2009 Summer J-1 Visa Handout Updated July 2009 1 Contents 1 WELCOME ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3 EMPLOYMENT TIPS ...................................................................................................................... 4 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT POSSIBILITIES- WEBSITES ...................................................................... 4 RETAIL AND RESTAURANT ........................................................................................................... 5 HOTELS ........................................................................................................................................ 6 CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 7 SECURITY COMPANIES ................................................................................................................. 7 NANNYING ................................................................................................................................... 7 PROMOTING TOURS ...................................................................................................................... 7 MOVING COMPANIES ................................................................................................................... 8 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ............................................................................................................. 9 ACCOMMODATION IN SAN FRANCISCO ................................................................................11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 1. APARTMENTS......................................................................................................................11 FURNITURE RENTAL OPTIONS ...........................................................................................14 HOSTELS ..................................................................................................................................15 ROOMMATE ASSISTANCE SERVICES ................................................................................17 BERKLEY INFORMATION .....................................................................................................18 RESIDENCE CLUBS ................................................................................................................19 HOTELS & MOTELS ................................................................................................................21 RENTAL AGENCIES ................................................................................................................23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................24 4 SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICES IN SAN FRANCISCO 2008.......................................................26 5 PREPARING A RESUME ................................................................................................................27 5.1 5.2 5.3 RECOMMENDED CONTENT ..........................................................................................................27 BEST PRACTICES IN RESUME PREPARATION ................................................................................28 SAMPLE RESUME.........................................................................................................................29 BA HONS BUSINESS STUDIES ...............................................................................................................29 A-LEVELS: BUSINESS STUDIES (B) SPANISH (C) ENGLISH (C) ...................................................29 GCSES: 10 GCSES ACHIEVED 4 AS, 2 BS, 4 CS ..................................................................................29 Updated July 2009 2 1 Welcome Summertime marks the period when Irish students who have obtained the J1 Student Visa come to the United States to experience what it is like to live and work in another country. To assist Irish students who will be coming to San Francisco, we have compiled a list of helpful employment tips, web sites regarding summer employment, and other suggestions of where to seek summer employment. Please keep in mind that this information is not exhaustive, and we do not endorse any one particular employer. We would caution students that finding employment in the San Francisco Bay Area does take time and effort. Employers have their pick of the crop. Successful employment during the summer of 2009 will depend on your perseverance and ingenuity in searching out employment possibilities and a willingness to choose from options that may not be ideal. Be aware that although San Francisco is a tourist destination, tourism is constant throughout the year and does not generate extra seasonal work as is often common in coastal resorts on the East Coast. Almost half of J1 students annually find employment in the hospitality industry (restaurants, hotels, bars) with retail, painting and decorating making up the remainder of employment. The majority of students can survive economically by working one full time job; however some do work two/ three jobs to get by. Good luck and have a great summer! Updated July 2009 3 2 Employment Information 2.1 Employment Tips 1. Firstly, realize that the San Francisco job market is not good this summer and you need to take whatever jobs you can get. Beggars cannot be choosers! 2. If you are lucky enough to get a job, keep it. Do not turn up late – particularly on a Monday morning – your job will be gone. Hangovers do not get any leeway in America, even if you work for an Irish employer. 3. Do not refuse work! Take whatever job you’re offered even if it’s not ideal and hold onto it until you have found replacement work. 4. Those of you that arrive early June head for Fisherman’ wharf as there is a high percentage of restaurants, retail shops, and promoting tour work available down there. However if you arrive later in the summer avoid the wharf as it will be a waste of your time. In that case head for Noe Valley, Haight and Asbury, The Castro, Richmond etc. 5. If you came with USIT, check out the J1 job search at http://j1online.ie/Employers - there are lots of jobs for San Francisco listed here. If you have problems with your user name and password you may need to contact Council Exchanges at matching@councilexchanges.org 6. If you came with SAYIT, check out www.sayit.ie for their employment listings. 7. Consider your previous work experience and your course of study and try contacting those types of companies – e.g. bookkeeping experience– try accountants, any kinds of offices, temp agencies; mechanical engineering course – try mechanical engineers / contractors. Have sample resumes made up for employers. 8. Do not waste your time filling out applications for shops that although idyllic are simply not hiring e.g. Diesel etc... 9. Go to www.msn.com and search the Yellow Pages (link on the right side). Put in the generic word e.g. mechanic and see what companies come up. Contact web site to find out personnel/human resources manager and submit resumes. 2.2 Summer Employment Possibilities- Websites San Francisco Updated July 2009 4 http://sfbay.craigslist.org/ http://www.sanfranjobs.com http://hotjobs.yahoo.com http://www.monster.com http://www.westfield.com/us/centres/california/sanfrancisco/ http://www.shopstonestown.com/ http://www.traderjoes.com/ http://www.blueandgoldfleet.com/ http://www.hornblower.com http://www.pier39.com/Information/jobsinternships.htm Bay Area Santa Cruz Beach Board Walk: www.beachboardwalk.com Six Flags Marine World: http://www.sixflags.com/parks/marineworld/Jobs/index.asp California’s Great America Amusement Park: http://www.pgathrills.com/ Marine Science Institute: http://www.sfbaymsi.org/ Newspapers/Job Boards www.sfgate.com/jobs/ http://sfbay.craigslist.org/ http://www.summerjobs.com/ http://jobstar.org/adjobs/index.cfm www.j1jobs.com Lake Tahoe Area http://www.tahoe.com/ http://www.csuchico.edu/semp Additional Websites for Employment www.tssjobs.com http://www.jobhub.com www.net-temps.com www.jobshopsf.com/ http://www.truecareers.com/ http://jobstar.org/nocal/index.php http://sanfrancisco.employmentguide.com/ 2.3 Retail and Restaurant For retail and waitressing keep an eye on shop windows. Try slightly different areas – e.g. Cow Hollow (around Lombard & Van Ness), Laurel Village (around California & Masonic). Lori’s Diner, Betty Boop’s & Sears Fine Foods. These locations are all owned by Lori’s Diner Corp. All applications are accepted at the 500 Sutter Street Lori’s location. Go in person and ask for an application and attach a current resume. They always take on J1’s for all locations. Updated July 2009 5 Don at Rocco’s Café is always looking for people for table service. Rocco’s Café is located at 1131 Folsom St (@7th Street) 415-554-0522. Go in person and ask for Don. Beach Chalet, Ocean Beach There are great career opportunities at the Beach & Park Chalet Brewery & Restaurant. Please email your resume to restaurantsf@aol.com . They also hold open interviews every Tuesday between 2-5pm at 1000 Great Highway, between Lincoln & Fulton. Tamae at the Grain D’Or Bakery likes to take on Irish staff. Her café is located at 4th and Clement (415-668-6221). Again she would prefer for you to call in person. Some of the bigger shops on Union Square also take on J1 students. These include Gap, Anthropology, Nike Town, Express and Abercrombie & Fitch. Do hurry in obtaining your social security number as these chains will be reluctant to take on employees without having this number. Again the Fisherman’s Wharf is an excellent area of employment if you are here earlier in the summer. Tourist shops like Treasure Ireland located on Pier 39 generally takes on some students during the summer months. The Boudin Bakery generally takes on a considerable number of students in their locations across the city - www.boudinbakery.com. Consider going across the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB) to Tiburon & Sausalito – two small touristy towns. You can get the Golden Gate Transit bus from downtown or Park Presidio stops to commute daily. Check out their website – www.transitinfo.org. You can even go up to Corte Madera or Larkspur – small towns about 30 minutes from San Francisco on the GGB line. 2.4 Hotels Several hotels, in previous years, have employed students over their busy summer period. Various jobs include reception work and room cleaning. A lot of these hotels are open to the possibility of hiring students. It would be a good idea to leave your resume with the hotel manager or human resource department where possible. The more open to areas you are, the better your chance of employment is. A few hotels which are open to student employment are: The Embassy Hotel (Mary Murphy) 610 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 Ph: (415) 673-1404 Fax: (415) 474-4188 Bancroft Hotel 2680 Bancroft Way, Berkley, CA 94704 Ph: (510) 549-1000 Fax: (510) 549-1070 Updated July 2009 6 Beau Sky Hotel 2520 Durant Avenue, Berkley, CA 94704 Ph: (510) 540-7688 Fax: (510) 540-8089 Durant Hotel 2600 Durant Avenue, Berkley CA 94704 Ph: (510) 845-8981 Fax: (510) 486-8336 2.5 Construction Construction work can often be limited and only those with good experience may be hired. In this field of work especially employers DO NOT care for lateness or no show on a Monday. There will be plenty looking for work so remember that you are replaceable. Also do not limit yourself to construction. 2.6 Security Companies This security company always takes students on for the summer – both male and female. Maloney Securities : (650) 593-0163 2.7 Nannying Not too easy to get as most families want a long term commitment. Try placing a notice at Parents Place, 1710 Scott (& Bush) or at Natural Resources, Diamond (& 24th St.) in Noe Valley. Parents Place also has an online bulletin board to look for work. http://www.parentsplaceonline.org/ Don’t forget to mention that you’re Irish in your advert. Its web address is AuPairCare 1 (800) 428-7247 www.aupaircare.com nd Bay Area 2 Mom 1 (888) 926-3666 www.2ndmom.com Natural Resources 415-550-2611 http://sfbay.craigslist.org/ Also try www.bay-area-sitters.com/parentlist.php3 2.8 Promoting Tours Fisherman’s Wharf at Pier 39 is a busy tourist area during the summer months. Some tour companies need help promoting their tours and cruises and often look for students for this seasonal work. One of these tour groups is as follows: Eco Tours Address: Tel: Updated July 2009 1535 Eddy Street, Suite 613 @ Pine 415-246-8687 7 Fax: 415-771-7596 Email: eco_94976@yahoo.com Ali from Eco Tours is looking for students to promote tours at Fisherman’s Wharf from June 1st until September 6th this summer. Blazing Saddles www.blazingsaddles.com This bike rental company takes on numerous J1 students every summer and the feedback from these students has been that it was a fun job where they met up with lots of other J1’ers. It is best to call down to their stand on Pier 39. 2.9 Moving Companies Check out moving companies in the Yellow Pages to discuss summer employment opportunities. Such companies include: A1 Moving and Storage 1-800-666-0925 Emerald Moving Company 415-647-9300 Shamrock Moving 415-731-2777 Updated July 2009 8 2.10 Employment Agencies Temp Agencies. Usually a good source of work but can take a while and can result in a day here and there. Submit your resume to as many as possible and hope for the best. Brush up on your Excel for these – most companies require some level of Excel – just be able to input and perform basic formulae. Some agencies actually give you a test on the computer of Microsoft Word and Excel. Almost all agencies give you a typing test that calculates your speed and accuracy, as well as a Basic English grammar and math test. *Keep in mind that this is just a sample of the temp agencies in San Francisco that J1 students have used in the past. You are welcome to come to the IIPC and review our binder that lists all of the temp agencies in San Francisco. Smith Hampton & Devlin 369 Pine Street, Suite 506 San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 986-4844 Fax: (415) 986-1175 Website: www.shdevlin.com Email: jobs@shdevlin.com The Eastridge Group 311 California Street, 6th floor San Francisco CA 94104 Ph: (415) 616-9710 (ask for Carol) Fax: (415) 616-9709 Website: www.eastridgeinfotech.com/ Email: eastbay@eastridgeinfotech.com 369 Pine Street, Mezzanine Level Strategic Staffing Email: jobs@strategic-staffing.com San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 616-6300 Fax: (415) 616-6306 Manpower 3 Embarcadero, Suite 540 San Francisco, CA 94111 Ph: (415) 781-7171 Fax: (415) 781-4531 Website: www.us.manpower.com Email: sanfrancisco.cadowntown@manpower.com Nelson 425 California Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 989-9911 Fax: (415) 398-1285 Email:sanfranciscoinfo@nelsonstaffing.com Website: www.nelsonhr.com Updated July 2009 9 Attack! Marketing & Promotions 367 9th Street, Suite B San Francisco, CA 94101 Ph: (415) 433-1499 Fax: (415) 276-5759 Website: www.attackmarketing.net Talent Tree 115 Sansome Street, Suite 1050 San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 391-2333 Fax: (415) 391-2270 Website: www.talenttree.com Ajilon Professional Staff 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 2310 San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 398-3366 Fax: (415) 398-2618 Website: www.ajilon.com Email: sanfrancisco@ajilonfinance.com In-House Staffing @ Aunt Ann's 2722 Gough Street San Francisco, CA 94123 Ph: (415) 749-3650 Fax: (415) 749-2081 Website: www.in-housestaffing.com Venturi Staffing Partners 201 California Street, Suite 430 San Francisco, CA 94111 Ph: (415) 773-2227 Fax: (415) 263-3690 Website: www.venturistaffingpartners.com Enterprise For High School Students 200 Pine Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Ph: (415) 392-7600 Fax: (415) 392-7611 Website:www.ehss.org Email:info@ehss.org Premier Staffing 111 Sutter St Suite 550 San Francisco, CA 94101 Tel: (415) 362 2211 Fax: (415 362 3311 Email Info@PStaffing.com Website: http://www.pstaffing.com/ Wollborg-Michelson Personnel 120 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 391 7600 Fax: (415) 986 5074 Email resume for the attention of Terry to tdyer@wmjobs.com Total Support Service 605 Market St, Suite 1250 San Francisco Tel: (415) 543 4545 Fax: (415) 543 1377 Contact Erika Manalo Email Resume erika@tssjos.com Website: http://www.tssjobs.com/ Career Group 345 California Street, Suite 1650 San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 781 8188 Fax: (415) 781 8329 Email sf@careergroupinc.com Website www.careergroupinc.com Monroe Personnel Service 220 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel: (415) 732 7520 Fax: (415) 438 2199 Website: http://www.temptime.com/ Updated July 2009 10 3 Accommodation in San Francisco Firstly, it can be quite difficult to obtain accommodation in San Francisco, for either short term or long-term rentals. It may be best to come in a group and take a short-term lease on an apartment. An individual trying to rent alone makes it much more difficult. Also, be aware that rent is expensive here, ranging from $550 to $1000 per month, per person. Also be aware that most if not all available spaces are rented unfurnished. The prices provided in this brochure are sample average prices and may vary. Provided below are several options including: 1. Apartments furnished/unfurnished in San Francisco 2. Furniture Rental Options 3. Hostels 4. Room-mate Assistance Services 5. Berkeley Accommodation Information 6. Residence Clubs 7. Hotels/Motels 8. Rental Agencies 9. Additional Information 3.1 1. APARTMENTS The Fillmore Center One of the most popular places for J1 students is The Fillmore Center, which is downtown on 1475 Fillmore Street. The telephone number is (415) 921-1969 and the fax number is (415) 563-2019. You can also view the apartments on their website: http://www.thefillmorecenter.com The minimum lease at The Fillmore Center is a 4 month lease and pricing is as follows: Studio Apartment unfurnished @ $1500 1 bedroom unfurnished @ $1800 - $2000 2 bedrooms unfurnished @ $2000 - $2500 bedrooms unfurnished @ $2650 up The requirements for moving into The Fillmore Center are as follows: 1. The renters must prove that their combined monthly gross income is equal to three times the monthly rental amount. So if three people are renting an apartment, their combined income must be three times the amount of the monthly rent. If the renters only have two times the monthly rent, then a higher security deposit will be required. 2. J1 visa 3. Passport 4. Two bank statements (copies of Irish ones are fine) The one thing you'll have to be aware of here and, indeed, in most other places, is that they will look for very high deposits - often up to $1000 per person. The Fillmore requires a 11 deposit of $1500 per person for their one bedroom up to $2000 for their two bedrooms. The legal maximum for an unfurnished apartment is twice the monthly rent and for a furnished apartment, three times the monthly rent. There is also an application fee of $35 for each adult. Here are some other short-term apartment rental options with sample pricing: Golden Gateways Apts 480 Davis Court @ Jackson Tel: (415) 434-5700 Fax: (415) 403-5739 Website: http://www.goldengatewaycenter.com/s/homepage Both Furnished / Unfurnished Apartments are available on 3 month, 6 month and 1 year leases. Prices are as follows: Studio furnished @ $2900 (up to 2 people can stay here) 1 bedroom furnished @ $3000 (up to 2 people can stay here) 2 bedrooms furnished @ $3500 (up to 4 people can stay here) Studio unfurnished @ $1800 1 bedroom unfurnished @ $2200 2 bedrooms unfurnished @ $2500 Geary Courtyard 639 Geary Street @ Jones Tel: 415-749-0101 Fax: 415-749-0617 Website: www.oakwood.com Email: oakwood@oakwoodworldwide.com There is a 32 day minimum lease for their furnished apartments: Studio @ $98 per day/$2940 per month (up to 3 people can stay here) 1 bedroom @ $124 per day/$3720 per month (3 people can stay here) There are both 3 and 6 month leases for unfurnished apartments. 3 month leases starting at: Studio (unfurnished) $1500 per month 1 bedroom (unfurnished) $1700 per month 6 month leases starting at: Studio (unfurnished) $1450 per month 12 1 bedroom (unfurnished) $1650 per month They DO require Renter’s insurance (about $18 a month) from www.erenterplan.com / 1-888205-8118. For international renters, a security deposit is generally the first months rent and a $32 application fee (which is refundable) Post Street Towers 737 Post Street @ Jones Tel: 415-771-7784 Fax: 415-931-4723 Website: http://www.experiencesequoia.com/ Email: CustomerCare@ExperienceSequoia.com 3-5 months minimum for unfurnished and furnished apartments: Studio @ $1400 – $1600 (add an additional $250 for furnished) 1 bedroom @ $1600 (add an additional $350 for furnished) 2 bedrooms @ $2000 (add an additional $450 for furnished) Apartments can be furnished by the Towers. Prices for furniture packages range from $250 – $450 per month in addition to the rent. Housewares (plates, cups, flatware, towels, pillows, blankets, etc.) can also be rented for an additional $150 -$175 per month. They require 1 month’s rent as a security deposit. There is also an application fee of $30 per person. The Steinhart Apartments 952 Sutter Street @ Leavenworth Tel: 415-928-3855 Fax: 415-928-0335 Website: www.steinharthotel.com Email: csleon@steinharthotel.com There is a 30 day minimum stay here. (Linens dishware and weekly cleaning service all inclusive) Studio furnished $2400- $2750 1 Bedroom furnished $3200 -$3650 (Can fit 2/3 people) Small 2 bedroom furnished $4000 –up (Can fit 5 people) Bayside Village 13 Address: 3 Bayside Village Place, San Francisco CA Telephone: 415-777-4850 Website: http://www.baysidevillage.com/ Fax: 415-777-4004 The Villas Parkmerced Address: 3711 19th Ave. Telephone: 415-405-4600 Fax: 415-469-5582 Website: www.thevillasparkmerced.com Stonestown Apartments Address: 295 Buckingham Way, San Francisco CA Telephone: 415-564-4000 Fax: 415-564-4000 Website: www.stonestown.com Westlake Village Address: 331 Park Plaza Drive, Daly City Telephone: 650-755-8133 Fax: 650-755-6045 Website: www.westlakevillageapts.com 3.2 FURNITURE RENTAL OPTIONS Cort Furniture Rental- (415) 982-1077 Located very close to the Golden Gateways Apartments on 447 Battery Street @ Clay, they offer a student package for furniture rental. A 3 month minimum lease is required. This package costs $100 per month to furnish a studio, $149 to furnish a one bedroom, $199 to furnish a 2 bedroom and $249 to furnish a three bedroom. Additional costs include insurance to protect against any possible damage incurred to the furniture. The furniture package includes a sofa with matching chair, a cocktail table, a bed, a nightstand and lamp, a dining table with two chairs and a study desk and chair. Rent-A-Center, 2853 Mission Street- (415) 282-2522 Located in the Mission District, they offer furniture, electronics, appliances and computers through flexible rental purchase agreements. http://www6.rentacenter.com/site/page/pg4285.html 14 3.3 HOSTELS Many hostels are listed on www.hostels.com. Here is a short list to get you started: The Adelaide Hostel This is an Irish owned and mainly Irish run hostel. It is a great place to get started. Phone: Fax: Website: E –mail: Address: 415-359-1915 415-359-1940 Rates: $23 per night for Dorms $60 per night for private rooms Mon. – Thurs. $60 per night Sat & Sun. (special rate for J1 students) www.adelaidehostel.com info@adelaidehostel.com 5 Isadora Duncan Street @ Taylor (Private rooms can have 2 people sharing, or 3 sharing for $70 nightly.) Hostelling International, Fisherman’s Wharf Phone: Fax: Website: Email: Address: Rates: Max stay: 415-771-7277 415-771-1468 www.norcalhostels.org FWGroups@norcalhostels.org 240 Fort Mason (at Bay Street - Fisherman’s Wharf) $28 per night (dorms) $75 per night (private rooms - up to 3) $3 per night fee applies to non-members. Annual membership is $18. Rates include continental breakfast, parking, tax, linens and towels. 21 days Hostelling International, Downtown Phone: Fax: Website: Email: Address: Rates: Max stay: 415-788-5604 415-788-3023 www.norcalhostels.org sfdowntown@norcalhostels.org 312 Mason (at Geary Blvd – Union Square) $26 per night (dorms-4 person) $70 per night (private 2 people/ sharing bathroom) $85 per night (private 2 people with private bathroom) $3 per night fee applies to non- members. Annual membership is $18. 21 days in a 30 day period. However long term accommodation is available on a month to month basis: Private room with private bathroom $1000 single and 1200 double Private room hall bathroom $750.00 single and $950.00 double Interested parties should contact Jim @ 415-397-9330 Hostelling International, SF City Center Phone: 415-474-5721 Fax: 415-776-0775 Website: www.norcalhostels.org 15 Email: Address: Rates: Max stay: sfcitycenter@norcalhostels.org 685 Ellis Street @ Larkin $25-$28 per night (dorms) $82-$85 per night (private rooms – up to 3) All have private bathrooms. 21 days The Globe Phone: Fax: Address: Rates: 415-431-0540 415-431-3286 10 Hallam Place (between 7th & 8th on Folsom – South of Market) (include breakfast) $20 per night mon-thurs (dorms) $22 per night through weekend (dorms) $45 per night/ 1 person private/with bathroom. Currently doing a deal if you pay for 3 or more nights you get $2 off each night Max stay: (i.e) 3 nights during the week $54 3 nights at the weekend $60 14 days (can be flexible) Green Tortoise Hostel: Phone: Fax: Address: Rates: Max stay: 415-834-9060/415-834-1000 415-956-4900 494 Broadway @ Kearny – (Downtown) Include breakfast, internet and dinner 3 nights a week $24 per night (dorms) /and for 3 bedroom dorms $60 sharing bathroom (1-2 people) Adventure travel office located in the office 10 days (flexible) European Guest House Phone: Fax: 415-861-6634 415-621-4428 Address: Rates: 761 Minna Square (between Howard & Mission and 8th & 9th) – (South of Market) $16 for 6 bed, $18 for 4 bed dorms, $20 for 2 bed dorms and $45 for private room – sleeps2 Weekly rates also available: $110 for 4 bed dorm, $200 for 2 bed dorm and $225 for private room Max stay: Sleeps 2 21 days/ 28 days. YMCA Central Branch Phone: Fax: Address: Rates: 415-885-0460 415-885-5439 220 Golden Gate Ave. @ Leavenworth – (Tenderloin) Includes muffin, tea/coffee, juice, and use of fitness facilities $23 per night 3-4 bed dorm 16 Max stay: Single rooms on a weekly basis $260-$270 21 days Students who carry 9 units can stay in one of the above rooms for the length of time they carry 9 units. ELEMENTS Hostel Phone: Address: Website: Rates: 415-647-4100 2516 Mission Street @ 22nd Street http://www.elementshotel.com/ Include breakfast and internet. $25 dorms $60 private room with 1 bed. Max stay: Weekly rates available 28days (extendable) 3.4 ROOMMATE ASSISTANCE SERVICES Metrorent Address: Tel: Fax: Website: Rates: 2021 Fillmore @ Pine, 10 am – 5 pm, Mon- Fri 415-563-7368 415-552-8447 http://www.metrorent.com FREE membership access’s about 1/3 of rentals. $45 for 45 days access’s all rentals Roommate Express (SF Bay Area) Tel: Website: Email: Rates: 1-800-487-8050 www.roommateexpress.com customerservice@roommateexpress.com $29 for 3 months Roommate Referral Service Address: Tel: Website: Email: Rates: 60 days. 610 Cole St @ Haight 1-800-587-2458 www.roommates.com support@roommateservice.com Basic membership is FREE $5.95 for 3 day trial/$19.95 for 30 days/29.95 for 17 3.5 BERKLEY INFORMATION For campus housing contact: For more information contact: Housing and Dining Services Central Office 2610 Channing Way #2272 Berkeley, CA 94720-2272 Tel: 510-642-4108 Fax: 510-643-3411 Convention and Visitors Bureau 2015 Center Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 1-800-847-4823/510-549-7040 Fax: 510-644-2052 www.visitberkeley.com/ reshall@uclink4.berkeley.edu www.housing.berkeley.edu Summer Visitor Housing (June 1st-Aug 11th) Tel: 510-642-5925 Summer Session Housing Tel: 510-642-5796 Fax: 510-642-4888 Housing Supervisor University Students’ Cooperative Association 2424 Ridge Rd. Berkeley, CA 94709 www.usca.org Tel: 510-848-1936 Fax: 510-848-2114 The following are some Hotels in the area: Bancroft Hotel 2680 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-549-1000 Fax: 510-549-1070 Website: www.bancrofthotel.com Email: reservations@bancrofthotel.com Durant Hotel 2600 Durant Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-845-8981 Fax: 510-486-8336 Website: www.hoteldurant.com Email: reservations@hoteldurant.com Beau Sky Hotel 2520 Durant Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-540-7688 Fax: 510-540-8089 Website: www.beauskyhotel.citysearch.com Email: beausky@emf.net Travel Lodge 1820 University Avenue Berkeley, CA 94703 Tel: 510-843-4262 Fax: 510-848-1480 Website: www.travelodge.com 18 3.6 RESIDENCE CLUBS (Note: The hotel tax in SF is 14%) The Ansonia Abby Hotel Address: 711 Post Street @ Jones Telephone: 415-673-2670 Fax: 415-673-9217 Website: http://ansonia.ypguides.net/ Email: ansonia@sbcglobal.net Rates: Single room with private bath, $66 per night + 14% tax (inc. bkfast & dinner) Double room with private bath, $79 per night + 14% tax (inc. bkfast & dinner) Suites (2 rooms plus private bath) $105& up + 14% tax (inc. bkfast & dinner) Student Rates: Private room with bathroom Private room shared bathroom Shared room with bathroom Shared room shared bathroom weekly $315 $255 $195 $145 4 weeks $915 $725 $515 $435 The Monroe Hotel Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 1870 Sacramento Street (between Van Ness and Franklin) 415-474-6200 415-346-1870 www.monroeresidenceclub.com monroe9@mindspring.com All rates include breakfast and dinner daily. Private room with hall bathroom $325 per week, $490 per 2 weeks, $980 per month. Private room with share bathroom $275 for 1 week; $565 for 2 weeks; $1080 per month The Kenmore Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 1570 Sutter Street (between Gough and Octavia) 415-776-5815 415-776-9659 http://www.kenmorehotelsf.com/ Kenmore1@mindspring.com Shared room starting at $210-$260 per week, $350 every 2 weeks and $690 per month. Private rooms starting at $300 per week, $500 2 weeks and $1000 per month All rates include two meals per day. Prices are per person. Deluxe rooms are available which include T.V. refrigerator and 7 day maid service Additional costs: $20 refundable key deposit and $2.50 / week fee Deposit of $100 is required. 19 Grant Plaza Hotel Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 465 Grant Avenue @ Pine 415-434-3883/1-800-472-6899 415-434-3886 www.grantplaza.com info@grantplaza.com Room with single bed and private bath, $89 + tax per night Room with double bed and private bath, $89 up + tax per night Room with 2 twin beds with private bath, $99 up + tax per night Room with 2 double beds with private bath, $99 up + tax per night Vantaggio Suites Address: 835 Turk Street @ Franklin Telephone: 415-922-0111 Fax: 415-922-0166 Website: www.vantaggiosuites.com Email: sf@vantaggiosuites.com Rates: Small room with Private Bathroom varies from weekly $375-$4000/ monthly $1020$1110 20 3.7 HOTELS & MOTELS (Note: The hotel tax in SF is 14%) Beach Motel Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 4211 Judah @ 47th Avenue 415-681-6618 415-661-8673 www.beachmotelsf.com info@beachmotelsf.com Based on 2 persons sharing: $65-$95 per night weekday, $75-$110 per night weekend Days In Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 2600 Sloat Blvd 415-665-9000 415-665-5440 www.daysinn.com daysinnsf@aol.com Double rooms from $105 per night weekday/ $115 per night weekend Single rooms $95 per night weekday/ $110 per night weekend Great Highway Motor Inn Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Rates: 1234 Great Highway 415-731-6644 415-731-5309 www.greathwy.com greathwy@pacbell.net $125.00 One King Bed $115.00 One Queen Bed $135.00 Two Queen Beds $155.00 Suite or Room with three beds. Ocean View Motel Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: 4340 Judah Street 415-661-2300 415-661-9529 www.oceanviewmotelsf.com oceanviewmotel@yahoo.com One queen bed $75 - $125 per night Two queen beds: $95 - $150 Ocean Park Motel Address: Tel: Fax: Website Email: 2690 46th Ave 415-566-7020 415-665-8959 www.oceanparkmotel.citysearch.com ocnprk36@aol.com One queen bed $75 - $125 per night 21 Two/three queen beds $120 - $175 per night Rooms with kitchens $10 - $15 extra per day with a 4 night minimum stay Roberts At-the-Beach Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: 2828 Sloat Blvd. 415-564-2610 415-681-1376 information@robertsatthebeach.com Based on 2 persons sharing, $74 + tax weekdays and weekends. Seal Rock Inn Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: 545 Point Lobos Avenue @ 48th Avenue 415-752-8000/1-888-SEALROCK (732-5762) 415-752-6034 www.sealrockinn.com reservations@sealrockinn.com Single one person from $110-$142 Two person from $124-$152 Tax weekdays and $15 extra on weekends 22 3.8 RENTAL AGENCIES (Note: These may also work as Roommate Referral agencies) The Rental Guide (San Francisco & Bay Area) Address: Tel: Fax: Website: Email: Fees: 2720 Taylor Street, Suite 450 415-929-7777 415-929-7778 www.rentalguide.com info@rentalguide.com Rental listings and roommate service is free, just requires registration. American Property Exchange & American Marketing Systems Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: 2800 Van Ness Avenue 1-800-747-7784 415-447-2075 www.amsires.com contact@amsisf.com Metro Rent Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Email: Fee: 2021 Fillmore Street 415-563-RENT 415-563-0383 www.metrorent.com newplaces@metrorent.com $45 for listings for 45 days (roommate search and rental search) UCSF Housing Services Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: Milberry Union 102 West 500 Parnassus Avenue 415-476-2231 415-476-6733 http://www.campuslifeservices.ucsf.edu/housing/ (On-line services section) Rentals.com Website: www.rentals.com Bay Area For Rent (Bay4Rent.com & SF4Rent.com) Apartment & Roommate Resources Address: 2261 Market Street #900 Telephone: 415-440-RENT Fax: 415-704-3337 Website: www.sf4rent.com Fee: $20 for 90 days 23 Trinity Management Services Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: 333 Bay Street 415-433-3333 415-989-9390 www.trinitymanagement.com Rentwave Website: www.rentwave.com Citiapartments Website: Telephone: www.citiapartments.com 415-861-1111 3.9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Information and advice on rentals in San Francisco: http://www.sfgov.org/site/rentboard_index.asp?id=2142 San Francisco Rent Board (covers housing built prior to 1979) www.dca.ca.gov/legal/landlordbook/index.html A guide to residential tenants’ and landlords’ rights and responsibilities by the State of California’s Department of Consumer Affairs. www.leginfo.ca.gov/ Find a California state law (Helpful with security deposits) www.caanet.org California Apartment Association www.sfaa.org San Francisco Apartment Association www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-274.html How Rent Control Drives Out Affordable Housing www.sftu.org San Francisco Tenant’s Union www.rentlaw.com/ Rental advice and queries Bulletin Boards University of California San Francisco Address: Millberry Union, 501 Parnassus Avenue @ 2nd Avenue University of San Francisco Address: 2130 Fulton Street @ Parker 24 Hastings College of Law Address: 200 McAllister @ Hyde --------------------------------You can also check out some websites such as: www.craigslist.org Offers both long and short term rentals. www.sf4rent.com access. There is a registration fee for this one, for 30-day http://classifieds.yahoo.com/ www.renttech.com Tel: 415-863-RENT (7368)/ Fax: 415-552-8447 www.housing.berkeley.edu The University of CA at Berkeley offers summer housing from June 1st to Aug 11th 25 4 Social Security Offices In San Francisco 2008 All Social Security offices are open between 9am and 4.30pm Monday through Friday. For general information number call 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778. Their website is www.ssa.gov The Social Security Offices are listed as follows: San Francisco Downtown SSO 560 Kearny Street This office is located at Kearney and Sacramento. 2 blocks from Market. All major and Muni lines. San Francisco Downtown SSO 90 7th Street, Annex 1st Floor This office is located at Mission & 7th Street, one block South of Civic Center bart and Muni Exit. All Major bus and Muni Lines. San Francisco Mission SSO 1098 Valencia Street on the corner of 22nd Street Transportation lines close to this office are the #14 and #49 Mission lines and the #26 Valencia line. San Francisco Parkside SSO Suite 300 1569 Sloat Blvd at Clearfield/34th Avenue This office is located in the Lakeshore Plaza Shopping Center across the parking lot from Albertsons. The #23 muni bus goes to the Shopping Center. 26 5 Preparing a Resume We recommend you prepare a resume as soon as possible to help your job hunting efforts. Here is some useful information to help you prepare a 5.1 Recommended Content Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number Email Address Your name should stand out and be quickly visible, at the top center of the resume. List a phone number at which you can be easily reached, preferably one with an answering machine or a voicemail. A Fax number is less critical in many cases, but an e-mail address is nearly always expected. An e-mail address should never be underlined and/or highlighted in blue. Set up, get a free e-mail address from a site like Hotmail, Google or Yahoo. Do not use a fun email address which you would use for friends e.g. partygirl@hotmail.com CAREER SUMMARY OR QUAILIFICATIONS SUMMARY Brief, clearly worded statement of what you do, where you do it and the skills you have that are relevant for the desired position. Skills mentioned should be supported by fact in the body of the resume. EDUCATION In reverse chronological order, list school, colleges, location, degrees, dates. Placements, major research, significant courses, and work-study may be listed here or under separate headings. Education majors should mention student teaching experiences and certifications, and nursing and health science students should list major clinical experience. EXPERIENCE (full-time, part-time, summer, volunteer, placements) Categorize in reverse chronological order. List dates of employment, name and location of company, and job title. Describe accomplishments and specific tasks rather than responsibilities. Emphasize transferable skills, especially as they relate to the desired job. Begin phrases with action verbs such as organized, planned, led, and advised. Omit personal pronouns; be positive and concise. 27 AFFILIATIONS (memberships, certifications) Include membership in professional/trade organizations. Mention offices, titles, special duties, achievements, awards. ADDITIONAL SKILLS/INFORMATION (computer skills, travel, foreign language proficiency) Describe if the experiences are unique or skills are required or relevant job. 5.2 Best Practices in Resume Preparation A resume is as individual as the personal creating it. However, certain stylistic elements help a client’s resume look more professional. A resume in the US should not exceed one page in length. Three areas are most critical: fonts, paper and printing. Fonts - The type of font should be a fairly standard business style with limited curls and embellishments. Times New Roman is a traditional choice. The point size should be 11 or 12 for most text, and 14 or 16 for headings. Graphic emphases such as bold, italics, underlines, bullets and capitalizations should be used sparingly. Too much emphasizing makes nothing stand out. Paper - The paper used should be the best available. The major office supply stores carry name bands that are all acceptable. Never fold, staple, or paperclip a resume. Tipex, erasures, or other marks should never be visible on a resume. Prepare the resume on 8 1/2”x11” white paper (or similarly neutral), using black ink. Printing - A resume should ideally be laser printed. Even in less-than-ideal situations, remember that resume should look like an original when it is presented to an employer. Mailing - When mailing a resume, do not staple or fold it. Send in a 9”x12” envelope. 28 5.3 Sample Resume Jane Smith 1475 20th Ave, Apt 2 San Francisco, CA 94125 Cell (415) 552 1859 jsmith@hotmail.com SUMMARY EDUCATION 2005 – Present Final year BA Hons Business Studies student at Strathclyde University Prior experience as administration assistant Proficient at all Microsoft Office packages. Efficient, details-oriented, and skilled at time management Strathclyde University, Scotland BA Hons Business Studies Modules include: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Business Information Systems, Human Resources, Financial markets, Business Economics 1998-2005 St. Marks Grammar School, Belfast, Northern Ireland A-Levels: Business Studies (B) Spanish (C) English (C) GCSES: 10 GCSES achieved 4 As, 2 Bs, 4 Cs EXPERIENCE 2003- 2005 Summer 2004 Bar Assistant/ Supervisor Marks Bar Belfast, Northern Ireland Regularly responsible for the management of this busy student bar. Work in a team to manage tasks across the group on busy nights. Stock maintenance, dealing with difficult customers and providing ideas for theme nights with colleagues. Administrative Assistant Ireland Newark Accountants, Belfast, Northern Provided effective administration support for a financial and human resource team of 5 individuals. Organized paperwork provided frontline internal client support, effective minute taking, and diary management. Volunteered to provide IT training to other administration colleagues and inducted new members joining the team. AFFILIATIONS 2006 Business Studies Student of the year Active member of the Scottish Financial Industry ADDITIONAL SKILLS/INFORMATION European Computer Driving License Certificate- competent in all Microsoft Office packages, including Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint. 29 Fluent in Spanish & French, part of the International Spanish Exchange program summer 2001, lived with a host family in Malaga, Spain. Captain of Strathclyde University Ladies Gaelic Football Team. 30