donald n - Pragmatic Strategic Innovation

Kevin M. Wright
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Kevin M. Wright
300 Old Mill Village Drive, Apex, NC 27502
Home: (919) 387-0697 Mobile: (919) 274-8744
Integrating solutions across business areas
People and business leadership
New product research and business plan development
Emerging Business Opportunity development
Driving multi-functional teams
Marketing and business strategic planning and execution
Business area management and process improvement
Services planning and execution
Trained in Cross Functional Solution Development
Project Management / Black Belt
Executive Consultant, Radical Process Simplification
1/11 to present
IBM Business Process Transformation, RTP, NC
Developing and implementing new processes to drive significant IBM business process transformations and meet IBM’s
2015 strategic objectives.
Launched new area (Radical Process Simplification) as part of a small core team. Working as part of the team we
established the mission, developed objectives and action plans for a successful launch
Integrated new technology from IBM Research by identifying appropriate areas for implementation and drove buy-in
from key stakeholders from across multiple functional and business areas.
Developed project plan working along with two high level lawyers for totally re-engineering IBM’s contracts
framework for all of IBM’s externally focused contracts.
Achieved Black Belt status by passing IBM’s Black Belt class and subsequent required examination.
Lead process transformational effort across IBM’s Technical Support Services (TSS) opportunity to order processes.
Adjunct professor at Duke University and NC State teaching methods of innovation and emerging
strategies development and implementation
Program Director, Life Cycle Integration Strategy
3/09 to 1/11
IBM Integrated Supply Chain (ISC), RTP, NC
Developing and implementing new processes to manage supply chain initiatives throughout the entire life cycle for key
products across multiple IBM business areas.
Lead Cross Functional / Cross Brand Team through an Accelerated Change Team (ACT) session to develop and
implement new strategies and processes to support End to End Life Cycle Management for Cross Brand Solutions.
Establishing strategic direction, mission, and implementation strategies focusing on optimizing product and part
utilization from product introduction through product end of life.
Developed and implemented key metrics to use in guiding key business decisions and new process development to
address critical focus areas to manage efficient inventory management.
Instituted cross functional – cross business area liability identification and tracking process to identify early areas of
risk and drive action items to mitigate the risk and optimize IBM’s use of resources.
Adjunct professor at Duke University and NC State teaching methods of innovation and emerging
strategies development and implementation
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Program Director, Service Science Strategy Initiatives, University Relations
2/08 to 3/09
IBM Corporate Head Quarters, RTP, NC
Responsible for driving strategy definition and execution of key initiatives to establish IBM as the existing thought leader
in services and Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME)
Leveraged multiple areas of IBM as part of a small team and worked across several business units to develop a set of
recommendations to IBM Sr. Management to advance IBM’s strategic services capabilities
Presented leading edge thinking for services at World Wide IBM’s strategic Technical Leadership Events
Established a new skills set for service sciences and incorporated into IBM’s skill management systems
Interacted one on one with key senior level IBM executives across multiple business areas world wide
Program Director, Offering Development, Global Engineering Services (GES)
5/06 to 2/08
Lead the efforts around driving strategy, definition, and development of new offerings (hardware, software, services)
within the GES business area. GES is a recently formed business area established to drive high growth around a
collaborative innovation model. In this business model IBM leverages its unique engineering expertise and IP to help
others companies drive innovations their respective businesses require to gain competitive advantage.
 Developed business case presented approved by IBM CEO showing a 20 fold increase in revenue from 2006 to 2010.
 Part of a small team that developed strategy GES Transition strategy business model.
 Co-Chaired GES Product Development Team (PDT) process to evaluate and promote new investment offerings.
 Drove strategy and business model development for relationships across multiple IBM business areas
 Executed on IBM’s donation of speech to speech translation technology to the US Government (donation value of
over $42 M).
RTP Site Manager, IBM Innovation Incubator Program (Extreme Blue)
1/02 – 5/06
IBM Extreme Blue Program, RTP, NC (
Responsible for all aspects of the RTP program including project management, recruiting talent, marketing efforts, and
program logistics. Provide business guidance for all projects in the RTP lab. Formulate and insure execution of strategy
for Extreme Blue across all labs.
 Guided over 30 projects which generated over 100 intellectual property disclosures.
 Recognized formally as one of the top IBM managers across all IBM Raleigh business areas.
 Provided global direction to Extreme Blue labs in US, India, China, and Canada
 Aligned projects with virtually every Emerging Business Opportunity area and across all IBM divisions
 Staffed and built RTP lab from conception within an extremely aggressive schedule of 4 months.
 Lead Professional Vitality and Education subcommittee for RTP Professional Marketing Community
 Interacted regularly with middle, senior, and executive management within the company.
Manager, Software Brand / Product and Services
4/99 – 12/02
IBM Network Software Division, AIM and Pervasive Areas, Research Triangle Park, NC
Responsible for managing within IBM’s initial efforts of e-Commerce and market management of several early web
application and pervasive products during for products in concept phase development phase and services engagements
planning and execution.
 Managed team of 10 executing lab based software services -person team responsible for all aspects of area from
engagement strategy, generation, and execution.
 Exceeded utilization and revenue targets resulting in over $2 million annual revenue.
Brand Acquisition Manager, Commercial Desktop Brand
7/97 - 3/99
IBM Personal Computer Group, Research Triangle Park, NC
 Catalyst in establishing a simplified building block structure instrumental in future product development efforts.
 Negotiated with major vendors in incorporating component technology and business roadmaps into IBM’s strategic
product directions
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Served as a key member of the Product Development Team in making critical product development and launch
decisions. Participated in IPMT meetings to articulate recommendations and alternatives to Sr. Level Execs.
Technical Project Manager, Commercial Desktop Brand
10/95 - 7/97
IBM Personal Computer Group, Research Triangle Park, NC
 Met all deliverables for taking a new Desktop PC through its entire development cycle from concept to launch
 Led in the implementation of IBM’s new Concurrent Product Design (CPD) processes.
Engineering and Business Area Manager,
2/92 - 10/95
IBM Personal Computer Group, Research Triangle Park, NC
Managed two major areas as new business start-ups associated with addressing personal computer special bids and build
to order personal computers for individuals and large enterprises.
 Managed over 20 engineers and project managers for all aspects of the planning, bid management and build.
 Achieved over $4 M / yr in cost recovery for one area and over $300 M / yr in revenue for the other
Manager, Options and Monitor Mfg / Eng,
3/90 - 2/92
IBM Personal Computer Group, Research Triangle Park, NC
Engineering manager directing 15 engineers for products developed and manufactured for IBM by Far East vendors.
 Exerted global influence of vendor alliances in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Scotland.
 Introduced successfully three new monitor product families
New Products Program Manager
1/88 - 3/90
IBM Personal Systems Division, Lexington, KY
Developed new products and managed relationships across multiple divisions for new and existing keyboards.
 Developed and implemented strategy for a new completely new keyboard design used in IBM’s PS/1 product.
 Interfaced regularly with all levels of the business concerning cross divisional activities.
IBM’s designate for Manufacturing Systems Engineering Masters Program
1/87 - 1/88
IBM Personal Systems Division, Lexington, KY
 Selected as the one person from the site in 1987 to be sponsored for Masters in Manufacturing Systems.
Manufacturing / New Product Test Development
10/84 - 12/86
IBM Information Systems Division, Lexington, KY
 IBM Division award for management of external vendor for design and implementation of custom test equipment.
Wafer Fab Engineer Area Lead,
8/83 – 10-84
GE Power Electronics Systems Division, Syracuse, NY
Develop and executed the area's strategy for wafer testing and disposition at a state of the art wafer fabrication facility.
GE Manufacturing Management Program
7/81 - 8/83
Semiconductor and Automobile Divisions, Syracuse, NY and Lexington, KY
Two year program for developing early identified executive potential employees. The program consisted of four varied
six month assignments in two geographical areas emphasizing multiple business perspectives.
1. Manufacturing Line Supervisor (over 50 employees, 2 mfg lines)
2. Manufacturing Projects Engineer (automation projects)
3. Computer Applications Engineer (design and coding of a project tracking system)
4. Quality Control Engineer (quality assurance of multiple products with global assembly lines)
MBA, Duke University, Durham, NC
MSMSE, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
BSEE, Ohio University, Athens Ohio
Adjunct Professor Duke University, Durham, NC
Kevin M. Wright
Adjunct Professor NC State University , NC
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