A. General Procedures

The University Center is a focal point for many student, staff, faculty, and community
activities on a daily basis. The appearance of the University Center and the staff
affect the impressions of our guests. Often these impressions will affect how
individuals view the entire university. Be proud of American University and help us
continue our legacy of success.
Employment in the University Center is supported through the University work
assistant (wage) and federal work-study programs. You are one of a select group of
students hired because of your experience, potential, and personality. Working in the
University Center is a privilege, but being a "select" individual does not give you the
right to special considerations. As any other student at the University Center, you
must adhere to all its policies and regulations. Never take advantage of your position
but rather be a leader in shaping policies and procedures.
Employment in the University Center provides many benefits. You will be presented
opportunities to experience personal growth and development. You will receive
training in a variety of skills that will be valuable to resumes and jobs. As a staff
member in the University Center, you will be in a position to find out what is
happening on campus and become involved in many activities and programs. You will
learn the importance of serving people courteously and effectively. Most of all, you
will be an integral part of an organization making significant contributions to the
quality of education and campus life.
The University Center staff urges you to be conscientious about helping us continue to
improve our facilities and services. Please bring any ideas or concerns to the attention
of any professional staff member.
The development and creation of this manual is attributed to the students and staff of
the University Center at American University. The purpose and goal of this manual is
to provide reference information and assistance to all University Center staff. We
hope that we accomplish our goal and provide you with the tools necessary to perform
your responsibilities.
The Center is the community meeting point of the college, for all members of
the college family-- students, faculty, administration, alumni, and guests. It is
not just a building; it is also an organization and a program. Together they
represent a well-considered plan for the community life of the college.
As the "town square" of the college, the center provides services,
conveniences, and amenities for the members of the college family in their
daily life on campus. It is a place to meet people and get to know and
understand one another through informal association outside the classroom.
The Center is part of the educational program of the college.
As the center of college community life, it serves as a laboratory of citizenship,
training students in social responsibility and for leadership in our democracy.
Through various boards, committees, and staff it provides a cultural, social,
and recreational program, aiming to make free time activities a cooperative
factor with study in education.
In all its processes it encourages self-directed activity, giving maximum
opportunity for self-realization and for growth in individual social competency
and group effectiveness. Its goal is the development of persons as well as
The Center serves as a unifying force in the life of the college, cultivating
enduring regard for and loyalty to the college.
A statement of purpose, adopted by the
Association of College Unions International in 1956 and reaffirmed in 1964 and 1989
This statement has been edited to fit the American University community.
The success of the University Center depends on having good guest relations. If we
wish the guest to return, we must keep them satisfied with our services.
How do we guarantee guest satisfaction with the services we provide? Here are a few
simple expectations:
Check your appearance - a well groomed person can, by appearance and
conduct, show the guest we are a facility that cares because our people care
about themselves.
Check your manner - Are you polite with our guest? Are you smiling? Even
before you say hello, your attitude greets the guests. When your attitude
expresses pride in yourself and in your work, your sincerity, cooperation and
acceptance of responsibility become believable.
Show interest if a guest has a problem - take time to listen. After the guest
has shared the problem with you, they will have calmed down, and may even
thank you for your attention to the problem.
Take action on the problem - if the guest has a problem within your scope of
service, try to solve it. Assure them you will see that the proper person is
notified if you cannot solve the problem or provide another option. For
example, if the guest wants to close the Tavern for a fundraiser, but it has not
been approved, you might suggest that they set up a table to collect donations.
Rather than be told “no”.
Recognize that apologizing for a problem can go a long way toward solving
the issue. Oftentimes, people simply want someone to empathize and
apologize for what they have experienced. This is often a good way to begin
soothing a difficult situation.
A. The University Center Office accepts applications for the various student staff
positions within the University Center. Near the end of each semester, the hiring
process takes place for the upcoming semester.
Information about available positions may be received from one or more
of the following forms of advertisement: University Center office, The
Eagle, College Work Study. Job descriptions and application forms are
available at the University Center office.
All applicants are required to submit a completed University Center job
application form. Applications are screened and individuals under
consideration are given a personal interview by the area staff.
B. For information on positions in the University Center, students must go directly to
MGC 274, University Center office.
C. Candidates for various positions in the University Center are considered on the
following criteria:
Seniority within the department.
Flexibility in schedule (availability for diverse hours).
Previous work experience in another University Center/Union facility or
related work.
Demonstrated ability and/or potential to do the job.
Personal appearance and attitude.
Demonstrated interest in the operations and activities of the
Current enrollment as an American University student.
Eligibility for campus employment as determined by the Financial Aid
Office and International Student Services Office.
Satisfactory academic standing (overall GPA of at least a 2.0).
Satisfactory disciplinary standing.
D. The University Center is committed to an educational environment which affirms
and supports a diverse student staff and does not discriminate based on race, color,
sex, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age
or disability.
E. Must be student enrolled at American University.
F. All University Center student staff are required to be enrolled in at least two (2)
three credit hour undergraduate courses per semester and/or one (1) three credit
hour graduate course per semester. Summer staff must be registered for courses in
the upcoming fall semester. Work-study students must meet the minimum GPA and
course-load requirement set up by the Financial Aid Office.
G. Final hiring decisions concerning student staff positions are the responsibility of
the area supervisor.
H. Students must have an overall GPA of 2.0 for each semester and possess and
maintain satisfactory conduct standing.
All student staff will receive training before their job begins and also while on the
job. Training is viewed as an on-going process. Each semester special training
seminars will be conducted for student staff working in the University Center.
Attendance at these seminars is mandatory and required.
Working Schedules
We are aware that student staff are students first and staff second. All scheduling of
work hours is done around class schedules. Students with seniority are given their
preference of work hours within the constraints of individual performance, job
experience, and class schedule. All work schedules are set depending on
departmental needs.
Your regular work schedule will be posted in your department showing the hours you
are scheduled to work each day, and days off. If there are any questions or conflicts,
it is your responsibility to notify your supervisor.
Your supervisor must approve any change in the work schedule in advance. (Please
report any changes in your class schedule, address, phone number, or student status
to your supervisor immediately). If at any time you are no longer a full or part time
student, your supervisor must be notified immediately, since you will no longer be
eligible to hold a student staff position.
The Spring 2008 Hours of Operation are as follows:
Information Desk
Monday through Thursday – 9 am – 6 pm
Friday – 9 am – 6 pm
Saturday and Sunday – 11 am – 6 pm
Student Manager
Monday though Friday – 7:30 am – 12 am
Saturday – 9 am – 8 pm
Sunday – 9 am – 12 am
The Mary Graydon Center is open 24 hours a day during the calendar year.
Dress Code
As a staff member of the University Center, you are a representative of American
University and the department. As a result, your attire is an important part of your
overall presentation. All staff is expected to be neat and clean at all times, and dress
appropriately. No open toe shoes, cut-off shorts, swim suits, baseball caps, or halter
tops are to be worn while on duty. Each area has a dress code appropriate to the line
of work. The area supervisor with whom you work will discuss dress attire
requirements. Staff is expected to wear any provided staff shirts and name-tags
whenever they are on duty.
Staff Meetings
Mandatory staff meetings (for which you will be paid) are scheduled periodically.
Every attempt will be made to give ample notice prior to the scheduled staff meeting.
Anyone who is absent and does not consult with his/her supervisor prior to the
meeting will be facing disciplinary process.
Absences and Shift Replacements
A good worker is seldom absent from the job. An absence is difficult to cover and
often puts a burden on co-workers. If you know you will not be able to work a
scheduled shift, arrange for a substitute well in advance. Leaving this decision to the
last minute will cause problems. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE FOR
responsible for all scheduled hours. When substitutions of staff do occur, the
assigned staff member must send an email notification within 12 hours of the assigned
shift to the substitute and the area supervisor(s).
Staff members are expected to be prompt and ready for work at their scheduled work
time. Being ready to start work on time is an important part of your job
performance. Plan ahead! Remember that being late to work will affect others and
their classes or plans. You are expected to report to work 10 -15 minutes prior to your
scheduled time to enable smooth transition and communication with the person
preceding you. IN EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES, if you are delayed, CALL AHEAD and
notify your supervisor or the Building Manager. Excessive tardiness will not be
tolerated and will result in disciplinary process.
Inappropriate behavior related to absenteeism/tardiness includes:
Absence without legitimate excuse and/or failure to follow
departmental notification procedures.
Chronic or repeated absenteeism, as defined by the department,
resulting in failure to perform assigned duties or impairment of the
operation of the work unit.
Repeated tardiness and/or failure to follow departmental notification
Phones are for departmental business use only. Personal calls are not allowed during
working hours. Unauthorized use of phones for long distance or personal calls may
result in termination.
For local calls - dial 9, then proceed to dial local number with the area code.
For long distance calls - dial 9, then 1, the area code, and then proceed to dial the
seven-digit number. Wait for the signal and enter your seven-digit authorization code.
Intra-university calls – dial the four-digit extension
Personal cell phones and beepers not allowed during work time. Please silence them
or turn them off and be ready to work. American University will not be held
responsible for loss of personal items.
Personal Visits
Friends or other acquaintances should not be invited to visit on a regular basis. If a
friend happens to stop by, they should not be encouraged to stay for an extended
period of time. At no time should your friends be behind a work station or area with
you. It is your responsibility to limit non-work related activity so that the work station
maintains a professional atmosphere.
Efforts will be made to assist any staff member needing a leave of absence without
pay for medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances. In most cases, you will
be able to return to work in the department at a later date. All arrangements must be
made in advance when possible. Student staff do not accrue vacation or sick leave.
The importance of your pay is recognized by American University. Wage rates are
reviewed taking into account such factors as skills, experience required for the job,
the work to be done, and the responsibility and working conditions of the job. Every
effort will be made to keep wage rates fair and equitable. Work weeks are from
Monday to Sunday.
Student Work Hours
Students at American University employed by the university are subject to the
applicable definitions and limitations described in the American University Staff
Reference Guide. In addition, American University students may be employed for 28
hours or more per week, for up to 4 months during the summer (May 1 – August 31)
without being considered a full-time employee. International students with F-1 or J-1
visa status may be employed for a maximum appointment period of four months
according to the following schedule:
Fall Semester
September 1 – December 31
Spring Semester
January 1 – April 30
Summer Semester
May 1 – August 31
Each semester these students must complete an International Student Employment
form. The form must be authorized by the International Student Services office and
returned to Human Resources. Authorization to work may be granted for a maximum
of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters and for full-time during
practical, training or vacation periods (e.g. winter break and summer sessions).
The policies may differ for foreign students in other visa categories (for example, J-2,
G-4) whose work authorization is granted directly by the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service. For those students, the appointment limits will be identified
on the Human Resources Action Form and will require appropriate I-9 information.
Beginning and ending dates are determined by Human Resources for Federal Work
Study students.
Illness/Injury to a Staff Member
University Center staff hired through the University Center who become ill or sustain
an injury while working must immediately notify the Supervisor on duty or other
University Center senior staff. If a supervisor cannot be reached, notify the campus
police (ext. 3636).
If you are injured on the job, your supervisor should file a report of injury with Tony
Newman, Director of Risk Management, within 24 hours of injury at ext. 2706.
Student staff is not eligible for unemployment insurance or health insurance. Student
insurance may be obtained through the Student Health Center. Student staff is
covered by workers compensation for on-the-job-injuries.
Payroll Information
Your pay will be based on the hours recorded on the time sheets online at
my.american.edu or by paper, as authorized by the Director of Operations. You should
record your time in for work and your time out at the end of your shift. Do not “clock
in” early unless authorized by your supervisor. Time sheets must be signed online on
a bi-weekly basis. Fraudulent reporting of time is grounds for immediate termination.
Each student staff member has the responsibility of completing their timesheet. It is
not acceptable to let anyone else enter your time for you. Each member is
responsible for keeping accurate account of time worked on his/her time sheet. If
you do not fill out a time sheet, you will not get paid.
Paycheck stubs will show the amount of your earnings for the pay period and will
indicate the payroll deductions that have been made. You should always be familiar
with the basis on which you have been paid, and have a record on the number of
hours you have worked during the period. If you find errors on your check, or have any
questions about your pay, such as rate, deductions, or amount received, you should
see your supervisor so that the matter can be referred to the payroll department for
explanation or adjustment. Checks may be picked up at the University Center office,
MGC 274, or through direct deposit. The University Center strongly urges you to use
the direct deposit option.
Conflict of Interest
While the University Center encourages students to become involved in Student
Activities, this can create a conflict of interest as a student staff employee of the
center. So that these conflicts do not arise, we strongly recommend student staff to
speak with Student Activities staff of any possible conflicts of interest. If your
student group is hosting an event in the Center, you should not be clocked in as a
University Center employee so that your actions with the group are not seen as
showing favoritisms. Please discuss conflicts with your supervisor.
Students who wish to become more involved are encouraged to do so by becoming a
member of an organization or seeking other positions such as peer advisor, tutoring,
peer education, or other volunteer opportunities in the University Center.
All information of a confidential nature must be kept so (for example, you should not
provide others personal data such as Social Security numbers or employment status.
Refer such requests to the Human Resources office). This includes discussing
incidents beyond the desk when you are not working. Also, incidents in progress
(thefts, judicial hearing proceedings, university investigations, etc.) should not be
discussed unless directing or informing staff members or Public Safety. Inappropriate
behavior will lead to disciplinary process.
Standard of Conducts/Performance
The following activities, while not inclusive, are examples of violations of established
standards of conduct of performance and will result in disciplinary actions ranging
from a verbal warning to immediate discharge, depending on the severity of the
violation, and departmental guidelines.
Consumption of products or services without following regular customer
purchasing procedures.
Theft or attempted theft of university property, theft of property of another
staff member or customer, or unauthorized removal of University property
from the premises.
Eating left over food after an event held in the University Center. (If there is
food left over, please inform the catering staff. If they allow you to have it,
you will need to eat it after your work shift is over.)
Careless or willful destruction of, or damage to, University property or property
belonging to another employee or customer.
Possession, consumption or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on
University time or premises.
Gambling on University time or premises.
Failing to report to work without following departmental notification
Willful falsification of University records and/or timesheets.
Failure to carry out reasonable job assignments or request.
Fighting with another employee or guest, or similar disorderly conduct on
University time and/or premises.
Adherence to Student Code of Conduct—Employment in the University Center is
conditional upon upholding the Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of
Conduct are grounds for probation or termination.
Sleeping on duty.
Other serious misconduct.
The following dismissal process will be followed when an employee performs poorly
(i.e. excessive tardiness and substitution, absenteeism, rules violations, etc.):
A verbal warning will be given at the time of an incident and a note will be
made in the staff member’s file.
A written warning will be given after the second offense and a copy will remain
in the staff member’s file. The staff member may then be placed on probation.
If improvement does not occur, the staff member will receive a written notice
of dismissal.
Immediate dismissal may occur for a serious offense. Reasons for immediate
dismissal may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Intoxication/drug usage while on the job
Damage to facilities/equipment intentionally or through negligence
Allowing unauthorized use of facilities or equipment
Refusal to carry out a reasonable assignment
Falsifying a University Center timesheet
Failure to attend a mandatory meeting without prior approval
Improper behavior
Unexcused absences
If you respect, cooperate with, and are considerate with your fellow workers’ needs,
you will find that they will usually reciprocate. If you have a complaint about another
employee, please try to talk to that person before talking to your supervisor. If you
have a problem with your supervisor, first try to work things out together before
talking with their supervisor.
Any grievance about a procedure, policy, or person should be directed first to your
supervisor. If you are not satisfied with the results the proper chain of command must
be followed (see organizational chart).
Every staff member has the right to appeal his/her dismissal if he/she feels it is
unfair, untrue, or if there are extenuating circumstances. The following procedure
should be used:
Forward a written statement appealing the dismissal to the Director of
Operations within five business days after the dismissal.
A response to the appeal will be returned within five business days after
If the student wishes to appeal further, a final written appeal may be made
within five days to the Senior Director, University Center/Student Activities.
Substance Abuse
University policy strictly prohibits the use of alcohol or controlled substances on
university time. Violation of the following may result in disciplinary action varying
from written warning to immediate termination:
Consumption of alcoholic beverages, or being under the influence of
alcoholic beverages while on university time.
Unlawful manufacturing, selling, possessing, distributing, dispensing or
usage of a controlled substance, or being under the influence of a
controlled substance not authorized by a physician.
Policy Against Sexual Harassment
The University Center is committed to creating and maintaining, for all university
personnel and students, an environment free of objectionable and disrespectful
conduct including communication of a sexual nature.
The University Center will not tolerate sexual harassment. Employee conduct of a
sexual nature that interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment will not be
tolerated. If you feel you are being harassed, please bring this to the attention of
your supervisor or full-time University Center employee.
Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. Under the law, there
are two kinds of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and creating a hostile environment.
Examples of quid pro quo sexual harassment include:
Your supervisor tells you that you must submit to unwelcome advances or you
will lose your job or promotion.
A staff member tells you that you must submit to unwelcome sexual advances
in order to get a good recommendation.
Examples of conduct of a sexual nature that could create a hostile environment
include unwelcome:
Jokes, suggestions, or derogatory remarks based on sex
Leering or whistling
Physical touching, pats, or squeezes
Repeated brushing against or blocking the movement of an individual
Comments about an individual’s sexual activities, deficiencies, or prowess
Sexually suggestive or derogatory pictures, drawings, or cartoons
Sexually suggestive notes, phone calls, or e-mail messages
As a member of the AU Community, you have a responsibility to promote an
environment free of sexual harassment by:
Reporting promptly any instances of sexual harassment that you witness or
become aware of
Speaking, when appropriate, to anyone harassing you about the offending
conduct and the discomfort it causes you, stating firmly and specifically the
action you find objectionable and want stopped
Personal Information Change
At times it will be necessary for your supervisor to contact you by phone or mail. It is
YOUR responsibility to inform your employer of any changes in your personal status.
This includes such things as change of name, address, or telephone number.
We hope that you will be happy at the University Center for a long time. If you decide
to leave, kindly provide your supervisor two weeks notice. You will also need to check
in all items that may have been issued to you. Your resignation will remain in your
personnel file. Failure to follow resignation guidelines will impact your potential
rehire in the University Center and/or the Division of Campus Life.
As an employee of the University Center, you are asked to be particularly safety
conscious in order to prevent injury to yourself, other employees, and University
patrons. You must become familiar with the Emergency Procedures we have outlined,
including fire, tornado, bomb threat, medical emergencies, and evacuations. Please
follow these guidelines.
You can avoid accidents by eliminating hazards around the building and by
reporting any unsafe conditions to your supervisor.
Use equipment correctly. Ask for instructions if you are in doubt. Turn off
moving parts of equipment and wait until they stop before you leave. Report
damaged, lost, or broken equipment to your supervisor immediately upon
Clean spills to avoid slipping and falling. Use portable caution signs when
available to warn others of freshly mopped floors or wet floors. Involve other
building and housekeeping staff, and University personnel when needed.
Ask for help when moving heavy objects.
If you do have an accident, report it to your supervisor immediately no matter
how minor it seems and complete an Accident/Injury Report available from the
Operations staff. If another employee or a University Center patron has an
accident, you must report it to your supervisor immediately and complete an
Accident/Injury Report. Only medical practitioners authorized by the
University Center may be used to treat on-the-job accidents.
Any severe accident should be reported to Public Safety at 885-3636 as well as
your supervisor. Public Safety will contact medical assistance or an ambulance
depending on the severity of the accident.
A. General Procedures
Matters of building emergency should be promptly brought to the attention of
the chief staff members on duty (Senior Director, Director, Assistant Director,
Reservations Manager, Scheduling Coordinator, or Office Administrator). This
person will determine the course of action appropriate to the situation and act
according to the outlined procedures.
B. Procedures for Specific Emergency Conditions
o Fire – If fire or smoke is detected by a staff member, the following steps
should be taken:
1. Contact the chief University Center operations staff person on duty
and report location and extent of problem.
2. Advise the security dispatcher (x3636) immediately as to the location
of the fire or smoke.
3. Pull the nearest fire alarm station to start evacuation of building
 Fire Alarm – If the fire alarm is sounded the following steps should be taken:
1. Close appropriate work area, and secure personal belongings,
specifically the Information Desk.
2. Take the University Center keys with you and evacuate the building.
3. Locate a professional staff and provide assistance if necessary.
o Bomb Threats – In the event information is received that a bomb or similar
device has been placed in the University Center, the following steps should
be taken:
1. If a staff member receives a call, get as much information as possible
during the call (i.e. time, sex of caller, facility involved, time set to
go off, background noises), and complete the Bomb Threat Call
2. Contact the chief University Center officer on duty and give full
report over the phone.
NOTE: Student Manager on duty or Senior Administrator will report the incident
immediately to Public Safety (x3636), make joint decision on building evacuation – if
evacuation is agreed, put process in motion by pulling fire alarm.
o Robberies
1. Robberies and thefts already committed should be brought to the
attention of the chief operations staff member on duty for prompt
referral to Public Safety.
2. Robberies in progress should be dealt with cautiously. In no event
should any staff member offer resistance when weapons are visible or
suspected. Every effort should be made to note the circumstances
and details associated with the incident. At the earliest time, Public
Safety staff should be notified of the incident.
 Harassment By a Patron
1. There may be times when a staff member may need some additional
assistance in handling a difficult situation with a client/visitor of the
University Center. Please call Public Safety (x3636) or a University
Center staff member for help.
Situations that could dictate the need for assistance would be:
A. When an individual is noticeably upset, getting more angry,
and you have been ineffective in calming the individual;
B. When an individual threatens you;
C. When an individual has become harassing and you have been
unable to locate your supervisor (or other professional staff)
to assist in addressing the matter.
2. In the event harassment occurs from a sub-contractor, the following
information should be collected:
A. Time, date, and location of the incident,
B. Company name on shirt or truck,
C. Good physical description, including clothing worn,
D. Words used, and
E. The individual’s name (off shirt or name badge if available).
o Injuries to a Patron of the University Center
1. All personal injuries, major or minor should be reported to Public
2. In case of serious injury or illness, Public Safety should be advised to
obtain emergency medical assistance.
3. Unless they are certified to do so, University Center staff should not
attempt to treat victims of serious injury or illness. Wait for
assistance to arrive.
4. Complete an Accident/Injury Report.
A. Mary Graydon Center - Ground Floor
Terrace Dining Hall – Rated as the #7 Best University Dining Hall in the nation, TDR offers a
wide array of grilled foods, salad bar, pizza and Italian station, a vegetarian station, deli
section, and more. Offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Open 7 days a week.
Food Service Offices – main offices for Bon Apetit Dining Services
B. Mary Graydon Center - 1st Floor
Marketplace - A wide variety of food offerings throughout the facility a la carte cafeteria
for contract meal plans, featuring Einstein’s Bagels, Field of Greens, Block Express, and
Panini Express.
Tavern – More food offerings for contract meal plans by The Tavern, Chick Fil-A, and Pura
Vida. Space is also used for SUB Concerts, Eagle Nights, and special events.
Information Desk – Provides information about AU and D.C. communities to students,
faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. The main phone number is 885-3387.
Banking –Chevy Chase automated teller machine...24-hour service...Affiliated with the
Most and Plus system networks (local and national).
University Club (x3180) – Food service location for staff and faculty of the University.
Bon Apetit Catering (x3180) – Food service provider for the American University.
Mary Graydon Center - 2nd Floor
University Center Office, 274 (x3900)– Home to University Event Scheduling and University
Center Operations, the office reserves all space in Mary Graydon and the Butler Pavilion
and additional event and classroom space across campus including outdoor space facilities.
Provides event planning services to student organizations, administrative and academic
departments holding events at AU in confirmed space. Oversees the physical operation of
University Center facilities. Maintains and aids room and equipment set-up. Provides some
audio visual support for building.
University Event Scheduling, 274 (x3939)
Academic Support Center, 243 (x3360)
Community Service, 273 (xSERV)
Counseling Center, 214 (x3500)
Cyber Café - Provides students access to IBM, compatible computers. Open 24 hours.
Disability Support Services, 206 (x3315)
GLBTA Resource Center, 201 (x3347)
Multicultural Affairs, 204 (x3651)
Student Activities, 271 (x3390) – advises student organizations and media groups,
coordinates Welcome Week and Grad Week activities, deals with finances of student
Student Organization Offices– The 2nd floor houses groups such as the Student
Confederation (x6400)- The governing organization of the student body at American
University, Graduate Leadership Council (x2600), Greek organizations, Media groups WVAU, American Literary, American Word, The Eagle, ATV, and The Talon, also the
Kennedy Political Union, Student Union Board, AU Club Council , AUTO, General Assembly,
and the Student Advocacy Center.
D. Mary Graydon Center - 3rd Floor
School of Communication
E. Butler Pavilion
1st Floor (Tunnel) - Retail shops including Eagle’s Nest (x6318), Megabytes Café (x6111),
Tigi Boutique (x6465), Chevy Chase Bank (x6440), The UPS Store (x2030), McDonald’s (9961636), STA Travel.
3rd Floor - Bookstore - New and used textbooks, medical and law books, school art, and
office supplies, insignia gifts, clothing, class rings, computers, stamps, and mail-order
residence hall furniture.
4th Floor – Office of Campus Life (x3300)
- Greek Affairs (x3300)
- International Services Office (x3350)
- Judicial and Mediation Services (JAMS) (x3328)
- New Student Programs (x3303)
5th Floor – Career Center (x1800)
6th Floor – Butler Conference Room and Butler Boardroom, and Special Events Office
Student Manager reports to the Facilities Coordinator and in his/her absence
the Assistant Director of Operations of the University Center. Student Managers
are responsible for day, evening, and weekend operations of the University
Center. The emphasis of this position is to coordinate set-ups for conferences,
meetings, and celebrations and to ensure the health and safety of the
University Center guests during the days, evenings, and weekends.
Arrive to work 10 minutes before your scheduled time.
Obtain keys and appropriate set-up information.
Verify that all equipment requested for events is set (and clean) in the
exact manner as described on the set-up report (unless otherwise
directed) - this may involve the setting of technical equipment in
accordance with reservation requests. Set rooms for then next event
when possible.
Maintain order in all storerooms and ensure that aisles and mechanical
equipment areas are kept clear of equipment.
Supervise the Information Desk staff and Production Crew staff while on
duty ensuring that they complete their duties in accordance with their
job description.
Perform area walk-throughs according to the event schedule.
Frequent the retail areas of the facility ensuring their safety and help
secure each respective area at their appropriate closing time.
Assist event coordinator(s) with their program needs while enforcing the
"Statement of User Responsibility" of the University Center.
Identify maintenance discrepancies and forward them to the Director of
Set the following day's set-up requirements when applicable.
Interacts with event contact persons ½ hour prior to event start time to
insure satisfactory service and facilities, and checks in periodically.
Interacts with Catering, Housekeeping, E-operations, and Support
Services as necessary.
Checks room for damages and files report at conclusion of event.
Complete working knowledge of all of University Center AV systems in all
Ability to troubleshoot minor mechanical problems.
Assist in the training of Building Managers and Information Desk on
operating policies and procedures.
Other duties as assigned by University Center Operations staff.
Student Manager staff requires at least 6 months experience on the Information
Desk, Production Crew or equivalent and will be compensated according to the
University Center wage rates and guidelines.
Applicant must possess communication (oral & written), customer service, time
management, organizational, and detail-oriented skills. Position requires
individual to lift items up to 50 pounds with most lifting done by two
individuals. This position works primarily days and nights and some weekends
for 10-15 hours per week and is coordinated with up to 10 other Building
Manager staff.
Information Desk Consultant reports to the Assistant Director of Operations of
the University Center. Information Desk staff are responsible for providing
detailed information about the campus and its events, computer use,
photocopies, lost and found, DC Metro and other services of the Information
Desk. The emphasis of this position is to provide courteous and timely
assistance to patrons utilizing the services of the Information Desk.
Arrive to work 10 minutes before your scheduled time.
Answer the phone courteously and direct calls as necessary.
Provide specific campus related information to all inquirers.
Phone and visit with designated University and community
representatives in order to obtain current data.
Refer customers unable to coordinate their information needs to the
appropriate contact person.
Update and maintain accurate materials, files and listings on all
University and community information.
Assist with the training of new Info Desk employees by providing general
orientation and computer instructions as requested by the Supervisor(s).
Create and edit daily computer displays of activities as well as individual
screens highlighting University events.
Coordinate the lost and found procedures, track lost and found
inventory, contact individuals with identified items with lost and found,
contact the campus police for inventory transfer of lost and found items,
and log all lost and found transactions.
Manage the table space process.
Assist with the table tent display program on a weekly basis.
Maintains the newspaper rack locations.
Attend monthly staff meetings, workshops, and training sessions (as
necessary for staff development).
Other duties as assigned by University Center Operations staff.
The Information Desk Consultant will be compensated according to the
University Center wage rates and guidelines.
Applicant must possess good oral communication skills and be familiar with the
campus. This position works primarily around a seven-day week within the
time frame of the Information Desk hours of operation. Work shifts are
normally no more than six hours and no more than 15 hours per week.
Production Crew staff report to the Assistant Director of Operations and while
on duty to the Student Manager of the University Center. Production Crew
staff are responsible for the audio/visual coordination for events that require
University Center sound equipment. The emphasis of this position is to set
audio-visual equipment, tables, chairs, staging, and other equipment based on
our clients’ request and inspection of the room in preparation for the event.
Arrive to work 10 minutes before your scheduled time.
Obtain keys and appropriate set-up information.
Complete working knowledge of all University Center AV systems in all
Set-up basic audio-visual equipment items in a safe manner with user
ease in mind.
Set tables, chair, portable dance floor, podium, piano, stage,
skirting, easels, and other equipment per set-up report.
Arrange all the equipment requested for the event in the exact manner
as described on the set-up report.
Clean all the equipment that is set for the event (this involves utilizing
cleaning solutions and towels to remove all soiled areas on equipment).
Remove equipment set for complete events and store properly in the
storage rooms.
Maintain order in all storerooms and ensure that aisles and mechanical
equipment areas are kept clear of equipment.
Follow all set-up standards and guidelines.
Organize and arrange technical support equipment in a safe manner in
storage areas.
Pick-up and store unused audio-visual equipment after events.
Check reserved audio-visual equipment for proper operating condition
and safety.
Make sure audio-visual equipment is ready for next use.
Assist with the training of new Production Crew employees by providing
general orientation and computer instructions as requested by the
Attend monthly staff meetings, workshops, and training sessions (as
necessary for staff development).
Other duties as assigned by the Director of Operations.
Production Crew will be compensated according to the University Center wage
rates and guidelines.
Applicant must have time management, organizational, and detail-oriented
skills. Position requires individual to have a working knowledge of audio/visual
support systems and lift items up to 50 pounds with most lifting done by two
individuals. This position works primarily days and nights and some weekends,
depending on the requirement of support events will require. The Production
Crew is coordinated with up to 6 other crew staff.
The Administrative Assistant reports to the Reservations Manager of University
Center/University Event Scheduling and is responsible for providing clerical
support to the University Center staff. The emphasis of this position is to
perform general clerical work and provide assistance and quality service to the
guests who visit or call the University Center or University Event Scheduling.
Arrive to work 10 minutes before your scheduled time.
Answer telephones, take accurate messages and distribute to the
appropriate staff member.
Greet guests and direct them to the appropriate staff person.
Basic data entry in MS Access.
Update all electronic display screens in the Mary Graydon Center.
Organize and maintain stock levels of office supplies.
Route all outgoing mail and reports.
Type, file and word process correspondence and reports.
Make copies; update phone lists and personnel files.
Deliver correspondence and reports to other departments as necessary.
Check reservations requests for proper stamps and signatures.
Check availability of dates and rooms for prospective University Center
Assist with authorized stamps for campus advertisements.
Other duties as assigned by University Center or University Event
Scheduling staff.
The Administrative Assistant staff requires typing and word processing skills
and at least 6 months clerical experience or equivalent and will be
compensated according to University Center wage rates and guidelines.
Applicant must possess good oral and written communication, customer
service, time management, and detail-oriented skills. This position works
primarily between the hours of 9 am- 5 pm Monday through Friday for
approximately 10-15 hours per week.
When you are clocked in as an employee of the University Center, daily
responsibilities are expected to be accomplished. Here is a list of several day-to-day
activities you should do during your shift.
1) Please arrive at least 10 minutes PRIOR to your shift. Schedules will be provided
via email and will be posted at the Information Desk. Please review them.
2) Please make sure you are appropriately dressed to work.
- Professionally dressed in staff issued University Center shirt
- Closed-toed shoes
- Nametag must be visible
3) Student Managers will be stationed at the Information Desk on the 1st floor of Mary
Graydon. Managers will have to check in here for each shift during the week.
Managers should not be stationary, instead they should be walking around completing
setups and facility walk-throughs.
4) All Student Managers must do Manager Reports on email at the completion of their
5) It is your responsibility to set up the rooms as written on the workflow. If you
cannot do a set-up by yourself, then ask for assistance. Please budget your time
properly to complete the set-up.
managers must do all set-ups through the next morning up until 10 am, wherever
possible. If a group is over staying their listed time, you have the authority to ask the
group to leave because you have a set-up to complete. Check off completed setups
on the daily workflow only AFTER you have seen the room and know that it is the
correct set-up. Don’t assume anything.
7) Table space will be managed by the Information Desk. Groups are responsible for
taking and returning tables and chairs requested. Building Managers should provide
the Daily Table Schedule to the Information Desk prior to their arrival.
8) Please make sure that any illegal posters in the building are removed. Don't throw
them out. Leave them for the Assistant Director of Operations to pick them up.
Please write down where you found them and the date and time they were found on
the back of the sheet.
9) Room Cards displaying the events of each day in each space will need to be hung
every Tuesday and Friday. These will be provided by the Facilities Coordinator.
10) Tasks will be assigned to each Student Manager during your work shift on an “asneeded” basis, some requiring technical work, computer work, or manual labor.
When you are clocked in as an employee of the University Center, daily
responsibilities are expected to be accomplished. Here is a list of day-to-day
activities during your shift.
1) Please arrive at least 5 minutes PRIOR to your shift. Schedules will be provided via
email and will be posted at the information desk. Please review them.
2) Please make sure you are appropriately dressed to work.
- Professionally dressed in a staff issued University Center shirt
- Nametag must be visible
3) Please make sure that any posters on the first floor are removed. Don't throw them
out. Leave them for the Assistant Director of Operations to pick them up. Please
write down where you found them and the date and time they were found on the
back of the sheet.
4) Please organize the info desk and keep it stock piled with appropriate maps, etc.
Contact your supervisor if supplies are running low. Also, organize the newspaper
racks located around the 1st floor. The only newspapers that are approved are:
a. The Eagle
b. American Weekly
c. Metro Weekly
d. City Paper
e. Washington Blade
Any others can be thrown out. Set aside unapproved newspapers and notify
Housekeeping staff to have them removed (x2355).
5) Table space will be managed by the Information Desk staff. The table space sheet
can be found in the info desk drawer each day and should be kept there until all
groups have returned their tables. Collect the contact person’s AU ID and have them
sign off on the table space sheet provided to you in the binder. The Information Desk
Consultant will issue out tables from the storage closet for bring out/return the table
and chairs they requested. The table sign-in sheet should be given to the Assistant
Director of Operations at the end of each day.
6) Powerpoint slides will need to be created for a listing of daily events or campus
wide events to display in the University Center.
7) Each day make sure the materials at the front of the Information Desk are stocked
and have plenty of copies in reserve.
8) Contact Public Safety to pick up lost and found items (x2527).
9) Tasks will be assigned to each Information Desk staff member during your work
shift on an “as-needed” basis, some requiring technical work, computer work, or
manual labor.
If you need assistance during your shift, please contact your supervisor for assistance.
 Arrive to the Information Desk 5 minutes prior your shift.
 Put on your University Center shirt and nametag.
 Make sure you have a list of Today’s Events.
 Open the locked cabinet at the left side of the desk with combination.
 Unlock all the cabinets at the desk with the 346 key.
 Turn on computer in preparation for your shift.
 Remove the phone from the drawer and place it on top in front of you.
 Take out the radio, leave it in charger, and turn it on. Make sure the radio is
on channel 4.
 Replenish all materials at the front of the desk.
 Make sure newspaper racks are filled with the appropriate magazines (City
Paper, Washington Blade, American Weekly, The Eagle)
 Make sure there is a powerpoint slide on each of the computers at the front
 Make sure the computer is shutdown correctly.
 Place all Information guides/binders in their assigned drawer.
 Put all materials away NEATLY in the cabinets.
 Return the telephone to the drawer.
 Do not unplug the radio charger. It needs to charge overnight so that it can
function the next day. Make sure the radio is turned off while charging
 Make sure all desk cabinets are locked.
 Reset the combination lock and set the numbers to zero.
This should be sent at the completion of each student manager shift.
Subject: UC Manager Report
Date: (date of shift)
Shift Time: (shift time)
Building Manager: (your name)
Building Staff on-duty during my shift:
(name of any info desk, production, or extra staff)
Events Occurring during my shift:
Event Name
Completed By:
Event Time
Scheduling Conflicts (if any):
(to note if there are any double bookings, set-up changes, multiple
table reservations, etc)
Incidents to Report:
Calls made to A/V or Support Services:
Calls made to Public Safety:
Calls made to 2-FIX:
Facility Tour Notes/Repairs Needed/Special Projects:
(when walking the space, note any spills, trash, leaks, etc)
Additional Comments:
(Write notes here for the next manager or for any notes needed for the
operations staff and management to read in regards to events. Damages to the
rooms or equipment, excessive trash, etc. Pass on any pertinent info if
there any early morning set-ups to be done, or quick changes coming up in the
day. Also managers should write if any other staff member did not show up
for their shift)
As a Student Manager, you should be making rounds of the University Center every hour. Here are
some things you should look for during your shift.
o Walk around the buildings to ensure the following:
- Heating/Cooling in each room is at a comfortable level
- All lights are working in hallways and event spaces
- Spills on the carpet/floor are cleaned up in a timely manner and appropriate signage is
placed in the area
Make sure ALL window blinds in each event space, lounges, and hallway are leveled straight
and open.
Make sure ALL couches are arranged in an orderly fashion and that all are accounted for in the
1st floor lounge, 2nd floor lounge spaces, and in the Gianni Lounge (MGC 200).
Room cards for each room are updated.
Remove any posters or signs that are placed anywhere but the bulletin board. Save these
posters so that management can follow-up with the appropriate groups.
Close all windows in the building.
Wipe down all white boards and tables in each room when necessary.
Call Public Safety (ext. 3636) if there are any issues with guests in the building.
the Tavern and make sure:
tables are functional (not wobbling or broken)
2 or 4 black chairs at every table
the curtains are open
o Make sure each space is occupied by the group that has reserved the room at least 10 minutes
prior to their start time. Make contact with the client to make sure everything is set.
If there are any people in a reserved room and they are not a part of the group, then please
ask the people to leave as there is an event scheduled in the room.
Please check that all set-ups are completed as each group has requested. Any changes to the
set-ups can occur as long as it is approved by the Director of Operations or Assistant Director
for Evening Operations and need to be documented in the Student Manager Report at the end
of each shift.
Remove any extra chairs and chair carts from each room, if not requested.
In building walk-throughs, note the attendance of the groups that are present and which are
no-shows. Each should be listed in the Student Manager Report.
At the end of each event, note any damages (chipped paint on a wall, spills on carpets, broken
equipment, leftover decorations, etc) in your manager report to make sure that building
management can make the appropriate calls to the group and facilities maintenance.
Contact Catering or AU AV if there is any food or equipment leftover in an event space.