is defined as the total integrated positive buoyancy for a parcel rising pseudo-adiabatically from the lowest layer and the CIN the total integrated negative buoyancy. Each of these quantities are integrated between 1000 and 200hPa and the virtual temperature correction (Doswell and Rasmussen (1994)) has been applied to the parcel ascents. The mean CAPE (Fig. 6(a)) is peaked in the region approximately 500km equatorward of the AEJ axis, at the same latitude as the time-mean convection (see Fig. 1). Within the entire monsoon region (i.e. equatorward of the AEJ) the mean CAPE exceeds 1000 JKg-1. Peak values approaching 2000 JKg-1 are found slightly equatorward of the AEJ core, where equivalent potential temperatures are maximized (c.f. Berry and Thorncroft (2005), Williams and Renno (1993)). Poleward of the AEJ axis there is a rapid decrease in the mean CAPE values associated with the sloping interface between the monsoon and dry desert environments. In the zonal direction there is a distinct wave like perturbation to the northern edge of the high CAPE values that is consistent with the pattern of advection that is inferred by the low-level winds in Fig. 1(b), with a poleward extension of higher CAPE values behind (east) of the mean AEW trough. A minimum relative to the zonal mean is apparent in the region of active convection (values decreased by approximately 100-300 JKg-1), consistent with the release of the available potential energy within the convection. The mean CIN distribution (Fig. 6(c)) is essentially the mirror image of the CAPE, with highest values occurring poleward of the AEJ, over the Sahara, and low values within the monsoon region. Looking more closely near the location of the AEW trough and mean convection, there is significantly more CIN immediately ahead of the AEW trough (of the order 100 JKg-1) than there is behind it (of the order 50 JKg-1), which aligns with the lowlevel temperature distribution seen in Fig. 1(a). This difference can be attributed to the increased presence of Saharan air, advected equatorward by the mid level circulation of the AEW. Assuming that CIN is a relevant quantity to the triggering of convection, this shows that the synoptic scale AEW has a potential thermodynamic control on its distribution. System relative Hovmöller diagrams of the CAPE and CIN values are shown in Fig. 6(b) and (d). Both indicate a distinct diurnal cycle in the quantities with CAPE peaking during the local afternoon hours and CIN peaking in the local morning, consistent with regular daytime surface heating (recall the simulation was started at 12UTC, so that t+24, 48, 72, 96 and 120hrs corresponds approximately to local noon). All the convective systems that are annotated on the figures are initiated when the CAPE is high and the CIN is low, as expected. Once the convective systems form, mesoscale signals associated with them can be observed in the CAPE and CIN fields, with lower CAPE values higher CIN values being closely associated with them. This pattern arises as the convective systems ‘consume’ the CAPE and generate surface cold pools that increase the CIN on the storm scale. Some semblance of a synoptic pattern may be discerned after the formation of the convective systems labeled ‘B’ and ‘C’ and before the western part of the domain crosses the West African coast (near t+125h). In this time period, CIN values are significantly reduced on the synoptic scale behind the AEW trough. This occurs at the same time as the isentropic motion develops a strong synoptic 9 dipole (Fig. 4(c)) and the synoptic scale system starts to amplify (see part (i)), suggesting that there may also be a synoptic signal in the thermodynamic fields. Although CAPE and CIN are well established metrics that are often used to explain or predict the spatial-temporal variability of convection, it is important to recall that they are vertically integrated measures of atmospheric stability and thus the direct interpretation and attribution required in this study is made difficult. It is entirely possible to have a thermodynamic sounding with a large amount of CAPE that can never be realized in reality as it may exist in a layer well above the Earth’s surface. Because there is a potential synoptic scale signal in these fields the buoyancy of a lifted parcel will be considered as this further explains the CAPE/CIN distribution and allows insight as to whether there are significant thermodynamic controls on the triggering (as opposed to maintenance) of convection. A time mean zonal cross-section, averaged across the convective region, of parcel buoyancy is shown in Fig. 7(a), where buoyancy is defined as the virtual temperature difference between a parcel rising pseudo-adiabatically from 1000hPa and the environment. As might be expected for any thermodynamic diagram in a region that is characterized by high CAPE and deep convection, the cross section shows that there is a large amount of buoyancy present over the entire region throughout most of the troposphere. Either side of the AEW trough (at x=0km) the level of maximum buoyancy occurs near 700hPa consistent with the minimum environmental equivalent potential temperatures occurring near this level. At all points there is positive buoyancy from lowest layers of the atmosphere up to approximately 400hPa, showing that the entire convective region (across all phases of the AEW) is theoretically capable of supporting deep convection. With regards to the initiation of deep convection and where it is more probable, the buoyancy in the lowest layers must be considered as deep convection is rooted in the boundary layer (Houze, 2004). From Fig. 7(a) there is a discernable tilt of the buoyancy contours at low levels that hints the buoyancy is higher toward the rear (eastern) half of the AEW. This is displayed more succinctly in Fig. 7(b), where the buoyancy is shown as a deviation from the zonal mean. Here it can be noted that below 800hPa there is a clear synoptic dipole where buoyancy is lower ahead of the AEW trough than it is behind it. The corresponding mean map of buoyancy at 900hPa is shown as a zonal deviation in Fig. 7(c) and summarizes this synoptic scale difference. Again, to show the evolution of this field, a Hovmöller diagram in system relative coordinates of zonal deviation of the buoyancy at 900hPa is shown in Fig. 7(d). The figure shows that the genesis of all four convective systems in the WRF simulation occurs when there is anomalous positive buoyancy at this level. Consistent with the isentropic motion and divergence fields, this figure also shows that a synoptic scale dipole develops during the intensification phase of the AEW (from approximately t+72h onwards), suggesting that this pattern is linked to the developments at the synoptic scale. On Fig. 7(d) there are mesoscale regions of negative (relative) buoyancy that appear to emanate from the convective systems that have been annotated on the figure. It is 10 suggested that these are the signal of surface cold pools spreading from the active convective systems as they move both eastwards and westwards relative to the AEW trough. It is therefore possible that the synoptic signal may arise from numerous cold pools from the active convection aliasing onto the synoptic scale rather than being a true synoptic scale feature. To examine this, the mean buoyancy the ‘dry run’ experiment is examined. Further analysis of the sub synoptic scale features in the ‘dry run’ simulation (not shown) suggests that the convective cold pools are eliminated rapidly (<24 hours) by surface heating, mixing and advection. The mean cross section of the zonal deviation of buoyancy in the ‘dry run’ experiment is shown in Fig. 7(e) and the corresponding Hovmöller diagram is shown in Fig. 7(f). When compared to their counterparts from the original simulation (Fig. 7(b) and (d)) these figures show this synoptic scale dipole even more clearly, showing that these synoptic scale signal in the buoyancy field is consequence of the synoptic scale AEW structure rather than the net effect of the convective systems. (4) Synthesis and discussion. In this paper, numerical simulations conducted using the WRF model have been examined in order to determine if mechanisms that lead to the synoptic scale modulation of the triggering of deep convection can be discerned. This was motivated by consistent observations that mean convection is maximized in the region close to and ahead (west) of the mid level AEW trough axis. Rather than examining the triggering of each convective event in great detail, a probabilistic approach was taken so that it could be argued that a particular synoptic region was more or less favorable for the triggering or maintenance of deep convection. This approach was used as it is recognized that deep convection does not exclusively occur in association with AEWs, but does exhibit a relationship in both observations (see e.g. Reed et al (1977)) and this simulation (see part (i)) and also to allow the results and conclusions to be used in other instances. The results have shown that the temporal distribution of the genesis of convective systems was strongly tied to the diurnal cycle, with all convective systems being initiated after local noon. Comparison with climatology (e.g. Duvel, 1989) indicates that this does not stand out as different to African convection in the absence of AEWs, suggesting that the AEW does not have a significant impact on the timing of convection. This result also fits well with the work by Fink and Reiner (2003) who suggested that convective systems associated with AEWs had no notable differences from those that were not. Therefore it is argued that the AEWs primarily impact the spatial distribution of convective triggering and the eventual lifecycles of convective systems. They appear to have little contribution on the temporal distribution of triggering, which is predominantly governed by solar heating. A synoptic scale signal was noted in the isentropic motion field, which amplified at the same time as the growth phase of the synoptic AEW (c.f. Fig .5 in part (i)). This result showed a dipole around the AEW trough with ascent ahead (west) of the AEW trough, within the latitudes of the convective region. Analysis of the horizontal maps indicated that this pattern is conceptually consistent with motion along the sloping isentropic 11 surfaces within the West African monsoon that would be imposed by a synoptic scale mid level cyclonic circulation. Although there is this distinct synoptic pattern, the mean values are of the order 0.05ms-1 which is similar to that found in the idealized simulations of Thorncroft and Hoskins (1994a). These vertical velocities are two orders of magnitude smaller than might be expected from a convective updraft in the boundary layer (e.g. Greenhut et al, 1982). The cross section of the isentropic vertical motion (Fig. 4(a)) shows that these maximum values occur near 2km, near the top of the planetary boundary layer and also at the relative longitude where the CIN is relatively high. Put together these factors imply that the isentropic vertical motion is unlikely to be directly linked to the triggering of convection as it would take of the order of half a day to lift an air parcel from the surface to its level of free convection. There is a paradox that also precludes isentropic motion being the primary mechanism responsible for the observed distribution of convection, as the isentropic ascent intensified with as the amplitude of the synoptic AEW increased. It was determined in part (i) using the ‘dry run’ that the AEW does not grow without convection, therefore convection is required for the AEW to reach a sufficient amplitude for this isentropic mechanism to be strong enough to trigger convection. This does not indicate that isentropic motion associated with the AEW does not have a significant role in determining the nature of the convection. Instead it is suggested that this synoptic scale vertical motion acts on a longer timescale to partially offset the stabilization of the atmosphere by the active convection and the impact of the Saharan air layer in the region ahead of the trough. It is argued that this effect would lead to convection being more vigorous and long lived but is unlikely to directly impact the triggering of new convective systems. In the original simulation, no synoptic pattern was detected in the low-level divergence field, as it is dominated by the sub-synoptic divergence associated with the active convection. However, using the ‘dry run’ perturbation experiment a synoptic scale signal was found that broadly shows convergence ahead of the AEW trough and divergence behind. This is consistent with the observed distribution of convection and it is speculated that this is forced adiabatically by the synoptic AEW. The divergence Hovmöller diagrams (Fig. 5(c and f)) also indicated the presence of persistent areas of convergence moving through the AEW relative domain that are tied to topographic features. Although convergence associated with an elevated heat source is expected, these convergence maxima are amplified as the AEW passes. This suggest that there are additional physical processes (e.g. flow blocking or channeling) that may further enhance the probability of convection being triggered in the leading part of the AEW as it encounters high terrain. The enhancement or triggering of deep convection ahead of an AEW trough in association with high terrain is noted in this simulation as the AEW approaches the Guinea highlands and also in real observations (e.g. Berry and Thorncroft, 2005). The mean CAPE and CIN maps shown in Fig. 6 do show a distribution that is consistent with advection of the basic state by the mean low-level flow that is shown in Fig. 1(b). More precise analysis of the thermodynamic stability using the buoyancy of a lifted parcel has shown a significant difference between the regions either side of the AEW 12 trough at the lowest levels (within the boundary layer). The interpretation of this synoptic pattern of relatively buoyancy comes from nature of both the temperature and moisture fields as the ascent of lifted parcel is governed by both these factors. From the mean synoptic structure in both the original simulation and the dry run (Fig. 1 and Fig. 14 of part (i)) it is clear that in the region ahead of the trough there is the equatorward advection of Sahara air over the monsoon layer by the adiabatic AEW structure. Because the Saharan air layer is both extremely warm and dry it presents a thermodynamic barrier and thus strongly negative buoyancy anomalies at low levels ahead of the AEW trough. The baroclinic configuration of the low level potential temperature and mid level potential vorticity structure means that at the mid level trough axis there is little meridional advection of the Saharan air layer, suggesting that the CIN values are not substantially different from the environment in the absence of AEWs. Coupled to this is the presence of a relatively cold lower troposphere imposed by the adiabatic AEW structure (i.e. a cold core beneath a positive PV anomaly, c.f. Jenkins, 1995). Consequently the buoyancy at low levels is increased, which implies that the probability of convective triggering from air parcels originating in the planetary boundary layer is larger. It is evident from the results presented in this chapter that the mechanisms that have been postulated by previous studies to promote deep convection (described in section 1) are all present in this case and do act in the correct sense to promote convection close to and ahead of the AEW trough. This confirms that the hypotheses from previous research that were investigated all present viable ways of influencing the location of new convection or the intensity of existing convection. In this research a distinction has been made between convective triggering and maintenance as factors conducive to the maintenance of deep convection does not necessary have to be favorable for its formation. From these results it has been hypothesized that the synoptic scale adiabatic dynamics (in this case isentropic motion and divergence) act on too long a timescale to impact the triggering of new convective systems by the lifting of individual air parcels. It is argued in this case that the probability of triggering is linked instead to the thermodynamics at low levels (i.e. the buoyancy) that are substantially modified by the presence of the synoptic AEW It is suggested that the dynamical effects are more important in the mature phase of convective systems, where they work to offset the tendency for the atmosphere to stabilize, via large scale ascent and cooling that enables the convection to be more intense and long-lived that it otherwise would be. On the basis of these results it is possible to present hypotheses that combine these modeling results with observations from previous research (e.g. Fink and Reiner (2003), Berry and Thorncroft (2009), etc) to explain the mean relationship between AEWs and convection. Again, in these arguments the distinction is underlined between the triggering of new convective systems and the maintenance of those that already exist. Figure 8 present a simple schematic of the main arguments, based on the results presented in this paper and part (i), used to describe how the synoptic AEW influences the triggering and maintenance of deep convection. An idealized cross section through the ‘convective region’ is shown in Fig. 8(a) and changes in the probability of the triggering and maintenance of deep convection are shown in Fig. 8 (b and c). 13 For the triggering of a new convective system, air parcels from the boundary layer must be lifted to their level of free convection (approximately 850hPa, 1.5km in the convective region). As shown in the results the low-level ascent attributed to the dynamic factors are weaker than turbulent updrafts in the boundary layer, so are unlikely to play a major role. In the absence of other forms of mechanical lifting (e.g. by cold pools, lake breeze circulations etc.), it is postulated that the probability distribution is likely to reflect the relative buoyancy in the lowest layers of the atmosphere, which is a product of both the potential temperature and moisture anomalies. As shown schematically in Fig. 8(b) the temperature structure tends to tilt westwards with height (as in a typical baroclinic wave) whereas the moisture field would be tilted eastward with height due to the maximum moisture being located poleward. Under the AEJ level ridge (denoted by the letter ‘R’ in Fig. 8(a)) the strongest surface northerlies are present due to the baroclinic tilt of the AEW. The lower troposphere above this point is both relatively warm (in part due to the mid level negative PV anomaly) and dry (due to the advection of Saharan air), which implies that a rising parcel has a reduced probability of reaching its level of free convection. Under the maximum AEJ level northerlies (‘N’ in Fig. 8(a)) there may be some impact of the cold core beneath the upstream positive PV anomaly, but the mid levels are relatively dry due to equatorward advection of the Saharan air layer at the AEJ level, meaning that the probability of triggering is still relatively low. Near the trough axis the maximum surface moisture and mid level temperature anomalies occur, meaning that the probability of triggering is maximized. Where the maximum AEJ level southerlies occur (marked ‘S’ in Fig. 8(a)), the maximum mid level moisture anomalies occur and the lower troposphere is still relatively cool thus the probability of convective initiation is still relatively high. The net change in probability of convective triggering (shown by the dashed line in Fig. 8(b)) is therefore essentially comprised of a sine wave that is slightly skewed towards the east due to the baroclinic tilt of the AEW (whereby the temperature and moisture anomalies tilt in opposite directions) and slightly modified by the weak dynamic factors. Essentially, it is hypothesized that probability of triggering is maximized in the region between the AEJ level trough and maximum southerlies as a consequence of the tilted synoptic scale temperature and moisture anomalies. It is suggested that the probability of maintaining an existing system as a function of AEW phase (Fig. 8(c)) is substantially different. Once a convective system is triggered and attains steady state, it is able to mechanically lift boundary parcels (e.g. by gust fronts etc) so that the relative importance of the low-level buoyancy is reduced. The intensity of a mature convective system in this region is more likely to be dependent on the mid-level winds and thermodynamics (see Houze, 2004), as the convective downdrafts predominantly originate at theses levels. Since the net effect of convection is to drive the atmospheric temperature profile toward neutrality, it is suggested that the large scale ascent forced by the adiabatic structure acts to partially offset this tendency. It is therefore hypothesized that the probability of maintaining an existing MCS is more peaked immediately ahead of the AEW trough where the synoptic scale ascent and moderate amounts of mid-level dry air (for the generation of downdrafts) exist. This probability distribution is shown schematically by the lines in Fig. 8(c). 14 Based on this schematic and the physical characteristics of West African convective systems (see e.g. Chapter 7), the lifecycle of an average convective system associated with an AEW can be postulated. In the absence of geographic features, a convective system is triggered close to the AEW trough axis in response to maximized low level buoyancy (consistent with the observations from Fink and Reiner (2003)). Because of the nature of the West African monsoon environment this convective system would rapidly grow to become a squall line type feature and propagate westwards relative to the AEW due it its intrinsic phase speed. This results in the convective system moving through the region where the probability of maintaining a convective system is maximized, causing the convective system to peak in amplitude. As the convective system moves further westwards relative to the trough it would encounter a less favorable environment associated with meridional advection of Saharan air and begin to weaken. Although this is a very simple conceptualization of an average MCS embedded within an AEW, it fits very well with the observations of MCS behavior. It must be reiterated that this is a probabilistic argument that assumes that the large scale environment is uniform. In reality the actual probability distribution is going to depend on these synoptic factors as well as many local factors such as topography, differences in the land surface, local circulations (e.g. lake breezes) and pre existing boundaries. 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(a) Top of atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation (Wm-2, filled grayscale) overlaid with 3.5km potential vorticity (colored lines), lkm potential temperature (thin black lines), 3.5km objective trough axis (thick black line) and 3.5km objective jet axis (thick red line). (b) Mean precipitation rate (mm day-1, shaded according to legend), Streamlines at 1km (blue streamlines) and wind vectors at 3.5km. The same objective trough and jet axes as in (a) are overlaid. Data are shown in system relative coordinates (plot axes labeled in km) and the first 24 hours of simulation are discarded for spin up. Figure 2 – Time series averaged over a 2000x2000km system relative box, centered on the objective AEW centre of (a) Mean outgoing longwave radiation (OLR, units of Wm2 ) (b) Maximum Vertical velocity at 8km (units of ms-1) and (c) Diabatic heating rate from the cumulus parameterization at 8km (units of K day-1). Local noon is signified by the dashed vertical lines in each panel. Figure 3 – Maps displaying topography (colored in m) overlaid with winds (barbs in ms1 ) and objective trough and jet axes (thick black and red solid lines, respectively) at 3.5km with Outgoing longwave radiation (thin black contour shown every 25Wm-2 below 200Wm-2) at (a) 48 hours (b) 72 hours (c) 96 hours and (d) 120 hours into the WRF simulation. The locations of convective systems discussed in the text are indicated by the letters (A-D). Figure 4 – (a) Time mean cross section of isentropic vertical motion (colored in units of ms-1) and the zonal deviation of water vapor mixing ratio (black contours in units of g/kg, dashed negative) in the convective region, defined as between y=-500 and y=0 km. (b) Map of time mean isentropic vertical motion at 2km overlaid with the mean 3.5km objective trough and jet axes (thick black and red lines). (c) A relative latitude versus forecast time Hovmöller space time diagram of isentropic vertical and zonal deviation of water vapor (same convention as panel (a)) with the locations of convective systems annotated by the letters (A to D). (d) As panel (a), except showing isentropic vertical motion as a zonal deviation. (e) As panel (d) except from the ‘dry run’ perturbation experiment (see text for details). Figure 5 – (a) Time mean cross section of divergence (colored in units of 10-4 s-1) and the zonal deviation of water vapor mixing ratio (black contours in units of g/kg, dashed negative) in the convective region, defined as between y=-500 and y=0 km. (b) Map of time mean divergence at 1km (colored in units of 10-4 s-1) overlaid with the mean 3.5km objective trough and jet axes (thick black and red lines). (c) A relative latitude versus forecast time Hovmöller space time diagram of divergence at 1km and zonal deviation of water vapor at 1km (same convention as panel (a)) with the locations of convective systems shown by the annotations (A-D). (d-f) as panels (a-c), except for the dry run perturbation experiment. 18 Figure 6 – (a) Time mean map of convective available potential energy (CAPE, colored in units of Jkg-1) overlaid with the mean 3.5km objective trough and jet axes (thick black and red lines). (b) A relative latitude versus forecast time Hovmöller space time diagram of CAPE and zonal deviation of water vapor at 900hPa (black contours in units of g/kg, dashed negative) with locations of convective systems annotated by letters (A-D). (c-d) as panels (a-b) except showing Convective inhibition (CIN). Figure 7 – (a) Time mean cross section of buoyancy (colored in units of K) and the zonal deviation of water vapor mixing ratio (black contours in units of g/kg, dashed negative) in the convective region, defined as between y=-500 and y=0 km. (b) as panel (a), except showing the zonal deviation of buoyancy. (c) Map of time mean zonal deviation of the buoyancy at 900hPa (colored in units of K) overlaid with the mean 3.5km objective trough and jet axes (thick black and red lines). (d) A relative latitude versus forecast time Hovmöller space time diagram of the zonal deviation of buoyancy and water vapor at 900hPa (same conventions as panel (b)) with the locations of convective systems annotated by the letters (A to D). (e and f) As panels (b and d), except from the ‘dry run’ perturbation experiment (see text for details). Figure 8 – Conceptual model describing the spatial relationship between the synoptic AEW and convection. (a) Schematic west-east cross section across the convectively active region of an AEW. The AEJ level ridge, maximum northerly wind, AEW trough and maximum southerly winds are indicated by the letters ‘R’, ‘N’, ‘T’ and ‘S’ respectively. The AEJ level PV anomalies are indicated by the labels PV+, PV- and isentropes are shown by the black horizontal lines. Maximum flow into and out of the page at the AEJ level and the surface are indicated by the letters ‘x’ and ‘o’. Axes of maximum and minimum moisture are indicated by the green annotations. (b) Graph showing the change in the probability of convective triggering as a function of the AEW phase shown in panel (a). The grey line is the modulation of probability due to synoptic scale dynamic factors (i.e. isentropic vertical motion, divergence etc), the black line is the modulation due to thermodynamics (i.e. buoyancy) and the black dashed line is the combined probability. (c) As in (b) except showing the change in probability of maintaining an existing convective system. 19