
Business Ethics – BUSS 235
Instructor: Matthew B. Reilly
Office Hours: before and after class (and by appointment)
Course Description
This course provides students with a general introduction to the discipline of ethical analysis
in its application to management. A presupposition of the course is that ethical considerations
are an integral part of management practices. This course analyzes how managers can more
effectively deal with issues that arise in society. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, or
FASH 101.
Course Objectives
This course will introduce students to the concepts and issues involved in ethical decision-making.
The basis of ethical thinking and ethical systems will be discussed by the use of lecture material, case
studies, and current events. The framework of decision-making and the effective or ineffective
responses of managers to situations and issues will be the core of the course content. By the end of
the course, the student should have a better understanding of the various ethical dilemmas and the
varied responses of management to solving these dilemmas.
Effectively articulating your ideas orally and in writing is also an objective of the course. Therefore,
throughout the semester, it is expected that students will apply the writing process (prewriting,
drafting, revising, editing) appropriately to all assignments, as well as utilize appropriate computer
technology to complete their work. In addition, students should express ideas and opinions clearly
and thoughtfully during class discussion and/or oral presentations.
Core Curriculum
As an introductory ethics course, the core principles will be integrated into the course. A
balanced curriculum is essential to understand the broad concepts and applications of these in
widely diverse settings. As a business course, written and oral communication is stressed and
will be graded. Critical reasoning and ethical development will be developed through the use
of case studies and projects.
Contacting the Instructor
At the top of this syllabus, you will find information regarding how to contact me and when I
am available to meet with you. While I do not have scheduled office hours, I am happy to
meet with you at specified times to discuss this course or any other concerns you may have.
Please feel free to email me at any time. The administrative assistant for the School of
Business is Gretchen Friend. Her office is in Bancroft, #2 and her telephone extension is
Required Materials (Texts):
An Introduction to Business Ethics, 4th edition. Joseph DesJardins, McGraw-Hill
Annual Editorials booklet (I will let you know more details about this as I receive them)
Attendance, Class Participation and Preparation
In order to effectively participate in this course, regular attendance is required. Attendance
will be taken at each class meeting. Students are expected to come to class prepared to
engage in active discussion. We will be covering a great deal of reading material. All
assigned readings must be done prior to class. Homework will consist of reading
assignments, discussion questions, and other special projects. Homework will be assigned for
each class meeting to reinforce concepts presented in the class.
Students who miss more than TWO class meetings will have their grade affected as follows:
three absences will result in lowering of your final grade by one grade (for example a B
would become a B- after if there are three absences). A student who misses five or more
classes will have their grade lowered by two grades (for example a B would become a C+).
A student who is tardy two or more times will be given an absent mark.
Late Work
All work is expected to be completed and passed in on time. There will be no make-ups for
major exams or projects. There are no make-ups for Final Exams or projects. Homework,
discussion questions, and case studies will not be accepted late.
Problems with Class
This class requires a lot of work. Please speak with me if you are having difficulties meeting
the requirements of this course. Together we will work out the problem. Any student
complaints or concerns about this course should be brought to the attention of the instructor
first. I will make an effort to resolve the matter. Should that not happen, the matter may be
taken to the appropriate department chairperson. A copy of the entire grievance procedure
can be found in the Student Handbook.
Assignment Expectations
Professional writing is expected for all assignments. This means that all written assignments
that are to be submitted for grading must be typed. In addition, you will be graded on the
quality of the paper that is submitted: please check your work for spelling and/or
grammatical errors. Please remember, that all written assignments that include the words or
ideas of others, must be cited. If you are not familiar with the format for citing work in your
assignments, please either see me or visit the library for assistance. APA formatting is highly
suggested as this is the format accepted in business writing.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a vital component of college success. Students have a responsibility to
maintain the highest level of academic integrity. They are expected to perform educational
tasks with the highest moral and ethical conduct. Academic dishonesty, depending on the
severity of the infraction, may produce consequences, which range from a reduction in grade
for the particular assignment involved to a failing grade for the course. The catalog contains a
more complete description of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any
papers that are found to include plagiarized work will receive a zero grade for that
assignment, at a minimum. The maximum penalty for plagiarism depending on the severity
of the infraction will result in a grade of F for the course
Cell Phone Policy – Cell phones must be turned off (or on silent) during class. Students risk
expulsion from the classroom if they are caught texting, playing games, or if the cell phones
go off during class.
Educational Accommodation for Special Needs
If you have special needs because of a learning problem or other condition that requires
special arrangements for testing or meeting assignments, please let me know as soon as
possible. Our Learning Center has technology that can help you with reading and writing
needs and we can also arrange special testing sessions. My goal is to make it possible for all
students who demonstrate their willingness to work hard to have a successful educational
experience in this class and at Lasell.
Connected Learning
The Lasell curriculum is built on the concept of “connected learning,” which combines
breadth in the arts and sciences, professional arts courses, and education projects that tackle
real issues. By “connected learning” we refer to those activities through which students
appreciate the value and relevance of what they experience in school beyond school. The key
is that students are “connected” to actual situations, problems, issues, events through
exploration and reflection – or in other words, they are productive versus consumptive
learners. Thus, in this course we will have a number of activities that help students to connect
not only to the course material, but to how that material relates to the overall business world.
Research Articles: In groups of three: Find an article online, in the newspaper, or magazine
about a company that is facing an ethical dilemma. Type a 3-5 page paper on who the
company is, what they do, what aspects of the company are changing, what possible ethical
dilemmas are on the horizon, and what you think the company should do to address these
issues. Guidelines for these articles are detailed at the end of this syllabus.
Group/Final Project: This group project will be due during Finals week and will have a
Connected Learning component. You will be informed about the details of this project by
the middle of the semester.
Case Studies
Weekly case studies are worth 30% of the final grade. See attached guidelines at the end of
the syllabus.
Grading Breakdown
Class Participation
Case Studies
Three Research Articles
Final Project/Presentation
Change Statement
Schedules and assignments are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor. Students
are responsible for finding out about any changes made when they are not present in class.
Class Schedule
Week 1 - 9/6
Review of Syllabus, Course Requirements, Textbook, Introduction to
Business Ethics
Read Chapter 1
Why Study Ethics?
In-Class Activity – Discussion Case: Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme
Read Chapter 2, Answer any two of the chapter review questions (p.46)
Case Study: AIG Bonuses, page 21, due Thursday, Sept. 15
Week 2 -9/13
Ethical Theory and Business
Case Study: AIG Bonuses, page 21, due Thursday, Sept. 15
Week 3 - 9/20
Ethical Theory and Business (cont.)
Discuss Case Study: AIG Bonuses, page 21, due today
Read Chapter 3, Answer any two of the chapter review questions (p.77)
Case Study: Wal-Mart, page 49, due Thursday, Sept. 22
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Watch video in class “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?”
Case Study: Wal-Mart, page 49, due Thursday, Sept. 22
Corporate Social Responsibility (cont.)
Discuss Case Study: Wal-Mart, page 49, due today
Read Chapter 4
Case Study: Steve Jobs, page 81, Due Thursday, Sept. 29
Research Article: Due Thursday, October 6th (2 weeks away)
Week 4- 9/27
Corporate Culture, Governance, and Ethical Leadership
Case Study: Steve Jobs, page 81, due Thursday, Sept. 29
Corporate Culture, Governance, and Ethical Leadership (cont.)
Discuss Case Study: Steve Jobs, page 81, due today
Read Chapter 5, Answer “What does ‘work’ mean to you?” (2 Par.)
Research Article: Due Thursday, October 6th
Week 5 -10/4
The Meaning and Value of Work
Research Article: Due Thursday, October 6th
Week 6 -10/11
Ethical Theory and Business (cont.)
Research Article: due today
Read Chapter 6.
Moral Rights in the Workplace (review p.145 in class)
(Class discussion about Electronic Privacy at Work Case Study p.122)
“If you were a hiring manager, would you look at Facebook to gather
information about prospective employees?” due Thursday, Oct. 13
Moral Rights in the Workplace (cont.)
Facebook question, due today
Read Chapter 7, Answer any two of the chapter review Q’s (p.175)
Case Study: ENRON, page 148, due Thursday, Oct. 20
Week 7 -10/18
Employee Responsibilities
Case Study: ENRON, page 148, due Thursday, Oct. 20
Employee Responsibilities (cont.)
Discuss Case Study: ENRON, page 148, due today
Read Chapter 8, Answer any three of the chapter review questions
Research Article: Due Thursday, November 3rd (2 weeks away)
Week 8 -10/25
Marketing Ethics: Product, Safety, and Pricing
Work on Research Article: Due Thursday, Nov 3rd
Marketing Ethics: Product, Safety, and Pricing (cont.)
Week 9 -11/1
Tidy up and bring in Resume to class Tuesday
Research Article: Due Thursday, November 3rd (1 week away)
Applying for jobs and going through the interview process
“How do I answer unethical questions?”
Research Article: Due Thursday, November 3rd
Interviewing process (cont.) and discussing Research Articles
Research Article: due today
Read Chapter 9, Answer any two of the chapter review Q’s (p.218)
Week 10 -11/8
Marketing Ethics: Advertising and Target Marketing
Watch The Greatest Movie Ever Sold movie
No homework
Finish and then discuss The Greatest Movie Ever Sold
Answer the following questions:
Was Morgan Spurlock Ethical? Were the companies that helped fund
the movie ethical? Do you feel that those companies truly received a
return on their investment? Did they achieve their goals? If you were a
small business would you help Morgan fund his film? Why or why not?
Week 11 -11/15
Marketing Ethics: Advertising and Target Marketing (cont.)
Read Chapter 10
Work on Research Article: Due Tuesday, November 22nd
(Think about Final Project)
Business’s Environmental Responsibilities
Research Article: Due Tuesday, November 22nd
(Think about Final Project)
Week 12 -11/22
Business’s Environmental Responsibilities (cont.)
Research Article: due today
No homework. Enjoy your break!
Thanksgiving Recess, NO CLASS
No homework
Week 13 -11/29
Work in groups on Final project in classroom or library
Work on project
Work in groups on Final project in classroom or library
Work on project
Week 14 -12/6
Present Final Projects
Present Final Projects
Guidelines for Case Study Analyses
The cases are designed to accompany and complement material in the readings and class
discussions. In order to submit an excellent case analysis, you must do the following:
 Read the assigned chapters
 Participate in class discussions
 Apply the material discussed to the case analysis
To prepare the written assignment:
1. Read and write a brief (one paragraph) summary of the case. Several people will be
called upon to summarize the case to the class at the beginning of the discussion.
2. Each case has several questions associated with it. Read the questions carefully.
Answer the questions with a critical eye based upon both the readings and class
discussions. If you have examples or experiences from outside of class that are
applicable to the case, please include these in your answer.
3. Important: This exercise was designed to allow you to demonstrate your critical
thinking and analysis skills. Put your answers in your own words to demonstrate your
knowledge and mastery of the material. Do not just repeat what is contained in the
chapters in your answers.
4. Each case analysis should be 1-3 pages in length (double-spaced), typewritten, and
checked for grammar and spelling accuracy.
5. We will discuss the cases at the beginning of each assigned class. Please bring your
case analysis to class to be collected on the assigned day. Your participation is both
expected and encouraged during the class discussion of the case.
6. Remember the case study analyses comprise 30% of your final grade.
If you have any questions regarding this assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Guidelines for Research Articles regarding Ethical Dilemmas
We will be exploring many controversial issues in business over the course of this semester.
In groups of three, find an article on the internet, in the newspaper, or in a magazine about a
company that is facing an ethical dilemma. Type a 3-5 page paper addressing the following
 What is the company?
 What do they do?
 What aspects of the company are changing? (are they merging, expanding
internationally, downsizing, changing markets, ect)
 What possible ethical dilemmas are on the horizon?
 Has the company done anything to address these issues?
 What do YOU think the company should do to address the ethical dilemma(s)?
Your group must be prepared to discuss their issue in class on the assigned date. You may
elect to have one person from your group present an introduction to the issue. You will
summarize the situation using the questions above as helpful aid, support and defend your
position with outside sources. You must use outside sources to support this assignment.
There is no minimum number of outside sources required, but it is expected on a report of
this length that three would be utilized (more are certainly welcome).
Format of the written assignment
 Introduction to the issue
 Answer questions above
 Documentation/outside sources that support your position
 Reference list
Assignment Summary – Buss 235 Ethics in Business
Week #
AIG Case Study
Wal-Mart Case Study
Steve Jobs Case Study
Research Article
Facebook Assignment
Enron Case Study
No Assignment due this week
Research Article
No Assignment due this week
Greatest Movie Ever Sold Q’s
Research Article
No Assignment due this week
12/6 and 12/8