ACTIVITY ANALYSIS FORM √- the goals and activity don’t match…need to fix one or other; your analysis and grading are good – just fix the goals Name: Eve Eighmey, MOTS CLIENT: Linda Name of activity: Washing her dog this activity doesn’t seem to match the goal this is an IADL – pet care Performance area of occupation: Leisure leading to ADL this activity is an IADL Long Term Goal (COAST)/Short Term Goal: these goals don’t match the activity Long Term Goal: Client will shower independently without adaptive equipment within pre-injury time within two weeks. Short Term Goal: client will shower with adaptations as needed within 10 minutes of pre-injury time within one week. Activity Demands Objects and their properties (Materials, Tools, and Equipment . . .) Dog Shampoo Shower or sink Brush Towel Water Washing Mit/Glove Space Demands (physical environment requirements): Room with a sink or tub (Bathroom or Kitchen) Area with non-carpet floor to dry and brush dog Social Demands (rules or expectations related to social skills): Therapist Dog Sequence and Timing (steps and amount of time to complete): 1. Linda will prepare water to appropriate temperature ( 2 minutes) 2. Linda will take leash/collar off of dog and place in tub/sink (1 minute) 3. Linda will put dog into tub/sink and wet the dog completely (5 minutes) 4. Linda will open shampoo, place on dog, and close shampoo (2 minutes) 5. Linda will lather dog completely (4 minutes) 6. Linda will rinse dog completely (4 minutes) 7. Linda will remove dog from tub/sink and dry dog completely (4 minutes) 8. Linda will brush dog (4 minutes) 9. Linda will clean up area (4 minutes) Safety Precautions and Contraindications: Area where activity should occur should be a nonstick floor or have a bath mat Dog should be calm to avoid further injury Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh 1 Linda should not attempt this on her own without successfully completing it with a therapist Client Factors For each Client Factor, indicate if the activity you have selected to analyze would NORMALLY be affected by alterations in this factor. If not, check n/a. If an alternation in this client factor would affect performance, indicate if the activity would be significantly (sig) affected or only minimally (Min) affected. Space is provided for comment, if you feel necessary N/A Sig Min Mental Functions Global Mental Functions (affective, cognitive, perceptual) Consciousness functions Level of arousal X Level of consciousness To person Comments X Orientation functions X To place X Linda should be aware of her surroundings to remain safe. To time X Linda should complete this activity when the dog is in a calmer state. To self X Linda should be aware of her mood and be patient during activity. To others X Linda should be aware of what the animal is doing at all times to remain in control of the activity. Conscientiousness Temperament and personality functions X Emotional stability X Openness to experience X Energy and drive functions Motivation X Impulse control X Interests X Values Specific Mental Functions Attention functions Sustained attention Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh Linda must be motivated to try and complete this activity because it requires high effort and control. Linda must be ready to overcome challenges and not give up and change the plan quickly. Linda loves her animal and must be interested in taking care of it which will help her take of herself. X X Divided attention Memory functions Retrospective memory Linda must start and remain calm during the activity to handle the dog. Linda must be ready to try the activity even if she cannot complete it. X X Majority of Linda’s attention should be focused on the dog through the entire activity. Linda should be aware of her surroundings, but should be mainly focused on the activity and what the dog is doing during the bath. Linda should remember how she used to wash her 2 dog because it was a task she completed before injury. Prospective memory X Linda should be aware of parts of the activity she may have to change due to her injury and put them in her memory bank for use in washing herself and her dog. Perceptual functions Visuospatial perception X Linda needs to be aware of items around her to complete the task. This activity will require remaining aware and alert to the temperature of the water, presence of the dog and items to wash him, and of pain to her injury. Interpretation of sensory stimuli (tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory) Thought functions Recognition/Concept formation X X Categorization X Generalization X Awareness of reality X Logical/coherent thought X Appropriate thought content Linda will need to be able to generalize this activity to other activities in her daily life such as washing herself with her injury and making necessary adjustments. Linda will need to logically put together steps to complete the task. X Higher-level cognitive functions Judgment X Concept formation Linda will need to have appropriate judgment of water temperature, the cleanliness of the dog, and the completion of the task to correctly finish the task. X Time management X Problem solving X Decision-making X Mental functions of language Receive/express self (spoken/written/sign) Calculation functions Add/subtract Linda will need to recognize when one part of the activity is complete and move on to the next task. Linda will need to use her time effectively to decrease her time washing herself to increase her ADL productivity in the morning and decrease extra time to get ready due to her injury. Linda will need to be ready to change her plan if something unexpected occurs while completing the activity. An example would be the dog escaping the tub/sink. Linda needs to be able to decide when each step is complete and be ready to move on to the next one. She also should be able to decide the best way to complete the task with the limitations of her injury. X X Experience of self and time functions Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh 3 Linda may need to speak to the animal to calm him. Body image Self-concept X X Self-esteem X Sensory functions and pain Seeing and related functions Visual acuity X Hearing and vestibular functions Hearing function X Vestibular function Additional sensory functions Taste function Linda needs to believe she can complete this task and that she has the ability to wash her dog alone. Linda will need to believe she can complete this task. X Linda will need balance herself while holding the dog and completing the washing, rinsing, drying and brushing of the animal. X Smell function X Proprioceptive function X Touch function X Sensation of pain X Linda will need to aware of what is around her and her strength and abilities needed to complete this task. Pain Linda will need to be aware of if she is causing further injury to her hand or if she is injuring the dog through alterations made to the activity due to her injury. Neuromusculoskeletal and movement related functions Function of joints and bones Mobility of Joint Functions X PROM Stability of Joint Functions X Mobility of Bone Functions Muscle Functions Muscle power functions Muscle tone functions Muscle endurance functions Movement functions Motor reflex functions X X Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh Linda will need muscle power to hold the dog down, facilitate the necessary items to complete the bath, and groom the dog. X X Linda will need endurance because this task may take 30 minutes or more during which she will be actively working the entire time. X Linda will need motor reflexes in case of injury to her hand or if the water temperature becomes too hot. Linda will need to be in control of her body to complete the task in order to be in control of the dog during the bathing. Linda will need to be in control of her body to complete the task in order to be in control of the Involuntary movement reaction functions Control of voluntary movement functions Linda will need AROM of joints to complete the task, especially of her non injured upper extremity. Linda will need stability to hold herself and the dog in position during the bathing. X X 4 Involuntary movement functions X dog during the bathing. Linda will need to be in control of her body to complete the task in order to be in control of the dog during the bathing. Gait pattern functions X Cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, and respiratory system function Cardiovascular system function Blood pressure function X Respiratory system function Respiratory functions X Additional functions and sensations of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems Exercise Tolerance functions X Linda will need to be able to tolerate activity of the dog and herself to complete the dog washing. Skin and related structure functions Skin functions Protective functions of skin X Linda will need to be protective and aware of her scar from her surgery to repair her broken wrist. Repair functions of skin X PERFORMANCE SKILLS For each skill, indicate the NORMAL level of performance required (min, mod, max) to perform the activity you are analyzing. Minimum (Min) entails some required skill but very brief, non sustained and easily compensated if not present. Moderate (mod) entails frequent need, sustained usage and significant problems if not present. Maximum (Max) entails continuous need and near impossible performance if not present. Min Mod Max Motor Skills Posture Stabilizes Comments X Linda needs to be able to stabilize herself to control the dog and the activity. X Linda needs to be able to change positions smoothly and often to wash the dog. Reaches X Bends X Linda needs to have full reaching capacity as the dog changes positions and to grasp items such as shampoo and brush. Linda needs to bend down to tub level and remain there for more than 10 minutes to get down to the level to complete the task. Coordination Coordinates X Manipulates X Aligns X Positions Mobility Walks Flows Strength & Effort Moves X X X Transports Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh Linda needs the coordination to complete multiple items at once such as controlling the dog and opening the shampoo. Linda need to manipulate the items needed for the task such as shampoo and brush. 5 Linda needs to be able to move herself and the dog. Linda X needs to be able to transport the dog to and Lifts X Calibrates X Grips Energy Endures Paces X Linda needs to be able to grip the shampoo, brush, and, dog. X Linda will need energy to complete the task and to maintain control of her dog. Linda will need to pace herself to complete the task in its entirety. X Visual-Motor Integration Oral-Motor Control X X Process skills Energy Paces X Attends X Knowledge Chooses X Uses X Handles Heeds Inquires Temporal Organization Initiates Linda will need to pace herself of each task and not get ahead of herself missing a step trying to finish the bath quickly. Linda will be aware of the task at all times and have her full attention to what is happening at each step. Linda will need to make well thought choices to complete the task and maintain control. Linda will need to use her previous knowledge of how to complete this task to complete it under different circumstances and with limitations. X X X Linda will need to inquire if she has questions about completing the task without aggravating her current injury. X Continues X Sequences X Terminates X Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh from the tub and out of the bathroom. Linda needs to be able to lift herself, the dog, and items needed to wash the dog. All of these items are different sizes and weights. 6 Since this task is based on getting back to completing ADL’s, Linda will need to be aware of all aspects of time during this task, including starting, moving to the next step, and ending the task. Since this task is based on getting back to completing ADL’s, Linda will need to be aware of all aspects of time during this task, including starting, moving to the next step, and ending the task. In order to complete this task, Linda will need to be aware of the next step. Since this task is based on getting back to completing ADL’s, Linda will need to be aware of all aspects of time during this task, including starting, moving to the next step, and ending the task. Organizing Space and Objects Searches/locates X Gathers X Organizes X Restores Linda needs to be organized and know where objects needed to complete the task are at all times to fulfill the activity requirements. Linda needs to gather everything before the task for ease of completion and the end of the task to ensure safety and cleanliness of area. X Navigates X Linda needs to be able to navigate the area to complete the task safely without injury to the right hand. X With the dog as part of the task, Linda needs to adapt as needed due to the dog’s spontaneity. Linda needs to accommodate herself and the dog. X Linda needs to adjust if the dog is unwilling to participate or if she feels discomfort to her injured wrist. X Linda should remain in contact with the dog at all times to have control of the situation and compete it in a timely manner. Linda should look only at the dog to keep him calm. Maneuvers X Orients X Postures X Linda should be able to maneuver to complete the task and avoid injury and make accommodations to her left wrist. Linda should be orientated to place and time to complete hers task, make improvements, and avoid injury. Linda should have correct posture to avoid injury to her back while lifting and washing the dog. Adaptation Notices/responds Accommodates X Adjusts Benefits X Communication/Interaction skills Physicality Contacts Gazes X Gestures X Information/Exchange Articulates X Asserts Asks X X Engages Expresses Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh Linda should only articulate with the dog in a positive manner or with the therapist if necessary, focus should be on the task. Linda needs to be assertive when handling the dog. X X 7 Linda needs to be fully engaged with the task and the animal to remain in control of the activity and its completion. Modulates X Linda may need to adjust her tone when handling the dog to calm him down or reassure him that all is going to be okay. Linda share concerns with the therapist as needed or following the end of the task. Linda should only speak to the therapist as needed. Focuses X Relates X Linda should be focused on the dog and herself and what is happening between the two to avoid injury to her hand. Linda should respect the dog and complete the task as timely and efficiently as possible since they are not enjoying the activity. Shares X Speaks X Sustains Relations Collaborates X Conforms Respects X X X GRADING THE ACTIVITY Next, identify the performance skill you are grading (e.g. coordination) and describe how you could make the activity more difficult (grading up) or easier (grading down) for your specific client. Performance Skills Grading down (easier) Grading Up (harder) Motor Skills: Posture-Stabilizes Therapist will helps stabilize the dog in the bathtub. Linda will use a handheld shower head to wash the dog while stabilizing the dog in the tub. Strength & Effort: Grips A small shampoo bottle will be used for ease of holding. A larger and heavier shampoo bottle will be used during the bath. Motor Skills: Manipulation Linda can use a bath glove to wash the dog. Linda will use only her dominant right hand to wash the dog. Strength & Effort: Lifts Therapist will lift the dog into and out of the tub for Linda. Linda will lift dog out of tub using her non-dominant left hand only. Mobility: Bends Linda will complete activity in sink and avoid bending down to tub. Linda will remain bending in all directions during bath, to hold dog, reach for items and, control water. Based on: American Occupational Therapy Association. (2002). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process. Bethesda, MD: Author. Watson, D. E. (1997). Task analysis: An occupational performance approach (pp. 378 – 383). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Activity Analysis 8/3/05 ahh 8