81 The Solar System Overview A survey of overall properties Age of solar system: - from radio-dating of Earth rocks, Moon rocks and meteorites that contain radioactive elements - age = 4.5109 years (4.5 Giga-years (Gyr)) Planetary orbits: - all planets have orbits with following properties: - nearly circular (eccentricity, e < 0.1) - orbit counter-clockwise (CCW) around Sun - lie in almost same plane (inclination, i, with respect to ecliptic 0o) - exception: Pluto: i = 17o almost all planets rotate with following properties: - rotational equators lie in plane of orbits rotation axes almost perpendicular to plane of orbits - rotate in same direction as revolution, ccw (“top-spin”) properties suggest that planetary orbits part of a rotating disk - Inner solar system: - four planets closest to Sun - in order of increasing distance from Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - orbits relatively closely spaced; radius of Mars’ orbit is 1.5 AU (Astronomical Units – see notes, Set 1) Outer solar system: - five planets furthest from Sun - in order of increasing distance from Sun: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - orbits relatively widely spaced; radius of Neptune’ orbit is 30 AU Two classes of planet: Terrestrial and Jovian I Terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - Earth-like planets (“Terra”: Latin for Earth) - found in inner solar system 82 - solid surface interior composed of solid and molten rock and metal relatively small radius (R) and mass (M) relatively large average density, (kg/m3) ρ = M/Volume Volume of a sphere = 4πR3/3 density, = 3M/4πR3 relatively large ratio of M to R relatively few moons, no rings - II Jovian planets (gas giants): Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Jupiter-like planets (“Jove”: Latin name of Roman God, Jupiter) found in outer solar system apparent surface NOT solid interior composed mostly of Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) fluid (gas and liquid) “gas giant” planets relatively large radius (R) and mass (M) relatively small average density, ρ = M/V = 3M/4πR3 relatively small ratio of M to R many moons, rings NOTE: Pluto is a special case; neither Terrestrial nor Jovian Moon: a natural object that orbits directly around a planet - large moons: seven moons are larger than Pluto or Mercury: Earth’s Moon, 4 moons of Jupiter, 1 moon of Saturn, and 1 moon of Neptune - small moons: most moons are asteroid sized: 2 moons of Mars, many dozens of the Jovian planets Atmospheres of planets (and large moons!): - planetary atmosphere: layer of gas surrounding a planet (or moon) may contain atoms and molecules (eg. carbon dioxide (CO), methane (CH4)) - Motivating question: why do some bodies have atmospheres while other bodies do not? - eg. Mercury and Saturn’s Moon Titan are approximately the same size, but Mercury does not have an atmosphere while Titan does – why? - - a planet (or moon) can ONLY retain an atmosphere IF its gravity can prevent surrounding particles (atoms and molecules) from escaping - recall from Newton’s Laws of Motion and Law of Gravity: 83 - - if v >> a particle escapes on hyperbolic trajectory (where: a is acceleration toward center of planet due to force of gravity, v is velocity perpendicular to a) vesc = (2GM/R)1/2 where: vesc = escape velocity (velocity needed to escape planet’s gravity) in m/s M = mass of planet (or moon) in kg R = distance from particle to center of planet (> radius of planet) in m G = Newton’s gravitational constant (6.6710-11 N m2 / kg) makes sense: vesc is larger for larger M, and smaller for larger R - let vave = average velocity of particles in planet’s atmosphere if vave < 1/6 × vesc particles trapped by planet’s gravity planet retains atmosphere if vave ≥ vesc particles escape from planet’s gravity planet cannot retain atmosphere - - kinetic theory: atoms and molecules are always in motion average velocity, vave, depends on heat content depends on temperature, T vave = (3kT/m)1/2 where: vave = average velocity of particle (atom or molecule) in m/s T = temperature of gas in K m = mass of particle in kg k = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.3810-23 J / K higher T larger vave particles moves more quickly in a hotter gas larger m smaller vave in a given gas, heavy particles (large molecules) move more slowly than lighter particles (small atoms) 84 - - to determine if a particular planet or moon retains an atmosphere of a particular type of particle: - atmosphere retained if for any particles vave < 1/6 vesc if (3kT/m)1/2 < 1/6 (2GM/R)1/2 where: T = temperature of gas in K m = mass of particle (atom or molecule) in kg k = Boltzmann’s constant M = mass of planet (or moon) in kg R = distance from particle to center of planet in m ≈ radius of planet G = Newton’s gravitational constant to retain an atmosphere: - need large M and/or small R high density (=3M/4R3) - need low T further from Sun - need large m heavier particles (CO2, CH4) more easily retained than light particles (H, He) Significance: where in solar system are bodies with atmospheres found? 1) Planets of outer solar system - large M; far from Sun low T Jovian planets have thick atmospheres, contain light atoms (H, He) as well as heavier molecules 2) Largest moons of outer system - far from Sun low T - small low R moderate larger Jovian moons have moderate atmospheres, eg. Titan 3) Some planets of inner solar system - closer to Sun higher T - small and moderate mass low R and moderate M high some inner planets have moderate atmospheres, contain heavier molecules only, eg. Earth, Venus Interior composition of solid bodies: - solid bodies: inner solar system planets, and all moons - inner solar system: solid or molten rock and metal only - rock and metal are refractory materials high melting temperature, high vaporization temperature (> 1000 K) can remain solid at high T closer to Sun and at low T far from Sun - outer solar system: even mixture of ices and rock and metal - ices are volatile materials low melting temperature, low vaporization temperature (< 200 K) 85 - - cannot remain solid at high T closer to Sun, can ONLY survive at low T far from Sun - ices: many light molecules form ices when they freeze (eg. ices of H2O, CO2 (“dry ice”), CH4 (methane), NH3 (ammonia) …) NOTE: the inner solar system planets Earth and Mars have a small amount of volatile material on surface because atmosphere protects surface from Sun’s radiation Minor bodies (debris): asteroids, meteoroids, comets - orbit the Sun directly (like planets) Asteroids (minor planets) and Meteoroids: - found in inner solar system asteroids: largest (Ceres): D = 900 km larger than many minor moons - most have D < 10 km - most found in asteroid belt region of concentrated asteroid population between 2.5 and 3 AU from Sun between orbits of Mars and Jupiter meteoroids: smaller than asteroids; D < 1 m, as small as pebble size size in ONLY distinction from asteroids composition: solid refractory materials; ie. rock and metal Comets: - found in outer solar system asteroid sized or smaller composition: mixture of volatile and refractory materials mixture of ices and rock and metal most found in outer solar system, beyond orbit of Neptune, in Kuiper belt apparition: a few comets are on highly elliptical orbits that cross into inner solar system high T vaporizes volatile materials produces tail visible on Earth NOTE: composition reflects composition of other solid bodies (moons and terrestrial planets) inner solar system minor bodies (asteroids & meteoroids) composed only of refractory materials 86 outer solar system minor bodies (comets) composed of a mixture of volatile and refractory materials The origin of the solar system – the Solar nebula theory Nebula: large cloud in interstellar space composed of gas and dust - the interstellar medium is observed to contain many such nebulae Solar nebula: - interstellar cloud composed of gas and dust - gas: independently moving atoms and molecules - dust (solid aerosol): microscopic particles of solid material, ie. grains - a dust grain is composed of ~106 atoms mass, M ~106 MSun much larger than mass of present solar system radius, R ~several light-years (LY) much larger than size of present solar system cloud slowly rotating has a rotation axis - chemical composition by number of atoms same as composition of overall Universe: - 92% Hydrogen (H) – the lightest element - 7.8% Helium (He) – the next lightest element - 0.2% Everything else! ie. elements needed for making solids, and organic material (Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Oxygen (O), etc. are VERY RARE! - C, N, and O are more common that other elements heavier than He - collapse: solar nebula collapsed due to force of gravity (ie. collapsed under its own weight) during collapse: R decreases, but M remains constant density, ρ, increases nebula is compressed Formation of Sun: - central region of cloud collapsed into dense sphere formed proto-Sun (object that became the Sun) Kelvin-Helmholtz contraction: as gas collapsed gravitational energy converted to kinetic energy of particles (atoms, molecules, and dust grains) vave of particles increases collapsing central sphere heated up (T increased) 107 years after collpase started: central T in proto-Sun = 106 K ignition of nuclear Hydrogen (H) fusion reactions at center of proto-Sun proto-Sun begins to shine due to generation of nuclear energy 87 - proto-Sun became Sun (a star) total time for Sun to fully form: 108 years Formation of planetary disk: - as cloud collapsed rotation rate increased due to conservation of angular momentum – the same priniple that causes a figure skater to spin more rapidly when they pull their arms and legs in cloud collapsed preferentially parallel to rotation axis due to centrifugal force – the force that causes a revolving object to be flung off at a tangent if the oppositely directed centripetal force suddenly goes to zero cloud collapsed into disk (only central region formed spherical proto-Sun) formed proto-planetary disk (object that became planetary system) - Proto-planetary disk: rotating disk composed of gas and dust centered on proto-Sun planets and moons formed in disk radiation and outflowing gas from proto-Sun pushes lightest atoms (Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He)) out of inner part of disk explains some overall properties of planetary system: planetary orbits and rotational equators lie in same plane planets revolve around Sun and rotate in same direction gas giant planets with huge H & He envelopes found in outer solar system - Planet Building: - takes place in stages - Stage 1: Condensation - condensation: atoms and molecules in a gas collide and stick together to form microscopic grains of solid material a gas-to-solid phase transition microscopic solid grains are first stage building blocks condensation aided by compression of disk due to collapse - condensation sequence: which types of material can condense depends on gas temperature (T) - high T (T > 1200 K): only refractory (rock and metal) materials can condense 88 - - low T (T < 350 K): both volatile (ices) and refractory materials can condense - NOTE: the condensation sequence is a temperature sequence, NOT a time sequence proto-planetary disk temperature (T) gradient: - T decreases with increasing distance from proto-Sun T > 1500 K around orbit of Mercury T < 50 K near orbit of Neptune inner solar system: grains of rock and metal ONLY condense - mineral elements (Na, Mg, Si, S, Al, P, K, Ca, Fe, etc.) are rare in solar nebula relatively small amount of material condenses outer solar system: grains of ices AND rock and metal condense - ice elements (H, C, N, O) are abundant in solar nebula relatively large amount of material condenses - NOTE: if ice grains that formed in outer solar system enter inner solar system vaporized by heat of Sun - Stage 2: Accretion - accretion: smaller objects colliding and sticking together to form larger objects - accretion is a heierarchical process - smaller objects accrete to form larger objects larger objects accrete to form even larger objects … (similar to avalanching particles) accretion produces progressively larger and larger building blocks, starting with microscopic grains and ending with proto-planets - grains pebbles gravel boulders planetesimals proto-planets - planetesimals: asteroid-sized objects (D > 1 km) produced by accretion - building blocks of proto-planets - proto-planets: moon-sized objects (D > 1000km) produced by accretion of planetesimals - cores of planets - - gravity assisted accretion: - initially collisions between small particles due to random encounters - later collisions between planetesimals and proto-planets enhanced by gravitational attraction between colliding bodies 89 Final stage: - the final stage of planet building differs for terrestrial planets and Jovian planets - Terrestrial planets: - heavy bombardment era: era during first 5.0108 yrs of solar system with relatively frequent collisions between planetesimals and proto-planets produced heavy cratering of proto-planets cratering rate declines as remaining planetesimals swept up - differentiation of interiors: - kinetic energy of most violent impacts melt entire proto-planet heavier elements (Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni)) sink to center of planet lighter elements (Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Magnesium (Mg), …) rise to outer layers - planet cools and re-solidifies differentiated structure locked in - Heat of formation: - outer layers of solid planet are a good insulator heat from kinetic energy of impacts trapped in interior of planet central region of terrestrial planets hotter than surface layers, even now - heat of formation gradually flowing out toward surface as interior cools drives geological and volcanic activity - thin atmospheres: - only rare heavier gas atoms (C, O) available in inner solar system - terrestrial planets have small mass (M) small escape velocity (vesc) - terrestrial planets have high surface temperature(Ts) average velocity of particles in atmosphere, vave, large can only retain atmosphere of rare heavier gas atoms (C, O) - Jovian planets: - gas giant planets: - solid proto-planets composed of volatile and refractory materials (ice and rock) - ices made of abundant light atoms lots of ice available Jovian proto-planets more massive than terrestrial proto-planets larger vesc can retain atmosphere of abundant light (H, He) AND rare solid proto-planets bombarded by remaining planetesimals proto-planets sweep up remaining planetesimals 90 - heavier atoms - outer solar system contains abundant light atoms (H and He) lots of gas available - T lower vave of light atoms smaller vave of H and He < 1/6 vesc Jovian proto-planets enshrouded by very thick gas envelopes gas envelope contains most of mass and volume of Jovian planet - moons of Jovian planets: - larger moons are smaller proto-planets left over from planet building - formed near Jovian planet orbit around Jovian planet - smaller moons are left over planetesimals trapped in orbit around Jovian planet - Minor bodies - debris: - asteroids: left over planetesimals that formed in inner solar system composed of refractory materials - comets: left over planetesimals that formed in outer solar system composed of both volatile and refractory materials Earth & Moon - best known objects points of comparison and contrast for other objects Earth as a planet: Surface temperature: - radiation from Sun is primary energy source on Earth’s surface (photons carry energy, E=hν) - albedo (A) of Earth (reflectivity): fraction of incident radiation that is reflected 1-A = fraction of incident radiation absorbed by Earth -0<A<1 - A = 0.39 39% incident radiation reflected; 61% incident radiation absorbed - significance: ONLY the fraction of solar radiation absorbed (1-A) heats the surface determines surface T - the fraction of solar radiation reflected (A) allows Earth to be seen in visible band - rate of heating by solar radiation = energy, E, absorbed per unit time = fTot aE (1-A) in Watts, W 91 - where: fTot = total flux of radiation from Sun at Earth (W/m2) = LTot/4d2, where LTot = total Luminosity (L) of Sun (W) d = Earth’s mean distance from Sun (m) aE = Earth’s cross-section (projected area of Earth) (m2) A = albedo - rate of heating by solar radiation (Watts) = LTot/4d2 RE2 (1-A) - where: LTot = total Luminosity (L) of Sun (W) d = Earth’s mean distance from Sun (m) RE = Earth’s radius (m) A = albedo - Earth is a Blackbody - Earth has a surface Temperature, TSurf > 0 K emits Blackbody radiation - emitted Blackbody radiation differs from reflected sunlight - significance: emission of Blackbody radiation cools Earth determines surface T - rate of cooling by B-body radiation = rate of energy loss = B-body Luminosity (L) of Earth = FE AE in Watts, W - where: FE = Total surface flux of B-Body radiation (w/m2) AE = total surface area of Earth (m2) - rate of cooling by B-body radiation = TSurf4 4RE2 - where: TSurf = surface temperature of Earth (K) RE = radius of Earth (m) = Stefan-Boltzmann constant (see “Blackbody radiation”) Earth surface T (TSurf) is approximately constant in time; ie. Earth neither heating up nor cooling down (rate of cooling by Blackbody radiation) = (rate of heating by solar radiation) TSurf4 4RE2 = LS/4d2 RE2 (1-A) TSurf 4 = (1-A) LS/16d2 TSurf = 246 K = -27o C - Apply Wien’s Law of B-body radiation: - max = 0.0029 m K / TSurf = 0.0029 m K / 246 K 1.210-5 m = 12 m Earth emits B-Body radiation in the IR band (visible band light from Earth is reflected Sun light) - Actual average TSurf = 9o C Actual TSurf > Calculated TSurf - due to Greenhouse effect of Earth’s atmosphere 92 - atmosphere effects Tsurf of a planet! - Atmospheric activity (weather): - B-body radiation from surface heats atmosphere just above surface in lower atmosphere T decreases with increasing height - warm air more buoyant than cool air convection currents: circulation cells made of hot updrafts and cool downdrafts cause of weather - ie. the atmosphere is active due to heating by Sun - Interior: - interior is chemically differentiated - heavier elements (Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni)) concentrated toward center lighter elements (Carbon (C), Silicon (Si)) concentrated toward surface - interior is Temperature (T) and density () stratified - T and increase inwards toward center - chemical differentiation and T stratification both due to heat of formation in final stages of planet formation (see “Planet Building”) - evidence: - surface = 3000 kg/m3, but average = M/V = 5500 kg/m3 core > surface - seismology: seismic waves: vibration from Earthquakes cause sound waves to travel through interior - waves refract as they travel through interior due to T and stratification - seismographs around surface detect vibrations transmitted by waves can determine interior and T structure - - three main zones: core, mantle, crust core: - central point: T = 5000 K, = 13000 kg/m3, - Pressure, P = weight of overlying 1 m2 column of rock and atmosphere = 106 atmospheric P at sea level - Tcore > melting point of Iron (Fe) outer core is molten composed mostly of liquid Fe - Pcore too large to allow Fe to melt inner core is solid Fe 93 - mantle: - composed of rock - mantle hot (high T), under large pressure (P) solid rock behaves like fluid mantle flows slowly crust: - composed of rock - tectonic (crustal) plates: crust divided into separate rigid plates plates float on top of fluid mantle - interior activity: - Earth is geologically active - central region hotter that outer layers heat slowly flowing outward through interior - mantle is fluid outward heat flow drives slow convection currents in mantle circulating currents in mantle drag tectonic plates around; rate = few cm yr-1 causes volcanic and geological activity on surface (plate tectonics) surface is active as a result of trapped heat of formation Earth’s surface is geologically young surface features are much younger than planet itself - due to volcanic renewal of surface Magnetism: - Fe is an electrical conductor outer core composed of electrically conducting fluid molten Fe is circulating around rotation axis due to Earth’s rotation AND is circulating up and down due to convection currents molten core is a natural dynamo generates a magnetic field existence of Earth’s magnetic field is evidence for molten Fe core - magnetosphere: volume of space around Earth that is filled with Earth’s magnetic field - magnetic field: a type force field (like gravity) - graphically depicted with lines of force indicate which direction a compass needle would point show shape of field - magnetic charge: particles that feel magnetic force have a magnetic charge, analogous to electric charge - two polarities of charge: North (N) and South (S); like charges repel, opposite charges attract (like + and – charges in electricity) - only particles that have a magnetic charge (ie. are magnetic), OR that have an electric charge are affected by magnetic force - 94 - - - magnetic pole: point in space where lines of force converge - every magnetic field has at least two poles: one North (N) and one South (S) pole with opposite magnetic charge - magnetic dipole: a magnetic field with only two poles, one N and one S - Earth’s field is a dipole - magnetic axis: imaginary line connecting N and S poles in a magnetic dipole - magnetic axis of Earth’s field is approximately aligned with rotation axis - relationship with electricity: electricity and magnetism are both aspects of one force: electromagnetism a magnetic field exerts a force on electrically charged particles electrically charged particles are not free to travel straight through a magnetic field magnetic interaction with solar wind: - solar wind: particles ejected from Sun - flows outward in all directions from Sun at ~450 km/s - made up of electrically charged particles: electrons and ions - solar wind mostly deflected by magnetosphere magnetosphere protects Earth from high energy particles - magnetosphere deformed by solar wind field compressed on Sunward side, stretched out on opposite side magnetopause: boundary where most solar wind particles deflected - indicates shape of magnetosphere some particles break through outer field and are trapped in inner field Van Allen belts: belts of electrically charged particles from solar wind trapped in magnetosphere - inner belt: contains protons (positively charged particles) - outer belt: contains electrons (negatively charged particles) terrestrial effects: - occassional clump of particles in solar wind (from solar flare) breaks through magnetic field, enters Earth’s atmosphere - particles deflected toward poles by field enter atmosphere over poles - charged particles entering atmosphere excite gas atoms atmosphere glows Aurora Borealis (“northern lights”) and Aurora Australius (“southern lights”) Atmosphere: 95 - composition of modern atmosphere very different from composition of solar nebula atmosphere changed over time - primordial atmosphere: - two most common gases in solar nebula, H and He, escaped into space from Earth’s vicinity H & He mass small average velocity > escape velocity - outgassing: gas baked out of hot rock - young Earth was hotter than modern Earth heavier molecules outgassed from rock retained in atmosphere - composition: H2O (water) (in gas form), CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2 (molecular Nitrogen) - T > 100oC at sea level H2O in gas phase (“steam”) - note: there was NO O2 (molecular Oxygen) - O2 very reactive bonds with other atoms to make oxide compounds does NOT remain free - eg. Iron Oxide (“rust”): O2 + 2Fe 2FeO - Greenhouse effect: - blocking by the atmosphere of IR band blackbody radiation emitted by the Earth decreases Earth’s ability to cool by radiating energy increases surface T - - greenhouse gasses: gases of which the atoms or molecules absorb IR radiation and thus contribute to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere the larger the concentration of greenhouse gases in atmosphere the larger the greenhouse effect the higher the surface T - H2O and CO2 are both Greenhouse gases primordial Earth had large Greenhouse effect higher surface T - Evolution of atmosphere: -1) Earth emitting blackbody radiation surface temperature, Ts, gradually decreasing eventually T < 100oC at sea level H2O condenses rains out of atmosphere and forms oceans decreases H2O concentration in atmosphere decreases Greenhouse effect surface T decreases more - 2) CO2 easily dissolved in liquid water (eg. carbonated beverages) 96 - - most CO2 enters oceans eventually precipitates out as limestone sediment ie. oceans remove most CO2 from atmosphere and turn it into rock decreases CO2 concentration in atmosphere decreases Greenhouse effect surface T decreases more - 3) at age = 0.5 Gyrs: first plant life appears: blue-green algae - plant photosynthesis converts CO2 to O2 (CO2 O2) produced first free oxygen (O2 molecules) in atmosphere - recall, O2 very reactive must be continually replenished by photosynthesis ie. emergence of life a factor in evolution of atmosphere - at low gas pressure in upper atmosphere oxygen forms ozone: O3 - ozone absorbs UV band radiation from Sun protects fragile molecules (like H2O on surface from high energy photons) - Planck’s Law: EPhoton=hν UV photons have greater E than visible band photons UV photons, γUV, can destroy water by photolysis: γUV + H2O 2H + O Modern atmosphere: - concentration of CO2 and O2 remain approximately stable due to balance of processes - CO2: created by vaporization and combustion of carbon (C) bearing compounds; destroyed by plant photosynthesis concentration = 0.035% enough for significant greenhouse effect - O2: created by plant photosynthesis; destroyed by animal respiration and oxidation equilibrium concentration = 21% Moon: - well studied: - many manned and robotic missions - return missions brought back moon rocks from different regions - all the differences between the Moon and Earth are ultimately due to their difference in size - Radius of Moon, RM, is 3500 km ~ 1/4 R of Earth, RE - spherical volume, V = 4πR3/3 - 97 - VM/ VE = (RM/ RE)3 ~ (1/4)3 ~ 1/64 if average density, ρM ~ ρE mass of Moon, MM, is ~1/64 ME of Earth - surface gravity, g: - Newton’s Law of Gravity: Force of Moon’s gravity on an object at Moon’s surface, F = GMm/R2 = mg g = GM/R2 - where: M = Mass of Moon (kg) m = mass of object (kg) R = distance between center of Moon and center of object = radius of Moon (m) G = Newton’s gravitational constant (6.607×10-11 Nm2 / kg2) g is gravitational force per unit mass of object units: N/kg - Note: g does not depend on mass of object, m, only on mass of Moon g is a useful way of expressing strength of gravity at surface of a body - surface gravity of Moon, gM - gM = GMM/RM2 - more useful: compare to Earth: gM/gE = GMM RE2/GMERM2 = MMRE2/MERM2 = ≈ (1/64)(42) ≈ 1/4 - ρM < ρE actual value gM/gE = 1/6 - - Newton II: F = ma - but: F = mg g ≡ a g is also an acceleration units are also m s-2 ie. N/kg = m/s2 g = acceleration of gravity at Moon’s surface = “surface gravity” - - small mass small gravitational force gas particles have vave > 1/6 vesc no atmosphere - atmospheric pressure at surface, P: - useful way of expressing how much atmosphere a body has - P ≡ weight at surface of a column of atmosphere of cross-sectional area = 1 m2 - (recall: weight ≡ gravitational force) - units: force/area Metric unit are N/m2 relative to Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level units are Atmospheres - eg. P of Earth’s atmosphere at sea level = 1 Atmosphere - Moon: no atmosphere: P ~ 0 atmospheres 98 - - surface water: no atmosphere low gas pressure, P, on surface low boiling T of water no liquid water on surface Moon is arid H2O only in liquid phase over limited T range, Tliquid: Tfreeze < T < Tvapor Tliquid = Tvapor - Tfreeze - if T < Tfreeze solid phase (ice) - if T > Tvapor gas phase (steam) - values of Tfreeze and Tvapor depend on gas pressure, P lower P lower Tvapor smaller Tliquid - eg. in Denver Co., altitude = 5000 ft P < 1 atmosphere at sea level Tvapor < 100oC if P low enough Tvapor = Tfreeze Tliquid = 0 K water cannot exist in liquid phase eg. inside a freezer at sea level: water only in form of ice or vapor Moon: P ~ 0 Atmospheres Tliquid = 0 K liquid H2O cannot exist on surface - Surface features: - maria: large circular dark areas – cover 15% (“maria” Latin for sea misnomer: there is no liquid water on Moon) - volcanic rock; age ~ 3.5 Gyrs younger than solar system terrae (highlands): light areas outside of maria – cover 85% - low density mineral rocks; age ~ 4.5 Gyrs same as age of solar system impact craters: millions; diameters of ~100 km and less regolith: uppermost layer of surface powdered rock due to constant sandblasting by sand-grain and pebble sized meteoroids no atmosphere to protect surface from small meteoroids as on Earth - Impact craters: - velocity of minor body with respect to Moon ~ 10’s of km/s = few ×104 m/s have large kinetic energy, KE; KE = 1/2mv2 - where: m = mass of body (kg) v = velocity of body relative to Moon (m s-1) due to impacts with minor bodies always circular do not depend on angle of impact 99 - effect of v2 factor: v large KE huge upon impact: KE goes into pulverizing, atomizing, and melting area of surface, and ejecting debris rule of thumb for crater size: crater diameter ~ 10 minor body diameter - maria: huge impact craters basins excavated by impact of last planetesimals near end of heavy bombardment era - impacts melted subsurface layers and cracked surface lava welled up through cracks and flooded basin, covered previous craters maria are areas that were “re-paved” near end of heavy bombardment era - distribution of craters: predominantly in terrae, few in maria age of craters: most are older than 3.5 Gyrs most craters formed during heavy bombardment era during last stage of planet building ie. during first 5108 years of solar system maria mostly uncratered must have formed after heavy bombardment era maria are geologically younger surfaces than terrae Interior: - Interior is differentiated due to heat of formation has dense Fe rich core, a mantle, and a lower density crust - Moon’s Fe core is disproportionately small - Earth: mass of Fe core = 0.33 total Mass - Moon: mass of Fe core = 0.03 total Mass Moon missing much of its Fe? clue to Moon’s formation - Moon is small (VMoon/VEarth=1/64) all heat of formation has escaped interior is mostly solid (little or magma) no magnetic field no mantle convection no plate tectonics no volcanism Moon is geologically dead surface is geologically old - consequence: still has craters that formed ~4 Gigayears ago - Moon quakes: - take place in deep interior, not on surface differ from Earth quakes Moon is geologically dead 100 - - due to changing tidal force throughout orbit Kepler I: Moon’s orbit is elliptical with Earth at one focus perigee: point in orbit nearest Earth apogee: point in orbit furthest from Earth Moon squeezed more at perigee than at apogee changing stress on rock causes quakes cause of tidal synchronization of Moon’s rotation period to its orbital period (Prot=Porb) Origin of Moon: - Moon is odd indicates an unusual origin: clues to origin: - Earth is ONLY terrestrial planet with a major Moon - Moon’s orbital velocity is large for a body of its Mass Earth-Moon system has a an unusually large amount of angular momentum - Moon’s interior is unusually poor in Fe - Collision-Ejection Theory of Moon’s formation - proto-Earth struck in a glancing collision with a slightly smaller proto-planet - proto-Earth’s interior already differentiated before collision Earth’s entire mantle and entire smaller proto-planet pulverized - glancing collision (not head-on) produced disk of rapidly spinning debris - gravity causes debris to re-coalesce: - heavy Fe-rich gragments gall back onto Earth Earth gets Fe-rich mantle remaining debris Fe-poor - remaining debris in disk coalesces into rapidly revolving, Fe-poor Moon