Títulos disponíveis na biblioteca CD

Títulos disponíveis na biblioteca CD-João Pessoa
Folland, Gerald
Edwin Hewitt and Karl Stromberg
James M. Ortega and William G. Poole, Jr.
Fritz John
Manfredo P. do Carmo
John L. Kelly and T. P. Srinivasan
Frigyes Riesz and Bela Sz.-Nagy
Martin Schechter
B. Baumslag and B. Chandler
George F. Simmons
Michael Spivak
Adams Robert and John J. F. Fournier
Jean Mawhin and Michel Willem
John B. Conway
George Bachman and Lawrence Narici
Elliotth H. Lieb and Michael Loss
Martin Schechter
Gelbaum e Olmsted
John B. Conway
Frank Ayres, Jr.
William M. Boothby
Ghoussoub, Nassif
I.M.Gelfand and S.V. Fomin
R.W.R. Darling
A. Pazy
David Gilbarg and Neil S. Trudinger
G.Evans, J. Blackledge and P. Yardley
Helgason, Sigurdur
Liu, Zhuangyi; Zheng, Songmu
James C. Robinson
David Massey
Bangerth, W.; Rannacher
Robert D. Carmichael
Melvyn S. Berger
Ledermann, Walter
Introduction to Partital Differential Equations
Real and Abstract Analysis
An Introduction to Numerical Methods for Differential
Partial Differential Equations
Diffential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Measure and Integral
Functional Analysis
Principles of Functional Analysis
Schaum's Outline of Group Theory
Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis
Calculus on Manifolds
Sobolev Space 2nd Edition
Critical Point Theory and Hamiltonian Systems
A Course in Functional Analysis 2nd Edition
Funcional Analysis
Analysis 2nd Edition
Linking Methods in Critical Point Theory
Counterexamples in Analysis
A Course in Operator Theory
Modern Abstract Algebra
Introduction on Differential Manifolds Riemmanian
Duality and Pertubation Methods in Critical Point Theory
Calculus of Variations
Differential Forms and Connections
Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to
Partial Differential Equations
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order
Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Analysis on Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
Semigroups Associated with Dissipative Systems
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems : An
Introduction to Dissipative Parabolic PDEs and the
Theory of Global Attractors - Paperback
Le Cycles and Hypersurface Singularities
Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Differential
The Theory of Numbers and Diophantine Analysis: Both
Books Bound as One
Nonlinearity and Functional Analysis: Lectures on
Nonlinear Problems in Mathematical Analysis
Introduction of the theory of finite groups (13)
Yu. A. Shashkin
Lester R. Ford
Musielak, J.
Kolmogorov, A.N. and Fomin, S.V.
Shakarchi, Rami
Milnor, John W.
Friedman, Avner
Walter, Wolfgang
Dressler; Stromberg
Chinn, W.G. And N.E. Steenrod
Rudin, Walter
Samuel I. Goldberg
R. E. Edwards
John G. Hocking
Robert G. Bartle
Erwin Kreyszig
Lokenath Debnath
Frank Wilson Warner
S. Rosenberg
Malcolm Adams
Frigyes Riesz
Youssef Jabri
Michael Renardy
Marek Capinski
Tom M. Apostol
William S. Massey
Takashi Sakai
George Bachman
Olivier Druet
Vladimir I. Arnold
N. I. Akhiezer
Landau, Edmund
Fixed Points
Automorphic Functions
Orlicz Spaces and Modular Spaces (Lecture Notes in
Mathematics, Vol. 1034)
Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional
Analysis, Volume 1: Metric and Normed Spaces
Problems and Solutions for Undergraduate Analysis.
Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint.
Foundations of Modern Analysis
Ordinary differential equations (Graduate texts in
mathematics 182)
First Concepts of Topology: The Geometry of Mappings
of Segments, Curves, Circles, and Disks
Functional Analysis
Curvature and Homology
Functional Analysis: Theory and Applications (Dover
Books on Mathematics)
Solutions Manual to a Modern Theory of Integration
Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces With Applications
Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
The Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold (London
Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Measure Theory And Probability
Functional Analysis
The Mountain Pass Theorem: Variants, Generalizations
And Some Applications (Encyclopedia Of Mathematics
And Its Applications)
An Introduction To Partial Differential Equations (Texts
In Applied Mathematics, Vol 13)
Measure, Integral And Probability (Springer
Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Mathematical Analysis (2nd Edition)
Algebraic Topology: An Introduction (Graduate Texts In
Mathematics, Vol 56)
Riemannian Geometry (Translations Of Mathematical
Monographs, Vol 149)
Functional Analysis
Blow-Up Theory For Elliptic Pdes In Riemannian
Geometry (Mn-45) (Mathematical Notes)
Lectures On Partial Differential Equations (Universitext)
Theory Of Linear Operators In Hilbert Space/Two
Volumes Bound As One
Teoria Elementar dos Números
Teoria Ingênua dos Conjuntos
Calculo em Variedades
Moura, Carlos
Lang, S
Milies, Cesar
Kuhlkamp, Nilo
Análise Funcional Para Aplicações Posologia
Que é Matemática? Uma Abordagem Elementar de
Álgebra Linear
Números - Uma Introdução a Matemática
Introdução a Topologia Geral
Teoria dos Números
Arte de Resolver Problemas
Introdução a Análise de Matemática
Analise Matemática Para Licenciatura