Week 19 January 11-15

Monday January 11, 2016
Word Wall Words
Kindergarten: like
1st Grade: park, will
Morning Work: Word Work
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
Kindergarten: Counters
wkpg 79-80, Reteaching 4-7, Practice 4-7
1st Grade: Counters(12 per pair), number cubes (2 per pair; 1 with #’s 1-6, one with
# 7-12), cups (1 per pair)
wkpgs. 149-152, Reteaching 4-9, Practice 4-9
2nd Grade: Count collections of coins that include half-dollars, quarters, dimes,
nickels, and pennies
wkpg 423-426, Reteaching 13-2, Practice 13-2
 Sound & Light Assessment
 “When I saw a Falcon Eating a Pigeon.” (Show George’s story on the ELMO).
 Class Story (use to add flaps)
Imagine It:
Pocket Chart Picture Cards: 24-Black, 25-blue, 34-brown, 68-green, 119orange, 130-pink, 136-purple, 140-red, 195-white, 199-yellow
Pickled Peppers story pg 29-39
1st Grade:
 Decodable 7: Matt and Sam
 Chart Paper
 Markers
8:10 get kids off bus & from car line
8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/attendance/lunch count
MORNING WORK: Word Wall Words:
Kindergarten: like worksheet
1st Grade: park worksheet
will worksheet
8:30-9:00 Calendar
9:00-10:30 Math
Kindergarten: Topic 4-7 2 Fewer (continue 4-7 wkpg)
Materials: Counters
Work/Homework: wkpg 79-80, Reteaching 4-7, Practice 4-7
1st Grade: Topic 4-9: Thinking Addition to 12 to Subtract
Focus: Write related addition and subtraction facts to 12
Materials: Counters(12 per pair), number cubes (2 per pair; 1 with #’s 16, one with # 7-12), cups (1 per pair)
Workpages: wkpgs. 149-152, Reteaching 4-9, Practice 4-9
2nd Grade: Topic: 13-2 Counting Collections of Coins
Focus: Count collections of coins that include half-dollars, quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies
Workpages: wkpg 423-426, Reteaching 13-2, Practice 13-2
10:30-10:35 Walk to music
10:35-11:05 MUSIC
11:05 Pick up students @ music & go to lunch
11:10-11:45 LUNCH
11:45-12:05 RECESS
(Amy Lunch- 12:05-12:35)
12:05-12:20 Science
12:20-1:00 Writing Session 14 (Bend III)
Focus: Writers use flaps to make better stories
 “Yesterday while I watched you revise, I realized that someone should invent
writers’ tool belt (just like a carpenter has), because writers need a lot of tool
 You already learned about tools like magic pencils and vowel charts and I see
you using these
 Today I want to add some revision tools to your belts.”
Teaching Point: “Today I want to teach you that paper flaps are a kind of revision
tool that can make your stories better. Writers think carefully about where to put
those flaps and use them in many different places in a story to help tell a better
 I want to tell you about a writer named George
 Let me show you what George did, because you will want to do a similar
 First he reread his story, “When I saw a Falcon Eating a Pigeon.” (Show
George’s story on the ELMO).
 He read the 1st page: “Once me and my dad took a walk to the park.”
 Then he read the 2nd page: “And then we sat on the soccer field.”
 Here he took his revision pen and added on to the end of the page
(use a revision pen and do this)
 George added the words “to relax”
 He wanted to add more where there wasn’t space…
o He created a flap for the added writing
 He then read the 3rd page: “Then he saw a falcon soaring in the air.”
o He got an idea for what he could add but didn’t have space
o Let me show you what George did
 He got a new sheet of paper, a pencil, and scissors.
 He cut a strip of paper (show class how)
 Show them how to do this to a story
o He wrote on the flap “Look it’s beautiful. “My dad said, “I agree.”
Active Engagement:
 Work together with the class and see what you can add to 1 of the class
o Use a flap to add if there is no room
“Today you’ll use your whole tool belt to make your writing better.”
 You have a word wall
 You have your pencil
 You have a pen for revisions
 You will start by making 1 story in your folder better and when your done
with that one do another.
 Off you go!
1:00-1:25 Imagine It
Kindergarten: Unit 2 Day 1 Lesson 1 (card 16)
 Penmanship
o Drawing curve lines (rounded line)
o TM pg 95
Pickled Peppers
o Find “Who Said Red” in the table of contents
o Turn to story pg 29-39
 Have students point to the Author
 Have students point to the illustrator
 What do each of them do?
o Read the Poem
o Use COLOR picture cards –have students tell the colors of each
 Pocket Chart Picture Cards:
 24-Black
 25-blue
 34-brown
 68-green
 119-orange
 130-pink
 136-purple
 140-red
 195-white
 199-yellow
1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 4 Lesson 4 (card 20)
 Fluency/ Reading a Decodable
Decodable 7: Matt and Sam
 High Frequency word: and
 Read
 Responding (TM 96-97)
 Building Fluency (TM 97)
1:25-2:25 SRA/Snack
Group Red 1: Kindergarten RM Lesson 39 (finish wkbk) & Start lesson 40
Group Red 2: 1st Grade Lesson 144
Group Purple: 2nd Grade Lesson 48
2:25-2:45 Language
Sorting Common Objects
K.L.2B: Sort Common Objects into categories (ex. Shapes, foods) to gain a sense of
the concepts the categories represent
1.L.2B: Sort words into categories (ex: colors, clothing) to gain a sense of concepts
the categories represent
Discuss what categories are
Brainstorm (whole group) different kinds of categories
o Colors
o Shapes
o Food
o Clothing
o Size
o Softness
o Etc…
Make a list of items that fit in each category
2:45-2:55 Planners/Dismissal
Tuesday January 12, 2016
Morning Work: Word wall Words
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
Kindergarten: Number Cards 0-10 (per child), glue, scissors
wkpg 81-82, Reteaching 4-8, Practice 4-8
1st Grade: Draw pictures to solve addition story problems
wkpg. 153-155, Reteaching 4-10, Practice 4-10
2nd Grade: Coins: 1 half-dollar, 4 quarters, 5 dimes, 5 nickels (per pair)
Workpages: pgs.427-430, Reteaching 13-3, Practice 13-3
Imagine It:
 Morning Message
 Yarn & tape
 Index card with each students name
 Materials: crayon (1 per student)
Sheet of blank paper (1 per student)
Clip board
1st grade:
 Morning Message
 Before and After Game
Materials: All alphabet letters
Social Studies
 What is a Map?” Pg
 Brainpopjr. Video on “Reading Maps”
A book (with a good beginning)
Text: The Lion and the Mouse
 Balls
 Journals (spiral notebooks)
 Chart Paper
 Markers
8:10 get kids off bus & from car line
8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/*Attendance/lunch count
MORNING WORK: Word Wall Words:
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
8:30-9:00 Calendar
9:00-10:30 Math
Kindergarten-Topic 4-8: Ordering Numbers Through 10
Focus: order numbers from 0 through 10 in sequence
Materials: Number Cards 0-10 (per child), glue, scissors
Workpages: wkpg 81-82, Reteaching 4-8, Practice 4-8
1st Grade- Topic 4-10: Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number
Focus: Draw pictures to solve addition story problems
Workpages: wkpg. 153-155, Reteaching 4-10, Practice 4-10
2nd Grade-Topic: 13-3 Ways to Show the Same Amount
Focus: Show the same amount of money using different sets of coins
Materials: Coins: 1 half-dollar, 4 quarters, 5 dimes, 5 nickels (per pair)
Workpages: pgs.427-430, Reteaching 13-3, Practice 13-3
10:30-11:05 Imagine It
Kindergarten: Unit 2 Lesson 2 (card 17)
 Morning Message
 Measurement Words
o Long, longer, tall, taller, short shortest
o Index card-give 1 to each student
 Write names on index card
Yarn- we are going to find out how tall you are
 Pair up students-each child measures their partner
(teacher assistance) with the yarn
 Tape the yarn to the board
 Place students name card beneath it
Phonological And Phonemic Awareness
o Listening to directions:
 Materials: crayon (1 per student)
Sheet of blank paper (1 per student)
Clip board
 Give directions (Follow TM pg99)
 If their drawing did not end up like a face, they need to draw a
face afterward
Alphabetic Knowledge
o Letter Names –Oo
o Sing Letter Factory “O” song
 Who remembers why the Oo is red?
 Find letter Oo in the classroom
Letter Shapes
o Write the letter O
o Have students write the letter O
o Review Name & Sound
1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 5 Lesson 5 (card 21)
Daily Warm Up
o Morning Message
Daily Language Review
o Follow TM Pg 98
 Before and After Game
Materials: All alphabet letters
Pick a letter & a student
 Student needs to tell the letter
 Student need to tell the letter that comes before & after the
 Phonemic Awareness
Phoneme Blending (final consonant sounds)
 Follow TM pg 100
11:05 Line up for Lunch
11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess
(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)
12:05-12:20 Social Studies
Focus: Maps
 Introduce Maps/Globes Complete “What is a Map?” Pg (keep for a
 Watch Brainpopjr. Video on “Reading Maps”
12:20-1:00 Writing Session 15 (Bend III)
Focus: Writing Amazing Story Beginnings
 A strong beginning draws the reader to want to read their story.
 You need to know that famous authors think that the start to a story is one of
the most important parts of the story and make work for hours on that part.
Teaching Point:
“Today I want to teach you that one of the best ways to become a better writer is to
look closely at the work of authors we love and to think, “What did this writer do
that I could try?”
Choose a book to use to show the students how the author starts his/her story &
Active Engagement:
Ask the class to help one student revise his/her beginning
 “Today I know you will draw on your entire toolkit to make stories as good as
they can be”
 As you revise your stories keep in mind that beginnings are especially
 Think about writing with tiny details
Off you go!
1:00-2:00 SRA/Stations
Group Red 1: (Kindergarten/1st Grade) Lesson 41
Group Red 2: (1st grade/2nd grade) Lesson 145
Group Purple: (2nd grade) Lesson 49
2:00-2:25 Reading
RL/RI.1.1.C Ask others questions about details in a text.
RL.1.9.B Compare and contrast the experiences and adventures of characters within
a familiar story.
TEXT 2: The Lion and the Mouse
Teaching Strategies:
 Ask questions about details in a text
 One way we can make sure we understand a story is by thinking…can we
answer questions about the story?
o What question could you ask (and answer) about a detail in the story?
 On a second read, model asking a question after a few pages, then give
students chances in partners to ask questions to each other.
 After last few pages, have them write (on an index card) or verbally tell a
question they could ask
2:25-2:45 Language
Sorting Common Objects
K.L.2B: Sort Common Objects into categories (ex. Shapes, foods) to gain a sense of
the concepts the categories represent
1.L.2B: Sort words into categories (ex: colors, clothing) to gain a sense of concepts
the categories represent
Purpose: to get kids thinking & talking about the attributes
 Choose a ball from the basket
 Draw your ball in their journal
 Write words to describe your ball
 Have students bring their journals to carpet
 Whole class-write attributes
Give definition of attribute
attribute--a characteristic used to describe an
Choose 1 word from the list and circle all other words that describe that
attribute (ex: size-small, medium, etc)
Transfer to another chart
2:45-3:00 Dismissal
Wednesday January 13, 2016
Morning Work: Word Wall Words
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
Progress Monitoring:
 NWF Booklets
 ORF Booklets
 Letter Names/Sound Sheets
 Aims Web Math Probe
Text: The Lion and the Mouse
 Mystery box
 Several different objects in box for kids to choose from (at least 24 items)
 Journals
 Pencils
8:10 get kids off bus & from car line
8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/*Attendance/lunch count
MORNING WORK: Word Wall Words:
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
8:30-9:00 Calendar
9:00-10:00 Progress Monitor (reading & math)
Morning Work
10:05-10:35- PE
10:35-11:05 MUSIC
11:05 Line up for Lunch
11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess
(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)
12:05-12:30 Reading
RL/RI.1.1.C Ask others questions about details in a text.
RL.1.9.B Compare and contrast the experiences and adventures of characters within
a familiar story.
Text: The Lion and the Mouse
Teaching Strategies:
 5 Day-Fluency
 Review Central Message- What is the author trying to tell you?
 Begin with comparing & contrasting the events of the characters in the story
(How did two animals try to wake up Mrs. Pig?)
12:30-1:00 Language
Sorting Common Objects
K.L.2B: Sort Common Objects into categories (ex. Shapes, foods) to gain a sense of
the concepts the categories represent
1.L.2B: Sort words into categories (ex: colors, clothing) to gain a sense of concepts
the categories represent
Focus: focusing on getting the kids to recognize and verbalize the attributes of
the objects. But this time, taking it a bit further by having the kids compare 2
 Draw 2 objects from the mystery box
 Draw your 2 objects in your journal
 Tell how they are the same and how they are different
(My mystery box is simply a collection of small objects from around the room-pencils, erasers, small toys, blocks, Lego's, etc.)
Bring them to the carpet
o Call on several children to explain how their objects are the same
and how they are different.
Add additional words to the attribute chart
1:00-1:30 Mrs. Deatherage
1:30-1:45 Independent Reading
-Teacher will read individually with each student (rotate each week)
-Use SRA stories or leveled reader stories
1:50-2:00 Dismissal
Thursday January 14, 2016
Morning Work; Word Wall Words
K- like worksheet
1st- park worksheet
will worksheet
Kindergarten: Number Cards 0 to 10 (per child), glue
Workpages: pg.83-84, Reteaching 4-9, Practice 4-9
1st Grade: Topic 4 Reteaching
2nd Grade: Number cube showing 1-3 twice (per pair), bill, coins, quarters, nickels,
and pennies
wkpg: 13-4 wkpg, 13-4 Reteaching, 13-4 Practice
Social Studies:
 Read: There’s a Map on My Lap
 Pgs. 10 & 11 (SK FILE) Beginning Map Skills Book
 story (on chart paper) TM pg. 130
 Narrative Checklist
Imagine It:
Alphabet Book pg 32-33
Otter Picture
Pre-Decodable 7: The Zoo
1st Grade:
Skills Practice pg. 21-22
Text: The sleeping Pig
Text: The Lion and Mouse
Chart Paper
8:10 get kids off bus & from car line
8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/Attendance/Lunch Count
MORNING WORK: Word Wall Words:
Kindergarten: like worksheet
1st Grade: park worksheet
will worksheet
8:35-9:00 CALENDAR
9:00-10:30 Math
Kindergarten-Topic 4-9 Ordering Numbers on a Number Line
Focus: Use a number line to count numbers 0 to 10 in order
Materials: Number Cards 0 to 10 (per child), glue
Workpages: pg.83-84, Reteaching 4-9, Practice 4-9
1st Grade- Topic 4 Reteaching
2nd Grade- Topic 13-4: One Dollar
Focus: Count money amounts greater than one dollar and write the
amount with a dollar sign and a decimal point
Materials: Number cube showing 1-3 twice (per pair), bill, coins,
quarters, nickels, and pennies
Work/Homework: 13-4 wkpg, 13-4 Reteaching, 13-4 Practice
10:35-11:05 Library
11:05: Line up for lunch
11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess/Bathroom
(Amy lunch 12:05-12:35)
12:05-12:20 Social Studies
 Read: There’s a Map on My Lap
 Pgs. 10 & 11 (SK FILE) Beginning Map Skills Book
12:20-1:00 Writing Session 16
Focus: Writers Work with Partners to Answer Readers’ Questions
Teaching Point:
I want to teach you that there is not one writing teacher in this classroom-there are
12 of you. To be a writing teacher you need to really listen to the writers draft,
trying to really understand it, and you need to notice the places where you go and
help the writer make those parts clear.
 Demonstrate how students can be writing teachers for one another
 Teach them to read the other’s writing.
To be a good writing teacher you are not bossy & tell others what to
do…you say “Can I hear your writing?”
You need to be a good listener (ears on writer & eyes on writer)
If there are parts you really like tell me
If there are parts you are confused about let me know.
Read story (on chart paper) TM pg. 130
 Follow TM pg 130
Active Engagement:
“ Now it’s your turn. I want you to be writing partners for each other.”
Partner 1: would you choose and read 1 of your stories
Partner 2: You will listen and pay attention to your reactions, noticing times when
you feel like saying “wow” or HUH?
Remind students to use the Narrative Checklist as a reference to help their partners
(TM pg 131)
 “So you guys now know that there are so many other writing teachers in this
 You also know one way you might help each other make better stories.
 You can go to your writing partner whenever you fell like you really need
someone to listen carefully and react to your writing.
1:00-2:00 SRA
Group Red 1: Kindergarten/ 1st grade Lesson 42
Group Red 2: 1st/2nd grade Lesson 146
Group Purple: 2nd grade Lesson 50
2:00-2:25 Imagine It
Kindergarten: Unit 2 Lesson 2 (card 17)
 Alphabet Book- Oo pg 32-33
o point to title Oo
 what letter
 what sound
identify the animals in picture
discuss otter (show picture)
have students discuss octopus
Read Rhyme
Discuss real & imaginary things
 Show picture of Otter & discuss how it’s real life
 Show otter in rhyme tell its imaginary
o Students point to words with small o
Read Pre-Decodable 7: The Zoo
o High frequency word “had”
 Used to describe what someone or something owned
 Review high frequency words a, the, and, go
o Look through story
o Find high frequency word “had”
o Read Story
Responding (TM pg103)
1st/2nd Grade: Unit 1 Day 5 Lesson 5 (Card 22)
 Phonics
 Blending (follow TM pg104)
 Sounding out words & sentences
 Developing Oral Language
 Follow TM pg 105
Skills Practice pg 21-22
2:25-2:45 Reading
RL/RI.1.1.C Ask others questions about details in a text.
RL.1.9.B Compare and contrast the experiences and adventures of characters within
a familiar story.
TEXT 1: The Sleeping Pig
TEXT 2: The Lion and the Mouse
Teaching Strategies:
 Compare and contrast “The Sleeping Pig” & “The Lion and the Mouse” (Venn
2:45-3:00 Planners/Dismissal
Friday January 15, 2016
Kindergarten: Counters
wkpg 4-10 wkpg,, 4-10 Reteaching, 4-10 Practice
1st Grade: TOPIC 4 TEST
2nd Grade: Coins: 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 8 nickels
Wkpg: 13-5 wkpg, 13-5 Reteaching, 13-5 Practice
Imagine It:
 Morning Message
 Position Words
 Materials: Box with no top
Lion Puppet
1st grade:
 alphabet letter cards to build words (need letters: a, m, s, t)
 Decodable 8: On a Mat
Social Studies:
 Map Vocabulary (on Chart Paper w/ picture)
 Book: “It’s on the map”
 Brain Pop Video on “Reading Maps”
 Writing Folders
 Pencils
8:10 get kids off bus & from car line
8:15- 8:30 go to breakfast/Attendance/Lunch Count
8:35-9:05 PE
9:05-9:30 CALENDAR
9:30-10:30 MATH
Kindergarten: Topic 4-10: Problem Solving: Use Objects
Focus: Solve problems by using counters to show 1 more and 2 more.
Materials: Counters
Work/Homework: 4-10 wkpg,, 4-10 Reteaching, 4-10 Practice
1st Grade: TOPIC 4 TEST
2nd Grade: Topic 13-5: Problem Solving: Make an Organized List
Focus: make an organized list to find different combinations of coins
Materials: Coins: 2 quarters, 3 dimes, and 8 nickels
Work/Homework: 13-5 wkpg, 13-5 Reteaching, 13-5 Practice
10:30-11:05 Imagine I
Kindergarten: Unit 2 Lesson 2 (card 18)
 Morning Message
 Position Words
 Materials: Box with no top
Lion Puppet
 Follow TM Pg 104
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
 Identify Spoken Sentences
o “sentence” it’s a very short story
o Tells us something
o Names who or what it is telling about
 Say a sentence- The walls are green
o Explain sentence (TM pg 105)
 Student-needs to decide if the following are complete sentences
o likes dogs
o Hector has brown eyes.
o plays baseball
o runs fast
o Kayla is wearing a blue shirt.
o The toy is broken.
 Guide students to add words to make complete sentences out of
the fragments they identify
Alphabetic Knowledge
 Letter Names-Pp
o Sing Alphabet Cheer (unit1 lesson 12)
o What letter comes after Oo
 Sing Alphabet Song
o Write on board: big, Ramon, Paige, keep, open, Bailey, up ,
Pete, red
 Have students point to one word that includes P or p
1st Grade: Unit 1 Day 5 Lesson 5 (Card 22)
 Dictation: Word Building Game
Use alphabet letter cards to build words (need letters: a, m, s, t)
Words to build: at, am, mats, tam, sat, most
 Follow TM pg 107 steps
 Decodable 8: On a Mat
High Frequency Words (none)
Read the Story
Respond to the story
Build Fluency (reread story to partner)
11:05- Line up for lunch
11:10-12:05 Lunch/Recess
(Amy Lunch 12:05-12:35)
12:05-12:20 Social Studies
Focus: Maps
Map Vocabulary:
Map- a kind of drawing that shows the location of features such as
rivers, mountains, and cities
Compass Rose- a drawing on a map that shows the directions north,
east and west
Map Key- a list or table that shows what the symbols on a map mean
Scale of Miles- a drawing on a map that shows how a measure on the
compares to the real distance
Read “It’s on the map”
Watch Brainpopjr. Video on “Reading Maps”
12:20-1:20 SRA
Group Red 1: Kindergarten/1sr grade: Lesson 43
Group Red 2: 1st/2nd grade: Lesson 147
Group Purple: 2nd grade: Lesson 51
1:20-1:40 WRITING
Continue Writing/ Revising Stories
1:45-2:45 ART
2:45-3:00 Planners/Dismissal