file - San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition

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San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition
General Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Kim Elkins, Eyla Boies, Nancy Wight, Joanne Drinkwater, Kimberly Murphy, Kim Kellins, Lindsay Jones, Amy Watson, Tim Johnson, Bertha
Goins, Katie Ferrebee, Bonnie Fisk, Alyssa McPherson, Peggy Anderson, Kika Sandoval, Jessica Markie, Tara Hanson-Timpson, Manuela
Grcony, Grace Thorndal, Michelle Sharit, Barbara Greer, Dana Stampfu, Heidi Burke-Pevney
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 PM and chaired by Kim Elkins, President.
Review of Meeting Minutes Minutes of March 10, 2011 reviewed
 Approved as written
Welcome and Introductions
 Attendee introductions
 Results of Board Election
Dr. Yvonne Vaucher ( Vice President)
Dr. Nancy Wight (Secretary/Treasurer)
Dr. Elly Hann
Corey Anaka
Dr. James Murphy
Tara Hanson-Timpson
Tim Johnson
Courtney White
 Financial Report—April
o BREEAST Grant - $10K left of grant; rest spent on
o We have applied for another grant for additional
BREEAST equipment
o $18K approx left in General SDCBC account
Recent Events
Recent Events
Upcoming Events
 US Breastfeeding Committee teleconference
o “Understanding The Joint Commission’s Perinatal
Care Core Measure Set—A Toolkit for Hospitals”
o Handouts/audio available:
o Next teleconference: June 14th 11 AM
 California Breastfeeding Coalition
o Email newsletter sign-up:
o Bi-monthly teleconference for local coalitions
 Healthy Works has a new website
o Two-year grant to help low-wage worksites &
schools in San Diego implement lactation
accommodation policies
o More info: Anne Kashiwa
 SB 502 passed Appropriations
o Hospital Infant Feeding Protection Act
 ILCA Conference—San Diego, July 13-17, 2011
o SDCBC booth #85
Read the handouts on-line
View the archives of teleconferences on US
Breastfeeding Committee website
View “Lactation Accommodation in Higher Education”
and read the UC Report at
Contact Anne Kashiwa for more information
To volunteer at ILCA, contact Michelle Sharit at or
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Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
o Need volunteers to help during exhibit hours (at
least 2 people per time slot)
Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Awards
o Applications being accepted—Due July 1, 2011
o More information: Dr. Eyla Boies
World Breastfeeding Week—August 1-7, 2011
o Hospital Competition
o Theme-“Talk to me! Breastfeeding, a 3D
o Contact Dr. Eyla Boies
Mini-Seminar—Saturday, August 6th, 2011
o Guest Speaker – Kittie Franz, RN, CPNP-PC
o “Facilitating Early Breastfeeding”
o “Hospital Communication for Breastfeeding
Liquid Gold Gala—October 1st, 2011 6-10 PM
o Southwestern Yacht Club (Point Loma)
o Silent Auction, networking and fun!
o Present Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace awards
Applications must be in by July 1; winner chosen by
August 1; awards presented at Gala
Eyla will need helpers to visit work sites
We will need to coordinate media coverage
Talk to the head of your lactation department about
getting involved in Hospital Competition
We are still determining a speaker for the Grand
Rounds on August 5th
SDCBC Project Updates
SDCBC Project Updates
SDCBC Project Updates
 BREEAST Pump Grant
o Pumps have arrived and are being distributed
 UCSD Extension Scholarships
o CLEC Course recipient chosen from 5 applications:
Noemi Romo
o Applications for Lactation Consultant course:
contact Dr. Eyla Boies
 Website subcommittee
o Have chosen a website developer to provide event
management, content management, other services
o New website should be up and running in a few
weeks; very user-friendly
 Outreach subcommittee
o Putting together bags of SDCBC items to share
with health care providers, such as Public Health
Nurses, community clinics, OBs, LLL, etc.
 Membership subcommittee
o Recommended two levels of membership:
1. Organization:
We need people to buy seats for the Gala; $100 per
We need to get donated auction items (lactation
consultant hours, lawyer hours--examples of ideas)
Contact Christa Asaro for donations
We still need an emcee; if anyone has ideas or
connections, please contact Nancy
Pumps and Flipcharts being distributed to County
agencies and hospitals
Heidi will take pictures (with consent) of recipients
We are currently working on Lactation Consultant
scholarship application
Outreach bags will be delivered between June and July
See JoJo or Michelle if you can participate in Outreach
Nancy has created temporary membership applications
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Upcoming SDCBC
CME Presentation: 7-8 PM
 Listing in Breastfeeding Resource Guide
 1 representative will receive individual benefits
2. Individual:
 Free CEUs at General Meetings
 Discount on mini-seminar
 Voting rights
 Board Meeting—June 2nd, 2011 4:30 – 6 PM
o AAP Chapter 3 Office
o 3160 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 115, San
Diego, CA 92108
 General Meeting—September 8th, 2011 6 – 8 PM
o “Childhood Obesity and Breastfeeding”
o Joanne Drinkwater, RD, IBCLC
Eyla Boies MD, FABM, FAAP
“Cow’s Milk and the Breastfeeding Baby”
Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Heidi Burke-Pevney, SDCBC Project Coordinator