UCC/UGC/YCC Proposal for New Course 1. Effective BEGINNING of what term and year?: Fall 2012 See effective dates calendar. 2. College: Health and Human Services 4. Course subject and number: 3. Academic Unit: Nursing NUR 205L 5. Units: 2 6. Long course title: Clinical practicum for Transition into Nursing (max 100 characters including spaces) Transition into Nursing Prac 7. Short course title: (max. 30 characters including spaces) 8. Catalog course description (max. 60 words, excluding requisites): Required laboratory/clinical practicum to be completed in conjunction with NUR 205. 9. Grading option: Letter grade Pass/Fail Both 10a. UGC approval date*: 10. Co-convened with: (For example: ESE 450 and ESE 550) *Must be approved by UGC before UCC submission, and both course syllabi must be presented 11. Cross-listed with: (For example: ES 450 and DIS 450) Please submit a single cross-listed syllabus that will be used for all cross-listed courses. 12. May course be repeated for additional units? 12a. If yes, maximum units allowed? 12b. If yes, may course be repeated for additional units in the same term? Revised 1/27/2012 Yes No Yes No 1 13. Prerequisites: Admission to Nursing Program 14. Co requisites: NUR 205 15. Is this course in any plan (major, minor or certificate) or sub plan (emphasis or concentration)? Yes No If yes, describe the impact and attach written responses from the affected academic units prior to college curricular submission. Nursing BSN. There is an accompanying plan change proposal. 16. Is there a related plan or sub plan proposal being submitted? If no, explain. Yes No 17. Does this course include combined lecture and lab components? Yes If yes, note the units specific to each component in the course description above. No 18. Does this course duplicate content of existing courses? Yes No If yes, list the courses with duplicate material. If the duplication is greater than 20%, explain why NAU should establish this course. 19. Names of the current faculty qualified to teach this course: Allchin, Decker, Umberger, Price, & others 20. Justification for new course. The embedded lab is being separated from the lecture, per the direction of university administration. Answer 21-22 for UCC/YCC only: 21. Is this course being proposed for Liberal Studies designation? Yes If yes, forward this form along with the appropriate supporting documentation to the Liberal Studies Committee. No 22. Is this course being proposed for Diversity designation? Yes If yes, forward this form along with the appropriate supporting documentation to the Diversity Committee No Scott Galland Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate Revised 1/27/2012 2/21/2012 Date 2 Approvals: Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate) Date Chair of college curriculum committee Date Dean of college Date For Committee use only: UCG/UGC/YCC Approval Date : Approved as submitted: Yes No Approved as modified: Yes No : : Please attach proposed Syllabus in approved university format. Revised 1/27/2012 3 Northern Arizona University College of Health and Human Services School of Nursing NUR 205L Syllabus Clinical practicum for Transition into Nursing Credits: 2 credits/ 90 clinical hours Semester: Fall & Spring Course Prerequisites: Admission to Nursing Program Co-requisites: NUR 205 Catalogue Description: Required laboratory/clinical practicum to be completed in conjunction with NUR 205. Course Description: Supervised clinical laboratory and clinical practice experiences for the novice nurse to develop and practice psychomotor skills, integrate skills with critical reasoning and clinical judgment, and apply basic nursing care with selected patient populations. It must be completed in conjunction with NUR 205. Instructor: Lynn Allchin, PhD, CHPN, CNE, RN 3895 N Business Center Dr. Suite 120 Northern Arizona University School of Nursing Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 879-7952 Office Hours: TBA Student Learning Outcomes: The successful student: Clinical Practice and Prevention 1. Demonstrates beginning basic competence and application of knowledge in the performance of basic nursing skills in laboratory and structured clinical settings. 2. Applies principles of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention--including infection prevention—to adult patients in selected clinical settings. Communication 3. Demonstrates beginning professional communication skills in interactions with peers, faculty, and patients in selected clinical situations. Revised 1/27/2012 4 4. Establishes and maintain effective working relationships with peers, faculty, and other members of the healthcare team. 5. Demonstrates appropriate, respectful, and accurate written and verbal communication. Critical reasoning 6. Develops practice skills based on current knowledge, theory, and research. 7. Demonstrates beginning skills in the organization of patient data, identification of nursing diagnoses, and identification of priorities in the planning and delivery of care, and evaluation of care. 8. Incorporates knowledge from the behavioral, biological, and natural sciences to patient assessment and the planning, implementation, and evaluation of safe, appropriate, and patientcentered nursing care. Leadership 9. Seeks relevant direction from faculty in the implementation of basic patient-centered nursing care. 10. Demonstrates beginning skills in management of time, materials, and self. 11. Organizes and coordinate self to demonstrate beginning clinical competencies, accountability, and the successful transition into the role of student nurse. Professionalism and Professional Values 12. Demonstrates responsibility for own development, maintenance, and application of current nursing knowledge. 13. Adheres to ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities within the student role. 14. Engages in self-reflection and professional dialogue with faculty about developing professional practice. Course Structure and Approach: Clinical competencies emphasized in the Skills lab and clinical practicum segment of the course focus on select nursing skills and procedures (e.g., infection control, safety, hygiene, activity & mobility, skin integrity, wound care, pain management, vital signs, oxygen therapy, documentation, nutrition, elimination). Nursing skills and procedures introduced and practiced in the Skills Lab setting are applied in limited Clinical experiences in well-defined practice settings Textbook and required materials: Chabner, D. E. (2009). Medical terminology: A short course (w/CD) (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. Gulanick, M., & Myers, J. L. (2010). Nursing care plans (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Herdman, T. H. (Ed.). (2009). NANDA International nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification (20092011). West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2009). Fundamentals of nursing enhanced multi media package (with NEW revised/updated CD) (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. (ISBN: 978-0-323-080835) Taylor, C., Lillis, C., LeMone, P., & Lynn, P. (2007). Taylor’s video guide to clinical nursing skills: Student set on CD-ROM (2nd ed.). Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (ISBN 9781608311491) Venes, D. (Ed.). (2009) Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (21sted.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis. Revised 1/27/2012 5 Required clinical tool list: see BSN Handbook. Optional materials/references: See BBLearn course for electronic reserves. Course outline: See NUR 205 for lab activities associated with class schedule. Assessment of Student Learning: Various assessments of learning are evaluated across the semester. Written work and skilldemonstrations comprise the approaches to determine student learning. The Skills Lab-Clinical Practicum component of this course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis, and a Pass for this component is required to be able to successfully complete the overall course. Evaluation of the student’s competency is based on learning outcomes (clinical competencies) derived from the clinical strands and will be based on several measures of student skill and ability. While the overall Skills Lab and Clinical Practicum component is graded as Pass/Fail, some assignments will be assigned points relative to the completeness and level of mastery demonstrated. Earning a PASS in the Skills Lab-Clinical Practicum component of NUR 205 will be based on the following: Assignments/Assessments Clinical Health Requirements & Documentation completed and copies submitted to the SON to the appropriate department (e.g., Student Services Department) by the deadline. Attendance to Skills Lab/Clinical Facility on-time, in full uniform, prepared with equipment, paper work, and with required text books. Clinical Journals (every other week in lab and every week in clinical) Therapeutic Communication 1 page paper Clinical Competency Reflections x 4 Clinical 1-page Clinical Chart Review x 4 Major Nursing/Collaborative Care Plan (78% or higher = Pass) x 2 Mid-Term Self-Evaluation Completed with Clinical Instructor Final Skills Check-Off (78% or higher = Pass) Student Clinical Portfolio Final Self-Evaluation Completed with Clinical Instructor ( must earn at least a “3” in all areas in order to PASS clinical) Evaluation of Clinical Learning Experience (Evaluation of Clinical Facility at the end of the semester) FINAL GRADE Required to begin course PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL PASS/FAIL Required to receive final course grade PASS/FAIL Grading system: Revised 1/27/2012 6 A student must earn 78% or higher on the Final Skills Check-Off in order to demonstrate minimal competency, and to earn a passing grade for this course and be able to proceed to the next nursing course. The student will be offered one additional opportunity to demonstrate clinical mastery in the Final Skills Check-Off, and must complete it with a minimum score of 78%. A student must earn a performance rating of 3 or above in all clinical competencies on the NUR 205 L Student Final Clinical Evaluation to receive a passing grade for the course. Course policies: Retests/makeup tests: A student must earn 78% or higher on the Final Skills Check-Off in order to demonstrate minimal competency, and to earn a passing grade for this course and be able to proceed to the next nursing course. The student will be offered one additional opportunity to demonstrate clinical mastery in the Final Skills Check-Off, and must complete it with a minimum score of 78%. Attendance: Students are expected to attend every skills lab and clinical session. Students must be on time for skills lab and clinical sessions. If a student is sick or expects to be late to the skills lab or clinical session, the student is expected to contact his/her Clinical Instructor before the skills lab or clinical session begins. Plagiarism, cheating, academic dishonesty: Please refer to Appendix G of the NAU Student Handbook (http://home.nau.edu/images/userimages/awf/9476/ACADEMIC%20DISHONESTY.pdf) for definitions, policies, penalties, and procedures related to various forms of academic dishonesty. University policies: Please review the following policies available on the Northern Arizona University Policy Statement website http://www4.nau.edu/avpaa/UCCPolicy/plcystmt.html 1. Safe Environment Policy 2. Students with Disabilities Policy 3. Institutional Review Board Policy 4. Academic Contact Hour Policy 5. Sensitive Course Materials Policy Revised 1/27/2012 7