Calendar of Events - Cobb County School District

If this application is for a Special Education position, please forward the
completed application and principal’s recommendation to Dave Downing.
All other applications and recommendations should be placed in the county
mail to Oakwood High School.
Cobb County School District
High School Summer School Program 2011
Sites: Osborne High School – South Site
Walton High School – North Site
Oakwood High School
Calendar of Events
Faculty & Staff Application process begins
Monday, February 14, 2011 (Administrators,
Counselors, Clerks, and Media Specialists)
Monday, March 14, 2011 (Teachers & Parapros)
Student registration at home school
Monday, April 18 – Friday, May 13, 2011
Late registration at home school
Monday, June 6, 2011 – 8:00 - 12:00 noon
Counselor, Media Specialist and Clerical (summer
school site) report date
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Custodian work schedule
Friday, June 10; Monday, June 13 – Monday, July
11, 2011
Pre-planning: Phase I & II teachers
Friday, June 10, 2011 (8:00 a.m. – 11:45 p.m.)
At summer school sites (room location TBA)
Student attendance days:
Monday, June 13 – Friday, July 8, 2011
(Student/Staff Holiday-Monday, July 4)
All EOCT Tests
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Final Exams
Thursday, July 7, 2011(graduates only)
Friday, July 8, 2011 (non-graduates)
Summer Graduation
Site: TBA
Friday, July 8, 2011
Post Planning
Friday, July 8, 2011 (11:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.)
February 2011
Application Process
Download from EM web.
Fill out “High School Summer School Application.” Give the Application and “Principal
Recommendation” form to your principal for completion.
The principal is responsible for mailing the Application and Recommendation form to Oakwood High
School (Please do not fax).
E-mail Paula Smith or Mike Anderson ( or )
with questions.
Anticipated Vacancies
English, Science, Social Studies, Math, Health, Personal Fitness, Counselor, Media Specialist,
Administrators, Clerical, Paraprofessional. Other positions may become available.
Work Schedule
Employee Hours – 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM*
*Certain positions may be required to work less than full days
Employee days worked: Certified teachers work 19 ½ days, Parapros work 18 ½ days, Counselors
work up to 23 days, Media Specialist work up to 23 days, clerical staff work up to 23 days, and
custodians work up to 20 days.
State & federal taxes, teacher retirement and social security will be deducted.
Certified employees:
Determine daily rate of pay for 2010-11 school year (See salary schedule)
Determine daily rate of pay for 2010-11 school year (See salary schedule)
Divide your daily rate by 7.5 to determine your hourly rate
Multiply your hourly rate times the number of hours worked.
Classified employees:
Divide your daily rate by 7 to determine your hourly rate
Multiply your hourly rate times the number of hours worked
Leave & Experience Credit
The State of Georgia will not grant credit for Summer School teaching experience for those who are
attempting to complete 120 days of teaching experience.
Summer School pay is added to the previous year’s salary in calculating yearly salary of Teacher
Retirement System. (For questions, please contact Teacher Retirement System at 404-352-6500).
Leave days accumulated during the regular school year cannot be used to cover absences from
Summer School employment. The Summer School employee will have a full day’s pay deducted for
each absence.
Summer School employees will not earn additional leave days for Summer School employment.
The demands of the Summer School program will not allow absences requested for vacation.
High School Summer School 2011
Student Enrollment & Hiring Timeline
Questions & Answers
1. How is the number of Summer School teaching staff at each site determined?
Teaching staff is based on actual student enrollment at each site.
2. When is student enrollment final?
Late Registration – June 6, 2011
3. Why is the date so late?
Students who want to attend Summer School to take courses they could not take during the regular
school year or who want to take courses to get ahead, typically register during the April 18-May 13
registration time. However, students who need to repeat courses in Summer School typically do not
register until late registration which cannot be scheduled until families receive final report cards.
4. How does this impact hiring teachers?
Teachers are hired in phases. Phase I teachers are hired according to preliminary registration
numbers. Phase II teachers are hired according to final registration numbers. However, neither Phase
I nor Phase II teachers are guaranteed employment until the end of the second day of classes.
5. How will I know if I have been accepted in either Phase I or II?
You will receive notice from a Summer School Administrator as soon as numbers are set.
6. What if I am offered employment in Phase II, attend pre-planning and the first day of classes, and
my class(s) are cancelled because of low enrollment?
You will be paid for the time you worked.
7. How are Summer School employees selected?
Applicants are employed based on an evaluation of the Summer School Application Form, curriculum
needs, actual student enrollment, and Principal’s Recommendation.
8. Will I be called for an interview?
Face to face interviews of all applicants are not feasible because of time constraints. But occasionally,
as need arises, applicants may be interviewed face-to-face or by phone.
9. If I have had experience in Cobb County School District Summer School, does my chance of
employment increase?
Certainly, Summer School experience in Cobb County or anywhere is a plus, but site coordinators look
at a variety of factors in considering applicants. These factors include:
1) Course Experience
2) Block and/or traditional schedule experience
3) Principal Recommendation Form
4) Current District employee
5) Summer School experience
6) Interview (if applicable)
Cobb County School District
High School Summer School
Application Form
Site Preference
Osborne High School
 Walton High School
 No Preference
____Media Specialist
____Special Education
Personal Information
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Home Phone
Home Address
Zip Code
Employee #
Emergency Contact_________________________________________
Present Work Site
Present Position, i.e. English Teacher, Media Specialist, Clerk II
Phone #
Years at this site
Total years in similar position
Desired teaching position, i.e. Health, Tenth Lit., (Teachers only)
Other relevant experiences: ___________________________________________________________
Please check all that apply:
 Previous experience in Cobb County School District Summer School - # of years _____
 Previous Summer School experience outside Cobb County School District - # of years _____
 No previous Summer School experience
Teacher Applicants only:
List courses taught this year 2010-2011:
Indicate (B) Block or (T) Traditional
(Include NovaNet Labs)
List other courses you have taught and
would accept as Summer School course
assignments (Include NovaNet Labs):
________________________________________________ __________________________
Type, Level, Area i.e. T-4 English, S-5 Counseling
Expiration Date
If I am not hired prior to June 6, 2011, please remove my name from the applicant list.
If I am not hired prior to June 6, 2011, I will be available if late registration causes the need for more
*Principal is responsible for mailing this application with “Principal’s Recommendation” attached to the
appropriate office: Dave Downing, Special Education; or Oakwood High School. (Please do not fax)
Applicant Name (Please print) ______________________________________________
Principal’s Recommendation for Certified Positions
for Summer School Employment
Teacher Name______________________________________ SSN________________________
Present work site_______________________________ Present Position____________________
Beyond the teaching skills needed for success during the regular school year, teaching Summer School
calls for intense skills in strategic areas. Based on your knowledge and observation of this teacher, please
rate the teacher’s skill level.
1 =Unsatisfactory
2 = Basic
3 = Proficient
4 = Distinguished
n/a = Not Applicable
Ability to compact content to meet time frame of Summer School
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to organize and present content in manageable segments
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to adequately assess student performance in segments
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to adapt content appropriate to the students’ abilities
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to organize and present content appropriate to diverse learning styles
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to assess student performance appropriate to diverse student ability
and learning styles
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to engage students of various abilities and motivational levels
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to use various stimulating techniques to present content
1 2 3 4 n/a
Ability to transition students appropriately from one activity to another
without loss of time and/or focus
1 2 3 4 n/a
10. Ability to encourage students, lower concern levels, and use language free
of sarcasm and ridicule
1 2 3 4 n/a
11. Ability to use instructional time wisely
1 2 3 4 n/a
12. Ability to get students on task quickly and keep them on task
1 2 3 4 n/a
13. Ability to create an environment of respect and rapport
1 2 3 4 n/a
14. Ability to be responsive and flexible in dealing with student needs
1 2 3 4 n/a
15. Ability to use good judgment and common sense in dealing with
student needs
1 2 3 4 n/a
16. Ability to inspire students to produce work of high quality and to take
pride in this work
1 2 3 4 n/a
17. Ability to establish an appropriate standard of conduct and communicate
expectations to students
1 2 3 4 n/a
18. Ability to monitor student behavior at all times
1 2 3 4 n/a
19. Ability to respond to student misbehavior respectively,
immediately, and appropriately
1 2 3 4 n/a
20. Ability to keep accurate records
1 2 3 4 n/a
21. Ability to be prompt and have limited attendance issues
1 2 3 4 n/a
22. Ability to take initiative and be a self-starter. Requires little supervision.
1 2 3 4 n/a
23. Ability to promote a collegial relationship among staff members
1 2 3 4 n/a
24. Ability to project a positive attitude and a pleasant demeanor
1 2 3 4 n/a
25. Ability to follow Summer School procedures and meet deadlines
1 2 3 4 n/a
Based on your knowledge and observation of this teacher, please rate the teacher’s current performance.
_____In top 10% of faculty
_____Above Average
Do you recommend this teacher?
_____Below Average
Comment if applicable: ______________________________________________________________
Principal signature
Principal: Please attach this recommendation form to the employee’s application form and mail to the appropriate
office: Dave Downing, Special Education; or Oakwood High School. (Please do not fax)
Teacher Name __________________________________________
Principal’s Recommendation for Classified Positions
Summer School Employment
Employee Name___________________________________ SSN_____________________
Present Work Site__________________________ Present Position____________________
Based on your knowledge and observation of this employee, please evaluate him/her.
1 = Unsatisfactory
2 = Basic
3 = Proficient
4 = Distinguished
1. Knows assigned tasks
2. Manages work assignments
3. Utilizes effective communication
4. Utilizes time wisely on the job
5. Demonstrates organizational skills
6. Shows cooperative work skills
7. Develops respect and positive relationships with students and
8. Demonstrates loyalty to school administration or organization
9. Maintains flexible/positive attitude
10. Demonstrates punctuality and good attendance
11. Displays motivation to accomplish assigned tasks
Do you recommend this employee for summer school hire?
Comment if applicable:
Principal’s Signature
Principal: Please attach this recommendation form to the employee’s application form and mail to the appropriate
office: Dave Downing, Special Education; or Oakwood High School. (Please do not fax)